Brooklyn Library.
A-C (Pages 1-400).
Extract from the PaUtical Code.
SfXTioN 2296. Books may be taken from the Library
by the mkmrkrs op the Legislaturk, during the sessions
THEREOF, and by other State officers at any time.
Sec. 2298. The Controller, if notified by the Librarian
that any officer has failed to return books taken by him
within the time prescribed by the Rules, and after demand
made, must not draw his warrant for the salary of such
officer until the return is made, or three times the value of
the books, or of any injuries thereto, has been paid to the
Sec. 2299. Every person who injures or fails to return
any book taken is liable to the Librarian in three times
the value thereof.
No person shall take or detain from the General Library
more than two volumes at any one time, or for a longer
period than two weeks. Books of rkfebexck shall not be
taken from the Library at any time. — [Extract from the
Rules. .
*ir*The foregoing Regulations will be strictly enforcad.^V
A-C (Pages 1-400).
The present Catalogue aims to afford readers a more or less systematic arrangement
of aufhors, titles, stibjects, and classes, in o?ie general alphabet.
The names of given authors or topics should be looked for precisely as words are
sought out in a dictionary. If the desired information is not found under the word
looked for, the inquirer will be referred to another heading, either synonymous or more
compi-ehensire, under which he may find what he seeks.
I. The author-entry presents the works of an author arranged in alphabetical order
with a list of the contents of such of his books as contain several works, or distinct
essays. The individuality of the title has been scrupulously respected, but an effort
has been made to drop all superfluous words. Additions to the title have been indica-
ted by brackets — [ J. The place of publication, the date, and the size or form, are
always given in connection with the author-entry.
II. The title-entry tells that a given book, or collection of books, is in the library,
the entry being made under the first word of the title not an article ; for example: The
Reiyn of Zfnc, by the Duke of Argyll, will appear in the Catalogue under Reign of
law, as well as under the author's name, and under the subject-heading.
The title-entry usually takes but one line, it being assumed that if the inquirer needs
fuller information, he will refer to the author-entry. When the work is anonymous,
the title-entry is a full one, including the imprint.
III. The subject-entry tells whether the library contains any book relating to a given
subject. li\ s\\\i](iQt-eniv\es, the place of publication 'Awd size are usually omitted; but
under most subjects the fZrt/e has been given, and while superfluous words have been
dropped from the titles, those indicating points of difference, as compared with other
works on the same subject, have been carefully retained. This Catalogue is constructed
on the principle that subject-headings should be as comprehensive as i^ossible, consist-
ently with facility of reference. The inquirer, therefore, who looks for a specific topic,
such as Engineering, will be referred to ARTS (Useful), which class includes
Engineering, together with over a hundred other sub-headings, representing special
arts and handicrafts.
AVe thus have, in effect, special dictionaries of the chief departments of knowledge,
such as Architecture, Arts (Useful), Botany, Biblical, religious and ecclesiastical
literature, Countries (representing History, Geograpiiy, and Travels), Education,
Fine arts, Government and politics. Political economy. Social science, etc. ;
cross references being made, in all cases, in the general alphabet of the Catalogue, from
a special topic to the more comprehensive class of wliich the special topic forms a sub-
IV. By means of Class-Lists, alphabetically arranged, works of Fiction and Plays
are brought together under the headings Fiction and Plays, each work being entered
twice in its own class-list, once under the name of its author, and again under the first
word of the title, not an article.
The works included under Fiction and Plays it has not been thought expedient to
repeat elsewhere, in the genei'al alphabet, these two sharply-defined classes beng the
main exceptions to the general plan of the Catalogue. In the case of Essays, and
Poetry, full lists are given under those headings of the names of essayists and poets,
or of collections of essays and poems, as entered in detail in the general alphabet.
It will be observed that antique type is used for the initial portion of independent
author-entries, title-entries, and simple snbject-headings.
More comjilex class-headings are generally printed in CAPITALS, and their sub-
divisions in antique, with occasional resort to italic. In tlie alphabetical class-lists of
Biograpluj (Individual), and Fiction, small caps have been used where antique is
used in the general alphabet. Keaders should, however, constantly bear in mind that
the course of the alphabet of the entire catalogue is always indicated by the head-lines
at the top of each page.
In Author-entries and title-entries, arranged under awj subject, the initial portion is
printed in italic.
The largei-, or irevier type, is used for whole books, and a smaUei; ov 7ionpareil type,
for parts of books and pamphlets ; but for economy of space, some classes have been
printed wholly in the smaller type.
Attention is invited to the fulness with which the list of contents has been given in
the case of collected works, of collections of voyages, essays, etc., and of the publica-
tions of learned societies, such as the Astronomical Society of London, the Chaucer,
Early English Text, Camden, and Chatham Societies, etc.
Volumes of miscellaneous Essays — biographical, historical, etc. — have been carefully
analyzed and the contents distributed Under their special subjects. A considerable
portion of the
Periodical Literature
issued since the year 1852 (the date of publication of Poole's Index), has received like
treatment, particularly in the line of biogra[)hy and criticism, so that the Catalogue sup-
plements, in no small measure, Mr. Poole's very useful publication, a continuation of
which, tliough urgently called for, will scarcely be completed within five years to come.
Many thousand references to magazine articles, and to chapters and jDarts of books, are
entered in the Catalogue, under the subjects of which they treat. There are about 8,000
such references in the class Biography alone ; and in this connection it should be
stated that, in the same class, a brief cliaracterization is given of each of the persons
(about 3,000 in number), whose biograjjhies are recorded, together with the dates of
birth and death.
In conclusion, if the Catalogue, has not wholly failed in combining, on the diction-
ary plan, the strong points both of specific entry and of broad classification, it is
believed that general readers and special students must alike be the gainers.
It is hoped that it will help to answer some of the innumerable questions which a
large constituency needs to have answered, and that it will be, to a great extent, its
own interpreter.
The undersigned takes this opportunity to acknowledge favors received from Mr. A.
R. Spofford, of the Library of Congress, Mr. Justin Winsor, of the Boston Public
Library, and Mr. C. A. Cutter, of the Boston Athenajum. To the various catalogues
of the two former institutions, and the extensive general catalogue of the latter, he has
been greatly indebted. The Catalogue of the San Francisco Mercantile Library should
also be mentioned. He desires also to express his many obligations, during the progress
of the work, to the intelligent interest and scholarly taste of the president of this insti-
tution— Mr. Adrian Van Sinderen.
The Brooklyn Library, Dec, 1878.
Abailard (Pierre). &e Biography. {Individual.)
Abbadie (Jfiques). Chemical change iu the Eucha-
rist. From the French, by J. W. Hamersley.
London, [1867.] 12° 3512.11
Abbe (Cleveland). Dorpat and Poulkova. [Smith.
report, 1867.] 3936.22
— Resuscitation of the Cincinnati observatory. [7n
Amer. assoc. Proceed., v. 17, 1869.] . . 3946.15
Abbe (Frederic E.) The temple rebuilt ; a poem of
Christian faith. Boston, 1872. 16°.. .1601.12
Abbey (B,. ) The city of God and the church ma-
kers. New York, 1872. 12° 3513.08
Abbeys. .See Monasteries.
Abbot (Ezra). Classed catalogue of the library of the
Cambridge High School. Cambridge, 1853.
8°. 2714.17
— Literature of the doctrine of a future life. [ IKi(/i
Alger (W. R.) Critical history. ] . . . 3513.21
Abbot (H. L. ) Report upon the explor.itions from Sa-
cramento valley to the Columbia river, made by
R. 8. Williamson, 1855. [Pacific Railroad routes.
Reports, v. 6.] 1127.06
— Physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river. .See
Hiunphreys (A. A.) and Abbott (H. L.) Re-
ports, etc 1136.18
Abbott (A. O.) Prison hfe at the south, 1864 and
1865. New York, 1865. 12° 643.02
Abbott (Benjamin Vaughan and Austin). Clerk's and
conveyancer's assistant. Legal forms. 4th ed.
New York, 1870. 8°. 5634.06
— Digest of New York statutes and reports to the year
1860. 7th ed. , revised. 8 v. New York, 1869.
8° 5637.12
— Digest of the reports of the United States courts,
and of the acts of Congress, from the organiza-
tion of the government to 1867. 4 v. New
York, 1867-69. 8°. 5616.05
Abbott (Charles, Baron Tenterden). Law relative to
merchant ships and seamen. 7th Amer. ed. Bos-
ton, 1854. 8°. 5624.21
Abbott (E. A.) Shakespearian grammar. For the use
of schools. London, 1869. 16°. . . . 1752.01
— and Seeley (J. R.) English lessons for English peo-
ple. Boston, 1872. 12° 6433.12
Abbott (Gorhara D.) Mexico and the United States.
New York, 18G9. 8° 566.13
Abbott (Jacob). American history [to the adoption
of the constitution]. 8°. New York, 1860-65.
16° 571.11
— Corner stone. [Y. C. series, v. 2.] . . . 3513.02
— Gentle measures in the management and training
of the young. New York, 1872. 12°. . 5512.22
— History of Alfred the Great. New York, 1849.
18° 3013.15
— History of Alexander the Great. New York, 1868.
16° 3013.20
— History of Charies I. N. Y., 1870. 18°. . 3034.21
— History of Charies II. N. Y., 1849. 18°. . 3034.24
— History of Cleopatra. N. Y., 18-52. 18°. .3037.19
— History of C^TUS the Great. N.Y., 1852. 18°. 3046.06
— Histoi-y of Darius the Great. N.Y.,1850. 18°. 3046.15
— History of Elizabeth, queen of England. New York,
1869. 16°. 3054.14
Abbott (Jacob), coniinueii.
— History of Hernando Cortcz. N.Y.,1855. 18". 3044.08
— History of Julius Ca!sar. N.Y., 1869. 16°. . 3027.21
— BUstorv of Margaret of Anjou, queen of Henrv VL
N. Y., 1861. 12° 3116.15
— History of Mary, queen of Scots. N. Y'., 1868.
18° 3122.03
— History of Nero, N. Y., 1853. 16°. . . .3133.16
— Historj- of Peter the Great, N.Y., 1868. 16°. 3142.12
— History of Pyrrhus. N. Y., 1854. 18°. .3147.03
— History of Richard L N. Y., 1857. 18°. .3153.03
— History of Richard II. N. Y., 1858. 1(3°. .3152.26
— History of Richard la N. Y., 1858. 16°. .3152.27
— History of Romulus. N. Y., 1852. 18°. . 3154.03
— History of William the Conqueror. N. Y., [1849].
18°. 3186.03
— History of Xerxes the Great. New York, [1850].
18°. 3187.21
— Science for the young. Force. New York, 1873.
12°. 4022.30
Heat N. Y., 1871. 1'2° 4022.24
Light N. Y., 1871. 12° 4022.25
Water and laud. N. Y., 1872. ]2". . . 912.21
— Summer in ScoUaud. N. Y., 1854. 12°. . 954.14
— Y'oung christian series. 4 v. New York, 1855-58.
12° 3513.01
1. The young christian. 1 3, The way to do good.
2. Tlie corner stone. | 4. Hoary Head and M'Dooner.
For hie other works, see Fiction.
Abbott (Major James). Narrative of a journey from
Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St. Petersbiirgh
during the Russian invasion of Khiva ; with some
account of the court of Khiva and the kingdom
of Khaurism. 2d ed., 2 v. in 1. London, 1856.
8° 997.08
Abbott (John S. C. ) American pioneers and pa-
triots. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky.
N. Y., 1872. 12° 3023.06
David Crockett. N. Y., 1874. 12°. . . 3045.00
Ferdinand de Soto, the discoverer of the Missis-
sippi. New York, 1873. 12°. . . . 3047.21
John Paul Jones. N. Y., [1874.] 12°. . 3094.13
Kit Carson. New York, 1873. 1-2°. . .3033.21
Miles Standish. New York, li'73. 12°. .3165.20
Peter Stuyvesant, the hist Dutch Governor of New
Amsterdam. New York, 1873. 12". . 3166.24
— Captain Kidd, and other pirates and buccaneers.
New York, 1871 8° 309.5.30
— Confidential correspondence of Napoleon and Jose-
phine. With notes, etc. N. Y., 1857. 12°. 3127.05
— Empire of Austria ; its rise, etc. New York, 1859.
12° • 544.01
— Empire of Russia. New York, 1860. 12°. 554.17
— French revolution of 1789. N. Y., 1859. 8°. 516.18
— History of Frederick the Great. New York, 1871.
8=. 3062.11
— History of Henry IV., king of France. New York,
1856. 16°. . . • 3077.03
— History of Hort«nse, mother of Napoleon UI. New
York, 1870. 16°. 3083.13
— History of Joseph Bonaparte, king of Naples and
Italy. New York, 1869. 12° 3093.30
— History of Josephine. N.Y., 1852. 12°. .3094.08
Abbott (J. S. C.) continued.
— History of Genghis Khan. N.Y.,1870. 16°. 3063.29
— History of Hannibal. 1819 3U7.5.11
— History of King Philip, chief of the Wampa-
noags. New York, 1857. 16° 3U3.1(i
— History of Louis XIV. N. Y., 1871. 16°. 3111.19
— History of Lotus Phihppe, king of the French. New
York, 1871. 12° 3114.31
— History of Madame Roland. N.Y.,1853. 12°. 3153.23
— History of Marie Antoinette. New York, 1857.
18° 3117.04
— History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. New York,
1867. 8° 3127.08
— History of Napoleon IIL Boston, 1869. 8°. 3138.01
— Hiistory of the civil war in America, v. 1. New
York, 1863. 8= 634.01
— Italy, from the earliest period. New York, 1860.
12° •. 533.22
— Kings and Qneens ; sketches of Josephine and
Maiia Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Aus-
tria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria.
New York, 1850. 12= 32.55.28
— Lives of the presidents of the United States. San
Francisco, 1867. 8° 3214.14
— Napoleon at St. Helena. New York, 1871. B° 3127.26
— Romance of Spanish history. N.y.,18G9. 12°. 553.14
— South and North. New York, 1860. 12°. 1113.03
Abbott (Lyman). Jesus of N;izareth : his life and
teachings. New York. 1869. 12°. . .3421.23
— Laicus ; or, the experiences of a layman in a coun-
try parish. New York, 1872. 12. . .3513.05
Abbott (Richard). Narrative of h is imprisonment and
release, 1689-91. Manchester, 1861. 8°. [Chet-
ham soc. v. 61.] 5095.21
Abbreviations and contractions.
— Chassani (L. A.) Diet, des abreviations latines et
fran9aises du moyen age. 3e ed. 1864. . 2761.12
— De la Hue ( IK.) Abbreviations used in England in
1867. [Sm. report, 1867.] 3936.22
See also, suppieineuts to Webster's and Worcester's Diction-
Abd AUatif. 'Relation respecting Egypt, 1203. [Pin-
kerton's voyages, v. 15J 926.15
Abdalla (Les aventures d'). [Cabiust des f^es, v. 12-
13. 1786.] 7052.12
Ab3-El-Kader. Commentaries. See Daumas (E.)
Horses of the Sahara, 1863 109o.l5
See also. Biography.
A'Becket (Gilbert Abbott.) The comic Blackstone.
Philadelphia, [1869.] 16° 5611.01
— Comic history of England. 2 v. L., 1855. 8° 111.38
— Comic history of Rome. London, [ii. d. ] 8°. 111.10
Abel (0. D.) Rudimentary and elementary princi-
ples of machinery. London, 1860. 16°. 3923.14
Abell (J/ra. Eliz.) Recollections of Napoleon, on St.
Helena. 3d ed. rev. by Mrs. C. Johnstone. Lon-
don, 1873. 12° 3131.25
Abel (Death of). S. Gessner. Works, v. 2. . 5037.(15
Abel ledivivus. T. Fuller. 2 v. 1867. . ,3432.19
Abelous (L. ) Gustavus Adolphus ; the hero of the
reformation. From the French, by Mrs. C. A.
Lacroix. New York, 1871. 16°. . . 3074.22
Abenaki Indians. See Indians.
Abeiihamiii. Civil wars of Granada. See Hita
(G. P. de) 213.79
Abercoiivray (Abbey of). Register and chronicle.
Ed. by Sir H. Ellis. [Camden misceL v. 1.
1847. 4.°.] 5112.39
Abercrombie (John). The garden mushroom, its
culture. London, 1801. 12°. . . . 6121.15
Ab3rcrombie (John, ^f. D.) Essays. New York,
184.5. 18°. 3513.07
Contents : Harmony of christian faith and christian
character. Culture and discipline of the mind. Think
on these things. Contest and the armour. Messiah as
an example.
— Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers. New
York, 1853. 18° 5411.01
— Philosophy of the moral feeUngs. New York,
18° 5434.01
Abiponea. Dohrizhoffer (M.) Account of the. 3 v. in 2.
182'2 567.20
Abingdon Monastery. Chronicon monasterii. [689-
1189.] Ed. by J. Stevenson. 2 v. London, 1858.
8°. [Rolls chronicles.] 5141.—
Ab.iaki Indians. See Indians 557.32
Abolition. See Slavery.
Aborigines. .See Indians.
Abortion. iSee Medicine. (Abortion.)
About (Edmond E. F. ) Greece and the Greeks of
the present day. New York, 1857. 12°. 992.06
— Hand book of social economy. New York, 1873.
12° 59U.28
— Roman question. Tr. by Mrs. A. T. Wood. Bos-
ton, 1859. 12°. 5727.16
— Same. Tr. by H.C. Coape. N. Y., 1859. 12°. 5727.15
,— Rome of to-day. New York, 1861. 12°. . 972.17
For critical estimates of About, see Biography.
For his novels in English, see Fiction.
In French.
— Ahmed. New York, 1869. 8°. . . . . 7011.29
— Le Cas de M. Gai^n. Paris, 1867. 16°. . 7011.20
— Derniferes lettres d'un bon jeuue homme a sa cou-
sine Madeleine. Paris, 1865. 12°. . . 7011.22
— Germaine. Paris, 1859. 12° 7012.01
— La Grfece coutemporaine. Paris, 1858. 12°. 992.10
— Jacques Mainfroi. [No title page.] . . . 7012.06
— L'homme a I'oreille cassde. Paris, 1868. 12°. 7011.23
— Lettres d'un bon jeune homme a sa cousiue Made-
leine. Paris, 1862. 12°. 7011.21
— Madelon. Paris, 1863. 8° 7012.09
— Maitre Pierre. Paris, 1859. 12°. . . . 7012.02
— Les mariages de Paris. Paris, 1859. 12°. . 7012.08
— Les mariages de Province ; La fiUe du Chanoine ;
Mainfroi ; L'album du regiment ; Etienne. Paris,
1869. 12° 7011.24
— Le uez d'un notaire. Paris, 1862. 12°. . 7012.07
— Nos artistes au salon de 1857. Paris, 1858.
12°. 1431 35
— Leprogrfes. 4e (^d. Paris, 1867. 12°. .5812.14
— Le Roi des Montagues. Paris, 1859. 12°. . 7012.03
— Salon de 1864. [Nos artistes.] Paris, 1864.
1-2° 1431.33
— ToUa. Paris, 1859. 12° 7012.04
— Treute et quarante. Paris, 1859. 12°. . 7012.05
— Le Turco. Le bal des artistes ; Le poivre ;
L'ouverture au chiiteau ; Tout Paris ; Le chambre
d'ami ; Chasse allemande ; L' inspection ge'n^rale ;
Les cinq peries. Paris, 1866. 16°. . . 7012.10
— La vieille roche: les vacahces de la comtesse. Paris,
1865. 8° 7011.27
— Voyage a travers I'Exposition des beaux arts. Pein-
ture et sculpture. Paris, 1855. 12°. . 1431.11
About in the world. See Friswell (J. H.). 2525.16
Abrege chronologique de I'histoire d'Espagne et de
Portugal. 2 v. Paris, 1765. 16°. . . 551.02
Abreu de Galineo (J.) The history of the Canary
islands. Tr. byG.Glas. London, 1761. 4°. 1096.01
— Same. [Pinkertou's Voyages, v. 16. ] . . 926.16
Abbruzzi (The). K. Craven. 1838. . . . 974.05
Absalom and Achitophel, a poem. See Dryden (John).
Ab-sa-ra-ka, home of the Crows. M. I. Carrington.
1869 1123.12
Absent mindedness. Elam (0.) Reverie and ab-
stractiou. [//i ftjs Physician's problems.]. 433.3.12
Absolution. See BibUcal and religious literature.
Absorbent system. See article by C. H. Moi-e in
Holmes's System of surgery, v. 3. 1862. 4337.03
See also. Medicine.
Abu-I-Fazl. Ayeen Akbery ; or Institutes of Akber. Tr.
by F. Gladwin. 2 v. London. 1800. 4°. 5617,0i
— Account of the siege of Cliailur by Akber. {In
Oriental tr. fund. Miscel. ti-. v. 2.] . . 7818.17
Abu-1-Hasan Ali Ibu Hasain Ibn Ali. -.See Masudi.
Abu Said Abd-al-Malik Ibn Kuraib al Asmai. Antar,
a Bedouin romance. From the Arabic, by T.
Hamilton. 4 v. London, 1819-20. 16°. 122.16
Abu Zaidu-1-Hasan. Extracts. \_In Elliot (H. M.)
Hist, of India, V. 1.] 1035.13
Abu-1-Feda (Ismael, klnq of llammeh). General de-
scription of Arabia. Translated. 1718. 18°. [B'd
with Arvieux (L.d')] 1042.12
Abysshiia. See Covmtries.
Academie fran9aise. Edwards {E.) Chapters of the
biographical history of tlie French academy.
1864 2744. ii
Academy (The). A record of literature, learuiug,
science, and art. v. 1-6. London, 1809-74. 4"^.
Academy (French). See Academie fran^aise.
Academy of natural sciences of Phila. Proceeding.").
V. 1-18, 1841-66. Phila., 1843-66. 8^ . 8002.01
Acadia, or mouth with the blue noses. F. S. Coz-
zens, 1859 1153.09
j*fee also. Nova Scotia.
Acaleptiae. Ste Natural history. (Jelly fishes, etc. )
Accent:, tke Language.
Accepted addres-ses. G. A. Sala. 1862. . . 2542.07
Acclimatization of animals. .See articles in Ed. rev.,
V. Ill, 1860, (repr. in Living age, 1860, v. 1);
National rev. v. 17, 18U3 ; and Encyc. Brit. ,
9th ed., 187.5. v. 1.
Accomplished senator. L. G. Gozliski. . . 5728.05
Account of persons remarkable for their health and
longevity, lanon.] London, 1829. 12°. 3261.24
Account of the conduct of the war in the middle
colonies. [aiion.'\ London, 1780. 12°. 571.03
— Same. 4th ed. London, 1780. 12°. . . 581.01
Achaean league, B. C. 280-146 ; and Achaia. ft'ee
Greece. Also, Goveriimsnt. (Federative.)
Achard (.^mede'e). Belle-Kose. Nouv. ^d. Paris.
1867. 12°. 7011.01
— Brunes et blondes. Nouv. e'd. P., 1867. 12°. 7011.02
— Les chaines de fer. New York, 1807. 8°. 7012.14
— La chasse ^ ViAia.\. Paris, 1867. 12°. . 7001.05
— Le clos-pommier. Paris, 1860. 12°. . . 7012.11
— LeducdeCarlepont. 2eed. Paris, 1867. 12°. 7001.02
— La famille Guillemot. 2e ed. P., 1861. 12°. 701L07
— Le fils du fauconnier. New York, 1864. 8°. 7012.12
— Mme. de Sarens. Frede'rique. P., 1866. 12°. 7001.01
— Maurice de Treuil. 2e M. Paris, 1860. 12°. 7011.08
— Maxence Humbert. Paris, 1866. 12°. . 7001.03
— Nelly. Paris, 1862. 12° 7011.03
— Noir et Blanc. Paris, 1861. 12°. . . . 7011.09
— Parisiennes et proviuciales. Paris, 1861. 12°. 7011.04
— Les rfiveurs de Paris. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1867.
12° 7012.15
— La robe de Nessus. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1868.
12°. 7012.16
— Le serment d'Hedwige. Madame de Nailhac. Paris,
1870. 12° 7012.17
-La traite des blondes. Paris, 1863. 12°. 7011.05
— Trois graces. Paris, 1870. 12°. . . . 7001.04
— La vie errante. Paris, 1869. 16°. . . . 7011.06
— Les vocations. Paris, 1859. 12°. . . . 7012.13
Acheta DomesKca. pseud. See Budgeu (L. M. )
Achilles (Shield of). .See article by Dnmmioud (W.)
[Class. Jom-nal, v. 6. 2742.06]; rtko Homer. Iliad.
Achilles Tatius. Clitophon et Leucippe. Gr. et Lat.
[Erotici scriptores, P»to(, 1856.] . . .7764.17
— Same. Tr. from the Greek, by R. Smith. London,
Bohn, 1855. 12° 211.54
Ackerman (Dr. C.) The christian element in Plato
and the Platonic philosophy. From the German,
by S. E. Asbury. With an introductory note by
W. G. Shedd. Edinburgh, 1861. 8°. . 5423.16
Acland (H. W. ) Medicine in modern times. ^'ee
Stokes (Dr. W.) and Aclaud 4312.10
— Early physiological study, [//i Youmans (E. L.)
Modern culture. ]
Acoustics, ^ee Physics.
AcreUus (Ken. Israel). New Sweden. From the
Swedish, by N. ColUu. [N. Y. Hist. soc. Coll.
2d 8. V. 1.] 615 06
Across America. J. F. Eusling. 1874. . . 1123.26
Across the Atlantic C. H. Haesler. 1868. . 915.08
Across the Carpathians, [awm.] L., 1862. 16° 965.14
Across the Continent. S. Bowles. 18135. . 1114.15
Across the desert. S. M. CampbeU. . . .3527.13
Acrostics. See Amusements.
Actaea, pseud. See Agassiz (E. C.)
Acting. .See Drama. {Artofactimj.)
Acton, (Mass.) .See Countries, places, etc.
Actors. .See Drama.
Acts of the apostles. See Biblical literature.
Ad clerum. .Joseph Parker. 1871. . . . 3.583.03
Ad fidem. E. F. Burr. 1»71 3526.07
Adages. ,Se.> Proverbs.
Adalbert (Heiniich Wilhelm, prince of Prus.iia).
Travels in the south of Europe and in Brazil
with a voyage up the Amazon and the Xingui.
Tr. by Sir K. H. Schomburgk and J. E. Taylor.
2 V. London, 1849. S° 1166.06
Adam. Der Tod .\dam8; traucrepiel. [Klopstock (F.
G. ) Werke. v. 4. 1808.] . . . .7117,28
Adam: a sacred drama. G. B. Andreini. [In Cow-
per (W.) Works, v. 6. London, 1854.] .5026.06
Adam, abbot of Eynsham. Magna vita S. Hugonis
Lincolniensis. Ed. by J. F. Dimock. London,
1864. 8°. [KoUs chronicles.] .... 5140.—
Adam of Cobsam. Wright's chaste wife. Ed. by F. J.
Fumival. [E. E. T. soc. , no. 12]. . . 7913.03
Adam (Adolphe). Derniers souvenirs d'un musicien.
Paris, 1H59. 12°. 7001.06
Con(era(5; La jeuuesae d'Haydn, Rameau. Gluck et Mohul.
Monsigny. Gossec. Bertou. Cherubini. Bossiui— Le 8ta-
bat Mater. La Dame blancbe de Boieldieii. Donizetti, etc.
— Souvenirs d'un musicien. Nouv. t!d. Paris, 1868.
12°. 7001.07
Contents : Notes biogr. Boieldieu. Herold. L'origine de
I'opera en France. L'Armide de LuUy, etc. Kousaean.
Adam (Alexander). Roman antiquities. Notes by J.
Boyd. 8thN. Y. ed. New York, 1812 8°. . 437.08
Adam (William). Inquiry into theories of history with
special reference to the principles of the positive
philosophy, [anon.] London, 1862. 8°. 412.23
Adam ([iev. William) and Ware (Henry). Correspon-
dence relative to the prospects of Christianity in
India. Cambridge (Mass.), 1824. 8° . 3581.26
Adam and the .Adamite. D. M'Causland. . 3762.16
Adam's disobedience. J. W. Flower. 1871. 3552.24
Adamnan, abbot of lona. Travels of Arcnlf. [In
■Wright (T.) Early travels in Palestine.] 1053.04
Adams iMrs. Abigail, imfe of John). Letters [1761-
1816]. Memoir by 'C. F. Adams. 4th ed. Bos-
ton, 1848. 1'2° 3012.04
See also Biography.
Adams (Andrew Leith). Notes of a naturalist in the
» Nile valley and Malta ; natural history, geology,
and archaeology. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 1091.12
Adams (Arthur) . Natural history of the Eastern ar-
chipelago. [In Belcher (Sir E.) Nan-ative. v. 2.
1848.] 1065.03
Adams (Charles B.) Mollusca of Jamaica. [/nAmer.
assoc. Proceed., v. 2 and 4.] Value of^Mollusca.
A reversed cyclostoma. Change of level in N".
Amer. drift period, [//i v. 4.] . . . 3946.01; 03
— Shells. [/nMarcy (R. B.) Explor. of Red River
of Louisiana. ] 1134.01
Adams (Charles Francis). Address on William H.
Seward. New York, 1873. 8° . . . .5013.13
— Life of John Adams, begun by J. Q. Adams. [In
Adams (J.) Works, V. 1. 18.56.] . . .5013.01
— Same. 2 v. Phila., 1871. 16°. .... 3016.01
— Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, 1795 to 1848.
v. 1-5. Phila., 1874-75. 8°. . ... 3018.24
— Oration, Boston, July 4, 1813. B., 1813. 8° 5013.13
— What makes slavery a question of national concern ?
•Lecture. Boston, 1855. 8° 5013.13
Adams (Charles Francis, jr., and Henry). Chapters
of Erie, and other essays. B., 1871. 12°. 5922.22
Contents: Chapter of Erie ; An Erie raidjThe railroad sys-
tem : by G. F. Adams, jr. New York gold conspiracy: Capt
John Smith ; Bank ol England restriction ; British finance
in 1816 ; by H. Adams. Legai tender act, by H. Adams and
F. A. Walker.
— Protection of the ballot. The election of Presidents. [In
Amer. soc. sci. assoc. Proceed, v. 1-2. 1869-70.] . 6811.01
Adams (Charles Kendall). Democracy and monarchy
in France from the inception of the great revolu-
tion. New York, 1874. 12°. .... 523.13
Adams (Rev. Coker). Principles of the Purchas case.
London, 1871. 8°. 3585.27
Adams (Edwin G. ) Historical discourse : 100th an-
niversary of the First congregational church in
Templeton, Mass. Boston, 1857. 8°. . 595.22
Adams (Ernest). On the names of ants, earwigs and
beetles ; of caterpillars, snails, and slugs ; of
In uking for books, use the •• Book Order." giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the flrst part of the TITLE, and the NUMBKB.
Adams (Ernest), continued.
spiders ; of the wood-louse. Vernacular names
of insects. [In PhiloL soc. Proceedings, 1858-
59-60.] G443.13
Adams (F.O.) History of Japan. L. , 1874. 8°. 102t;.l'2
Adams (Hannah). An abridgment of the history of
New England. 2d ed. Boston, 18U7. 10°. 595.21a
— Summary history of New England [to 1791]. Ded-
ham, 1799. 8° 595.21
Adams (H. G. ) Beautiful shells, with directions for
collecting, cleaning, and arranging them in the
cabinet. London, 1871. 12° 4825.22
— Cyclopoedia of female biography. Glasgow, 1866.
16° 3221.10
— Language and poetry of flowers. P., 1868. 12°. 4913.21
— Nests and eggs of familiar birds. L.,1871. 12° 4812.17
— The weaver boy who became a missionary ; stoi-y of
David Livingstone. Loudon, 1872. 16°. 3112.18
— editor. The Kentish coronal ; prose and poetry.
Loudon, 1841. 18° 2512.25
Adams (Rev. Jasper). Elements of moral philosophy.
Cambridge, 1837. 8°. 5433.11
Adams (John). An answer to Paine's "Rights of
man." DubUn, 1773. 8°. 5715.28
Adams (John, pres. of the U. S.) Works ; wi'h life,
notes, etc., by C. F. Adams. 10 v. Boston,
1856. 8°. 5013.01
Contents :
Autobiography, v. 2-3.
Constitution of the V. S., (Defence of), 1778. v. 4-6.
Constitution of the U. S., (Three letters on), v. 6.
Correspondence, v. 9-10.
Davila (Discourses on), v. 6.
Debates in the Continental Congress, 1775-6, v. 2 .
Diary, v. 2-3.
Dissertation on canon and feudal law, t. 3.
Essays, v. 3.
Government (Four letters on), v. 6.
Government (Thoughts on), v. 4.
Indexes, v. 10.
Instructions of the to^\ii of Braintree to their repre-
Bcntative, 1765. v. 3.
Inetructious of the town of Boston to their represen-
tatives. 1708-9, V. 3.
Judiciary (On the independence of); a controversy
between W. Brattle and J. Adams, 1773. v. 3.
Letters to John Taylor, of Carolilie, (Va.,) ia reply to
strictures on the Defence, v. 6.
Life, by C. F. Adams, v. 1.
Notes on debates in Senate of U. S., v. 3.
Novanglus : a history of the dispute with America,
from 1754, v. 6.
Official letters, messages, and public papers, v. 7-9.
Report of a constitution for Massachusetts, 1779, v. 4.
Review of Mr. Hillhouse's propositions for amend-
ing the Constitution, v. 6.
— Gibbs ( G. ) Memoirs of the administrations of A. , etc.
2v. 1846 584.01
— Trescot {W. H.) Diplomatic history of the admin-
istration of A. 1857 5623.09
See Biography for other entries.
— and Samuel). Four letters on government. Bos-
ton, 1802. 8°. 5013.11
Adams (Kei-. John). Historj^ of Spain. [anon.'\ 3 v.
London, 1793. 8°. 553.24
Adams (John, ji-.) The doctrine of equity. A com-
mentary on the law as administered by the court
of Chancery. With notes by G. T. Bispliam.
5th Am. cd. Philadelphia, 1868. 8°. . 5614. 14
Adams (John Quincy). Dermot Mao Morrogh, or the
conquest of Ireland. Boston, 1832. 8°. 5093.04
— Duplicate letters, the fisheries, and the Mississippi.
Wash. , 1822. 8°.
— Jubilee of the Constitution. Discourse delivered
at the request of the N. Y. Hist. Soc, 30th of
April, 183J ; being the 50th anniversary of the
inauguration of Washington as president. New
York, 1839. 8° 5013.11
— Lectures on rhetoric and oratory. 2 v. Cam-
bridge, (Mass.,) 1810. 8°. 6334.00
• — Lives of celebrated statesmen. [Madison and Mon-
roe.] Sketch of the author, by C. W. Upham.
New York, 1846. 8° 3244.13
— Lives of Madison and Monroe. B.,1851. 12°. 3116.21
— New England confederacy of 164 J. Discourse.
Boston, 184.3. 8° 5013.11
— Oration on Lafayette, 31s( Dec. 1831. W. 1835. 8°.
— Oration. Boston, July 4th, 1793. 2d ed. Boston,
1794. 8°. 5013.11
— Report upon weights and measures. Philadel-
phia, 1821. 8° 4015.18
— Same. [7n Davies (C. ) Metric system. New York,
1871. 12°.] 4015.16
— Social compact exemplified in the constitution of
Masa Lecture. Providence, 1842. 8°. 5013.11
— Cox (S. H.) Interview with. [//» his Inter-
views.] 3537.03
— and Charles Francis). Life of John Adams. 2 v.
Philadelphia, 1871. 16°. 3011.01
See Biography for lives of J. Q. A.
Adams (.J. S. ) Florida : its cUmate, soU, and pro-
ductions, with sketch of its history and social
condition. Jacksonville, 1869. 12°. . . 1113.20
Adams (Nehemi.ah). The baptized child. 2d ed.
Boston, 1836. 12° 3513.09
— Christ a friend. Boston, 1857. 8°. . . . 3513.10
— Fl-iends of Christ. Boston, 1857. 8°. . .3513.11
— Reasonableness of future endless punishment : ser-
mon. Boston, 1858. 12^ 3512.13
— Sable cloud ; a southern tale. B., 1861. 12°. 112.13
— Voyage round the world. Boston, 1872. 16'. 932.20
Adams (Samuel). Oration, Phila., Aug. 1, 1770. [7)i
Moore (J.)Amer. eloquence, v. 1.] . . 6325.03
— Extracts from his correspondence, state papers,
and political essays, [//i Ids Life, by Wells.
V. 1-3.] 3012.09
Contents : Rights of the colonists ; Address to the earl of
Carhsle ; Address of the convention for framing a new con-
stitution for Mass.; F.jur letters between John Adams and
Samuel Adams ; and the Oration in Phila., Aug. 1, 1776.
See alto his name in Biography.
Adams (Wm., D. D., of N. Y. city). C nversations
of Jesus Christ with representative men. New
York, 1868. 12° 3513.14
Adams (Wm. B.) English pleasure carriages. Lon-
don, 1837. 8° 3932.42
Adams (Wnr. H. D. ) Anecdotal memoirs of English
princes. 2 v. London, 1863. 12'. . . 3255.23
— Before the conquest ; English worthies. Edin-
burgh, 1870. 8°. 452.01
— Buried cities of Campania ; or, Pompeii and Hercu-
lanaum. Boston, 1869. 16°. . . . 1455.09
— Circle of the year ; pictures of the seasons . Edin-
burgh, 1869. 12° 4731.05
— Land of the Nile ; Egypt, etc. B., 1871.12°. 1091.15
— Life in the primeval world ; founded on Meunier's
"Les Animanxd'autrefois." L. , 1872. 12^ 4725.14
— Lighthouses and lightships. N. Y.,1S70. 12°.3934.20
— Men at the helm : English statesmen. [1702-1852.]
Edinburgh, 1871. 18°. 3222.14
— Queen of the Adriatic ; or, Venice past and present.
Boston, 1869. 16° 971.20
— Temples, tombs and monuments of ancient Greece
and Rome. London, 1871. 12°. . . . 431. 12
— Topography and history of the Rhine valley. See
Hozier (H. M.) Franco-Prussian war. . 528.02
Adams (Wm.T.) [" Oliver Optic."] ^See Fiction.
Adamson (H. T.) Gospel of Matthew expounded.
London, 1871. 8° 3754.01
Adansou (Michel). Voyage to Senegal, the island of
Goree, and the river Gambia, 1749-53. [*Pin-
kerton's Voyages, V. 16.] 926.16
Addey (Markinfield). Life of T. J. [Stonewall] Jack-
son. Boston, 1863. 10° 3087.01
Addison (C. G.) The Knights Templars. 3d ed.
London, 1854. 12° 6622.06
Addison (H. R.l Recollections of an Irish police
magistrate. London, 1862. 16°. . . 113.28
Addison (Joseph). Criticism on Milton's Paradise
Lost. Ed. by E. Arber. L., 1868. 18°. 5011.03
— Same. \_ln "Spectator." v. 5 o/" his Works.
1857.] 5012.05
— Poems. Life, by S. Johns m. [//i 'Chalmers (A.)
English poets, v. 9. 1810.] .... 1626.09
— Poetical works. [British poets. Ed. by SanforcL
V. 14. 1819.] 1691.14
— Sir Roger De Coverley. By the Spect.itor. Lon.
don, 1852. 16°. [Trav. libr. v. 22.] . 5075.2;
Addison (Josephi, conlumed.
— Works. Ineludiug the whole of IlurJ's od. With
notes, by G. W. Greene. G v. New York,
1857-58. 12° 5012.01
CorUenls :
Cato, a tragedy, t. 1.
Dialogues on medals, v. 3.
Drummer, a comedy, v. I.
Freeholder, v. 3.
Guardiao, v. 4.
Letters, v. 2.
Lover (The), v. 3.
Of the christian religion, v. 2.
Poems, V. 1.
Present state of the war
[Queen Anne's,] v. 2.
Remarks on Italy, etc., v. 2.
Kosamoud; uu opera, v. !•
Spectator, v. 5-G.
Tatler. v. 4.
Whi" examiner, v. X
Sfe also, Cxuardian ; — Spectator ; — Taller.
For btogr. notices of A., see Biography.
Addiaou (Lancelot). West Barbary, 1671. ['Pin-
kerton's Voyages. V. 15.] 926.15
Addison (Thomas). Collection of publi.shed writings.
hondon, New Sydenham soc. ISGS. 8^. . 4302.01
Contents : Biography. On the anatomy of the lungs. On
the diagnosis of pneumonia. Pneumonia and its conse-
quences. Pathology of phthisis. The difficulties and fal-
lacies attending physical diagnosis in diseases of the chest.
Fatty degeneration of the liver. Disorders of females con-
nected with uterine irritation Case of ovarian dropsy re-
moved by accidental rupture of the cyst. AJfection of the
akin, vitihgoidea. The keloid of Aiibert, and true keloid.
Disorders of the br.iiu connected with diseased kidneys.
Electricity as a remedy in cei-tain convulsive and spasmodic
diseases. Constitutional and local effects of disease of the
supra-renal capsules.
Adiroudacks. tke Countries, places, etc.
Adlard (^George). Amye Kobsart and the earl of
Leycester ; vindication of the earl by Philip Syd-
ney ; history of Kenilworth Castle ; memoirs and
corresp. of Sir K. Dudley. L. , 1870. 8-=. 3153..f2
Adler (George J. ) 'Dictionary of the German and
English languages. 2ded. N. Y., 1819. 8°. 6415.05
— Same. Abridged. New York, 1863. 12°. 6413.27
— Introduction. ^'ee Fauriel (C. C.) Provencjal
poetry 272.5.12
Aduunistration. See Government and politics.
Admirals. See Biography, (A'ni'rtf) ; and {under
heading Countries) England, (Xaval histori/};
United States, (Xin-al lustory).
Admiralty. See LaTW^.
Admiralty manual of scientific enquiry. See Har-
schel(J. F. W.) 3913.20
Adolphus (John). History of England, from the ac-
cession to the decease of king George the third.
7 T. London, 1840-46. 8°. . . . . . 484.01
— Memoirs of John Bannister, comedian. 2 v. Lon-
don, 1839. 8° 3015.12
Adolphus (John L.) Letters from Spain. 1856 1857.
London, 1858. 8° 985.09
— Biography, [/n Oxford prize essays, v. 3.] 2541.13
Adriatic sea and shores. See Countries.
Adrift in Dixie, [a L. Estabrooks.] 1866. 643.13
Adshead (Joseph). The wreck of the Rothsay Castle
steam packet in Beaumaris Bay, 17th August,
1831. London, 1834. 16° 931.15
— Alcherley {J. B.) Adulterations of food ; with short
processes for their detection. 1874. . . 6016.22
— Ilassall (A. H.) Food and its A. 1858. .4216.08
— Uoskins (T. H.) What we eat. 1861. . .4324.01
— Pierce (U H.) Examination of drugs, medicines.
1853 4216.40
See also. Food ; — Liquors ; — Pharmacy ; — Receipts ; —
also, articles in Fraser, T. ()2, 1855, and v. 1, 1870 ; West.
rev., V. 91, 1869.
Advancement of learning. See Bacon (F.) 5015.02
Adventurer (The). By Hawkesworth, Johnson, and
others. [British essayists, v. 19-21.]. . 2511.19
— Same. [Johnson (8. ) Works, v. 1. 1851.] 5045.10
See Drake (N.) Essays illustrative of the Adv. [2a2S.liJ
Adventures. See, in Fiction, titles beginning with
' ' Adventures ."
See also. Amusements, sports, etc ; — Countries ; — Voy-
ages and travels.
Adventures (Wonderful) among the native tribes of
America. London, [1872.] 12°. . . . 922.25
Adventures in the Libyau desert. B. St. John. 1082. 16
Adventures in the wilderness. See Murray (W. H.
H.) 1112.20
Adventures of a French sergeant. C. O. Barhuroux.
[Waldie Ubrary, v. 9. ] 5078.23
Adventures of an actor. Ed. by T. Uook. 2d ed.
2 V. 1842. 12° 1712.07
Adventures of a roving diplomatist. H. Wikoff.
1857 31H4.0C
Adventures of a young naturalist. L. Biart.
1873 4722.19
Adventures of Hajji Baba. .s'ec Morier (J. ) . 232.35
— American newspaper rate-book, containing advertis-
ing rates of leading newspapers ; with an index.
[VriWi Men who advertise.] 2735.18
— Hen ( The) who advertise ; an account of successfal
advertisers, with hints on the method of adver-
tising. 1870 2735.18
— Sampson {//. ) History of, from the earliest times.
1874 2711.25
Adversity (Uses of).
.See Ballantyne (T ) Essays in mosaic, pp. 137-36.
[2513. U] ;—ai^o BibUcal and religious Ut«rature. {C^nso-
-Sjgean Sea. See Grecian Archipelago.
.aigineta (Paulus). See Paulus ^jinela.
ffilianus (Claudius). De natura animalium, Varia
historia, Epistolae et fragmenta. [Gr. et Lat.]
Recog., elc, R. Hercher. Parisiis, Didot, 1858.
8° 7764.01
— His vaiions history. [Tr. by T. Stanley. ] Lon-
don, 1666. 16° 6213.25
.Sjneid. See Virgil
Aerohtes. See Meteorology. Astronomy.
Aeronautics. See Arts (Useful and technical).
.aESachines. Orationea Gr. et Lat. [Orat Attici.
v. 2. Didot, 1858.] 7766.03
.Sischylus. Agamemnon ; Choephone. [Walsh's
British poets, v. 50.] . . . . • . 1691.50
— Prometheus and .\gamemnon. Tr. by H. W. Her-
bert. Cambridge, (.Vftis.,) 1849. 12". .1712.04
— Prometheus Bound, [/n Browning (E.B.) Poems.
v. 1. 1862.] 1G22.10
See essays on Prometheus Bound, by Elackie (J.S.) Hor»
Hellenics. 1874. [2613.23] : and by Coleridge (8. T.). in
Royal soc. of ht trans., v. 2. [5068.02]
— Prometheus chained. The Suppliciints. [The Per-
sians.] The Seven chiefs against Thebes, and
Agamemnon. Oxford, 1822. 8°. . . . 5093.03
Tr.igedies, hterally tr. by T. A. Buckley. London,
JJohn, 1849. 12°. 1712.02
Contents : Agamemnon ; Cboephori ; Furies ; Persians ;
Prometheus chained : Seven against Thebes : Suppliants.
Appendix : new readings from Hermann's ed. Tr.
by G. Burges. L., Jiohn, 1853. 12. 1712.03
— Same. Seven tragedies. Literally tr. into English
prose, with notes. 3d ed. revised. Oxford,
1843. 8° 1712.00
— S;ime. Tr. into English prose, from the texts of
Bloomlield, and Scholefield. With notes. 3d
ed. Oxford, 1840. 8° 1712.20
— S.ime. New metrical tr. , with biogr. essay, by E.
H. Plumptre. 2 v. Lon Ion, 1868. 16°. 1712.05
— S.ime. Tr. by K. Pottc^r. [With Harford's Essay
on the Grecian drama.] N. Y. [n. <(.] 18". 1712.01
— Same. [Condensed imd explained] by R. S.
Copleston. Edinburgh, IS TO. 16". [Ancient
classics.] 1712.21
— Tragcediae ot fragmenta. [Ed. G. Dindorfii recog.,
transl. Lat. condidit, etc. E. A. I. Ahrens.]
Gr. et Lat., cum iudicibus. Paris, Didot, 1856.
8° 7764.02
— Tragedies. [Greek text,] With English commentary,
by F. A. Paley. Loudou, 1855. 8'. . [Long's
BiM. classica.] 7763.01
— Flaxman (J. ) Compositions from. Engr. by T.
PiroU and Frank Howard. L., 1831. fol. N.27.13
See also. Literature, {Greek). — Drama. {Greek);— and for
essays, see Contemp rev. (Jilscbylus as a rehgioua teacher.
By B. F. Westcott.) v. 3, 1866 ; Ed. rev. (Hermann's ^:«-
chylus), V. 100 ; Nat quar. rev. v. 7, 1863 : North Br. rev.
(Buckley's and Blackies trausL) v. 16, 1851 ; West, rev.,
(The Choephorte), v. 68, 1857 1883.42
Slaop ILat. .ffisopiiB]. Fables. New version, by T.
James. New York, 1848. 8° 185.03
Id uking for books, use the " Book Orders." giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the flrst part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER,
^sop, contbmed.
— Fables. Kew ed. by E. Gtirrett. Illas. by J. Wolf,
etc. London, 1868. 21= 185.03a
— •Fables. Dlus. by E. Griset. ReTised by J. B.
RnndeL Loudon, [1870]. 4" lU'i.lS
— Beutley {R.) Dissertation upon the Fables of M.
[In his Works. V. 2. 1836.] . . . .5017.02
— Bruce {J.) CLissic portraits, v. 1, p. lG-2o. 3212.15
Seg also. Fables, p.
.Sisthetics. See Fme arts, p.
.Sitna. iSVe Meteorology. {Earthquakes and volcanoes.)
Affecting history of the Duchess of C — . New
York, 1828. 16= 5091.01
Afillctiou. See Biblical and religious literature.
Afghanistan. .See Coimtries.
Africa,. See Countries.
After an, not to create only : a poem. 5ee Whitman
(Walt.) 1695.03
After the ball, [a poem]. .See Perry (N.) . 1675.36
After the battle of Dorking. lanoyi.] London,
1871. S" 483.13
After icebergs with a painter. L.L. Noble. 1861. 1143.03
After Ophir. A. Lindley. 1870 1095.14
Aftermath. .See Longfellow (H. W. ) . . . 1664.24
Afternoon lectures on literature and art. 5 v. Lou-
don, 1863-8. 12= 2512.20
Contents :
Address at beginning of 2d .series. Napier (J.) v. 2.
Alliteration in poetry. Kennedy (E.) v. 3.
Arcbitecture (Our), Ferguson (S ) v. 2.
Arcbitecture in tbe 13tb century. Street (Q. E.) v. 4.
Arnold's poetry. Alexander (VV.) v. 4.
Berkeley. Butt (Isaac), v. 3.
Chaucer. O'Hagau (J.) v. 2,
Coleridge. O'Hagan (T.) v. i
Decorative art and modem science. Pollen (J. H.) v. 3.
Drama (Englisb). Houston (A.) v. 1.
English literature (Classical and romantic schools of), as
represented by Spenser. Dryden, Pope, Scott, and Words-
worth. Kushton (W ) Y. 1.
English literature (Influence of foreign on). Byrne (,T.)v 3.
Engbsd literature (Influence of the national character on).
BjTue (J.) V. 1.
English sonnet (History of the). Whately (R.) y. 4.
Foster (J.), tJie essayist. Whately (E.) v. 1.
German literature at close of last century, and commence-
ment of present. Anster (J.) y. 2.
Greeks (Three epochs in the social development of the an-
cient). MahalSy (J. P.) v. 6.
. History and ijrogress. Thompson (D'.\rcy W.) v. 3.
Hugo (Victor), as a poet. Alexander (W.) v. 2.
India (Native literature of). Taylor (i\I.) v. 2.
Irelaud (Ballad and lyrical poetry of). M'Donnell (B.) v. I.
Lamb and Dickens. Fitzgerald (P.) y. 2.
Letters (Old). Napier (J.) v. 4.
Milton's prose. Keogh (J.) v. 3.
Mystery of hie and its arts. Buskin (J.) y. 6.
Oratory (Popular). Sherlock (D.) v. 5.
Palimpsest literature aud its editor, Angelo Mai. Russell
(U. W.) Y. 4.
Romeo and Juhet. Whately (E.) v. 5.
Scott (The poetry of). Jellett (J. H.) Y. 6.
Shakespeare. Ingram iJ. K.) v. 1.
Sheridan (Richard Brinsley). Heron ID. C.) v. 5.
Story-telling (Hist and philos. of). Thompson (D'AW.)v.4.
Tenuysou itlld Browning. Dowden (E.) v. 6.
Tennyson's wor^. Ingram (J. K.) v 4.
Virgil (Specimen of trans, of) Alexander (W.) v, 5.
Wordsworth aud the la'.e country. Oraves (R. P.) v. 5.
Afternoon of unmarried life, lanon.] New York,
1859. 12° 5821.05
Agamamnon. ,See .ffischylus.
Agassiz (.\lexaudt-r E. R. ) North American acalephas.
[ /;i Museum of comp. zool. lUus. catalogue, no.
2. 1865,] . 4738,14
Agassiz (E, C. ) A first lesson in natural history. [Se;i
anemones aud corals ; Hydroids and jelly fishes ;
Star-fishes and sea-urchins. ] liy Actaea. Boston,
1859. 16= 4826.18
— Seaside studies in natural history. Massachusetts
Bay. Radiates. Boston, 1865. 8°. . . 4826.04
Agassiz (Louis -J. R. ) Bibliographia zoologiie et geolo-
gise : general catalogue of zoology and geology.
Enlarged by H. E. Strickland. 4 v. London,
1848-54, 8= 2773.01
— Contributions to the natural history of the United
States. V. 1-4. Boston, 1857-1862. 4=. 4738.03
Contents : v. 1-2 Essays on classification ; North Ameri-
can Testudinata ; Embryology of the turtle.
3. Acalephs in general ; Ctenophorie.
4. Discophorse ; Hydroidaj ; Homologies of the Radiata.
— Embryological classification of insects. [Sm. con-
tributions. V. 2. 1851.] 3937.02
— Former existence of local glaciers in the White
mountains. [In Amer. assoc. Proceed, v. 19,
1870.] 3946.17
— Geological sketches. Boston, 1866. 12=. 4111.05
Note.—Repnh. from Atlantic monthly, v. 12-14.
— Indigenous races of the earth. [In Nott (J. C. )
and Gliddon (G. R.) Indig. races. 1857.] 4736.02
— Lectures at Penikese. [Tribune popular science,
pt. 1. 1874.] 3908.01
— Method of study in natural history. Boston,
1863. 16= 4712.03
Note. — Complementary to his " Essay on classification, "
aud republ. fr\"»m Atlantic monthly, v, 9-10. 1862.
— Notice of fossil fishes. [PacifiG R. R. routes. Re-
ports, V. 5.] 1127.00
— Of the natural provinces of the animnl world aud
their relation to the difterent types of man. [App.
to Nott and GUddons Types of mankind.
1857.] 4736.01
— Structure of animal hfe. N. Y., 1866. 8°. 4717.23
— Twelve lectures on comparative embryology, before
the Lowell Institute. Boston, 1849. 8". 4717.11
— ami. Wrs.) A journey in Brazil. B., 1868. 8°. 1164.01
— and Gould [A. A. ) Principles of zoology. Part 1.
Comparative physiology. B., 1859. 12=. 4737.06
.See also Museum of comparative Ecology. [4738.14.]
Agatharchides. De mari Erythrseo. [Muller(C.)
Geogr. Gr. minores, V. 1. Didof, 1855.] 7765.03
Agatliemerus. Geographia. Gr. et Lat. [Miiller
(C.) Geogr. Gr. minores. v. 2, 1855.] . 7765.04
Agawam (Simple cobbler of). See Ward (N.)
Age. See Old age. Longevity 3616.19
Age (The present).
— Ficlde {J. G.) Characteristics of the present age.
[Works, V. 2.] 3552.13
— ifiiy(/(£'. P.) The age and its architects. 186'2. 5816.11
— Vau(jhan{H.) The age and Christianity. 1819. 3615.21
See also, Social science. {Civilization, Progress.)
For essays on Tbe Age. seeCarlyle (T.) Essays [2517.12] :
Story (Joseph). Miscel writings [2547. 07J . Emerson (R. W.;
Miscellanies. (Lecture on tbe Times) [2624.10] ; tiodwiu
(P.) Out of tbe Past [2520.18].
Age (The). A satire. *e B.ailey (P. J.) . 1614.02
Age of Chivalry. T. Bulfinch 143.31
Age of fable. T. Bulfinch 143.29
Age of reason. See Paine (Thomas). . . . 3582.02
Agency. See Law.
Agincourt. j\lco'as {K H.) Hi.story of the battle,
■with the roll of the men at arms in the English
army. 1827 452.03
— Siege of Harflet et batayl of A. \_In Buchon. Chroni-
ques, V. 36.] 505.12
See Agiucourt, a romance ; by G. P. R. James. [215 35.]
Aghonne (Mie d'), pseud. See Lacroix (Mine, Louis).
Agael(H. R.) Book of chess. N. ¥., 18.3. 12\ 4614.01
Agnuw (D. C. A.) Protestant exdes from France in
the reign of Louis XIV., and their descendants in
Great Britain and Ireland. 2d ed, enlarged. 2 v.
London, 1871. 8= 3434.25
Ago (F. ) pseudon. See Rhymss of the poets. 1682.23
Agrarian laws. .See Rome. {Histories) ; — Smith's
Diet, V. 1, [437.10.] See a(i'0 Political economy.
Agricola (Gnaeus Julias). See Tacltua
G3neral and Miscellanaous Agricultural Works,
including Reports.
Note. — The annual TranHactioua and Reports of various
agricultural Boeii'tice frequently contain the bent aa well as
the most recent information upon special subjects.
Allen (//. A'.) and €n. Catalogue of agricultural and horticul-
tural impleinontB, seeds, and fertilizers, a .d of improved live
stock. lt;th ed. 1870 6135.(1.1
^77lcric<i;i Iiislifu(r. Transactions. [Farmer's club portion.] v. C-3.5.
1847-H— 74-S 6117.06
Anderson (7.) An Essay on quick-lime, as a cement and as a ma-
nure. 1799 6121.04
.^7idr«u!s {ff. //.) Agricultural engineering. 3v.ini. 18.52. 6135.01
v. 1, Buildings, v. 2, Motive powers and machinery of the
steading, v. 3, Field machines and implements.
BordUy [J. 11.) Essays and notes on husbandry. 1801. . 6123.09
Burn ^/^. .S.) Outlines of modern farming. 1 v. is 2. 1869. 6121. U
Colman (//.) Agriculture and rural economy. 2 v. 1857. 6137.03
CulUvalur {The), v. 1-4 in 1. 1834-38 6128.24
Deane (.9.) The New England farmer. 3d ed. 1822. . . 6137.14
Donaldson {J } British agriculture, containing the cultivation of
land, management of crops, and the economy of animals.
London, 1800. 8° 6228.01
— Clay lands and loamy soils. 1852 6135 02
Emmons {£.) Agriculture of New York. 6 v. 1846-54. . 4718.13
v. 1-2. Agr. chemistry, v. 3-4, Fruits, v. 6, Iiyufious insects.
JSryere/((£.) Orations and speeches, v. 1, 3, 4 6322.03
Gray [J. C.) Essays ; agricultural, etc. 1856 6123.03
Contents : New England agriculture ; Forest trees ; Or-
chards ; Climate of New England, etc.
Greeley (//.) Letters from Texas and the lower Miss. 1871. 6122.19
Harper (L.) PreUmiuary report on the agriculture of the state of
Mississippi 4116.07
HartUb (.S- ) Legacy of husbandry. 1665 6121.01
Jay (John). Statistical view of American agriculture. 1859. 6135 03
Jolinson (.y. ir.) How crops feed. 1870 6123.13
Johnstone {J.F. W.) Coulrib. to scientific agriculture. 1869. 6123.01
Liebig {J. von) Natural laws of husbandry. 1863. . . . 6123.04
ifacAma/d (D. e. /•.) Estate management. 1868. . . . 6123.14
Maine. Board of agrieulture. 6th-7th ann. rep. 1861-62. 2 v. 6107.01
J/ariineau (//.) Hea th, husbandry, etc. 1861 2535.11
Massaeliusetts. Board oi agriculture. 14th-19th annual report of
the secretary. 186li-'7-7]-4. 6v 6112.14
Morris {J. G ) Natural history as applied to. [Sm. rep., 185.').i3936.10
Nasse (A'.) On the agricultural community of the njiddle ages.
and inclosures of the 16th century in England. 1872. 6126.07
Xew York. Slate agricultural society. Transactions. v. 2-34.
1841-74 611401
Note. — K general index to volg. 1 to 15 is contained in the
Transactions of 1864.
Ohio. Boardof agriculture. 15th-29th annual report, 1860-74. 6127.01
Olcott {H. S.) Yale agricultural lectures. 1860 6123.02
Olmsted [F. L.) American farmer in England. 1852. . . 954.12
Parkinson (R.) Experienced farmer's tour in America. 2 v.
1806 6137.08
Peters (J'. C.) Resources of New York. 1864 6135.04
Practice with science. [By various writers.] 2 v. 1867-69. 61-26.12
Roberts (J.) Pennsylvania farmer. 1804 6121 02
Kogers (J. E. T.) Histoid of agriculture and prices in England
from 1269 to 1793. v. 1-2, 1259-1400. 2 v. 1866. . 6936.02
Royal agricultural society of England*, v. 1-25, 1840-64. 6104.01
— 8ame. General index to v. l-'25. 18G5 61U5.05
— Same 2d s., v. 1-5. 1865-69 U1U5..06
Somerville (A.) The whistler at the plough, travels, agricultural,
etc., in EugLand. With letters from Ireland [during the
famine of 1847]. 1852 6927.21
Somerville {J. 15tti lord). Facts and observations relative to
sheep, wool, etc. 3d ed. 1809 6134.07
Sfep/iens (//.) Book of the farm. 2 v. 1871 6137.06
Stewart (.4.) Agr. in Ot. Britain. [In Cambr. essays, 1857.] 2517.15
Tttaer [A. V ) Principles of practical. 1860 6126.04
Tusser [T) Five hundred points ol good husbandry. . . lo'94.07
United States. Commissioner of patents. Report on agriculture.
1849-61 6115.08
— Department of agriculture. Report of the commissioner of
agriculture ior 1803-73. 12 v 6116.02
Aorc— Prior to 1862 the Agricultural report was issued from
the patent office.
— 9(/i census. 1870. v. 3. Statistics of agriculture. . . 5948 08
TranVij; (G. £. jr.) Elements of agriculture. 1870. . . 6123,16
ire/b (X C) The Grange illustrated. 1874 6r26.08
Year Book of facts for 1859. Ed. by H. S. Bum. 1860. . 6131.01
Young (A.) Six months' tour in the north of England. 1771. 6137.10
Agricultural Botany.
'Jarlington I.W.) American weeds and useful plants. 18C0. 4913.06
Agricultural Chemistry.
Church (A. II.) Laboratory guide for agricultural students.
1870 4213.14
Da\iy {Sir H.) Elements of. [Works, v. 7.8.] .... 4'il4 19
Johnson {S. W.) Agrricultural chemistry. [Smithsonian report,
1859 ] 3936 14
Johnstojie {J. F. W.) Elements of. 9th ed 1871. . . 6121.12
Liebig {J) Chemistry in its applicat on to agricul. 1833. 4215. '24
Sibson^.i.) Agricultural chemistry. 1867 6121.13
Emmons {E.) Agr. chemistry. [New York. Nat. hist., parte.
V. 1-2.] 4713.18
Ancient Agriculture.
Cato (Jf. P.) De re ruatica. [Lat. ot. Fr.] 1864. (Nl»ard'«
Coll.] 77.^5 (jj
Columella (£. M.) De re rustica. (Lat. ct Fr.] 1864. (Nigard'i
Coll.] 772,'i 01
naubeny(C) Lectures on Roman husbandry. 18.'',7. . 6)26 04
llesiod. Works and days. See Hosiod, in gi'neral alphabet
Plinius Secjmdus {C) Natural hist^iry, v. 4. 18.'i5. 4716 04
I'arro (.V. T.) Do agricultura. [Lat. et Fr.] 1864.' [Nisard'*
Collectiou.J 77-26.01
1 mjil. GeorgicB. ,S'ee Virgil, in general alphabet, for various
Senophon. Science of good hu8')andry or economics, f/n hit
Works.] iM.Ol
Apple Culture.
[.Vce also. Fruit, below.]
Hogg (R.) British pomology ; the apple. 1841. . . . 6135.1S
Todd (S. E.) The apple culturist 1871 6135.17
Hazard {O. S.) Qualities and characteristics of cereals. [Paris
univ exhib.. 1867, Reports, v. 1.] 3915.09
Ruggles [S. B\ Quantities of cereals produced in different coun-
tries. [Paris univ. exhib.. Reports, v. 5.] . . . . 3916.09
Enfield (E.) Indian corn ; value, culture, and uses. 1866. 6124.05
Salisbury {J. H.) History and chemical investigation of Indian
corn. Albany. 1849. 8° 6124.11
Cotton Culture.
[See also. Arts {Useful : Cotton).]
Lees{W.N.) Tea cultivation, cotton, etc. 1863. . . . 6124.29
Lyman {J. B.) Cotton culture, with a chapter on cotton seed and
its uses. 1868 6124.19
Dairy Fanning.
Flint (C i.) Milch cows and dairy farming. 1859. . . 6134.01
Volcker (.4.) Cheese making in England, [p. 279-311 of K. Y. agr.
eoc. Trans, for 1864.] 6114.09
[See also. Drainage and Sewerage, in general alphabet.]
Dempsey {G. D.) Drainage of districts and lands. 1859. 3934.0*
Klippart {J. H.) Principles and practice of land drainage.
1867 61'23.08
Emerson {G.) American farmer's encyclopagdia. 1860. . 6126.03
Loudon {J. C.) Encyclopjedia of agriculture. 4tli ed. 1839. 6126.01
Farm Implements.
Rau {€-) Agr. flint implements in Southern Illinois. [Sm. rep.
1868 393623
— Agr. implements of N. A. stone period. [Sm. rep. 1863.] 3936.18
Report on trials of plows. [N. Y. Agr. soc. Trans, for 1867, p.
385-656.) 6114.13
Slight {J .) and Burn {R. S) Book of. 1838 6137.01
Thomas {J. J.) Farm implements. 1854 6137.02
Farming and Gardening.
Barnard (C, jr.) Farming by inches ; or, " with brains sir." By
Mrs. M. Gdman. [pseudon.] 1869 6122.11
— My ten-rod farm ; or, how 1 became a florist. By Mrs M.
Oilman, [pseudon] 1869 6122.01
Beecher {H. W.) Fruits, flowers, and farming. 1859. . 6123.07
Bridgeman {T.) Young gardener's assistant. 1865. . . 6124.08
Bunker [T.) [pseuxlon.] Tim Bunker papers ; or, Yankee farm-
ing. 1868 6122.14
Coulter {Miss), Farming for boys, [anon.] 1868. . . . 6122.05
— Ten acres enough, [anon.] 1864 6122.03
Downing {A. J ) Rural essays. Ed by G. W. Curtis. 1853. 61'26.07
Contents : Horticulture, p. 3-88 : Landscape gardening,
101-192 ; Trees, 289-374 ; Fruit, 435-438 : Letters from Eng-
land, 475-547 -.etc.
Duncan {H. P.) Book of Garden management : landscape, floral,
greenhouse, and kitchen. 1873 6121.16
Farm in(/ for boys. [By Miss Coulter.] 1868. .... 6122.05
Gardener's and farmer's reason why. [anon.] 1860. . 6123.15
Greeley {H.) What I know of farming. 1871 6122.17
Henderson {P.) Gardening for profit. 1867 612-2.22
Horticulturist {The) and journal of rural art and mral taste.
v. 1-24, 1846-69 8098.01
Hovey {C. M. and P. B. jr. ) Amer. gardener's magazine and reg-
ister. V. 1-34, 1835-69 6101.01
How to get a farm, and where to find one. [anon] 1864. 6122.04
Howard {J.) Continental farming and peasantry. 1870. 6137.05
Jacques {D. II.) The farm. With an essay on farm management.
by J. J. Thomas. 1866 6122.12
Johnson {G. W.) Cottage gardeners' dictionary : plants, fruits,
and vegetables. 5th ed. 1860 0124.03
A'arr(.4.) Tour round my garden. 1856 6122.09
Locke {J.} Observ. on the culture of vines and olive.s, silk, etc.
[Jn his Works, v. 10.] 6052.10
Loudon {J. C.) Encyclopiedia of gardening. 1834. . . 6126.02
Macdonald {D. G. F.) Hints on farming. 1868. . . . 612il2
In aeking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S N.1.ME, the first part of the TITLE, and he NUJIBEB.
Marshall IC.) Introduction to the knowledge and practice of
gardening. 2 v. 1799 6121.03
MrcKi (J. J.) How to farm profitably. 1861 6123.10
— Profitable farming : witli balance sheets. 1867-69. . 612a. 11
ililchell ID. G.) My farm of Edgewood. 1863. . . . 6122.06
_ Rural studies, [anon.] New York. 1867. 12=. . . 6122.08
_ Wet days at Edgewood : with old farmers, old gardeners, and
old pastorals. 18G5 6122.07
Mitchell (f.) Five thousand a year. 1870 ?J ,„ „?
Morris (J5.) Farming for boys. 1868 612i.05
^ How to get a farm and where to find one. 1864.
Morton [J. C.) Farmer's calendar. 1869 5)?, V,
_ Hand-book of farm labor. 1868 • ■ 6UJ 1 (
Our farm of four acres. Introd. by P. B. Mead. 1860. 6 22.02
Quinn IP. T.) Money in the garden : vegetable manual. 6122.18
Uuintinye {J. de La). The complcat gard'ner. 1793. . 6;^8.2J
Hand (U.S.. jr.) Window gardener. 1872. ... . . 6132.18
Roe IE. P.) Play and profit in my garden. 1873. . . 61;;;;^^
Jioosevelt (R. B.) Five acres too much. 1869 . . . 6122.13
Todd{S.E.) Young farmers manual. 2 v. 1860-67. . . 612J.U3
Warner {A.) Gardening by myself. 1872 5}?„oS
— Miss TiUcr's vegeUble garden. 1873 5r„„ ,„
Warner (C. D.) My summer iu a garden. 1871. . . . ol22.1b
Watson {A.) American home garden. 1859 „ :;„„
Willis (iV. P.) Out-doors at Idlewild. 1855 2546.28
a^ For English essays on rural avocations, jcc AJcott{A. B.)
Tablete, p. 6-59, [2612.17] ; Oxford prize essays, v. 2. 1.29.
[2641.121 ; Cowley (A.) Essays, [2521.15]; Emerson (R. W.) So-
ciety and solitude, p. 121-39, [2524.03].
Flax Cultvire.
frames {J.) On the cultivation of flax. 1847 6124.26
Flowers and Floriculture.
[See also, Botany. {Flowers.)]
Barnard (0.) Simple flower garden for country homes. 1870. 6132.11
Buist IB.) American flower gardeu directory. 1861. . . 6132.03
HoQQlT) Culture of the carnation, and other flowers. 1839. 4913.03
HoHiculturist {The), v. 1-24, 1846-69 8098.01
Hovey (C. M and P. B. jr.) American gardener's magazine and
register, v. 1-34, 1835-69 6101.01
Jacques {D. U.) The garden : practical horticulture. With a
chapter ou ornamental trees and shrubs. 1866. . 6124.06
Johnson {L.) Everybody her own flower gardener. 1858.
Mating IE. A.) Indoor plants. 1802 6132.06
Meikle {aI) Window gardening 6132.08
Rand {E. S., jr.) Bulbs and tubers. 1866 6132.01
— Flowers for the parlor and garden. 1863 6132.02
— Garden flowers. 1866 6132.05
— Rhododendron and " American plants." 1871. . . 6132.13
— 8eventy-five popular flowers. 1870 6132.12
— Window gardener. 1872 0132.18
notiiM(m{W.) Alpine flowers for Enghsh gardens. 1870. 6132.07
- Gleanings from French gardens. 1869 6132.17
- The wild garden, or naturalization of -hardy exotic plants.
1870. 6132.09
Thomson {D.) Handy book of the flower garden. 1871. . 6132.14
Wilson (H.) Chronicles of a garden ; its pels and pleasures.
1864. 6132.16
Williams {H. T.) Window gardening. 1872 6132.16
Roses and Dahlias.
^m»?rtcan rose culturist. Directions for the dahlia. 1859. 6132 25
Hibberd (S.) Amateur's rose book. 1874 6132 21
Park-man {F.) Book of roses. 1866 0132.24
Parsons {S. B.) Xue rose : its culture, etc. 1836. . . 4913.02
Forest Trses.
[See also, in general alphabet. Forests ;— Botany {Trees.)]
Brown {J.) The forester, or a practical treatise on the planting,
reanr.g, and general management of forest trees. 1871. 6137.15
Browne {D, J.) Trees of America ; native and foreign. 1867. 6135. '22
English forests and forest trees, hist, , legendary, and descriptive.
1853 6135.21
Flagg {W.) Woods and by-ways of New England. 187'2. 4915.16
Fuller {A. S.) Forest tree culturist. 1866 6135.18
Roberts {Mary). Voices from the woodlands, descriptive of forest
trees, ferns, mosses, and lichens. 1850 6135.20
-Grape OuUure;-
Peaches ; — Pears ;—
[.^ee also. Apples ;
Baker {C. R.) Practical and scieutiflc fruit culture. 1866. 6135.26
Downing {A. J.) Fruits and fruit trees of America. 1H47. 6135.23
Emmons {£.'.) Agr. of New York. v. 3-4. Fruits. [Nat. hist, ol the
sUte, pt. C] 4718.15
' lAtcke {J.) Culture of vines and olives, etc, [Works, v. 10.] 51152 10
Rivers {T.) Miniature fruit garden ; or, pyramidal and bush fruit
trees. 1866 6135.29
Thomas {J. J.) American fruit culturist. 1850. . . . 6135 26
— Same. 1868 6135.25
Watson {A.) American home garden. 1859 6124.04
[See also. Wines, in general alphabet.]
Du Breuil {A.) Vineyard culture imp. and cheapened. 1867. 6133.05
Dui're {A.) Treatise on wine. See Thudichum {J. L. W.) and Du-
pre {A.) 6133.10
Flagg ( IT. J.) Three seasons in European vineyards ; vine cul-
ture : wine making and wines, wine drinking. 1869. 6133.06
Fuller {A. S.) Grape culturist. 6th ed. 1865. . . . 6133.03
Grant {C.W.) Manual of the vine. lona, N. T., 1863. 8° 6133.12
Haraszthy {A .) Grape culture, wines, and wine-making.
1862 6133.04
Husmann {G.) Cultivation of the native grape, and manufacture
of American wines. 1868 6133.07
Loubai {A.) American vine dresser's guide. [Fr, and Eng. texts.]
New ed. 1872 6133.09
Mead {P. B.) American grape culture and wine-making.
1867 6133.08
Strong { W. C.) Culture of the grape. 1866 6133 01
Thudichum {J. L. W.) and Dupre {A.) Treatise on wine : viticul-
ture, etc. 1872 6133,10
Wilder {.\f. P.) Culture and products of the vine. [Paris univ.
exhi'j. Reports, v. 5 ] 3915.13
■^ould {J. S.) Grasses and their culture. [In'N.Y. Slate agr. soc.
Trans, for 1869, pp. 191-402 6114.16
*Lowe{B.J.) Natural history of British grasses. 1868. 4916.11
Woodward {G. E. and F. W.) Graperies and horticultural build-
ings. 1866 6133.0a
Insects Injurious to Veg3tation.
[See also. Insects, in general alphabet.]
Curtis {J.) Farm insects : Great Britain and Ireland. 1860. 4828.02
Emmons {E.) Agr. of New York, V. 5. Injurious insects. [Nat.
hist, of the state.] 1718.17
Filch {Asa\. Reports on insects, etc. [iV. Y. Agr. soc. Trans, v.
16, eh:.] 6113.15
Glover {T.) Food and habits of beetles. [U, S. Agr. report for
1868.] 6116.07
Harris {J. W.) Iiisects, injurious, etc. New ed. by C. L. Flint.
1862 4823.01
Kollar { V.) Treatise on insects, injurious, etc. 1840. . 4822.18
Hind {II. }'.) Insects injurious to the wheat crop. 1857. 6124,10
Motscltul.iki/ {V.) On the means of destroying grasshoppers. [Sm.
report, 1858 ] 3936 13
Packard {A. S.) Insects, injurious, etc. 1869. . . . 4823 13
Taylor {A. S.) Grasshoppers and locusts of America. [Sm. rep.
1858.] 3938.13
rriinWc (/./>.) Insect enemies of fruit aud fruit trees 1865 4828.01
Vallum {E. I'.) Wingless grasshopper of Shasta and Fall River
valley, Cal. [Sm. rep. 1660 ] 3936,15
Landscape Gardsning.
Brooklyn. Prospect Park, l3t-13th annual report. 1861-73. 6125.16
Copelamt («. M.) Country life. 1859 6125.03
Downing (.4, J.) Treatise on gardening. 1841 1314.20
Elliott {F. R.) Popular deciduous and evergreen trees and stiruba.
for planting i 1 parks, gardens, cemeteries, etc. 1868. 6135.19
Kemp {E.) How to lay out a garden. 3858 6125.05
Kern {G. M.) Practical landscape gardening. 1855. . . 6125.06
Loudon {J. v.] Villa gardener. 1850. ...... 6125.01
Mitchell {D. G.) Rural studies, [anon.] 1837. . . . 6122.08
New York. Central Park. Annual report, 1-13, 1858-09. 6125.30
— Documents. 1858 6125.20
— Barillet {—). Explanatory notice of a desigu for the. N. Y ,
1858. 8° 6126.30
— /)Mcn';)(i<m of a plan for. "Greensward." N.Y.,1858. 8' 01'J5.20
— Plan for. •• Manhattan." [N. Y., 1858.] 8" . . . . 6125.20
— Department of public parU. lst-2d annual rep, 1870-71. 6125.34
Repton {11.) Landscape gardening. Edited by J. C. Loudon.
1840 6126.02
Robinson { W.) Gleanings from French gardens. 18(i9. 6132 17
— Parks, promenades, and gardens of Paris. 1869. . . 612508
Scott F. J ) Art of beautifying suburban home grounds.
1870 6125.
Smith {C. H. J.) Parks and pleasure grounds. 1852, . 6125.04
Weidcnmann {J.) *Beautifying country homes. 1870. . 1317.22
Molbarry Tree.
Cobb {J. H.) Manual of the mulberry tree, [and] Culture of silk.
1831 6133.17
[See also. Botany {Fungi.)]
Abercrombie {J.) Garden mushroom, its culture, etc. 1802. 6121.16
Robinson {W.) Mushroom ciUture. 1870 6121.14
Fulton {J. A.) Peach culture. 1870 6135.28
Quinn {P. T.) Pear culture tor profit. 1869. . . . 6135.27,16
Tegetmcier {W. B.) Pigeons: their varieties and management.
1868 6137.23
Arbuthnct {lion. Mrs.) The henwife. 1868 613120
Burnham {G. P.) History of the hen fever. 1855. . . 6134.21
Bumham {G. P.) New poultry book. 1871 6134.25
Dixon (E. S.) Ornamental and domestic. 1859. . . . 6134.23
I)oy:eiy.) nluBlrated book of domestic. 1S57. . . . 6134. 2J
— Sami-. New ed. 1873 6137.21
Edwards [K. H) How the French make fowls pay. 1871. C134 26
T^getmf.ifr {W. B) Poultry book. 1867 6137.22
Wrigkt (/..| The Brahma lowl. 1873 6134.28
— Practical poultry keeper. 1869 6134.21
Saed GroTwiiig.
llrClKF.) Farm Kardening and seed qrowiug. 1872.. . 6123.18
Ilrown{W,) British Bhoep farming'. 1870 6134.09
Uorreli (L. A.) American shepherd. 184G 6134. U4
liandall [H. S.) Fine wool sheep husbandry. 1863. . . 6134.03
Jieid { \V.) Sheep ; history, management, diseases, etc.
1871 6134.12
S'nUliey {T) Colonial wools. 1848 6134.18
Waiton ( ir.) The alpaca ; its naturalization in the British Isles,
etc. 1844 6134.17
Stc also. Wools, in the general alphabet.
Hyde (J. F C.) The Chinese sugar-cane. 1837. . . . 6134.12
Stewart {F. L.) Sorghum and its products ; with a new method
for making sugar and syrup. 18G7 6124.07
Stock and Domestic Animals.
[See Veterinary Medicine, iu general alphabtt.J
Allen {L.F.j American cattle. N. Y 1808 6134.11
CamerDti (C. A.) Stock feeder's mauual, chemistry of food, etc.
1872 6123.17
Darwin {C.) (Jood effects of inter-crossing 4914 16
DuOsi^n (J. R.) The ox : his diseases and treatment. "With essay
on parturition in the cow. 2d ed. 1872 6134.27
Davy (J T.) Devon herd book. v. 1-2 in 1. 1855. . . 6136 U9
Eyton (T. C.) Herd book of Hereford cattle, v. 2-3 ; v. 4 [by T.
Duckham J 3 v. 1853-5'J 6136.02
Gamgee {J.) Our domestic animals in health and disease. 4 v.
1869 6134.13
Contents : v. 1. Organs of digestion : their functions and
disorders, v. 2. organs of circulation and respiration.
V. 3. Organs of secretion : urinary system, ils function and
disorder. Cutaneous system, its fuuctioua and disorders.
Epizootic and Enzootic maladies, v 4. Enzootic disorders,
functions and diseases of the nervous system. The art of
slioeiug, and lameness.
Hazard ( ir. r.) The Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey cow.
1872 6134.19
Jacques (D. H) The bam-yard : a mauual of cattle, horse, and
sheep husbandry. 1866 6134.05
Low (/>.) On the domesticated animals of the British Islands ;
{the goat, sheep, ox. hog. horse, dog] : and the principlep
and practice of 'breeding 1845 6134.06
M'Combie {W.) Cattle and cattle. breeders. 1869. . . . 613i.lo
Wames (J ) Fattening ot cattle with native produce ; box. feed-
ing and aummer-graziug. 2d ed. 1847. . . . 6124 26
Toualt ( It'.) and Martin (C. L.] Cattle ; their breeds, diseases,
etc. 1851 6134.02
/ Stra'wberry Gardening.
^Barnard (C) The strawberrj- garden. How it was planted—
what it cost — what came ot it huaucially and sentimentally.
1871 6133.18
Sugar Caae and Sugiu--yieldiiig Plants.
Porter {G. R.) Sugar cane ; its culture and manufacture. 2d ed.
1843 6124.23
Pringie {H.) Sugar planters of Jamaica. 1869. 6926.14
Real ( W.) History of sugar and sugar-j ielding plants. 18G6. 6124.'i3
Wray (i.) Practical sugar planter. 1S48 6124.24
Harris {/.) On the pig. Breeding, rearing, etc. 1870. . 6134.08
£a^Z (5.) Cultivation and manufacture of tea in China. 1848. 6124.30
Ltes{W.N.) Tea cultivation. A leview. 1863. . . . 61'24.29
Tsiology ; a discourse on tea. [anon.\ 1827 6124.31
Vegetable Gardening.
{See also. Farming and Gardening.]
Brill (F,) Farm gardening and seed growing. 1872. . 6123.18
Burr {F..jr,) Field and garden vegetables. 1863. . . 6124.01
— Garden vegetables, and how to cultivate them. 1866. 6124.01
Walkhoff{L.) Cultivation of the beet for sugar. [In i^. r. Stale
agr. soc. Trans. 1871, pp. 125-272.] 6114.18
[See alsrt. Cereals, above.]
Hind [H. T.) Essay on the insects aiid diseases injurious to.
1857 61-24.10
Wheat ; its history, characteristics, etc. [anon.] . . . 6124.09
g^S* Consult afso, iu the general alphabet. Architecture.
{Rural] ;— Arts (Useful : Beet rout sugar ; Cotton ; Urainage ;
Fibrous Materials ; Sewage; Wools);— "BoXany {various head-
ings) i^Chemistry ;— Coffee ; — Horse ;— Namral History ;
— Tobacco ; — Veterinary medicine.
Agrlppa (Heinrioh Cornelius). The vanity of arts
and sciences. London, 1694, 16', . . 2512.19
For Uves of \., see Biography.
Agripp jia. See B ography.
Aguecheek ^Ve Fairbanks (Charles B.) . . 943.16
Aguilar (Gaspar de). El meroator amante, [7n Ochoa
(E dei.Tesoro, e/c. v. 1. 1828]. . . . T'ilo.ll
Aguilar (Grace). Women of Israel 2 v. New York,
1853. 12^ 3513.12
See also. Fiction class-list.
Aguirre (Lope de). bimon (P.) Exped. of A. in
search of El Dorado and Omagua, 1560. Introd.
by C. K. Markham. [Hakluyt soc. 1861.] 567.13
Ahimau Eezon. See Mackey (A. G.) . . 5836.15
Ahmed Khan Bahadur (Syed). Essays on the life of
Mohammed, v. 1. London. 1870. 8^ 3115.32
AJin (Friedrich). New method of learning the Ger-
man language, with prommciation , corrections,
by J. C. Oehlschlager. First course : practical
part. New York, 1865. 8= 6421.10
Aids to faith ; a reply to "Essays and reviews." Ed.
by W. Thomson. New York, 1862. 12^ 3547.0G
Contents : On miracles, by H. L. Mansel ; On the study
of the evidences, by W. Fitzgerald ; Prophecy, by A.
McCaul ; On ideology and subscription, by F. C. Cook ;
The Mosaic record of creation, by A. McCaul ; On the au-
thenticity of the Pentateuch, by G. Rawlinson ; Inspira-
tion, by C. H. Browne ; The death of uhrist, by W. Thom-
son ; Scripture and its interpretation, by C. J. EUicott.
Aids to reflection. See Coleridge (S. T.) 5025.04
Aikiu (John, J/. D.) Chantcter and services of John
Howard. Loudon, 179'2. 16' 3083.12
— Essay on song-writing ; with coU. of English songs.
New ed. , with supplement, by It. li. Evans.
London, 1810. 8' 1612.03
— Lectures on English poetry. 2d ed. London, 1807.
16° 1612.01
— Select works of the British poets. With prefaces.
Philad.'lphia, 1831. 8' 1612.02
— and others). General biography, or lives of the most
eminent persons. 10 v. L. , 1'798-1815. 4^ 3228.01
Atkin (John). Calendar of nature. [In Ho-witt {TJL)
Pictorial calendar, 18.54.] 6218.28
Aikin (Lucy). Life of Joseph Addisort 2v. London,
1843. 8'= 3012.15
— Same. PhUadelphia, 1846. 12° 3012.20
— Memoirs of the com-t of Elizabeth. London, 1869.
12° 30.54.12
— Memoirs of the court of James I. 2 v. London,
1822. 8°. 3087.12
— and Channing (W. E. ) Correspondence, from 1826 to
1842. Ed.byA.L. Le Breton. B., 1874. 12°. 3034.16
Aikin (M. ) Memoirs of reUgious imposters, from the
seventh to the nineteenth century. London,
1821. 12° 3452.12
Aikmaa (William). Life at home ; or, the family
and its members. New York, 1870. 16°. 3513.15
Aimard (Gvistave). Aventuriers (Les). Paris, 1864,
12= 7011.11
— Balle-Franche. Paris, 1861. 12°. . . . 7011.12
— Cherchetur (Le) de pistes. Paris, 1858. 12°. 7011.13
— CurumiUa. Paris, 1860. 12° 7011.14
— Franco-tireurs (Les). Paris, 1861. 12°. . 7011.15
— Loi (La) de Lynch. Paris, 18.59. 12°.. .7011.16
— Main-ferme (La). Paris, 1862. 12°. . . 7011.17
— Pirates (Les) des prairies. Paris, 1858. 12'. 7011.18
— ZeuoCabral. Paris, 18G4. 12-- .... 7011.19
j8iS" For his novels in English, see Fiction class list.
Ainslie (Herbert), pseud. See Maitland (Edward).
AiusUe (\Vhitelaw). Climate of ludia. [In Murray
(H.) British India, V. 3.] 101'2.05
Ains^orth (WiUiam F. ) Travels in the track of the
ten thousand Greeks ; being a geogr. and descrip-
tive account of the expedition of Cyrus and of the
retreat,as related by Xeuophon. L., 1844. 8'. 4'23.'30
— Geogr. commentary. See Xsnophou. Anabasis.
{Bohn) 423.05
Ainsworth (William Harrison). Ballads, romantic,
fantastical, humorous. lllus. by Sii' J. Gilbert
London, 1872. 16' 1612.24
For his novels, see Fiction.
In asking for books, use the ' Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBEB.
Air. Peltenkqffer {Max von). Relations of the au-
to the clothes we wear, the house, aud the soil.
Abridged by A. Hess. 1873 4323.31
See also, Arts ( Useful: Aeronautics) ; — Chemistry; — Medi-
cine {Air) ; — Meteorology ;— Physics.
Air-passages. .See Medicine.
Airs of Palestine. ,See Pierpont (Johnl. . . 167G.04
Airy (George B. ) Ou magnetism. L.,1870. 12^ 4027.24
— On sound and atmospheric vibrations, with the
mathematical elements of music. London , 1868.
12°. 4025.28
— Popular astronomy. Lectures. New ed. revised.
London, 1866. 16^ 4013.08
— Undulatory theory of optics. New ed. London,
1866. Vr 402.5.27
Airy(0.) Geometrical optics. L., 1870. 16'. 4025.29
Aitken (Williaml. The science and practice of medi-
cine. 6th ed. 2v. London, 1872. 8^.4315.11
Aitzema (L. de). Extracts rel. to New Netherland.
lln N. Y. hist. soc. CoU., 2d ser., v. 2.] . 615.07
Akakia (Le docteur), pseud. Diatribe. See Voltaire
(F. M. A. de). (Eavres. v. 39, 1831. . 5084.06
Akbar, {emperor of Hindustan.) Abu-l-Fazl. Ayeen
Akbery ; or, tlie institutes of the emperor Akber.
Fromthe Persian, by P. Gladwin. 2 v. 1800.
4° 5617.02
A Kempis. Nee Thcmas a Kempi.'.:
Akeiiside (Mark). Poetical works. Ed., with a life,
by A. Dyce. Boston, lS5i. 16°. . . . 1612.04
^''onlents : Life, by A. Dyce. Pleasures of imagination.
Odes. Hymu to the Naiads, etc.
— S;ime. London, 1845. 16° 1611.01
— Select poems. Ed. by R. Walsh. [British poets,
V. 2s. 1822.] 1691.28
— Poems. Life, by S. Johnson. [Chalmers (A.)
English poets, v. 14. 1810.] . . . .1626.14
For lives of A., see Biography.
Akerly (J., ed.) Voltaire and Rousseau against the
atheists. New York, 1855. 12°. . . . 3616.05
Akemian (John Yorke). Ancient coins of cities and
princes, — Hispania, Gallia, Britannia. London,
1846. 8° 1585.15
— Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. London,
1856. 8° 1.585.16
— Introductioa to the study of ancient and mod-
em coins. London, 1848. 16. . . . 1581.03
— Notes ou the hist, of the bayonet. [Archaeologia,
V. 38. I860.] 5128.
— Tradesmen's tokens, current in Loudon, 1648-72.
London, 1869. 8° 1585.08
Akers (Elizabeth). .See Allen (Eliz. Akers). . 1612.05
Akhlak-i-Jalaly. Practical philosophy of the Muham-
madan people ; from the Persian of Jany Muham-
mad Asaad. By W. F. Thompson. London,
Orient. Ir. fund, lS3d. 8° 7816.09
Akhtak-iMtihsini, or, the morals of the beneficent.
From the Persian of Husain Viaz Kashiti. Hert-
ford, 1850. 8° 7813.13
Al- . For Arabic names with this prefix look iinder the
letter following Al- .
Alabama (State of ). See Countries, etc.
Alabama (Steamer).
— Semmes {R.) Cruise of the. 1864 613.21
Alabama claims.
— Beaman {C. C, jr.) The "Alabama claims" and
their "settlement." 1871 5613.16
— Gushing (C.) Treaty of Washington: its discus-
sions, e(c. 1873 5613.17
— Oj^icift; docnmeuts. [7/i United States. 41 Congress,
1st sess.' Kn. doe. v. 2-6 (No. 11), 1870.]
See also Geneva arbitration, 1872.
Alabaster (Henry). The modern Buddhist ; views of
a Siamese minister of state on his own and other
religions. London, 1870. 12°. . . . 3528.04
— The wheel of law. Buddhism illus. from Siamese
sources, by the modern Buddhist, a life of Buddha,
and an account of the Phrabat. L.,1871. 8°. 3528.07
Alcjrcon (Hernando). Voyage in the giilfe of CaUfor-
nia, 1540. [In Hakluyt (R.) Voyages, v. 3.
1810 916.17
Alaska. See Countries.
Alb.an (E.I High-pressure steam engine. Tr. by W.
Cole. London, 1848. 8° 3926.11
A'.bane(P. ) Flamen. [/nRev. desdeuxmondes, v. 56.]
— Le p^chd de Madeleine. [In v. 50. ]
— Souci. [In V. 50.]
Albania. *'ee Countries.
Albaus (St.) Chronica Monasterii. 1272-1422. Ed.
by H. T. Riley. 2 v. London, 1863-72. 8°. 5141.
Albany, N. Y. .See Countries, places, etc.
Albany Evening Journal almanac. 1866-75. 15 v.
Albany, 1861-75. 12° 6742.15
Albany. Young men's association. Catalogue of
library. Albany, (N. Y.) 1853. 8°. . 2714.12
— Annual report. 22d-42d. Albany, 1855-73. 8°.
Albany Zouave Cadets. [Account of an excursion to
Rochester in October 1865, and reception by the
Rochester Union Blues.] A., 1866. sm. 4°. 4516.05
Albemarle (George Thomas Keppel, 6th earl of). See
Keppel (G. T. )
Alberger (J.) Monks, popes, and their political in-
trigues. Baltimore, 1871. 12°. . . . 3424.15
Albert, Prince Confiort of England. Speeches and ad-
dresses. With some outline of his character,
London, 1862. 8° 6315.01
For lives of prince A., see Biography.
Albert Nyauza. .See Countries. {Africa.)
Albertuccio della Viola. Canzone. [In Rossetti
(D. G.) Early Italian poets.] . . . .1683.10
Albigenses. See BibLcal and religious literature.
( Waldenses and Albigenses. )
Albinus. Introd. to the Dialogues of Plato. [7n
Plato. Works V. 6. L., Bohn, 1848. 12°.] 5415.22
Alboize (Edouard) and Maquet (A ) Les prisons de
I'Europe. 8 v. in 4. Paris, 1845. 8°. . 5828.15
Album des pavilions. See Le Gras (A.) . . 4518.14
Albuquerque (Alfonso d'). Exjiloits in India, 1510-
1.5. [/n Green (.L) Coll. of voy., v. 1.] 935.09
Alcedo y Bexeirano (Antonio de). Geographical and
hist, dictionary of America and the West Indies.
Additions, by G. A. Thompson. 5 v. Loudon,
1812. 4° 1136.01
Alcestis. .See Plays.
Alchemy. See Occult sciences.
Alcherius (Johannes). See Archeriua (J.)
Alciuous. Introd. to the doctrines of Plato, [/u Plato.
Works, -Bo/in, v. 6.] 5415.22
Alciphron, a poem. See Moore (Thomas). . 1663.11
Alciphron ; or the minute philosopher. See Berke-
ley (George).
Alcoba9a. See Beckford (W.) Excursions to the
monasteries of. 1835 985.21
Alcock ^Sir Rutherford). Capital of the Tycoon ;
three years in Japan. 2v. N. Y., 1863. 12°. 1022.05
— Life's problems. 2d fed. London, 1862. 16°. 3513.22
Alcohol. See Arts ( Useful : Liquors) /—Chemistry ;—
Medicine {Stimulants);— lempsiaacs question ;
— and various Encyclopaedias.
Alcoran. See Koran.
Alcott(A. B.) Concord days. B., 1872. 16°. 2512.18
Contents : Diaries, My house. Outlook, Thoreau, Emer
son. Recreation, OenealoKiea. Scholarship, Carlyle, Conv&r-
sation, and many other short essays.
— Tablets. Boston, 1868. 12^ 2512.17
Contents: Book I.— Practical. The garden. Recrea-
tion. Fellowship. Friemlship. Culture. Books. Coun-
sels. Book U..— Speculative. Instrumentalities. Mind.
Oene..*is. Metamorphoses.
See Peabody (E. P.) Record of a school, [taught by A.
B. A.] 5512.'28.
Alcott (L. A.) Hospital sketches. B., 1863. 16°. 642.21
— Same. Boston, 1869. 16° 642.25
For other works of this author, see Fiction.
Alcott (W. A. .1/. D.) Forty years in the wilderness
of pills and powders. Boston, 1859. 12°. 4321.01
— Lectures on life and health. B., 1853. 12°. 4321.02
— Letters to a sister : or, woman's mission. Buffalo,
1850. 12° 3511.19
— Vegetable diet. New York, 1853. 12°. . 4321.01
— Young mother, or, management of children. 2d ed.
Boston, 1836. 16° 4331.15
Alden (Joseph). Elements of intellectual philosophy.
New York, 1866. 12° 5411.03
Aldeu (Joseph!, continued.
— Science ot government in connection with American
institutions. New York, 1870. 12°. . 5723.15
Alden {Hev. Timothy). Memorabilia of Yarmouth.
[/n Mass. hist soe. CoU. v. 5, 1795.] . G51.05
Alder (Joshua) and Hancock (Albany). Monograph
of the British nudibranchiate mollusca : with
figures. London, Eay society, ISUo. fol. 4749.01
Aldersey (Charles). Voyage to lerusalem and
Tripolis, 1581 ; to .\lexandria and Cairo, 1586. [In
•Hakluyt, t. 2, ISlO.] 916.16
Alderson (Sir J.) On sea-sickness. London, 1872.
IG^ 4351.08
Aldershot, and all about it. Mrs. Young. 1857. 952.02
Aldine (The), a typographical art journal. 3 v. New
York, 1871-73. fol.
Aldine editions. lienouard {A. A.) Annales de I'im-
primerie des Aide. 3 v. 2e e'd. 1825. 2765.06
— Serie dell' edizioni Aldine. [1491-1595.] 3a ed.
[Notizie letterarie intorno ai Maniizj]. [anon.]
Firenze, 1803. 16' 2761.08
See Nouvelle biogr. g6n., v. 33 : 288, etc, ; also. Printing.
Aldrich (T. B. ) BaUad of Babie Bell and other poems.
New York, 1857. 12° 1612.06
— Bells (The) : a collection of chimes. New York,
1855. 12° 1612.10
— Cloth of gold, and other poems. [Friar Jerome's
beautiful book, Babv BeU, Judith, Interludes.
Sonnets.] Boston, 1874. 12= 1612.29
— Course of true love never did run smooth, [a poem].
New York, 1858. 16° 1612.09
— Pampinea and other poems. N.Y., 1861. 16°. 1612.08
— Poems. New York, 1863. 32° 1612.07
Aldus Manutius. See Manuzio.
Ale : in prose and verse. By Barry Gray and John
Savage 161.11
Alemdar Mustafa Pasha. Short history of. [in Ori-
ent, tr. fund. Miscel. trans., v. 2. 1831.] 7818.16
Aleutian Islands. 6'ee Countries. (Alaska.)
Alexander //le Great. See Biography, (rndicidual.)
Alexander I. , of i?«ssia. i'ce Biography. {Indioidual.)
Alexander, bishop of Alcrandria. Fragments. Tr.
by J. B. H. Hawking. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°.
[Ante Nicene Chr. lib. v. 14.] .... 3467.17
Contents : Epistlea of the Arian heresy. Two fracmenta
against the Arians. On the soul and body and the Passion
ot" the Lord.
Alexander, bishop of Lycopolis. Writings. On the
tenets of the Manichaaans. Tr. by J. B. H. Haw-
kiais. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. [Ant3 Nicene Chr.
Ubr. V. 14.] 3467.17
Alexander (Archibald, D. D.) A history of coloniza-
tion on the western coast of Africa. 2d ed.
Philadelphia, 1849. 8° 5833.08
Alexander (C. A.) Origin and history of the Eoyal
society of London. [Sm. rep., 1863.] .3936.18
Alexander (Charles C.) Concrete bomb-proof. [/»i
Royal engineers. Papers, v. 1. 1844.] 3918.17
Alexander (Edward). Testimony of the monthly
meeting of [Friends] concerning E. A. Dublin,
1827. 8°. 3586.U9
Alexander (H. C.) The life of J. A. Alexander. 2 v.
New York, 1870. 8° 3013.24
Alsxandsr (J.) The Jews : their past, present, and
future. London, 1870. 16° 3411.11
Alexander (James). Monetary decimals. [In Nat.
assoc. soc. science. Trans. 1863.] . . 5815.08
Alexander (Hir James E., ed.) Sahnou fishing in
Canada. By a resident, [anon.] London, I860.
8° 4626.08
— Sketches of Portugal during the civil war of 1834.
["Waldie Library, v. 5. ] 5078. 19
Alexander (James W.) Discourses on topics of chris-
tian faith and practice. N. Y., 1S58. 8°. 3513.19
Alexander (Joseph Addison). Acts of the apostles ex-
plained. 2 V. New York, 1861. 12°. . 3755.08
— Gospel according to Mark explained. New York,
1861. 12° 3754.07
— Gospel according to Matthew explained. New
York, 1861. 12° 3751.01
— Isaiah, tr. and explaluod. 2 v. New York, 1851.
12° 3733.13
— Notes on New Testament literature. New York,
1861. 12° 3413.09
— Psalms, trans, and explained. 3 v. New York,
1862. 12° 3732.10
Alexander (John Henry). Googr. researches, 1847-8.
[In Amer. assoc. Proceed., v. 1, 1849.] 3946.01
Alexander (Stephen). Fundamental principles of
mathematics. Some phenomena dependent upon
the progressive motion of light. [Amer. assoc.
Proceed., v. 1, 1849.] Extension of Bode's law.
[v. 4, 1851.] Some special analogies in the phe-
nomena of sight and touch. Atmospheric envel-
opes of Venus, etc. Origin of some clusters of
stars, c(c. [v. 6, 1852.] Suggestions rel. to the
observ. of the solar eclipse of May 26, 1854. [v.
8, 1854.] 3946.07
— Relations of time and space. [Sm. rep., 1861.] 3936.16
— Vastness of the visible creation. [Smithsonian rep. ,
1857.] 3936.12
Alexander (S. D. ) Princeton College daring the
18th century. New York, 1872. 8°. . 5518.19
Alexander (Win., D. D.) History of women. 2 v.
London, 1782. 8° 5824.05
Alexander (Wm. ) • Picturesque representations of
the Chinese. London, [1814.] 8°. . .6525.18
Alexander (5i?- Wm., earl oj Stirling). Select poems.
[Sanford (E.) British poets, v. 4. 1819.] 169L04
— Poems. With life, by A. Chalmers. [Chalmers
(A.) English poets, v. 5. 1810.] . . 1626.05
For biogr. notices of A., see Biography.
Alexander (Wm., bp. of Dtrry aiul Jinphoe). Victor
Hugo as a poet. [In Afternoon lectures, v. 2.]
Matthew Arnold's poetry, [v. 4, 1867.] Specimen
of atransl. of VngU. [v. 5. 1869.] . . 2512.20
Alexandre [A.. ) The beauties of chess : a collection of
the finest chess problems. L., 1846. 1.8°. 4618.19
— Encyclopedie des (Schecs. P., 1837. obi. fol. 1466.23
Alexandria, Egypt, See Countries. (Egypt.)
Alexandria, Va. National cemetery. KoU of honor.
No. 4. Names of soldiers buried. Wash., 1866.
8°. [United States. q,aar. master gen,] 633.10
Alexandria (Va.) canal Potomac aqueduct. TurnbuU
( W. ) Reports on the construction of the piers.
1835-40 3927.32
Alexandrian Library. Delepiare (U.) Hist, difficul-
ties. 1868. p. 31-40 2521.27
Alexandrian school of philosophy.
— Witt (J. G. ) Mutual influence of the christian doc-
trine and the school of A. 1862. . . .3624.15
— Kingsley (C.) Hypatia, [a novel]. . . . 221.71
.•Vlexandria and" her schools. [ With his Sir Walter
Raleigh, etc.] 2534.06
See also, the writings of Jamblichus, Julian. Plotinus,
Porphyry, Clemens Alexandrinus, Origea : also. Biblical
and religious lit. [.Veo-plalonism) .—Philosophy (History) ;—
anrt article (with references) in M'Chntock and Strong'a
Cyclopffldia, v. 1.
Alfieri (Vittorio). Tragedie. Discorso, di P. Dal
Rio. Firenze, 1837. 8° 7318.03
— Tragedies ; from the Italian, by C. Lloyd. 3 v.
London, 181.5. 12° 1712.10
1. Phihp : PoUnices : Antigone ; Virginia ; Agamem-
non : Orestes.
2. Kosmunda ; Octavia ; Timoleon ; Meropo ; Mary
Stuart ; Conspiracy of the Pazzi.
3. Don Garcia ; Saul ; Agis : Sophonisba ; First Brutus ;
Myrrha : Second Brutus.
For lives of A , see Biography. See also Literature.
AUbrd (Henry). Chapters on the poets of ancient
Greece. London, 1841. 8° 1613.22
— Essays and addresses. London, 1869. 8°. 3513.20
Contents : The special education of the clergy. Preach-
ing. The Christian conscience. The uuiou of Christen-
dom in its home aspect. Charity, the end of the com-
mandment. Requisites of an education for the ministry.
The church of the future.
— Greek 'Testament. Revised text, and commentary.
4 V. in 5. London, 1856-62. 8°. . . . 3743.06
— How to study the New Testament : Gospels and
Acts of the Apostles. London, 1866. 18°. 3752.11
— Letters from abroad. [Italy.] L. , 1865. 16°. 972.18
In asking for books, use th6 " Book Orders," giving the AUTHOR'S NAMB. the first part ■)( the TITLE, and the NailBBR.
Alford (Henry), continued.
— Life, journals and letters. Ed. by Ma widow. 2d
ed. London, 1873. 8° 3011.25
— Plea for the queen's English. Stray notes on spe^ik-
ing and speUing. 2d ed. L., 18(55. 16°. 6423.24
;vro(e._Kepub. from Good words, v. 4, 1863. For an attack
upon it see Moon (G. W.) The Dean's English.
— Poetical works. Boston, 18.53. 16°.. . .1612.11
— State of the blessed dead. N. Y., 1874. 32°. 3513.06
Alfred the Great, king of England. Anglo-Saxon ver-
sion of Orosius. English transl. by B. Thorpe,
r With PauU (R.) Life, etc. ■ London, Bohn, 1852.
12°.] 3013.17
— Geography of the known world. From his tr. of
Orosius. [In Kerr (R.) Voyages, v. 1.] 914.08
— West-Saxon version of Gregory's Pastoral care, with
Engl, transl. , Latin text, and introd. ; ed. by H.
Sweet. L., 1871-72. 8°. [E. E. T. boc] 7914.05
— 'Whole works. With preliminary essays illustrative
of the history, arts, and manners of the ninth
century. 2 v. Loudon, 1858. 8°. . .5017.15
Contents : v. 1.— Harmony of the chroniclers during his life
k. D. 859 901, by Dr. Giles; Skutch of the Anglo-Saxon mint,
by J. Y. Ackerman ; Coins of King Alfred, by D. Uaigh : A
metrical English version of King Alfred's poems, by M. F.
Tupper ; History and political state of Eui'ope in tne 9lh
century, by T. Forester ; The Danes, by C. Hook ; King
Alfred's charters, tr. by Dr Giles ; King Alfred's will ;
Domestic manners of the Anglo-Saxons, by G. Soane; Traces
of the Danes in England, by T. Forester. V. 2.— English
translation ol King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius;
King Alfred's version of Bede. tr. by E. Thomson ; King
Alfred 8 version of Boelhms, tr. by Rev. S, Fox ; King Al-
tred'a Haud-book ; Essay on the geograpliy of King Alfred.
by E. T. Hampson ; Preface to the Anglo-Saxon version
of Gregory's pastoral care ; Modern English version of
King Alfred's Blossom-gatherings from St. Augustine ;
Laws of King Alfred ; Alfred's Preface to Gregory's Dia-
For lives of Alfred, see Biography.
Alfred: an heroic poem, ^'ee Cottle (.J.) . 1633.23
Alfriend (Frank H.) Life of Jefferson Davis. Cm-
cinnati and Chicago, 1868. 8° 3046. 19
Algge. .See Botany.
Algarotti (Francesco, Conte). An essay on painting.
London. 1764. 18° 1411.23
— Letters, military and political. From the Italian.
London, 17Si. 8° 451-4.14
Algebra. Nee Mathematics. (Algebra. )
Alger (Horatio, jr. ) iSee Fiction.
Alger (W. R. ) Address at the funeral of Rev. Stephen
LoveU. Boston, 1858. 16° 5012.09
— Charities of Boston ; Waireu-street chapel : address.
Boston, 1856. 8° 5012.09
— Critical history of the doctrine of a future life.
With bibUography, [by Ezra Abbot]. New York,
1866. 8° 3513.21
— Friendships of women. Boston, 1868. 1'2°. 5821.22
— Good Samaritans in Boston : tribute to Moses
Grant [Boston, 1862.] 12°. .... 501'2.09
— Poetry of the East. Boston, 1856. 16°. . 16r2.12
— Same. Poetry of the Orient. B. , 1874. 12°. 161'2.r2a
— Solitudes of nature and of man. Boston, 1867.
12°. 2512.07
Cr>n(«its: Solitudes of nature. Solitudes of man. Morals
of solitude. Sketches of lonely characters : Bei thoven,
Boethius. Bruno, Buddha, Byron, Chauning, Chopin,
Oicoro, Coleridge, Comte. Confucius, Dante. Demosthenes,
Descartes, Foster, Guerin (E. de), Guerin (M. de). Uegt-l
Hobbes. Jesus, Leibnitz, Leopardi. Lucretius, Milton. Pas
cal. Petrarch. Bobcrtsou, Rousseau. Schopenhauer, Shel-
ley. Tacitus, Tasso, Thoreiu, 'Vico, White (Blanco). Words-
worth, Zimmermann.
Algeria. See, CountrieB.
Alhambra (Thej.
— Irving {W.) Tales of the Alhambra. . . 215.£6
.See also works upon Spain.
Alhambra and the Kremlin. S. L Prime. 1873. 945.01
Ali (Syed Ameerl. Life and teachings of M .hammed.
London, 1873. 1'2° 3115.31
Ali Sher Kani. Tuhfatu-1 Kiram. {In Elliot (H.
M.) Hist, of India, V. 1,1867.] . . .1035.13
Alibsrt (J. L. ) Physiologic des passions. 2e ^d. 2. v.
BruxeUes, 1825. 8° 5433.12
Alice of Monmouth, an idyl. E. C. Stedman,
1864 1687.09
Alien and sedition laws of 1798. J^" Consult the in-
dexes of the Works of John Adams [501.3.10],
Thomas Jefferson [5045.09], James Madison
[.5U5'!. 04], Histories of the United States, and lives
of John Adams.
Aliens. 0)ckburn (Sir A. J. E.) Nationality; or the
law relating to subjects and. 1869. . . 5613.18
See also Lavt^. {International.)
AlighierL .See Dante Alighieri.
Aligny (Henry F. Q. d'). Mining and mechanical pre-
paration of ores. [In U. S. Paris e.rpoiiition,
1867. Reports, v. -4. ] Manufacture of beet sugar
and alcohol, and cultivation of sugar beet. Pre-
paration of food. Photographs and photographic
apparatus. History of the Atlantic cables. [ In
V. 5.] 3915.12 ; 13
Aliaon ( iieu. Archibald). Nature aiid principles of
taste. [Ed.] by A. Mills. N. Y., 1852. 12^. 5437.02
Alison {Sir Archibald). History of Europe [1774-
1815.] New ed. with portraits. 14 v. Edin-
burgh, 18-49-50. 8°. ....... 444,01
— Same. 4 v. New York, 1852-53. 8°. . . 446.01
— Same. From the fall of Napoleon to 1832. v. 19.
Edinburgh, 1854-59. 8° 444.15
— Same. 4 v. New York, 1855-60. 8°. . . 446.08
— Same. Atlas ; constructed by A. K. Johnston. Ed-
inburgh, 1855. obi. 8° 444.22
— Life of John, duke of Marlborough. New York,
1B48. 1'2°. 3037.04
— Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir Charles Stewart,
2d and 3d marq. of Londonderry. [1788-1854.]
Edinburgh and London, 1861. 8^. . . 3033.22
— Miscellaneous essays. Phila., 1852. 8^. . 2517.02
Contents : Chateaubriand ; Napoleon ; Bossuet ; Po-
land : Mme. de Stael ; National monuments ; Marshal
Ney ; Robert Bruce : Paris in 1814 : Louvre in 1814 ; Tyrol;
France in 18i3 ; Italy ; Scott ; Campbell and Byron ; Copy-
right question ; Michelet's France ; Military treason and
civic soldie s ; Arnold s Rome ; Mirabeau : Bulwer'a
Athens ; Reign of Terror ; FreuL-b revolution of 1830 ;
Fall of Tui-key ; Spanish revolution of 1820 ; Partition of
tlie Netherlands : Karamsin's Russia ; Desertion of Portu-
gal ; Carliflt struggle in Spain ; "Wellington ; Affghanistau
expedition ; The future ; Guizot ; Homer ; Dante, and
Michael Angelo.
— Principles of population. 2 v. Ed., 1840. 8°. 5914.01
Alison (Wm. P.) Etfect of poverty, etc., on public
health. [In Nat.onal association, social science.
Trans., 1858.] 5S15.02
All about it : or, history and mystery of common
things. 2d ed. Loudon, 1858. 16\ . . 3913.04
All round the world. P. GiUmore. 1871. . 933.11
AH round the Wrekin. [Rambles in England. ] W.
White. 1860 953.03
All the year round ; conducted by C. Dickens, v. 1-
20, 1859-68. London, 1859-68, 8°. . . 8019.01
— Same. New Series, v. 1-12. 1869-74. London,
1869-74. 8°. 8019.01
All Souls coll-ige, O.xford university. Burrows (M )
Worthies of 1874 483.18
All's well that ends well. See Shakspsre (W.)
Allah Elfendi (H. R. ) Thistle and cedar of Lebanon.
London, 1854. 8° 1052.06
AUais (Denis Vairasse d'). L'histoire des Si^varambes.
["Voyages imag. , V. 5.] 7027.05
— History of the Sevarambians. Tr. from the me-
moirs of Captain Sidea. [psewdort.] London. 1738.
8^ 5713.17
Allan (G.) Life of Sir Walter Scott. ["Waldie li-
brary], V. 6 of.' 5078.15
Allan (John). Journal and letters. [In Kidiei (F.)
Military op. in E. Maine. Alb. 1867. 8^.] 593.21
Allan (Peter John). Poetical remains, vrith biogr. Ed
by H. Christmas. London, 1853. 8°. . 1612.26
AUbutt (T. C.) On the use of the ophthalmoscope in
diseases of the nervous system and of the kidneys;
also in certain other general disorders. Loudon
and New York, 1871. 8°. 4341.20
Alleghania. Praises of American heroes. C. L. Pin-
dar, [pseud] 1888 1676.11
Alleghany Mountains. See Countries, places, etc.
Allegiance. See Government, p. ; also Iiavr
(International), p.
Allegories (Religious). See Biblical aud religious
literature, p.
AUegri See Correggio.
Allegro (L'l. See Milton (John).
Allelein-Hom. jSee Galton (F. ) Vacation tourists,
1860 925.11
Allen (0. B.) Treatise on cottage buildiug. London,
IVeale.lSal. 16° 1312.05
Allen (David 0. ) India ; ancient and modem. Bos-
ton, 1856. 8° 1035.08
Allen (Elizabeth Akers). [" Florence Percy. "] Poems.
Boston, 1800. ls° 1G12.05
— See Morse (0. A.) Vindication of the claim of M.
W. Ball to the authorship of the poem " Rock me
to sleep, mother. " 1673.15
Allen Ethan), ^>e Biography. ( Tndividudl.)
Allen (Frederic). Early lawyers of Lincoln and Kenne-
bec CO. [Ill Maine hist. so?. ColL v. 6.] 602.06
Allen (Prof. George). Life of Philidor, musician and
chess-player. Phila. 18G3. 12°. . . 3143.08
Allen (H.) Monograph of the bats of N. A. 1864.
[Smith. MisceL coll. v. 7.] 3935.17
— Outlines of comparative anatomy and medical zo-
ology. Philadelphia, 1869. 8°. . . . 4336.05
Allen (J. Adams). Medical examination for life in-
surance. 2d ed. Chicago, 1867. 8°. . 4327.11
Allen (Joel A.) Catalogues of tbe mamm:\Ls of Massa-
chusetts ; with a critical revision of the species.
[Museum of com. zoology Bulletin, v. 1.] 4736.19
— On the eared seals. (Otariadae), with detailed de-
scriptions of the North Pacific species. [Bulletin
of the Museum of com. zoology, v. 2.] . 4736.20
— On the mammals and winter birds of East Florida ,
with sketch of the bird faunoa of eastern North
America, [Bulletin of the Museum of compara-
tive zoology, v. 2.] 4736.20
AUen (Joseph, H. jV. ) Battles of the British navy.
[1190 to 1840.] 2 V. L., Bohn, 1852. 12°. 494.01
Allen (Joseph Henry). Hebrew men and times. Bos-
ton, 1863. 12° 3464.11
— Ten discour.ses on Orthodoxy. B., 1849. 12°. 3513.23
Allen (Joshua). Bill of mortality, Augusta, 1852-56.
lln Maine hist. soc. CoU. v. 5, 1857.] . 602.05
AUen (Julian). Autocracy in Poland and Russia. New
York, 1854. 12° 554.06
Alien (Louis F. ) American cattle : their hist. , breed-
ing, and management. N. Y., 1868. 12°. 6131.11
— Rural architecture. New York, 1860. 12°. 1314.18
AJlen (M. 0. ) History of Wenham, civil and eccle-
siastical, 1639-1860. Boston, 1860. 8°. 601.04
Allen (Nathan, M. D. ) Essay on the opium trade in
India and China. Boston, 1850. 8^ . 4334.39
— Law of human increase ; or, population based on
physiology and psychology. New York, 1868.
8° 4335.10
AUen ( Rev. N. G. ) Devotions of the ages, or collects,
texts and lyrics illustrative of the christian year.
Philadelphia, 1866. 16°. 3513.25
AUen (Paul). History of the American revolution.
2 V. Baltimore, 1822. 8°. 583.01
Note. — Written for him by John Neal and Mr. Watkins.
— History of the expedition under Lewis and Clark
across the Rocky Mts. 1804-6. 2 v. New York,
[n. d.] 18°. [H. F. L.] 1071.01
AUeu (R. H. ) New England tragedies in prose. 1.
The coming of the Quakers. 2. The witchcraft
delusion. Boston, 1869. 16° 3812.10
AUen (R. H. and Co. ) Catalogue of agricaltural and
horticultural implements, seeds and fertilizers,
and of improved live stock. 16th ed. New York,
1870. 8° 6135.05
AUen (R. S., M. D.) Analysis of mineral fountains at
Saratoga Springs, with their use. 3d ed. revised.
Saratoga Springs, 1853. 18° 4328.01
AUen (T. ) Explosibihty of coal oils. [Sm. report.
1861.] 3936.16
AUen (Thaddeus). An inquiry into the views, etc., of
the leading men in the orgiinization of the Ameri-
can Uni <-a. V. 1. [1774-77. No more pubUshed.]
Boston, 1819. 8° 583.25
AUen (William, card.) Defence of Sir Wm. Stanley's
surrender of Doventer, 1587 ; ed. hy F. Hevwood.
London, 1851. 4^ [Chatham soc. , v. 2.5. ] 5094.2-5
AUen (Wm.. D. D., pre.i. of Jioic:loiii college). Ac-
count of the exped. to Quebec, 1775. [/n Maine
hist. soc. Coll. V. 1.] 002.01
— 'American biographical dictionary. 3d ed. Boston
1857. 8^ 3247.01
AUen (William F.), Ware (Charles V.\ and Garrison
(Lucy McKim). Slave songs of the United States.
New York, 1867. 8° 15(54.04
AUeyn(Edwardi. CoUier(J. P.) Memoir of E. AUeyn.
1841 1756.01
AUeyn papers. With introd. by J. P. ColUer. Lon-
don, Shak. soc, 1843. 8° 1756.18
AUgememe deutsche Real-Encycloplidie. See Con-
AUibone (Samuel Austin). Critical dictionary of Eng-
lish Uterature and British and American authors.
3 V. Phila ielphia, 1859-71. 8°. . . . 2755.01
— Life of Alex. Henry. [/n Hunt (F.) American
merchants, v. 1.] 3214.10
— Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson.
Philadelphia, 1874. 8° 6217.20
Alliugham (Wm., ed.) BaUad book. Loudon, 1865.
li;° 1612.25
— Poems. Boston, 1861. 32°. 1612.13
AUison (Thomasi. Voyage from Archangel, 1697.
[Pinkerton's Voyages, V. 1.] .... 926.01
Allison. See also. Alison
Allix (Pierre). Reflections on the Holy Scriptures.
[/n Watson (R.) Theol. tracts, v. 1.] . 3621.03
Allman (George James). •Monograph of the fresh-
water polyzoa, British and foreign. London,
Ray soc, 1856. foL 4749.02
AUom (Thomas). 'China in a series of views. With
hist, and descript. notices by G. N. Wright. 4 v.
in 2. London, 1843. 4° 1026.08
— 'Constantinople and the scenery of the Seven
Churches of Asia Minor, illustrated. With hist,
account by R. Walsh, 2 v. L., 1849. 4^. . 997.17
AUouez (Claude). Voyage to tho lUinois ; notice of
A. by Shea. [In Shea (J. G.) Discovery of the
Mississippi vaUey. 1853.] 1125.01
Allsop (Thomas). Letters, conversations and recol-
lections of Coleridge, [aiion.} New York, 1836.
12° 3042.17
AJlsop. See also Alsop.
Allston (Washington). Lectures on art, and poems.
Ed. by R. H. Dana, jr. N. Y., 1850. 12°. 1411.01
See also Fiction ; also Biography.
Alma mater. See "Wright (J. M. ) . . . .5511.03
Almack (Richard, ed.) Papers relating to proceed-
ings in Kent, 1642-46. Londou, Caimlen soc.
Miscel. V. 3. 1855. 4° 5113.15
Almae matres. By Megathvm Splene. [J. C. Thom-
son.] Loudon, [1849.] 16° 5511.04
— De Morrjan (A.) The book of almanacs , with an it .
dex of reference by which the almanac may be
found for every year, whether in old style or new,
from any epoch, ancient or modern, up to A. D,
2000. Londou, 1851 6722.22
a^ For other works upon the calendar, see Calendar, in
general alphabet.
— Stickney (J/. A.) Several articles in Essex inst.
hist. coU. V. 8 605.10.
— Almanach comique. 1860. Paris, [n. d.] 16°.
— Almanach do Gotha. Gotha, 1861-74. 32°. 6721.21
— Albany Evening Journal almanac. 1861-75. Albany,
1861-75, 12°. . . , 0742.15
— -4merica)i aUnanac. 1830-61. 32 v. Boston, 1830-61.
12° 6722.01
iVbte.— Succeeded by National almanac, 1863, 64 ; and
American year-book, 1869.
— American ephemens or nautical almanac.
iVite.— For a notice of this work, see N. A. Rev., v. 101.
— American year-book. Ed. by D. N. Camp. v. 1,
1869. IXo more pubi] Hartford, 1869. 8°. 6723.01
— Boston almanac, 1839-74. 36 v. Boston, 1839-74.
'24°. • 6752.24
— British farmers' almanack, 1844-18. L., Gomp. of sin-
tioners, [;i. d] 12°. 6761. 2ff
In aakiug for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AU THOB'S NAME, the first part of tha TITLfi, and the NUMBER.
Almanacs, continued.
— British almanac and companion. 1828-74. 47 v.
London, [n. d.] 12' 6731.01
— Canada year-book and almanac. 1867-70. 4 v. in 1.
Montreal, 1867-70. 12° 6743.01
— fJmrcA almanac for 1865-66. N. Y., [n. d.] 18-.
— Churchman s family almanac 1862. N. Y., 1861. 18°.
— EivjlishTnan s almanack, 1829-42. London, Comp. of
stationers, [n. d.'\ 12° 6761.11
— Englishman's and family almanack, 1843-64. L. , Co.
of stationers, [ju d] 12° 6761.25
— Family almanack or annual compendium, 1842. L. ,
Co. of stationers, [n. d.] 12° 6761.21
— iTamiii/ and parochial almanack, 1835. L., Co. of sta-
tioners, [n. d.'i 12° 6761.17
— Jfarmfs' almanac, 1849. ByA. Mayuard. B., [ii.d.]
— Gardeners' almanack, 1844-64. L., Co. of stationers,
[n. d.] 12°. 6761.26
— Ocelestial Mas, or new Ephemaris, 1819-50. L., Cb.
of stalioni^s, \ii. d.] 12° 6761.01
— Oentlemen's diary, or mathematical repository. Lon-
don, Co. of stationers, [n. d.] 12°. . . 6761.01
— Farmers' calendar, 1843. London, Co. of stationers,
[n. d.] 12° 6701.25
— Haverty's Ii-ish-.\merican illus. almanac, 1871. New
York, 1871. 12°.
— Butchins improved : an almanac, etc. New York,
1818. In. d.] 16°.
— Illustrated cath. family almanac for U. S. , 1871. New
York, [n.d.] 12° 3424.09
— Illustrated pUgrim almanac, 1861. Boston, [n. d.] 8°.
■ — Knickerbocker's almanac, 1823. By David Young.
New York. [n. d] 12°.
— Zad,v'4- almanac, 1871. Boston, [n. d.] 24°. 6741.22
— Ladies' diary ; or woman's almanack, 1819-40. Lon-
don, Co. of stationers, [)i. d. ] 12°. . . 6761.01
— Ladies' and gentlemen's diary, 1841-64. London, Co.
of stationers, [«. d.] 12° 6761.23
— Mechanics' almanac, 1836-44. London, Co. of station-
ers, [n. d.] 12° 6761.18
— Medical almanac, 1835-43. London, Co. of stationers,
[n. d.] 12° . . . 6761.17
— Merlinus liberatus. By J. Partridge. 1819-64. Lon-
don, Co. of stationers, [n. d.] 12°. . . 6761.01
— ilfonireai almanack. 1846. Montreal,[n.d.] 24° 6761.28
— J/ortt>n's almanac for farmers. 1871. L. ,[ji. d.] 8°.
— Nast ( T. ) Illustratod almanac. 1873-75. New York,
[n. d.] 12' 6756.15
— national almanac and annual record. 1863-1864. 2 v.
Philadelphia, 1863-64. 12° 6722.20
— Neicfoundland almanac. 18S8. St. John's, 1867. 8°.
— A'eu) IVfc almanac. 1869-71. N.Y.,[/i.d.] 8°. 6754.09
— 'iVba) York Herald almanac. 1872-75. 4 v. New
York, [n. d.] 8° 6756.01
— 'New York Observer year-book. 1871-73. 3 v. New
York, [n. d] 8° 6747.01
— Old Franklin almanac. 1865. Phila., 1865. 8°.
— Old poor Robin, an almanac. 1819-28. London, Co.
of stationers, [ii. d.] 12^ 6761.01
— Oregon and Washington almanac. 1863. Portland,
(Oregon), [n. d.] 16°.
— People's military almanac. 1862. N. Y., [n. d.] 12°.
— Protes(a)i( Episcopal almanac. 1866. N.Y. ,1866. 16°.
— Public Led'ier almanacs. 1870-73. Philadelphia,
1873. 12° 6741.05
— iSad(ier's Catholic almanac and ordo. 1865,69,72, 74.
4 v. New York, 1865-74. 12°. . . . 3461.01
— Thom's Irish almanac and official directory of the
United Kingdom, 1869-70. 2 v. Dublin, 1869-
70. 8°. 6736.02
— Speculum anni. 1819-29. London, Co. of stationers,
[n. d] 12° ." . 6761.01
— Tradesman's and mechanic's almanack. l.'i30-35,
London, Co. of stationers, [n. d.] 12'. . 6761.12
— TribuJic almanac. 1856-75. N. Y.,[n.d] 12\ 6754.15
Note. — A contiuuation of the Whig almanac. [6754.14.]
— iJniiarinn congregational register. 1851, 54-58. Boa-
ton, [?i. d.] 12°.
— I/7iiuer?rt(i,5( companion, Blmanac,cJe. 1848,63. Phila-
delphia, 1848-62. 16°.
— Vox stellarum, or a loyal almanack. 1819-64. Lon-
don, Co. o/stadonera, [n. d.] 12°. . . . 676L01
— ir/di; almanac. 1849-.55. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. 6754.14
iVoie..— Name changed to Tribune almanac [6754.16].
~- Whitaker (J.) Almanack. 1870-75. London, [n.d]
12° . . 6712.17
— World almanac. [N. Y., 1870-75.] 12° . 6742.27
See also Annuals ;— Calendar;— Directories: — Registers;
— Year-books.
Alnwick Castle. See Halleck (F. G. )
A. L. O. E., pseud. .See Tucker (C.)
Alouso (J. F.) Elementary grammar and guide to
conversation for travellers in Spain. London,
1867. 16° 6423.07
Alpaca (The). W. Walton. 1844. . . . 6134.17
See also Agriculture. (Slicep.)
Alpenstock (The). C. J. Latrobe. 1829. . 983.02
Alpha, or, God in matter. T. Clarke. 1870. 3535.21
Alphabet (The). See Language ;-Printing ;- Writing.
Alphabets, ornamental lettering, etc.
— Brodie and Middleton's alphabets of ornamental writ-
ing, etc. 1871 1451.11
— Callinefham {J. ) Sign writing and glass embossing,
1871 1451.10
— Dearborn {N. S.) American text book for letters.
9th ed. 1869 1465.02
— Delamotte (F. 0.) 'Embroiderer's book of designs,
initials, alphabets, etc. 1860. . . . 1437.04
— ■ — 'Examples of modern alphabets, plain and orna-
mental. 1869 1437.05
•Media9val alphabets and initials for illuminators.
2d ed. 1864 1465.01
— Jones (0.) 'One thousand and one initial letters.
1864 1467.05
— Shaw (//. ) 'Hand-book of Mediaeval alphabets and
devices. 1836 1446.03
— Standard sign-writer, and letterer's companion.
[anon.-] 1437.02
See also Penmansiiip ; — Printing ; — Writing.
Alpine Club. Peaks, passes, and glaciers : excur-
sions by members of the Alpine club. 2d series.
Ed. by E. S. Kennedy. L., 1862. 8°. 983.21
Alps. See Countries. (Alps.)
Alsop (George). A character of the province of Mary-
land. Also treatise of the Indians of M. New ed.
Introd. and notes by J. G. Shea. New York,
1869. 8° 593.11
Alsop (Richards. Charms of fancy ; a poem. New
York, 185-6. 12° 1612.23
Alsop. See also Allsop.
Alston (J. W. ) Hints to young practitioners in land-
scape painting. Neutral tint. L.,1820. 8°. 1424.17
Alston. .See also Allstou.
Althaus (J. ) Treatise on medical electricity. 2d ed.
London, 1870. 12' 4333.18
Alto-swan; or life in the Rocky Mountains, [anon.] 2 v.
Ed. by J. Watson Webb. N. Y. 1846. 12°. 1124.04
Alured, Bp of Worcester. Voyage to Jeru.salem, 1058.
[In Keri- (R.) Voyages, v. 1., 1811 [914.08] ; and
Hakluyt (R.) Voyages, v. 2, 1810 [916.15].
Alvensleben (Max, baron von). With Maximilian in
Mexico. London, 1867. 16° 1152.13
Alviella {Count Goblet d'). Sahara and Lapland.
Travels in the African desert and the Polar world.
From the French, by Mrs. C. Hoey. London,
1874. 12°. 1083.23
Alvimart (O. d'). *Plctaresque representations of the
dress of the Turks, [anon.] L.,[1814.] 8°. 662.5.22
Alvord (Benjamin). Polar plant or sUphium lacinia-
tum. [In Amer. assoc. Proc, v. 2, 1850.] 3946.01
— Tangencies of circles and of spheres. [Sm. contrib.
v. 8. .] 3937.08
Alymere, and other poems. K. T. Conrad. 1852.
Amadis of Gaul. &e Lobeira (Vasco de). . 226.44
Amalgamation of ores. See Arts (Useftd : Melal-
Amari (Michele). History of the war of the Sicilian
vespers. Ed. by the earl of Ellesmere. 3 v.
Loudon, 1850. 8° 533.19
Amasis (Voyages oft. St. Pierre (J. H. B.de). 241.79
Amateur's rose book. S. Hibberd 6132.21
Amatsur dramas. See Baksr (George M.) . 1712.28
See also, Drama. (Parlor theatricals.)
Amateur mechanic's workshop ; including [turning],
casting, forging, brazing, soldering, and carpen-
try. Hy the author of the " Lathe and its uses."
London, 1870. 8^ 3923.06
Amateur's greenhouse. S. Hibberd. 1873. . 6132.19
Amaurosis. See Medicine. {Ki/e and itx diseases.)
Amazon Uiver. See Countries.
— Burton (H. F.| Notices of the so-called Amazons.
[In his G^Me, etc. 1861.] 1083.09
— Gnyon{C.M.) Histoire des Amazones. 1740. 5822.25
Ambassadors. See La'W. ( International laic.)
Ambrose (Mr.), pseud. See Kennedy (J. P.)
Ambrotypss. See Arts (Useful : Photoijraphy).
Ambulances. Bowditch (H. I. ) Brief- plea for an
ambulance system for the army of the United
States. 1863 634.23
Amelesagoras Chnlcedonius. Fragmenta. [In Mul-
ler (C.) Fragm. hist. Gr. , v. 2. Dldot.] 7765.10
Amergau. .See Anunsrgau.
Ameiuties of literature. .See D'Israeli (L )
America. See Countries.
America and her commentators. H. T. Tuckerman.
1861 1074.12
America before Eiurope. A. de Gasparin, 1862. 632.12
American. 6^ For many books relating to Amencan
travel, history, institutions, and statistics, see
Countries, {Ifnited Sfaies.) For American art,
see Fine arts ; for American biography, see Bio-
graphy ; for jUnerican literature, see Literatiu'e,
etc. J etc.
American adventure by Land and sea. [a?io/i.] 2 v.
New York, 1841. 18^ [H. F. L.] . .1164.03
American ahnanac. 1830-61. v. 1-32. Boston, 1S30-
61. 12^ 6722.01
iVoie.— The volumes for 1830, 18t9, and 1859 contain gen-
eral indexes to the previous ten years respectively. The
work was succeeded by the National alniaua-c, 18G3-64, and
the American, year-book, 1869.
American and Italian cantatrici ; or, a year at the
singing schools at Milan. By Lucius, [pseudon.]
Loudon, 1867. 12° 1562.15
American anecdotes. -See Hunt (Freeman). 6216.03
American angler's book. T. Norns. 1864. 4616.27
American annals. .s>e Holmes (Abiel). . . 576.01
American annual cyclopaedia and register of impor-
tant events. 1851-74. N. Y., Appletons, 1862-75. 8".
Note.— An index to v. 1-10 is in v. 10.
Americau annual register. 1826-27—32-33. 7 v. New
York, 1830-35. 8^ 8001.01
American antiquarian society. Archjeologia Ameri-
cana. Transactions and collections. v. 1-1.
Worcester and Boston, 1820-60. 8^=. . . .577.18
Contents : V. 1. Officers. Origin of the society. Henne-
pin (L.) Discovery of tbe Mississippi and adjacent country
by the Lakes. Account of La Salle's undertaking to discover
the Mississippi by way of the Gulf of Mexico. Atwater (C )
Antiquities in Ohio and other western states. Johnson (J.)
Present state of Indian tribes inhabiting Ohio. Fiske (M )
Ancient inhabitants of N. America. Alden (V.) Antiquities
and curiosities of western Pennsylvania Mitchell (3.)
Specimens of poetry and singing ot the Osages ; descrip-
tion o^ tbe mummy found in Kentucky ; original inhabi-
tants of America and Asia. Farnham (J. H.) Remarkable
cave in Kentucky. Wilkius (U.) Mummy found in said
cave. Sheldon (W.) Account of the Caraibs. Adams (B.)
Cave in Indiana. V. 2. Burnside i.S. M.) Memoirs of
Isaiah Thomas. Gallatin (A.) Synopsis of Indian tribes of
N. America. Gookin (D.) Christian Indians of New Eng-
land. Clinton (De W.) Leaden plate or medal, found near
the mouth of the Muskingum. Galindo (J.) Ruins of Co-
pan, in Central America. ClarUe (A.) Letter to P. S.
Du Ponceau. Davis {J ) Obituary notice of C C. Baldwin.
V. 3. Records of the company of Massachusetts Bay, to the
embarkation of Wiuthrop and his associates for New Eng-
land- Hull (John). Diaries. Folsom (G.) Memoir of
Tb. Lindall Winthrop Kinuicutt (T.) Memoir of John
Davis. Officers and mpmbers. V. 4. Orig. doc. illust. the
hist, of Raleigh's first Amer. colony, and the colony at
Jamestown. Wiugfield (E. M) '■ A discourse of Virginia "'
Josselyn (J.) New England's rarities discovered. Voyage
to Spitzbergen in 1613. Hale (E. E ) Life of Sir Ralph
Lane. Salisbury (S.) Notice of S. Jennisou.
— Catalogue of the Library. Wore, 1837. 8^.2715.21
Amsrican anti-slavery society. Annual report for
1860. [The anti-slavery history of the John
Brown year.] Now York. 1861. 8^ , . 3024.U
Americau archives, 1771-7n. .SV*- Force (P.) 588.01
American artisan, v. 10-17, 1870-71. 10 v. New
York, 1870-71. 4^
American artist's maunal. .See Cutbuah {3.) 3916.08
American association for the advancement of science.
Proceedings. 22 v. Salem, etc., 181'J-74. 8^. 3946.01
1. Meeting at Philadelphia. September, 1848. Browne (P.
A.) Notice of the fossil cephalopoda bt'lt^mnotjepia, 'be-
lemnite,' and of the diphosphate of iron, muUicito, found
together at MuUica Hill. Emmons (E.) Identity of the
atopa trilineatus and the triarthrus Beckei (green), with re-
marks upon the eliptocephalus asaphoide». Vaucleve (J.
W.) Fossil znbpbytts of weNtern Obio. Davis (C. H.)
Theory of the geolo;,'ical action of the tides. Agassiz (L.)
Fishes of Lake Superior. Tuomey (M.l Kfsults of observa-
tions in tho tt-rtiary region of South Carolina. Coffin (J.
H.) Winds of the northern hemisphere. Brown (A. and
Dickeson {.M. W } Sediment of the Mississippi river. Alex-
ander (S.) FundameuUil principles of matliematics. Alex-
ander (J. H.) Brief notice of geographical explorations and
researches, 1847, 48. Boye {M. H.) Compositiuu of the
Schuykill water Kellogg (0-) Remarkable geological de-
velopmeut in Elizabethtown, N. Y.: etc. etc.
2. Meeting at Cambridge. August. 1849. Secchi (A.) Au-
rora boreahs, Alvord (B.) The polar plant, or silphium
Ia»?iniatum. Lapbam (I, A ) Plants of Wisconsin. Agassiz
(L.) Structure of coral animals. Davis (C. H.> The prime
meridian. Hitchcock (E.) Kiver terraces of the Connecti-
cut valley, and erosions of the earth's sm-face. Bache (A.
D.) Progress of the coast survey. Walker (S. C.) Experi-
ence of the coast survey in regard to telegraph operations;
New analogy in the periods of rotation of the primai-y plan-
ets, discovered by D. Kirkwood. Jobnson (W. R.) On
some experimental determinations of the economic values
of British and American coals. Rogers (H. D.) Origin o(
the driit, and of the lake and river terraces of the United
States and Europe, with an examination of the laws of aque-
ous action connected with the inquiry. Jackson iC. T.)
Geology, mineralogy, and mines of Lake Superior. Hodge
{J. S.) Mineral region of Lake Superior. Cinyot (.\.) Er-
ratic phenomena of the White Mts. ; Erratic phenomena of
the Central Alps. Dana (J. D.) Trend ot islands and axis
of subsidence in tli« Pacific. Hunt (T. S ) Geology of
Canada. Marr (It. A.) Observations at the navy yard. at
Memphis, Apr.-July, 1849. Gould (B. A., jr.) On the
Gaussian tables ; On Kirkwood's analogy. Lovering (J.l
Curious phenomena relating to vision. Holton (I. F.) An
Americau prime meridian. Agasniz (L.) Structure and
homologies of radiated animals, with reference to the sys-
tematic position of the hydroid polypi. Girard (C.) Em-
bryology of planariffl. Agassiz (L.) Animal morphology ;
Differences between progressive, embryonic, and prophetic
types in the succession of organized beings through the
whole range of geological times. Gray (A.) Composition
of the plant by phytous, and some applications of phyl-
lotaxis. Peirce (B ) Mathematical investigation of the friic-
tions which occur in phyllotaxis ; etc. etc.
3. Meeting at Charleston. 1850. Officers, etc. Ravenel
(H. W.) Catalogue of plants inhabiting the vicinity of
the Santee canal. S. C. LeConte(J.) Exudationof ice from the
stems of vegetables. Kneeland (S .jr.) Characteristics of
the Hindoo skull : The manatus not a cetacean but a pacliy-
derm. Borden (G , jr ) Meat biscuit. Michel (M ) Re-
searches on the generation and development of the oppos-
sum ; with remarks by Agassiz and Bachman. Maury (M.
F.) Currents of the A't'.antic Ocean. Harvey (W. H.) Ma-
rine Flora of the Atlantic. Pourtales (F. de). Distribution
of the foraminiferse on tbe coast of New jersey ; On the
order of succession of parts in foraminiferie. Bachman (J.)
American species of putorius. Nott (J. C.) Examination
of the physical history of the Jews, in its bearings on the
question of the unity of the races. Agassiz (L.) Zoologi-
cal evidence for the diversity of tbe races ; Principles of
classification ; Morphology of the MedusuJ. Browne {P. A )
Microscopic examination of the pile of the head of Albinos.
Haupt (H.) Resistance of timber. Salisbury (J. H.) Proxi-
mate composition of parts of flowers of plants, and of the
plants themselves; etc. etc.
4. Meetiug at New Haven, August. 1850. Olmsted (D.)
Some points of electrical theory. Loomis (E.) Electrical
phenomena in certain houses. Adams (C. B.) Nature of
the species of terrestrial moUusca in Jamaica. Olmsted (D.)
Properties of a compound of lard and rosin. Loomis (E.)
Proper height for lightning rods. Schubert (E.) Vacialiona
in the fundamental star a Virginis. Olmsted iD ) Lata
periodical visitation of the aurora borea.is. Davis (C. H.)
Nautical almanac. Adams (C. B.) Changes of level in N.
Amer. during the drift period. Rogers (H. D.) Coal for-
mation of the U. S. . Gould (B. A., jr.) Velocity of the gal-
vanic current in the telegraph wires. Squier (E. G.) Vol-
canoes of Central Amer. Burnett (\V. J.) Utricles as the
pi-imordial forms of all animal tissues ; Relation of the dis-
tribution of lice to the different faunas. Jewett (C C.) Plan
for stereotyping catalogues by separate titles. Adams (C.
B.) Value of the shells of mollueca for distinguishing
species. Burnett (W. J.) Family of vibrionia (Ehrenberg)
In asking for books, use the "Book Orders," givinij the AUTHOR'S NAME, the flmtpartof the TITLE, a ad the NtJ.MBKR.
not animals but plants Hayes (A. A.) Assumed existence of am-
monia in the general atmosphere. Horstord (EN.) Ro at^n "f
the chemical constitution of bodies to taste (Hare B ) Whirl-
wind theory of storms. Webber (S.) SinRular growth of a pota-
to Girarrt (C ) Classification of neincrtes and plananae. cache
(A D 1 Discussion of tidal observations in connection with the
coast survey at Cat Island in the Gulf of Mexico. Loomis (E ) Op-
S moving figures. Rogers (W. B a^cl B. E.) Ataorpt.on of
carbonic acid by acids and saline solutions. Sliepard (C. D.) Se\-
eral new mineral species; New localities of Amer. mmerals.
Wurtz (H.) Av ilabilily of the green sand of N. Jersey as a source
of Ptieh.' Gibbes (L. R.) Use of the zenith telescope in the
determination of latitudes. Davis (C. H.) Solar eclipse of 1851.
'^ Meeting at Cincinnati, 1851. ^ ,. ,-r
Davis (CH.) Law of the deposit of the flood tide Foster (J.
ViVand -miltney (J. D.) Azoic systeiu, as developed in the Lake
^I'iertor tod dfstrict / Age of the sandstone of Lake Superior
Different systems of elevation which have given configuration to
North America, with an attempt to identify them with those of
Eiiropr^Agassiz (L ) Results of an exploration of the coral
Feefs of Florida, in counection with the coast survey ; Report
on the vertebrate fossils : Pourtales (L. F.) Holothnriffl and
«phy?ea of the Atlantic coast. Whittlesey (C.) Ancient human
skulls and other bones in a cave near Elyria, Lorain county,
OSuperfical deposits of the N, W. part ol the U. S.; Equiva-
lency of the rocks of N. E. Ohio, and the Portage, Chemung,
and Hamilton rocks of N. Y. Peirce (B ) Constitution of Satarn-s
™ng Bacho (A. D.) Use of the zenith telescope in determining
latitudes in the coast survey, by Talcott s method, and on the
reduction of the observations. Kirtland (J P.) On the sexes and
habits of some of the acephalous bivalve moUusca. Wurdemann
IW ) Modification of apparatus for the registration of tirne for
astronomical purposes. Harris (T. W.) HistoiT and nomenclature
of some cultivated vegetables. King (H.) Some remarks on the
geology of Missouri. Engelmann (G.) character of the vegetation
of S. W Texas. Yandell (L. P.) Distribution of the crmoidea in
"'fi "lertmg^at Albany, August, 1861. Bache {A. D.) Address.--
Mathematics. Paterson (J.) Relations between the square rooU
of negative quantities, and the principle of perpendicularity in
geometry.-Mechanics. Coffin (.I.H.) Proper measure of mechani-
?!il force Hunt (E. B.l Use of air as a medium for conveying
mLhanii^al powif.-Physios. Horsford (E, N.) Permeability of
Ss to n,e?cury.-Thermotics. Horsford (E. N ) Effect of heat
o^ the perpendicularity of Bunker Hill monument. Henry (J.
Theory of the so-caUed imponderables.— Astronomy. Bache (A.D.)
Additional notes of a discussion of tidal obs. made in connection
with the coast survey at Cat Island. Olmsted (D ) Obs. on the
zodiacal light. Horsford (E. N.) The pendulum at Bunker HiU
monument Ba<-he (A. D.) Notes on the tides at Sand Key, near
Key West Fla.-Meteorology. Loomis (E.) Distribution of rain for
Sent Hare (R 1 Strictures on Espy's report on storms, as respects
the theoretical inferences. Lefroy (J. H.) Comparison of the ap-
narent diurnal laws ol the irregular fluctuations of the magnetical
elements, at the stations of observation m North America.—
. Ohemistry. Salisbury (J.H ) Analysis of the muskmelon (cucumis
meto 1 and watermelon, (cucurbitii citruUus). Norton J. P.) Value
of soil analyses. Horsford (E. N.) Sohdiflcation of the rocks of
the Florida ree s, and sources of lime in the growth of corals.
Wells (D A ) Existence of organic matter in stalactites and stalag-
mites, forming crystallized and amorphous crenate of lime.--
Phvs eeoe. LeConte (J. L.) Geographical distribution of animals
in Calitoru,a.-Geol. Hall (J) Co^P"''!?™ °f «1=" f °'''S;!J^f f^!"
tures of Tennessee with those of New York. Hitchcock (E.) Ter-
races and sea-beaches formed since the drift period, especiaUy
alon- the Connecticut river. Maury (M. F.) Geological agency of
the winds -Zoology. Burnett (W. J.) Points in the ecouomy of
the seventeen year locust, (ci, adaseptemdecim.) bearing upon the
Dlural origin and special local creation of the species ; Relations
of embryology and spermatology to animal classification. Girard
IC ) Classification of maninialia.— Physiology. Salisbury (J. H.)
Influence of the poison of the northern rattlesnake, (crotalus du-
rissus.) on plants. LeConto (J- ) Freezing of vegetables -Eth-
noloCT Foster (J. W.) Description of samples of ancient cloth
from the mounds of Ohio. LeConte (J. L) Distinctive characters
of the Indians of Calilornia.-Geography. Hunt (E. B.) Proposal
for a trigonometrical surveyor New York.— Manutactores. Far-
rington (A C.) On the economical uses of the akin of the white
porpoise ; Process of manufacturing white zinc paint, by the
N. J. Mining Company. ,■„.,..
7 Meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, July, 1853. Peirce IB.) Address.
— Ma'them Hackley (C.W.) Mathematical analysis of the contact of
surfaces in oscillating machinery. Chauvenet (W.) Method of
flndin- the err,or of a chronometer by equal altitudes of the sun.
—Physics Hunt (E.B.) Cohesion of fluids.evaporation. and steam-
boUer explosions. Bidden (J. L.) Binocular miscrosoope. Lover-
ing (J ) Singular case of internal fringes, ]iroduced by interfer-
ence in the eye itself ; Modification of SoleU's polarizing appara-
tus for projection and other experimental contrivances Stod-
dard (O N 1 StricllurcB on the mechanical explanation of the zig-
zag path of the electric spark. Bache (A. D.) Tides at Key West,
Fla from observations made in connection with the coast sur-
vey'- Tides on the western coast of the U. S., from observations
at San Francisco, Cal., in connection with the coast survey.
Brocklesby (J.) Rising of water in spiings immediately before
rain -Meteorol. Redfleld (W.C.) Value of the barometer in navi-
gating the American lakes. Loomis (E.) Notice of hail storm.
New York city July 1, 1853 ; Does the moon exert a sensible in-
fluence upon the clouds? Coflin (J. H.) Investigation of the
storm curve, deductd from the relation existing between the
direction of the wind and tlie rise and fall of the barometer.
Blodgett (L.) Distribution of precipitation in rain and snow on the
North American continent ; The southeast monsoou of Texae,
the northers of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, and the abnormal
atniosplieric movement of the North American continent. Thomas
(W. H B.l Indications of weather, as shown by animals and
pla ts.- Chem. Horsford (E. N.) Solidification of the coral reefs
of Florida, and source of oarbonate of lime in the growth of
corals. Safford (J M.) Parallelism of the lower Silurian groups
of middle Tennessee with those of New York Newberry (J. S.)
Structure and affinities of certain fossil plants of the carbonifer-
ous era ; Carboniferous flora of Ohio, with descriptions of fifty
new species of fossil plants ; Fossil fishes of the dift' limestone
of Ohio.— Geog. Loomis (E ) Rleasurement ot heights by the ba-
rometer. Hunt (E. B ) Project of a geographical department of
the library of Congress.— Physiol. Burnett (W.I.) Formatiuu and
mode of development of renal organs in vertebrata ; Formation
and functions oi the allantois; Researches on the development of
the viviparous aphides ; Blood corpuscle-holding cells, and their
relation to the spleen ; Reproduction of the toad and frog, with-
out the intermediate stage of tadpole : Signification of cell-seg-
mentation. Horsford (E. N.) Fatal effects of chloroform. Rid-
dell (J. L.) Histology of red blood ; Origin of capillary blood ves-
sels Sanford (S. N.j On some points in the history of Gordius.
—Philology. Haldcmann (S. S.) Investigation of the power of the
Greek Z, oy means of phonetic laws.— Mechan. Haupt (H.) Re-
sistance ot the vertical plat, s of tubular bridges. Hunt (E. B.)
Remarks on lithography and lithographic transfers.
8 Meeting at Washington, May, 1854. Peirce (B.) Address.
Gould (B A., )> ) Address in commemoration of S. C. Walker.
— Astron. Hubbard (J. S. ) Results of some investigations respect-
ing Biela's double comet. Loomis (E.) Satellites of Uranus.
Wright (C.) Constructive method ot projecUng solar eclipses.
Coakley (G. W ) Abstract of a paper on moon and star culmina-
tions. Bond (G. P.) Results of the chronometric expeditions of
the Coast Survey for determining the longitude of Cambridge.
1849-1851. Emory (W. H ) Determmation of the longitude of
Frontera, El Paso and San Elciario, resulting in the determination
of the longitude of a cardinal point in the survey of the boundary
between the U. S. and Mexico. Alexander (S.) Suggestions rela-
tive to the observations of the solar ecUpse of May 26, 1854. Da-
vis (C H.) Relative value of the different astronomical methods
of determining the longitude. Badger (O. C ) Method of observ-
ing at sea lor the determination of the latitude, longitude, and
variation of the compass — Mech. and Physics. Hunt (E.B.) Nature
ot forces. Gibbs (W ) New electro-chronometric method — Phy-
sics of the globe- Bache (A. D.) Preliminary determina.ion of co-
tidal lines on the Atlantic coast, from the coast survey tidal obs-
servations ; Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at
San Diego, San Francisco, and Astoria, on the Pacific coast.
Schott (C. A.) Result ot an investigation of the tidal currents in
Long Island Sound. Bache (A. D.) Distribution of temperature
in and near the Gulf Stream, off the coast ot the U. S. Norton
(W. A.) Periodic and occasional perturbations of the declination
and directive force of the magnetic needle ; Physical constitution
of the sun and the coinetery bodies. Brocklesby (J.) Swellings
of springs and the reappearance of streams just before rain.
Meteorol Poey (A.) Probable increase in the number of hail-
storms in Cuba, esp. 1814-64. Stoddard (O. N.) The Brandon
tornado of Jan. 20, 1864. Brocklesby (J) Account of a tornado
which passed over the state of Connecticut, August 9, 1851. Red-
field (W. C.) Cape Verde and Hatteras hurricane, and other
storms ; with a hurricane chart. Webster (N. B.) The meteoro-
graph,an automatic meteorol register.— Geodesy and navigation.
Hunt (E. B.) Description of the Coast Survey apparatus for mea-
suriug base lines —Chem Hunt (T. S.) Illustrations of chemical
homology.— Natural history. Hilgard (T. C ) Experimental obser-
vations on taste and smell. Hamel (Dr.) The whale-killer, or
thresher, mentioned by Tiadescant in his voyage to Russia, 1618.
— Geol. and paleont. Schott (A.) Cretaceous basin of the Rio
Bravo del Norte -Johnson (J.) Spontaneous movementa occa-
sionally observed in the sandstone strata in one of the quarries
at Portland, Ct. Hopkins (W.) Brief outline ot a fossil, by some
supposed to be an ichthyodorulite.— Patents. Gale (L. D.) Rela-
tions of the American patent system to the progress of science.
O Meeting held at Providence, R I., August, 1855. Dana (J.
D ) Address. Gibbs (W.) Recent progress of organic chemistry.
— Mathem. HUl (T.) On solutions by construction. Peirce (B )
Researches in analytic morphology ; Transformation of curves ;
Upon the solution of the Adams prize problem for 1857 ; On par-
tial multipliers ot different equations ; Upon the catenary on the
vertical right cone ; Upon the motion of a heavy body on the
circumference of a circle which rotates uniformly about a verUcal
axis ■ Ou the resistance to the motion of the pendulum —Astron.
Loomis (E.) Temperature of the planets, and conclusions result-
ing from this temperature. Peters (C. H. F.) Contributions to
the atniospherology of the sun. Peirce (B.) Method of deter-
mining longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades.-Physics.
Henry (J ) Mode of testing building materials, and an account of
the marble used in the extension of the V. S. Kipitol ; Effect of
mingling radiatmg substances with conibustihle materials.. Hunt
E B 1 On our sense of the verUcal and horizontal, and our per-
ception of distance. Farmer (M. O ) Improvements m the elec-
tric telegraph whereby two or more terminal stations can make
simultaneous use of the same wire. Hunt (E B.) On an index of
papers on subjects of mathematical and physical science. Ohn-
sted (D.) Notes on the Wilmington gunpowder explosion. Henry
IJ 1 Account of experiments on the alleged spontaneous separa-
tion of alcohol and water — Phys. of the globe. Bache (A. D.) Ap-
proximate co-tidal hues of the Pacific coast ot the U. States, Irora
observations in the U. States coast survey ; Notice of the tidal
observations made on the coast of the U. States on the Gulf of
Mexico ■ Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the
U S December 23d, 26th, 1864. Schott (C. A.) Discussion of the
..r.iinn in H.H macuetic d>-clination on Ihe Atlantic and
'p'SoufmetLt fVl foroi^£,;|bBtanc^-^^^^^
Some new locahtiesof ■""'f ^'^A ,f i™""' ' Vbit, ov (1. D.) Poinis
American minerals. P-!"-' / -°:^°i°f[u shore fLke s.inerior ;
is^-tr J=^S?S£^^ ^;^^;:-e:^^«'s^
neclieut valley : T'-»^«'"f """«"', .l,rearth-s surface, eep. by
from faeU, resp the e>-o.u,ns o t^«^-rth_s^Bnrfa«.^^ ^ P^^
rivers: Discovery of the lo^siijawoi peculiarity of
from the coal '■o""''tw°--:?'>"^°^„f 'tmammoth trees in Cala-
the redwood, genus eequo.a • «™r,„ j^t""" on the ammo-
veras Co.. Cat. Gray (V B) Le" r to J. T^;'^ >„•,," production,
broma Sonor«.-Phys.olog7. Bro ks ^. M^s v ^^^^^.^^
with particular re ereuce "°. »"'' " ^J^sTthe domestic fbwl.
K..eeland (S.. jr.) hterihty » ,f ^°y .""^Tf'' c ) Contributions to
and of hybrid races generally H'li-'ajl Hunt ,E B I Uae of salt
the phystolop of -8^ -Eapneenng. HunMb-J^-)^^^^^^^^ ^^^
marsh sods for lat-ing the steep f '"l'''" " "i ■; ,,( .. Haldeuian
10. Meeting -' ^Ibauj-^ Ofti^ers. ™^^b«s ',;^ ^^^_
i?ol!gV-i:?r,hTnl^ttc^r^r>U"r/,\wso, human m
Patterson ,J)Inve»t,..ti.n and calc^^^^^^^^
process of causation. <=■"'"" , „f , nrre.-tiiic the common nauu-
?:rknown%.ars -rive at tt» same aHimde. ^>-MA.).Ne»^
^tllf^f D^aiey-observatory Physic^^
Re deiermination of the atomic w«sht of '^"'^J^^j^^'^^'^^Bache .V
N.)Ammo;iiaintheatuo.p^ire Phy^s'^^o^ sefm-dmrual tides
(i.) Secular variauon in the ma^en^a^^^^^ ^^^^_ ^^^^^^
,F. B.) Results of a series o. '"^««.°^^i-,°^!;^'„^?;V toe atmos-
Wake (W P ] Oro.'raphy of the western portion of the OS-, with
„,„ i?,norv IW H I Description of the country adjacent to
Irom the coal formation. Dawson (J W .) ^P^"™?., °^ (?„„ada E.
from the Devonian rocks, Gaspe "^"d^W"^^' °neSa' wito det
Hall (J.) Obs. on the f °''^/.';.^'''";^*<^^c rKSon of The fossil
criptionsof spec.es, ftc. ^."'"'^.''L'ut °2nd other AUantic stites,
fishes of tiie sandstone of ^onuectrut, ana oiuer au
nese and the I°>l"-li''-i;X,E "b 1 Mores^n e 'trom'bn?k ma-
rr';;"sSra?^ing^r i"hbr^e;!ia'ifor^- Ufes o, periodicals.
*^?^^™ug'at Montreal, Canada E. August, 185G^J5m,ldiA
A Address on J. W. BaUey, Pies. "fJ'i';^^'"=„°H"nt(E 8
Address on W.C. Rcdfield. first Pr^.-Mf 'hemancs. H^i^' (^ «•)
Idea of physical -^ ,'"«'»P'i>Se:oLetw M ) wipJd .urf«?s' of
coordinalea in one plane. Gillespie (W. m.) ii»ii.o"
cround inroad excavations and emhankmenta. Elliott (E. B.)
Lw ..f human mortality in Ma.»achu»elt«. HI (T.) New form of
arithmetical complements.- Astronomy. Wllkea (C.) /odiacal
liu-ht -Physics and Chemistry. I,erontc (J.) Prelim, researches
on the allec.d iiiflnence of solar light on combuHtlon. Snel (t.S.)
Variations or the fall over the dam at Holynko. Ma««. «Jlni»led
(D 1 Electrical hypothesis of the auroni borralis fo..te(.l/r. L.)
Sw source^f ehfctrical excitation. Hilgard (E. W.) Q"»ntitallve
assay of chroio liim by blowpipe processes. Physics of the globe.
Wvnno M ) The inlliienco of tlio Gulf Stream upon the hnmmer
climato of the Atlantic coast. Whittlesey (C.) Fluctuations of
level in the N. American lake-. l!a,lie (A. D.) Measurement of
the base for the primary triangul.tion of th-E. section ol the
colst of the U. S.. on Kpping Plains. Me ; Notice of the deter-
mination of the longitude of Feri.and.na. Amelia Is. i^-^r
means of chronometer exchanges Irom bavannah. Ga. . Height,
or the tides of the Atlantic coast, froin obs in the coast survey.
-MeteoroloCT. B»che (A D.| Winds of the W. coast of U. 8. from
obs m thc?n^. coast survy. Snialhvood (C.)Oi.o..nne; Meteor-
olo-y of the vicinity of Montreal.-Geology and Geography. Swal-
low (G. C.) Explanations of the geological map of .Missouri, and
a section of its rocks. Quaternary deposits of Missouri. Lesley
(J P 1 Three comparaUve sections of the coal measures in Ken-
tuck^ and in E. and W. Penn. Whittlesey (C.) Ancient mining
opeSiions o?Lake Superior. Logan (.Sir W. E.) Division of the
aLic rocks of Canada into Huronian and I-^""/;"''*" = ^""j?^''
subdivision of the Lawrentian series of rocks «' Canada^ Hitch
cock (C H ) Fractured ledges of sUite in Vermont. Emory (W. H.)
1 future in the western mounUin system of North Ainen^.
MurThison (B I.) CrystalUne rocks of the north Highlands
of SMttand ipalsontology Salter (J. W.) Fossils in the crystal-
UneTocks of t£e north Highlands of Scotland : Graptopora, a new
ffenns of do vzoa. Dawson (.1. W.; Varieties and mode of preser-
faZnof^the fossils known 'as sternbergia, ; Newer pliocene fos-
sils of the St. Lawrence valley. Eminons (E., Fossils of the
sandstones and slate of N. Carohna. -Zoology. Hilgard (T. C.)
Itract™e of the head in vertebrata, and its relation to the phyl-
lotart c laws.-Ethnology. Dana (J.D.) Thoughts on species Wi ■
son (5 ) Snpp.ised unilo?mity of cranial type, throughout all van-
lues of the American race. Lesley (J.P.) On the word Ce,t. Mor-
gan (L. h!) Laws of descent of the Iroquois.-Practical science.
Hunt (E B.) suggesUous on the practice and theory ol scientiflo
^?2'''Me°eUng at Baltimore. May, 1859. Mathematics. HiU (T.)
Further remTrks upon systems of coordinates Gillespie (W . M.)
C^ciilation" t the earthwork of roads on sidelong and u-regnlar
ermind -Astronomy. Kirk.ood (D.) Mean disUnces of periodic
eonets' Bached" D.) A supposed personal equation m the use
ortht-zeniih tilesco^e for determining '»'■'"'!«. "jiTalcott^
method -Phys. Barnard (F. A 1 On the pendulum with a des-
^riuUonof an electric clock, constructed by E. S Ritchie, of Bos-
ton for the Univ. of Mississippi. Loomie (E.) Electrical phenom-
ena in ce^rtain houses in New York. St. John (S.) Electricj*
nhlnomeua in houses in N. Yofk, and Cleveland, O. baxton (J.)
fpphcSion of the rotating mirror to the aneroid barome^r.
Meech^lL W ) Extinrliou of light reflected from terrestrial ol-
^cto feverng J.) Australian weapon called the boomerang.
-P^ys^s of thi globe. H.int (E.B .) Dynamics ot ocean curren^;
Some anomalies in the Florida gulf stream. Dana (J. D ) Cur-
rents of the ocean. Bache (A. D.) Tidal currents of N. Y. Bay,
near Sandy Xok. Trowbridge (W. P.) Deep-sea soundings^
Kane I E K ) Abstracts of results of the magneUc obs. of t^e 2d
GriuueU Txpedition. 1853-35, at Van Rensselaer hajbor, etc.. on
toe west co£t of Greenland. West (C. E.) Earthquake in western
New Vork.-^Chem^st^y. Aiken (W A.) Causes of the variable lUum
cower of coal gas. Wurtz (H ) Investigation of toe action of
nUri"a?id upon the metallic chlonds ; Action of nitric acid m
toe COM upon some metaUic solutions, wito new metoods o ob-
tainSg pure compounds of barium, strontium, and cadmium .
De?ect1on of nitric acid in solution, with obs. ou toe action of see-
ansa is of- iron upo^ indigo and metaUic gold, and he neutrah-
zUon of tl^e colors of metallic so.utions ; P^P^'^'"'™ "f/""*?
nSe siUphales and particularly of sulphate of copper ; Modes of
fn^reasim. t he heat of the mouth blo>vpipe and new blowpipe
maSouTation Action of hot chlorohydric acid upon some metal-
E1E^=^— -^^sswjt^riif^
|.e?fi^.l "-fh^reuTr:'^: :rthe a^o:;t?e"^wrn;;
m^'u rwifds'aSl &"s o? CaMornia.-Geol., Palaiontol. and
i, ' o n„,„ 7r (-1 Rocks of Kansas Wurtz (H.) Occurrence
l^J. Soru^fon^d^on "™g;isjn<l n J N York^ Ha.e.
IT f t nhservatious upon the pracUcabdity ol toe Bonn i-oio ,
rh^krbTchV) Ne"v\:,u'rc'e Of organic h'eat.-PraC. Science.
^^^'"^i^^.T^X'^sTZnsU 1859. CasweU ,A,,
AdS-ess'^^Sard ,^A. P. K^port^n^he histo^
: — — 7— ^;^;7r—;;;The AUIHOB'S ^^^^^^ZZ^^^^i^^^^ title, ana the NUMBEB.
In asking for books, use toe Book uraer. b" '"b
telescope. Norton (W. A.) Physical constitution of comets.
Jones (G.l 'Recent obs. on the Key*'n8chein, or completed arch of
the Zodiacal light. Gould (B. A., jr.) Supposed lunar oriy n of
aerolites.— Physics and Chemistry. LeConte (J.) Correlatiou of
physical, chemical, aud vital forces, and the conservation of force
in vital phenomena. Snell (E S.) Vibrations in the waterfall at
Holyoke. Mass. Sillimau (B., jr.) Discharge of atmospheric
electricity through gas maius. Barnard (F. A. P.) Means of pre-
venting the alteration of metallic surlaces employed to break a
voltaic circuit. Serrell (E. W.) Magnetizing locomotive wheels
by curved helices, and experimental results. Mallett (J. W.) Oq
nitride of xircnnium ; Atomic weight of lithium. Hunt {T. S.)
Contributions to the history of gypsum aud niaguesian rocks.—
Physics of the Globe. Bache (A. D.) Results of the discussion of
the declinometer obs. at Girard College, 1840-15. with special ref.
to the eleven year period ; Gulf stream explorations. 3d memoir:
Distributi m of temperature in the water of the Florida channel
and straits. Schott (C) Al>stract of results of obs. for tempera-
ture, atmospheric pressure, and direction and force of the wind
at Van Rensselaer Harbor, N. Greenland, by the Grinnell expe-
dition, 1853-55. Loomis (E.) European storm of Dec. 25, 1836.
Cofiin (J. H.) Wiuds of the southern hemisphere. Jones (G.)
Occasional luminousness of the atmosphere at night on the
Andes.— Gaol, and Paleontology. Whittlesey (C.) Drift cavities,
or ' potash kettles ' ot Wisconsiu ; Origin of the azoic rocks of
Michigan and Wisconsin. Dawson (J. W.) Recent researches in
the Devonian aud carboniferous flora of Brit. Amer. Logan {Sir
W.) Contrib. to the hist, of the Laureutian limestones. Worthen
(A. H.) Discovery of a terrestrial flora in the mountaiu lime-
stone of llhuois. Blake (W. P.) Geology of the Rocky Moun-
tain cliain iu the vicinity of Santa F6, New Mexico. Andrews (E
B.) Relatiou of the river terraces of S. Ohio to the drift, and
drift theories. Hitchcock (C- H.) Tne so-called talcose schist of
Vermont ; Marks of ancient gaciers on the Green Mountain
range in Mass. aud Vt.; Lake ramparts in Vt. Field (R.) Grcith-
iuhnites.— Ethnology. Morg.m (L. H) Iiidian mode of bestowing
and changing names.— Pol. Economy. Roosevelt (C.) Paradox of
political economy in the ci>-cxistciicc of excessive production and
excessive population. Executive proceedings.
14. Meeting at Newport, U.I., August, L%0 Bache (A.D.) Lec-
ture on the Gulf stream.- Mathematics and Physics. Coakley (G.
W.) Possibihty of expressing the polar coordinates of the aster-
oids by converging series, admitting of tabulation. Hackley (C,
W.) Theory counected with the s dar spots. Smallwood (C.)
Eclipse of the sun. July 18. 18(50 Schott (C. A.) Abstract ot results
of the astronomical observations by the 2d Grinnell expeJition,
1853-55. Rood (O. N.) New theory of hght, proposed by J. Smith.
Lewis (J.) Registering thermometer.—Physics of the Globe. Le
Conte (J.) Optical phenomena presented by the ' SUver sprmg '
in Marion Co., Fla. Totten (J G.) Hudden disappearance ol the
ice ot our northern lakes in the siiring. Graham (J. D.) Inves-
tigation of the problem regarding the existence of a lunar tidal
wave on the great Ireshwater lakes of N. America. Schott (C. A )
Abstract ol results of the obs. ot the tides, by the 2d Grinnell ex-
pedition, 1853-55 Bache (B. D.) Results of part 2 of the dis-
cussion of the decliuometer observations at Girard College,
Phila.. 18*0-45 ; Discussion of the influence of the moon on the
declination of the magnetic needle at Girard College. Phila ,
1840-45.— Chemistry. Silliman (B ,jr ) Combustion of wet luel, in
the furnace of M. Thompson. Lea(M.C.) Fuither remarks on nu-
merical relations between equivalents; Sources of error in the
employment of picric acid to detect potash ; Production of ethy-
lamine by reactions of the oxy-etliers ; Optical properties of the
picrate ot manganese. —Geol. and Palaeontology Hitchcock (O.H.)
Geology of the island of Aquidueck ; Sync.hronism of coal beds
in the N. England aud western coal basins ; Certain points of ich-
nology ; Conglomerated and brecciated tracliytic dykes in Sliel-
bnrne, Vt. ; Additional facts resp. the clathropteris of E. Hamp-
ton, Mass. Johnston (C.) Diatomaceous earth from Nottingham,
Md. Bradley (F H ) A new trilobite from the Potsdam sandstone.
— Physical Geography. Wheildou (W.W.) The supposed open sea
in the Arctic regions.— Zoology. Chitteuden (L E.) American rein-
deer.—Physiology Rogers (W.B.) Binocular vision; Our inabdity
from the retinal impression alone to determine which retiua is
impres.sed —Engineering. Gillmore (Q. A.) Hydraulic cements.
Hunt (E B ) A new portable coffer-dam ; New methods of pre-
venting fire-damp explosions in collieries by lighting with coal-gas.
15. Meeting at Buffalo, New York, 18G6.— Astronomy. Loouiis
(E) Physical conditi(m of the suu's surface aud the motion of the
solar spots; Period of Algol. Kirkwood (D ) Theory of meteors.
Safford (T H.) Dearborn observatory. — Electricity and Chemistry.
Bradley (L ) Anthistometer ; Electro-magnet; tialvauic battery.
Hunt (T. S.) Petroleum; Metallurgical system of WhelpU-y and
atorer ; The primeval atmosphere. Cooke (J. P.) Cryophylbte.
a new mineral species in the mica family, with some assaciiited
minerals in the granite ot Rockport. Mass —Geology. Whittlesey
(C.) Ice movements of the glacial era in the valley of the St. Liiw-
rence. Hunt (T. S.) Laurentian limestones and their mineralo-
gy. Swallow (G. C ) Section of the rocks in eastern Kansas. Ly-
man (B.S.) Against the supposed former plasticity of the pudding-
•tone pebbles of Purgatory, R.I. —Zoology and Botany. Wiuchell
(A.) The fruit bearing belt of Michigan ; Stromatopuridie ; tUeir
structure aud zoological affinities.— Practical Science. Lymau (li
S.) Tue link of Guuter's chain as the unit of a decimal system of
weights and mt'asures.
16. Meeting at Burlington, Vt., 1867. Officera.e/c. Newberry (J.S.)
Address.- Mathematicsand Astron. Peirce (B.) Communication
of vibrations. Rogers (W. A.) The determination of geograi)hical
lat. from observations in the prime vertical. Hough [G. W.) Per-
sonal equation in transit observations. Lyman (C. S.) Obs. of Ve-
nus near inferior conjunction.— Acoustics. Lovering [J.) Optical
method of atlidyiug sound. Tillman (S. D.) Method of measur-
ing musical intervals upon a spiral projection. Lyman (C. S.)
New form of wave apparatus. -Mineralogy Bi-adley(L ) Tellurium,
a metal —Chemistry. Hungorfnrd (E.) Experiments on snow at
temperatures below 32*'Fahr. Tillman (S.D.) Chemical diagrams
and derivative symbols, illustrating chemical elements ; A new
chemical nomenclature. — Meteorology. Lovering (-(.) Periodicity
of the aurora borealis. Hnugh (G. W ) Meteorol. results from
the new method of registration.- Geology. Whittlesey (C.) De-
pression of the ocean during the ice period ; Occurrence of iron
in masses. Hungerford (E.) CUmate of the glacial epoch in N.
America ; Ripton sea beaches. Lyman |B. S.) Lower Silurian
hematite beds of America. Dawson (J. W.) Recent geological
discoveries in the Acadian provinces. Hitchcock (C- H.) The
Winooski marble of Colchester, Vt. ; The geology of Vermont ;
Explanation of a geological map of Maine ; Distortion and meta-
morphosis of pebbles in conglomerates. Vose (G. L ) Tracts of
ancient glaciers in the White Mts.; Geological structure of some
portions of that group. Perry (J. S) The red sandstone of Vt.
and its relations. Marsh (O. C.) Origin of the so-called lignilites
or epsomites.— Paleontology. Newberry (J.S.) Fossil reptiles and
fishes, from carboniferous strata of Ohio. Ky., and III. : Fossil
fishes, disc, by H. Herzer. iu black shale (Devonian) at Delaware.
O. Zoology. Verrill (A. E.) Zoological affinities of the tabulate
corals. Scndder (S. H.) Considerations from the study of the
orthoptera of N. America. Packard (A. S., jr.) The embryology
of libellula (diplax), morphology of insects, and classification of the
neuroptera : Insect fauna of the summit of Mt. Washington com-
pared with that of Labrador.
17. Meeting at Chicago, 111., Aug. 1868. Gould {B. A.) Eulogy
on A* D. Bache. Barnard (F. A. P.) Address.— Mathematics,
Physics and Chemistry. Lovering (J.) Application of electricity
to the maintenance of the vibrations of the tuning fork, and of
the tuning fork to the excitement of vibrations in cords and
threads. Grimes (J. S.) Laws of the ocean- currents. Stoddard
(O. N.) The nature of electric discharge. Loomis (E.) Influence
of the moon upon the weather. Elliott (E. B.) Relative value of
gold and silver for a series of years. Rogers {W. A.) New formula
for the reduction of obs. in the prime vertical, analogous to
Mayer's formula for the reduction of meridian observations.
Vanderweyde (P. H.) Relatiou between the atomic volume of dif-
ferent metals and their paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties.
Miller (J. A.) The steam boiler. McDermott (M.) The hehostat,
and method of running true or meridian lines. Hough (F. B.)
Principles of statistics as applied to the census. Stockwell (J. N.)
Secular variations of the planetary orbits. Newcomb (S.) On
Hansen's theory of the physical constitution of the moon. Abbe
(C.) The resuscitation of the Cincinnati observatory. Horsford
(E N.) Phosphoric acid, a coustituent of butter : Fluorine iu the
humau brain; Source of free hydrochloric acid in. the gastric
juice. Lear (M.C.) Action of light upon" the bromide and iodide of
silver. Buttrick (E. L.) Application of carbonic acid gas in the ex-
tinguishment of fire. Tillman (S. D.) Combining power of
chemical elements. Wurtz (H.) New chemical relations of me-
tallic aluminum. Hilgard (E. W ) Condition of our knowledge
of the processes in luminous hydro-carbou flames. Feucbt-
wanger (L.) The meteorites from Poland and Mexico. Hinricha
((i.) The statics of the four types of modern chemistry, with
especial regard to the water type ; New law determining the
atomic volume and boiling point of carbon compounds. Wall-
ing vH. F.I Atomic motions. Hilgard (T. C.) The volcanic tide
belt and the world's flood gates.— Natural History. Whittle-
sey (C ) Evidences of the antiquity of man iu the U. S. DeHass
(W.) Ai'chi^ology of the Mississippi valley ; Report on archteolo-
gy and ethnology. Wheildou (W. W) The new arctic continent,
or Wrangell's land. Parry {C. C.) The habitable features of the
N. American continental plateau, near the line of the 35tb par-
allel of north latitude. Meehan (T.) The leaves ot conifer®.
Marsh (O. C.) Description of a new species of protichnites, from
the Potsdam sandstone of N. Y. ; Preservation of color in fossils
from palaeozoic formations. White (C. A.) Announcemeni of the
existence of cretaceous rocks in Guthrie c:o.. Iowa. Hilgard
(E. W.* Geology of lower Louisiana and the rock salt deposits of
Petite Anse. White {C. A.) Observations on the red qxiartzite
boidders of western Iowa. etc. Wallace (S. J.) The old lake beds
of the prairie region. Executive proceedings.
18 Meeting at Salem. 1869. Go-uld (B. A.) Address.— Mathe-
matics and Astronomy. Twining (A. C.) Demonstration of Eu-
clid's assumed axiom rel. to paraUel lines. Foucou (F.) Con-
struction of three maps of Europe. France, and North America,
in the gnomonic projection, with a view to the distribution of
mineral wealth and the study of the earth's tigure.— Mechanics.
Norton (W. A ) Laws of the deflection of beams, exposed to
a transverse strain, tested by experiment. Bardwell (F W.)
Suggestions on the theory of the composition of forces. Mayer
(A M.) Thermo-dyn amies of waterfalls, Norton (W, A.) Physi-
cal theory of the principle of the lever —Astronomy. Youn^i
(C. A.) Spectrum observations at Burlington. Iowa, during the
eohpse of Aug. 7. 1869 ; New method of observing the first con-
tact of the moon with the suns limb, at a solar eclipse, by the
spectroscope. Pickering (E. C.) Obs. on the eclipse with an Ara-
go'B polariscope. at Mt. Pleasant. Iowa.— Electricity. Bushee
(J.) Causes of the failure of lightning mds : Conditions of
a perfect lightning rod.— Chemistry. Hinrichs (G.) Mole-
cular perturbations ; Classification and atomic weights of
the so-called chemical elements with reference to Stas" de-
terminations. AVurtz (H.) The grahamite of West Virginia,
and the New Colorado resinoid. Silliman {B.\ and yfnrtz
(H.) Flame temperatures ; their composition and luminosity.
Horsford (E. N.) Some new properties of phosphoric acid •
Phosphoric acid, iron, and potassium, constituents of chloro-.
phyl. Silliman (B. ) Relation between the intensity of light prt>-
duced from illuminating gas and the volume of gas consumed.
Nichols (W. R. ) The composition of tho acid oxalates of ammoni-
um, potassium, and sodium; The solubility in water of theoiar
altee of sodium, potassium.&nd ammoniiun.— Geology and Pal(B-
ontology. Kimball {J. P.) Tiiecretaceons a^ccif silver deposits in
Cbiiiuahiia.Mt'Xico. Matthew (G.F.. ami Bailey L.W.) Aneand rola-
tiODs of tlie metamorpliit; rocks of Now Brunswick and Maiue.
Ortou (J.) The valley of the Amazon. Blake (W. P.) Plasticity of
pebbles and rocke. Stnntz (G. U.) Recent gecilogical changes iu
N. E. Wiscimsin. Hamlm (A. r.l Gems of the U. S- Wurtz (H.)
Studies in chemi':al googony, — Zoology. Maish (O. C.) KoUce of
Bome new tertiary and ccetaceous fishes. WrrUl (A. K.) Oba. on
phyllopod Crustacea of the tamily brauehipidJB, with description
of new genera and species, from America. Botany. Parry {C.
C.) The Rotky Mountain Alpine region. Meehau (T.) The sexes
of plants ; The glands of cassia and acacia. Ethnology. Dall (W.
H.) Distribution of the native tribes of Alaska and the adjacent
territory. Hartt (C. F.) On the botocudoa of Brazil. Executive
|Q. Meeting at Troy, New York, August, 1870. Foster (J. W.)
Address. Mathematics and Astronomy. Hill (T) On certain
involutes of a circle, and the analytical value of the hj'perbolic
base. Young (C. A.) New method of determining the level error
of the axis oi a meridian instrument Enuis (J.) Discovery of a
force which originally imparted all their motions to all the stars;
Velocity of uebuhe rotation. Bradley (L ) C'osmcgouy, Laue
(J. H.) Descrip. of a new form of mercurial horizon, etc. — Optics.
Pickering (E. C.) Dispersion aud possibdity of attaining perfect
achromatism. Loveriug (J.) Methods of illustrating optical
meteorology.— Acoustics. Tillm.'\n (S. D.) New musical notation.
Mayer (M. A.) Uf measuring electrical conductivities by means
of magueto-electric waves.— Physics of the Globe. Bradley
(L.) Aurora borealis. Siaa (S.) Northers of Texas. Batchelder
(J. M.) Descrip. of an Arctic tide gauge. Winchell (A.) Isother-
mals of the lake region. Chemistry and Mineralogy. Stimp-
Bon (F. E ) Graphical discussion of the various fmniulie pro-
posed for the relation between the quantity of hght i^roduced
by the combustion of illuminating gas and the volume of gas
consumed. Stillman (J. M.) Examination of the Bessemer flame
with colored glasses, etc. Hunt (T. 0.) Anier. iron sands.
Feuchtwanger (Jj.) Parallel stria or indented cross lines on rock
crystals. Molecular Physics. Wallace (S. J.) Elasticity as a
feature in physics. Walling {H F ) Assumption that matter is
impenetrable. Wheildon (W. W ) Case of freezing fresh water
in pipes submerged in salt water — Geology and Palaontology,
Broome G.) Laurentian apatites of Canada. Hunt (T. 8.i Od-
bearing limestimes of Chicago ; Notes on granite rocks. Agassiz
(L.) Local glaciers in the White Mis. Perry (.J. B ) Boulder-
trains in Berkshire Co., Mass.; Supposed elevation aud depres-
sion of the continent during the glacial period. Worthen (A.
H.) Remarks on the relative age of the Niagara. Hitchcock (C.
H.) Distribution of maritime plants in N. A. Wallace (S. J.)
Lakes and lake regions. Orton (J.) Evidence of a glacial epoch
at the equator, — Zoology. Cope E. D.) Homologies of some of
the cranial bones of the reptilia, etc. Packard (A. S.,jr.) Em-
bryology of hmulus polyphemus. Putnam (F. W.) Young of or-
thagoriscus mola. Orton (J.) Condors and humming birds of
the equatorial Andes. Gill (T.) Relations of the order of mam-
mals jMorse (E. S ) Early stages of discina ; Organization of
lingiila and discina ; Brachiopoda.--Botany. Meehan (T.) Law
of fasciation and its relation to sex in plants ; Objections to
Darwin's theory of insect agency in the fertilization of-plants;
Two classes nf male flowers in castanea, etc. Hill (T.) Seedling
compass plants. Hilgard (T.) Development of the yeast of zy-
motic fungus. Ethnology. Dall W. H.) Peculiarities of the Es-
kimo dialect.— Mechanics. Tillman (S. D.) Improvements for
common roads ; Improvements in inland navigation. Execu-
tive proceedings.
20. Meetmg at ludianopoUs, August, 1871. Hunt {T. S.) Ad-
dress.—Mathematics. Hilgard (J. E.) An application of an ex-
ponential function. Ficklin (J.) To find a general formula for the
length of curves of pursuit. Elliott (E. B.) On the rales of inter-
est realized to investors iu the securities of the United States. —
Astronomy. Stockwell {J. N.) An inquiry concerning the physi-
cal relation between the masses aud mean distances of the dif-
ferent planets. Dean (G. W.) Longitude determination across the
continent. Hilgard (J. E.) On the use of the zenith telescope
for observations of time. Ennis (J.) Four great eras of modern
astronomy ; Meteors and their long-enduring tails. — Physics. War-
ner {J. D.) A discussion on perturbation of lorces. EUJott (E B.)
Law of electric currents Hill {J. A) Improvements in the re-
flecting telescope. Rockwood (C Q.) DaUy motion of a brick
tower, caused by solar heat. Chemistry. Peckham (S. F.) Eva-
porating niches, at the laboratory of the Maiue state college of
agriculture and the mechanic arte. Walhug (H. F.) Chemical
equivalent of ether. Smith (J. L.) Phosphates of soda aud potash ;
a regulator to maintam a constant level in the water-baths of a
laboratory ; Convenient form of specific gravity flask ; On bend-
ing glass tubes for fitting apparatus ; Convenient little stand for
small tiltrations. Rogers (J. R.) Steam boiier waters and incrusta-
tions.— Physics of the Globe. Owen (R.) Contributions to physio-
graphic and dyuamical geology, involving the discussion of ter-
restrial magnetism. Tiugley (J.) Account of a dust storm of
December 'J4th, 1870. iu Clintou county, Indiana. Whittlesey (C.)
The earthquake of October, 1870 ; its rate of progress, — Geology
and Palseontology. Hilgard (E. W.) On the geological history of
the gull of M' xico. Cox (E. T.} Western coal measures and In-
diana coal. Smith (E. A ) Remarks on the geology of the Missis-
Bippi bottom. Swallow (G. C.) Remarks on the geological map
and section of the rocks of Missouri. Burbauk (L. S.) On eozoou
Cauadense in the crystalline limestones of M issachusetts. Smith
(J. L.) Geographical position of the large masses of meteoric ti'ou
in north Mexico, with description of the San Gregorio meteorite.
Perry (J. B.) On the " eozoou " limestone of eastern Massachu-
setis. —Zoology. Morse [K. S.) On the carpal and tarsal bones of
birds. Cuius (E.) On the mechanism of flexion and extension in
birds* wingfl. Gill [Dr. T.) CharacterifitlcB of the primary groups
of the clans of maniiuajs. Uilgord (T. O.) Nunicrtc relationH of
the vertebrate system. Copo [K. D.) Systematic relatioim <if the
flsliL's; On extinct tortoises of the crctaceouM strata of New Jt-ritey.
—Botany. Beal (W. J.) Inequilateral leaven. Hilgard (T. C.)
Fresh water algse as the spawns of mosses ; Organic identity of
thealbumeuandendopleuraof all the phaneroganue. Meehan (T )
The monocotyledon, the umvornal type of sredN. Ravenal (H.
W.) On the seemingly one-ranked leaves of Baptitila perfoliuta '■
On tho relation of the tendril to the phylloUxis in certain cu'
curbitaceous plants.- Ethnology. Parry (C. C) On the form of
the boomerang in use among the Moqui-Pueblo Indians of
North America. Whittlesey (C.) The great mound on the Eto-
wah river, Georgia ; Ancient rock inscriptions in Ohio.— Prac
tical Science. Taylor {E. R.) Improvements upon Eggertz'
method for determining combined carbon in steel.— Read (E.)
Ancient dentietry.— Executive proceedings,
21. Meeting at Dubuque, Iowa, August, 1872. Gray (Asa). Ad-
dress.—Astronomy. Kirkwood (D ) On binary stars.— Phywcs.
Bradley (L.) Apparatus for electric measurement. Lovering (J )
On sympathetic vibrations iu ordinary machiuery. Jordan (W.)
Compressed air as a motor.— Chemistry. Foote (A. E) On zono-
chlorate, a new hydrous sihcate from Ne^pigon Bay. north shore
of Lake Superior, B. A. Hilgard (E. W.) On sod analveea and
their utility-— Physics of the Globe. Forshey (C. G.) The' Delta of
the Mississippi ; Physics of the river, the control of its floods,
and the redemption of the alluvion. Wheildon (W. W.) The Arc-
tic regions : atmospheric theory of an ameliorated climate and
an open sea, iu opposition to the gulf stream theory.— Geology.
Hitchcock (C. H,) Explanation of a new geological map or New
Hampshire ; Recent geological discoveries among the White
Mountains Winchell (N. A.) Surface geology of northwestern
Ohio. White (C A ) On the eastern limit of cetaceous deposits
in Iowa.— Zoology. Hartshorne (H.) On the relation between or-
ganic vigor and sex. Hoy (P. H } Mortalitv of fish in Racine
river. Hilgard (T, C.) The old Haarlem and the latest Brussels
microscopical prize questions ; Critical review of the present
system of osteology, with particular reference to Huxley's latefat
views; On the diflerence between the animal (sensual) aud the
human (indagative) intellect. Morse (E. S.) On the oviducts and
embryology of te reb rat ulin a.— Ethnology. Woodman (H. T.)
Ancient mounds of Dubuque and its vicinity. Foster (J. W.)
On certain pecuharities in the crania of the mound builders.—
Executive proceedings.
22. Meeting at Portland, Maine, August, 1873. Smith (J. L.)
Address.— Mathematics. Hill (T.) Note on WiUiam Watson's
coordinates in a plane ; A new curve ; Four equations partially
discussed. Wiley (H. W.) On the introduction of the metric
system into medicine and the unification of doses. Chase (P.
E.) A chord of spheral music. Dolbear (A. E ) An attachment
to the whirling table for projecting Lissajous curves —Astron-
omy. Barnard (J. G.) On the relation of internal fluidity to the
precession of the equinoxes. Hilgard (J. E.) Determination of
transatlantic longitudes). Langley (S P ) The solar photosphere.
— Physics. Walhng (H. F 1 Musical flow of water : The relation
of the dissipation of energy to cosmical evolution. Dolbear
{A. E.) On the convertibiUty of sound into electricity— Physics
of the Globe. Cutting (H. A.) Direction of wind in local thunder
storms. Chase (P.E.) Cyclonism and anticyclonism. Hyatt (J.)
A stroke of lightning, with hints as to immunity. Comstock
(M. L.) The tornadoes of Illinois. Andrews (E ) New theory of
geyser action as illustrated by an artificial geyser. Wheildon
(W. W ) The Arctic regions.- Chemistry. Hilgard (E. W.) On the
silt analysis of soils and clays ; Silt analysis of Mississippi
soils and subsoils. Loughridge (R. H.) On the distribution of
soil ingredients among the sediments obtained in ailt analysis ;
On the influence of strength of acid and time of digestion in
the extraction of soils. Feuchtwanger (L ) Remarks on glass-
making. Hunt (T. S.) The chemical composition of copper
matte.— Mechanics. Hough (G. W.) Description of a printing
thermometer ; Description of an automatic registering and
printing (evaporator and rain gauge. Foote (A.E.) Modification
of the vacuum or filter pump, used with from to five feet fall ot
water. Morse (E S.) Apparatus for illustrating the variation
of wave lengths by the motion of its origin —Geology. Dana
{J. D.) On staurohte crystals and Green mountain gneisses of
the Silurian age ; the slates of the Tacouic Mountains of the
age of the Hudson river or Cincinnati group. Touney (S } The
quartzite of Williamstown and vicinity, aud stiucture of the
Graylock range. Whittlesey (C.) On the cause of the transient
fluctuations of level in Lake Superior : Descent of rivers in
the Mississippi valley, area of drainage l.OOO.OOu square miles :
On the origiu of mountain chains. Winchell (N. H.) The devo-
nian hmestones in Ohio. Hamlin (A. C.) Origin and properties
of the diamond. Hunt (T. S ) Notes on the geology and econo-
mic mineralogy of the southeastern Appalachians ; The meta-
morphism of rocks ; Geology of southern New Brunswick ;
Breaks in the American palieozoic series. Hitchcock (C. H.)
Geological history of Wiunipiseogee lake ; Note upon the creta-
ceous strata of Long Island. Dawson (J. W.) Geological rela-
tions of the iron ores of Nova Scotia. Holley (G. W.) Proximate
future of Niagara, in review of Prof. TjTidall s lecture thereon.
Niles (W. H.) On some expansions, movements, and fractures
of rocks observed at Monson, Mass. Hitchcock (C, H.) Geology
of Portland, Newberry (J. S ) Circles of deposition in American
sedimentary rocks. Hunt (T. S.) Remarks on Prof. Newberry's
paper on •• Circles of deposition," etc. Hitchcock (C. H.) and
Huntington (J. H.) Geology of the northwest part of Maine Hall
(J ) On the relations of the Niagara and lower Helderberg
formations aud their geogr. distrib. in the U. S. and Canada. —
Palseontology. Dawson (J. W.) Note on a new sigillaria showing
scars of fructification. Cope (E. D.) Some extinct types ol
horned perissodactyles. Hovey (E. O.) Largest fossil elephant
In aaking for books, usd the " Book Order," giving the W FHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
tooth yet described.— Botany. Meehan (T.) On movement
in the Btigmatic lobes of catalpa : On hermaphroditism in
rhus cotiuas (the mist tree) and iu rhus glaba (common
Bumac).— Zoology. Note on bufo Americanus. Packard
(A. a., jr.) Fartiier observ. on the embryology of limulus.
Uhler (P. R.) Kemarkable wasp's nest found in a stump in
Maryland, ciill (T.) On recent additions to the lish fauna
of Massachusetts ; On the species of the genus microp-
terus (lac.) or grystes (auct.) Grote (A. R ) On the origin
of insects and remarks on the antennal character in the
butterflies and moths. Goode (G. li.) On the question
" Do snakes swallow their young ? " Rice (W. N ) Effects
of certain poisons on mollusks. Wilder (B. G.) Outer
cerebral hssures of mammalia (especially the carnivora)
and the limits of their homology : Cerebral variation in
domestic dogs, and 'ts bearing upon scientitic phrenology;
Lateral asymmetry in the brains of a double human mon-
ster ; Papillary representative of two arms of a double
human monster, with a note on a mummied double mon-
ster from Peru ; Habits and parasites of epeira riparia,
with note on the moulting of nephila plumipes ; Nets of
epeira, nephila aud hyptiotes (mithras) ; Lateral position
of the vent in ainphiuxus and iu the larvas of rana pipiens ;
Composition of the carpus in dogs : Variation of the con-
dition of the external sense organs in foetal pigs of the
same litter ; Pectoral muscles ot mammaha ; Variation in
the pectoral muscles of domestic dogs Morse (E S.) On
the emliryology of terebratulina ; Genitalia of brachio-
poda. Pntuam (F. W.) Notes on hparis. cyclopterus and
their allies. Verrill (A. E.) Explorations of Casco Bay by
the'U. S. fish commission in 1873. Swallow (G. C.) On the
originof species.— Anthropology. Perkins (G. H.) Ancient
burial ground in Swanton, Vt. White (U. A ) Artificial
shell -heaps of fresh-water mollusks. ^Vhittlesey (0 ) On
the rate of increase ot the human race. Washburn (G.)
Calvert a supposed relics of man ; Miocene of the Dardan-
elles.—Practical Science. Hough ,F. B.) On the duty of
governments iu the preservation of forests. LeConte (J.
L.) Hints for the promotion of economic entomology. Gill
(T.) Suggestion fur facilitation of museum administration.
Bickmore (A. S.) American museum of natural history in
Central park. New York.— Executive proceedings.
American Bible society. Annual reports : with an
account of its organization, v. 1. 1816-1838.
New York, 1838. 8° 3513.30
— Ferris (I.) Jubilee memorial of the American Bible
Society : being- a review of its first fifty years'
work. 1807 3515.14
— Strickland {W. li.) History of the. 18.56. 3457.09
American biblical repository. See Biblical reposi-
tory ; — Bibliotheca sacra 8031.01
American bibliopoUst. v. 1-5, 18G9-74. New York,
1869-74. 8° 2774.10
American board of commissioners for foreign mis-
sions. Memorial volume of the first fifty years.
6th ed. Boston, 1862. 8° 3447.26
American boy's book of sports and games, [anon.]
New York, 1864. 12° 4611.17
American buUder. v. 1-10. Chicago and New York.
1869-74. 4°.
American card-player, [anon.] New York. 1866.
1(;°. 4611.31
American catalogue of books for 1869-71. New York,
Leypoldt & Holt, 1870-72. 8° 2775.06
American chess magazine, v. 1. Hartford, 1875. 12°.
American christian record. N. Y., 1860. 12°. 345,5.01
American commonplace book of poetry. G. B. Chee-
ver. 1846 1625.19
American convent, as a school for Protestant children.
N. Y., Prol. epis. sac, 1869. 16°.
American criminal trials. See Chaudlei (P. W. )
American (The) cyclopaedia : a popidar dictionary of
general knowledge. Ed. by George Kipley aud
Charles A. Dana, v 1-11. N. Y., 1873-75. 8°.
Note. — Based upon the New American cyclopsedia.
American educational annual, v. 1, 1875. New York,
1875. 8' 5522.14
American educational monthly. 11 v. New York,
1864-74. 8° 5533.01
American eloquence ; collection of speeches, etc.
Ed. by F. Moore. 2 v. N. Y., 1858. 8°. 6325.03
American Ikmily in Germany. J. Koss Browne.
1866 964.12
American family in Paris, lanon.] New York, 1869.
16° 962.12
American farmer (Letters from au). .See Crevecceur
(H. St. J.)
American farmer's encyclopsedia. See Emerson
(G.) 6126.03
American game iu its seasons. H. W. Herbert.
1854 4615.09
American gardener's magazine. Ed. By C. M. and
P. B. Hovey. v. 1-2. B., 1835-36. 8°. 6101.01
Note.— See Magazine of horticulture, botany, etc for con-
tinuation. [6101.03.]
American genealogist. W. H. Whitmore. 1868. 3247.17
American geogr. and statistical society. Bulletin, v.
1-2,1852-56. N. Y. , 1852-56. 8°. . . 905.01
— Journal, v. 1-4, 1859-74. New York, 1859-74. 4°
and 8° 90^ 08
— Proceedings, v. 1-2, 1862-64. N. Y., 1862-64.8°. 905 06
American girl abroad. A. Trafton. 1872. . 946.01
American historical and hteraiy curiosities. See
Smith (J. J.) and Watson (J. F.) . . 144. 03
American historical record and repertory of notes and
queries. Ed. by B. J. Lossing. v. 1-3. Phila.
1871-73. 4° 8028.01
American horological journal. 1869-73. 4 v. ^few
York, l«7U-73. 4° 394,M5
American Hoy le. By "Trumps." New Y^ork, 1864.
12° 4611.24
American in England. A. S. Mackenzie. 1837. 953.06
American institute of ai'chitects. Proceedings. New
York, 1867-74. 4°. 1316.28
American institute of mining engineers. Transac-
tions. V. 1-3 3947.01
American institute of the city of New York. Annual
report [or transactions], v. 5-32, 1847-8—73-4.
Albany, 1848-74. 8° 6117.06
Note. — Each volume contains a report in relation to the
annual exhibition, with addresses, discussions of the Far-
mers' club, transactions of the Polytechnic association, and
Proceedings of the Photographical section.
— Catalogue of the library. New York, 1852. 8°. 2714.11
American journal of education. Ed. by H. Barnard.
V. 1-24, 1856-73. Hartford, 1856-73. 8°. . 5531.01
Note.—y. 11-16 are also entitled "New series, v. 1-6 '* ;
V. 17-24, " National series, v. 1 8." v. 18 is the '• American
year-book of 1859 ; " v. 19 is the Special report of the U S.
com. ot education, on education-in tiie District of Colum-
bia ; V. 20 is devoted to the '• Public instruction of various
countries ; " v. 21 to " Technical schools and special in-
Btructiou ; '* v. 23 is covered by Mr. Barnard's two pub-
lications "Study and coudvict " [5518.02], and "Military
systems" [5524.19]; v, 24 relates to school and university
American journal of insanity, v. 1-4. TJtica, 1844-5
—47-8. 8° 8054.15
American journal of numismatics, v. 1-2. New York,
1866-67. 8° 1587.01
American journal of science and arts. 50 v. New
York, 1818-45. 8°. 8181.01
Note.—y. 60 contains an index to v. 1-49, and history of
the Journal.
— Same. 2d s. .50 v. New Haven, 1840-70. 8°. 8182.14
^oie. — V. 10, 20. etc , have general indexes.
— Same. 3d s. v. 1-4. New Haven, 1871-74. 8° 8183.29
American journal of the medical sciences. New series.
V. 1-67. Phila., 1841-74. 8° 8011.01
American law review, v. 1-8. B., 1867-74. 8°. 5642.01
American literary gazette aud publisher's circular.
V. 1-18 in 9. Philadelphia, Geo. W. Uliiids,
1863-72. 8° 2764.01
iVofe.- Merged with Publishers' and stationers' weekly
trade circular [2764.10].
American Lloyd s registry of American and foreign
shipping. 1858-66. 8 v. New York, 1858-60.
8°. 5i)28.01
American loyalists. See Sabine (L. ) . . . 3246.01
American merchant in Europe, Asia, and Australia.
G. F. Train. 1857 92'2.11
American monthly review, v. 1-4, Jan. 1832 — Dec.
1833. Cambridge and Boston, 1832-33. 8°. 8003. 20
American uaturahst. Ed. by A. S. Packard, jr., E. S.
Morse, etc. v. 1-7, [1868-1874]. Salem, (Mass.)
1868-74. 8° 4743.01
American Nepos : lives of eminent men. 2d ed.
Baltimore, 1811. 16° 3242.07
American newspaper [advertising] rate-book ; with an
index. New York, 1S70. 8°. [ With Men jThe)
who advertise.] 2735.18
American notes. See Dickens (Charles). : 1074.16
American orieutal Bociety. Jouinnl. 9 v. Boston,
1819-71. S" 7811.01
1, Proceedings. Pickeriuf; (J.) Address at the flrHt an-
nual meetiug. Salisbury (E. E.) Memoir on Buddhisiu.
Kluproth (M.) History of paper money in China, tr. from
the • JourniU asiatique,' by .J. Pickering. Greonough (W.
W.) China : population, trade. Pickering (J.) Memoir of
P. S. Du Ponceau. Smith (E.) Treatise on Arab murtic. tr.
Comatock (G- S.) Notes on Arakau. with map by L. stilson.
Three chapters of Genesis, tr. into the Sooahelee language
by Dr Krapt, with iutrodmtion by W. W. Crreenough.
Salisbury (E E.) M. Burnouf on IJuddhiam in India ; I,aa-
Ben's Antiquities of India. Salisbury (E. E.) Miscolla-
neouB notices rel to the recent progre-s of Orieutal ro-
searches. Wilson (J. L.) Comparative vocabularies of
Bome negro dialects of Africa. Bryant (J. C.) The Zulu
laugviage. Grout (L ) The Zulu and other diale. te of
Southern Africa ; Et-Tabary's Conciuest of I'eraia by the
Arabs, tr. by J. P. Brown. Salisbury (E. E.) Identification
of the signs of the Persian cuneiform alphabet. Van
Dyck (C. V. A.) Medical protession in Syria.
2, Proceedings. Schauffler (W G.) Sbabbathai Zevi and
his fDllowers. Turner (W. W.) Account of a Japanese ro-
mance. Williams (S. W.) Note on Japanese syllabaries.
Smith (A.) Contribution to geogr. of central Koordintan,
with map. Perkins (J".) Tour from Oroomiah to Mosul,
through the Koordish mountains, and visit to Nineveh,
Edwards (B. B ) Note on the Kurdish language. Gibbs
(J. W.) Characteristics of the Peshito Syriac version of
the New Testament, Hoisington (H. It.) Syllabus of the
Siva-Gnana-Potham, one of the sacred books of the Hin-
dus. Brown (N.) Specimens of the Naga language of
Asam. Brown {S. R 1 Chinese culture. Et-Tabary's Con-
quest, contiu. from vol. 1. and Beath and character of
'Omar. tr. by J. P Brown. DeForest (H. A ) Tour in
Mount Lebanon, and to the eastern side of Lake Huleh.
Hadley (J.) Forms of the Greek substantive verb. Salis-
bury (E. E.) Tr. of two unpublished Arabic documents,
relating to the doctrines of the IsmJ,'ileB and other IJiitin-
ian sects. — Miscellanies-
3, Life of Gaudama. tr. from the Burmese ' Ma-la-len-
ga-raWottoo* ; by C. Bennett. Khtilid Ibu Zeid El-Ju'ty.
Tr. of an unpublished Arabic risaleh. by E. E. Salisbury.
Macy(W. A) On the mode of applying the electric tele-
graph in connection with the Chinese language, — Miscel-
lanies. Extracts from correspondence ; Abd-el-Mejid.
Tr. of the firman, granted in favor of his Protestant sub-
jects ; Bibliographical intelligence ; Va'ssaUo (C.) Maltese
antiquities-; The Jews of Khaifimg-fu : Chinese reposito-
ry ; Dwight (H, G O.) Catalogiio of all works in the Arme-
nian language, earlier than the 17th century,— Whitney
(W. D ) Main results of the later Vedic researches in Ger-
many. Koth (It.) On the morality of the Veda. tr. by W.
D. Whitney. DeForest (H. A.) Notes on the ruins in the
Bukaaaudin the BeUid Ba'albek. Ballantino (H.) Relations
of the Mariithj. to the Sanskrit. Hoisington {H. 11 ) Notes
on the Tamil language. Salisbury .E. E.) Genuineneas of
the so-called Nestorian monument of Singan-fu Grout
(L.) Essay on the phonology and orthography of the Zulu
and kindred dialects in S. Africa.
4, Minutes, Tattuva-Kattalei, law of the Tattuvam ;
a synopsis of the mystical philosophy of the Hindus, from
the Tamil, by H. R. Hoisington. Siva-Gnina-Putham, in-
struction in the knowledge of God ; from the Tamil, by H.
R. Hoisington. Mulamuii, or the Buddhist Genesis of
eastern India, from the Shan, through the Talaing and
Burman. by F. Mason. — Miscellanies. Dwight (H.G.O.,) and
Riggs (E.) Orthography of Armenian and Turkish proper
names . On the Malalengara ; Siva-Pi raUasam, light of Si-
van ; a metaphysical and theological treatise, translated
from the Tamil, by H. R. Hoisington. Whitney \Vf. D.)
On the history of the Vedic texts. Allen (D. O.) The state
and prospects of the English language in India. Mason
(F.) The Talaing language. Cross (E. B.) On the Karens.
Brown (N.) Comparative vocabulary of the Sgau and Pwo
Karen dialects. Wtiite (M. c ) t.'hiuese local dialects re-
duced to writing. Bradley (C. W ) Outline of the system
adopted for romanizing tlie dialect of Amoy. Woolscy T.
D.) Notice of a life ot Alexander the Great, translated
irom the Syriac, by J. Perkins, with extracts.
5, Stoddard (D. T.) Grammar of the modern Syriac lan-
guage, as spoken in Oroomiah, Persia, and in Koordistan.
—Miscellanies. Porter (J. L.) Letter containing Greek in-
scriptions, with Pres. Woolsey's remarks ; Dwight {H G.
O.) Armenian traditions about Mt. Ararat. Salisbury (E
E.) Remarks on two Assyrian cylinders received from
Mosul. Gibbs (J. W ) Vestiges of Buddhism in Microne-
sia. ^Vhituey (W. D.) Bupp's comparative accentuation of
the Greek and Sanskrit languages. White (M. C.) Her-
nisz's guide to conversation in English and Chinese, and
Andrews' discoveries in Chinese. Salisbury (E. E.) Roth
and Whitney's edition of the Atharva-Veda ; Phoenician
inscription of Sidou ; The Sidon inscription, with a trans-
lation, by W. W. Turner. Wylie (A.) On tlie Nestorian tab-
let of Se-gan Foo. Whitney (W. D.) On the Avesta or the
Bacred scriptures of the Zoroastrian religion ; Contribu-
tions from the Atharva-Veda to the theory of Sanscrit ver-
bal accent. Hohiiboe (C A) Ideas respecting an alphabet
Butted to the languages of S. Africa. Hadley (J.) Notice
of 'Die lonier vor der ionischeu Wanderung,' by E.
6. al-Kh&zIua. AnalysiH and oxtractnof tho • Book of the
balance of wisdom, an Arabic work on the water baliinco,
by N. Khanikof. Or(mt(I,.) The prepoHitioiit4, conjunctions,
and other particles of tin) Isizulu a-nl itri i-ognate lan-
guages. • Trans, uf the Surya-Hiddhunta,' a tt!it-bc>ok of
Hmdu astronomy ; by E. IJurKCKs. Two Sanskrit luHcrip.
tions on stone ; originsU t^'Xts. with tranH. by F. E. Hall.
Three Sanskrit inscriptions, rel. to grants of land ; orig.
texts, translations and notes by F, E. lIuU. OriM-k iriBcrip-
tiou Ironi Daphne, near A'ltioch, in Syria, by J Uadley.
Hall I F. E) On tho Arya Siddhunta — ,1/iscW/aniVr Itigga
(i^.) Inverted construction of modern Armenian; Macy
(VV. A.) Ou 8. W. Williams's Chinest! dictionary. Moffat
(F ) On the natural limits of ancient Oriental history;
Extracts from correspondence.
7. Hall (F. E.) On the kings of Mandala as commemo-
rated in an inscription now flrst printed in the original
tongue ; Two inscriptions pertaining ti» tho Paraniura
rulers of Malava ; tlie Sanskrit with tr. by V. E. Hall ;
Remarks on the Phu-nician inscriiHion of Sidon, by W W.
Turner. Salisbury (E. E ) Contributions from original
eourccH to our knowledge of MuHlim tradition, I'aspati
{A. G.) The language of the gypsieH, as now used in the
Turkish empire, tr. from the lireek by c. Hamlin ; Evi-
dences of the Scythian attinities of the Dravidian lan-
guages, condensed and arranged from R. Caldwell s com-
l)aiative Dravidian grammar, by E. Webb, On Lepsius's
standard alphabet, by W. D. Whitney. The Artbava Veda
Priiti<;akhya, or {_:aunakiya Caturadhyayika ; text, transla-
tions and notes by W. D. Whitney. Proceedings, l«6()-62.
— Members.
8- Whitney (W. D.) On the views of Biot and Weber res-
pe.ting the relations of the Hindu and Chinese systems of
asterisms ; with MiiUer's views. Mohemmed Missiree.
On the Tesavry, or spiritual life of the Soffets ; tr. from
the Turkish, by J. P. Brown. Salisbury (E. E.) Jlateriala
for the history ot the Muhammedan doctrine of predebti-
nation and ftee will. Revelation of the AfKistle Paul ; tr.
from [the] Syriac by J. Perkins. Stilson (L.) Notice of the
Kemi language. Sulaiman. Ejfendi i>f Ailhanah. I-irst ripe
fruit, disclosing the mysteries of the Nusairian religion,
by E E. Salisbury. Burgess (E ) On the origin of the lu-
nar division of the zodiac represented in the Nakshatra
system of the Hindus. Lepsius {R ) On his standard al-
phabet ; a letter of explanations, with notes by W. D.
Whitney. — Miscellanies Pratt (A. T.} On the Armeno-
Turkish alphabet. Bastian (A.) Brahmanical inscriptions
in Buddhistic temples in Siam. Clarke (H.) Ou the Assy-
ro-Pseudu-Sesostris. Whitney (W. D ) Reply to the strict-
ures of Weber upon an essay respecting the asterismal
system of the Hindus, Arabs, and Chinese. Proceedings,
9. The Taittiriya-praticjakhya, with its commentary, the
Tribhashyaratna ; text, trau.-^latious, aud notes, by W. D.
Whitney. Proceedings, 1866 70.
American party. (Principles and objects of the).
New York, 1855. H°.
American Presbyterian and Theological review. Edi-
tors : H. B. Smith and J. M. Sherwood, v. 1-6.
New York, 1863-G8. 8^ 8054.03
AV»/e.— Succeeded the Presybterian quar. rev. [8157.03] ;
and Amer. theol. rev. [801X1)1],
— Same. New series, v. 1. N. Y., 18G9. 8^ 8054.09
American pioneers and patriots. See Abbott {J. S.
C.) 3U33.21
American publisher and bookseller, v. 1. [Octavo
series.] New York. 18G8. 8^ 2713.10
American publishers' circular. See Amsrican lit. gaz.
American pulpit. H. Fowler. 1856. . . . 3156.07
American quar. church review, v. 1-25. Hartford,
etc. 1848-1874. 8^ 8004.01
American quarterly register aud magazine. Ed. by
J. Stryker. v. 1-3. Phil, 1848-49. 8°. 8001.08
American railroad jour. v. 35-47. N. Y., 1802-74. 4^
American rejected addresses. N.Y., 18>5. 12''. 1645.07
American religion. John Weiss. 1871. . . 3022.04
American republic. See Brownson (O. A.)
American review : a whig journal. See American
whig review 8U03.01
American revolution. See Countries. {United Slates :
Amer. rev.)
American rose culturist. [anon.] New Y''ork. 1852.
12 0132.25
American scenery. lUus. from drawings by W. H.
Bartletc. The literary department by N. P. Wil-
lis. 1840 1116.01
American social science associaticu. Hand-book lor
immigrants to the United States. With map.s.
New York, 1871. 12° 1071.09
— Transactions. No. 1-7. N. Y., 1869-74. 8°. 5811.01
No. 1. Contents : 1. Hist, of social science, Henry Vil-
lard. 2. Inspection of country schools. John D. Phil-
brick. 3 University education, G lUwin Smith. 4. Tei-
lu asking for books, use the "Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TI'ILK, aud tho NUMBER.
as cattlfl disease. J. S. Gould. S. Supervision of public
charities. V B. Sandborn. 6. Method of diSfusing knowl-
edge. Horace Greeley. 7. Protection ol the ballot. C. F.
Adams, jr. 3 Civil service reform. Samuel Eliot. 9.
Some topics in criminal law. H. W. Torrey. 10. People's
banks of Germany, Henry Villard. 11. Progress in eco-
nomic oducatiim. 12 Economic results of emancipation
of the serfs in Bussia, N. Tourguoneff. 13. General in-
2. Current record of the association 1. Immigration,
F. Eapp. 2. The American census. James A. Garfield.
3. Mode of procedure in cases of contested elections. Hen-
ry L. Dawes. 4- Public charities of the State of New York.
Theodore W, Dwight. 5. Public libraries of the United
States, A. E. Spofford. 6. Science of transportation. J. D.
Potts. 7. Vaccination ; report by E Bacon. W A. Ham-
mond, and 1). F. Lincoln. 8. The electiou of presidents,
C. F. Adams, jr. 9. Life insurance. Sheppard Homans,
10. The administration of criminal justice. George C. Bar-
ret. 11. Health laws and their administration. Elisha
Harris. 12 An international code, D. D. Field. 13 Con-
stitution. Works publ. in 1859.
3. 1. Public parks and the enlargement of towns. F. L.
Olmsted. 2. Art education in America, C. C. Perkins. 3.
Civilization and Health. Francis Bacon. 4. American sys-
tem of patents. 8. A. Duncan. C. Nature and sphere of
police power, T. D. Woolsey. C. Legislation and social
Bcience, E. L. Godkin. 7, Representation of minorities.
D. D Field. 8. Eelations of business men to national
legislation. H. A. Hill. 9. Houses in the country for
working men, G. B. Emerson. 10. Minority representa-
tion in Europe. Thomas Hare. 11. Application of Mr
Hare's system of voting to the nomination of overseers of
Harvard CoUege, 'W. R. Ware 12. General intelUgence.
4. 1. Study of social science. Willi^4u strong. 2. Waste
of e'iistiug social system. Lorin Blodget 3- Mining legis-
lation, E. B. Coxe. 4. CivU service reform. J. G. Rosen-
earten. 6. International industrial competition. Joseph
Wharton. G. Von Mohl on modes of fiUing civU offices.
BrentonCoxe 7. Art schools. C. C. Perkins. S. Indus-
trial drawing. C. O. Thompson 9. Music in public schools,
J B ITpham. ill. InefBcicncy of economic legislation.
Edw. Atkin.son. 11 Relief of labor. Samuel Eliot. 12.
National education in England. Mrs. S. Parkman. 13. Ge-
neral iutellii^encc.
5. 1. Municipal government. Dorman B. Eaton. 2.
Higher education of women. T. W. Higginson. 3. Restor-
ation of the currency, J. S. Ropes. 4. Some results of the
census. Francis A. Walker. 5. Public vaccination. F. 1'.
Foster. 6. The international, David .A.. Wasson. 7. Legis-
lation in relation to pharmacy, G. F. H. Markoe. 8. General
6. General meeting at New York. 1. Opening address.
George William Curtis. 2. Work of social science in the
United States. F, B Sanborn. 3. Financial Administra-
tration. G. Bradford. 4. Conference of boards of public
charities. 5 Pauperism in the city of New York. 6. Ttjo
farmers' movement in the Western States. Willard C.
Flagg. 7. Ocean lanes for steamship navigation. Prof B.
Peirce. 8. Rational principles of taxation. David A. Wells.
9. American railroads. Gardiner G. Hubbard. 10. Refor-
mation of prisoners. Z. R Brockway. 11. The deaf-mute
college at Washington. Edward M Gallaudet. 12. The
protection of animals. George T. Augell. 13. American
finance. Prof. W. G. Sumner.
7. 1. Private property upon the sea. Rev. Dr. Woolsey.
2. Conference of boards of health. 3. School hygiene. I).
F. Lincoln and A. L. Carroll. 4. Tent hospitals. J. F. Jen-
kins. 5. National. State, and sectarian universities. A.
D. White and Dr. McCosh. 6 Free lending libraries. W.
W. Greenough, 7. Young men s christian associations.
Cephas Brainard. 8. Ocean lanes. 9 Prison reform in
Europe and America. E. C. Wines and F. B. Sanborn. 10.
Social science record. 11. Conference of boards of charities.
American sportsman. E. J. Lewis. 1868. . 4617.01
AmeiiC-iu state papers. Documents legislative and
executive, from 1789. 38 v. Wash.,183'2-61. fol.
Contents ; Class 1. Foreign relations, v. 1-6 ; to Ist sesa.,
20th Congress, 1827.
2. Indian affairs, v. 1-2 ; to 2d seas., 19th Congress. 1827.
3 yiriance, V. 1-5 ; to Ist sess., 2Uth Congress, 1828.
4. Commerce and nav.,v. 1-2; to '2d sess., 17th Cong , 1825.
6. military affairs, V. 1-7 : to 1st sess.. 20th Cong., 18'28.
6. Navalaffairs,\.l-i. tolst sess.. 24th Congress, 1838.
7. Post-office ; to 2d sess., 22d Congress.
8. Public lands, v. 1-8 ; to ■2d sess.. 24th Congress, 1837.
9. Clai-ns, v. 1 ; to 2d sess.. 17th Congress, 1825
10. MisceUaneous,v.l-i to 2d sess.. 17th Congress. 1825.
American stud-book. Wallace iJ. H. ) 1S67. •lUl.S.OS
American theological review. Ed. by H. B. Smitli.
V. 1-4. New York, 18.V.I-6-2. H". . . . 8013.01
.^■■(e.— Merged in 'Amer. Presb. and theol. rev.' [8054.03.J
American tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Kobin-
son, in the United States, Canada, and Cub.i. By
Toby. New York, 1872. 4° 1456.0',)
American tract society. Slst, 38th, 47th, 49th an-
nual report. New York and Boston, 1856-63. 8°.
}jliss ( ,s'. ) Letters on the Tract controversy, 'id ed.
Boston, 1858. 8°.
American Unitarian association. Tractj. Army series.
Boston, 1861. 8°. 3514.13
American whig review, v. 1-16. New York, 1845-52.
8° 8003.01
American wild fowl shooting. J. W. Long. . 4624.11
American (An) woman In Europe. Mrs. S. K. Ur-
bino. 1869 944.16
American -woman's home. See Beeoher (0. E. ) and
Stowe(H. B.) 6016.05
American womanhood. J. C. Jackson, M. D. 4331.19
American (The) yacht list for 1874. CompUed by
Neils Olseu. New York, 1874. 12°. . . 4517.33
American year-book. v. 1, 1869. Ed. by D. N.
Camp. ' Hartford, 1869. 8°. . . . .6723.01
American literature. .See Literature. (Ammcan.)
Americanisms. See Language. (Americanisms.)
American's (The) guide : constitutions, etc., of the
United States. Philadelphia, 1849. 12°. 5736.14
Americans in Rome. H. P. Leland. 1863. 972.14
Ames (Fisher). Influence of democracy considered.
la7ion.] Introd. by H. Ewbank. London, 1835.
8° 5722.01
IVote. — Selections from his writings.
— Works. [With life, by J. T. Kirkland.] Ed. by
S. Ames. 2 v. Boston, 1854. 8°. . . 5014.01
Contents : v. 1. Life ; Letters.
2. Speeches ; Political essays, viz : Lucius Junius Bru-
tus ; Camillus ; Laocoon ; Falkland ; Observer ; Sketches
of the Slate of Europe : Phociou ; The new Romans ; For-
eign politics ; No revolutionist ; Equality : History is
philosophy teaching by examjjle ; Balance of Europe : Po-
litical review ; Monitor ; The Republican ; sketch of the
character of Alexander Hamilton ; Reflections on the
war in Europe ; Character of Brutus ; Prospect of a new
coalition against France ; The combined Powers and
France ; The successes of Bonaparte ; Dangerous power
of France; Non-intercourse act; Lessons from history:
British alliance ; Duration of French despotism ; Dangers
of .\mericin liberty : Review of a pamphlet on the state of
the British constitution. Miscellaneous essays, viz :
School-books ; Hercules ; Hints and conjectures concern-
ing the institutions of Lycurgus ; Americau literature.
— Lowell I J.} Remarks on John Q. Adams' Review of
Mr. Ames' works, [aium] 1809 . . . 5093.07
Amss (Joseph) ami Herbert (William). Typograph-
ical antiquities ; or the history of printing in Eng-
land, Scotland, and Ireland. Enlarged bv T. F.
Dibdin. 4 v. London, 1810-1819. 4^ 2766.02
Ames (Mary dimmer). Memorial of Alice and Phcebe
Cary. New York, 1873. Vi" 3032.25
— Outlines of men, women, and things. New York,
1873. 16 2512.32
— Ten years in Washington. Hart., 1874. 8°. 1134.19
Jkff" For other works of Mrs. A. see Fiction class-list.
Amherst college.
— Catalogue of books added to the library, firom 1855-
71. Amherst, 1871. 8°
— Semi-centennial catalogue of Amherst college. Am-
herst ( Mass. ) 1872. b°
Tuler t W. S.) History cf, during its first half cen-
tury. 1821-71 5518.22
Ammergau passion play. See Drama. (_Am7Hergau
pa.'ision play. )
Ammiauus Marcellinus. Rerum gestarum Ubri xiv-
xrsi [Lat. etFr. Tr. par Th. Saval6te. ] Paris ,
1869. 8". [Nisard's CoUeclion.] . . 7725.02
— Roman historv. [A. D. 353-378.] London, Bohii,
1862. 8°. ." 432.27
Ammonius. Aristotelis vita. Edente A. Wester-
manno. Parisiis, Dldot, 1863. 8°. . . 7764.15
Ammunition. See Militciry science.
Amcenitates literarite. See Schelhorn (J. G.) 2534.14
Am Dng my books. See Lcwell (J. R. )
Among our sailors. J. G. Jewell. 1874. . 931.20
A.nong the Goths and Vandals. J.Blaikie. 1870. 996.04
Amon^ the Guerrillas. J. R. Gilmore. . . 19,"). 03
Among the hills, etc. See Whittier (J. G.) . 1695.08
Among the pines. J. R. Gilmore. 1862. . 195.04
Among the trees. M. Lorimer. 1869. . . 4915.06
Amoor river and region. See Countries. {Amoor. )
Amory (Thomas, 6. 1691). Life of John Buncle. 4 v.
London, 1770. 16°. 122.02
Amory (Thomas, D. D. b. 1701). A dialogue on de-
votion, after the manner of Xenophon. 2d ed.
London, 1746. 8°. 3022.22
Amory (Thomas C.) Life of James Sullivan. 2 v.
Boston, 18.".7. 8° 3167.01
Amos (Anflrew). Enf;lisb coDstitiitionin the reign of
Charles II. London, 1857. 8'. . . . 5717.08
— Great oyer of poisoning. Trial of the earl of Som-
erset for poisoning Sir T. Overbury. London,
1816. 8^ 5612. 2()
— Rnins of time expmplifii>d in Sir Matthew Hale's
History of the pleas of the crown. 18.56. 502.5. '21
Amos (Sheldon •. Difference of sex as a topic of juris-
prudence and legislation. L., 1870. 8°. 5823.16
— The science of law. New York, 187-i. 12°. 5614.23
— Systematic view of the science of jurisprudence.
London, 1862. 8°. 5614.22
Ampere (J. J. ) Littt'rature, voyages, et po(?sics. 2 v.
Paris, 18.50. 16' 7001.11
Contents: v 1. EaqiiissoB du Nord. Litt^^rattirixlaDoise.
Franco. Ecoase ct .\ngleterro. Litteratiiro all'--mande.
Litteratures slaves, Dohonie. I.itturatitru scaniliDavc.
Histoire comparoodns lanRueB. E<Ma «t Sa^'aM. Mytholo-
gie ecaDdinavo, Dus SL-aldoB. v. 2, HeureH dp Poenle.
Amphibians. See Natural history. {AmpUihuxns ) ;—
al.111 Ocean.
Amusement directory and travelers' guide 'from the
Atlantic to the Pacific. O.P.Sweet. 1870-71 1124.24
Morality and Utility of Amtiseincnts.
CuUure of pleasure ; or, the enjoyment of life in its
social and religious aspects. [«/io)i.] 1872. 3541.06
Donne ( W. B. ) Essays on the drama and on popular
amusements, id ed., 1863 1715.20
Prampton (J.) Three dialogues on the amusements of
clergymen. 1797 3515.16
Xorthbrooke (J. ) Treatise against dancing, plays, etc.
[Shakespeare soc] 1756.14
Talmage (T. D. W.) Sports that kill 1875. 3612.27
fl®- For articles in periodicals, see Blackwood, 1866, v.
100 ; Chr. Ex., v. 8 ; Meliora. 1«63. v. 6 ; New Englander,
1807, V. 66 ; Westm. Reriew, 1856. v. 66.
For essays, see Gail Hamilton's Btumbling-blocts f2523.06] ;
Helps (A), mends in council. 2d ser. t. 1 [2531.28]; Mori-
eon(J H.) Amusements [3515.151; Matthew Browne (p5. for
W. B. Rands) On art and popular amusements, in his Views
»nd Opinions, pp. 238-82 [2514,18]; Saunders (F.) Salad
for the solitary, pp. 132-154 [2542. 10] ; Stowo {Mrs. H. B.)
Chimney-corner, pp 166-204 [2543.12].
See also Drama, in general alphabet.
Nalional and Rural Festivals and Sports.
Brande (J.) Popular antiquities of Great Britain. Ed.
with additions by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 v. 497.05
DaniemV. £.) Rural sports. 3 v., 1807. .4625.14
1. Dogs and hunting. I 3. Birds. Gun.
2. Fishing and angling. \
--The Same. Supplement, 1813 4625.17
Howitt ( W. ) Popular festivities. [In his Rural life of
England, v. 2. pp. 138-208.] .... 954.06
Maxwell ( W. 11. ) Field-book : or sports and pastimes
of the British Islands. 1833 4617.03
Pfrc!/ anecdotes, v. 19. 1823 6211.19
Peverelly (C. A.) Book of American pastimes, contain-
ing a history of the principal base ball, cricket,
rowing, and yachting clubs of the United States.
1866 4612.15
Ranking (,J.) Wars and sports of the Mongols and
Romans. 1826 4618.03
Smith {H.) Festivals, games and amusements, ancient
and modem. 1848 4611. Ul
Stewart ( IK. 0. ) Popular amusements of the High-
landers of Scotland. 1823 3816.10
Strutt {J. ) Sports and pastimes of the people of Eng-
land. 1833 5617.02
TVoUope (yl.) British sports and pastimes. 1868. 4617.16
Viollei Le Due (E. R) Jeux ; passe-temps. 750-1550.
[In his Diet, du mobUier tran9ai8, v. 2.] . 1315.25
Walsh (J. H.) Manual of British rural sports. [Hunt-
ing, shooting, angling, racing, rural games, skat-
ing, riding.] By " Stonehenge. " [pseiid] 4615.07
IKesf ( y. ) Dissert, on the Olympic games. 1824. 1676.08
^Sf" Much information relative to the amusements and
festivities, and various holidays, of the English will be
found elsewhere, under head of Calendar. See also
Christmas; — Holidays.
In-door and Oat-door {including Juvenile) Gaines
and Amusements.
American boy's book of sports and games, [anon.']
1865 4611.17
American Hoyle. By "Trumps." N.Y.,1864. 12° 4611.24
BeUew (F.) Art of amusing. 1866 4611.05
Bohn(H. 6.) Hand book of games. 1850. . 4611.02
Boy's Own Book. A complete encyclopedia of ex-
ercises and diversions. 1856 4611.18
Dick (IK B.). Frost (S. A.), and Taylor (W.) What
shall we do to-night ? By Leger D. Mayne [ pseud. ]
1874 4622.12
Fuller (T. E.) Boy's holiday book. 1865. . 4611.03
Gilbert (C) Endless mirth and amusement. Games,
parlor pastimes, magic, [n.rf.] . . . 4622.13
Head {./. //.) Home pastimes, or, tableaux vivants.
1860 4611.06
/ZbiP to amuse an evening party. [anon.'\ 1869. 4611.09
Hoyle {E.) Book of games, [n. rf.] . . . .4611.23
In-door and out-door games. [anon.'\ 1868. 4611.20
Parlor magic, [anon.1 London, 1839. . . 4611.19
Sociable. 1001 amusements. [anon,'i 1858. . 4611.07
Wood (J. G.) Modem playmate. 1870. . .4611.16
i'ouiij lady's book; elegant recreations. 1859. 5427.07
Conundrums, Enigmas, Charades, Riddles, Acrostics, etc.
Howard (C. J.) Book of conundrums and riddles,
1869 4611.11
Button (C.) Poetical enigmas, asked and answered.
[Diarian Miscellany, v. 1-2. 1775.]. .4011.11
Kew collection of enigmas, charades, etc., 1806. 4611.12
Ori(;i«ai double acrostics, [a/ion.] .... 4611.08
Flanchi (F. d'A.) Guess me: enigmas, charades, acros-
tics, conundrums, anagrams, ek.[1872.] 4611.15
" Puzzle monkeys." Acrostics in prose and verse. By
E. L. F. H. 1869 •. • • •1611.13
Pour deviner. New enigmatical propositions, charades ,
transpositions, anagrams, etc. [anoiu] 4611.21
Special Gaynes, Sports, and Pastimes.
1. — Archery.
Ascham (R.) Toxophilus : 1545. Repr. by E. Axber.
1868 5011.03
*Barringion (Z>.) Observations on archery in England.
[Archceologia, v. 7. 1785.] .... 5128.
Hansard (G. A.) Book of [1840.] . . . 4617.10,
Harijrave (E.) Anecdotes of 4625.13
2.— BaseBalL
Ball players' chronicle. Ed. by H. Chadwick. v. 1-2.
1867 A37.13
3.— Billiards.
Crawley {Capt.) The BUliard book. 1866. .4612.09
Dufton (W.) Practical biUiards. 1867. . .4612.08
Phelan (M.) Game of biUiards. 1859. . . 4612.07
Roberts (J.) On billiards. 1869 4612.10
4— Boxing, or Pugilism.
'Egan (P.) Boxiana, or sketches of ancient and mod-
em pugilism. 3v. 1830 4613.20
— Same. New series. 2 v. 1828-1829. . . 4613.23
Miles (H. D.) PugUistica: the history of British boxing.
V. 1 [to 1820. No more published]. 1866. 4613.19
5.— Cards and Card-Playing.
American card-player, [nno?).] 1866. . . . 4611.31
Hoyle (E.) Book of games. [»i. rf.] . . . .4611.23
Peitigrew T. J.) On the origin and antiquity of play-
ing cards. [Joiur. of Br. arch, assoc. , v. 9.] 1461.09
Secrd out ; one thousand tricks, [anon.] 1869. 4611.22
Taylor ( E. S. ) The history of playing cards, conjuring,
fortime-teUing, and card-sharping. 1865. 4622.01
See also Gambling, in general alphabet
In asking for books, use tha ■ Book Order," giving the ADTHOR'S .N'AME. the first pwt of the rrTLE. and the NtJMBEB.
AMUSEMENTS: Checkers (o r^hing.
Baldwin {J. L.) Eules of btJzique. 1870. . 4611.33
Cavendish, pseud, pocket guide to b^ziqiio. 1869. 4611.30
Meehan ( C. H. W. ) Law and practice of ouohre. By
a Professor, [anon.] 1862 4611.27
Blyth (— ). The whist-player : short whist. 1858. 4611.28
CoBlebs, pseud. Laws and practice of whist. New Tork ,
1859. 32° 4611.26
Pole(W.) Theory of whist. 1870 .... 4611.29
jg^~ For magazine articled, see FraBer*e mag., v. 79, 1869 ;
Blackwood, v. 97, 1865, and T. 105, 1869 ; Littell, 1871, v. 1.
6.— Checkers.
Spayth (//.) Draughts for beginners. 1869. 4612.20
7.— Chess.
Agnel (II. R.) Book of chess. 1853. . . .4614.01
Alexandre (A.) Beauties of chess. 1816 . .4-618.19
— Encyclopedie des echecs. 1837 1466.23
Brown {J.) Chess strategy ; problems. . . . 4614.23
Chess handbook. By an amateur. 1859. . . 461402
C/tcM player's chronicle, v. 1-13. 1810-52. .4621.01
— Same : new series, v. 1-4. 1853-56. . .4621.14
— Same : third series, v. 1-3. 1859-61 . .4621.18
City of London Chess magazine, v. 1- . 1874. 4623.01
Cook (E. B.\ Henry (W.H.), and Oilberg (C.A.) Ameri-
can chess-nuts ; problems. 1868. . . . 4614.05
Dal Bio (K) Incomparable game of chess. 1820. 4014.28
Fiske (D. W.) Book of the first American chess con-
gress. 1859 4614.03
HealeyiF.) Two hundred chess problems. 1866. 4614.20
Frire(T.) Chess handbook. 1858 4614.04
— Morphy's games of chess and Frere's problem tour-
nament. 1859 4614.10
Jaenisch (C. F. de). Chess preceptor ; analysis of open-
ings. Notes by G. Walker. 1847. . . 4614.07
Lewis ( W.) Treatise on the game of chess. 1844. 4614.08
Long (T.) Key to chess openings. 1871 . . 4614.24
Longman (F. \V.) Chess openings. 1870. .4614.21
Lowenthal (J.) Morphy's games. 1860. . . 4614.11
Maxims and hints for a chess player. 1853. . 4616.03
Monroe (J.) Science and art of chess. 1859. 4614.09
Morphy (Paul). Exploits and Triumphs in Europe.
1859 4614.12
— Games of Chess. [Ed.] bv Frfere. 1859. . 4614.10
— Selection of games. Notes by J. Lowenthal.
1860 4614.11
Philadelphia Athenasum and New York chess club.
Games of the match at chess, 1856-1857.
1857 4618.21
Philidor (F. A. D.) Chess rendered familiar by tabu-
lar demonstrations. Introduction by J. G. Pohl-
man. 1H19 4618.18
— Life, by Geo. AUen. 1863 3143.08
San-alt (J. H.) Treatise on chess. 2 v. 1821. 4614.26
Selkirk (G. H.) Book of chess. 1868. . .4614.19
Staunton (H.) Chess tournament of 1851. . . 4614.16
— Chess player's hand-book. 2d ed.. 1861. .4614.14
— Chess player's companion. 1849. . . . 4614.15
— Chess praxis. Suppl. to Hand-book. 1860. 4614.17
Stratagems ot chess, \_anon.] 1817. . . . 4614.28
Tomiinson (C.) Amusements in chess. 1845.4614.13
Vida (M. II. ) LuduB Scacchise : chesse-play. Tr. by
G. B. London, [n.(i.] 4° 4614.06
- Same, tr. by A. Murphy. \In Murphy's Works,
V. 7.] 5057.14
Vogt ( 0. F. ) Letters on chess ; with an account of some
of the principal works on the game. 1848. 4614.22
Simpson {E.) Cat. of books on chess. 1863. . 4614.25
'Barrington (D.) An historical disquisition on the game
of chess. [Archajologia V. 9. 1789.]. .5128.
'Bouce (F.) Some remarks on the European names of
chessmen. [Archaeologia, v. 11. 1794.] 5128.
Forbes (D.) History of chess. 1860. . . .461429
'Madden (F.) Historical remarks on the introduction
of the game of chess into Europe, aud on the an-
cient chessmen discovered in the Isle of Lewis.
[Archasologia, v. 25. 1832.] 5128.
jftS* For Chess gossip, see Arm-chair in the smokina
room, p. 73-91 [2512.26] ; Atlantic mag., v. 5. p. 662-72 ,
Fraser's mag., V. 46 (The magic chessman); Littell's Liv.
age, 1859, v. 2 (Automaton chess player). Consult aiso
Poole's Index.
8.— Cricket.
Box(C.) Cricket, its theory and practice. 1668. 4612.17
C?-ic/i;ef-field : histoi-y and sci-ence. 18.59. . . 4613.07
Lilly white [F.) Cricket scores, and biographies of cele-
brated cricketers, v. 1-4. 1746-1854. . 4625.01
Pycroft (Rev. J.) Cricketaua. [nnmu] 1865. 4612.18
9. — Croquet.
FeUow{R.) The game of croquet, laws, e;c. 1865. 4612.03
Beid (M.) Croquet ; a treatise 4612.01
— Same, 1863 4612.02
10. — Dancing.
Blasis (C.) Art of dancing : theory, hist. 1831. 4612.24
Cellarius (—-). Fashionable dancing, [ab't 1845.] 4612.25
De Walden (E.) Ball-room companion, [n. d.] 4612.22
Ferrero (K) Art of dancing. 18.59. . . . 4612.23
Ilillgrove (T.) Complete practical guide. 1864. 4613.09
Wilkinson ( IF. C. ) Dance of modern society. [Mor-
alizing essay.] 1869 5427.18
See sermon by O. Hart, in Patriot preacher [3583.13] j
and essay by Hunt (L.) Seer, p. 105 14 [2533.10J.
11. — Fishing and Angling.
[See also Fish : Fish-culture : and Fisheries,
in general alphabet.]
Bibliography of Angling.
Belhune (G. W.) Bibliography. [lFi(/t his edition of
Walton.] 4616.04
Blakey (R. ) Hist, sketches of the angling literature of
all nations. 1856 2722.30
Smith (J. B. ) Bibliographical catalogue of books on an-
gling. [ ir»(/i Blakey (R.) Hist, sketches.] 2722.30
General Works.
Blakey (R.) Angling; or, how to angle, and where
to go. 1854 4626.22
— Hints on angling. By Palmer Hackle, [pseud.'l
1846 4616.01
Bowlker (C.) Art of angUng. New ed. 1806. 4626.20
Brooks (R.) Art of angling, rock and sea-fishing.
1740 4626.14
Carter (R.) Summer cruise on the coast of New Eng-
land. 1864 1111.09
Cotton ( G. ) How to angle for a trout or a grayling. See
Walton (L) and Cotton (C.) 4616.04
Orawhall (J., ed.) A collection of right merrie garlands
for north country anglers. 1864. . . . 1674.26
Davy {B.) Sulmonia. 1854 4616.06
Fisherman's magazine and review. Ed. by H. Chol-
mondeley-PeuueU. 1864-1865. 2 v. . . 4616.08
HaUock (C.) Fishing tourist. 1873. . . . 4016.11
Hardy (C.) Forest lile in Acadie. 1869. . .1153.13
Herbert (H. W.) Frank Forester's fish aud fishing of
the U. S., aud British Provinces. 1819. 4616.07
— Same. Supplement. 1850 4616.10
Kingsley (C. ) Chalk-stream studies, [In his New
miscel.] 2534.07
Knox (A. E.) Autumns ou the Spey. 1872. . 4626.17
Lanman (C.) Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the
United States. 1848 1153.03
— Haw-Ho-Noo ; records of a tourist. 1850. 1072.03
JV/ajims and hints for au angler. lanon.'\ 1855. 4616.03
Moffat (A. S.) Secrets of angling. 1865. .4616.17
JS'orris (T.) American angler's book. 1864 . 4616.27
Pennell {H. C.) Fishing gossip. 1806.. . .4616.18
— Modern practical angler. 1870 4616.14
Prime (W.C.) I go a- fishing. 1S73. . . .4026.18
Roosevelt (R. B.) Game fish of the northern states of
America. By Barnwell, [pseud.] 1862. 4616.02
Salter (T.F.) Angler's guide, or London angler. 4626.21
iS'coW ( tf. 6'. ) Fishing m American waters. 1869. 4616.15
Studdart ( T. I. ) Angler's companion to the rivers and
lochs of Scotland. 1853 4616.26
Taylor (S.) Angling in all its branches. 1800. 4626.23
AMUSEMENTS : Pishing (o Sporting.
iVade(If.) Eod-fishing in clear waters, [n. d] ■1616.'22
Walton (7.) and Colton (C) The complertt nnglor : or
contemplative man's recreation. 1759. . 4010.0.5
— Same. 182.1 4i;2G.24
— Same. Notes, ric, [by G.W. Betlmne'l. ISIH. 461tj.04
— Same. Memoirs and notes by ^lir II. Nicolas. 2d
ed. 2t. 1860 4(118.12
— Same. 1867 4(;i(!.25
MUsim (J. ) The rod and gun; two treatises on angling
and shooting. 1840 4()1.5.05
Younij ( L. J. U. ) Sea-fishing as a sport. 2d ed .
1872 462G.1()
Pennell (H. C.) Book of the pike. Jack fishing.
1865 4616.19
Femiell (0.) Book of the roach. 1870. . .4616.23
Alexander (Sir J. E.) Salmon-fishing in Canada. By
a resident, [niion.] 1860 4626.08
AshujortMT.) Salmon fisheries of England. 1868. 4616.28
Conway (J.) Forays among salmon. 1861. . . 4616.16
FUzgibhon (E.) Book of the salmon. By Ephemera.
[;wphJ.] 4626.13
Peara( W.) Year of liberty ; or salmon angling in Ire-
land. 1867 4616.21
12.— Golf.
Golf; a Kusaian game. [Fraser's mag., v. 50,1854.]
13. — Gynmastica and Physical Education.
Beeeher {C.E.) Physiol, and calisthenics. 1858. 4325.05
Mundell (J. W. F. ) The muscles and their story ;
mental and bodily development. 1864. . 4613.26
Depping (G.) Wonders of bodily strength and skiU, in
all ages and countries. 1870 4613.25
Howard (J. H.) Gymnasts and gymnastics. 2d ed.
1868 4613.16
/iisiracd'oiis in gymnastic exercises. [anon.'\ London,
1823. 8° 4613.10
Kehoei,8.D.) Indian club exercise. 1866. .4618.10
Kloss (M.) Dumb-bell instructor. [With Lewis (D. )
New gymnastics. 1862.] 4613.04
Laspie (U. de). Calisthenics, on Pestalozzian princi-
ples. 1865 4613.15
Lewis (D.) New gymnastics. 1862. . . . 4613.04
— Weak lungs, and how to make them strong. 4324.27
Maclaren(A.) Phys;cal education. 1869. . 4613.13
Masdh (S. W.) Gymnastic exercises. 1863. 4613.02
]iaven stein (£. G.) and Uulley {J.) Gymnasium and
fittings. 1867 4613.18
— Handbook of gymnastics and athletics. 1867. 4613.17
Koot {.N. W. T.) School amusements. 1857. 4613.01
iichreiber (D. G. M.) Pangymnastlkon. [/?i Le'wis
(D.) New gymna-stics. 1862.] . . . 4613.04
Tyler (M. C.) Brawnville papers. 1869. . .4613.12
Wallcer {D.) Manly exercises. 1855. . . .4613.06
Watson (J. M.) Hand-book of calisthenics and gym-
nastics. 1864 4613.03
j(®" 5ee a/so Medicine. {Movement cure.) .<4^o an article
in Fraser's mag., n. s. v. 2. 1870, lAthletic sports arut uni-
versity studies) ; and Higginson's Out-door papers [2532.02].
14. — HaTwking.
Sebright (Sir J. S.) Observations upon hawking.
1826 • . 4615.23
15. — Rowing and Boating.
Mactnichael (W. F.) Oxford and Cambridge boat races.
1829 to 1869. 187U 4617.09
^forgan (J. E. ) University oars : being a critical en-
quiry into the after health of the men who rowed
in the Oxford and Cambridge boat-race, 1829 to
186K. 1«73 4612.16
jt'ulnam (J. D. H.) Bower's manual and boat-club reg-
ister. 1838 4613.05
Rowing almanack and oarsman's companion. London,
1870. 18= 4612.26
16.— Skating.
Swifl (F.) and Clark {M. B.) Skaters' text-book.
1868 461.3.11
Vandervell (//. E.)and WUham (F. M.) Figure skatint;.
1869 ". . 4613.14
17.— Sporting, [hunting, shooting, fishing.]
[See also Horsemanship ; and Horse-racing.]
Apperley ( C. ,T. ) Nimrod's tour in Scotland and North
of England, [pseudon.'] 1838. . . . 95.5.02
Arrian (of Nicomedeia). On coursing. Also the C'yne-
getious of the younger Xenophon. With au ap-
pendix containing some account of the canes ve-
natici of classical antiquity. 1831. . . 4i;i8.14
Baker (S. W.) Riflp and hound in Ceylon. 1869.
Beckford(W.) Thoughts on hunting. 1810. 4617.12
Berkeley (0. F.) English sportsman in the western
prairies. 1861 4615.20
Bogardus (A. H.) Field, cover, and trap shooting.
Ed. by C. J. Foster. 1874 4624.09
Boner ( ('. ) Chamois hunting in Bavaria and the Tyrol.
1860 4615.17
Browning (M. ) Forty-four years of the life of a Mary,
lanil hunter. 1859 3024.17
Bulger (G. E.) Leaves from the records of St. Hu-
bert's Club, or sporting expeditions in many
lands. 1864 4015.22
Bumpstead (G.) On the wing. 1869. . . .4615.13
Bush wanderings of a naturalist ; Australia Felix.
1865 4624.16
Campbell {J. ) Field sports in Ceylon. 1843. 1064. 16
Campbell ( W. ) Old forest ranger; India. New ed. 4624.15
Capper (J. ) Duke of Edinburgh in Ceylon : elephant
and elk sport. 1871 1066.20
Carleton ( Capt. — ). Eecreations in shooting. By Craven.
1859 .4615.06
Clarke (C.) Box for the season. Shooting. 2 v.
1864 4824.03
Cumming (R. G.) Hunter's Ufe in South Africa. 2 v.
18.52 1093.11
— Wild men and wild beasts. 1872. . . . 4617.31
Dead shot, [anon.l 1870 4615.10
D'Ewes(J.) Sporting in both hemispheres. 1858. 4615.08
A'gan (P.) Sporting anecdotes. 1825. . . .4617.05
Elliott ( W. ) Carolina sports by land and water.
1859 1113.10
(riHmore (P. ) Gun, rod, and saddle. Ubique. [pseud.]
1869 4615.14
— Prairie and forest: game of N. America. 1874. 1122.27
— Prairie farms and pi airie folk. 1872. . . 1122.24
Greenwood(J.) Wild sports of the world. 1861. 4617.15
Hammond (S. H.) Hunting adventures in the north-
ern wilds [of New York.] 1856. . . . 1112.16
Hardy (C.) Forest life in Acadie. 18:VJ. . . 115-3.13
Harris (W. C.) 'Wild sports of Southern Africa.
1852 1085.12
Hariing (J. E.) Hints on shore shooting. 1871. 4615.31
Hawker (P. ) Instructions to young sportsmen : guna
and shooting. 2 v. 1830 4515.22
Herbert {H.W.) [" Frank Forrester. "] .\merican game
in its seasons. 1851 4615.09
— Field sports of the United State;;. 2 v. 1852. 4617.06
— My shooting box. 1871 4617.19
HitieU (T. H.) Adventures of James C. Adams.
1861 4615.12
Horlock ( — ). ['Scrutator."] Horses and hounds. By
Scrutator, [pseud.] 1855 4615.26
— Practical lessons on hunting and sporting. By
Scrutator, [jpseud.] 1865 4615.19
Hunting grounds of the old world. [India, Circassia,
Algeria.] By "The Old Shekirry." [pseudon.]
1868 1012.21
Huniimj tours : with anecdotes of masters of hounds,
etc. By "Cecil." \ pseiul.] 1864. . .4615.16
Idle {Christopher), [pseud.] Hints on shooting, fish-
ing. f(c., in Scotland. 1855 4626.11
Johnson (T. B.) Gamekeeper's directory. 1851. 4615.25
King (W. R.) Sportsman and naturalist in Canada.
1866 4618.H
la asking for books, use the '■ B Jjk Orders," giving the AUTHOR'S N&UE, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
Knox {A. E.) Autumns on the Spey. [Shooting and
fishing.] 1872 4026.17
Krider (J.) Sporting anecdotes, American game.
1853 4624.14
Lmois (E. J.) American sportsman. [Fowling.]
1863 4617.01
— Same. 1868 4617.01a
Long(J. W.) American wild fowl shooting. 1874. 4624.11
Meiinier ( V. ) Adventures on the great hunting grounds
of the world. 1869 461.5.21
MUls (J.) Sportsman's library. 1845.. . .4617.08
Napier (E) Scenes and sports in foreign lands. 2 v.
1840 4624.01
Newaa (J. T.) Eastern hunters. 1867. . . 1012.19
— Hog hunting in the East, and other sports.
1867 1011.19
Palliser (J.) Solitary rambles and adventures of a
hunter in the prairies. 1853 .... 4624.05
Plain directions for shooting on the wing. By an old
gamekeeper, [anon.] 1873 4615.32
Rivoil (-B.) The hunter and the trapper in N. Ameri-
ica. From the French, by W. H. D. Adams.
1874 4624.10
— Shooting and fishing in N. A. 2 v. 1865. . 4626.09
Eice(W.) Tiger shooting in India. 1857. .4618.06
Roosevelt (R. B.) Game-birds of the coasts and lakes
of the Northern states of America. 1866. 4616.13
Shtikspear {H.) Wild sports of India. 1860.1012.02
Sporting magazine 8184.27
Tolfrey {F.) Sportsman in France. 2 v. 1841.4615.01
Tongue {—). Eecord.s of the chase, and memoirs of cele-
brated sportsmen. By Cecil, [pseud.] 4617.18
Warren (2'. R.) Shooting, boating, and fishing, for
young sportsmen. 1871 4615.29
Amusing poetry. Shirley Brooks 1615.32
Amyot (Thomas). Defence of the early antiquity
of the Bayeux tapestry. [Archaeologia, v. 19,
1821.] 5128.
— Life of Wm. Windham. [Windham's Speeches, v. 1,
1812.] 6313.20
An old Bushman, pseud. See ■Wheelwright (H. W. )
Ana. See Anecdotss ;— Table-talk, and Ana.
Anabasis. See Xenophon 423.05 ; 424.01
Anacharsis, p,se«d. See Barthelemy (J. J.)
Anacreon. Odes and epigrams. Tr. by F. Fawkes.
Ed. by A. Chalmers. [In his English poets.
V. 20, 1810 1626.20
— Same. Tr. by T. Moore. [In his Poetical works,
V. 1.] 1673.09
— Same. Tr. by T. Bourne. New York, 1853. 18°. 1676.10
— Same. Attempted in the metres of the original, by
T. J. Arnold. London, 1869. 16°. . . 1612.27
Anaesthesia. See Medicine. (Anaesthesia.)
Anagrams. See Amusements, p. 23.
Anahuac. E. B. Tylor. Is61 1152.12
Analecta anti-Nicsena. See Bunsen (C. 0. J.) 3414.02
Anam. See Countries.
Auastasia : resurrection of the body. G. Bosh. 3526.25
Anatolia. See Countries. (Asia Minor.)
Anatomists. See Biography {Medical).
Anatomy. See Medicine. {Anatomy.)
Anatoray for artists. Ste Fine Arts. {Artistic anatomy.)
Anatomy of melancholy. iS'ee Burton (Robert). 2517. 1'J
Anatomy of society. *'ee St. John (J. A.) . 2542.04
Ancestral stories. J. Timbs. 1869. . . . 6612.15
Anchors. CotseU (G.) Treatise, cic. Weale. 4517.28
Ancien Regime. See Kingsley (Charles) [513.09] ;
Tocqueville (A. de) [513.02] ; and Histories of
France, prior to the revolution.
Ancient. See Antiquity; — Archaeology; — and sub-
heading 'Ancient' in Fine arts; — Biography; —
Chrouology ;^ Drama ; — Geography ; — Histo-
ry ; — LavB- ;— Literature ; — Man (Prehistoric) ;
— Mythology ;— Philosophy ; — Poetry ; — etc.
See also (in Countries) the names of ancient
nations and places.
Ancient and honorable artillery company. For ser-
WHliamson (T.) 'Oriental field sports. 2v. 1808. 4618.03
Wilson (J.) The rod and the gun. 1840. .4615.05
Xenophon. Cynegeticus, or treatise on hunting.
[/» Ais Minor works.] 5076.15
Collyns (C. P.) Notes on the chase of the wild red
deer in Devon and Somerset. 1862. . 4615.15
Conway (J.) Forays among deer. 1861. . . 4616.16
Herbert (H. W.) Deer stalkers. By Frank Forester.
[pseud.] Philadelphia, 1871. 12°. . . . 4617.19
Scrope (W.) Days of deer-stalking in the forest of
AthoU, with some account- of the red deer. 3d
ed. 1847 4624.22
Uorlock ( — ). Science of fox hunting and management of
the kennel. By Scrutator, [pseud.] 1868. 4615.27
Radcliffe (F. P. D. ) The noble science : fox-hunting.
1»39 4618.16
18.— Trapping.
Newhouse (S.) Trapper's guide. 1867. . . 4617.11
Simms (J. R.) Trappers of New York ; or, a biography
of Nicholas Stoner and Nathaniel Foster; with
anecdotes of other celebrated hunters. 1871. 4617. 32
19. — Velocipede.
Velocipede ; its history, varieties and practice, [anon.]
1869 4612.13
Velocipede ; its past, present, and future. By J. F. B.
1869 4612.14
20.— Yachting.
i®- See Yachts and Tachting, In general alphabet ;
also Naval Science. (Seamanship.)
mons preached before the company in 1809, see Fos-
ter (John) ; in 1810, Lowell (Charles). . 5093.06
Ancient classics [outlined and explained] for English
readers. Ed. by W. L. Collins. 20 v. Edinburgh,
1870-74. 16°.
iEschylus, by E. S. Copleston.
Aristophanes, by W. L. Col-
Una 1712,14
Caesar, by A Trollope. 432.21
Cicero, by W. h. Collins,
6314 16
Euripides, by W. B. Donne,
Greek Anthology, by Lord
Neaves 1644.34
Herodotus, by G. G. Swayne.
Hesiod and Theognia, by -J.
Davles 1652.16
Homer, mad, by W. L. Col-
lins 1653.24
Homer. Odyssey, by W. L.
Collins 1653.25
Horace, by T. Martin. 1661.40
Juvenal, by E. Walford. 1662.36
Lucian, by W. L. Collins.
Plato, by C W. Collins, 6425.27
Plautus and Terence, by W.
L. CoUins, .... 1741.18
Pliny, by .\. Church and W.
J. Brodribb, . . . 3143.29
Sophocles, by C. W. Collins,
Tacitus, by W. B. Donne,
Virgil. byW. L. Collin8,1694.14
Xenophon, by A. Grant, 421. 11
Ancient city. N. D. Fustel de Coulanges. . 421.27
Ancient faiths. See 'Inmau (Thomas). . . 3551.21
Ancient fragments. See Cory (Isaac P.) . .3536.27
Ancient history. The minor kingdoms : containing
the Ethiopians, Phoenicians, Bactrians, Trojans,
f(c. London, 1845. 8° 427.14
Ancient (The) nation. [The Jews.] A sign and a
wonder. New York, 1875. 12°. . . . 3441.24
Ancient states and empires. J. Lord. 1869. 425.09
Ancient world (The). D. T. .\nsted. 1848. 4725.09
Ancren riwle ; a treatise on the rules and duties of
monastic life ; ed. and tr. by -J. Morton. London,
Camden soc.,18B3. 4° 5113.11
Andagoya (Pascual de). Narrative of the proceedings
of Pedrarias Davila [1514], in the provinces of
Tierra Firme, and of the discovery of the South
Sea and the coasts of Peru and Nicaragua. Tr. by
• C. K. Markham. London, Hakluyt Society, 1865.
8° 1165.23
Andalusia. See Countries. (Spain.)
Andersen (A. ) Luther revived : or, a short account
of Johannes Ronge, the bold reformer of the Ca-
tholic Church in Germany. L., 1845. 8°. 3432.18
Andersen (Hans Christian). Der Improvisator. Leip-
zig, 1858. 16°. . 7112.03
— Nut eiu Geiger.' Leipzig, 1849. 16°. . .7112.04
4^ See Fiction class-list, for English trans, of his Tales.
— In Spain, and a visit to Portugal. New York, 1870.
12° 984.16
— Pictures of travel in Sweden, among the Hartz
Mountains, and in Switzerland, with a visit at
Charles Dickens' house. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 991.18
— Poet's bazaar. Pictures of travel in Germany, Italy,
Greece, and the Orient. N. Y., 1871. 12=. 964.25
Anderson (Christopher). The annals of the Christian
Bible. Abridiied and continued [to 1849], by S.
L Prime. New York, 18"j6. 8^ . . 373S.01
— Hist, sketches of the native Irish and their descend-
ants ; with regard to literature, education, etc.
2d ed. Edinburgh, 1830. 12° 491.28
Anderson (James, LL.D., 1739-1808). An essay on
quicklime, as a cement and as a maniure. Boston,
1799. 12° 6121.04
Anderson ( J. ) A history of Edinburgh from the ear-
liest period to 1870. Edinburgh, 1856. 8°. 496.09
Anderson (John) Eietorial school history of thfl
United States. New York, 1872. 12°. . 572.27
Anderson (John J.) A manual of general history,
nius. with maps. New York, 1869. 12°. 412.09
Anderson (J. S. M. ) History of the church of Eng-
land in the colonies. 2d ed. 3 v. London, 1856.
16° 3451.01
Anderson (M. B. ) Life of Prof. Chester Dewey.
[Smith, report, 1870.] 3936.25
Anderson (McC. ) Diseases of the skin. London,
1872. 8° 4328.11
Anderson (Robert). Evolutions of field batteries.
New York, 1860. 32° 4.^13.02
Anderson (Eufus, D.D.) Hawaiian Islands : under
missionary labors. Boston, 1864. 12°. . 1154.06
— History of the missions of the American Board to
the Oriental churches, v. 1. B., 1872. 12°. 3451.11
Andersen (R. B. ) America not discovered by Colum-
bus. Chicago, 1874. 12°. 563.25
Anderson (^Col. W. ) Mode of manufacturing gun-
powder at the Ishapore mills in Bengal. London,
1862. 1.8= 451S.21
Anderson (William). Mercantile letter writer. New
York, 1858. 12° 5922.10a
— Practical mercantile correspondence. 17th ed.
London, 1867. 16° .5922.10
Anderson (WiUiam). Genealogy and surnames.
Edinburgh, 1865. 8° 6614. U8
— Manners, customs, and ceremonies of different na-
tions. Edinburgh, [n. d.] 16°. . . . 5811.17
Anderson (W. G.,D.D.) (owi Haight (F. M.) Review
of Dr. Scott's Bible and politics. San Francisco,
1859. 8= 3513.33
Audersonville prison. See Countries. ( Uniled States. )
Andersson (Charles John). Lake Ngami ; or South-
western'Africa. New York, 1856. 12°. . 1093.14
— The Okavango river. N. Y., 1861. 8°. . . 1094.01
Andes (The). See Countries, dc. (A7iJes.)
Andocides. Orationes. Gr. et Lat. [Oratores Attici,
V. 1. mdot, 1847. 8=.] 7766.02
Andover theological seminary. Review of the " Con-
stitution and associate statutes of the Theological
Seminary : with a sketch of its rise and progress."
From the Monthly Anthology of November, 1808.
Boston, 1808. 8° 5093.08
Andrada (Jacinto Freire de). Life of John de Castro.
Loudon, 1664. foL 3044.01
Andreini iGio. Battista). Adam : a sacred drama, from
the Italian. [In Cowper (W.) Works, v. 6.
• 1854.] 5026.06
Andreiv (John A..) Address to the two branches of
the legislature of Massachusetts, January 8, 1864,
Bo.ston, 1864. 8° 634.32
See also Biography [Individttal).
Andrews (Alexander). The 18th century. Manners
and customs. London, 1856. 8°. . . 443.06
— History of British journalism to 1855. 2 v. London,
1859. 12° 271'2.03
AndreTvs (E. .\.) 'Latin-English -Lexicon, founded
on Fieund. New York. 1851. 8=. . . 6415.01
— Slavery and the domestic slave-trade in the United
States. Boston, 1836. 12° 5831.00
— and Stoddard (S.) Grammar of the Latin lan-
guage. Boston, 1861. 12°. (J423.01
Andre'ws (G. H. ) Agricultural engineering. 3v. in 1.
London, 1852. 16° 6135.01
Andrews (Israel De Wolf). Report on the trade and
commerce of the British N. A. colonies, and of
the great lakes and rivers of [the United States].
Washington, 1852. 8°. 5923.26
Andrews (James). The psychology of scepticism and
phenomenalism. Glasgow, 1874. 12°. . 5421.00
Andrews (James Pettit). Anecdotes, etc., ancient
and modem. London, 1789. 8°. . . . 6217.16
— History of Great Britain, connected with the
chronoL of Europe ; with anecdotes, etc., [800 to
1547]. 2 v. in 1. London, 1794. 4°. . 467.01
Andrews (J. R.) Life of Oliver Cromwell to the
death of Charles L London, 1870. 8°. 3045.18
Andrews (John, LL.D.) History of the war with
America, France, Spain, and Holland ; 1775-1783.
4v. London, 1785. 8° 583.15
Andrews (Sidney). The South since the war : 14
weeks in Georgia and the CaroUuas. Boston,
1866. 12°. 643.01
Andrews (S. J.) Life of Our Lord. New York,
1862. 12° 3422.03
Andrew^s (Stephen Pearl). Basic outlines of uni-
yersology. New York, 1872. 8°. . . . 5413.24
— Science of society, No. 1. True constitution of gov-
ernment in the sovereignty of the individual.
New York, 1853. 12°. 5812.06
■ No. 2. Cost the limit of price. New York, 1853.
12°. 5812.06
Andromeda, See Kingsley (Charles). . . 1663.92
— See also Plays.
Andronicus lihodius. Paraphrase of an anonymous
Greek writer, (hitherto published under the name
of Andronicus Rhodius on ) the Nicomacheau
ethics of Aristotle. London, 1807. 4°. 5018.10
Andros (Sir Edmund). Commission of King James
II., June 3, 1686. [Force's Tracts, v. 4.] 577.11
— ^lianus {O His various history. 1666. . 6213.25
— Atidrews (J.P.) A., ancient and modern. 1789. 6217.16
— Arvine (A'.) Cyclop;edia of .4. ; literature and fine arts.
1B53 6217.07
— Beauvoisin {M. de). Collection of .\. 1867.6216.22
— Buck (C) Anecdotes religions, moral, and enter-
taining. 3 V. 1811 6216.27
— Byerley (J. i>.) Relics of literature. By S. Collet.
[pseud.] 1823 6218.12
— Qiambers {R. ) 'Book of days, anecdotes, etc. 2 v.
1864. 6218.24
— Onspin anecdotes : shoemakers. 1827. . . 6216.01
— Eiiiertaining and marvellous repository. lanon.]
1827 6211.31
— adleU(H.) Varieties. 1823 6215.23
— Hood(E. P.) World of anecdote. 1870. 6216.19
— World of moral and religious anecdote. 1S70. 6216.24
— Hunt {F.) American anecdotes : original and select.
[anon.-\ 2 v. in 1. 1830 6216.03
— /Uu.<i(/-ateZ railway anecdote book. [ano».] 6217.10
— Jacox (K) Last words, [/ii his At nightfall, rfc. pp.
403-433.] 2532.32
Aspects of authorship ; or book marks and book
makers. 1872 2532.31
— Keddie ( W. ) Cycloptedia of literary and scientific
anecdotes. 1854 6216.30
— Kirkland (K) Cyclopsedia of commercial and busi-
ness anecdotes. 2 v. 1865 6217.03
— La Tour-Landry (G. de). Book, compiled for his
daughter. 1868. [E. Engl, text soc. ] .7913.11
— Larwood IJ.) The book of clerical anecdote. 1870.
— Lambeth and the Vatican : anecdotes of Rome, of
the Reformed church, and of Sects. [aiioii.]
1825 6216.06
— Oxberry(W.) Flowers of literature ; encyclopsedia
of anecdotes. 4 v. 1821-22 6217.11
— Param^/iin; original anecdotes, [anon,] 1821. 6215.24
In asking for books, use the •■ Book Order," giving the .^nTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBEH.
— Percy (S. and E.), pseml. for Byerley (T.) and
Robertson (J. C.) 20 v. 1823. . . .6211.01
T. 1. Humanity ;— Beneficence.
2. Eloquence ;— Patriotiem.
3. Youth ;— Enterprise.
4. George III. and family ;
— Fine arts.
11. Imagination ;— Genius.
12. Fidelity ;— Honour.
13. Hospitality;— Conviviality
The Bar ;— Senate.
Shipwreck ;— Travelling.
The pulpit ;— Integrity.
The stage ; —Music.
Industry ; — Commerce.
Fashion ; — Pastime.
Woman : — Domestic life.
General Index.
6. Captivity ;— Exile.
6. Science ; — Literature.
7. Heroism ; — War.
8. Justice ; — Crime and
9. Instinct j^Ingenuity.
10. Humor : — Eccentricity.
— iJe/ic.s for the curious, [anon.] 2 v. 1824.
— Schneider (C. H.) Ecrin litteraire. 1367. .6216.23
— Spence -(J. A.) Anecdotes of books aud men.
1820 6216.10
— Same. Notes and life, by S. W. Singer. 1858. 6216.11
— Tavern anecdotes ; including the origin of signs.
[anon.] 1825 6212.29
— Jimbs (J.) Century of anecdote. 1760-1860.
1872 6214.32
Historic ninepins. 1869 6216.21
Oddities of history : and strange stories. 6216.32
— Wanley (N.) Wonders of the little world. 2 v.
1806 6217.17
^Yonge (C. M.) Book of golden deeds. [atwn.']
1865 6215.27
See also Biography {Collective : Legal, Medical, and other
headings) ;— BibUcaland religious literature {Clerical anec-
dotes) ; — Fine-arts ;— Law ; — Literatiire ; — Music ; — Table-
Talk, elc.
See also Calendar (The).
Anecdotes and reminiscences of illustrious men and
women. [W. C. Hazlitt.] 1872. . . . 3221.12
Anecdotes of actors. Mrs. Anne Matthews. 1733. 10
Anecdotes of public men. J. VV. Forney. 1873. 3243.10
Anecdotes of the upper ten thousand. See Berkeley
(G. P.) 3257.12
Aneurisms. See Medicins. ( Atieurism.)
Angas (George French). 'The Kafirs illustrated. Lon-
don, 1840. fol A.57.20
Angell (John). Elements of macmetism and elec-
tricity. New York, 1874. 12^". . . .4022.32
Angel in the house. .See Patmore (Coventry. ; 1675.18
Angel of the world. [/nCroly(G. ) Poetical works.
1830.] 1634.17
Angel world, a poem : P. J. Bailey. i8j0. . 1614.00
Augelico da Fiesole (Giovanni Oaido Stmli Tosini,
called Fra). Engravings from frescoes in the
chapel of Nicholas V. in the Vatican. London,
^rumiei soc, 1849-69. io\.,viz. St. Laurence dis-
tributing alms. St. Stephen before the council.
St. Buonaventura. St. Matthew. St. Thomas.
St. Laurence before Decius. St. Stephen dis-
tributing alms. St. Stephen thrust out before
his martyrdom. St. John. St. Sixtus giving
money to St. Laurence for alms. Ordination of St.
See also Biography. [Indimdual.]
Angelina Gusbiugton's thoughts. [Lady Dufferin.]
1872. 2527.18
Angell (Joseph K. ) Law of carriers of goods and
passengers, by land and by water. 4th ed. re-
vised by J. Lathrop. Boston, 1868. 8°. 5622.20
— Law of water courses. With an appendix, contain-
ing statutes of flowing, and forms of declarations.
6th ed. Enlarged by J. C. Perkins. Boston,
18(;9. 8° . 5622.22
— and Durfee (Thomas). Law of highways. 2d ed. ,
withnotes.byG. F. Choate. B., 1868. 8'=. 5622.21
Law of private corporations, aggregate. 9th ed,
Ke vised by J. Lathrop. Boston, Little, Brown
& Co. 1871. 8° 5622,23
Angelo (Henry). Angelo's pic nic ; or table talk.
Loudon, 1834. 8° 2517.01
Angelo (Michel). See Buonarotti (M. A.);— Guattini
(M. A.)
Angelology. See Biblical and religious literature.
Angbiera (Pietro Martire d). Historic of the West
Indies. [Decades 1-8.] Pabl. in Latin by Hak-
luyt and tr. by Lok. [In Hakluyt(Ii.) Voy-
ages, v. 5. 1812.] 91G.19
Angleterre (L"), I'Autriche, et les entrevues de Com-
pifegne. [ayioyi.] Paris, 1861. 8°. . . 5091.03
Angley (J. G. ) De Clifford the philosopher, [a poem].
With obsei-vations in the kingdom of nature. Lon-
don, 1817. 8° 1612.31
Angling. See Amusements, pajje 23.
Anglo-Norman. See Countries. (England: Anglo-
Norman period) ;— Language aud Iiiteratnre.
Anglo-Saxon (The) chronicle ; ed. with transl. by B.
Thorpe. 2 v. London, 1861. 8°. [EoUs chron-
icles.] . 5141.—
Anglo-Saxon chiu-ch. .See Biblical and eccL history.
Anglo-Saxons. .See Countries. (England: Anglo-
Saxon period) ; also Language aud Literature.
Angola. .See Countries. (Angola.)
Angus (Joseph). Hand-book of specimens of Eng-
lish literature. London, [1886.] 16°. .2751.17
— Hand-book of the Enghsh tongue. London, 1872.
16°. 6433.21
Animal chemistry. See Chemistry. (Animal chemistry.)
Animal electricity, ^'ee Electricity.
Animal locomotion. J. W. Pettigrew. 1874.4723.24
Animalcules. See Microscope ;— and Natural hist.
Animals. See Natural history ;— Biology.
Animal magnetism, Mesmerism, Somnambulism,
Psychic force, etc.
— Animal magnetism ; its history to the present time.
[anon. ] With a brief account of the life of Mes-
mer. Loudon, 1841. 18° 3814.29
— Animal magnetism aud artificial somnambulism.
[anon.} London, 1874. 16° 3812.31
— Barlh (0.) What is mesmerism? or mesmerism not
miracle. Mesmeric cures, c(c. 1853. . 3811.03
— Billot ((?. P.) Recherches psychologiques. 2 v.
1839 3414.12
— Britian(S. B.) Man and his relations. 1864. 5438 03
— Brown (S.) Animal magnetism. [In his Lectures,
V. 2. 1858.] 2515.02
Methodology of mesmerism. [In his Lectures, v.
2. 1858.] 2515.02
— Capern ( T. ) The mighty curative powers of mes-
merism proved. 1851 3811.03
— CoUyer (R. H.) Mysteries of the vital element. 2d
ed. 1871 3814.30
— Golquhoun (J. C.) Letter to Prof. Gregory on ani-
mal magnetism. [App. to Wienholt (0. ) Seven
lectures. e(c.j 3811.01
.— Cox (E. iV.) What am I? 2 v. 1874. .3812.40
V. 2. Somnambulism, etc.
— Crookes (W.) Psychic force, e<c. 1871. .3814.33
— Denton { W. and E. M. F. ) The soul of things ; or,
psychometric researches. 1866 'i6l4.16
— Dods (J. B. ) and (/rimes (J. C. ) Electrical psy-
chology. 1851 3811.21
— • Du Potet (J. ) traitd complet de magnetisme ani-
mal 3e ed. 1856 3811.28
— Esdaile (J. ) Mesmerism in India, and its applica-
tion in surgery and medicine. 1851. . . 3814.15
— Figuier (L.) Hist, du merveilleux, v. 3. . 3812.23
— 0-regory (W.) Letters on mesmerism. 1831. 3814.22
— Haddock (J. W. ) SomnoUsm aud psycheism.
1851 3811.02
— Husson ( — ). Eeport on the experiments made by
the Commission of the Boy. acad. of med., of
Paris, 1831. From the French. 1836. . 3814.38
— Eerner (J.) Seeress of Prevorst. 1845. .3814.17
— Leger (T.) Animal magnetism. 1846. . . 3814.23
— Mesmer (F. A.) Aphorismes. 1785. . . . 3814.20
— Kewman (J. B. I Fascination ; or philosophy of
charming. 1852 3814.24
— Beichenbacn. ( C. von ). Physico-physiological re-
. searches ou the dynamics of magnetism, electrici-
ty, etc. 1851 4027.16
Odic-magnetic letters. Tr. by J.S. Hittell. 3814.40
— Rogers lE. C.) Philosophy of mysterious agents.
1853. 3815.38
— Sandbu (G. jr.) Mesmerism and its opponents.
1844. 3814.14
— Teste {A.) Animal magnetism ; with ita application
to disease. 1843 3814.18
— Townsend (C. U.) Facts in mesmerism. 2d ed.
1844 . 3814.25
— Wagner (A.) Facts and fallacies of mesmerism.
1845 3814.13
— Wien}iOlt (A.) Seven lectures on somnambulism.
With notes by J. C. Colquhoun. 1816. .3811.01
— Zerffi (0. G.) Spiritualism and animal magnetism.
1871 3814.32
For articles in periodicals, see Hammond's Jour of pay.
med., Oct., 1868 ; Nat. quar. rev., v. 1863 ; Quar. rev., v.
93, 1863, and Littell, v. 39, 1853 ; Winslow's jour , V. 6,
1852 ; V. 6, 1853 ; v. 9, 1856 ; V. 13, ISlM.
^g" 5ce also Occult sciences ; Spiritualism. The subject
also receives more or let-s notice m Medicine. {Body and
miTid ; Medical psychology.)
Animal plagues, (i. Fleming. 1871. . . . 4332.02
Animal woi-sbip. Spencer (H.) Origin of. [In Ids
Kecent discussions. ] 2543.17
See also BibLical and relijjious lit. { Various reiiffions.)
Annales Cambriaj. [447-12S8.] London, 1860. 8^.
[Rolls chron.] 5141.
Annales monastici ; ed. by H. R. Luard. 4 v. Lou-
don, 1863-69. 8^. [Rolls chronicles.] .5141.
Contents: v. 1. Margan. Tbeokesberia Burtou. 2.
Wiutonia. "Waverleia 3. Duustaplia. Bermundesleia.
4. Oseneia. Chron. T. Wykea. Wigornia,
Annala of British legislation. Ed. by L. Levi. v.
1-14. N. S., V. 1-7. London, 1856-74. 8°.
Annals of Congress. ,sVe United States.
AnnaU of England. [«Hon.] 3 v. Oxford, 1855.
16" 462.23
Annala of Loch Ct' ; a chron. of Irish affairs, 1014-
1590 ; ed. with transl. by W. M. Henuessy. 2 v.
Loudon, 1871. 8^ [Rods chronicles. ] 5141.
Annala and mag. of nat. hist. 3d s., v. 1-14. Lon-
don, 1857-64. 8^ 4726.01
Annals of our time, 1837-68. See Irving (J.) 6725.01
Annals of the American ptilpit. See Sprague (W.
B.) 3457.01
Annala of the army of the Cumberland. [John Fitch. ]
1863 633.01
Annala of the kingdom of Lreland, by the four mas-
ters, to the vear 1616. Ed by J. O'Donovan, 2d
ed,7v. Dublin, 1856. 4° 497.12
Annan {\f. ) DifSculties of Arminiau methodism. 3d
ed. Pittsburgh, 1838. 18" 3513.16
Anne, queen of Emjtand. ^'ee Biography.
Annee (L') gc^ogi-aphique. v.8,1869. P., 1870. 12°. 931.16
Annee (L') litteraire et dramatique. Par G. Vapereau.
V. 11. Paris, 1869. 12" 2721.11
Annett(Peterl. Free inquirer, [//i Deist (The), v. 3.
London, 1826. 8°.] 3548.22
Annihilation. See BibHcal and relig. lit. p.
Anniversaries. See Calendar (The); — Chronology.
Anniversary calendar, natal book, and universal mir-
ror. 2 V. in 1. London, 1832. 8°. . . 6218.29
Annuaire-ahnanach du commerce, de I'industrie, de
la magistrature et de Tadministratiou, ou almanach
des 500,000 adressesde Paris, des d(;partements et
des pays strangers. (Didot BoUin.) 1870. 2 v.
Paris, 1870. 8" 6726.01
Annuaire des deux moudes. 1861-62. Paris, 1862-63. 8°.
Annual anthology. [Ed. by R. Southey. ] 1799-1800.
Bristol, 1799-1800. 16°. 1685.28
Annual of scientific discovery. 1849-71. Boston,
1850-71. 12°. 3912.01
JVo(<.— 1850-51 ed. by D. A. Wells and G Bliss : 52-65 by
Wells; 62-69, by S. Kneeland : 70-71, by J. Trowbridge, etc.
Annnal record of Science and industrj'. 1871-74. Ed.
by S. F. Baird. N. Y., 1872-75. 12° . . 3906.01
Annual registers. — .4mer. annual register. 1826-7 —
32-3. 7 V. New York, 1830-35. 8°. . . 8001.01
— Annual register : review of history, politics and lit. ,
1758-1862. 104 V. L.,[7i.(;.] —1863. 8°. . 8005.01
New series. 1863-74. 12 v. L., 1864-75. 8°.
General index. 1758-1819. L.,1826. 8°. 8006.26
Annuals. &e Landscape annual ;— Oriental annual ;
—Rainbow (The). 1847.
— Bentham (J. ) Plan for the conversion of stock into
note annuities. [Works, v. 3 (9).] . . 5016.03
— DeWitt (J.) Treatise on life annuities. J With his
Life, by Barnwell. 1856.] 3051.09
— Hayes (H.) New method for valuing of annuities
upon lives. 1727 5931.08
— Jones (D.) \alue of annuities and reversionary
payments, with tables. 1844 5931.04
— Lutnley (IT. U.) Law of annuities. 1833. 5914.25
— Price (R. ) Observations on reversionary payments ;
ou annuities, etc. Enlarged, with notes by W.'
Morgan. 7th ed. 2 v. 1812 5914.23
— Sugden (K B. ) Considerations ou redeemable an-
nuities. 1816. [Pamph. v. 7.] . . . 5058.07
— Thoman {F.) Theory of compound interest and an-
nuities, with logarithmic tables. 2d ed. 3933.43
JSS' See also Life Insurance.
Aimus mirabiUs, poem. See Dryden (John).
O- Works published anantpmusty are entered under
the name of the author it iLDOVm ; otherwise under the^rsf
word of the title not an article ; but an anonymous work
relating to a person, or place, is put under the name of the
person or place.
Anonymous books. See Bibliography.
Anonymous (The). [Essays, anon.1 2 v. in 1. Lon-
don, 1810. 12° 2512 27
Another England. E. C. Booth. 1869. . . 1062.07
Another traveller ! NetherUnds in 1767. [S. Pater-
son.] 961.25
Anquetil (Louis Pierre). Memoirs of the court of
France during the reign of Louis XIV. and the
regency of the duke of Orleans. Tr. from the
French. Edinburgh, 1791, 8°. . . . 3113.21
— Summary of universal history. From the French.
9 V. London, 1800. 8° 414.^1
Ansayrii or assassins. .See Countries, etc.
AnseU(G. F.) Royal mint. London, 1870. 4°. 1586.0S
Anson (George). Voyage around the world. 1740-44,
Compiled by R. Walter. [L., 1853.] 8°. 913.19
— Same. [Kerr's Voyages , v. 11, pp. 201-534.] 914.18
See also Biography.
Anspach (Rev. Lewis Amadeus). History of New-
foundland. 2d cd. London, 1827. 8° . 564.16
Ansted (David Thomas). Ancient world. New ed.
1848. 8° 4725.09
— Application of geology to the arts and mapufactuies.
London, 1865. 16° 4111.07
— Geological gossip. London, 1861. 16°. . 4111.02
— Geology. 2 v. London. 1844. 8°. . . 4113.19
— Geology. London, 1855. 8°. 4111.01
— Great stone book of nature. P., 1863. 18°. 4111.03
— Ionian Islands, 1863. London, 1863. 8°.. 975.12
— Note book of a geologist. 1854 922.20
— Physical geography. 5th ed. L., 1871. 8°. 912.23
— Scenery, science, and art. London, 1854. 8°. 922.20
— Short trip in Hungary and Transylvania in 1862.
London, 1862. 8". 965.26
— World we live in ; or, first lessons in physical geo-
graphy. 1868. 16° 932.05
— wxd Latham (Robert Gordon). The Channel Is-
lands. London, 1862. 8° 955.13
Anster (John). Xeniola. Poems, including trans-
lations from Schiller and De la Motte Fouque.
DubUii, 1837. 12° 1612.32
Anstey (Henry). Munimenta academica, or docu-
ments illus. of life and studies at Oxlbrd. Lon-
don, 1868. 8°. [Rolls chronicles.] , .5140.
Anstie (F. E., M. D.) Neuralgia and diseases that
resemble it. L. and N. Y., 1871. 8°. . . 4332.16
— Notes on epidemics. 1866. 12°. . . .4333.08
— Report on practical medicine, 1865-6 — 67-8. [Ne^e
Sydenham soc. Biennial retrospect ]
— Stimulants and narcotics. Phil., 1865. 8°. 4334.25
— Uses of wines in health and disease. New York,
1870. 12° 4334.34
Antar, a Bedoueen romance. [By Abu Said Abd al
MaUk Ibn Kuraib al .4smai. ] From the Arabic,
by T. Hamilton. 4 v. London, 1820. 8°. 122.16
Antarctic regions. See Countries.
Antediluvian phytology. E. T. Artis. 1825. 4117.06
Ante-Nicene christian library. Translations of the
writings of the fathers down to A. D. 325. Ed.
In aakillg for books, use the " Book Orders," giving the AUTHOR'S N.IMB. the first part of ths TITLE, and the NUilBKR.
by Eev. A. Roberta and J. Donaldson. 24 v.
Edinburgh, 1867-71. 8° 3467.01
Contents :
Apocryphal gospels, Acts, and Revelations, v. 16.
Apostolic fathers, [First and second Epistles of Cle-
ment to the Corinthians. Epistle of Polycarp to the
Philippians. Martyrdom of Polycarp. Epistle of Barna-
bas. Epistles of Ignatius. Martyrdom of Ignatius. Epis-
tle to Diognetus. Pastor of Hermas. Fragments of Pa-
pias. Spurious epistles of Ignatius.] v. 1.
Arnobius adversus Gentes. Seven books, v. 19.
Clement of Alexandria, v. 4, 12.
Clementine homilies. Apostolical constitutions, v. 17.
Cyprian, together with Novatian, Rliuucius Feiix, and an
[anonymous] treatise on re-baptism, v. 8, 13.
Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and
Archelaus. v. 20.
Hippolytus- v. 6, 9.
Irenrous. v. 5, 9.
Lactautius, together with the Testaments of the twelve
patriarchs and fragments of the 2-3 centuries, v. 21-22.
Liturgies and other documents, v. 24.
Martyr (Justin), and Athenagoras. v. 2.
Methodius, Alexander of Lycupulis, Peter of Alexandria,
and fragments, v, 14.
Origen. v. 10, 23.
Tatian. Theophilus, and the Clementine recognitions, v. 3.
Tertullian against Marcion. v. 7.
Tertullian. Writings, with extant works of Yictorinus
and Commodiunus. v. 11, 16, 18.
Anthing (Frederick). History of the campaigns of
Suworow, with sketch of his private life and
character. 2 v. London, 1799. 8\ . . 543.10
Anthologies. See Poetry. (Selections. Translations.)
Anthologia Hibernica ; or monthly collections of
science, belles-lettres, and history. 4 v. Dublin,
1793-94. 8° 188G.09
Anthologia polyglotta. H. WeUesley. 1849.1694.33
Anthon(C. ) 'Classical dictionary. New York, 1855.
8° 437.03
Anthon (C. E.) Pilgrimage to Treves in 1844. New
York, 1845. 12" 964.06
Anthou (John). Law of Nisi Prius, reports of cases
in the supreme court of New York. 2d ed. , with
notes. New York, 1858. 8°. . . . .5633.24
Anthony (C. , jr. ) Social and political dependence of
women. 4th ed. London, 1868. 8^. . 5824.26
Anthropological review, v. 1-8, 1863 — April, 1870.
Loudon, 1863-70. 8° 4735.02
Note. — v. 1 includes 'Transactions of the Anthrop. soc.,'
April 21 to July 7, 1863 : v. 2-8 have appended * Jour, of the
Anthrop. soc.,' v. 2-6. To v. 4 was attached ' The Popular
mag. of anthropology,' v. 1, 1866.
Anthropological society, (London). Memoirs. 3 v.
1863-69. London, 1865-70. 8°. . . . 4735.13
Anthropological .Society. [Publications.] 6 v. Lon-
don, 1863-65. 8^ 4734.14
Viz : Blimienbach (J. F.) Anthropological treatises.
With Inaug. dissert, by J. Hunter on the varieties of men.
Broca (P.) Phenomena of hybridity, etc. Gastaldi (B.)
Lake habitations [5813.18] Pouchet (O.) Plurality of the
human race. Vogt (C.) Lectures on man. Waitz (T.)
Introduction to anthropology.
Anthropology. .See Man.
Anti-Christ. .See Biblical and relig. lit. (Anti-Christ.)
Antietam national cemetery. History of. With list
of the soldiers buried therein. Baltimore, 1869.
8° 644.14
Anti-Jacobin. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. 6th ed.
London, 1813. 1S° 1676.17
— Same. With notes by C. Edmonds. Etchings by
J. GiUray. 2d ed. London, 1854. 12°. 1677.02
Anti-Janus. See Hergenrother (Z)r. J. A.) . 3561.18
Antilles. .See Countries. ( l^es( Indies.)
Anti-Lucretius. See PoUguac iM. de).
Antl-masonic. .See Freemasonry.
Antiphon. Orationes. Gr. et Lat. [Orat. Attici, v.
1. Duiot, 1847. 8°.] 7766.02
Antiquarian enthusiast. E. Bigsby. 3 v. 1847. 475.26
Antiquarian repertory. Compiled by F. Grose, T.
Astle,e;c. New ed. 4 v. L.,1807. 8°. 488.10
Antiquarian societies. See Archaeology.
Antiquities of Egypt, [anon.] L., 1841. 8°. 1075.11
Antiquities. .See Archaeology ; — Man (Prehistoric) ;
— History (Ancient);— and the early history of
various countries under heading of Countries.
— Bacon (F. , Lord). Wisdom of the ancients. [Works.
V. 12-13.] 5014.14
-Same. [Moral works.] 5015.01
— Burgess ( T. ) On study of. 1780. [Oxford prize
essays, v. 1, 1836.] 2541.11
— Clarendon (E., earl of). Of the reverence due an-
tiquity. [7« fti.s Essays, v. 2.] . . . . 2521.06
— Vindicice antiquse. [7n Class, journal, v. 16, p,
22, 288.] 2742.16
See also Education (Classical) ;— and cross references of
AntJsell (Thomas). Geological report, 32d parallel. [Pa-
cific R. R. routes. Reports, v. 7.] . . 1127.07
— Hand-book of the useful arts. New York, 1852. 12°.
[Putnam's Home cyclopajdia. ] .... 3916.07
— Manufacture of coal oils. N. Y., 1859. 1869. 3944.07
Anti-slavery. See Slavery.
Anti-trinitarians. See Biblical and religious litera-
ture. (Unitarians.)
Antommarchi (Francesco). Last da7s cf Napoleon.
London, 1836. 8° 3127.12
Antoninus Augustus. Vetera Romanorum itineraria,
cum notis. Curante P. Wesselingio. Amstelso-
dami. 1735. 4° 437.00
— Dyer ( 0. ) Commentary on A.'s Itineraries of Britain.
1814 467.14
Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). Commentarii. [Gr.
et Lat.] Parisiis, Didot, 1842. 8°. . . 7767.05
— Thoughts. Tr. by G. Long, B., 1864. 16°. 5434.02
Note. — For essays on M. A., see Arnold (M.) Essayfi in
criticism [2512,13]; Farrar (F. W.) Seekers after God. pp.
257-336 [6435 19]; Contemp. rev. (E, H. Plumtre). v. 10. 1869.
Antonius : a dramatic poem. Heywood (J.C.) 1725.10
Antony and Cleopatra. See Shakspere (W. ) ■,—and
Ants. See Insects.
Anvar-i Suhaili, or Lights of Canopus ; the Persian
version of the Fables of Bidpai, by Husain Va'iz
u'l Kashifi : literally tr. inta prose and verse, by
E. B. Eastwick. Hertford, 1854. 8°. . 7815.02
Anyta, poem. G.H.Calvert. 1866. . . . 1625.10
Apaches. See Countries. (Indians.)
Apennines. See Countries.
Aphorisms, Apothegms, Maxims.
— Alcott (A. B.) Tablets. 1868 2512.17
— Aphorisms, chiefly political ; selected from the most
ancient writers. London, [n. d.] 16^ . 6212.16
— Attwell (H., editor). Book of golden thoughts.
1870 6213.27
— Bacon (K) Apophthegms, [/ii /; is Moral works.]'
1852. [5015.01]; [/n/iii- Works, V. 13,1860.] 5014.15
— .Boucc (C.N.) "Thoughts, feelings, and fancies.
1857 2514.04
— Biudon (C.) Notes of thought. 1873. . .2514.29
— Cluloio (W. B.) Aphorisms and reflections. 2521.02
— Cotton ( C. C. ) Lacon ; or, many things in few
words. 1849 6214.02
— Cremhlay ( V. ) Nouveau manuel complet du moral-
iste, 2 V. 1838 6214.03
— Demophibis. Pvthagoric sentences. From the Greek,
by T.Taylor. [ >Fi(/i SaUust on the gods. ] 3817.10
— Dockray (B.) Egeria. v. 1, p. 1-292. 185'7. 2523.01
— Fuller (T.) Good thoughts in bad times. 1863. 3553.20
— Quicciardini (F.) Maxims. With parallel passages.
1845 6214.09
— Hanway (J.) Moral sentences and wise sayings.
[/n Ais Meditations, v. 1.] 3567.23
— La Rochefoucauld (F., due de). Reflections. Lon-
don, 1871 6214.08a
Same. New York, 1851 6214.08
— Lavater (J. C.) Aphorisms on man. 3d ed.
1794 6212.18
— Mann (H.) Thoughts selected &om his writings.
1867 2.541.08
— Palmer iO Coll. of A. and maxims. 1748. 6217.09
— Plutarch. Laconic apophthegms. [Morals, v. 1,
pp. 385-440.] 5435.26
— Quarles (F.) Enchiridion. 1856. . . .6214.06
— Rule of Hie. [anon.] 1776 6213.23
— Sded sentences. 1809 6214.07
— Sterlmj (J.) Essays, v. 2, p. 1)3-195. 1H48. 2r,i7.10
— Vauvenanjes (L. de (.'., inanims de). (Euvres choi-
sies 704().18
— Washington (0.) Maxims. CoUectetl by J. F.
Schroetler. 18.58 5076.16
— WkichcokiB.) Moral and religious A. 1753. 3623.03
jB®- See aUo Proverbs ; —Quotations.
Apingi kingdom (My). See Du Chaillu (P.) 1092.01
Apjohn (J. ) Munuul of the metalloids. London,
1864. 16" 4214.10
Apocalypse. .See Biblical literature.
Apocrypha. 6ee Biblical lit. {Apocrypha. Bible.)
Apocryphal gospels, etc. See Biblical lit. {Apocry-
phal gospels. )
Apollo (Horus or Orus). See HorapoUo.
Apollodorus Atheniensis.Bibliotiieca. Notis, etc. illus.
C. et T. Miilleri Paris, I>icZo(, 1853. 8°. 7765.09
Apollonius Hhodius. Argonautica. Gr. et. Lat. Ed.
F. S. Lehrs. Parisiis, Didoi, 1841. 8°. . 7765.08
— Aigonautics. Tr. by F. Fawkes. [Chalmers (A.)
English poets, v. 20, 1810.] 1626.20
Same. Tr. by W. Preston. 1811. . . 1682.17
Apollonius Tyatiaius.
— Newman {J. H. ) Life of A. [In Hist, of the Chr.
church, 1st cent.] 3415.16
— Philostratus. Life of A. With notes by C. Blount.
1680 3628.04
Same. \_Tn Opera. Gr. et Lat. Didot, 1849.] 7766.06
— lUviUe{A.) A., of Tyaua. 1866. . . .3513.29
— Watson {J. S.) A. of Tj-ana. [Contem. rev. v. 4, 1867.]
Apollouius Tyrius. Erotica tabula. [Erotica script.
Didoi, 1856.] 7764.17
— Anglo-Saxon version of the story upon which is
founded the play of Pericles, attributed to Shakes-
peare. With literal tr. by B. Thorpe. London,
1834. 16°. 6424.05
— Apollonius, etc., upon which Shakespeare founded
Pericles. With A., prince of Tyr, from Gower.
[/n Collier's Shakespeare's libr., V. 1.] . 1753.06
ApoUos : the Tyay of God. A. C. Coxe. 1873.3537.23
Apology for actors. See Heywood (T.) . . 1756.03
Apophthegms. See Aphorisms.
Apostles. See BibLcal and reUg. lit., p.
Apostles' creed. Sec Biblical and relig. lit. (Creeds.)
Apostles of mediajval Europe. G. F. Maclear.
Apostolic fathers. See Ante-Nicene Chr. library.
Apostolical coustitutions. See Biblical and reUg. lit.
Apostolical constitutions. Ed. with notes, by J.
Donaldson. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. [A.-N. Clir. lib.
V 17.] 3467.06
Apostolical succession. See Biblical and relig. Ut
ApostoUus {M. ) Centvrife XXI. proTerbiorum ex opti-
mis auctoribus Graecis collectEe. Cvm P. Pantini
versione. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1653. 4°. 6217.19
Apothegms. See Aphorisms.
— • Beaumont (J.) Spirits, apparitions, etc. 1705. 3812.27
— Brown (S.) Ghosts and ghost-seers. [In A is Lec-
tures, V. 2, 1858.] 2515.02
— Calmet {A.) Phantom world. 2 v. 1850. .3815.07
Same. Traiti5 sur les apparitions. 2 v. 3812.14
— OrosIand{N.) Apparitions ; an essay. 1873. 3815.00
— Crowe {O Night side of nature. 1857. .3815.17
— Daillon {J., cumie de Lude). Treatise of spirits,
against vulgar errors, ete. 1723. . . . 3812.31
— DeFoe {D.) 'i'he history and reality of apparitions.
[Miscel. works, v. 13. 1840.] .... 5032.13
True relation of the apparition of one Mrs. Veal.
[Miscel. works, v. 5.] 5032.05
— Danlap {S. F.) Vestiges of the spirit history of
man. 1858 3817.18
— Elliott {C. W.) Mysteries ; or glimpse.', etc. 3813.40
— jEnguiry into the nature of ghosts, [anon.] 3815.01
— Ghost Stories ; Collected with a view to counteract
the vulgar belief, etc. 1823 3812.32
— KihbeH (S.) Sketches of the philosophy of A., their
physical causes. 1825 3812.26
— Eoioitt {W. M.) History of the supernatural. 2 v.
1863 3815.05
— Lee {F.O.) Glimpses of the supernatural. 2v. 3812.42
— MirvUle {J. J. de). Pneumatologie. 5 v. 1863-61.
8°- •;■•,. 3817.21
Same. Appendices. 1863 3817 25
— Oilier {C.) Fallacy of ghosts, e(c. 1848. .3812.13
— Owen {H. D.) Debatable land. 1872. . . 3815.37
Footfalls on the boundary of another world
1869 381.5.33
— Poyntz {A.) World of wonders. 1845. . 3813.31
— Eadcliffe {J. iV'.) Fiends, ghosts, and spints.
1«'">-1 3812.30
— Stilling {J. ff. J.) Pneumatology. 1851. . 381.5.29
— Symo>ids {J. A. ) Apparitions. [In his Miscel
ISTl.] 2547.19
— Tregorlha (J.) News Ijom the invisible world.
, 1«23 3812.35
— Unseen world ; communications with it, real or im-
aginary. 2d ed. [anon.] 1853. . . . 3812.33
See also article in Med. critic, .Tuly, 1863.
flS" .5ee also Demonology ;— Delusions ;— Folk-lore ;—
Hallucinations ; —Occult sciences ;— Spiritualism ;— Su-
perstitions ;— Witclxcraft ;— Dreams.
Appeal to the people, elc. See Coleman (Wm. )
Apperley (Charles .J. ) Nimrod's tour in Scotland and
the N. of England, [pseud.] L., 1838. 8°. 95.5.02
— My hfe and times. [In Fraser's mag., v. 25-26.]
Appianus Alexandrinus. Eomanorum historiarum
qufe supersunt. Gr. et Lat. Fans, Didot, 1850.
8" 7764.03
Apple-culture. See Agriculture, p. 7.
Appleby ( — ). Illus. hand-book of machinery and
iron work, with cost,f(c.2d ed. L. , 1869. 8°. 3923.27
Appleton (Nathan) and Haygate (W. E.) Doctrines
of orig. sin and the trinity : correspondence. B.,
1859. 8 3512.14
Appletons' Cyclopaedia of biography. Ed. by F. L.
Hawks. New York, 1856. 8°. ... 3236.01
— CyclopcBdia of drawing. Edited by W. E. Wor-
theu. New York. 1857. 8° 3924.25
— Dictionary of machines, mechanics, and engineer-
ing. 2 v. New York, 1852. 8°. . . . 3923.01
— Cyclopiedia. See American cyclopaadia, 1873, e/c;
Annual cyclopaedia, 1863-74 ; and New Amer.
cycl., 1858, etc.
— European guide book. N. Y., 1870. 12°. 941.19
— Hand-book of American travel Northern and
Eastern tour. New York, ls70. 12°. . 1072.17
Southern tour. See Hall (E. H. ) . . . 1072.19
Western tour. New York, 1871. 12°. . 1072.18
— Ulus. hand-book of Amer. travel. By T. A. Rich-
ards. New York, 1860. 12° 1072.01
— Illustrated railway and steam navigation guide of
U. S. and the Canadas. Ed. by G. P. Thomas.
New York, 1872. 12°.
— Jour, of Ut, science, and art. v. 1-U. New York.
1869-74. 4° 2157.01
— Library manual New York, 1852. 8°. .2724.26
— Mechanic's magazine, v. 1-2, 1851-52. New York,
1852-53. 8° ; 4° 39:^7.01
— Short trip guide to Europe. Ed. by H. Morford.
New York, 1868. 16°. 911.17
— — Same. New York, 1873. 16°. . . . 941.
Apuleius or Appuleius. Fable of Cupid and Psyche.
[Prose trausl. by T. Taylor.] London, 1795.
8°. 123.05 ; 3093.27
— Same. [Metrical version, by] H. Gurney. New
York, 1806. 12° 1694.36
— Same. Abridged transl [//i Soane (G.) New cu-
riosities, e(c. V. 1.] 6218.26
— (Euvres complfites. [Lat. et Fr.] Paris, 1860. 8°.
[Nisard's collection. J 7725. 15
— Opera omnia. Ex ed. Oudendorpiana. in usum Del
phini. 7 v. Londini, Valpy, 1825. 8° . 7712.01
Apologia, sive de magia, v. 3.
De Mundo, v. 3.
De Deo Socratis, v. 2.
De Dogmate Platonis, libri
tree. v. 2-3.
Florida, v. 2.
— On the doctrine of Plato.
Fragmenta. v. 4.
Index, V. 7.
MetamorpUoseon, v. 1, 2.
NotiB variorum, v. 4-6.
Notitia literaria, v. 7.
Teatiniouia, vita, etc., v. 1.
[In Plato. Works, v. 6,
Bohn.] 5415.22
In asking for books, use the -Book Order," giving the .^UTHOS'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
— Works. New transl. L., iJoAii, 1853. 12°. 5013.12
Contents : Metamorphoses, or Golden ass. The God of
Socrates. The Florida. His defeDCe, or a discourse on
magic. Metrical version of Cupid and Psyche, by Uudsou
Gurney. Mrs. TiKhes Psyche, a poem.
f^ See article by C. G. Prowett, Fraser's mag., Oct., 1873.
Aquarelles; or summer sketches. S. Sombre, [pseud.]
1858 1686.01
Aquaria. See Natural history.
Aquatic monthly and nautical review, v. 1-2, June,
1872-Dec., 1873. N. Y., 1872-73. 8°. . 8001.
Aqueducts. See A.xtB (Useful).
Aquinas (St. Thomas. ) See Thomas Aquinas (St.)
Arabella Stuart. See Biography (Lidividual).
Arabia, and Arabs. See Countries (Arabia) ; and
Language and literature (Arabic).
Arabian days' entertainments. Les mille et un jours,
contes Persans. Tr. par Petis de La Croix. [Cabi-
net des ft^es, v. 14-15.] 7052.14
Arabian nights' entertainments. From the Arabic,
with introd. by J. Scott. 6 v. L. , 1811. 16°. 122.21
— Same. Tr. by E. W. Lane. 3 v. L. , 1859. 8°. 115.29
— Same. Mille (Lesl et une nuits, tr. par Galland.
[Cabinet des fees, T. 7-11.] 70.52.07
— Suite. [Cabinet des fees, V. 38-41.] . .7052.38
Aiaba. See Countries, etc. (Arabia— Moors— Sahara
^Saracens. )
Arabula (Sacred book of). A. J. Davis. . .3543.17
Arachnidae. See Insects.
Arago (Dominique Francois Jean). Aeronautic voya-
ges. [Smith, report, 1863.] .... 3936.18
— Biographies of distmguished scientific men. 2 v.
Boston, 1859. 12° 3263.10
— Eulogy on Ampfere. [Sm. rop. , 1872.] . . 3936.27
— Eulogy on W. Herschel [Sm. rep., 1870.] 3936.25
— Eulogy on Th. Young. [Sm. rep. , 1869.] . 3936.24
— History of my youth. Tr. by B. PowelL London,
1855. 16°. [T. L., V. 17.] 5075.22
— Meteorological essays, introd. by A. von Humboldt.
London, 1855. 8 4021.16
— Popular astronomy. Tr. by W. H. Smyth and K.
Grant. 2 v. Loudon, 1855. 8°. . . . 4017.21
Aragon. iS'ee (in Biography) Ferdinand ; ^in Coun-
tries) Spain.
Aral Sea. See Countries.
Aram (Eugene). See Biography [hidividual).
Ararat. See (in Countries) Ararat; — Armenia.
Aratus Solensis. Phaanomena et prognostica. Kecens.
A. Koechly. Parisiis, Kidof, 1857. 8°. 7766.17
— Phenomena or appearances of the stars ; tr. by N.
L. Frothingham. [In /its Metrical pieces.] 1643.17
- Ottley ( W. Y.) On a ms. in the British museum of
Cicero's transL of Aratus. [Archaeologia, v. 26,
1836.] ■ . . . . 5128.
Araucana. See ErciUa (A de) 567.23
Araucanians. See Coxmtries. (Cliili.)
Arber (Edward, ed. ) English reprints, v. 1-14. Lon-
don, 1868-71. 16°. 5011.01
Content!. V. |. Milton (J.) Areopagitica, 1644. Latimer
(H.) Sermon on the plougliers, 1549. Oosson (S.) Schoole of
abuse, 1679. 2. Siduey (P) An apologie for poetrie. 1696.
Webbe (E ) His trauailes, 1690. Selden (J.) Table-talk,
1689. 3 Aacham {R ) Toxophilus, 1545. Addison (J.)
Criticism on Milton's Paradise Lost, 1711-12. 4. Lyly (J.)
Euphues ; The anatomy of wit. 1579 ; Euphues and his
England, 1580. 5. ViUiers (G.) The Rehearsal, 1672. Gas-
coigne (O.) The Steele glas, and other pieces, 1576-7.
Earle (J) Micro-cosmograpbie, 1628. 6. Latimer (H.)
Seven sermons before Edw. VI., 1649. More (Sir T.) Uto-
pia, 1566. 7. Puttenbam (G.) Arte of EngUsh poesie,
1689. 8. HowcU (J) Instruction for forreine travell.
CdaU (N.) Roister Doister. Bevclation to the monk of
Evesham. James VI.. of .Scotland. Essays of a prentice
in the divine art of poesie. 9. Nauntoa (Sir R ) Frag-
menta regalia, 1630 63. Watson (T.) Poems. |0. Habing-
ton (W.) L'astara, 1634-40. Ascham (R.) The Bcholeniaster,
1670. II TottelB Miscellany ; songs and sonnets by the
earl of Surrey, Sir T. Wyatt. N. Grimald, and others. 1557.
12 Lever (T.) Sermons, 150O. Webbe (W.) Discourse on
En'glish poetrie, 1686, |3. Harmony of Lord Bacon's Es-
says, lour texts, 1597-1638. |4. Roy (W.) and- Barlow (J.)
Bede me and be nott wrothe, 1528 ; Proper dyaloge betw.
a gentillman and a husbandman, etc., 1630 ; A compendi-
ous treatise, etc., 1630. Raleigh {.Sir W.)— Markham (G.)—
Linscboten (J. H. van). Last fight of the Revenge at sea,
1691. Googe (B.) Eclogs, Epytaphos, and Sonettes, 1663.
Arbitration. See La'wr. (Arbitration, International law.)
Arblay (Mmt. F. d') Memoirs of Dr. Buruey. Phila.
1833. 8° 3026.20
Xote. See Fiction, for her novels ;— Biography, for lives
of her.
Arbor vitas. See Arraes. (D. M.) .... 4322.27
Arboretum et fruticetum. See Loudon (J. C.) 4917.03
Arbuthnot (John, 3/.Z>.,) Miscellaneous works.
[With] supplement. 3 v. in 1. Glasgow, 1751.
1'2° 5012.07
Contents. Vol, |. Usefulness of mathematical learning.
Brief account of J. GingUcutts treatise [ouj the alterca-
tion of the ancients. Learned dissertation on dumpling.
Gulliver decypher'd ; or. Remarks on [Gulliver's Travels
into several remote nations. Critical remarks on Gulli-
vers travels ; by Dr. Bantley. Account of the state of
learning in the empire of LiUiput ; with the history of
Bullum. State quacks or the poUtical botchers. Account
of the sickness and death of Dr. W— dw — rd ; by Dr. Teckni-
cum. Life of Don BihoBO de L'Estomac. Most wonderful
wonder ; travels of Mynheer Veteranus. Manifesto of
Lord Peter. The devil to pay at St. James s Epitaph on
a greyhound. Notes of the sis days preceding the death
of a late Right Rev. •. 2. The masquerade, a poem.
Harmony in an uproar. History of John Bull. Pt 3.
Supplement to dean Sw — fs miscellanies. Letter to Swift
[on hisj Dedication to a great man, concerning dedications.
Congress of bees. Art of selling bargains. Sermon on
the union in 1706. Examination of Woodward's account
of the deluge.
— Same. Supplement. Glasgow, 1751. 16'. 5012.07
Contents : Freeholder's Political catechism. Know your-
self. Transl. of Huygens De ratiocinus in ludo ale®.
— Law is a bottomless pit : or, hist, of John Bull.
[In S-wift (J.) Works, v. 6, 1824.] . . 5074.09
Arbuthnot (Hon. Mrs.) The henwife. Edinburgh,
1868. 1'2° 6134.20
Arc (Joan of). See Biography (Individual).
Arc de triomphe de I'etoile. [Description et planches]
par J. D. Thierry A. 47. 02
Arcadia (Countess of Pembroke's). See Sidney
(Sir P.) 5066.05
Arcana of science and art. [Ed. by J. Timbs. ] 11 v.
Loudon, 1828-38. 16° 3921.01
Arcana of science and art : popular inventions and
improvements. [Ed. by J. Timbs.] 11 v.
London, 1828-38. 16° 3921.01
Note. For a continuation see Timbs' Year-book of facta.
•Archaeologia: or, miscellaneous tracts, relating to
antiquity. Published by the Society of antiqua-
ries, of London, v. 1-39. 1770-1863. London,
1786-1863. 4° 5128.04
— Same. Index to v. 1-15. Lou., 1809. 4°. . 51'28.01
— Same. Index to v. 16-30. Lon., 1840. 4°. . 5128.02
Archaeologia Americana. See Ainerican antiq. soc.
Archceological institute of Great Britain and Ireland.
Archaeological jouruaL v. 1-24. London, 1844-67.
8° 1462.15
Archaeological journal. See British archaeological
association [1461.01]. Aluo, Archaeological in-
stitute of Great Britain [1463.19].
— j4n(i5«a)'u(/i repertory. 4 v. 1807. . . . 488.10
— *Archceolo,jia. v. 1-39. 1770-1863. . . . 5128.04
Same. Index to v. 1-15 5128.01
Same. Index to v. 16-30 5128.02
— ArcluEohjgical institute of Great Britain. Journal, v.
1-24. 1844-67. 8° 1462.15
— British archceological association. Journal v. 1-24.
1845-68 1461.01
— Fosbrooke (T. D.) 'Encyclopaedia, dc. New ed.,
2v. 1843 437.01
— Morlot (A. ) Gen. views of A. [Sm. rep., 1860.] 3936. 15
— Roi/alBoc. of literature. Trans., 182'J-39. 3 v. 5068.01
Same. 2d series, v. 1-9, 1843-70. . .5066.09
— We.'itwood (J. 0.) Archaeological notes made dur-
ing a tour in Belgium, Western Germany, and
France. [Arcbaeol. jour. v. 18, ] 1463.13
See also Architecture ;— Arts (Useful : Inventions) ;—
Bibhcal and religious literature. {Arch(eology ; Dictiona-
Ties, etc.) : — Classical dictionaries ; Fine arts {various head-
ings). Histor-/ (Ancient ; Middle aijcs) ; Man {Preliistoric );
— also names of various countries and places {under Coun-
tries), more particularly Egypt, Greece, Italy, Rome,
and other sacred and classical lands ; — also America ; —
China : — England ; — France ; — Germany ; — India ; — Ire-
land :— Scandinavia ; — Spain ; — etc.
See also Armour ;— Bells ;— Burial usages ;— Calendai ;
— Domestic economy : — Costume : — Epitaphs ;— Furniture;
—Heialdry ;— Inscriptions ;—Laco ;— Manners and Cux-
toiiig ; — Names : — Marriage ; — Niimi.jmatics ;— Pottery ;
Signboards ; — Taverns.
In addition to the Societies mentioned above. nKf- Ameri-
can antiquarian society ; Poabotly Muaoiiin ; and the
Society of antiquaries, London. The ProcerdinKs ()f tho
American association for the promotion of science, and
the Publications of the Smithsonian Institution also af-
ford much archaeological material.
Archaia. &c Dawson (J. W. ) 37i)2.18
Archelaus. Works. Tr. by S. D. R Salmond. Edin.,
1871. 8'. [A-N.Chr. libr., V. 2a] . . 31G7.09
Aro'aer (T. ) Terrible sights of Loudon nnd Uiboura
of love. London, 1870. 12' .')81i;.25
Archer (T. C.) Popular ooonomio botany. London,
1853. IG^ 491i.ll
Archsrius. De diversis coloribus. [//i Mjrrifield
(^[|■<!. M. p.) Origin.ll treatises.] . . . 1122.01
Arcll^ry. .SVe Atmsemanta, p. 23.
Arch33. iSe Architsctiira;— Arts (Useful : Arches;
— Bruhje^ ; — Jinriineerinij).
ArcMpalago. See Countries, (ffi-ecian ArcUyelarjo ;
Easleni Archipelarjo. )
General and MiscsUaneous Works.
.i4mfricaii institute of architecture. Proceedings. 1316.28
Barry {Sir C.) Life and works. By Rev. A. Barry.
1867 • . . . 1313.12
Chambers ( W. ) Treatise on the decorative part of
civil architecture. With notes and an examina-
tion of Grecian arch., by J. Gwilt. ISO'i. 1316.03
Childs ((f. W.) PhQadelphia Public Ledger building.
1868 1313.40
Cresy (E.) Analytical index. See Hope (7".) Hist,
essay 1315.33
Dwyer (C. P.) Economy of church, parsonage, and
school architecture. 1856 1313.21
Qailhabaud {J.) *L' architecture du V. an XVIL sifecle,
et les arts qui en diJpendenl. 2"e.c(, 1 v. Atlas, fol.
1858 131612
OarhelUKL.) Principles of design in A. 1850. 1:!12.03
Heider (G.\ Mtelhenjer [R. von), and Heiser [J.) 'Mittel-
alterliche Kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen
Kaiserstaates. 2 v. 1858 1316.22
Kiri'j {T. H.) 'Study-book of mediaeval architecture
and art. A series of working drawings of the
principal monuments of the middle ages. 4 v.
1868 1317.12
Ijifi-vtr (M.) Beauties of modern A. 1849. .1315.02
Lefivre[A.) Wonders of architecture. 1870.1312.17
Richardson (T. A.) Art of architectural modeling in
paper. 1859 1312.04
Ruskin{J.) Lectures on A. 1856 1313.11
— Poetry of A. : cottage, villa, etc. 1873. . 1312.26
— Seven lamps of A. 18.32 1313.10
— *Stones of Venice. 3 v. London, 1851-53. 8°.
1. The Foundations, 'i. The Sea Stories. 3. The Fall.
Same. 3 v. New York, 1851. 8'. . .1315.06
Note. For criticisms, see Fraser'B mag., (2 art.) v. 49,
1851 ; North Br. rev., v. 21, 185i.
Scott {0. G.) Kemarks on secular and domestic A.
1858 1313.25
Sharpe (E. ) Treatise on the rise and progress of de-
corated window tracery in England. 1849. 1314.14
Street (0. E.) New Courts of justice, [London].
1872 1313.32
Verdier (A.) and Caltois (F.) 'Architecture civile et
domestique an mflyen age et a la renaissance. 2 v.
1864 1316.0'J
Viollet-Le-Diic (E K) Story of a house. 1874. 1313.34
Vitnwius PoUio (il/.) Architectm-e. Tr. by J. Gwilt.
1826 1316.01
Same. From the Latin, by J. Gwilt. 1860. 1312.06
— De architectura. Lat. et Fr. Tr. par Berrault.
[Nisards coUeetion.] 7725.03
Wight {P. £.) National Academy of Design. Pho-
tographs, with essay and description. 1866. 1316.07
Wiohtwick {G.) Palace of architecture. 1810. 1315.34
^®* See also essat/s by S. Ferguson, in Atteriioon lec-
tures v. 2 [2512.211 : bi/ T. Lowtb, in Oxford prize essays,
V. 1 [2541.11]; Ed", rev. v. 118, 1863, {Modern arclnteclure) ;
N. A. rev., v. 112, 1871 : Loud. quar. rev., v »5, 1851 ; Quar.
rev., V. 132, 1872; Fortnightly rev., v. 8. 1867. (^'ufarc "/
/,o?i(Zon^., byH. Conybearej; Fraser's mag., v. 3, 1S71, {.t, in
its relatien to modern life) ; Frasers mag. N. S. v. 6, 1872,
{True school for arc/Utects).
Building and Carp3ntry.
1. Building.
.4llen{C.B.) Treatise on cottage B. 18)7. .1312.05
Andrews (G. II.) Agricultural engineering. v. 1.
J8,j2 6135.01
Benjamin (A.) Ai'ohitect.or practical house carpenter.
1853 1315.29
— Builders' guide. 1853 1313.28
Boicen (J. M. ) Report upon buildings, building ma-
terials, etc. -v. iqf. 3915.09
Brees {S. 0.) Glossary of practical architecture and
civil engineering. 1852 1313.05
Brooks (S. H.) Treatise on the erection of dwelling
houses. 1869 1312.15
Bullock {J. ) Rudiments of building. 1855. . 1313.23
Burn { li. S. ) Building construction ; brick, stone,
and slate. 2 v. 1873 3942.07
Darndson {E. A.) Oar honses, etc. 1869. . .1311.01
Dobson{K) Rudiments of building. 1859. .1312.01
Gibbons {D.) and Hesketh(R.) Metropolitan building
act, with notes, etc. 18.59 6635.31
Halfpenny ( W.) New and compleat system. 17-39. 1313.22
Pewtner ( W. ) Comprehensive specifier. 1870. 1311.03
Sineaton {A. C.) Builder's pocket companion. 1312.12
J7sc/u; arts emjiloyed in construction, [anon.] 1311.06
2. Carpentry and Joinery.
Amatenr mechanic's workshop. 1870. . . . 3923.06
Aveling (S. T.) Carpentry and joinery. 1871. 3U24.11
Bemrose ( W. ) Fret-cutting and perforated carving.
1889 1316.19
Bow (li. 11.) Economics of construction in relation
to framed structures. Prelimiuary ijarts. Classi-
fications of structures. Diagrams of forces..
1873 3942.09
Clouqh (A. B.) Contractor's manual and builder's price-
book. 1835 1311.02
Newlands {J.) 'Carpenter and joiner's assistant. 1867.
Nicholson (P.) Carpenter's new guide. 1819. 13ie.20
7«dfW((iJ.) New elements of hand-railing. 1871. 1316.27
Bobison (Prof.) and Tredjold (T.) Rudimentary trea-
tise. 1859 1312 07
— Same. Atlas of engravings. 1859. . . . 1315.3tj
Tarbuck (,E. L.) 'Encyclopasdia of. 1857. .1316.21
2red'jold{T.) Elementary principles of 1871. 1312.20
Byzantine Architecture.
Petit {Rev. J.) Remarks on niediseval architecture in
the East. [Archaeol. jour. v. 23.]. . .1463.08
I'e.r;er (C.j and Pullan {li. P.) Byzantine architec-
ture. 1864 1317.11
Church Architecture.
Barr (J.) Anglican church A. 1843. . . . 1311.08
Bourasse (J. J.) Les plus belles (5glises du moude.
1857 1314.13
D:widson{E. A.) Gothic stonework. [1871.] 1311.04
Dolhnan (F. T.) Examples of interior pulpits existing
in England. 1849 1316.0i
Ecclesioloijist {The) . 29 v. London, 1843-68. 3635.01
Holly {U. II.) Chm-ch architecture. 187L .1316.26
Jackson {T. G.) Modern gothio A. 1873. .1311.09
Marktaad {J. II.) Remarks on English churches, and
on the expediency of rendering sepulchral me-
morials subservient to pious and christian uses.
18i3 1313.09
Murray {J. ) Hand-book to the cathedrals of England.
Eastern division : Oxford, Ptterborough, Nor-
wich, Ely, Lincoln. 1862 1313.17
— Sam?. Northern division. Part 1 : York, Ripon,
Carlisle. Part 2 : Durham, Chester, Manchester.
2 V. 1869 1313.13
— Same. Southern division. Part 1 : Wincheslor,
Salisbury, Exeter, Wells. Part 2 : Chichester,
C:mterbm-y, Rochester. 2 v. 1861. . . 1313.15
— Same. Western division : Bristol, Gloucester, Here-
ford, Worcester, Lichtield. 1867. . . 1313.18
(u aaking for books, use the ■•Book Orders," giving the AUriiOB'3 NAME, the ftrst part of tho TITLE, and tho NO-MBBIi.
Xeale (J. M.) Hierologus ; or the church tourists.
1813 1311,07
Okely (W. S.) Development of christian A. in Italy-
3860 1315.38
Pelit {J. L.) Kemarks on church A. 1841. 2 t. 1314.15
Hiorer (J.) *Hist. and antiq. of cathedral churches of
Gr. Britain. 4 v. 1814 1313.35
Webb (B.) Sketches of continental ecclesiology. 1868.
Wickes (C.) 'Illustrations of the spires and towers of
the mediseval churches of England. 2 v. 1853-
55 1317.21
Note.^See article ' Chr. arch, of Europe ' in North Br.
reT., T. 34, 18C1.
See also in general alphabet. St. Pauls .—Westminster
GwUtiJ.) 'Encyclopaedia of A. 1850. . .1314.01
Loudon (J. C. ) Encyclopiedia of cottage, farm and vil-
lage A. 1869 1314.33
Siuart ( ft. ) 'Dictiouary of A. 3 v. in 2. 1854. 1314.02
V. 1-2, Text. y. 3, Plates.
Porfcer (J. i/.) Concise glossary of terms. 1869. 1312.16
— Glossary of terms. 2 v. in 3. 1850. Text, v. 1.
Plates, v. 2. Pts. 1-2 1315.10
Ram(e (D. ) Dictionnaire general des termes d'archi-
teoture en Frangais, Allemand, Anglais et Italieu.
Domestic, Suburban, and RuraL
Allen (L.F.) Rural architecture. 1860. . .1314.18
Arnoi(D.lI.) •Gothic A.: residences. 1851. 1315.01
BorjueiJ.W.) Domestic A.: designs, e(c. 1869. 1314.28
Cleveland {II. W.) Villas and farm cottages. 1856. 1314.31
Cummings (M. K) and Miller {C. C.) Architecture.
Designs, etc. 1865 1317.07
Daly (C.) *L'archi lecture privde au 19e sifecle sous
Napole'on III. Nouvelles maisons de Paris et de
ses environs. 2 v. in 3. 1864 1317.04
V. 1, Hotels prives. y. 2. Maisous a loyer. v. 2. Villas
Downing (A. J.) A. of country houses. . . 1314.21
— Cottage residences. 1852 1314. 19
— Landscape gardening, with remarks on rural A.
1841 1314.20
Same. 8th ed. [about 1870.] .... 6125.10
■ — Kural architecture, [/h his Hural essays.] 6125.07
Dmyer {G. F.) Immigrant builder. 1872. .1312.24
Field {M.) City architecture. 1854 1313.24
Gardner (E. C.) Homes and how to make them. 1312.27
(Jj-ammar of house planning, [anon.] 1868. . 1312.23
JMe {& E) Workmgmen's homes. 1874. .5825.30
ifo6te(j: y/.) A.; designs and plans. 1873. .1313.33
Holly ( //. H. ) Country seats ; country churches, city
buildings, etc. 1863 1314.24
House {'Ilie) : a pocket manual. 1859. . . . 1312.02
Lakey ( C. D. ) ViUage and country houses ; designs.
1875 1316.02
Loudon (J. C. ) 'Enoyclopaadia of cottage, farm and
villa architecture and fumitnre. 1869. . 1.S14.33
— Villa gardener. 1850 6125.01
Marvel (L), pseud. Freehold villa for nothing. 2d ed.
[1873.] 1311.10
Morris ( T. ) House for the suburbs. 3d ed. 1870. 1314.29
liepton (//.) Landscape gardening and architectiu:e.
1840 6125.02
Eichardson (C J.) The Englishman's house. 2d ed.
1870 1312.28
— HousebuUding. 2d ed. 1873 1312.25
— Picturesque designs for mansions, villas, lodges, etc.
1870 1315.39
lidbinson (P. F.) Designs for lodges and park en-
trances.' 1833 1316.05
— Kural architecture. 1836 1316.06
Sloan {S.) American houses : designs for rural build-
ings. 1861 1314.23
— 'City and suburban A. 1859 1317.01
— Constructive architecture. 1859 1317.02
— 'Model architect : cottages, villas, elc. 2 v. 1317.17
Smith (D.) How to construct a freehold villa. 2d ed.
[1873.] 1311.10
Todd (S. K ) Country homes, and how to save money.
1808 1314.27
Same. New ed. 1870 1314.30
Vaux(C.) Vilias and cottages. 1857. . . . 1314.25
Wheder^G.) Choice of a dwelling. 1871. . 1312.22
— Homes for the people. 1807 1314.22
Woodward ( G. K ) 'National architect : dwelling
houses for the country. 1869 1316.24
— and {F. IK.) Country homes. 1865. . . 1314.26
Note.— See also Fraser's mag., v. '68, 1838. {rUlas and
Cottages) : Quar. rev., y. 107, 1860, {Laborers' homes) ; West,
rev., V. 90, 1808, {Co-operation in people's dwellings).
Essex {J.) Remarks on the antiquity and the different
modes of brick and stone buildings in England.
[Archaeologia, v. 4, 1786.] 5128.
Kash {J. ) 'Mansions of England in the olden time.
Ke-ed. by J. C. Anderson. 3 v. 1871. .1317.26
Parker (J. H.) Domestic A. in England from Ed-
ward L to Richard IL [nno)i.] 1853. . . 1313.02
Same. From Richard II. to Henry VIIL 2 v.
1859 1313.03-4
Pyne (W. H.) 'History of the royal residences. 3 v.
1819 1317.23
Turner (T. N.) Domestic A. in England from the con-
quest to the end of the 13th century. 1851. 1313.01
iy«;!d-6oofc for visitors to Oxford. 1847. . . 1312.13
Ae'ale{J.P.) 'Mansions of England. 2v. 1847. ISIS.S.".
Hickinan ( 7.) An attempt to disciTmiuate the styles
of architecture in England, from the Conquest to
the Reformation. 1835 1314.11
J^S" See also Church architecture, p. 33.
Clutton {H.) 'Remarks, with illustrations of the do-
mestic architecture of France, from Charles VI. to
Louis XU. 1853.
Inquiry into the chronological succession of the styles
of Romanesque and pointed architecture in
France. London, 1850. 8" 1313.06
— VioUet-le-Duc (E. E. ) Dictionnaire raisoane de I'archi-
tecture francjaise du xi. au xvi. slfecle. lOv. 1315.14
Wr'iijht {liev. G. N.) and Allom {'lliomas). France il-
lustrated, exhibitiug its military and ecclesiastical
architecture. [1845-17.] 966.02
See also Works of Daly (C.) ; GaUhabaud (J.) ; Verdiei
(F.J and Cattois (F.) ; and Viollet-Le-Dac.
EasHake {C. L.) History of the Gothic revival in Eng-
land. 1872 1315.41
Hawkins {J. S.) History of Gothic A. 1813. 1313.29
Liibke ( W. ) Ecclesiastical art in Gennany during the
middle ages. From the German, by L. A. Wheat-
ley. 1870.' 1455.26
Mair(W.J. C.) Pagan, or Christian? 1800. 1312.21
Schler/d (K. W. F. von). Principles of Gothic A. [In
/lis .Esthetic works.] 2542.12
.See also articles in Blackwood, v. 91, 1862 : Ailernoon lec-
tures, v. 4, {Architecture in the XWt ctnlury, by G. £.
Street) : Fortnightly rev., v. 18, 187'2, {Uoinanfsqiu; architec-
ture) : North Br. rev., y. 28. 1858, {Scott's Gothic A.)
,8®" See also headings ' General,' ' Church,' ' English,'
' French,' ' Norman,* ' Spanish.'
History of Styles.
Gordon (G. H., earl of Aberdeen). Principles of beauty
in Grecian A. 1860 1312.11
Ferijusson (J.) Hand-book of A. 2 v. 1855. . 1314.05
— History of architecture in all countries. 2v. 1314.07
— History of the modern styles of A. : sequel to the
" Hand-book ,"rtc. 1862 1314.09
Note For reviews, see Ed. rev., v. 105, 1857 ; Quar. rey.,>
y. 100, 1859.
P/-efimau(£'. A) History of A. 1819. . . .1314.10
Uope{T.) Historical essay. 2 v. 1840. . .1315.31
Same. Analytical index, by E.Cresy. 1836. 1315.33
TuthiU(L.C.) History of A. 184S. . . .1314.04
jKS" See also Rudimentary works, below.
Household decoration and furnishing.
Eauilake {C. L.) Household taste. 1868. .1453.17
iSif/ieriund (VF.) Art of house decoration. 1868. 1312.18
Whitaker ( H. ) House furnisher and decorator's assist-
ant. 1847 1317.19
See also Furniture, in general alphabet -.—also Fine an«
(Decoration); and Arts (Useful : Uouse-painting).
Fergusson (J.) 'One hundred stereoscopic illustrations
of architecture and natural history in Western
India. 1861. 131'2.19
Iron and Metallic.
Pickeit (W. V.) New system of A., founded on the
forms of nature, and developing the properties of
metals. 181") 1313.30
SeeaUo Arts (0seful : Iron-work.)
Oolman (J". S. ) 'Architectural antiquities of Normandy ;
notices by Dawson Turner. 2 t. in 1. 1822.
Knight {H. Q.) Architectural tour in N. 1836. 1313.27
Same. 2d. ed. 1841 1313.07
— Normans in SicUy. 1838 1313.28
'American builder, v. 4-10, 1871-74.
'Builder (The), v. 1-32, 1843-74.
'Bidkling news. v. 16-27, 1869-74.
*Kncyclopidk d'architecture : journal. Par V. Calliat et
A. Lance. 1851-62. 12 t. and Planches, 6 v.
'Gazette des architectes et du batiment. 1865-74.
'Revue ge'n^rale d'architecture. Dirig^e par C. Daly.
V. 1-29, 1840-72.
Mcnde (T.) Essay on the Roman villas of the Augustan
age. 1833 1313.26
Brandon (R.) and Jrthur (A.) Open timber roofs of
the Middle ages 1316.04
Robison iJ.,) Price (—), and Tredgold {T.) Carpentry
and joinery of roofs. 1859 1312. 10
Rudimentary 'Works.
Bury {T. T.) RudimentJiry jV. : styles. 1857. 1312.09
Chalk (E.) [;we»</ ] Veep into A. 2d. ed. 1847. 1312.14
Horlon (C.W.) A. for students. 1874. . . 1311.11
Leeils ( W. H. ) Rudimentary A. : the orders. . 1312.08
Mitchell ( 7". ) Kudimentiiry manual of A. 1870. 1314.12
Wiyhlwick{(J:) Hints to young architects. Not-w by
A. J. Downing. 1847 1313.31
Street ((?. E.) Some account of Gothic A. in Spain.
1865 1315.U9
Note. — Beviewed In Ed. rev,, v. 122, 1865.
Wyatt{M.D.) 'Architect's note-book in Spain. 1315.40
Wells (K S.) Picturesque antiquities of Spain ; with
illustrations representing Moorish paLices in Bur-
gos, Valladolid, Toledo, and Seville. 1846. 986.01
Loth(C.E) Practical stair-buUder. 1868. .1317.03
Perry (J. B.) Art of stair-buUding. 1855. . 1314.32
Goniant ( C. ) and Filtppi {J. de). * Parallfele des princi-
panx th^tres modemes de I'Europe, et des ma-
chines theatrales. 2 v . N.27.09
Ware (S.) Kemarbs on theatres; and on vaulting
them with brick and stone. Is09. . . 1314.17
ag- See also Agrlculmre (Greenhoufes, p. 8; Landscape gardening, p. 8) ;— Arts (tTsefdl : Aqueducts ;— Arches ;— Bridges ;
—Cabinet-making ; —Drawing ;— Engineering ;— Iron-work ;— Masonry ;— Mechanics ;— Painting ;— Stone-work ;— Strength of ma-
terials;— Warning and ventilation );~Tme arts {Decoration; — Design and ornament) i—Turniture.
Also (urtder Countries) the names of various countries, cities, and places, as Assyria, Athens, England, Ephesns, France,
Germany, Greece, Italy, etc., for descriptive works ; and, in the general alphabet, the nameaof particular structures as St.
Paul's ; — Vatican ;— Westminster abbey, etc
Arctic regions. See Countries, etc. (Arctic regions.)
Arcturus, or the bright star in Bootes. See Sedg-
wick (3ri5i-, —). . . 4013,16
Arculf See Adamnan. Travels of Arculf. . 1053.04
Ardennes (Tales of ) .b'ee Inglis ( H. D. ) . . 945.18
Areutschildt (Lieut, col von). Instructions for cavalry
on outpost duty. London, 1834. 12^. . 4513.09
Areopagitica secuuda : or speech of the shade of
John Milton on Mr. Talfourd's copyright exten-
sion bill, lanon.] London, 1838. S^ . 2712.31
Aretteus. Extant works. Ed. and tr. by F. Adams.
[Gr. andEngl,] L,, Sydeiiham soc. ,lii56. 8°. 4316.01
Arey (H. W. ) Girard college and its founder. PhUa.
1866. 12^ 5511,02
Areytos: songs and ballads. See Simms (W.G. i 1685.10
ArgaU (Samuel). See Folsom (Geo. ) Argall's exped.,
Argens (Jean Baptiste de Boyer, niarquis (f ). New me-
moirs and essays. 2 v, Lond., 1747. 16^ 2512.29
Contents: 1. On" friendship. Isabella Mendosa, by Mile,
Cochois. Reflections upon criticism. On a vacuum.
2. On happiness. Count de Ronancourt, by MUe, Cochois,
Reflections by Mile. Cochois. Essays, Ou inconveniences
of hterature. On the art of beautifying the face, by Mile,
— Philosophical dissertations on the uncertainty of
human knowledge. Tr. from the last French ed.
2 V. London. 1753, 16= 5411.04
Contents : Of the uncertainty of history. Concerning
logic. Natural philosophy. Concerning Metaphysics,
Concerning judicial astrology. On the Theology of the
Grecian philosophers. Index,
Argentiue Kepublic. See Countries.
Argonautio expedition.
SS^ This exped. is the subiect of the • Argonautics*
of Apollonius Rhodius, and Valerius Flaccua, Consult
also Classical dictionaries, and (for explanations of the
story as a myth) Bryant's Mythology, v, 3. 1807 [3817.03];
Banier's Mythology, v. 4 [b816.25j ; and Cox's Aryan
Mythol. [3317.12],
See also Iung3l?y'8 Greek Fairy tales, Morris's poem
■ Jason.' and Hawthorne's Tanglewood tales
Argosy (Thei, a mag,, v. 1-18. London, 1866-74. 8=.
Argumsut shewing that a standing army is inconsis-
tent with a free goveriuLeut, Nee Moyle (Wm. )
Argyll (Bake of). See Campbell (G.D., duke of Argyll).
Ariadne Florentina. J. Ruskin 1413.16
Arianlsm. See Biblical and religious literature.
Ariosto iLodovico). Orlando Furioso, [Italian text,]
Memoirs and notes by A. PanizzL 4 v. London,
183U. H". 7318,14
From the Italian, with notes by J. Hoole. 6 v,
London. 1807. 16^ 1601.01
— — Same. Tr. by J. Hoole. [7/i Chalmers (A.)
English poets, v. 21, 1810.] .... 1626,21
Same. Tr. by W. S. Rose. 8 v. London,
1823-31. 8°. 1613,01
— Satires. [Tr. by Re v. Mr. Horton , with lile , by T, H.
Croker.] Loudon, 1759. 16' 1612.28
— Stories and life, [la Hunt (L. ) Stories from Ita-
lian poets.] 215.02
See also Bit^aphy [Individual].
Aristaeuetus. Erotica. Ed. by W. K. Kelly. Lon-
don, Bohn, 1854. 12°. 1677.16
— Fragmeuta. [In MiiUer (0.) Fragm. historicorum
Gr., V. 4.] 7765,12
Aristocracy. Berkeley (G. F.) Anecdotes of the
upper ten thousand. 2 v. 1867. . . 3257,12
— Burke (Sir B. ) Family romance ; or, episodes in the
domestic annals of the aristocracy. 3ded. 6612,14
— — Romance of the aristocracy. 3 v. 185.5. 6612. 19
A'ote. — Reviewed in Quar. rev,, v, 98, 1856,
Vicissitudes of families, and other essays. 6612.18
A'oii;,— Reviewed in Quar. rev., v. 107, 1860.
— Conti (A. de B., prince de). Duties of the great
[Works. 17U.] 5023.17
— Craik (IJ. L.) Romance of the peerage. 4 v. 661'2,'22
— Ilampson (H. T.) Origiues patriciaa ; or, a deduc-
tion of European titles of nobility and dignified
offices, from their primitive sources. 1S46. (5613.06
-- Sanford (J. X,), and Townsend (M.) Great goveru-
iug families of England, 2v,, Imap, 1865.6612,16
^ Titnbs (J. ) Ancestral stories and traditions of great
families, illustrative of Eng. history. 1869, 6612.15
— Walford (K. ) Coimty femUies of the United King-
dom ; or, royal manual of the titled aud untitled
aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland. 6th ed.
1871 6615.10
See also Government ;— Nobility ;— Heraldry.
In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AU I'HOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, aud the NCilBER.
Aristophanes. ComoediEe et fragm. Gr. et Lat. ex
rec. G. Diudorfii. Paris, Didot, 1846. 8'. 7764 Oi
— [Comedies explained, witb extracts.] By W. L.
Collins. Edinburgh, 1872. 10°. [Ancient
classics.] 1712.14
— — New and literal trans., with notes and extracts by
W. J. Hickie. 2 v. London, 1853. 8°. 1712,15
Contents : vol. 1. Ac-haraians. The Knights. The
Clouds. The Waspa. Peace. The Birds.
2. Lyaistrata. Thesmophoriazuaae. The frogs. Ecclesia-
zuaiB. PlntuB.
Tr. by T. Mitchell. 2 v. [BriUsh poets. Walsh.
V. 43-44.] 1(;91.43
V. 1. The Acharnians. The knights, or the demagogues.
The cloiida.
2. The wasps. The Dicast turned gentleman.
;v;,(e —Reviewed by J. H. Frere. [Works, T. 2.] 1641.26.
Eight comedies. Tr. by L. H. Budd. [Achar-
nians, Knights, Clouds, Wasps, Peace, Birds,
Frogs, Plutus.] London, 1867. 8°. . 1712.17
— Tae Peace. Greek text, with trans, into corre-
sponding metres, and notes. By B. B. Rogers.
London. 1866. sm. 4= 1712.18
- Scholia Grseca in Aristophanem, cum annotatioue,
etc. , cui sua qusedam inseruit Fr. Diibner. Parisiis,
DMo/, 1855. 8° 7764.05
— Translations from his plays, by J. H. Frere. [Prere's
Works. V. 3.] 1641.27
JVofe— Eeviewed in N. A rev., v. 76, 1853.
fl5r See also Coutem. rev., v. 6, 1867 {English trans, of A.)]
Hope (A. J. B.) Essaj'S [Shakespeare and A.) [2532.18] ; Nat.
quar- rev., v. 3, 1861 ; West, rev., v. 95, 1871.
Also Browning (R ) Balaustion's adventures [1623 09], and
Aristophanes' apology [1622.15.]
Also Drama (Greek) ; and Literature [Greek.)
Aristotle. [Ai-istoteles. ] Opera omnia. Gr. et Lat.
4 V. Parisiis, Bidot, 1848-57. 8°. . . 7764-U6
Contents : V. 1. Organon Rhetoricen. Poeticen.
2. Ethica. Nat. auscultatio. De coelo. De genera-
tione, et metaphyaica.
3. De aniinalibua. De partibiis animalinm. De genera-
tione auimalium De auima. De seusu. De memoria et
reminiscentia. De aomuo et vigilia. De insomniia. De
divinatioue per somuum, De animalium motioue. De
longitudine et brevitate vitffl. De juventute et aenectute.
De vita et morte. De respiratione. Meteorologici hbri:
De niundo ad Alexaudrum De coioribus. De audibilibus.
De spiritu. De Xenophane (aielisso), De Gorgia.
4. Physiognomonica. De plautis. V6ntoram situs et
appellationes. De insecabilibua liueis. Mechauica. De
mirabilibua auscultationibus. Problemata.
— Ethica. [Greek text,] with essays and notes by Sir
.\. Giant. L., 3 V. 1857-59 5133.28
— Great and Eudemian ethics. Pohtics, and eco-
nomics. From the Greek, by T. Taylor. Lon-
don, 1811. 4° 5018 07
— History of animals. Tr. by E. Crcsswell. London,
1862. 12= 4715.14
— — Same. .\nd his treatise on physiognomy. Tr.
by T. Taylor. London, 1809. i°. . 5018.04
— Metaphysics, tr. ,wlth a dissertation on nullities and
diverging series. By Thomas Taylor. London,
1801. 4° 5018.01
Same. Tr. with notes, analysis, etc. By Kev.
J. H. M'-Mahon. L. , Bo/m, 1857. 12=^5411.02
— Organon ; or logical treatises. From the Greek, by
T. Taylor. London, 1897. 4° 5018.02
Same. With introd. of Porj>hyry. Tr. with
analysis, etc. , by O. F. Owen. 2 v. London, Bofi n ,
1853. 12° 5428.11
ICote.—See Winslow's jour., v. 6, 1853. (A. on induction
and the syllogism],
— Nicomachean ethics. Tr. with notes, etc. By R.
W. Browne. London, Bohn, 1853. 12°. 5434.03
— Physics. Tr. , with notes, by T. Taylor. London,
1806. .4° 5018.09
— Politics and economics. Tr. by E. W. Walford.
Life, by Dr. GiUies. L., Bohn, 1853. 12°. 5715.13
— Ehetoric, poetic, and Nicomachean ethics. From
the Greek, by T. Taylor. L., 1811. 4°. 5018.06
— I^hetoric, lit. tr., with analysis by Hobbes. Also the
Poetic, ht. tr. by T. Buckley. London, Bolin,
1K53. 12° 6334.02
— Treatises on the parts and progressive motion of
animals ; his problems ; and his treati ie on indi-
visible lines. With the elements of the true arith-
metic of infinites, &c. , by T. Taylor. London,
1810. 4°. 5018.05
— Treatises. On the soul ; On sense and sensibles ;
On memory and reminiscence ; On sleep and
wakefulness ; On dreams ; On divination by sleep ;
On the common motion of animals ; On the
generation of animals ; On length and shortness
of life ; On youth and old age, life and death ;
and on respiration. Tr. by T. Taylor. London ,
1805. 4°. . 5018.03
— Aiidrxinicus Hhodhif:. Paraphrase of an anonymous
Greek writer, (hitherto published under the name
of Androuicus Khodius,) on the Nicomachean
ethics of Aristotle. 1807 5018.10
— Blackie (J. S.) Four phases of morals. 1871. 5433.14
— Blakesley (J. W.) Life of A. 1839. . .5421.13
— GricUon (A.) Memoir of A. [In Jardiiie's Nat.
libr., T. 14.]
— Grote (tf.) Aristotle. Ed. by A. Bain and G. C. Eob-
ertson. 2 v. 1872 5422.16
Contents : v. 1. Life of A. Aristotelian Canon. Gate-
goriee. De interpretatione. Analytica. Topica. v. 2. To-
pica tvi.-viii.) Suphistici elenchi. Physica and metaphy.
sica. Deanima. — Appendix. Doctrine of universala. First
principles. Metaphysica. De Coele. Epikurus. The Stoics.
Note.— Reviewed in Ed. rev., v. 136, 1872.
— Hampden (R. D.) Fathers of Greek philosophy.
1862 5413.22
— Lewes [0. H.) Aristotle ; rfc. 1864. . .542407
JVo(e.— Reviewed in Blackwood, v. 96, 1861 ; West, rev.,
V. 82. 1864.
— Macijiliwray (W.) Eminent zoologists. . 9252.01
— Of the ignorance c.f the most celebrated moderns
relative to A. [Class, journal, v. 18, p. 334, v. 19.
p. 31. 1819.] 2742.18
— Ttapin (R ) Comp. betw. Plato and A. . 5064.11
— Taylor l,T.) Dis.sertation on A. 1812. .5018.08
See a!so North Br. rev., v. 45, 1865. Nat. quar. rev., v.
3, 1861.
Arithmetic. See Mathsmatlcs. t Arilhmetic. )
Arizona, ^'ee Countries. {Arizona.)
Arkansas. !iee Countries. (Arkansas.)
Arkwright (i'ir Eicbard). Hee Biogtaphy {Individa(il\
Arlot ( — ). A comiJlete guide for coach painters.
From the French, by A. A. Fesquet. Philadelphia,
1871. 8°. 3932.36
Arm-chair in the smoking-room ; or, fiction, anec-
dote, efu. [anon.'] London, [1870.] 12°. 2512.26
Armada: a poem. .S'ee Maoauley (T. B.) . 1671.33
Armaille (M. C. A. de S., comtesse d'). Marie-Thdrise
et Marie Antoinette. Paris, 1870. 16°. 3117.15
Armata: a fragment. [Thomas, lord Erskine.] 1818.
Armatage (G.) Horse owner and stableman's com-
panion. London, [1871.] 12°. . . . 4627.15
Armengaud (Jacques Eugene). Practical draughts-
man's book, .^fe Johnson (W. ) . . . 3924.24
Armenia. .See Countries. (Armenia.)
Armies. See Mihtary science. Also Government.
{Standing armies.)
Armin (Eobert). Nest of ninnies. Introd. by J. P.
Collier. London, .SVwfce.s'p. .soc, 1842.8°. 1756.10
&'e Collier (.1. P ) Memoirs of actors [1756.32]
Armiuiauism. See Biblical and lelig lit.
Arminius. Works. Translated, v. 1-2, by .7. Nicholas.
V. 3, with life of, by W. E. Bagnall. Auburn,
(N. Y.,)1853. 8° 3514.05
Contents : v. 1. Life. Orations. Declaration of senti-
ments. Apologie against 31 defamatory articles. Nine
questions. 2.t public disputations. 2. 79 private disputa.
tions. True sense of the 7th ch. of Romans. Letter tc
Hippolytus a CoUibua. Certain arti.:les to be dilii,'eutly
weighed. Letter on the sin agiiinat the Holy Ghost. 3. Dis-
cua.siou concerning predestination, between A. and Fraucia
Junius' Examination of treatise concerning predestina.
tion by W. Pel kins. Analysis of 9th ch. of Romans.
Arm.tage (John). Histoiy of BrazU, 1808-1831. 2 v.
in 1. London, 1836. 8°. 555.20
Arm'tage (T. E. ) Education and employment of the
blind. London, 1871. 8° 5511.22
Annored vessels. See Naveil science.
Armour (J.) Lron and heat. L., 1871. 12°. 3922.13
— Power in motion. London, 1871. 16°. .3921.17
Annour and weapons.
— Aket-mnn (J. Y.) On some of the weapons of the
Celtic and Teutonic races. [In Archaeologia.v. 34. ]
— Ilewilt (J. ) Ancient armour and weapons in Europe.
3 V. 18-35-60 CG.'2.2l
— Lacombe^P. ) Arms and armour in antiquity and mid-
dle ages: also notice of modern weapons. 0622.19
— Meyrick ( S. li. ) Aneieut armour in Europe. 2d ed.
3 v., 1814 6617.05
On the body armour worn in Eughind. [In
Archaeologia, v. 19.]
flS" See aho Military science.
Armroyd (G. ) Internal navigation of the United
States. With map. Phila., Is:i0. 8°. .3927.26
Annstrong (G. D. ) Stammer of the pestilence in Nor-
folk, Va., 18.")5. Philadelphia, 1856. 16°. 4344.17
Annstrong (^Johii, ^^. T>., d. 1779). Art of preserving
health: a poem. 2d ed. L., 1745. 8=. . 3022.22
— Select poems. Ed. by R. Walsh. [British poets,
V. 30. 1822.] 1691.30
— Poems. Ed. with life, by A. Chalmers, [fn his
English poets, v. 16. 1810.] .... 1626.16
See also Biography for lives this author.
Armstrong (Ofn. John, (/. 1813). Life of Anthony
Wayne. [7n Sparks (J.) Amer. biog. , v. 4.] 3241.01
— Life o'f R. Montgomery. [Sparks, v. 1.] .3241.01
— Notices of the war of 1812. 2 v. N.Y.,1810. 12=. 585.15
Armstrong (Lebbeusl. History of the tempei-ance re-
form, to 1852. New York, 1853. 12=. . 5834.01
— Signs of the times ; capital punishment. New
York, 1818. 8= 5817.06
Armstrong {Mrs. M. T.) and Ludlow (H. W.) Hamp-
ton p.nd its students. With songs, arranged by
T. P. Fenner. New York, 1874. 8= . 5522.04
Armstrong (Robert). Treatise on steam boilers. Lon-
don. Wtnle. 1857. 16= 3926.18
Army. See Military science.
Army (.Standing). iVe Government. (Standinr/ai-m)/.)
Army and navy journal, v. 1-6. N. Y., 1863-68. 4°.
Army life on the Pacific. L. Kip. 1859. . 1123.24
Army regulations. See P»[ilitary science.
Army register. .Se Countries. { United Slates.) 6747.17
Arua old ( .\ntoiue, .<J. 1694). "(Euvres philosophiques.
Introd. per .J. Simon. Paris. 1843. 18= . 5411.05
Contents : Objections coutre Descartes. Des vraies et
des faiisscs idees. Iteponse du pere fllalebranche. De-
fense d'.\ruauld centre la Reponse.
Amavild (Antoine, d. 1698 1. Mtmoires, 1634-75. [In
Petitot. Mem. 2e ser. v. 34.] . . . . 503.12
Amauld d'Aadilly (llobert). Mcmoires, 1597-1667.
A vec notice sur Port Royal. \_ln Petitot. Mem.
2 ser. V. 33,34.] 503.11
Arnay (— d'). Private Mfe of the Romans. Edin-
burgh, 1808. 12= 434.06
Aniim {Mine. Elizabeth [Brentano], called Bettlna
von). Goethe's correspondence with a child.
Boston, 1859. 8= 3066.18
Same. 3v.ini. Berlin, 1839. 12°. .3066.19
— and Giinderode (K. von). Correspondence. Bos-
ton, 1861. 8= 3023.18
Aruobius. Seven books adversns Gentes. Tr. by A.
H. Brvce, and H. Campbrll. Edinburgh, 1871.
8°. [A.-N. Chr. lib. v. 19.] . . . . 3467.03
Arnold ( Rev. Augustus C. L. ) Free-masonry and other
secret societies. Edinburgh, 18u6. 12=. . 5837.10
Arnold (Benedict). Letters cm an exped. to attack
Quebec, 1775. [/n Maine hist, soc., v. 1.] 602.01
Arnold and Andre. G. H. Calvert. 3864. . 1714.2S
Arnold (liev. Frederick). History of Greece [to B. C.
317]. Loudon, 1871. 8= 421.23
— Public life of Lord Macaulay. L., 1862. 8=. 3115.19
— Turnmg-po:nts in life. N. Y., 1873. 12°. 2512.31
Arnold (George). Drift : and other poems. Boston,
1866. 10= 1613.09
— Poems grave and gay. Boston, 1867. 16°. 1613.09
Arnold (Howard Payson). European mosaic. Bos-
ton, 1864. 16= 941.01
— The great exhibition, with Continental sketches.
New York, 1868. 12= 963.12
Arnold (Isaac N. ) Hist, of Abraham Lincoln and the
overthrow of slavery. Chicago, 1867. 8=. 3111.01
— Sketch of hfe of Lincoln. N. Y., 1869. 8=. 3113.16
Arnold (John M.) Islamism, its history, etc. 3d ed
London, 1874. 8= 3454.21
— The Koran and the Bible. 2ded. L.,186G. 8=. 3757! 17
Arnold (Matthew). Culture and anarchy. London,
1«69. 8= . .r;8M.09
A o(«.— Reviewed in North Br. rov., T. 50. 1869, and Lit-
tell, 1869, v 3.
-- Essays iu criticism. Boston, 1865. 16°. .2512.13
Contents: Literary influence of Academies. M. Aurelins
Antoninus. Functions of ciiticism. A French Ktou. Ett-
geuie de Guerin Maurice de (}u6rin. Heiurirh Heine.
On translating Homer. Joubert. Tagan and meditevul
religious sentiment.
Note. —For reviews see Ed. rer., v. 129. 1809 ; North Br
rev , v. 42, 1865 ; Westm. rev , v. 79, 1803 (.M. A. and Uo-
— Friendship's garland : opinions of Arminius, Baron
Ton Thunder-Ten-Tronckh. L., 1871. 12=. 5713.04
— Heim-ich Heine. [Cornhill mag., v. 8, 1863.]
— Higher schools and uuiversities in Gennany. Lon-
don, 1874. 12=. 5511.09
— Literature and dogma, an essay toward a better ap-
prehension of the Bible. L., 1873. 12=. . 3514.02
A'bte. — For criticisms see Dunn (M.) Facts, not &iry tales
[3514.03]. Far the author's ' Review of objections,' etc., see
Contemp. rev., v. 24, 25, 1874-5.
— On the study of Celtic ht. L., 1867. 8=. . 2732.16
— On translating Homer. Loudon, 1861. 8=. 1655.06
— Poems. New ed. Boston, 1856. 16=. . 1613.10
New poems. Boston, 1867. 16= . . 1613.11
Note. — For criticisms on Arnold's poems see Afternoon lec-
tures, V. 4 [2512.23] : Contem. rev , (Mr. A. and Swinburne,
by P. Bayne), v. 6. 1867 ; Fraser, v. 49, 1854 : v 51, 1855 : v.
67, 1858 (Merope) : Littell (from- Br. qu. rev.) 1872, v 2 ;
North Br. rev., v. 21, 1854 ; Westm. rev., v. 61, 1854.
— Popular education of France, with notices of that of
Holland and Switzerland. L., 1861. 8°. 551.5.20
— St. Paul and protestantism ; ^^dth introd. on puri-
tan'sm and the church of England. London,
1870. 8^ 3514.04
Note. — For criticism see Contem. rev., 'iSI. .\. and the
Nonconformists, by R. "W. Dale.) v. 14, 1870 ; Ed rev., v.
133. 1871 (On Puritanism and national churches) ; Fraser,
T. 2, 1870 (M. A. and Church of Engl., by L. Stephens).
— Schools and universities on the continent. Londoii,
1868. 8= 551.5.07
Arnold (R. Arthur). From the Levant, the Black Sea,
and the Danube. Loudon, 1868. 12= . 992.15
— History of the cotton famine, from the fall of Sum-
ter. London, 1864. 8° 5926.06
Arnold (Samuel Greene). History of Rhode Island.
[1036-1790.] 2 V. New York, 1859. 8= . 624.12
Arnold (Thomas, I>. D.) Christian life, its course;
sermons. London, 1819. 8= 3512.19
— Christian life.its hopes; sermons. L.,1849. 8=. 3512.20
— History of Rome. [To the death of Hannibal.] New
York, 1853. 8= 433.15
— History of the later Roman commonwealth from
the second Punic war, and of the reign of .\ugus-
tus: with a life of Trajan. N. Y., 1816. 8=. 436.04
— Introductory lectures on modern history. Ed. by
H. Reed. New York, 1852. 12^ . . 442.03
— Miscelhmeous works. New York, 1846. 8=. 3514.01
Contents : The church. Church reform. Oxford malig-
nauts, aud Dr. Hampden. Genesis. The sin not to be
forgiven. Roman catholic claims. Church of England.
Tracts for the times Faith aud reason Tradition. Mu-
tual relations of knowledge. Social progress of States.
Preface to 3d v. of Thucydides. Hugby a>-hool. Use of
classics. Disciphne of public sciioola. Poetry of common
life. Education of the middle classes. Early Roman his-
tory. The operative classes. Christian politics. Bight
interpretation of the Scriptures.
— Sermons. 3 v. Loudon, 1845. 8=. . . .3512.15
Sermons ; chiefly on the interpretation of Scrip-
ture. 3d ed. London, 1851. 8=. . . .3512.18
Histoiy of the Roman empire, from the time of Ju-
lius Coesar to that of Vittllius. 2d ed., by E. Po-
cocke. Londou,1853. 12= 433.15
,8tS- For lives of Dr. .\. see Biography.
Arnold (Thomas, M. A.) Manual of EngUsh litera-
ture, with appendix on English metres. 2d ed. ,
enlarged. London, 1869. 8° 2751.20
Aruot ( D. H. ) 'Gothic architecture in modern resi-
dences. New York, 1851. 4= .... 1315.01
Aruot (Hugo). Essay on nothing. [Moral satire,
anon.] 3d ed. London, 1777. 18=. . .3514.10
In asking for books, use the • Book Order," giving the A0TUOR-3 NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBEB.
Arnot (William). Church iu the house. Lessons on
the Acts of the Apostles. N. Y. , IS?!. 12°. 3512.12
— Life of Jame<i Hamilton. 2ded. N.Y.1870. 12° 307.5.22
Amott (H. ) Cancer ; its varieties , their histology, and
diagnosis. London, 1872. 8° 4351.01
Arnott (Neil). Survey of human progress. London,
1861. 8°. 5813.09
Amould {Sir Joseph). Life of Thomas, first lord
Denman. 2 t. New York, [1874.] 8°. 3017.23
Arnoux (W. H. ) Argument. .See Roll'wag3n will
case 5633.06
Arosemena (Domingo). Sensaciones en Oriente. New
York, 1859. 12° 1051.12
Around the Kremlin. G. T. Lowth. . . . 996.16
Arouud the tea-table. T. De W. Talmagn. . 3612.24
Around the world. E. D. G. Prime. 1872. 923.23
Aroux (E. ) Dante heretique, revolutionnaire et so-
cialiste. Paris, 1854. 8° 3046.14
Arpe (P. F.) Apologia pro Jul. C»sar Vanino. Ro-
terodami, 1712. 16°. 3581.23
Arraes (D. M. ) Arbor vitee ; or a physical account of
the tree of life iu the garden of Eden. Out of the
Laline, by U. Browne. London, 1683. 16°. 4322.27
Arriauus of Kicomedeia. Anabasis Alexandri et ludica.
Emend. P. Dubner. Kehquii ed. C. Miiller. Par-
isus, Didot, 1846. 8° 7766.10
— History of the expedition of Alexander the Great
and conquest of Persia. [With the Indian his-
tory, and Photius' abridgment of his account of
the division of the empire ] Tr. by Mr. Itooke.
London, 1812. 8°. 427.10
— On coursing. Tr. with annot. With account of the
canes veuatici of antiquity. L., 1831. 8°. 4618.14
— Periplus maris Erythr^i. ludica et Periplus Ponti
Euxini. Gr. et Lat. [In Miillsr (C.) Geogr.
Gr. miu. v. 1, 1855.] 7765.03
- Voyage of Nearchus and Periplus of the Erythrean
Sea. [Gr. and Engl.] Tr. by W. Vinceut, [With
ludica, c. 1-17, Gr.] L., 1809. 4°. [fo Vincent
(W.) Commerce, V. 1,1807.] . . . .1016.01
— Rennell (J.) Examination of the Periplus. [/n v.
2q/"/us Comp. geogr.] 1013.20
Arrivabene {Couht Charles). Italy under Victor
Emmanuel. 2 v. London, 1862. 8°. . 533.26
Arrom (Cecilia Bohl de Faber). ["Fernan Caballero."]
Clemencia. Novela de Costumbres. Leipzig,
1863. 12° 7216.01
— Cuentos y poesias popularea Andaluces. Leipzig,
1861. 12° 7216.02
— Elia, u la Espana treinta aiios ha. El ultimo Consuelo.
La noche d» Navidad. Leipzig, 1864. 12°. 7216.03
— La Familia de Alvareda, Callar on vida y perdonar
en muerte. Madrid, [n. rf.] 18°. . . . 7216.04
— La Gaviota. Tr. par A. GiUard. Bruxelles et Paris,
1860. 16° 7004.05
For some Englisii versions see Fiction clasa-liat.
Arsenic. See Medicine. {Poisons. )
AiTowrsmith (J.) Paper hanger's companion. Phila-
delphia, 1852. 12° 3932.32
ArroMsrheads. Crook (G. ) Indian mode of making
arrowheads, e/c. [Sm. rep. 1871.]. . .3936.26
Art. .See Fine arts.
Art, pictorial and industrial : magazine, v. 1, July,
lS70-June, 1871. Lond. , 1871. 4°. . .1417.il
Art and mystarv of curing, preserving, and potting.
By J. R. Juioior. London, 1864. 16°. .6014.01
Art and mystery of making British wines, cider, and
perry, cordials and hqueurs : also brewing. Lon-
don. 1865. 10°. 3931.31
Art and nature under an Italian sky. By M. J. , ^1/. D.
Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. 143-5.04
Art and scenery in Europe. SeeWallacs (H.B.) 945.10
•Art(L')deVL:rifierlesdates.42v. P., 1818-44. 8°. 401.01
Art education. Wm. Smith. 1872 1415.19
•Art gems. E. Lifevre. 1873 1156.19
Art hints. J. J. J.irves. 1855 1411.02
Art idea. J. J. Jarves. 1864 1411.09
Art in the mountains. H. Blackburn. 1870. 1713.15
Art (The 1 journal 26 v. London, 1849-74. 4°. 1416.11
Note. — See Art union.
— Illus. catalogue of the Exhibition of 1851. Loudon,
[1851.] 4° 3918.01
Art of being happy. F. X. J. Droz. 1832. .354.5.08
Art of conversation. [amn.'\ N. Y.,1864. 12°. 5427.05
Art of flower painting in water colours. [fmon.'[
PhUadelphia, 1835. 4° 1425.05
Art of invigorating life. [W. Kitchiner.] . . 4322.24
Art of judging character from handwriting. See Lum-
ley (E.) 5431.22
Art of pleasing. E. Feydeau. 1874. . . .5836.04
Art of stock-jobbing. [anon.'\ 4th ed. London, [1816.]
8°. [Pamph., V. 12.] 5093.12
Art of travel. Frances Gallon. 1860. . . . 932.04
•Art (L") pour tous. v. 8-13: Paris, 1809-74.
Art recreations : with receipts for preparing materials.
Boston, 1860. 12°. 1443.27
Art student at Munich. A. M. Howitt.
Art studies. J. J. Jarves. 1861 1412.02
Art thoughts. J. J. Jarves. 1869 1411.10
Art tour to northern capitals. J. B. Atkinson. 1442.05
•Art treasures of the United Kingdom. J. B. Waring.
1858 1447.16
'Art (The) union. 10 v. Loudon, 1838-48. 4°. 1416.05
Note. — For continuation see Art joui'nal.
Artaud de Montor (A. F. ) Italie. Paris, 1835. 8°.
[Univers.] 902.17
Arthur {King).
— Arthur ; a sketch of his life, etc. , in Engl, verse ot
the 13th centiny. Ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Lon-
don, 1864. 8°. [E. E. T.S. No. 2.]. . . 7913.01
— Olennie {,J. S. S.) Arthurian localities ; their hist.,
origin, chief country, etc. 1868. . . . 955.14
— Hogg ( T. ) Fabulous history of Cornwall. [Poem. ]
1827. 1651.17
— Hole {li.) Arthur, a poet, romance. 1780. 1643.15
— Malory {Sir T.) La Morte d'Arthure. Hist., etc. Ed.
by T. Wright. 3 v. London, 1858. 16°. 123.28
Same. Philadelphia, 1868. 12°. . . . 123.28
— Merlin, or the early hist, of King Arthur. Pts. 1-3.
Ed. by H. B. Wheatley. London, 1865-69. 8°.
[jMrly Eng. text soc] 7913.13
— Merlin. [In EUis {G.) Specimens. Bo/i)i.] 1641.16
— Morte Arthur. [/nEUis(G.) Specimens.] 1611.16
— Parry {J. M.) Cambrian Plutarch, pp. 1-20. 3216.20
— Jiitson{J.) Life of Ring A. 1825. . . .3014.10
— Woodward {B. B.) Hist of Wales, v. 1. . 486.19
See also Bulwer's King Arthur [1671.17]: Hole IR.) Ar-
thur [1643. 16]; Tennyson (A) Idylls <il' the kiug, Holy Grail,
and other poems ; Morris (li.) Delence of Guenevere
[1673.40] ; Arnold (.M.) Tristram and Iseult [1613.10];
Arthur (T. S.) Advice to young ladies. Boston,
1850. 18° 3511.00
— Advice to yotmg men. Boston, 1850. 12°. 351 1.01
fl!3" For the Tales of this author see Fiction.
— and Carpenter (W. H.) Histoiy of Virginia. Phila-
delphia, 1852. 16° 625.28
Arthm' (William). Etymological dictionary of family
and christian names. N. Y., 1857. 12°. 6614.04
— Italy iu transition. N. Y., 1860. 12° . .533.24
— Successful merchant : life of Samuel Budgett. New
York, 1853. 12° 3025.07
Articles of religion. See Biblical and relig. lit.
( Thirty-nine articles).
Artillery. See Military science.
Aitis(E. T. ) Antediluvian pUytology. London, 1825.
4° 4117.06
Artist life, i'ee Tuckerman (H. T.) . . .1415.14
Artists married life. L. Schefer. 1853. . . 245.12
Artists. See Fine arts. {Biography ; — Painting and
painters) ; also Music. (Biography.)
Artists and Arabs. H.Blackburn. 1868. .1083.16
Artists of America. &e Lester (C. E. ) 1846. 1415.10
Arts aud artists, or anecdotes of painting, sculpture,
etc. J. Klines. 3 v. 182.5 1414.10
Arts (Fine) .See Fine arts.
•Arts (Les) somptuiiires : histoire du costume et
I'ameublemeut et des arts et industries qui s'y
rattachent, sous la direction de Hangard-Mauge.
Dessius de CI. Ciappori. Introduction generale et
texte explicatif par C. Louaudre. Impressions
- en couleurs par Hangard-Mauge. Introd. gdne-
-ale. 2 V. in 1. Paris, 1857. 4°. . . . 1466.02
Same. Planches du v. auxvii. siecle. 2 v. Paris,
1858. 4° 1466.03
With Works hitrodudory lo the Study and riiilosopliy of Science.
Note. Tho following subjects are assigned independeut places in the general alphabet, vit : Agriculture ;— Animal
magnetism ;— Anthropology ;— Archaeology ;— Architecture ;— Astronomy ;— Biblical, KcclcBiaHtical, and Kelig. literature ;
Birds and ornitUnlngy :— Botany ;— Chemistry ;— Domestic economy ;— Ethnology :— Fine arts ;— Geography ;— Geology ;
Government and politics ; — History ;— Insects and entomology ; — Language ; — Law ;— Logic ; — Mathematics .—Medicine;
Microscope ; — Military science ;— Meteorology ;— Mineralogy ;— Moral science ;— Music ;— Natural hintory ;— Naval
BCienco ;— Occult sciencps ;— Philosophy ;— Physics ;— Phrenology ;— Political economy ;— Shells aud sheU-iiBh ;— Social
1. Introductory Works.
Method, Mutmxl Relations and History of the Natural
and Physical Sciences,
Bacon (F) Advancement of learning, aud Norum organum.
1853 5015.U2
Same. tWorks, v. 8-9.] 60U.10
— Novum organum, or true suggestione for the interpretation of
nature. 1850 3913.14
— Opinions upon the conduct of the understanding. [!n Mon-
tague (B.) Essays. 1824 ; p. 144-364.] 2537.05
Bailey {S ) On the progress of knowledge. [In fiis Essays.
2513.02]. Mutual relations of the sciences ; General princi-
ples of physical investigation. [In his Discourses. 2517.05.]
Barnard [F. A . F.) The recent progress of science. 1869. 3914.06
Barnes (A.) Progress and tendency of science, [/n /iw Essiiys,
V. 2 ] 2513.07
Brown {S.) Hist, of science. [In his Lectures, v. ].] . . 2515.01
Candolle (A. df). Histoire des acieuces et des savants depuia
deux siecles. 2 v, 1873.
Carey {II. C.) Unity of law; in physical, social, mental, and
moral science. 1872 6814 22
Comte {A.) Positive philosophy. Tr. by H. Martineau. 1858. 5412 07
Descartes {R ) Discours de la methode. [In his (Euvres,
1844 ] 5412.14
— — Same. Translated. 3d ed. 1856 5412.21
Field (G.) Outlines of analogical philosophy 2 v. 1839. 3914.08
Fiske U.) UutUnes of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine
of evolution. 2 v. 1875 3915.28
GlanviU {J.) Plus ultra : or the progress of knowledge since
Aristotle. 1668 3914.28
Jevons ( }V. S.) Principles ot science : logic and ecientific method,
2 V. 1874 3915.18
Lewts {0. H.) Comte'6 philosophy of the sciences 1853. 3913.11
Liebig (J. von]. Induction aud deduction [Sm. rep. 1S7U.] 3936.25
Mansel (H. L.) Limits of demonsti'ative science considered. [In
Au Letters. c(c. 1873.] 5424.23
Martin {T. H.) Galilee : les droits de la science et la methode des
sciences physiques. 1868 3063.17
Park («.) Pantology ; or survey. 1843 2725.11
tSomerville (J/.) Ou the connexion of the physical sciences 4022.22
Spencer (H.) First principles. 1869 541ti.l3
— Of laws in general: essay. [Inhis Recent discussions,] 2.>44.16
Taine {H. A.) De la metliode. [In his Phi.os. du 19 fiiecle, p.
317 71.] 54213.18
Tyler {S.) Discourse of the Baconian philosophy. 1850. 5411.09
Whewell IW.) History of the inductive sciences. 2 v. New
York, 1858 4024.01
Same. 3 v. London, 1857 4U23.U1
1. Physical science in ancient Greece, and Middle ages.
2. Mechanical sciences ; physical astronomy ; acoustics,
optics, tberinotics and atmology.
3. Mechanico-cht-mical sciences; electricity, magnetism,
galvanism ; chemistry ; mineralogy, aud crystallography ;
botany and zoology ; physiology aud comparative anato-
my ; geology.
Note. — Keviewed in Eraser's mag., v. 57, 1858
— Philosophy of inductive sciences. Eirat part. History of sci-
entific ideas. 2 v. 1858 4U23.04
— — Same. Second part. Novum organum renovatum. [Aphor-
isms concerning ideas ; Of knowledge : induction and classi-
fication ; Of method ; Of the language of science.] 4023.06
fl®- See also in the genor.J alphabet, Cosmology ;—
Bibhcal aud religious lit, {Ueligion and science) ;— Evo-
lution ; — Logic.
For essays see Calderwood iH ) Relation of science and
philoB. [Contemp. rev,, V- 16. 1871]; Kingsley (C.) Science,
a lecture [Eraser's, v. 74, 18GC] ; Montagu (B.) Essays.
1839 [2537. 04j; Spencer (H.) Whatkuowledge is most worth
[Westm. rev., v. 72. 1859] ; SierUng (J.) On the worth of
knowledge. [/;t /tw Essays, v 1.2647 09.]
Ancient Science.
Childhood of experimental philosophy, [In Chambers' Papers,
V. 10 ] 2516.05
Goguet [A. Y.) Origin of art and sciences. 3 v. 1761. . 435.20
Napier {J.) Manufacturing arts in ancient times, with special
reference to Bible history. 1874 3941.11
^^' See also Aristotle, p. 35 ;— and Inventions, below.
Also Nat, qu. rev., v. 3, 1861 (Ancient aud nioderu science);
Oxford prize essays, v. 1, 1836 (In what arts have Moderns
excelled Ancients) ;— Philosophy {Ancient).
Royal society of London. Catalogue of scientific papers. 1800-
1863. 5 T 2736.dl
Classification of Knowledge,
Edwards (E.) [In his Memoirs on libraries, v. 2 ] . . . 2744.02
Harris { W. T.) [In St. Louis. Pub. school libr. Catal. 1870]
Leslie {J. P.) [/n /(is Man's origin, a^c. 1868.] . . . ,5813.16
Mill {J. S.) [In his Auguste Comte, etc. 1866.] .... 5412.08
Park(R.) [Inhis Pautology. 1843.] 2715,10
Spencer (H.) Classification, etc. [Inhis Essays, v. 3, 1874.J 2547.2S
— Genesis of science. [Inhis Essays.] . . . 2543.19; 2547.23
Symonds{JA.) [In hts Miscellanies. 1871.J 2547 19
iVheweU\fVm.) [In his Philosophy of inductive acioncea. 2d
part.] 4023.06
Delusions of Scierice,
Dircks (H.) Scientific studies. 2. Chimeras of science, 3914.27
Encouragement of Science.
Babbage {C.) Reflections on the decline of S. in England, 3914.14
Scientific Education, Importance of Knowledge, etc.
Atkinson {W. P.) Classical and scientific studies. 18tJ5. 5518.09
Barnard {H.) Science and art. Systems, institutions and sta-
tistics of scientific instruction applied to national indus-
tries in different countries, v. 1. Europe. 1872. . 5518.01
Brougham {II., lord). Objects, advantages, and pleasures of.
[Discourse8.1840. 3913.17] ; — Same. 1846. [3523.15]; —Same.
1827. [51)93.20.]
Butler {C.) Utility of science to commerce. [Pamph., v. 7.] 5058.07
Creed.{H. H.) and Wiiliams {W.) Handicraftsmen and capital-
ists. 1867 5933.10
Dick {T ) On the improvement of society by the diffusion of
knowledge. 3913 19
— — Same. [Works, v. 1, 1853.] 5033.02
Everett (£'.) Importance of scientific knowledge to practical and
working men. [Orations, v. 1] 6322.03
Great Britain. Royal comtnis.non on scientific instruction, v. 1.
First, supplementary, and second reports, w-th evidence.
1872 3918.07
Hail {li.) Advantage of knowledge to the lower classes. 5042.01
Ilugltes (T ) Kuow.edge : the fit furniture of the mind. 3914.2**
Russell {J. S.) Systematic technical education. 1860. . 3814.26
Stetson (C- B ) Technical education iu Europe, 1874. . 5522.02
Todftunter {J ) Conflict of studies, c^c. 1873 5518.06
Contents : Conflict of studies [classical aud scientific] ;
Competitive examinations ; Private study of mathema-
tics ; Academical reform ; Elementiiry geometry ; The
mathematical tripos.
Twining {T.) Science lor the people. 1870 3914 07
Ver2}lank {G. C.) Importance of sclent, knowledge to the manu-
facturer aud practical mechanic. [/» /(IS Diecouises.] 3913.17
Warren {S. E.) Notes on polytechnic or scientific schools, in
the United Stites. 1866 5515.17
Wiseman [N.) Lectures ou the identification of artisan aud ar-
tist. [Sm. rep., 1870.] 3936.25
Woodbury {L ) Importance of science in the arts. [Writings.
V. 3.] 6077 14
Youmans {E. L.) Culture demanded by modern life. . 6514 16
j8®" See also Education, in general alphabet.
JOS- For essays ser- Mathias (G. H. 1) ) A little learning
not a dangerous thing. [In his Tutor's advice 5512.05];
Peabody (A, P.) Address [Sm. rep., 187*2. 3936.27] ; Con-
temp, rev.. V. 8. 1868, (By J. M Ludlow) ; Ed. rev., v. 127.
1868; Fortnightly V. 10. 1868. (By Prof. Jenkin) ; Quar.
rev.. V. 123, 1867 ; West, rev., v. 75, 1861.
2. Special Subjects.
[Air-travelling, Balloons, etc.]
Arago{D. F.) Aeronautic voyages. (Sm. rep., 1863.] . .
Gtaisher {J.) Balloon ascensions. [Sm. rep., 1863.] . .
— Travels in the air. 1871
Holland {R.,) Mason (J/.) and {Green (C.) Aeronautical
from London to Weilburg. 1837 In
Marey {M ) Phenomena of flight iu the animal kingdom.
rep.. 1869.]
Marion (F.) Wonderful balloon ascents. 1870 3922.04
Ptttigrew {J. B.) Modes of flight iu relation to aeronautics.
[Sm. rep., 1867] 8936.22
Tournachon (/'.) A terre et en I'air. Memoires du Geant [Bal-
lon]. 1869. Par Nadar. [pseud.] 3922.05
Tumor (H.) Astra castia : experiments and adventures in the
atmosphere. 1865 3927.21
Verne {J.) Five weeks in a balloon. [Fiction.] . . , 191.29
Wise {J.) System of aeronautics. 1850 3927.00
— Through the air : forty years' experience. 1873. . .3927,33
A'ofe.- ^cKRoyal engiueers. Papers. N.S., v. 12 [3917.12],
for papers ou Balloon reconnoissances.
Annual Records.
vlmerican Institute. Transactions, v. 6-32, 1847-8-71-2. 6117,0C
jV'o^e.— Each yearly volume contains a report in rela-
tion to the annual exhibition, with addresses, scientific
lectures, discussions ot the Farmers' club, transactions of
the Polytechnic association, aud proceedings ot the Pho-
tographic section.
Annie scientilique et iudustrielle. Par L. Figuier. . . 3922.09
Same Tables dfeconnales. 1856 1865 3922.10
Annual of scientific discovery. Ed. by D. A. Wells [and others].
i849.71 3912.01 ; 3912.18
In asking for books, use the " Book Orders." giving tho AUTHOR'S N.VME, the first part of the TITLE, a.id the NUMBER.
ARTS, USEFUL: Aqxieducts to Cotton.
v^nnua/ record of science. Ed. by S.F. Baird. 1871-74. . . 3906.01
Arcana ol scieuce and art. Ed. by J. Timbs. 11 v. 1828-38. 10^.
J^oie. — For continuation see Year-book of facts,
reor-book of facta. Ed. by J. Timbs. 1839-74. . . . 3911.01
year-book of nature and popular science. Ed. by J. C. Draper.
1872 3906 12
Set also Periodicals.
Turnbull (TF.) Reports on the construction of the piers of the
aqueduct of Alexandria caual across the Potomac river at
Georgetown. P, C. 1835-40 3927.32
See also Waterworks.
Baker {B,) On the strength of A. 1870 3926.26
See also Engineering, below ; and ArchitecturCj p. 33.
Asphalt and Bitumen.
Beclcwith {A.) Report o.i. [Paris univ. exp., U. S. reports, v. 4. J
Barstow (TT.) Sulphurets : how assayed and worked. . 3933.29
Bodeman '2'.) and Keri (B.) Assaying of lead, copper, silver,
gold, and mercury. 1865 3933 44
Cramer (J. A.) Art ol assaying. 1764 3934.54
De Koninck {L. L.) and Ifietz {E.) Manual of chemical aualysis
and assiiyin^, as applied to iron and steeL 1872. . 4002.02
Lieher (O. M. ) Assay^r's guide. 1852 3933.45
Mitchell (J.) Practical assaying. 1868 3933.30
yorth (O ) Practical assayer. 1874 3933.60
See also Chemistry. {Blow-pipe.)
While {J-) Art of baking. 1828 3931.44
See Aeronautics, p. 39.]
B3et-root Sugar.
Aligny [H. F. Q. d'). Manufactm-e of. [Paris univ. expos., v. 5.]
Crookes (W.) Manufacture of, in England and Ireland. . 3931.42
PcAlan {E. E.) " Beet-root sugar" question. 1870. . 3931.43
Demson {E. B.) Treatise on bells. 1860 3932.20
See also Bells and bell-ringing, in general alphabet.
v4ma(t'U)' mechanic's workshop. 1870 3023.06
[See Liquors, below.]
Brick and TUe-making and laying.
Davidson [E. A.) Drawing for bricklayers. 1872. . . . 3924.15
Dotison (£'.) Bricks aud tiles. Pts. 1-2. 1850 3832 24
Hyde (C.) Bricks and tUes in Holland. [In Weale's quar. papers,
V. 6.] 3818.13
Baker (B.) Long-span railway bridges. 1870 3934.18
S^tme. Revised ed. 1873 3925.24
Basfifnrd (F ) Meuai bridge during storms, with new method of
constructiug suspension bridges. [Weale's qu. papers v. 6.]
Dempsey {G. D.) Tubular and other iron girder bridges. 3934.05
Gleig (G. R.) Military bridges. [In fas Essays, v. 1, 1858.] 262.S.15
llxupt (H.) Theory of bridge construction. 1856. . . 3'J34.03
Jlenrici (O) Skeleton Structures : iron and steel. . . . 3942.16
Humber i W.) Practical treatise on cast and wrought iron bridges
and girders as applied to milway structures and to builtUnye
generally. 1857 3927 19
Roebling (W. A.) Pneumatic tower foundations of the East River
suspension bridge. Reports 3943 Ul
Rogers (F.) Construction of bridges. [Sra. rep., 1861.] .3936 16
— Roads and. [Sm. rep., I860.] 3936.35
VFeale {J.) and others. Theory, practice, etc., of bridges of stone,
iron, timber, and wire. 5 v. in 4. 1856-66. . . . 3927.15
[See Architecture, p . 33.]
Davidson {E. A.) Drawing for cabinet-makers. 1872. . 3924.33
(^of/iic album for cabinet-makers. 1868 1316 18
Stokes^.) Cabinet midinr's and Upholsterer's companion. 3932.34
[See also. Furniture, in geueral alphabet.]
Calico-Print ng.
[See Dyeing and calico-printing, p. 41.]
Armrnyd [G ) Internal navigation of the U. S. 1830. . 3927.26
Frist {F.) Essays on caurJs. 1861 4(i25.22
Fulton (R.) Improvement of canals. 1796 3927.22
Gt. Britain. Report of commissiouerB [on the Caledouian canal ]
1804 3927.24
Stevenson {D.) Canal and river engineering. 1872. . . 3926 39
Tanner [H. S.^ Canals of the United States. 1840. . . 3927.25
Carpentry aud Joinery.
[5t;fi Architecture, p. 33.J
Arlot [—). Complete guide. 1871 3932.36
Gardner (F. B.) Carriage painter's manual. 1871 . . 3^2.41
Hub {The) and New York ctjaclimakers mag. v. 13-14, March,
1871— April, 1873.
Adams (W. B.) English pleasure carriages, etc. 1637. . 3932 42
Amateur [The) mechanics' workshop. 1870 3923.06
Cements, Iiimes, Mort?irs, and Concrete.
[See also Masonry, page 44.]
Anderson {J.) Essay on quicklime, as a cement. 1799. 6121.04
Beckwith (L. F.) Report on Beton-Coiguet. [In United States
Commissioners to Paris Exhib. Reports, v. 4.] . . 3915.12
Burnell (G B.) Oii limes, cements, mortars, etc. 1857. . 3932.27
GUlmore {Q. A.) On limes, hydraulic cements, aud mortars.
1862 3932.23
— Pract. treatise on Coignet-Beton. 1371. ..... 4007.01
Graham (G.) Limes and cements. [Royal engineers. Papers.
V. 12.] 3917.16
Reid (//.) Pract treatise on concrete. 1869 3942.02
Scott {Capt. — ). On limes and cements. On concretes. [In Royal
engineers. Papers, N. S., v. 11.]
[See Liquors, page 44.]
Clocks and Watches.
^»(cWca» horological journal, v. 1-4. N. Y.. 1870-73. 4°. 3947.15
Barrington (Z>.) Observations on the earliest introduction of
clocks. [Archsologia, v. 5, 1779.] 5128.
Booth (jtf. L.) CloLk and watchmaker's new manual. 1860. 3932.19
Gumming {A.) Elements of clock and watchwork. 1766. 3937.31
Den'isnn {E. B.) Treatise on clocks aud watches. 1860. 3'J32.20
Horological jonmaX, v. 15-16, 1873-74.
Immisch (M.) Prize essay on the balance spring and its iso-
chronal ad.iustmeuts. 1873 39.32. U9
Kemlo (F.) Watch-repairers' hand book. 1869. . . . 3932.14
Morgan (C. 0.) Observations on an astronomical and astrological
table-clock, together with an account of the astrolabe.
Morgan (0.) '•Watch-making, from the earliest period to modern
times. T'wo articles. [Archaeologia, v. 33.] . . .6128.
[Archseologia, v. 34, 1852.] 5128.
Nelthropp (H. L.) A treatise on watchwork, past and present.
1873 3932.00
Reid (y.) Treatise on clock and watchmaking. 2d ed. 1846, 3932.21
Smyth ( W, H.) Description of an astrological clock. [Archaeo-
logia, v. 33. 34.] 6128.
fVood (E. J.) Curiosities of clocks aud watches. 1866. 3932.18
Aligny [H. F. Q. d'). Report on pressed or agglommerated coal.
[Paris univ. expos., 1867. Reports, v. 5.] . . of. 3915 09
Arils {E. T) Antediluvian phytology of Great Britain. 4117 06
Brown {R ) Coal flelds and coal trade of Cape Breton. . 3933.19
Fordyce (W.) History of coal, coke, etc. 1800. . . . 3937.29
Holland {J.) History of fossil fuel, the collieries and coal trade
of Great Britain. 1841 3933.20
Hull (E.) Coal fields of Great Britain. 1861 .... 3932.48
Huxley {T. H.) On the formation of coal. [In his Critiques,
LeConte (J.) Lectmes on coal. [Sm. rep., 1857.] . . . 3936.12
Macfarlane (J.) Coal regions of America. 1873. . . , 4007,04
0«r coal and our coal pita, [anon.] 1857. [T. L., v. 13.] 6075 28
Proctor {H. A.) Coal. [In his Borderland, etc.] . . , 3915 17
Taylor (R. C.) Statistics of coal. 1855 3933.31
TissamUer (G.) La houille [et ses transformations.] , 3933.01
See also Mines and mining.
Baker (fi.) On the strengths of columns. 1870. . . . 392fi.26
[See Cements.]
Francatelli (C E.) Royal confectioner. 1874. . , . 6017 10
Jeanes {\V.) Gunter's modern confectioner. 1861. . , 6017. U
Read (G.) Confectioner's aud pastry-cook's guide. 14th ed.
[1874] 6017.12
Weatherley {H.) Art of boiling sugar ior. 1865. . , . 3931.23
See also Domestic economy, in geueral alphabet.
[See Domestic economy, in general alphabet.]
[See Assaying, p. 40 ;— Metallurgy, p. 45 ; -Metals, p. 45;—
Mines, p. 45.]
Cotton, and Cotton manufactures.
Arnold [R. A.) History of the cotton famine. 1864. . 6926.06
Baines (E.) History of the cotton manufacture in Great Britain.
1835 3932.03
Baird (R. H.) American cotton spinner. 1851. . . .3931.01
Dtul'ey {J G.) Growth, trade, aud manufacture of cotton.
1853 5926.08
Foley [E D.) Cotton manufacturers' assistant. 1870. . 3931.07
Geldard {J.) Haud-book on cotton manufactui'es. 1867. 3932.06
History of cotton ; including spinning, dyeing, and weaving.
18.53 3931.06
ARTS, USEFUL : Cotton (o Engineering.
McHenryiG.) ITie cotton trade and negro elavory. 2ded. 692fi.07
Montgomery {J.) Cotton manufactures of the U. 8. 1H40. 3i):i2.02
Mudge [E.R.) Heiiort on. [Paris univ. expos. U.S. Bf^pnrtfl,
V. 6.] :t'.tir..l4
Rni/le {J. F.) Culture of cotton in India. 1H51. . . . 5'.)'2r..05
Sinit^iers (//.) HiBtory of the cotton trade, [/h A(5 Liverpool.
etc. 182.).] 4'J8 15
r*'ca/(.«e on the cotton trade; in twelve letters, [anon.] lion-
don. (1790.] 12' fiOll 06
Uri>^ {A.) Cotton manufacture of Gr. Britain. 2 v. I86J. 3931.02
U'AiVf (^V. S.) History of the cotton manufacture in EuRland
and America. [In his Memoir of Slater ) iHtfi. . . 3164.09
iVoodhury {L.) On tlie cultivation, mauulactuie, aud foreign
trade of cotton. [Writings, v. 3. 1852. J .... 5U77.12
See also Agriculture, p 7.
Dictiouaries and Cyclopaedias.
AntiscU (T.) Hand-book of the 0eoful Arts. 1852. . . 3916.07
Bf.fMm's Science, art, etc. A dictionary. 2 v., Loudon. . 3916.16
Brande {W. T.) and Cox {G. W.) Dictionary of science, litera-
ture, and art. 3 v. Loudon. 1865-G7 3916.02
Ruchanan { iV. M.] Dictionary of Bcientiflc terms. . . 3915.24
CitthHsh [J.) Dictionary of practical knowledge. 1814. 3916 08
D»id (G.) Dictionary of manufactures. 186'J. . . . 3910.25
English cyclopiEdia. Conducted by C. Knight. Arts aud Sciences.
8v. 1859-61 3908.09
Same. Supplement. 1873 39ii8.17
Maunder {S,) Scientific treasury. 1866 3914.33
Rodwell (Of. F.) Dictionary of science. 1871 3915.27
Tomlinson (^C.) CyclopEedia of useful arts. 2 v. . . .3916.10
Ure{A) Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines. Ne*
York. 1853. 8" 3916.05
Same. Supplement, ed. by R. Hunt. N. Y.. 1S63. 8". 3916.06
Weale [J.) Dictionary of terms used in architecture, art, engi-
neering, etc. 2d ed. 18tiO 3913 16
Domsstic Economy.
[S«e Domestic economy, in general alphabet.]
Wells [S.) Hist, of the drainage of Bedford Level. 2 v. 3934.14
Map. 1829 3934.14
Wheeler [W. H) Fens of S. Lincolnshire and [their] dramage.
1868 3934.13
^S* ■See also Sewerage, p. 46.
Dravring. {Mechanical and Ewjine€i-in(j.)
[See also, in the general alphabet. Fine arts. {Drawing and
Appleton's Cyclopaedia of drawing. Ed. by W. E. Worthen.
6 parts. 1862.
1. Topographical drawing 3924.25
2. Perspective and isometrical drawing. . . . 3924 26
3. Shading a-id shadows 39*24.27
4. Drawing instruments 3924.28
6. Architectural drawing and design 3924.29
6. Mechanical drawing and desi<fn 3924.30
Binns (W.) Element.iry treatise on orthographic projection.
1871 3924.17
Davidson (E. A.) Drawing for bricklayers. 1872. . . . 3924.15
— Drawing for c[ibiue(>- makers. 1872 3924.33
— Drawing for metal-plate workers. 1872 3124 34
— Drawing for st^jne masons. 3924.16
— Drawing : solid forms, shades, objects in cardboard. . 3924.18
— Drawing for machinists aud engineers. 187C . . t 3924.19
— Drawing for carpenters and joiners. 1870 3924 22
— Linear drawing. 186.5 3924.23
Dc Rficims (./. F. H.) First practical lines in geometrical draw-
ing. 18(J5 3924.31
Johnson {W.) Practical draftsman's book of industrial design.
Founded ou Armengaud 3924.24
Maxton (./.) Workman's manual of engineering drawing. 3924.32
Warren (S. E.) Elements of m.icUiue construction and draw-
ing. 2 v 3923.20 ; 3924.21
— Manual of drafting instruments and operations. 1865. 3922.21
Wilde {B.r.) Hand-book for architectural drawing. 1846. 3927.09
Rau{C'.) Drilling in stone without metal. [Sm. rep., 1868.] 3936.23
Dry Docks.
Clarke [H.) Hydrostatic and hydraulic docks, patent slips, etc.,
of the U.S. [Weale's qti. papers, v. 4.] 3918.14
Stuart [C. B.) Naval dry docks of the United States. 1852. 3927.14
Bancroft (E.) Philosophy of permaneat colora ; dyeing, calico
printing, etc. 1813 3933.06
Berthotlet (C. L. and A. B.) Art of dyeing. 2 T. 1824. . 3933.04
Croo/ces {W.) *l*ractical hand-book of dyeing and- calico-print-
ing. 1874 3933. OU
/>i/emf7 purple and azure. [Sm. rep.. 1863.] 3936.18
Napier (J.) Mauuai of dyeing receipts. 1855 3933 03
O' yeill (C.) Dictionary of dyeing and calico-printing. . 3933.10
Pornell [E. A.) Dyeing and calico-printing. 1849. . . 39:13.02
iSiater {J. W.) Manual of colors and dye-wares. 1870. . 3933.08
S^ennent {J. E.) On the copyright of design for printed fabrii s.
1841 3931.14
■Smee{A.) Elements of electro-metallurgy. 1860. . . .3933.56
Watt (A.) Electro-metallurgy. 1860 3933.48
Walker (C. V.) Electrotype manipulation. 1862. . . 8933.60
[See also, in this alphabet. Bricks and tiloH :— Bridges ;—
Cements, limna, and mortars ;--Drawing ; — Dry Docks •
Drainage aud sewage -.-Embankments ;— Foundations ;
— Harbonrs ; — Hydraulics ; — Masonry ; —Railroads ;—
Roads ;— Steam and SU^am-rngiuL* ;— Surveying ;— Water-
works ; — and. in th^ K''iicral alphabet. Architecture.
(Building, p. 33) ; and Military science.)
Baker (T.) Land and engineering surveying. 18,59. . . 3925.17
— On mensuration : modern E., r/r-. ISTt'J 401l!34
Blake (W. P.) Civil E.. and public works. [Paris univ. exnoB
1867. Reports. V. 4.) 3915.12
Brees{S.C.) Architecture and civil E. 1852 1313. (15
Byrne (Oliver). Spon's dictionary of E. 3 v. 1870. . . 3927.10
Cresy (E.) *EncyclopjBdia of civil E. 1847 3925.01
Same. Supplement. 1856.
Engineer's, architect's, aud contractor's pocket-book, for 1870.
Greenwell (G. C.) Mine engineering. 1866 3827. '3
Haskoll (W. D.) Practiced E. field work. 1858. . . 3925.03a
Same. 1871 3925.03
ff'^gg (*^-) Engineers' companion. 1869 3931.39
Kelt (T) Engineers' practical guide. 1852 3923.07
— Mechanic's and engineer's guide. 1872 3922.15
Law (//.) Rudiments of civil E. 3 pts. in 1 v. 1859-62. 3925. (»2
Mahan (£>. H.) Civil E. 1852 3925.06
Ed. with additions by D. V. Wood. 1873. . . . 3925.14
Rankine ( ir. J. M.) Manual of civil E. 4th ed. 1865. 3925.07
— Useful rules and tables. 2d ed. 1867 3924.08
— and Bamber (E. F.) Mechanical text-book. 1873. . 3922.16
Simms (F. W.) Treatise on levelling. 4th ed., with Law's prac-
tical examples for railway curves and Trautwine's Field
practice of laying out circular curves. 1856. . . 3925.20
Spon's dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and
naval. Compiled by O. Byrne, v. 1. 1870. . . . 3927.10
Stevensm (D.) Civil E. of North America,. 1859. . . 3925.18
— Canal and river engineering. 1872 3926.39
Trautwine (J. C.) New method of calculating the cubic contents
of excavations. 1851 3935.02
Vose (G. I,.) Manual for railroad engineers and engineering stu-
dents. 1 V. in 2. 1873 3942.11
Wiggins (J.) Practice of embanking lands from the sea. 1852.
Engineering Periodicals and Transactions.
American society of civil engineers, v. 1-3, 1872-4. . . 3948.01
Engineer (The), v. 27-32. 1869-74 8209.01
Engineering, v. 3-18, 1867-74 8199.01
EngiTiecring and mining journal, v. 8-19. 1869-74.
Genie (Le) Indus triel : revue des inventions francaiseB at
etrang6res. Par Armingaud freres. v. 1-38 en 19. Paris,
1851-69. 8" 3945.01
New i'ork. State engiivier, Annu.il reports.
Royal engineers. Papers on sublecta connected with the duties
of the Corps of royal engineers. 10 v. L., 1837-49 4". 3918.17
— — Same. New series, v. 1-19. London, 1851-71. a*. 3917.03
United States. Chief of engineers. Annual reports.
United States. Corps of engineers. ProfessiouaJ papers. No. 12.
3d ed. 1873 3942.13
Contents : Tables and formulas usefid in surveying, geol-
ogy, and practical»astronomy, including projection of maps.
Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine, v. 1-11. 1869-74.
Weale's quarterly papers on engineering, v. 1-G. 1343. 3918.11
ContcTits: 1. Life of James Brindley, by S. Hughes.
Lifeof WiUiam Chapin. On the dredging machine. En-
gines of the Kamscliatka Russian steam frigate ^^ '^'^^•
Hints on some improvements of the steam engine, liy ,1.
Gill. Memoir of Wm. .lessop, by S. Hughes. On the adv.
of malleable iron in jetties and breakwaters. Notices.
2. Report on the railro:id from Kingstown to Dalkey. in
Ireland, upon the atmospheric system, by M. Mallet.
Method of applying the atmospheric pressure to railways,
by pneumatic locomotive engines, by J. (iill. Memoir of
Mr. Samuel Clegg. Treatise on heat, by E. Poclet. Dredg-
ing, by Messrs. Bury, Curtis and Kennedy. Harbours of
of the south-eastern coast and restoration of the Heme
bay pier, by W. Mullingar Higgins. Examples of engineer-
ing in the United States. Ou havens of safety, by James
Vetch. Sir John Kennie's report on Holyheatl and port
DynUaen harbours. Comparative loss by friction in beam
and direct action steam engines, by W. Pole. The engi-
neerint: of Holland, by Hyde Clarke. Consumption of fuel
in the locomotive engines of the Liverpool and Manchester
railway, f^c, by Ed w. Wood. Sir John Macneiil's Report
on the atmospheric railway.
3. Peclet's Treatise on heat. Mr. Page's report on the
harbours of Holyhead aud Porth-dyn-Uaen. Captain Bos-
wall's Description of a model plan fnr the construction of a
spacious harbour in connexion with Grauton pier. Con-
struction of the iron roof ot the new houses of parliament.
Hughes' Paper on slate quarries. Wolfs patent steam en-
gine. Sargent's Lertures on American steam navigation.
Arago' Report on atmospheric railways. Cast iron perma-
nent bridge across the Nevka at St. Petersburg, now erect-
in'.!. Memoir of the Thames tunnel, by Henry Law. In
quiry into the fall necessary in the cross sections of roads,
and the best form of cross sections, by Jc»hn Neville. Ou
the manufacture of bricks and tiles in Holland, by Hyde
In asking for books, use Wyo ■• nonk Ordf»r." jrn-ing the AUTHOR'S NAME, tin- 0 --t part of the TITLE, and the NUMBEU.
AR-TS, USEFUL: Essays and MisceUaniea.
4. Hydrostatic and hydraulic doclis, patent slips, etc.,
of the United States, by Hyde Clarke. Ancient and pres-
ent state of the bacboiir i>f Rye, by John Meryun. On
the application of atmospheric pressure to i-ailways, by
T. Harris, jr. Menai bridge during storms ; with pro-
posed new method of constructiug suspension bridges, by
Francis Bashforth. Law of French aud English patents.
by Charles Egau. Three reports upon atmospheric rail-
ways, by Robert Mallett. Experiments by Jolin Rennie
on the power of water-wheels. Diagrams for fa ilitating
the construction of oblique bridges, by W. H. Barlow.
5. Progress of machinery and manufactures in Great
Britain, from the Saxon era to the reign of Queen Anne.
Practical and experimental rfsearchfs in hydraulics, by A.
Peacoke. Memoir of the Thames tutmel.'by Henry Law.
Report of the institute of France upon M. Aruotte's sys-
tem of atmospheric railways, by Robert Mallett. Taunus
railway — Frankfort to Weisbaden. A bridge of boats on
the Rhine from Mayence to Castel. by R. Thornian. De-
scription of a wet dock and other works, proposed on the
south side of the river Wear, by John Murray.
6. Application of water power, by R. Mallett. Experi-
ments on locomotive engines, by M. M. Gouin and Le Cha-
telier. On the first introduction of steam engines into
naval arsenals, by M. S. Benthani. On the mode of form-
ing foundations under water, aud on bad ground, devise;d
by Sir Samuel Bontham for the improvement of Ports-
mouth harbour. Action of the Cornish pumping engine,
by William Pole. On water-wheels, by William Fairbairn.
Essays and MiscsUauies.
[IVole. — The Contents of many of the works placed under
this heading are given under the author's name in the gen-
eral alphabet.]
Archer(T.C.) Popular economic botany. 1853. pi>. 187-344. 4912. U
Bakewell (P. C.) Great facts : remarkable inventions. 1850. 3913.06
Blackv'ell (A. B.) Studies in general science. 18G9. . .5411.18
Blount (Sir T. P.) Natural history. 1693 3921.22
Brough {J. C.) Fairytales of science. 1859 3913.18
Brown (S.) Lectures and essays. 2 v. 1S58. ... .2515.01
Browne {T.) Paeudosia ; or euquiries into vulgar and common
errors. [Works, v. 2-3.] 5022.14
Busy hives around us. 18G3 3913.29
Chambers's information for the people. 2 v. 1853. . . . 5U25.01
Clarke (C. C.) Wonders of nature, selected from the Trans, of
the Roy. soc. of London 3913.27
Ferguson (J.) Life [aud inventions]. 1767 4013.14
Greeley {H.) and others. Great industries of the U. S. 1873. 5917.21
Half-hours with modern scientists. Huxley, barker, Stirling.
Cgpe, Tyndall. 1871 3913.32
HeLmhoUz (H.) Popular lectures. Tr. by E. Atkinsou. . 3915.16
Contents : Relation of natural science to science in gene-
ral ; On Goethe's scientific researches ; Physiological
causes of harmony iu music ; Ice and glaciers ; Interac-
tion of the natural forces ; Recent progress ot the theory
of vision ; The conservation of force ; The aim aud pro-
gress of pliysical science,
Herschtl{Sir J. F. 11'.) Familiar lectures. 1807. . . . 3913.26
— Essays [Scientific] Irom the Edinburgh aud Quarterly reviews.
1857 3914.34
Huxley {T. H.) Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews 1870.4712.15
Inquire within ; or, Facts worth knowiuf*. 1850. . . . 3913.10
Knight {C.) Knowledge is power : labor, capital, and skill.
1857 3913.08
Lardner (D.) Museum of science and art. 12 v. in 6. 1854.
CoJitents : 1. The planets : are they iuhabited worlds?
Weather prognostics. Popular fallacies in questions of phy-
8ica.l science. Latitudes and longitudes. Lunar Influeuces.
Meteoric stones aud shooting stars. Railway accidents.
2. Air. Locomotion in the United States, Cometary
influences. Water. The patter's art. Fire.
3. Locomotion and transport : their influence and pro-
gress. The moon. The earth. TeiTestrial heat. The sun.
4. The electric telegraph. Earthquakes and volcanoes.
Barometer, safety lamp, and Whitworth's micrometric ap-
paratus. Steam.
5. The steam engine. The eye. The atmosphere. Time.
Pumps. Spectacles. The kaleidoscope.
6. Clocks aud watchr-s. Microscopic drawing and En-
graving, The locomotive. Thermometer. New planets.
Leverrier and Adamss planet. Magnitude aud minuteness.
7. The almanack. Colour. Optical images. How to
observe the heavens. The looking glass. Stellar universe.
The tides.
8. Man. Ma^xnifying glasses. Instinct and intelligence.
The solar microscope. The camera lucida. The magic
lantern. The camera obscura.
9. The microscope. The white ants : their manners and
habits. The surface ot the earth ; or, first uotiona of
geography. Science and poetry.
10. The bee. Steam navigation. Electro-motive power.
Thunder, lightniug and the aurora borealis.
1 1. The printing press. The crust of the earth. Geology.
The stereoscope. Comets.
12. The pre-Adamito earth. Eclipses. Sound.
— Popular essays on scientific subjects. 1852.
Contents : Steam. Artificial light. Photography. Light-
ning conductors. Safety lamp. Needle-grinder's mask.
Eleclro-metallurgy. Electric telegraphy. The potter's art.
Glass manufacture. Railway machinery. Railways of tho
United Kingdom. Locomotion in the U. S. Railway trans-
port at home and abroad. Steam marine. Times printing
machine. Calico printing machinery. Hydraulic ma-
chinery of Britannia bridge. Whitworth's micrometer
apparatus and Manchester tools. Rotation of the earth.
Piauo-forte workshop of M. Froraent. Dupin's comparison
of tbe industry of Paris and London. M. Chevalier's let-
ters on the Great Exhibition. M. J. Lemoine's letters.
M. Hector Berlioz' letters on the musical side of the Great
Exhibition 3913.09
— popular lectures on science and art. 2 v. 1850. . . 4025.07
Contents : v. 1. Plurality of worlds. The sun. Eclipses.
The aurora borealis. Electricity. The minor planets.
Weather almanacs. Halley's comet. The atmosphere.
The tides. Light. Tlie major planets. The barometer.
The moon. Heat. The Atlantic steam qiiestion. Galvan-
ism. The moon 3 ud the weather. Periodic comets. Ra-
diation of heat. Meteoric stones and shooting stars. The
earth. Lunar influences. Comets. Thunder storms.
Latitudes and longitudes. Theory of colors. Visible stars.
Water-spouts aud whirlwinds.
2. Matter. Elasticity of air. Effects of lightning. Popu-
lar fallacies. Lightning rods. Magnetism. Thermometer.
Atmospheric electricity. Evaporation. Conduction of heat
and light. Action and reaction. Composition and resolu-
tion of force. Centre of gravity. The lever and wheelwork.
Ebullition. Combustion. The stellar universe. The
steam engine.
Lemcry (N.) New curiosities in art and nature. 1711. 3921.21
Manchester science lectures. lst-4th series. 1866-73. Manches-
ter, 1874. 12' 3906.20
Contents: — Ist series. — 1-4. Elementary chemistry, by
H. E, Roscoe ; 5-8. Zodlogy, or four plans of animal crea-
tion, by T. Alcock ; 9. Ou coal, its importance in manu-
fa'ture and trade, by W. S. Jevons ; 10-13. Elementary
physiology, by J. E. Morgan.
2d series. — Coral aud coral reefs, by T. Huxley ; Spec
trum analysis, by H. E. Roscoe ; Spectrum analysis in its
application to the heavenly bodies, by W. Huggins ; Our
coal fields, by W. B. Dawkins ; Charles Dickens, by A. W.
Ward ; The natural history of paving Btt:>ne8, by Prof, Wil-
liamson. The temperature aud animal Ut'e of. the deep sea,
by W. B. Carpenter ; More about coal, by A. H. Green ; On
the sun, by J. N. Locliyer.
3d series.— Yeast, by T. Huxley ; Coal colours, by H. E.
Roscoe : Origin of the English people, A. S. Wilkinson ;
Food of plants, by Odling; Unconscious action of the brain,
by W. B. Carpenter ; Epidemic delusions, by W. B. Carpen-
ter : Progress of sanitary science, by H. E. Roscoe.
4th series. — The rainbow, by H. E. Roscoe ; The ice ago
in Britain, by Geikie ; The sun and the earth, by B.
Stewart ; Atoms, by Clifi'ord ; Flame, by Core ; Life of
Faraday, by J. H. Gladstone ; The star depths, by R. A.
Proctor ; Kent cavern, by W. Pengelly ; Electrical dis-
coveries of Faraday, by W. F. Barrett ; Ancient and modern
Egypt ; or, the pyramids and the Suez canal, by W. B.
Marlineau{H.) Health, husbandry, and handicraft. 1861. 2535.11
Napier (C. O. G.) Tommy Try aud what he did in science.
1869 3913.15
Nichols {J. R.) Fireside science. 1872 3921.30
Farton [J.) Triumphs of enterprise. 1872 3915.15
Percy anecdotes, v. 6. 1823 6211.06
Person (D.) Varieties. 1635 3921.32
PUit [Sir H.) Jewel-house of art and nature. 1653. . , 3921.20
Porta (J. B.) Magiw uaturalis libri viginti. 1650. . . 3921.31
Proctor [K. A.) Light science for leisure hours. 1371. . 3914.12
2d series. 1873 3914.00
Reason why. General science. 1869 3914.10
Schoedler (F.) Book of nature. 1853 3913.02
— Treasury of science. 1862 3913.01
Siinmonds (P. L.) Science and commerce : essays. 1872. 5926.26
Smith [J.) Lessons on words, and experiments. 1844. . 3913.28
Spencer {H.) Essays : scientific, f^c. 2 v. 1864. . . .2543.19
Stockton {F. R.) Round-about rambles. 1872 2547.16
Summer daybook. 1850 2543.14
Temple (R. and C.) Temple anecdotes. 1865 3913.31
Things not generally known. Ed. by D. A. Welle. 1861. 3913.05
Thompson [B., Count Rumford). Essays, political, economical, aud
philosophical. 3 v. 1798-1804 4026.10
TAousaHrf notable things. 1827 3914.19
Timbs {J.) Curiosities of science. 1858 3913.03
— Popular science. 1871 3921.23
rri6une popular science. 1874 3908. ul
Contents: Proctor's Lectures on astronomy. Wliittier's
Prayer of Agassiz. Agassiz's Lectures at Penikese. Part
2. Schliemann's Discoveries iu ancient Troy, by B. Taylor
Proctor's Farewell lectures ou astronomy. Chandler ou the
germ theory of disease. Brown-Sequard's Lectures on the
nerves. Proctor's new lectures. Pt. 3. Acad, of sciences
— Meeting at Washington. The poet Longfellow, by J. T.
Fields. O. C. Marsh on fossil horse of America. Have we
two brains? lecture by Brown-Sequard. U. S. survey in
the west, by lieut. G. M. Wheeler. Effects of alcohol, by
W. A. Hammond.
Tyndall {J.) Essays on the use and limits of the imagination in
science. 1870 3914.11
— Fragments of science. 1871 4027.23a
Wilde (J.) Magic of science. 1872 3922.06
Wynter(A.) Our social bees. 1866-69 3913.23
— Subtle brains and Usaom fingers. 1869 3913.21
ARTS, USEFUL: Easaya to HydrauUcs.
Foung IT.) Sclentiflc memoirs, [tn his Miacel. worka. T. 1-2.]
Young lady's book, etc. 1869 61i!7.07
Exhibitions of the World's Industry.
1. London.
.^rtJbarna/illus. catalogue of the Esbib. oflSSl. . . .3918.01
Babbage W.) Expoaitiou of 1851. 18.">1 3916.01
Qreat Exhibition of 1851. Official, descriptive, and illustrated
catalogue. 3 v. 1851 3918.0'2
Same. Supplementary volume. 185*2 3918.05
— Reports of the jurors Loudou, 1852 3918.06
Greeley ill.) Art and Industry at the Crystal PalaL-e. 1853. 3916.06
Jlunt{li.) Hand-book. 1852. 2v 3915.03
Lectures on the results of the Esliibitiou. By W. Wliewell and
others. 1852 3914.15
Timbs [J.) Year-book of facts. Extra volume. 1861. . 3915.05
Warren {S.) Lily and the Bee. An apolosjue. 1851. . . 3915.07
2. Paris ErpoiUion.
AmoliHU. P.) The great exhibitiju 963.12
Modern industries. Reports on the Expos, of 1867. By twelve
British workmen. 1868 3915.08
Morford 1,11.) Paris in '67 963.13
Biminell (i'.j Recollections of the Exhibition 3916.02
United States Commissioners. Repiu-ta. Ed. by W. P. Blake. 6 T.
Arts — Machinery and procossea of the industrial arts and
apparatus of the exact sciences, by F. A. P. Barnard, (v. 3.)
Asphalt and Bitumen as applied to the construction of
Btreets and sidewalks ; by A. Beckwjtb. (v. 4.)
Beet-sugar and alcohol, by H. F. Q. D .\Ugny. (v. 5.)
Beton-Uoignet ; its fabrications, by L. F. Bock*ith. (v. i.)
Bibliography of the Exposition, by W. P. Blake, (v. 1.)
Buildings. — Report upon buildiuga. building materials and
methods of building, by J. H. Bowen. (v. 4.)
Cereals.— Quantities produced m different countries ; report
by S. B. Ruggles. Quality and characteristics of the ce-
reals exhibited ; report by G. 8. Hazard, (v. 5.J
Chemistry (Industrial), by J. L. Smith, {v. 2.)
Civil engineering and public works, by W. P. Blake, (v. 4.)
Clothing and woven fabrics ; report by P. Stevens, (v. 6.)
Coal.— Report on the manufacture ot pressed or agglomerated
coal, by H. F. Q. D'Aligny. (v. 6.)
Cotton.— Report by E. K. Mudge. (v. 6.)
Education.— Report by J. W. Hoyt. (v. 6.) Report on school-
houaea and the means of promoting popular education, by
J. R. Frecae. (v. 6.)
Engineering (Steam) ; report by W. S. .\uchinclo88. (v. 4.)
Fine arts. — Report on, by F. Leslie, (v. 1.) Fine arts applied
to the useful arts ; report by the committee, F. Leshe, S.
F. B. Morse, T. W. Evans, (v. 1.)
Food. — Report on its preparation, by W. E. Johnston, (v. 6.)
General survey of the Exposition, (v. 6.)
Introduction, ahowing the organization and administration
of the United States section, (v. I.)
Iron and steel. -Production of, in its economic and social
relations, by A. S. Hewitt, (v. 2.)
Mining. — Report on mining and mechanical preparation of
ores, by H. F. Q. D Aligny, A. Huet, F. Qeyler, and C. Le-
painteur. (v. 4.)
Munitions of war.— Report by C. B. Norton and W. J. Valen-
tine. {V. 5.)
Musical inatruments. — Report by P. Stevens, (v. 5.)
Photography.— Report by H. F. Q. D'Aligny. (v. 6.)
Precious metals.- Report by \V. p. Blake: (v. 2.)
School-houses. — See Education.
Sdk.— Report on silk and silk manufactures, by E. C. Cow-
din. (V. 6.)
Surgery. — Hygiene, and military aanitary institutioDB in
Europe, by T. W. Evans, (v. 6.)
Telegraphy. — by S. F. B. Morse, (v. 4.) — Outlines of the
history of the Atlantic cables, by H. F. Q. DAbgny. (v. 6.)
United States section. — Report, {v. 1.)
Vine. — Report upon the culture and products of the vine.
by M- P. Wilder, A. Thompson, W. J. Flagg, P. Bjrry. (v. 6.)
Weights, measures, and coins. — Extracts from the report of
the International Committee on. (v. 1.)
Wool and woolen manufactures. — Report by £. B. Mudge,
assisted by J. L. Hayes, (v. 6.)
Express Business.
Tucker (7". W.) Waifs from the way-bills of an old expreaaman.
1872 3926.40
Fibrous Materials and Fabrics.
Royle (F.) Fibroua plants of India fitted for cordage, clothing,
and paper. 1855 4915.04
Squier {ii. G.) Tropical fibres. 1861 4915.03
See Ed. rev., v. 126, 1867. (Textile fabrics of India )
^S" See also Cotton ;— Linen ;— Silk ;— Wool ; — and
Fire-alarm Telegraph.
Channing IW. P.) American flre-alarm telegraph. [Smith, rep.
185i.] 3936.09
Bird (J.) Protection against fire. 1873 3926.32
Little (O. P.) Fireman's own book. 1800 3926.33
Pyrotecfiny : or, the art of making flroworka. 1873. . . 3911.01
Warnes iJ.) Flax veraufl cotton. 1850. [Uisccl. pamph. T. 21.)
See also Linen. 6093.21
vlrrui(«ur mechanic's workahop. 1870 3923.0C
4^ See also Iron- work.
[See Warming and Ventilation, p. <6.]
Boston (City of.) Report upon gas. 1867 3024.14
Clegg {S.) Treatiee on gas. 6th ed. 1868 3924.13
Oiu-couaumer's guide. 1871 2932.43
Hughes (5.) Treatise on gas-works and gas. 1853. . . 3932.44
Same. 4lh ed., rev. by W. Richards 3932.44
[See Liquors, p. 44 ;— Weights and Measures, p. 48.J
Glass- and Glass-making.
[.S'ee also Pottery and porcelain, in general alphabet.]
Petligrew [T. J.) On Egyptian glaas. [Brit. arch, aesoc. journal,
v. 13.J ' 1461.13
Porter (O.R.) Treatise. 1862 3932.37
Sauzay [A.] Wonders of glass-making in all ages. 1870. 3932.33
Shaw [B) Booke of avndry dravghtes. 1818 3932.13
BuU{W.) History of the glove trade, 1834 3931.16
[See Assaying, p. 40 ;— Metallurgy, p. 45 ; — Metals, p.
45 ; — Mining, p. 46. Also Political economy. (Precious
Gold- and Silver-smiths.
[See Crold- and Silver-work, in general alphabet]
PickerHC.) and Metcalf (A.) Art of graining. 1872. . .3937.33
Haberdashery, Hosiery, etc.
Felkin I W.) History ot the machine wrought hosiery manufec-
ture. 1867 3936.12
Perkins {e. E.) Treatise on haberdashery, hosiery, and general
drapery. 9th ed. [1874.] 3941.09
Stewart (J.) Plocacosmos ; or, the whole art of hair dressing.
1782. 6014.23
Lulchaunig {A.) Book of hall-marks. 1S7'2 4002.10
ITyde{T.) Harbours of Holy-head and Porth-dyn-llaen. [Weale'a
quar. papers., v. 3.] -. • 3918.13
See also other articles in Weale's quar. papers, p. 41.
Holland {J.) Manufactures in metals. 3v 3933.36
1-2, iron and" steel. 3, tin, copper, braaa, silver, etc.
Timmins (S.) Producta and induatrial history ot Birmingham
and the midland hardware district. 1866 3931.05
Hat Manufacture.
Thompson (J.) Hat making and felting. 1868 3932.40
Horse Rail^israys.
Burn (C.) Construction of horse-railwaya. 1860. . . . 392S.3S
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering.
[See also Engineering, p. 42.]
Box(T) Practical hydraulics. 2d ed., 1870 3922.08
BurneiHG.K] Hydraulic E. [InLawsiH.) CivUE.,v. 3.] 3925.12
— Rudiments. e(c. 2 v.. 1858 8925.12
1. Hydraulics, pneumatica, applied chemiatry, drainage,
2. Supply of water to towns.
Ellet (C.) Misaissippi and Ohio rivers : plana for the protection
from inundation, and improving the navigation. 1853. 3935.01
Ewbarik (T.) Hydrauhc and other machines for raising water.
lg.j'2 3926.25
Fairbairn {»'.) On water-wheels. [Weale's quar. papers, v. 6]
Frisi (P.) Rivers and torrents. 1861 4025.22
Olynn (G.) Water as applied to drive mills. 1853. . . 3934 11
Humphreys [A. A.), and Abbot (//. L.) Report upon the physics
and hydraulics of the MississipiH river. 1861. . . 1136.18
Mallet [R.) AppUcation ot water-power. [Weale's quar. papers,
T. 6] 3918.11)
PeacockeiB. A.) Practical researches. [Weale's quar. papers
V 5.] 3918.15
Rennte{J.) Expariments on the power of water-wheels, nj™'"'*
quar. papers, v. 4.] ' • • 3918.1*
Smeaton (J.) Experimental inquiry concerning the natural pow-
era of water and wind to turn machines. 1826. . . 3926.36:
In asking for books, use the ■• Book Orders," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
ARTS, USEFUL: India-rubbar to Manufactures.
StoitulHl {J. a.) Well digging, boriug, aud pump-work. Weale,
1800 3935.31
Tftdgotd {T., ed ) Tracts by Smeatou, Veuluri, and Dr. Young,
oil Ljaraulita. 1x26 3926.35
Venturi {J. It ) Of lateral comraunicatioufl of motion of fluid.
1820 3926.35
Young {'I'.) Snimiiary of hydraulics. 1826 3920.35
Noli^. — For iiiformatiou ou Artesian wells, see Swindell
ou well-iliggiut» [3932.31]; Buckland's geology, elc, v. 1.
[3524.02J; U. S. mining report suppl.. 18ti8, by J. W Taylor
[40U6.07], and articles iu Appleton's, English, Tomlinson's,
Ure's, aud other cyclopiedias.
India-rubber Goods.
CaOBfcAum- and gutta porcha. [Sm. rep., 1864.] . . . .3936.19
History of ink. New York. T. Davids & Co., 1860. 12'. 3932.28
Heather {J. F.) Mathematical instruments. 3 v. 1871. 3922 17
1. Drawing and measuring. 2. Optical. 3. Surveying
and astronomical.
Kentish {T.) Treatise on a box of instruments. 1852. .3923.26
Warren {S. E.) Manual of drafting instruments. 1865. 3922.21
Inventions, Discoveries, etc.
{See Patents, p. 44 ; also Essays and Miscellany, p. 42 ;
Annuals, p. 39; Periodicals, p. 44 ; etc.]
Beckm.ann[J) History of. 2 v., 1846 3914.20
Blakely {J.) Theology of. 1856 3522.18
Curiositcs des inventions et decouvertes. 1855. [Bibliotheque
de poche.] 3921.15
Dutens (L.) Origin of discoveries attributed to the moderns.
1769. . 3914.35
Same. Origine des decouvertes. etc. 1796. . . . 3917.01
Grant (O.) Historical account, e(c. 1852 3913.13
Invention and discovery : curious facts. 1870 3913.30
Poppe {J.) Chrouologische uebersieht der Erflndungen und Ent-
deckungen. [/» Schlosser's Weltgeschichte, v. 19 ] 402.19
Progress of machinery and manufactures in Great Britain, from
the Saxon Era to the reign of queen Anne. [Weale's quar.
papers, v 5.] 3918 15
Somerset {E., marquis of Worcester) Centui-y of. 1827. 3914.19
Same. [Witkhis'Ute.hy H Dlrcks. 1865.) . . .3186.24
Taylor (/.) Modern advancemenla and lay inventors. {In Ins
Ultimate civilization, etc.\ 2544.04
Timbs [J.) Wonderful inventions. 1868 3913.25
Virgilio {P.) De reruni iuveutoribus. [Of inventors and dis-
coverers.] 5070.19
WhiU (F. S.) History of. 1827 3913.33
Williams (,J. F. L.) Historical account, etc. 2 v. 1820. 3914.30
Iron and Iron-Trade, aud SteeL
[See u(si. Metallurgy, p. 45 ; — and Sheet-Iron, p. 47 J
Armour [J.] Iron and heat : beams, pillars, and iron smelting.
1871 3922.13
Bauerman (H. F. G. S.) Treatise on the metallurgy of iron.
1868 3933.39
BelHI. L.) Chemical phenomena of iron smelti lie. 1872 4006.03
Campin {F ) Treatise ou the application of iron to the construction
of bridges, girders, roofs, and other works. 1871. .3920.36
Coulthard {H. C.) Blast engines. Working di'awiDgs, With de-
scription. 1867.
Fairbairn { W.) Ii'on ; its history, properties, and manufacture.
1865 ■ 3934.37
— On the application of cast and wrought iron to budding pur-
poses. 2d ed. l,H67-68. 3923.29
French (B. F.) History of the iron trade of the U. S. 1621-1857.
General couvention of the friends of domestic industry. New
York. 1831. Report on the products and manufacture of
iron and steel 5093.09
Hewitt {A, S) Production of, in its economic and social rela-
tions. [Paris Univ. expos., 1B67. U. S. com. Keports. v. 2.]
Hogg (.7.) The iron trades' guide. 1809 3931.39
Kirkaldy {D ) Tensile strength aud other properties of wrought-
iron and steel. 2d ed. 1806 4006.04
Kohn {F I Iron and steel manufacture. 1869 3937.30
Landrin (.V. //. C.jr.) Treatise on steel. 1868. . . . 3933.34
Lesley {J. P.) Iron manufacturers guide to the furnaces, forges,
and rolling mills of the United .States 1859. . . . 4006.01
Osborn {H. S.) Metallurgy of iron aiid steel. 1869. . . 3934.43
Overman (F.) Manufacture of steel. 1851 3933.42
Schinz (O Researches on the action of the blaat-furuace. 3941.04
Styffe (A'.) Iron and steel. 1869 3933.32
Taylor («. C.) Statistics, etc. 1855 3933.31
Union iron-works company. Shapes. 1873.
Van Buren {J. D.. jr.) Investigation of formulas for the Btrength
of iron parts of steam machinery. 1869 3926.23
[See Gold- and Silver-work, and Jewelry, iu general alphabet.]
Felhin (TT.) Hist, of the machine wrought lace manuf.. 3931.12
I'alliser {Sirs. P. B.) History of lace. 1S09 3932.04
(/ueen lace-book. 1874 3931.00
Touche{V.) Hand-book of point lace 1809 3932.05
See also Ed rev., v. 135, 1872 (L-u:e-making as a flue art).
Lathe (The).
[See Turning, p. 49.]
Lighthouses and Light-ships.
AdamHW. H. D.) Lighthouses and lightships. 1870. .3934 20
Holmes { — .) Magneto-electric Ught as applicable to light-houses.
1862 4027.09
Scheie De Vere (.W.) Wonders of the deep, pp. 213-286. . 4826.11
Stevenson (A.) On the history, coustructiou, aud illumination of
light-houses. 1850 3934.04
Stevenson (r.) Lighthouse illumination. 1871 3934.21
Art and mystery of making British wines, cider, and perry, cor-
dials and liqueurs. 1805 3931 31
Bym {.v. L.) Complete practical distiller 3931.22
(7u/)S aud their customs, [anon.] 1869 6016.17
Donovan (M.) Domestic economy ; brewing, distilling, wine-
making. 2 V 6010.01
Duplais {P.] Manufacture and distillation of alcoholic liquors.
1870 3931.40
French [J.) Art of distillation. 1067 3931.36
Johnston {W. F.) Chemistry of common life. v. 1. . .4212.17
McCulloch {J.) Distillation, brewmg, and malting. 1867. 3931.30
Morewood {S.) History of the iuveutions and customs of ancient
and modern nations in the manufacture and use of inebria-
ting hquors, 1838 5834.10
Pi-escott {A. B.) Chemical examination of alcoholic liquors.
1875 4342.11
Pretcott (H. P.) Strong drink and tobacco smoke ; growth and
uses of malt, hops, yeast, etc. 1869 4915 24
Terrington {W.} Cooling cups aud dainty drinks. 1869. 3931.34
IFine aud spirit adulterers unmasked 3931.01
Brewing and Beer.
Byrn {M. L.) Complete practical brewer. 1852. . . . 3931.21
Scanuell {G.) Breweries aud maltiiigs. 1871 3931.33
Tizard [W. L.\ Theory and practice of brewing. 1850. 3931.29
Vogel [M.) On beer ; a statistical sketch. 1874. . . . 3931.41
ICeene [J. B.) Hand-book of practical G. 1808. . . .3931.38
[See also Agriculture ;— {Grape cullure, p. 8); also Temperance
question, in general alphabet.]
Barry {Sir E.) Observations on the wines of the ancients.
1776 3937.36
Charletan (ir.) Of the myaterie of vintners. [In his Two dis-
courses, etc. 1675.] 6212.31
Cocks {€.) Bordeaux ; its wines, aud the claret country. 6133.11
Druitt {It ] Report on the cheap wines from France, Germany,
Italy, Greece, Hungary, and Australia. 1805. . . . 3931.28
Same. New ed. 1873. 3931.28a
Haraszthi/ {A) Grape culture, wines, e(c. 1862. . . .6133.04
James { W. B.) Wine duties considered linancially and socially.
1855 6936.19
Mcilullen {T.) Hand-book of wines. 1852 3931.37
Ataginn ( W.) Odoherty papers, v. 2, p. 250, etc. . . . 2536.03
Redding (C.l History of modern wines. 1851 3931.27
Shaw {T. G.) Wine, the vine, and the cellar. 1864. . .3931.35
Smeed IT.) Wine merchant's manual. 1845 3931.26
Thudidium [J. L. W.) and Dupr'e {A.) Treatise ou the origin, na-
ture, and varieties of wine. 1972 6133.10
Tomes {R) The champagne country. 1867 963.18
Tovey (C.) Champagne ; its history, manufacture, properties.
&0. 1870 3931.32
Verplanck {G. C.) Oxyporian wines. Was champagne known to
the ancieuts. [/n Oozzens (F.) Sayings of Dr. Buahwacker.
1867.] 2521.12
Locks and Keys.
Chubb {J.) Construction of locks and keys 3932.25
Cuming {H. S.) History of keys. [Brit. arch, assoc. Journal, v
12.] 1401.12
TomUnson{C.) On the construction of door locks 1858-69. 3932.23
Lumber Surveying.
Kinsley (C.) Self-instructor on lumber surveying. 1870. 3922.12
[See also in this class Ootton, p. 40 ;— Fibrous materials,
p. 43 ;— Haberdashery, p. 43 ;— Linen, p. 44 .—Silk, p. 47 ;
—Weaving, p. 48 ;— Woolena, p. 48. vl/so Political econ-
omy. {Commercial dictionaries.)]
Babbage {€.) On the economy of M. 1832 39,12.01
Bishop {J. L.) History of American M. 3 v. 1864. . .6926.01
Bremner {D.) Industries of Scotland. 1869 3931 09
Vodd ((?.) Dictionary of manufactures. 1869 3916.25
Gazetteer of the manufactures and manufacturing towns of the
United States. New York, 1866. fol 1136.10
Hamilton {A.) Report of the secretary of the treasury, on maiiu-
factures. 1791 6941.01
History of silk, cotton, linen, wool, and other fibrous substances,
including observations on spinning, dyeing, aud weaving.
1853 3931.06
Simmonds (P. L.) Science and commerce. 1872. . . . 5926.26
Stevens {P.) Report on clothing aud woven fabrics. [Pans
univ. expos.. 1867. U. S. com. Reports, v. 6.] . . 3915.09
United States. Treasury department. Report from the secretary
on American manufactures. 1810 5093.07
Ure (A.) Philosophy of manufactures ; factory system of Great
Britain. 1861 3931.04
ARTS, USEFUL : Maaonry to Patents.
Teals (J.) Teohnioal history of commerce. 1872. . . . 6926.20
Masonry and Stone-Cutting.
[See aUo Cements, p. 40.]
Dobson [E.) Ou foiindatious and concrete works. 1350. 3032.29
— On masonry and stoue-cuttiug. 1859 3932.26
Mechanics and Machinery.
Ahtl (C. D.) Rudimentary aud elementary principles of ma-
chinery. 1860 3923.14
Amateur mechanic's workshop. 1870 3923.06
Andrews {G. //.) Motive powers and machinery of the steading.
[In his Agr. engineering, v. 2.] G135.UI
— Field machines and implements. [In his Agr. eng.. v. 3.] 6135.01
Appleby's Illustrated hand-book of machinery and iron-work.
1S69 3923.27
•.4pj)/«(on's Dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and
engineering. 2 v. 1852 3923.01
— Mechanic's magazine. 2 v. 1851-62 3927.01
Armour {J.) Power in motion 3921.17
Babbage (C.) On the economy of machinery. 1832. . . 3932.01
Baker (T.) Elements of mechanism. 1858-59 3923.16
— Principles and practice of statics and dynamics 1869. 4025.19a
Barnard {F. A. P.) Machinery, etc. [Paris univ. espos. U. S.
com. Reports, v. 3.] 3915.11
Bayma {J.) Elements of molecular mechanics. 1866. . 4024.21
Brown [II. T.) Five hundred and seven mechanical movements.
1868 3923.13
Bum IR. S.) Elementary mechanics and mechanism. . 3924.05
— Self-aid cyclopaedia. 1864 3923.22
Contents : General, architectural, mechanical, engineer-
ing, and ornamental drawing. Mechanics and mechanism.
The steam engine.
Byrne (O.) Practical mechanics 3924.06
Campin[F.) Treatise on mechanical engineering, 1870. 3925.00
Clarke {D. K.) Exliibited machinery of 1862 : International ex-
hibition 3923.03
Olynn (J.) Construction of cranes and machinery. 1859. 3923.15
Hogg (J.) Mechanics' companion. 1869 3931.39
Kelt (T.) Mechanics' text-book. 1852 3923.07
Same. 1872 392^.15
Jamieson [A .) Mechanics for practical men. Composition and
resolution of forces ; Centre of gravity : Mechanical powers.
1850 3923.08
Kentish (T.) Treatise on a box of instruments and the slide-rule.
1852 3923.26
*Knight's American mechanical dictionary. 2 v. 1875. . 3924.03
La Place (P. S.. marquis de). Analytical mechanics. 1814. 4017.23
Lardner (D,) Mechanics, hydrostatics, etc. 1851. . . . 4022.10
Lardner [H.) and Kater (H.) Treatise on. 1852. . . . 39J3.09
Moseley{H.) Illustrations of mechanics. 1839 3923.11
Muirhead [J. P.) Mechanical inventions of James Watt. 3 v.
1854 3915.21
Nasmyth [J.) Remarks on tools and machines. [ With Baker (T.)
Elements, etc. 1858.] 3923.16
Overman (F.) Mechanics for the millwright, machinist, engi-
neer, architect, and student. 1851 3923.12
Pierce [B.) System of analytical mechanics. 1855. . . 4018.11
Rankine [w.J.M.) Cyclopajdia of machine and hand tools
1869 3937.28
— Manual of appUed mechanics. 1869 3923.30
— Manual of machinery 3923.28
Uankine {W. J. M.) and Bamber [E. F.) Me<Aanical text-book.
1873 3922.16
SheUey {C. P. B.) Workshop apphances. 1873 3907.11
Todhunter {I.) Mechanics for beginners. 1870. . . .3921.14
— Treatise on analytical statics. 2d ed. 1858 4012.27
Tomlinson {C.) Rudimentary mechanics. 1859 3923.17
Twisd^n [J. F.) Practical mechanics. 3d ed. 1868. . .3924.07
Van Buren, (J. D., jr.) Investigation of formulas for the
strength of the iron parts of steam machinery. 1869. 3926.23
Walton [W.) Problems in elementary mechanics. 1858. 4024.23
Warren [S. E.) Elements of machine construction and drawing.
2 V. 1870 3924.20
Weisbach {J.) Manual of the mechanics of engineering, and of
the construction of machines. 1872 4U07.12
Whewell ( iV.) Elementary treatise, etc. 3d ed. 1828. . 3923.05
Whitwortk {J.) Papers on mechanical subjects. 1858. . 3923.21
Contents : Plane metallic surfaces or true planes ; On a
aniform system of screw threads ; Standard decimal mea-
sures of length ; Rifled fire-arms ; Official report on the
New York Industrial Exhibition. 1853.
Willis [R.) Principles of mechanism. 2d ed 3924.09
Fourii^ mechanic : use of tools, construction, etc. 1871. 3924.10
See also Engineering, p. 42 ; — Periodicals, p. 46.
[See also, in this class. Assaying ;— Electro-metallurgy ; —
Mines and Mining ;— Metals. Also, in the general alpha-
bet. Chemistry ;— Geology ;— Mineralogy.]
Bloxom [C. L.) Metals : their properties and treatment. 3933.55
£lyth{T.A.) Metallogrsphy. 1871 4213.16
Byrne (0.) Practical metal worker's assistant. 1851. . 3934 40
Greenwood [W. H.) Manual of metallurgy. 1874. . . . 3933 68
Ouenyveau\A.) Principes generaux de metallurgie. 1824. 3933.28
Holland [J.) Manufactures iu metal. 3 v. 1853. . . . 3933.35
V. 1. Iron and steel. 2. Hardware. 3. Lead, copper, brass, etc.
Kerl {Prof.) Practical treatise. Ed by W. Crookes and G. Kbhrig.
1868-1870. 3 V 3934.45
V. 1. Lead, silver, zinc, etc. 2. Copper, iron. 3. Steel,
fuel. Supplement.
Makins (G, H) Manual of metallargy. 1862 3933.&4
Napier {J.) Ancient workers in metal. 18fi8 S933.C2
Overman {F.) Moulder's and founder's guide. 1852. . 3933.41
— Treatise on metallurgy. Gthed. 1860 3934.39
philips {J. A.) Manual of ractallurgy. 1859 3934.33
Phillips (/. A.) and Darlington {J.) Records of mining and me-
tallurgy. 1857 3933.38
Plinius Sccundus {C.) Metals. (/« Ai> Nat, hist. v. C. 1857. 4715.06
Silversmith [J.) Practical hand-buok. 1806 3933. 2C
Gold, Silver, Copper, and Lead.
Fleury (A. L.) Gold in an amorphous aud cherulcally combined
condition in nature, also new processes (or extracting the
precious metals from their ores. 18C8.
Kustel [G.) Nevada and Caliornia processes of silver and gold
extraction. 1863 3934.38
Lamborn [H. H.) Metallurgy of copper. 1860 3933.47
— Metallurgy of silver and lead. 1861 3933.46
Percy (/.) Metallurgy of leatl. 1870 3934.50
Piggot [A. S.) Chemistry and metallurgy of copper. . . 3933.49
See a/so Electro-metallurgy.
Metric System.
[See Weights and Measures.)
[See also Mechanics and Machinery.]
Craik{D.) Practical American millwright and miller. 1871. 3931.20
Hughes ( ir. (7.) American miller aud millwright's assistant.
1851 3931.24
Mines and Mining.
[See also Coal, p. 40 ;— Iron, p. 44.]
Aligny [H. F. Q. d'). Report on mining and of ores. [Paris
univ. expos.. 1867. U. S. com. Reports, v 4.] . ,3915.15
American institute of mining engineers, v. 1-2, 1871-74. 4007.13
Andre [G. G.) Practical treatise on coal mining. N. Y., 1875. 8".
Bischoff[G.) Elements of chemical and physical geology. 3 v.
1854-59 4114.02
Blake {W. P.) Production of the precious metals. 1869. 3934.41
Same. [Paris univ. expos., 1867. Reports, V. 2.] . 3915.10
Bonwick [J.) Mormons aud the silver mines [of the west.] 1872.
Brown [J. R.) Resources of the Pacific elope. 1869. . . 4006.06
Budge [J.) Practical miner's guide. 2d ed- 1860. . . 3934.34
Comstock {J. L.) History of the precious metals. 1849. .6915.29
Collins [J. H.) Principles of metal mining. [1874.] . . 3933.57
Cornwall : its mmes and miners. [T. L., v. 23. 1857.] . 5075.28
EngiTuering and mming magazine, v. 8-19, 1869-74.
Fordyce ( W.) Hist, of coal, coal-mining, etc. — Iron, its ores and
manufactures. 1860. fol 3937.29
Greenwell {G. C.) Practical treatise on mine engineering. 1855.
3927 03
Healherimgton {A.) Gold fields of Nova Scotia. 1868. . 1151.05
J&nes ( W.) Treasures of the earth. 1868 3933.33
i/ininp magazine, v. 1-10. 1863-58 8121.31
Morgan (W.) Manual of mining tools, 1871 3922.20
Same. Atlas. 1871 3927.28
Mowry [S.) Arizona and Sonora : silver region of N. A. 1114.11
Patterson [L. B.) Twelve years in the mines of California. 1862.
Phillips {J. A.) and Darlington (J.) Records of mining. 1862. 3933.38
Randall (P. M .) Quartz operator's hand-book. 1871. . 4002.01
Raymond (R. W.) Statistics of mines. See (below) United States.
Com. of mining statistics.
Rickard (F. I.) Mining journey across the Andes. 1863. 1163.16
Simonin{L.) Underground life. 1869 3934.42
Taylor {J. W.) Report upon gold and silver mining east of the
Rocky Mountains. 1867 .4006.05
United States. Commissioner of viining statistics. Report for
1868. By J. R. Brown 4006.07
Same. 1869-73. Hy R. W. Raymond 4006.08
Vignotti{A.) Coup d'ODil eur les richesses metallurgiques du
Mexique. 1868 3933.27
Westgarth (W.) Victoria; and its gold mines, 1853. . 1063.18
Whittlesey iC.) Ancient mining on the shores of Lake Superior.
[Sm. contrib..v. 13] 3937.13
[See Canals, p. 40 ; — and in general alphabet. Naval
science [yavigation ; — Stamanship.)\
Painting, Gilding, Varnishing.
Painter, Gilder and Varnisher's companion. 1852. . . 3932.33
Alasury {J. W.) How shall we paint our houses ? 1868. 3932.35
Arrowsmith [J.) Paper-hanger's companion. 1852. , , 3932.32
Amer. wood paper company vs. J. D. Hefft & Co. Brief of T. A.
Jenckes. New York, 1869. 8" 3944.18
Herring (R.) Paper and paper making. 1855 3931.19
HofmanniC.) •Practical treatise, efc. 1873 3937.34
Koops (J/.) Historical account of the substances which have been
used to describe events, aud to convey ideas. 1801. 4002.16
Macjie {R. A.) Recent discussions on the aboUtion of patents
for inventions. 1869 3922.30
Repertory of patent inventions and other discoveries aud im-
provements. 136 v. London, 1794-1862 3901.01
Same. Index. 1816-45. London, 1846 3906 17
In asking for books, use the " Book Orders," giving the AUTHOR'a NAME, the flrst part of the TrTLK, aud the NUilBKR.
ARTS, USEFUL: Patants (o Smoke.
Uniled Slates. Patent office. Report. 1843-71. 63 v. . 6911.01
Note. — For continuation see SpeciUcations and drawings,
etc., betow.
— OflScial gazette, v. 1.6, 1872-74 6914.01
— Speolficatioua and drawings of patents. May 30, 1871 — July.
1874. 83 7. [Continued.] 6921.01
Periodicals, and Proceedings of Societies.
[See names of special sciences and arts, as Mathematics,
Natural history, etc., for their special periodicals.]
Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings, v.
1-18. 1841-66 8002.01
American Artisan, v. lU-17, 1870-74.
American association for the promotiou of science, v. 1-22,
1849 74 3946-01
Aote. — For contents see entry on page 15.
American institute. Annual report [or transactions], v. 5-34,
1847-8—1873-4 6117.06
>4merican journal of science and arts. 1818-74. . . . 8181.01
Appleton's Journal, v. 1-11, 1869-74 2167.01
JIardwicfce's Scionce-gossip. v. 5-10, 1869-74.
Journal of the Franklin Institute. New series, v. 1-26, 182640.
8d series. V. 1-07, 1841-74 809i.01
London Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine, v. 37-48.
1809-74 8147.01
Manufacturer and builder, v. 1-5, 1869-74.
Meckanics magazine. T. 58-65, 1853-66 ;— Same. N. S. v. 1—24,
Popular science monthly. Conducted by E. L. Youmans. v. 1-4,
1872-74 8156.01
Popular science review, v. 1-13, 1862-74 8165.01
Quarterly journal of science, v. 1-11, 1864-74 8158.01
Scientific American. New series, v. 5-6, 20.31. 1861-74.
SiUiman's io\ivua.\. .Sfe American journal of science. .8181.01
Smithsimian institution. See Smithsonian institution, in gene-
ral alphabet.
S(iJden(and intellectual observer of science. T.1-4, 1868-69. 8180 24
— Same, N. S. v. 1, 1870 8186.28
Technologist, or industrial monthly, v. 1-5, 1870-74.
* Workshop (The), v. 1-7. 1868-74.
Petroleum and Coal OUs.
Allen (T.) EiplosibiUty of coal oils. [Sm. rep., 1861.] .3936.16
Anlisell^T.) Manuf of oils from coal, etc, 1869. . . .3944.07
Erni (//.) Coal oil and petroleum : history, geology, and chem-
istry. 1805 3933.22
Qesner {A.} Practical treatise on coal, petroleiun, and other dis-
tilled oils. 1S66 3933.25
Morris (£.) Derri''k and drill, [anon.] 1865 3933.24
Wright ( W.) Oil regions of Pennsylvania. 1865. . . . 3933.21
Aligny {H- F. Q. <i*). Photography and photographic apparatus.
[Paris univ. expos., 1867. U. S. com. Reports, v. 5. 3915.13
American Institute. [Transactions : Proceedings of the photo-
graphi.al section, v. 6-34, 1847-8— 73 4.] 6117.06
Burgess (iV. (?.) Photograph and ambrotype manual. 1859. 3933.13
Dawson tGf.) Manual of photography founded on Hardwick.
8th ed. 1873 4002.19
Balleur IG. C. H.j Art of photography. 1854 3933.14
Hardwick (J'. F.) Photographic chemistry. 1864. . . 3933.15
Hill{L.L) Treatise on heliochromy. 1866 3934.35
Hunt (R.) Researches on light. 1864 4024 03
Jamin {J. C.) Photo-chemistry. [Sm. rep., 1867.] . . . 3936.22
Lea(M.C) Manual of photORraphy. 1868 3933.11
LeGros{A.) Encyclopedie ile la photogiaphie. [18S6.) .3931.45
Meteyard(E.) Historv of the discovery of P. [/n /ler Group of
Englishmen.] 1871 3182.27
Philadelphia photographer. Ed by E. L. Wilson, v. 2, 1445.25
Price [L.) Photogiaphic manipulation. 1868 3933.16
Root {M. A.) Camera and the pencil. 1864 3941.15
Russell (C.) Tannin process 3933.18
ScAutert (F.) Piactical hints. 1854. [ iriW Halleur.] .3933.14
Scotl (A. De C.) On photo-zincography, etc. 1863. . . 3937.32
Sutton ((?.* Dictionary of photography. 1858 3933 12
Van MunckhoKen {l>.) Photographic optics. 1867. . . . 3933.17
Rail-way Construction and Policy.
[See also Engineering, p. 41 ;— and Railways, in general
Adams (C. F.) A chapter of Erie. 1869 5922.22
America,, railroad jour., v. 35-47. N. Y., 1862-74. 4",
Applel'in's illustrated railway and steam navigation guide. 1872.
Ashcroft U.) Railway directory for 1863 ; loyal states and Cana-
das. 1863 3925.34
Ballantyne [R. .V.) The iron horse, or life on the line ; a tale of
the Grand national trunk railway. 1871 3925.39
Booth (W.) Liverpool and Manchester railway. 1831. . 3907.03
Boston [City oj). Railroad jubilee. 1851 3926.21
C'halmei-s {J.\ Channel railway connecting England and France.
1867 3934.18
Chattauiay [E. D.) Railways : their capital and dividends, with
statistics of their working in Great Britain and Ireland
London, 1855 66. 16' 39-.'5.22
Colbui-n iZ.) Locomotive engineering, and the mechanism of
railwavs. 1871 3027.29
Davidson {E. A ) The railways of India. 1868 3925.36
Dodd (O.) Railways. 1868 3926.31
Doraldson (tr.) Switchings and crossings: formulas. 1871. 3925.41
Fairlie (R. F.) Railways or no railways. Narrow gauge v. broad
gauge. 1872. 3926.43
Flint {H. M.) Railroads of the United States. 1868. . . 3926.24
Francis (J.) History of the Enghsh railway. 1820-46. 2 v.
Qalt {W.) Railway reform : its importance and practicability.
1865 3925.37
Head {Sir F. B.) Locomotion by steam. [In l,is Descriptive Es-
says. T. 1., 160-218. T, 2., 76-188.] 2631.21
Henck (/. B.) Field-book for railroad engineers. 1860. . 3926.21
Jervis (J. B.) Construction and management of railways. 3926.27
Lardner (D.) Railway economy. 1865 3925.29
Poor (//. F.) Manual of the R. H. of the U. S 4006.a0
Rogers (H.) Chief securities against railway accidents. [Essava
from Good Words, pp. 276-311. 1867.] 2541.32
Spencer (if.) Railway morals and railway policy. 1855. [T. L.,
T. 26.] 6075.30
Spooner {C. E.) Narrow gauge railways. 1871 3925.40
StepheJKon (M.) Science of railway construction. 1361 . 3925.23
Stow [F. H.) Railway annual for 1859 3926.38
Tanner IH. S.) Railroads of the United States. 1840. . 3927.25
Taylor (T.) Fast Ule on the modern highway. 1874. . . 3925.44
Receipts in the Art3, Manufactures,
Professions, and Trades.
[See also Domestic economy, in general alphabet.]
Cooley (A. J.) Cyclopedia of 6,000 receipts. 1856. . . 6017.02
— *CyclopiBdia of pi-actical receipts. 5th ed., revised by R. V.
Tuson. 1872 6017.03
Dick ( W. B.) Encyclopedia of practical receipts. 1872. . 6017.04
Francis [G. >K.J Dictionary of practical receipts. New ed.
1872 6017.06
Lcmery (N.) New curiosities in art and nature. 1711. , 3921.21
Plat {Sir H.) Jewel-house of art and nature. 1653. . .3921.20
Law {H.) Art of constructing and repairing roads. With sur-
vey of metropolitan roads, by S. Hughes. 1855. . 3934.02
M'Adam {J. S ) System of road making. 1820. . . . 3934.01
Rogers [F.) Roads and bridges. [Sm. rep., I860.] . . .3936.16
See also Engineering, p. 41.
Rope Making.
Chapman (iJ.) Treatise on ropemaklng. 1868 3932 39
Holly [H. W.) Art of saw filing. 1864 3923 34
Parsons [S. E.) Sawyer's companion. 1857 4002.07
Martin {W. A.) Screw-cutting tables for mechanical engineers.
1866 3923.32
Se-werage and Drainage.
[See also Agriculture, p. 7 ; — Medicine. [Sanitary science.)
Bowditch (H. I.) Letter concerning houses for the people, and
the sewage question. [In Mass. State board of health, 2d
report, 1870.] 4345.19
Burn {H. S.) Sanitary science applied to construction of houses.
1872 3932.68
Dempsey {G. D.) Drainage of towns and buildings. 1854. 3934.07
Dent,m{J.B.) Sew.ige farming. 1870 3934.07*,
— Sanitary works and sewage utilization. 1869. . . 3934.07 i-i
Eassie ( ir.) Healthy houses. 1872 3932 66
Latham {B.) The sewage dilficulty. 1867 3934.07 'i
— Sanitary engiheriug. 1873 3942.01
— Scheme of sewerage and sewage utilization for Hornsey. 1869,
3934.07 >i
Reynolds (0.) Sewer gas, and how to keep it out of houses.
1872 8931.52
Sanitary siftings, or sewage systems compared. 1868. 3934 07 'a
Sexwing Machines.
Ilerzberg (Z>r.) The sewing machine : its history, construction.
and application 3922.01
Nichols {Arthur H.) Sewing machines. [In Mass. State board o/
health. 3d report. 1871] 4345.19
Parton [J.) Triumphs of enterprise 3265.15
Sheet-Iron and Sheet-MetaL
Percy {J.) Manufacture of Russian sheet-iron. 1871. . 3934.32
Ifarn {R. H.) Sheet metal worker's instructor. 1869. . 3933.51
Ship Building.
[5ce Naval science, in general alphabet.]
Silk and Silk 'Worms.
Cobb IJ. H.) Manual of the mulberry tree, and culture of silk.
1831 6133.17
Cowdin {E. C.) Report on silk and silk manuf. 1868. . 3931.19
Same. [Paris univ. eip., 1867, U. S. com. Reports,
V. 6] . 3916.14
Dandolu {V.,conti). Art of rearing silk-worms. 1825. .3931.10
Hartlib IS.) Reformed 'Virginian silk-worm. [Force's tracts,
v. 3 ] 677.11)
History of Bilk : including spinning, dyeing, and weaving.
1863 3931.06
Porter [G.R.) Treatise on silk-manufacture, 1831. . .3931.08
[See also Warming and 'Ventilation, p. 48.]
Williams ((.'. W.) On the prevention of smoke. 1858. . 3932.45
ARTS, USEFUL: Soap ;<> Turuing.
Dussance (H.) Treatiso on the manufacture of soap. 1869. 3932.10
, Steam-Engiiie.
Alban {E.) High-preBsure steam-engine. 1848, . , . 3926.11
Armstrong (R.) Treatise on steam boilers. 1857. . . . 3926.18
Auchinctoss {}V. S.) Steam, elc. Paris univ. exp., 1867. U. S.
com. Reports, v. 4.) 3915.12
Bourne (J.) Catechism of the steam-engine. 1859. . , 3926.14
— Handbook of the steam engine : key to the ' Catechism,' etc.
1873 39'J6.00
— Practical treatipe, 1852 39'i6.01
Same. 187-2 3927.08
Brown {F.) and Main {T. J.) Marine steam engine. 1864. 3926.05
Same. QueBtious etc. 1863 3926.09
Burgh {N. P.) Pocket-book of practical rules for the proportions
of modern engines and boilers. 1868 3921.13
Same. 1865 3926.22
— SUde valve. 1870 3926.27
— On the condensation of steam. 1871 3927.13
Bum {R. S.) Steam engine: history and mechanism. 1868. 3926.29
Colburn {Z.) Locomotive engineering, and mechanism of rail-
ways. 1871 3927 29
— and Holfey {A. L.) Permanent way and coal-burning locomotive
boilers of European railways. 1858 3927.05
Delepitrre {O.) Historical difficulties, pp. 139-148. 1868. 2521.27
Dempsey {G. D.) Locomotive engine. 1857 3926.15
Dodd {G.) Hist, and explanatory dissert, on the steam engine,
1818 3927.27
Engine-room (Ttu) ; also the application of the indicator to the ma-
rine engine, [anon.] 1870 3926.38
Even {H.) Steam and the steam-engine : land, marine, and loco-
motive. 1873 3922 23
Farey (J.) Treatise on the steam-engine. 1827. . . . 3927.06
Foden(J.) Boiler-makers' companion. 1869 3923.31
Garvey (M. A.) Future effects of steam. 1852 6816,12
Hale ( W.) Mechanical means by which vessels are propelled by
Bteam power. 1868 3926.30
Harrison {J., jr.) Locomotive engine, and Philadelphia's share
in its early improvement. 1872 3907.01
Isherwood {B. F.) Engin. precedents for steam machinery. 2 v.
1859 3925.04
Kauffer (/*.) Steam in the engine, etc. 1873 3907.02
King ( W. H.) Lessons on steam, the steam engine, etc. 3926.08
Lardner (D.) Rudimentary treatise. 1866 3921.16
Same, 1859 3926.19
MacFarlane (R.) History of propellers and steam navigation.
1851 • . . . 3926.10
Main {T. J.) and Brown {T ) Marine steam engine. 1864. 3926.06
— Questions on the marine steam engine. 1863. . . :t926.09
Murray {R ) Marine engin^.s and steam vessels. 1869 . 3926.28
Aystrom {J. W.) Screw propellers and their steam-engines.
1852 3926.13
Perry {J.) Elementary treatise on steam, [steam-engines and
boilers]. 1874 3907.04
^an^-iTie {}V. J. M) Manual of the steam-engine and other
prime movers. 2d ed. 1861 3926.12
Read (D.) Nathan Read : Ms invention of the high pressure
engine, etc. 1870 3926.24
Robinson (J. R.) Explosions of steam boilers. 1870. . 3921.12
Sewell (J.) Treatise on steam and locomotion. 1852. . 3926.16
Steam engine explained, [anon.] 1839. [Pamphlets.] . 6721.01
Stephenson (R.) and Locke {J.) Comparative merits of locomotive
and fixed engines, as applied to railways. 1831. . . 3907.03
Tredgold (T.) On the steam-engine. 3 v. 1852.
Trips in the life of a locomotive engineer, [anon.] 1863. 1112.12
Walker {J.) Comparative merits of locomotive and fixed engines
as a moving power. 1831 3907.03
Ward (J. H.) Steam tor the million. 1860 3926.06
Webster {G. E.) Steam engine and steam. 2 v. [1874.] . 3907.05
Williams (C. W.) On heat in its relations to water and steam.
1864 3926.04
Note. See on the question of the invention of the steam-
engine, Delepierre (O.) Hist, difficulties. . . . 2621.27
Amplication [The) of the Indicator to marine engines. [Engine-
room. eU. 1870.] 3926.38
Main [T. J.) The indicator and dynamometer. 4th ed. 2925.30
Porter (C. T.) On the Richards steam-engine indicator. 3925.31
— Description of Richards' improved steam-engine indicator.
1868 3925.33
Steam Navigation.
Dodd (G.) Hist, and explanatory dissertation on steam packets.
1818 3927.27
— Steamers. 1868 3926.31
Murray {R.) Treatise on marine engines and steam Tessels.
1869 3926.28
Ocean-routes. See Chambers's Papers, v. 8 2616.04
Otway [R.) Treatise on steam navigation. 1834. . . . 3927.27
Rainey (T.) O'-ean steam navigation, and the ocean post. 4617.07
Sargent {O.) Lectures on American steam navigation. [Weale's
qtiar. papers, v. 3.] 3918.13
Seaward {J. and S.) Observations on sleam power between this
country and the East Indies. 1834 3927.27
Stuart (C. B ) Naval and mad steamers of the U. S. 1853. 4518.16
Town (I.) Navigating the ocean with steamships. 1838. R091.01
Woodcraft {B.) Origin and progress of steam nav. 1848. 3926.02
Stone and Stone-Mason's Work.
[See also Cements and Concrete, p. 41.]
Burgoyne (J.) Blasting and quarrying of stone. 1860. . 3932.30
Strength and Resistance of Materials.
Baker (B.) On the strengths of beams, columns, and arch***
l-«70 ;,9og 3^
Barlow (P.) On the strength of timber, cast ami malleable iron
and other materials. 1851 ;i92G.37
number ( W,) Handy-book for the caVulatiuns of strains in"glr-
ders and similar structures. 1869 3922.14
Wood {De V.) On the resistance of materials. 1871. . ,* 3926 41
Same. 2d ed. 1875.
[See also Agriculture, p. 9 ;— and Beet-root sugar, p. 40.]
Napoleon III. The sugar question, 1842. [Works, v. 2.] 5057. HJ
[See also Engineering.]
Baker {T.) Land and engineering snrveying. 1859. . . 3925.17
— Subterraneous surveys without the magnetic needle. 39:i5!l9
Clevenger {S. V.) Government surveying. 1874. . . . 39'25!l6
Davies (C) Elements of surveying. 1868 3925.16
Fenwick { T.) Subterraneous surveying and magnetic variation
of the needle. 1861 3925.19
Gillespie {W. M.) Treatise on land surveying. 1863. . 3925.10
Gummere {J.) Treatise on land survejing. 1853. . . . y925.08
Hawes {J. H.) United States surveying : rectangular, etc. 39'25.09
Nesbit (A.) Treatise on land surveying. 1820 3925 11
Smith (J. A.) Treatise on land surveying 3924.01
Aligny [H. F. Q. d'). Outlines of the history of the Atlantic cables.
[Paris nniv. expos., 1867. U. S. com. Reports, v. 5.] 3915.13
Briggs (C F.) and Maverick {A.) Story of the telegraph, and hist.
of the great Atlantic cable. 1858 3934 26
Cooke (W. F.) Invention of the electric telegraph. 1869. 3934.36
CuUey [R. S) Hand-book of practical telegraphy. 1870. 3934.-30
Dodd [G.) Telegraphs. 1868 3926.31
Field (//. M.) Hist, of Atlantic telegraph. 1866. ... 3934.25
Hogg{G.) Secret code for telegrams. 1870 3934.31
Hight^m (E.) Electric T. ; its history. 1852 3934.24
Morse [S. F. B.) Examination of telegraphic apparatus. [Paris
univ. expos.. 1867. U.S. com. Reports, v. 4.] . .3915.12
— Life, by S. 1. Prime. 1875 3126.22
Mullaly {J.) Laying of the cable. 1858 3934.23
Pope (F. L) Modern practice of the electric T. 1870. . 3934.29
Prescott iG. B.) History of the electric T. I860. . . .3934.28
Ronalds [Sir F.) Description of an electrical T. 1871. . 3934.22
Smithsonian Institution. Board of regents. Proceedings in rela-
tion to the electro-magnetic T. 1857. [Sm. miscel. coll.
V. 2.] 3935.12
Van Choate {S. F.) Ocean telegraphing. 1865. .... 3934.27
Wilson {G.) Electricity and the electric telegraph. 1854. [Trav.
libr., V. 24.] 5075.29
Blinn (L. J.) Workshop companion for tin, sheet-iron, and cop-
per-plate woi kers. 1865 39.33.40
Butts {I. R) Tinman's manual. 1860 4002.06
Davidson (E. A.) Drawing for metal-plate workers. 1854. 3924.34
Trades and Professions. {Popular jnanuals.)
Bigelow (J.) Useful arts considered in connection with (he ap-
plications of science. 2 V. 1856 3914.17
Cutbush [J.) American artist's manual. 1814 39J6.08
Hazen (£'.) Popular technology ; or, professions and trades.
2 V. 1850 3914.24
Leslie [F.), Morse [S. F. B ). and Evans (T. W.) Fine arts applied
to the useful arts. [Paris univ. exp., 1867. U. S. com. Re-
ports, V. 1.] 3915.09
Mason (G.C.) Application of art to manufactures. [Metals, enamels,
electrotypy. porcelain, glass, and ornament.] 1858. 3914.23
Middlesex mechanic association. Reports of the first Exhibition
held in the city of LoweU, Sept., 1851. 1852. . , . 3923.10
Potter {A.) Principles of science applied to the domestic and
mechanic Arts. 1847 3914 16
Powell {T.) Humane industry. 1661 3921.18
Strauss (G. L. M.) and others. England's workshops. [Metals,
chemicals, glass, provisions, and supi .es.] 1866. . 3914.22
Wylde {J.) Book of trades. 1866 3914.13
Yeats [J.) Technical history of commerce. 1871.. . .3915.26
[See also Dictionaries, Cyclopedias, etc.. p. 44 ;— and
Darner of particular tiades ; also Fine arts : Industrial
Law IH.) Memoir of Thames tunnel, [Weale's quar. papers,
V. 5 ] 3918.16
Turning, the Lathe, etc.
Amateur mechanic's workshop. 1870 3023.06
Hand-book of turning, [anon.] 1859 3923.23
Holtzapjfel (C.) Turning and mechanical manipulation. 3 v.
1852 3923.18
Contents : v. 1. Materials ; their choice, and modes of
working them without cutting tools. 2. Construction,
etc., of cutting tools. 3. Abrasive and miscellaneous,
which cannot be accompUshed without cutting tools.
Lathe and its uses, [anon.] 1868 2?2?'H
Specimens of fancy turning, [anon.] 1869 ISooS
Turner's companion, [anon.] 1851 ^onT
Watson (E. P.) Manual of the hand lathe. 1869. . . . 3923.24
In uking for books, use the " Book Orders." givuig the AUTHOR'S NAMB. the first part of the TITLE. aTid the NU-MBKB.
ARTS, USEFUL. : Warming lo Wooleiis.
VTarmmg and ventilation.
Bernan ( W.) Hist, and art of warming and ventilating. 2 v.
1864 ♦ 3932.51
Burn {R. S.) Sanitary science as applied to the healthy construc-
tion of houses. 1872 3932.58
Eassie {W.) Healthy houses, drainage, ventilation, warming.
etc. 1872 3932.56
Edwards IF., jr.) On the extravagant use of fuel in cooking.
1869. 3932.50
Gonqf.[H.A.) New system of ventilation. 1870. . . .3932.63
Griscom {J. H.) Uses and abuses of air. 1850 4323.28
Leeds (i. W.) Lectures on ventilation, 1866-67. . . . 3932.19
Martin {A. C.) Ventilation of school-houses. [In Mass. State
board of health. 2d report, 1870.] 4315.19
Priieaux (T. ,'i.) On economy of fuel. 1853 3932.17
Reid {D. B.) Theory and practice of ventilation. 1844. 3932.51
— Lectures on ventilation efc. (Sm. rep. 1856] 3936.11
Thompson [B., Count Rumford). Economy of fuel. [In his Essays,
V. 2, 1798.] 4026.11
T'Jmlinson (CI On warming and ventUation 3932.46
Walker (W.t Daeful hints on ventilation. 1850. . . .3932.62
Williams [C. TV.) Combustion origen and prevention of smoke.
1858. 3932.45
Wyinan {il.; Treatise on ventilation. 1846 3932.67
[See also Hydraulics, p. 43.]
Brooklyn Water-works. Documents and plans. 1854. . 3927.23
Hughes IS.) Treatise on water-works for the supply of cities.
1859 39M.08
Same. Kew ed. 1872 3932 08
[See also Manufactures.]
Waison (J.) Art of weaving. 1863 3931.11
Weights and Measures, Cambists, etc.
Adams [J. Q.) Report upon weights and measures. 1821. 4015.18
— — Same. [M Davies (C.) Metric system. 1871.] . .4015.16
Colebrooke (77. T.) On Indian weights and measures. [In his
Miscel. essays, V. 1,1873.] 7815.07
Dubost (0.) Elements ot commerce ; or, operations of exchange ;
Moneys, weights, and measures ; Commercial calculations,
etc. 2 V. 1805 6916.24
Greaves (J.) Discourse of the Boman foot and denarius. [Mis-
cel. works, V. 1.] 5037.17
— Origin and antiquity of our English weights and measures.
2d ed. 1716. (•• Tracts.") 6911.06
7rote (G.) Ancient weights, coins and measures. [In his Minor
works. 1873.] 2528.73
Hedley (J.) Commercial calculations for Hamburg. 1816. 6916.27
Horton iR.) The complete measurer. 2d ed., with additions.
1871 3911.22
KeUylP.) Universal cambist and commercial instructor. 2 v.
in 1. 1821 5918.01
Kohlrausch {F ) Introd. to physical measurements, with appen-
dices on absolute electrical measurement, (?(c. 1871. 4026.26
Observations on the report of the committee of weights and
measures, etc. By Calculator. [Paraph., v. 4. 1814.] 5058.04
Robertson {E. W.) Standards of the past in weight and currency.
[In his Hist, essays. 1872.] 445.25
Tate{W.) The modern cambist. 1868 6916.26
Weights, measures, and coins. [Paris univ. expos. U. S. com.
Reports, v. 1.] 3916.09
Woolhouse ( W. S. B.) Measures, weights, and moneys of all na-
tions. 1859 4016.19
See also Physics. {Electrical measurements.)
Metric System.
Bowring {Sir J.) Decimal system. 1854 4015.22
British metre, and its derivatives ; proposed reform. London,
1820. 8°. [Pamph., v. 16.] 6068.16
Clarke {A.K.) Comparisons of the standards of length of England,
France, Belgium, Prussia. Kussia, India, Australia, made
at the Ordnance survey office. Southampton. 1866. 4018.21
Dangar {J. G.) Notes of lessons on the metric system of weights
and measures, and on the decimal coinage. 1871. . 4015.13
Davies (C.) Metric system, with reference to its inti-oductiou
into the U. S 4016.16
Felton (J. H.) Decimal system 1867 4016.21
Gt. Britain. First report of commissioners. 1820. [Pamph.,
• V. 16.] 6068.16
Hassler {F. R.) Comparisons of weights and measures of length
and capacity. 1832 4016.17
Herschel [Sir J.) Metric system, [/n Davies (C.) Metric sys-
tem. 1871.] 4016.16
Levi{L.) Metric system. 1871 4015.14
Newton (H. A.) Metric system. [Sm. rep., 1865.] . . . 3936.20
Rulter (ZT.) Metric system compared with British, standard
weights and measures, 1866 4015.15
Wfutworth (J.) Standard decimal measures of length. [In his
Papers, etc. 1858.] 3923.21
Wells and Well-digging, Pumps, etc.
[See Hydrauhcs, p. 43.]
Pole IW.) Cornish pumping engine. [Weale's quar. papers,
V. 6] 3918.16
[See also Machinery, p. 45.]
Cam>is (C. E.) Treatise on the teeth of. 1868 3923.38
[See Liquors, p. 41.]
Wood and ■Wood-'working.
[See also Turning, p. 47.]
Preservation of wood. (Sm. rep., 1861.] 3936.19
Richards [J.) Wood-working factories and machinery. 1873. 3922.28
■Woolens and Worsteds.
[See also Agriculture. (Sheei>, p. 9.)]
BiscTtnjr (■/.) History of the woolen and worsted manufactures,
aud the natural and commercial history of sheep. 2 v.
1812 3931.16
History of wool, including observations on spinning, dyeing,
aid weaving. 1853 3931.08
Mudgc [E. R.) and Hayes {.I. L.) Report on wool and wool manu-
'factures. [Paris univ. expos., 1867. U. S. com. Reports,
v. 6] . 3915.14
Proposal fully to prevent the smuggling of wool. [By Philo-Bri-
tannicufi. anon.] London, 1732. 12" 6911.06
Sympson [A.) Short and effectual method to prevent the running
of wool, etc., from Great Britain and Ireland. 1711. 6911.06
Arundel Society. [Publications. London, 1849-70.]
Lihrary publications.
1850. Vasari (G.) Life of Giovanni Angelioo ; by G. .K.
Bezzi. 1854. Ruskin (J.) Giotto and his works in Padua.
1855. Wyatt (M. D.) Notices of sculpture in ivory ; with
a catalogue of select ex-imples of ivory carvings, by E. Old-
fleld. 1856. Layard (A. H ) Martyrdom of St. Sebastian,
fresco by Pietro Perugino. ^t Pauicale. 1857. Layard
(A. H.) Madonna aud Saints, fresco by Ottaviano Nelli, at
Gubbio. 1658. Layard (A. H.) Frescoes by Pinturicchio,
at Spello. 1859. Layard (A. H.) Giovanni Sauzio, aud
his fresco at Cagli. 1860. Layard (A. H.) Domenico
Ghirlandaio and his fresco of the death of S. Francis.
1865. Weale (W. H. J.) Hans Memliug, a notice of his
life and works. 1868. Layard (A. H) The Braucacci
chapel and Masolino, Masaccio, and Filippino Lippi.
1871. Wornum (R. N. H.) Holbein and the Meier Ma-
ChromoUlhoriraphs . Annual publications,
with some e.rtra issues.
1856. Giotto chapel, Padua, in 1306.— Martyrdom of
St. Sebastian ; from a fresco by P. Perugino at Panicale.
1857. Christ among the doctors ; from a fresco b,v
Pinturicchio at Spello. — Fresco by Ottaviano Nelli at
Gubbio : The Madonna aud saints. 1858. The nativ-
ity ; fresco by Pinturicchio, at Spello. — S. Catharine
borne by angels to the tomb, by B. Luini, Brera gal-
lery, Mdan. 1859. Dante; lac simile of a portrait
by Giotto.— Fresco of Madonua and child by L. da Vinci
in the monastery of S. Onofrio at Rome. — Fresco by G.
Sanzio at Cagli. — Head of an angel, supposed to be a
portrait of Raffaelle ; from a fresco by G. Sanzio at Cagli.
1860. IVo heads, from a fresco by Ghirlaudajo in the
church of St. Trinila, Florence.— Death of S. Francis, fi'ora
the same. 1861. The fall, by F. Lippi, the Expulsion,
by Masaccio : from frescoes in the Brancacci chapel of the
church of the Carmine, Florence— Tribute money, by
Masaccio ; from the same.— S. Peter preaching and S. Peter
baptizing, by Masalino ; from the same. 1862. Burial
of S. Cecilia ; from a fresco by F. Francia, church of S.
Cecilia at Bologna.— S. Peter in prison, visited by S. Paul,
and S. Peter delivered from prison, by F. Lippi ; from the
fresco in the Brancacci chapel of the church of the Car-
mine at Florence.— Head from the same.— S. 8. Peter and
John heaUng the cripple, and S Peter raising Petronilla
by Miisalino ; from frescoes in the Brancacci chapel of the
church of the Carmine at Florence. —Head from the same.
1863. The annunciation ; from a fresco by Fra Angelico,
convent of S. Mark at Florence.— Marriage of S. Cecilia ;
from a fresco by F. Francia, in the chiuvh of S. Cecilia at
Bologna.— S. Augustine pre.aching ; from a fresco by B. Goz-
zoli, at S. Gimignano.— S. S. Peter and Paul raising Uie king's
son, and the homage to S. Peter, by Masaccio and F. Lippi ;
from a fresco in Braucacci chapel.— Head fi-om the same, —
S. S. Peter and John healing the sick by their shadows,
and S. S. Peter and John giving alms, by Masaccio. from
frescoes in the Brancacci chapel.— Head Iroiu the same. —
Conversion of Hermogenes the sorcerer ; fl'om a fresco by
Andrea Mantegua in tiie Church of the Eremitani at Pa-
dua 1864. Coronation of the Virgiu, from a fresco by
Fra Angelico. convent of S. Mark at Florence —Christ
among the doctors ; from a fresco by Luini at Saronno.—
Presentation in the temple ; from a fresco by Luini at Sa-
ronno.—Head from the same. 1865. Marriage of the Vir-
gin ; from a fresco by B. Luini at Saronno.- S. James before
Herod ; from a fl'es'co by Andrea Mautegna. in the Church
of the Eremitani at Padua.— Adoration of the Magi ; from
a triptych at Bruges, by Memliug.— Nativity of our Lord
aud his i^reseutAtion in the temple : fi*oin the same.— S.
Joliu Baptist and S. Verouica ; from the eame, — H, Petor
delivered trom prisou ; from a fresco by KapUael in the
Stauze of the Vatican. 18(36. The annunciation; from
a fresco by Fra Bartolommeo, villa of the Frati di S. Mar-
co, Florence. — The last supper ; from a Jre-sco by Ghir-
laud^io in the church of the Otiuiasanti at Florence. — The
adoration of the Magi ; from a fresco by Lniui at Saronno.
—The four eibyla ; from a fresco by ltai)hael in S. Maria
della Pace at Rome. — The nativity of the Virgin ; from
fresco by A. del Sai-to in the convent of the Anuunziiita, at
Florence. 1867. The tcetasy of S Catherine; from a
fresco by Razzi in San Doraeuico. Siena.— Pn-achiu^' oi
John the Baptist ; from a fie(>GO by Ghirlaudajo in S. Maria
Novella at Florence. — Poetry ; from a fresco by Raphael in
the Stanze of the Vatican. — Theology ; from the same.
1868. The adoration of the lamb ; irom the altar piece
by the brothers Van Eyck in the cathedral of St. Bavou at
Ghent.— S. S. Peter and Paul before Nero, and the martyr-
dom of S Peter by F. Lippi ; from the fresco in the Bran-
cacci chapel of the church of the Carmine at Florence. —
The vision of Saint Bernard ; from a painting by F. Lippi
in the Badia at Florence. — The procession of the Magi ;
from a fi-esco by A. del Sarto in the cloister of the S. S. An ■
nunziata at Florence. 1869. Judges and warriors, hermits
and pilgrims, by the brothers Van Fyek. in tlie cathedral of
St. Bavon at Ghent. — Portraits of Judocus Vyts, Lord of
Pomele, aud his wife Isabelle de Borlunt, with tlieir patron
eaiuta ; by the same. — The adoration of the kings ; irom a
fresco by Pietro Perugino at Cetta della Pieve near Peru-
gia.— S- Filippo Beunizzi healing chddren ; from a fresco
by A. del Sarto in the convent of the Annunciata at Florence.
1870. Christ and aiary Magdalene in tin- (pardon ; from
the fresco by Fra Angelico in the convent of S. Mark at
Florence. — The transfiguration ; fi-om the fresco by Fra
Angelico in the convent of St. Mark at Florence. — Jesus
and his disciples at Emmaus ; from a fresco by Fra Bar-
tolommeo in the convent of St. Mark, Florence. — The
prophet Jeremiah ; from the fresco by Michel Angelo on
the ceiling of the Sistine chapel at Rome. — Venus rising
from the sea ; irom the picture by Saudro Botticelli in the
Uffizi gallery at Florence.— Four apostles, by A. Duerer in
the gallery at Munich.- From a fresco by Ott. Nelli at Gub-
bio. — St. Cecilia at the organ, and angelic choir, by the
brothers Van Eyck, in the cathedral of St. Bavon at Ghent.
— The Triune God ;— The Virgin Mary ; — St. John the Bap.
tist ; from the same.
1857. Head of the Virgin ; Head of a saint ; from a
fresco at Gubbio by O Nelli.— The washing of the feet, by
Giotto —The kiss of Judas, by Giotto. 1858. Head of a
shepherd worshipping ; ironi the fresco of the Nativity by
Piuturicchio. at Sptllo,— Head of an au^el ; from the same.
St. Catharine ; from a fresco by B. Luini in the Brera gal-
lery, Milan. 1859. Head of an angel, supposed to be a
portrait of Kaffaelle, fi-om a fresco by G. Sanzio. at Cagli. —
Head lit the Virgin ; from a fresco by L. da Vinci in the
monastery of S. Onofrio, Rome. 1861. The Virgin Mary,
the Angel Gabriel, and portrait of himself from Pinturic-
chio s fresco of the Annunciation, at Spello. 1864. Con-
version ol Saul; from the tapestry in the Vatican, exe-
cuted fi'om a lost cartnon belonging to the series at Hamp-
ton Court, 1867. Martyrdom of St Stejihen ; from the
tapestry in the Vatican, ex-cuted from a lost cartoon be-
longing to the series at Hampton Court. 1869. Ordina-
tion of St Laurence, by Fra Angelico. — Virgin and Child,
with St. John, by Luini.
Line engravings from frescoes by Fra Angelico in the chapel
Nicholas v., in the Vatican, viz., 1849-50. St. Lawrence
distributing alma. 1861-52. St. Stephen before the
council.— St. Bouaventura. — St. Tommaso. 1855. St.
Lawrence before the emperor Deciua. — St. Matthew.
1856. Sketches of the heads from the martyrdom of St.
Sebastian. 1862- St. Stephen distributing alms. 1863.
St. Stephen thrust out before his martyrdom. 1864. St.
J"hn. 1865. St. Sixtus givmg money to St. Laurence
for alms.
The Arena Chapel, Padua. Wood engravings from
the frescoes of Gi..>tto, illus. the lives of the Virgin
aud Our Saviour. Londou, IS'lO. Obi. fol.
Contents. 1852-3. Joachim's offering is rejected by the
High Priest. — Joachim retires to the sheepfold. — The angel
appear.s to Anna. — The sacrifice of Joachim. — The angel
appears to Joachim. — The meeting of Joachim aud Anna.
—The birth of the Virgin Mary,— The preseutatinn of the
Virgin Mary. 1853. The rods are brought to the High
Priest.— The watching of the rods at the altar.— The es-
pousal of the Virgin Mary.— The Virgin Mary returns to
her home. — The annunciation ; The Angel Gabriel.— The
annunciation ; The Virgin Mary.- The salutation. 185-1.
The nativity. — The wise men's oflferiug.— The presenta-
tion in the temple —The flight into Egypt —The massacre
of the innocents.— The young Christ in the Temple.— The
Baptism of Christ. 1655. The marriage in Cana.— 'the
raising of Lazarus.— The entry into Jerusalem. — The ex-
pulsion from the Temple. 1856. The hiring of Judas.—
The last supper. 1857. The washing of the feet.— The kiss
of Judas. 1858. Christ before Caiaphas.— The scourging of
Christ.— Christ bearing his cross.— The crucifixion. 18oy.
The entombment. — The resurrection. 1860. The ascen-
Bion.— The descent of the Holy Spirit.- Tho Pleta in tho
Arena Chapel, at Padua.
Anmdines cami, sive musarum Cantab, lasus canori.
Ed. byH. Drury. Cantab., 1813. S"". . 1642.11
Arvienx (Laurent d'). Travels iu Arabia the Desart.
2d ed. London, 1732. HP 1042.12
Arvine (K ) Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature
and the fine arts. Boston. 1833. 8° . 6217.07
Aryan. ^W Language (p. 673.4j ;— Mythology {C^/x, p. 801).
As you like it See Shakspere ( W. )
Ascension Island. .See Countries. (Ascension Island.)
Ascham (Roger). Advice to Lord Warwick's servant.
[In Furmvall (F. J., ed.) the Babeesbook. 1868.]
— English works. With notes and author's life, by J.
B*^nnet London, 1761. 4^ 5017.11
Contents : Report on the affairs of Germany. Toxophihis,
or the echool for shooting. The echole master. Letters to
qu. Elizabeth, and others.
— Memoir. Toxophilus. The Schoolmaster. [/« Bar-
nard (H. ) Engl, pedagogy.] .... 5524.21
— The Scholemaster. 1570. Ed. by J. Arber. London,
1870. 18" 5011.10
— Toxophilus. 1545. Ed. by E. .^ber. London, 1868.
18^ 5011.03
— Works. With a life of the author by Rev. Dr. Giles.
3 V. in 4. London, 1864-5. 16°. . . 5012.15
Contents : v. 1. Parta 1-2. Life, letters, v. 2. Letters
continued, and Toiophdus. v. 3. Eeport of Germany,
Schoolmaster, Latin poems, Edvardi Grant oratio de vita
et obitu R. A. Letters.
See also Biography (Individual).
Ashaugo-land. iSVe Countries. (Africa.)
Ashantee. .See Countries. {Africa.)
Ashcroft (J.) Railway directory for 1863 : loyal
states and Canadas. New York, 1863. 12°. 3925.34
Ashe (Thomas). Carolina. [In Carroll (B. R.) Hist.
colL V. 2.] 625. U3
•Asher and Adams' New commercial and statistical
atlas, and gazetteer of the United States. 2 v.
New York, 1872. 4° 927.09
— New topogr. atks of Indiana. N.Y.,1871. foh 1137.01
— New topographical map of the state of New York.
New York, 1870. 4 1117.01
Asher ^G. M. ) A bibliographical and hist, essay on
the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New
Netherland and the Dutch West India Company,
etc. Amsterdam, 1854-67. 4°. ... 2734. Li
— Henry Hudson the navigator; documents collected,
with introduction. Loudon, Hakluyt Socidy, 1860,
8^. 1145.12
— List of the maps and charts of New Netherland. N.
Y., 1855. 4°, [ With his Bibl. essay, etc.'} . 2734.18
AshwoiiJi iT. ) Salmon fisheries of Engbiud. Lon-
don, 1868. 12 4616.28
Asia. i<ee Coimtxies. (^l^ic.)
Asia Minor. t>ee Countries. {Asia Minor.)
Asian mystery. Rev. S. Lyde. 1860. . .3567.20
*A3iatic costumes, [anon.] Lundon, 1828. 12°. 6624.17
Asiatic Islands. ISte Malay Archipelago.
Asiatic journal and monthly register for British India
and its dependencies, v. 1-28. London, 1816-
18J9. 8°.
Same. New series. For British and foreign In-
dia, China, and AustraUa. v. 1-39. London,1830-
1842. 8°
Asiatic miscellany. London, 1787. 18°. . 7811.01
Asiatic society (Royal). iS'ee Royal Asiatic Society.
Askew (Anne). Examinations. L., 1831. 12^. 3546.15
Asmodeus in New York, [anon.} New York, 1868.
12^^ 1111.27
Aspects of authorship. F. Jacox. 1872. . 2532.31
Asphalt. See Arts (Useful), page 40.
Aspirations of nature. J. T. Hecker. 1859.^ 3557-14
Assassination of tyrants. Allen {}Vni.) Killing no
murder. [Harleian miscel., v. 9. 1810.] 5042.10
— Mazziyii (J.) On the theory of the dagger. [Writings,
V. 6.] 5053.13
See also a defence of the killing of Caesar by Brutus, by
St. John (J. A.) Anat. of soc. v. 1 [i;54'2.04J ; and a criticism
of the deed by Ames (Fisher). Works, v. % [5U11.02].
Assassins, or Ansayni. See Coimtries. {A)isayrii.)
Assaying, ^ee Art3 (Useful), page 40.
Assent. -See Newman (J. H. } Grammar of. 3377.12
In aekiivg for boolis^ use t:io " Dook Oi-der," flivi»g the AU fHOR'S NAME, tbo fli6t p-trt of the TITLE, aud the NUil JE.'l.
As38r (J.) Annals of the reign of Alfred. {In Giles.
SixoldEng. chron. Bohn.] 471.04
— Wiiiflii (T.) On the tnie character of Asser. [In
Wright's Essays, V. 1, 1861.] .... 443."21
Assigne {Komance of the Chevelere) ; ed. by H. H.
Gibbs. [E. E. T. soc. Extra ser. no. 6.] 7914.17
Assignments, .See Law.
Association of American geologists and naturalists.
Reports, lst-3d meetings. 1840-184"2. Boston,
1843. 8^ 4114.10
Note. — ThG Contents are given in the Boston Athenffliua
Catalogue, v. 1, p. 15G.
Association of ideas.
•S''-'f Philosophy; more especially tlie writings of Hobbes,
Hume, Hartley, Bonnet, JauiL-a Mill, John Stuart Mill,
Bain and Herbert Spimcer.
As3uranc3. iSte Annuities ; —Fire lasurance ; — Life
Assyria. .See Countries.
Astie (J. F. ) Louis fourteenth and the wi-iters of his
age. Tr. with iiitrod. by E. N. Kirk. Boston, 1855.
8° 3111.19
Astley (Thomas). New general collection of voyages
and travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.
[Compiled by T. Greene.] 4 v. London, 1745-40.
4^ 935.09
Astor library. Catalogue or alphabetical list. Part I.
Authors and books. 4 v. N. Y., 1857. 8\ 1735.20
Same. Supplement, with alj:)hab3tical index of
subjects. New York, 1800. 8''. ... 2735.25
— Alphabetical index, or catalogue [of authors] with
short titles. N. Y., 1851. S' 2735.26
Note.~The Reports of the Astor librai-y are printed an-
nually in the assumbly documents uf the state of New
Astoria. 5:^6 L-ving (Washington). . . . 1123.01
Astra castra; exjierimGnts and adventures in tb© atmo-
sphere. H. Tiixnor. 1865 3927.21
Astrasa redux, poem. -SVe Dryden. Works, v.9. 5012.22
Astrolabe, ^'et Chaucer (G.) Treatise. . . 7913.12
Astrology. See Occult sciences. {Asirolo(jy) \—also
Medicines ^Astrolo<jlcal).
Astronomical society of London. Memoirs, v. 1-30,
1822-1861. Loudon, 1822-1862. 4^. . . 4008.01
Contents : \. 1- Address. Regulations. First report.
Trongliton (Edward). Account of the repeating circle, and
altitude and azimuth instrument. DoUond ((i.) Descrip.
of a repeating instrument. Buily {F.) On method of fixing
a tiausit instrument directly in the meridian. Pearson
(W.) Ou the micrometrical eye-piece of a telescope; On
the construction of a new position-micrometer, depending
on the doubly -re Tractive power of rock crystal. South (J.)
On the best mode of examining the double or compound
stars ; witli a catalogue of those identified. Gauss (Prot.)
On the new nicridiau circle at Gottmgen. Baily (F.) On
the sniar eclipso. Sept. 7, 1820. Moll (/Vo/'.} On the same.
Nicollet (J.N.) Ou the comet discovered in the constellation
Pegasus in 18:21. Ulbers (Dr.) Ou the same comet; and on
the luminous appearance on the dark side of the moon,
Feb. 5. 1821. Ward [Rt-v. M.) Ou the same luminona ai>
poarauce. Cattou (T.) On the occultation of fixed sfcirs
by the moon; on the repeating circle; outhe perturbations
etc. of the new planets ; aud observ. of the late comet and
the planet Vesta. Herschel (.V/r W.) On the places of 145
new double stars. Gioumbiidge (S.) Uuiv. tables tor the
reductiiiu of the fixed stars. Piazzi (M.) Observ. of the
Bolar eclipse, Sept. 7. 1^20. South (J.) Observ. on tbe
collimation adjustment of a transit instrument. Lambert
(W.) Tables of the somidiameter of the moon in time, etc.
Groombridge (S.) Observ. of the planets during the period
of their respective oppositions in 1820. 1821, aud 1822.
Everest (G.) On the triangulation of the cape of Good
Hope. Nicollet (J. N.) Right ascension and declination of
the comet of Jan. 1821. Littrow (J. J.) On the correction
of the trausit iustrumi-nt. Gompr rtz (B.) On the aberi-a-
tion of light. Littiow (J. J.) On tlie measurement of alti-
tudes by the bammetor. Babbage (C.) On the application
of machiuery to the computation of uiatliematical aud as-
tronomical tables. Baily (F.) On some new tables lor de-
termining the time, by altitudes taken near the prime
vertical. Horschel (J. F. W.) New method for computing
occultations of tlie fixed stars. Brinkley (It'V. Dr.) Re-
sults of computations relative to the parallax of a Lyrse,
from observ. male with the Greenwich mural circle. Lit-
trow (J. J.)(.>u the difleronce of declin;ition of certain stars.
according to different iistrouomers : and on refraction, etc.
Gompertz (B.) On the theory of astronomical instruments;
Kquatiou of the refloctiug instrument. Baily (F.) On the
mercuriiil compeusatiou pendulum. Herschel {J. F. W.)
Subsidiary tables for the computation of annual tables of
the apparent places of forty six principal fixed stars.
Colebrooko (U. T.) Honorary medals address.
2. Baily (F.) On the method of determi ning the diflfer-
ance of meridians, by the culmination of the moon. Atkin-
eou (H.) Ou the method of delermiuing the sun s parallax
by observ. on the planet Mars near his opposition. Ever-
est (G.) On the correction necessary for the triangles
which occur in geodesic operations. Littrow (J. J.) On
the rectification of the equatorial instrument. Mossotti
(OF.) On tbe variation iu the mean motion of the comet of
Encke, produced by the resistance of an ether. Brisbane
{Sir T.) Obser. of the solstice, etc. 18i3-24, at Paramatta.
New S. Wales. Gompertz (B.) On anew instrument, called
the differential sextant, for measuring small differences of
angular distances. Ramage (J.), etc. Observ. on the occult,
of Jupiter aud his satellites. Apr. 5, 1824. Ross (J.) Observ.
on the occult, of the Herschel planet, Aug. 6, 18 '4, Struve
{Prof.) Account of Fraunhofer's large refracting telescope
at Dorpat. Babbage (C.) On a new zenith micrometer,
Brinkley {Rev. J.) Results of astron. observ. at Paramette,
New South Wales. Dollond (G.) Short account of a new
inatnumnut for measuring vertical and horizontal angles.
Beaufoy (Cot.) Observ, made at Bushy heath from 1816 to
1824. Atkinson (H.) On astron. and other refractions ;
with the law of temperature in different latitudes and al-
titudes. Pearson {W.) Report on a new 3-feet altitude
and azimuth circle, lately fixed at the rectory-house of
south Kdworth, county Leicester. Brisbane {Sir T.)
Observations at Paramatta, in New South Wales. Rum-
ker (C.) Observ, at Stargard, New South Wales, on the
comet, July, 1824. Astron. observations at Chonringhy
from 1797-1823. Pond (J.) Ou the latitude of the royal
observatory of Greenwich. Littrow (J. J.) On the deter-
mination of latitudes by observ. of azimutbs and altitudes
alone. Plana (J.) Memoire sur differens points relatifs a
la th^orie des perturbations des planetea exposeo dans Me-
cauique coleste. Ramage (J.) Description of his large
reflecting telescopes. Littrow (J. J.) Ou parallaxes. On
the co-latitude of the observ. of Stephen Groombridge, at
Blackheath, by his own observ. of circumpolar stars.
Hodgson (J. A.) Observ. of the eclipses of Jupiter's satel-
lites, made at Futty Ghur on the Ganges. Struve (Pro/.)
Comparison of observ. made on double-stars. Cornfield R.
a7id Wallis (J.l Observatious of tbe occult, of Saturn on
Oct. 30, 1825. ' Herschel (J. F. W.) Observ. with a 20-feet
reflecting telescope, ou places of 321 new double stars, the
second comet of 182.7, actual state of the great nebula at
Orion, nebula in the girdle of Andromeda. Pond (J.)
Method of observing with the two mural circles, at Green-
wich. Gambart (J/.) Discovery aud elements of the or-
bit of a comet, which appears to be the same with that of
1772 and 1805. Report of the committee to examine the
telescope constructed by Mr. Tnlley, Struve {Prof.) Mi-
crometrical observ. of the planet Saturn, made with Fraun-
hofer's large refractor at Dorpat. Slawinsky (J.) Sum-
mary of the observ. taken to determine the latitude of the
observatory of Wilna. Pond (J.) Supplement to former
paper ou the latitude of the Royal observatory of Green-
wich. Baily (F.) Address on presenting the gold medals.
3. Colebrooke {H. T.) Observations made in the island
of Cuba, by Don Jose Joaquin de Ferrer, comprehend-
ing observ. of the comet of 1807, of its orbit ; on the lunar
eclipse. Nov. 14, 1807. of the comet of 1813; of the comet of
•1811. Foster {H.l On the longitude of Port Bowt-n, by the
method of moon-culminating stars. Herschel (J. F. W.)
Approximate places aud description of 205 new double and
triple stars. Babbage (C.) Notes respecting some errors
common to many tables of logarithms. Beaufoy (M.) As-
tronomical observ. at Bushy Heath. 1825 aud 1826. Tiarks
{Dr.) Ou a new apphcatiou of the method of determining
the time by observ. of two stars in the same vertical, to the
case of Polaris. Gambart (M.) On the passage of tbe comet
of Bootes over the disc of the sun. Nov. 18, 1826. Utling (J.)
Ou a now period of eclipses. Pond (J.) On an appearance
in the nebula of Orion. Flaugergues {M.i Notice of a
comet discov. at Viviers, March 29, 1826. Rinnkcr (/>;■.)
Astron. observ. taken at Stargard, and the Paramatta ob-
servatory. New South Wales, 1825 and 1826. Beaufoy (G.)
Observ. of the solar echpse, Nov. 1826, taken at Bushy
heath. Santani {i'rof.) Observ. of a comet in Eridauus, and
of Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta, near their appositions in 1h26,
at Padua. Goldiugham (J.) Observ. of the oclipsi-s of
Jupiter's satellites, at -Madras, 1817-1825. Hodgson (J. A.)
Observ. at Calcutta. 1822. Horschel {J. F. W.) Honorary
medals address. Littrow f J. J.) On the computation of the
geocentric places of the planets, for Ephemcrides. Hi-r
schel (J. F. W.) Observ. with a 20-feet refiecting telescop.- ;
Ciitidogue of 384 new double and multip.e stars. Riddle
(E.) On tiuding the rates of time-keepers. Rogers (.\.) on
the construction of large achronuitic telescopes. Littrow
(J. J.) On double object glasses. Dunlop (J.) Approxun ito
places of double stars in the S<uithern hemisphere, ob-
served at Paramatta, New South Wales. Rumker (C) Ob-
serv. for determining the absolute length of the peudulum
vibrating seconds at Paramatta. Borda's method. Struve
{Prof.) Micrometrical measures of Saturn with the great
refractor at Dorpat. South (J.) Ou the occultation of
Piacium by the moon, Feb., 1821; i>henomenon of apparent
projection. Astrou. observations. Cumin (J.) Results
of observ. at Bombay. Rumker (C.) Observ. at Paramatta,
New South Wales. Herschel {J. F. W.) Honorary medal
address. South (J.) Honorary medal address.
4. Tables for ascertaining the azimuthal deviation of a
transit instrumeut from' the meridian by the observed
transits of two btarB over the vertical it describes ; with
the method of determining the exact Btate of the clock
in respect to sidereal time ; Remarks upon that deviation
of a transit iustniment. which arises from the inclination
of its axis to the horizon : with tables for the meritliau.
Everest ^G.) Errors likely to arise in the deterniination of
the length of the pendulum, from the false position of the
fixed axes. Lubbock {J. W.) Uu the determination of the
orbit of a comet. Iti. hardeon (W.) Iietfrmination of tbe
constant of the aberration of light. I'-aily (!•'.} Oatalo^nie of
the position lin 1600) of 5G4 stars observed by Flamstead.
Zack {Baron). Catalogue ol 195 double Btars, reduced to Jan.
1, 1800 ; by B. Labaume. Gompertz (B.) On the convertible
pendulum. Herschel (J. F. W.) Honorary medala address.
A.iry(G. B.) Method of determining the mass of the moon
from trjmsit observations of Venus near her inferior con-
junction. Zach (Baron). Remarks on David Thompson's
method and tables for working a lunar observation made
at sea, Baily (F.) On Mr. Pond's catalogue of 720 principal
stars. Robinson (T. R.) On the longitude of the Armagh
observatory. Riddle (E.) On finding the longitude from
an observed occultation of a fixed star by the moon. Lit-
trow(fVo/.) Observations of the planets at Vienna, 1828.
Herschel (J. F. W ) Fourth, series of observations with a
2U-feet reflecting telescope ; 1*236 double stars. Lecount
(P.) On pivots of transit instruments. Kater (H.) On
divisions in the exterior ring of Saturn. Baily (F.) Re-
marks on Mayer's catalogue of stars. Report of the Nau-
tical almanac committee. Lubbock {J. W.) On notation.
Littrow (J. J.) On Barlow's new telescopes. Kreil (— ). On
the use of the equatorial. Pond (J.) Of determining the
declination of two stars with one mural circle. Lubbock
(J. W.) On the orbit of the comet of Halley. Atkinson
(fl.) On refraction and the dip of the horizon. Maclear (T.)
On the computation of observed occultations. Smyth
(W. H.) Account of bis observatory at Bedford. Ferrer
(J. J. de). On the longitude of the Havannah. Stratford
(W. S.) On the prediction of occultations. Littrow (J. J.)
On the theory of telescopic eye-glasses. Astronomical ob-
servations. South (J.) Honoi-ary medals address.
5. Robinson (T. R.l On irradiation. Pond (J.) On the
obliquity of the ecliptic, as observed by Bradley. Her-
schel (J. F. W.) Micrometrical measures of 364 double stars,
with a 7-f6et equatorial achromatic telescope, at Slough, in
1828, 1829, 1830. Baily {Francis)' La Caille's 398 principal
stars ; with a comparison with Bradley, etc. Robinson {T.
R.} On the di-pendence of a clock's rate on the height of
the barometer. Dawes {W. R.,i Triple star z Cancri. Dawes
(W. R.) Double stars. Baily (Francis;. On the proper mo-
tion of the fixed stars, with list of those known to be
materially aflfected by such a motion. Herschel (J. F. W.)
On the orbits of revolving double stars, a supplement
to " Micrometrical measures of 364 double stars ;''
Observ. of Venus near her inferior conjunction in 183i),
with a view to determine the moon's mass according
to the method proposed by Prof. Airy, by G. Santini. etc.
Lubbock (J. W.) On the planetary theory. Zach {Baron).
New method of reducing the apparent distance of the
moon from a star to the true distance ; with a demonstra-
tion of the process, by A. De Morgan. Cerquers (M.) On
the determination of the parallax of the sun from the ob-
servation of the transit of Venus over his disk, June 3,
1769 ; A posthumous memoir of Don Jose Joaquin de
Ferrer. Stratford (W. S.) Index to the stars in the cata-
logue of the Astronomical Society. Riddle (E.) Corrections
of his formulas for determining the longitude from an ob-
served occultation of a fixed star by the moon. Sheep-
shanks (R.) On the figure of the mural circle at the
observatory of the Cape of Good Hope ; with an appendix
by G. B. Airy. Report on a new set of requisite tables.
Astronomical observations. South (J.) Honorary medals
6. Fifth catalogue of double stars observed at Slough
in 1830 and 18:il, with the 20-feet reflector. Airy (G. B.)
On a mass of Jupiter, as determined from the observation
of elongations of the fourth satellite. Herschel (J. F. W.)
Observations of Biela's comet. Moll (G.) On the transit of
Mercury of May 5, 1832. Epps (J.) On the methods of as-
certaining the comparative rates of chronometers. Hen-
derson (T.) On the latitude and longitude of the observatory
at the Cape of Good Hope ; positions of several stars near
the South Pole.
7. Baily (F.) Report on the pendulum experiments
made by H. Foster, with a view to determine the figure of
the earth, Herschel (J. F. W.) On the satelhtes of
8. Herschel (J. F. W). IJst of test objects for telesopes.
Airy (G. B.) Continuation of researches into the value of the
mass of Jupiter. Herschel J.F.W.] Second series of micro-
metrical uieasures of double stars. Dawes (W. R.) Micro-
metrical measurements of the positions and distances of 121
double stars, at Ormekirk, 1830, 1833. Henderson (T.) On
the sun's parallax. Airy (G. B.) On the position of the
ecliptic ; Solar eclipse ol July 16, 1833, Henderson
(T.) Suppl. to his paper "On the latitude and lon-
gitude of the observatory at the Cape of Good Hope : "
on the mural circle of the same. Baily (F.) some account
of astron. observ. made by Halley at Greenwich. Foster
(H.) Observ. of tbe comet at Ascension Island. Pond
(J.) Ou the Greenwich mural circles. Baily (F.) Honor-
ary medal address.
9. Airy (G. B.) On the time of rotation of Jupiter ; On
the value of Jupiter's mass, cont'd ; On the position rf the
ecliptic. Robinson (T. R.) Mural circle of the Armagh ob-
servatory. Baily (F.) Report on the new ntandanl scale
of this society. Wallace (W.) Solutions of Kepler's prob-
lem by the angular calculus. Herschel (J. K. W.) Sixth
cat. of double stars. Rigaud (S. P.) On Dr. llalley'a in-
etrumeutfl at Greenwich. Smyth (W. H.) Observ. of
Halley's comet ; Astronomical observ. Airy (G. B.) Hon-
orary medal address to J. F. W. HerHchel.
10. Baily (F.) On total and annular eclipses of the
sun. Airy (G. B.) Continuation of value of Jujiitcr's mass.
Henderson (T.) On the declination of the principal fixed
stars. Maclear (T.) Observ. of Halley's comet, lh;i;V6.
Wrottesley (J.) Catalogue of the right ascensions of 1318
stars. Airy (G. B.) On the position of the ecliptic ; Results
of the Cambridge observ. of the sun, moon and planets,
1833, 1834. and 1835 ; On the parallax of a Lyra). Hender-
son (T.) Refractions of stars near the horizon. Capo of
Good Hope ; Constant quantity of the moon's equatorial
horizontal parallax. Main (R.) On the node and iuchna-
tion of the orbit of Venus. Kaiser (F.) Calculation of the
geogr. longitude of the observ. of Leyden. Donkin (B.)
Description of a spring-level. Baily (F.) Observ. of the
comet of Halley, after the perihelion passage in 1836.
Raper {Xieut.) On the observ. of the transits of the iirimo
vei-tical in determ. latitude and time. Astronomical
observ. Airy (C. B.) Honorary medal address to Prof.
Rosenberger. Index to first ten volumes.
1 1. Robinson (T. R ) On the constant of lunar nuta-
tion. Airy (G. B.) First Cambridge catalo'.'ue of 726 stars.
Rothman (R. W.) On an ancient solar eclipse observed in
China. Lament (J.) On the ViUue of the mass of Uranus.
Henderson (T.) On the parallax of a Centanri. Dent (E.J.)
Ou the difference of longitude between the Greenwich
and Paris observatories. Pear(^ou (— ). On tbe obliquity of
the ecliptic. Maclear \T.) On the position of La Caillp'a
stations at the Cape of Good Hope. Main (R.) Ou the ele-
ments of the orbit of Venus ; On the errors of heliocentric
longitude and ecliptic polar distance of tbe planet Venus.
Simms (W.) On the optical glass prepared by Dr. Ritchie.
Dent (E. J.) Longitudes of Edinburgh and Makerston.
Airy (G. B.) On the determination of orbits of comets.
Gautier (M. A.) Observations of the comet of Encke.
Epps (J.) On determining the longitude by moon-cul-
minating stars. Henderson T.) On the parallax of Sirius.
Airy (G. B.) On the regulator of the clock-work for ef-
fecting uniform movement of equatorials. Herschel (J.
F. W.) Ou the variability and periodical nature of the star
a Orionis. Birt (W. R) On the variabibty of a Cassiopeise.
Snow (R.) On tbe variability of a Cassiopeiae. Simms. On
the comparison of the Neapolitan standard yard with the
standard yard of this society. Astronomical observations.
Baily (F.) Address on presenting the honorary medal to J.
12. Main (R.) On our knowledge of the parallax of the
fixed stars. Baily (F.) On the pendulum experiments
made in Loudon and on the Euphrates. Baily (F.) Ac-
count of some pendulum experiments made in London
and at the Cape of Good Hnpe. Wrottesley (J.) Supple-
mental catalogue of the right ascensions of fifty-five stars.
Riddle (E.) Longitude of Madras by moon-culminating
observ. Maclear (T.) On the difi'erence in longitude be-
tween the observ. of Madras and the Cape of Good Hope.
Everest (G.) On the astronomical circles of the grand
trignometrical survey of India. Glaisher (J.) Correction
of the elements of the orbit of Venus. Herschel {J. F.
W.) On the advantages of a revision and rearrangement
of the constellations. Dawes (W. R.) Ou Breniiker's
comet, with its apparent places. Mean positions of the
stars in '* Mr. Daily's address," as determined at San Fer-
naudo. Lassell (W.) Description of the observatory erect-
ed at Starfield. Santini (G.) Catalogue of 1677 stars
included between the equator and ten degrees of north
declination. Henderson (T.) On the pai-allax of a Cen-
tanri. Roller (M.) Catalogue of 208 stars. Rothman (R.
W.) On the Arabic globe belonging to the society. Muller
(M.) Obs. of the comet of Halley. Rothman (R. W.) On
the masses of Venus and Mercury. Astronomical observ.
Herschel (J. F. W.) Address on presenting the honorary
medal to Bessel.
13. Baily (F ) The catalogues of Ptolemy, Ulugh Be'.gh,
Tycho Brahe, Halley. HeveUus, deduced from the best au-
thorities. With notes.
14. Baily ,F,) Experiments with the torsion rod for de-
termining the mean density of the earth.
15. Baily (F.) Ou the total eclipse of the sun. July 8,
1842. Airy ^G. B.) Observ. of the total solar eclipse, July
7, 1842. Simms (W ) Ou a new arrangement of a vertical
collimator to to the altitude and azimuth instrument ; Tbe
methed of least squares : Ordnance survey of England.
Smyth (C. P.) On astronomical drawing. Simms (W.) On
a self-acting circular dividing engine. Lassell (W.) On the
solar eclipse, July 7, 1842, and longitude of the Starfield
observatory. Pearson (— ). Catalogue of 620 stars within
6' north and south of the ecHptic. Henderson (T.) Ou
the right ascensions of the principal fixed stars. Nasmyth
(J.) On the telescopic appearance of the moon. Airy (G.
B.) Ou the flexure of a uniform bar supported by a num-
ber of equal pressures, etc. Maclear ,T.) Account of the
Herschel obelisk at the Cape of Good Hope. Caldccoit (J.)
Observ. of the eclipse of the sun at Parratt. Dec. 21. 1843.
Harris (R.) Account of astron. tables in the library of C.
In ukiag for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
Tumor. Boguelawski (H. von). Ou the use of a new mi-
crometer, and its application to the determination of the
parallax of Mars Airy [G. B ) On a new conetruction of
the divided eye-glass double-image micrometer. Mallear
(T.) Obaerv. of the comet of Encke at the Cape of Good
Hope. May, 1842. Caldecutt (J.) Observ. of the comet of
1843 at Trevaudrum. Aetrun. obaerv. in comets. Wrot-
tesley (Lord). Honorary medal address to Francis Baily.
Herschel {J M.) Memoir of F. Baily.
16. Taylor (T. O.) Longitude of the E. I. Company's ob-
aerv. at Madras. Smyth (W. H.) Obaerv. of g Virginis. ac-
companied by Hind's elements of its orbit. Main (R.) On
the reduction of the observ. of distance of comet of 1843
from known stars. Airy (O. B.) Aetron. diff. of longitude
on the arc of parallel from Greenwich to tbe island of Va-
lentia, and comparison with tLje geodetic difference of
longitude. Hind {J. R ) Ou the double stars d Cygui and
g Leouis. Nasmyth (J.) Suggestions for improving the
manufacture of glass for optical purposes. Hind (J. R.)
On tlie discovery of the comet in Coma Berenices, Oct. 19,
1H46. Powell (B.) On luminous rings around shadows.
Jacob (W. H.) Double stars observed at Poonah, 1845 6.
Dawes (W. R.) Description of astron. observ. at Camden
Lodge. Kent. Airy (/.i. B.) On an alteration of Bessel'a
method for computation of star-corrections ; Reduction
of the observ. of Halley's comet at the Cambr. observ.,
1^35 and 1836. Breen (J.) Longitude of Geneva deduced
from octultations of fix£d stars. Airy (G. B.) Account of
circumstances historically connected with the planet ex-
terior to Uranus. Challis (J.) Account of observ. in
search of the planet discov, at Berhn, Sept. 23, 1846.
Adams (J. C.) Ou tbe perturbation of Uranus. Hind (J. R.)
Elements of the binary star g Virginis. Hausen (P. A.)
Calcul detaillo d'une intigaiit6 nouvelle a longue periode
dans la longitude moyenne de la lune. Smyth (W. H.)
Honorary medal address to G, B. Airy.
17. Adams (J. C.) On an error in Bouvard'a tables of
Saturn. Airy {G. B.) Results deduced from the occiilta-
tions of stars and planets by the moon, observed at Cam-
bridge. 1K30-IS35 ; t'orrectioiis of the lunar elements from
the Greenwich observatory, 1750tol830, Challis (J.) Method
of calculating tie orbit of a planet or comet from three
observed places. Jacob (W. S.) Catalogue of double stars
observed at Poona, 1845-1848. Shortrede (R.) On the lati-
tude of Dera by observ., and ou the disturbing attraction
of the Himalayas. Maclear (T.) Comp. of mean places of
stars with Mauvais' comet at the Cape of Good Hope,
1844-6. Herschel {J. F. W.) Honorary medal address.
18. Lassell (W.) On grinding and polishing specula, &c.
Discovery of an eighth satellite of Saturn (Hyperion).
Main (R.) Ou the form of the planet Saturn, deduced mi-
crometrical measures, at Greenwich. 1848. Herschel
(J. F. W.) Ou the determination ot the most probable orbit
of a binary star. Powell (B ) Ou irradiation. Breen (H.)
Corrections of Jjiudenau's elements of the orbit of Venus.
at Greenwich. 1760-183U. Herschel (J. F. W.) Honorary
medal address to Wm. Lassell.
19. Airy iG. B.f Results of the obaervationB at the Cape
of Good Hope, by F. FaUowa. 18'29-1831. Challis (J.)
Method of correcting the errors due to the forms of the
pivots of a transit instrument. Main (Hev. R.) Proper mo-
tions of the stars coutamed in the Greenwich twelve-year
catalogue of 2,156 stars, &c. Dawes (W. R.) Micrometri-
cal measurements of double stars at Ormskirk. Airy
(G. B ) On the weights to be given to the separate results
for terrestrial longitudes. ChevaJlier (T.) Method of hudiug
the effect of the difference of parallax in occultations.
Airy (G. B.) Honorary medal address to Otto von Struve.
20. Maclear (T.) Report of the Royal observatory. Cape
of Good Hope ; Description of the equatorial iustrumeuts
at tUe Cape of Good Hope ; Examination of the southern
stars of the British association catalogue ; Observations
of the comet of 1843 ; Determination of the parallax of a
Coutauri from observ. ; Opposition of Mars, 1849-51). Airy
(G. B.) On the vibration of a free penduJum in an oval
differing little from a straight line. Clarke (A. R ) On the
measurements of azimuths on a spheroid. Breon (H.) On
tbe corrections of Lindeuau's elements of Mara. Airy
(O. B.) Honorary medal address to Auuibale de Gasparis.
21. Observations of the total solar eclipse of July 28,
1851. Maclear (T.) Examination of the southern stars of
the British association catalogue, cont'd. ; Observations of
Petersen's comet : Ou the parallax of B Ceutauri ; Opposi-
tion of Mars, 1851.52. Dawes (W. R.) Description of a new
solar eye piece. Adams (J. 0.) Honorary medal address
to M. Peters.
22. Airy (G. B.) Reduction of the obaerv. by Thomas
Catton. Sawitsch (A.) Memoire sur la determination de
I'orbite qu'un. satellite decrit autour de sa planete. Lard-
ner (D.) On tbe uranography of Saturn. Bloxam (J- M.)
On the mathematical theory and practical defects of clock
escapements. Lassell (W.) Observations of Saturn with
the 20-foot equatorial at Valetta. Fletcher (1,) Results of
micrometricul measures of double stura, made at Tarn
Bank, from 1850 to 1853. Adams (J. C.) Gold medal ad-
dress to Mr. Hind.
23. Wrottealey (Lord). On a catalogue of the right as-
censions ot 1,0U9 stars. Lassell (W ) Observ. of the nebula
of Orion. Airy (G. B.) Address on presenting the gold
medal to C. Rumker.
24. Airy (G. B ) On the difference of longitude of Brus-
sels and Greenwich as determined by galvanic signals.
Hansen (Prof.) Sur la figure de la lune. Powell E. B ) On
the orbit of a Ceutauri. Wackerbarth {A. D.) Numerical
values of the constants requisite for calculating a theory
of the planet Neptune, Lubbock {J. W.) On the theory of
astronomical refractions. Main (R.) On the values of the
constants of nutation and aberration, and of the parallax
of g Draconis. Airy (G. B.) Address on presenting gold
medal to W. R. Dawes. Index to v. 11-24.
25. Main (R.) On the dimen.sions of the rings of Saturn.
Main {Rev. R ) On the values of the diameters of the
planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. Powell (E. B.)
Obs. of double stars, at Madras. 1853-56. Ellis (W.) Re-
sults derived from an examination of certain planetary in-
scriptions on four old Egyptian tablets. Pritchard (C.)
Ou the conjunction af the planets Jupiter and Saturn, B.
C, 7, 66, and A. D., 54. Smyth (O. P.) On the constaucy of
solar radiation. Johnson (M.J.) Address on presenting
the gold medal to Robert Grant.
26. Simms(W.H.) Formulae for deducing the latitude
from obs. of stars iu the prime vertical. Latitude of Liver-
pool observatory so obtained. Dawes (W. R.) Telescopic
appearances of the planet Saturn during tbe apparition of
1855-6. Simms (W. H.) On the corrections to be apphed
to obs. made with the sextant- Main (R,j On the value of
the constant of refractions as obtained from zenith dis-
tance observ. of stars. Airy (G. B.) On the eclipse of
Agathocles, the eclipse at Larissa, and the echpse of
Thales. Johnson (M. J.) Address on presenting tbe gold
medal to M. Schwabe.
27. Cayley (A.) On the problem of disturbed elliptic
motion. Airy (G. B.) Note ou Oltmann's calculation oi the
eclipse of Thales. Challis (J.) Observ. of the solar eclipse
of March 15, 1858, made at Cambridge observatory. Blox-
am(J. M.) Addition to * Pajjer ou the mathematical theory
and practical defects of clock escapements," &c. Cayley (A.)
On the development of the disturbing function in the
lunar theory. Clarke (A. R.) On tbe reduction of occulta-
tions. Johnson (M. J.) Address ou presenting the gold
medal to R. Main.
28. Jacob (W. S.) Catalogue of 317 stars selected from
the B. A. catalogue deduced from obs. made at Madras,
1853-7 ; Micrometrical measures of 120 double or multiple
stars at Madras. 1856-58 ; Pleasures of Saturn and his
rings ; Measures of the satellites of Saturn with the
Madras equatorial ; Measures of Saturn and his satellites ;
Measures of Jupiter and his satellites taken with the Mad-
ras equatorial ; Occultations of stars. &c.. observed at
Madras ; Notes on the zodiacal light ; Observ. of eclipses
of Jupiter's satellites. Main (R.) Proper motion of the
stars of the Greenwich catalogue ot 1576 stars for 1800.
&c. Airy (G B.) On the movement of the solar system in
apace ; On the apparent projection of stars upon the
moon'e diak in occultations. Cayley (A.) Ou the develop-
ment of the disturbing function in the lunar and planetary
theories, part 1 ; Supplementary memoir ou the problem
of disturbed elliptic motion. Teunaut (J. F.) On the de-
duction of the latitude from transits over the prime verti-
cal ; On a method of determiniug latitude by transits.
Tennant (J. C.) On the correction of transits over the
prime vertical.
29. Airy (G. B ) Corrections of the elements of the
moon's orbit. Clarke (A. R.) On the figure of the earth.
Ellis (W.) On the periodical variations of level and azimuth
of the transit circle at the Royal observatory, Greenwich.
Maclear (.Vir T.) Observ. of Douati's comet made at the
Royal observatory, Cape of Good Hope. VVrottesley (Lord).
Catalogue of the positions and distances of 398 double
stars. Main (R.) On the value of the constant of aberra-
tion, he, Cayley (A.) Tables of the developments of func-
tions in the theory of elliptic motion ; Ou the problem of
the rotation of a solid body. Spottiswoode (W.} On, a
method for determining longitude by means of observ. ou
the moon's greatest altitude. Carrington (R. C.) On the
distribution of the perihelia of the parabolic and hyper-
bolic comets. Monthly notices, vol. 20.
30. Lubbock {^'i> J, W.) Ou the lunar theory. Obaerv.
on Donati's comet, by W. Lassell, W. R. Dawes, T. W.
Webb. Prof. Challis, G. B. Airy. etc.
Note.— VoIb. 10 and 24 contain indexes to v. 1-10, and v.
General and Miscellaneous Works.
Airy (0. B.) Popular A. New ed. 1806.
American assoc. for prom, of science. . 4013.0S
See astronomical papers iu nuaiysis oi contents on page 16,
etc., of tbi8 catalogue.
Arago {F.) Popular .\. 1855. 2 v. . . .4017.21
Note. — Reviewed in Fraaer's mag., v. 03, 185C.
Ardtus. Phmnomena. fe'ce Aratus, p. M2.
licda. Treatise on A. [/n Cockayne (T. O.) Leech-
doms, etc. v. ;<.] 5140.
Blunt {C. F.) Beauty of the heavens : astronomical
phenomena. 1849 4013.13
BoUaerl I IF.) Astronomy of the red mnn of the New
World. [1)1 Anthiop. soc. Mem., v. 1, 18(55.]
Brunnow (F.) Spherical A. 18G5 4017.24
Burr (jK F.) Ecce coelum : or parish astronomy.
1869 4016.05
Carpenter (W. B.) Mechanical philos., and A. Bohn,
1857 3912.28
Caswell {A.) Lectures on A. [Sm. rep., 1858.] 3936.13
Cfialmers (T.) Christian rev. in connection with mod-
ern A. 1817 3532.11
Chambers (G . T.) Descriptive A. 18G7. . .4017.18
ChauvenellW.) Spherical and practical A. 2 v. 4017.29
Cokbrooke (7/. 7'.) The notion of the Hindu astrono-
mers coucerniup; the precession of the equinoxes
and motions of the planets. — Indian and Arabian
divisions of thezoliac. [In his Miscel. essays,
T. 2, 187;).] • • •. 7815.08
Delambre {J. B.J.) Histoire de I'astronomie aucienne.
2 v., 1817 4037.01
— Histoire de I'A. au 18e siScle. 1827. . .4037.03
— Histoire de I'A. du moyen age. 1819. . . 4037.04
— Histoire de I'A. moderne. 2 v. 1821. . . 4037.05
Venison (K B.) A. without mathematics. 1869. 4016.06
ZJicfrs (7'.) Celestial scenery. 1845 401G.09
— Pnictical A. 1846 4016.01
— Sidereal heavens, illustrative of deity, and an infinity
of worlds 4016.10
— Works. V. 2, 1853 5033.02
Contents : Celestial scenery ; Sidereal heavens ; Practi-
cal astronomer ; Solar system ; Tlie atmosphere.
Drew {J.) Manual of A. 1853 4013.11
Dunkin(E.) The midnight sky : familiar notes. 4018.14
Everett (E.) Uses of A. [Orations, v. 3.] .6322.05
Ferguson (J.) Introduction to A. 1799. . .4016.04
Flammarion (C.) Marvels of the heavens. From the
French, by Mrs. N. Lockyer. 1870. . . 4015.27
— Stories of infinity : Lumen — History of a comet — In
infinity. Tr. by S. K. Crocker. 1873. . 4013.02
Foster (J.) A. and revelation. [/« ]ns Critical essays.
v. 2.] 2525.04
Galbraith (J. A.) and Ilaughion (S.) Manual of astron-
omy. 1857 4016.02
Grant {li.) History of physical A. [1852.] .4017.11
Note.— See article in North Br. rev., v. 18, 1852.
OuiUetnin (^A.) The heavens; hand-book, e(o. Ed. by
J. N. Lockyer. 1866 4017.09
Guy {J.) Elements of astronomy. 1833. .4016.11
Harvard college astronomical observatory. Annals. 7 v.
1856-71 4038.01
flerscM (J. J^ IF.) Outlines of astronomy. 1851. 4016.12
Same. 1852 4016.13
Same. 1864 4017.12
llervey (J.) Contemplations on the stany heaveus.
[/)i /lis Meditations, e(c.] 3557.19
Hind (J. R.) The solar system. 1852. . .4013.06
Holmes (R.) Will the earth become a sun-spot? 4015.31
Humboldt (^F. H. A. von). Cosmos, v. 3-4. London,
1849. 8° 912.03
Same. v. 3-4. New York, r859. 12°. . 912.08
Note. — Reviewed in Quar. rev., v. 94, 1854.
Johnston (A. K.) School atlas of A. 1855. .4018.16
Kiddle {H.) Elements of A. 1868 4016.03
Lagrange (J. L.) (Eiivres. 5 v. 1867-19. . 4037.07
'LaPlace (P. S., marquis de). Mecauique celeste. Tr.
with commentary, by N. Bowditch. 4 v., 1829-39.
— System of the worid. Tr. by H. H. Harte. 1830.
2 V 4016.28
— Treatise upon analytical mechanics. 1814. 4017.23
Lewis {Sir 0. C.) Hist, survey of the A. of the ancients.
1802 4017.19
JVo(«.— Reviev/ed in Ed. rev., v. IIG, 1862 ; and North Dr
rev., V. 36. 1862.
iMckycr (J. N.) Elements of A. 1870. . .401.5.26
— Science primers. Astronomy. 1874. . . 4016.35
Loomis (E.) Progress of A. iu the U. S. 1851. 4016.14
— Treatise on A. 1867 4017.20
Lyle {M. E. S.) What are the stars. 2d ed. 1872. 4013.15
Maedler {M. ) General movement of the stars around a
central point. [Sm. rep., 18.59.] . . . .'iOliO.H
Main (R.) Kudimentary A. 1852 4016.15
Manilius {M.) Ancient astronomy and astrology.
[A poem.] 1697 1665.16
Miller ( /.'. K ) Eomance of A. 1873. . . . 401.5.25
Milner {T.) Gallery of nature, pp. 1-192. 1852. 4026.01
Mitchell {0. M.) A. of the Bible. 1867. . .4016.19
— Planetary and stellar worlds. 1867. . . 4016.16
Same. 1858 4016.16a
— Popular A. 1867 4016.18
Newton (Sir L) Principia. With his System of the
worid. 1848 4025.09
Nichol (J. P.) Stellar universe. 1848. . . 4016.08
— Thoughts on the system of the world. Edinburgh,
1848. 8° 4016.20
Same. Boston, 1848. 12° 4016.20a
— Astronomy of the heavens. 1845. . . 4016.20J
Ormathwnite {Sir J. Walsh, lord). A. and geology com-
pared. 1872 4013.07
Playfair {J.i) A. of the Brahmins. [Tn his Works,
V. 3. 1822.] . 5063.03
Pluche (K. A.) History of the heavens, considered
according to the notions of the poets and philoso-
phers. 2 V. 1752 4016.30
Pratt {J. A.) Treatise on attractions, Laplace's func-
tions, and the figure of the earth. 1865. 4016.07
Proctor (R. A.) Borderland of science. 1873. 3915.17
Contents : Stars, planets, and meteors ; Suu and moon.
— Expanse of heaven. Essays. 1873. . . 4013.22
— HaU-hours with the stars. 1869 4018.15
— Half-hours with the telescope. 1868. . . 4013.01
— Lectures ; New lectures ; and Farewell lectures.
[Tribune popular science, pt. 1-2, 1874.] 3908.01
— Orbs around us. 1872 4013.18
— Other worlds than ours. 1870 4016.34
Note. — 5ee a/50 essays by Proctor in Fraser's wa^.. viz.,
* Rosse's telescope set to new [spectroscupicj work," (v. 80,
1869; ' Colored suns ' (v.77. ISli-l); ' News IVom Sirius ' (v. 78.
'^ 1868) ; • Novel way of studying the stars ' (n. b., v. 1!, 1870);
' Study of A.' (u. B., v. 4, 1871); ' Northern heavens ' (u, s., v.
6, 1872).
Ptolemy. Tetrabiblos. Tr. by J. Wilson. 1848. 4016.22
Rambosson l^J.) Astronomy. Tr. by C. P. Pitman.
1875 4017.28
fiouoi- astronomical society of London. Memoirs, v.
1-30, 1822-61 4008.01
Note. — The Contents of the Memoira are analyzed ou
pp. 50, etc.
Sedgwick {Miss). Arcturus ; or, the bright star in
Bootes. 1871 4013.16
Smith (A.) History of A. [In his Essays, etc.] 5416.24
Somerville ( M. ) Connection of the physical sciences.
New York, 18.57 4022.03
Same. 9th ed., London, 1858. . . .4022.22
(Stars and the earth, [anon.] 1868. . . . 4016.32
Steele (J. D. ) Answers to the practical questions and
problems in astronomy. 1870 4025.30
Sui"ya Siddhanta, text-book of Hindu A., with notes by
E. Burgess. [In Am. orient, soc. Journ., v. 6,
I860.] 7814.06
Ward {lion. Mrs.) Telescope teaching. 1859.4016.23
Watson(J.C.) Theoretical A. With tables. 1868. 4017.10
Whewell (IF.) A., with reference to natural theology.
1833 ed 3524.12
Same. 1852 ed 3524.20
WliUe (V. J.) Elements of theoretical and descriptive
A. 1869 4016.27
Whitney ( IF. D.) On the views of Biot and Weber on
the relations of the Hindu and Chinese systems
of asterisms, with Mivx Miillers views. [In Am.
orient, soc. Jour., V. 8,1866.] . . . .7814.08
Wilson {J. ) Lost solar system of the ancients dis-
covered. 1856. 2 T. 4017.14
In aaking for books, use the ■• Bjok Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NOMBKU.
Wriifd (J. M. F. ) Commentary on Newton's Prineipia.
2 v., 1833 4018.09
fiEff" See articles 'Astronomical tbeories,' in Nat. quar.
rev., V. 6, 1863 ; ' Modern theoretical aatron.,' in N. A.
rev., v. 6. 1863 ; and Godwin (W.) On astronomy [In his
Thoughts on man. 6811.13.]
Botid (0. P.) Account of the great comet of 1858.
1862 4038.03
Oampach {J. von). Baby- worlds : an essay. 1803. 4017.17
Hind (J", i?. ) The comets ; a descriptive treatise.
1852 4013.12
Oliver (A., jr.) Essay on comets. 1811. . .4013.20
Winthrop (J.) Two lectures on comets. 1811.4013.20
ij^ For articles in Periodicals, see Fraser's, v. 60, 1864 ;
V- 65, 1862; T. 79, 1869, (2 art., by K. A. Proctor, on the Two
comets of 1868); v. 80, 1869, Cryndall's theory 01 comeU, R.
A. Proctor) ; North Br. rev., v. 35. 1801; Littell, 1871, v. 4.
(Comets' tails).
Numerous Papers on comets are contained in the Pro-
ceedings of tlu' Royal astronomical society of London.
(See page 50 of this Catalogue.)
Earth (The) ; its figure, rotation, etc.
'Barnard (J. 0. i Problems of rotary motion presented
by the gyroscope, the precession of the equinoxes,
and the pendulum. [Sm. con., v. 19, 1874.] 3937.19
Viivier (0.) Theory of the earth. With geological
illustrations by Prof. Jameson. 1827. . 4724.09
Oumpach (J. von). True figure and dimensions of the
earth. 1862 4015.33
Merino (J/.) Figure of the earth. [Sm. rep., 1863.]
Plat/fair (J.) Figiure of the earth 5063.03
Pratt {J. A.) On the figure of the earth. [lFi(/i )iis
Treatise on attractions. 1865.] .... 4016.07
RiOine (E. ) Experiments to determine the figure of the
earth. 182.5 4028.06
Todhunter (I.) History of the mathematical theories of
attraction and the figure of the earth, from the
time of Newton to that of Laplace. 2 v. 4017.2G
Worms {!{.) The earth and its mechanism ; the va-
rious proofs of the rotation of the earth. 4016.26
See also Geography ; — and consult the Contents of the
Royal astrouomical society. Memoirs, p. 50.
Eclipses and Occultations.
Downes {J. ) Occultations visible in the United States.
1851-53. [Sm. contrib., V. 2.] . . . .3937.02
OUliss (J. M.) Total ecUpse of the sun, Sept. 7. 1858 ;
in Peru. Sm. contrib. , v. 11.] . . . 3937.11
;ft5r See article ' The Eclipse.' by R. A. Proctor, in Fra-
scr's mag., n. s.. v. 2, 1870; and au article on Eclipse
phenomena, in Nat. quar. rev., v. 20. 1870.
Consult also, for many other papers. Contents of Memoirs
of the Royal astronomical society, p. 50.
Keith ( T. ) New ti'eatise on the use of the globes ; an
abridgment. 1833 4016.11
See article in Littell, (from CornhiU,) 1872, v. 2.
See aWicZes * A neighboring world* [Nat. quar. rev., v.
20, 1870J ; 'The opposition of Mara' [Fraser's u. s., v. 1.,
Meteoric Phenomena.
Ooffin (J. 11. ) Orbit and phenomena of a meteoric fire-
ball, seen July '20, 1860. [Sm contrib., v. 16.]
Dauhrie (Q. A.) Synthetic experiments in meteorites.
[Sm. rep., 1868.] 393(;.23
Kinij (A'.) Remarks concerning stones said to have
fallen from the clouds. 1796 4028.25
Shore {T.) On the weather and meteors. 1750. 5914.30
Smith {J.L.) Meteoric stones. [Sm. rep., 1855.] 3936.10
flfS* For articles in periodicals see Ed. rev., v. 125. 1867 ;
Meteors and meteor systems, by R. A. Proctor, in Fraser,
v. 3, 1871 ; Littell. 1858, v. 1 ; Nat. quar. rev., v. 7, 1863 ;
Meteoric showers, by S. Newcomb, N. A. rev., v. 107, 1868 ;
Quar. rev., v. 92. 1853.
See also Meteorology.
GailleminiA.) Wonders of the moon. 1873. 4013.19
Locke (H. A.) The moon hoax. 1859. . .4017.13
Prodor (R. A.) The moon : her motions, aspect, etc.
1873 4013.21
Fente(J.) From the earth to the moon. [Fiction.] 262.97
See also Proctor's article in Eraser's mag., v. 78, 1808 ;
Fraser's mag., v. 1, 1870 ; Nat. quar. rev., v. 10. 1865.
Consult also, for other papers, tlie Contents of Memoirs of
Royal astronomical society, p. 60.
Oautier {Prof.) Remarks relative to nebuhe. [Sm.
rep. 1863.] 3936.18
Bo)id {G. P.) Observations upon the great nebula of
Orion. Ed. by T. H. Safiford. 1867. . . 4038.05
For essnyssee articles in Fraser's mag., by R. A. Proctor,
•Great nebula in Orion.' [v. 77, 1868] ; ' Movements iu the
star depths,' [u. s., v. 6. 1872] ; ' Great nebula in Argo,' [v.
78, 1808]; 'World of stars.' [v, 80,1809: Same. LitteU.
1869, V. 3] ; ' Place where light dwelletb,' [Littell, 1870, v. 2.
See also ' Nebular astronomy,' in Nat. quar. rev., v. 16. 1868.]
Many articles on the Nebulae are printed in the Memoirs
of the Royal astronomical society, p. 50.
&tf" For concise expositions of Vie Nebular hypothesis,
see Fislce (J.) Cosmic philos., v. i. [3915.28] ; Spencer (H.I
lUus. of uuiv. progress, [2513.10] and Essays, 1868 [2517.23] ;
and Westm. rev., v. 70, 1858.
Newcomb (S.) Investigation of the orbit of Neptune.
[Sm. contrib., V. 15.] 3937.15
Xiclwl(J. P.) Planet Neptune. 1848. . .4015.32
Walker (S. C.) Researches relative to the planet Nep-
tune ; with ephemerides from 1816 to 1853. [Sm.
contrib., v. 2. (app. )] 39.i7.02
See also article ' Romance of the New Planet.' in North
Br. rev., v. 33. 1800 ; and Memoirs mentioned in the Con-
tents of the Royal astronomical society, p. 60.
Observations and Discussions.
liache (A. V.) Astronomical discussions at Gnard col-
lege, pts. 1-6. [Sm. conti-ib., v. 13] . 3937.13
Same. Pts. 7-12. [Sm. contrib., v. 14. 3937.14
Kane (E. K.) Astronomical observations iu the Arctic
seas. 1853-5.5. [Sm contrib., v. r2.] . 3937.12
See also Contents of Royal astronomical society. Me-
moirs, p. 50, etc.
Abbe(C.) Dorpat and Poulkova. [Sm rep. 1867.] 3936.22
Bond ( W. C. ) History and description of the Astronomi-
cal observatory of Harvard college. 1856. 4038.01
It^ Notices of many observatories and of their appara-
tus are contained iu the Memoirs of the Roy^l astronomi-
cal society, p. 60.
Lee (Dr.) Astronomical photograjihy. [Sm. rep.,
1861.] 3936.16
[See also Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus.]
LespiauU (M. 0. ) Small planets between Jupiter and
Mars. [Sm. rep., 1861.] 3936.16
Loomis ( E. ) Zone of small planets between Jupiter
and Mars. [Sm. rep. , 1854.] . . . . 3936.09
Runkie (J. D.) New tables of planetary motions.
[Sm., contrib. V. 9.] 3937.09
— Asteroid supplement to new tables. [Sm. contrib.
V. 9.] 3937.09
.S'(irf; (K S.) Planetary disturbances. [Sm. rep.,
1852.] 3936.10
Slockwell (J. N. ) Memoir on the secular variations of
the elements of the orbits of the eight principal
planets, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. [Smith contrib. , v.
18. Washington, 1872. 4°.] .... 3937.18
— Secular variations of the planetary orbits. [Sm.
rep., 1871.] 3936.26
See also article "The New Planets,' by D. Kirkwood,
[New Euglander. v. 18, I860.]
Plurality of Worlds.
Brewster (Sir D.) More worlds than one, the creed of
the philosopher and the hope of the Christian.
1856 4016.24
Dick ( T. ) Celestial scenery, pp. 465-98. 1845. 4016.09
Flammarion (C.) La pluralit(i des mondea habitus.
[14e id. 1869.] 4015.29
Nares (E. ) How far a plurality of worlds is consistent.
or not so, with the language of the Holy Scrip-
tures. 1801 3570.23
' Powell ( li. ) Plurality of worlds. [Tn his Unity of worlds,
etc.] 3585.13
Smitlnlf. I. S.) [/n Oxford essays, 18.55.] . 2538.19
Warren {8.) Speculators among the stars. [In Itii
Works, V. 5. 1855.] 2545.05
A'ote, — Repr. from DLickwood, v. 76, 1854.
iVheiceU ( W. ) Plurality of worlds, \nth an introduc-
tion by E. Hitchcock. 1855 4016.25
WUkins {J. ) The discovery of a world in the moone.
1G38 4013.03
S^ For essaifs see Bd. rev., v. 102; Fraaer'B magazine,
V. 49, 1854 ; and Littell, v. 5, 1354 ; t'raser's magazlQe, (by
K. A. Proctor.) v. 78. 1868 : New Euglander, v. 12, 1854 •
Nortli Br. rev., vol. 21, 1854.
Bond ( W. C. ) Observations on the planet Saturn, at
the observatory of Harv. coll., 1847-57. . 4038.02
Prodor [It A.) Saturn and its system. 1865. 4016.21
See articles by R. A. Proctor (Fraser's mag., v. 2, 1870,
and Littell, 1870, v. 4] : Quar. jour, of Science, Jan., 1874 ;
National quar, rev., v. 13, 1866 ; — and consult contents of
Memoirs of the Royal astron. society for other papers.
Dufour (C.) Scintillations of stars. [Sm, rep.,
18()1.] 3936.16
Uarvard college astronomical observatory. Zone cata-
logues of stars between the equator and 1° of
north declension. 1852-60. [Annals, v. 2, 6.] 4038.01
Wilson ( <?. ) Chemistry of the stars. 1854. [Trav.
Libr.,v. 24.] 5U75.29
See also articles in periodicals, ' The stellar universe '
[Nat. quar. rev., v. 24, 1872] ; • Herschel and the star
depths.' by II. A. Proctor, Ijttell [1871, v. 3J.
Also Chambers" papers, v. 3, 1853 (Recent discoveries) ;
Fraser's, v. 63, 1861 {Progress of A.) ; Nat. quar. rev.,
V. 16, 1868 (Prog, of Amer. astron.) ; Littell, 1870, v. 3
(What ails the star depths).
Consult also the Contents of Memoirs of the Royal as-
tronomical society, p. 50, for catalogues of stars, observa-
Boitd (W. C.) Observations of solar spots. 1847-40.
[Annals of the obser\atory of Uarvard college, v.
„ .„'''•] • • • 1038.07
(ruillemin {A.) The sun. 1870 4010.33
Lockyer (J. N.) Contributions to solar physics.
, 1874 4017.25
Mecch (L. W.) The sun : relative intensity of its
heat and light upou different latitudes of the
earth. [Sm. rep., 1856.] 3936.11
— Eelative intensity of heat and light of the sun in
different latitudes of the earth. [Sm. coutrib
„ V. 9.] 3937.09
Proctor (B. A.) The sun. 1871 4015.28
Williams (W. M.) The fuel of the sun. 1870. 4017.16
See also R. A. Proctor's articles in Fraser's mag., v. 80,
1869 (The Suti'B journey through space); n. s. 1871 (The
sun's corona, ; LitteU, 1872, v. 2 ,Voyage to tlie sun) ; Nat.
quar. rev., v 14, 1867 (The sun and its distance) , New
Englander, v.l9, 1861 (Solar phenomenon, by D. Kirkwood).
Draper (,H.) Constrnction and use of a silvered-glass
telesc pe. [Sm. contrib., v. 14.] . . 3937.14
Parsons (VF., Ihird earl of Mosse). Monster telescope.
1844 4013.10
Ward {Uon. Mrs. M.) The telescope. 1809. 4013.09
See also Observatories, p. 54 ; and Simon Newcomb'a
' Story of a telescope, made by Alvan Clark k Sons,' in
Scribner, Nov., 1873.
I{cwco>nb iS.) 'An investigation of the orbit of Uran-
us, with general tables of its motion. [Sm. con.,
V. 19, 1874.] 3937.19
Consult also contents of Memoirs of the Royal astronomi-
cal society, p. 50, for numerous articles.
Forbes (G.) Transit of Venus. 1874. . . 4013.23
Proctor {B. A.) Transits of Venus. 1875.. 4013.24
.See article from St. Paul's ; in Littell, 1871, v. 3.
a^ See also Almanacs ; — Astrology ;— Meteorology ;— Navigation and nautical astronomy;— Physics (Spectrum analusit) :—
Pyramids ; — Zodiac.
Astrophel, and Stella. Sidney {Sir P.) MisceL
works. 1800 5066.04
Asylum for fugitives. [Poems.] London, 1776. 16°.
Asylums. Si' Medicine. {Hospitals. Insanity. )
At home and aliroad. .See OssoU (M. F.) 1856. 944.08
At home and abroad. Kennedy (J. P. ) 1872. 9'22.24
At home and abroad, .^ee Taylor (.J. Bayard). 921.22
At home in the wilderness. .J. K. Lord. 1807.932.13
At nightfall, and midnight. P. Jacox. 1873. 2532.32
Atala. See Chateaubriand (F. R. de). . . 153.22
Atalanta in Calydon. Swinburne (A. C.) 1866. 169'2.04
Atcherley (Kowlaud J. ) Adulterations of food. Lon-
don, 1874. 16° 6016.22
Atcheson (Nathaniel). American encroachments on
British rights. New ed. Loudon. 1808. 8°.
[Pamph., v. 6, pp. 33-98.] 5058.00
Athanasia. E. H. Sears. 1858 3592.19
Athanasian creed. See Biblical and religious Ht.
{Atlianasian Creed; and Greeds).
Atharva-veda. See Veda . 7815.03
Atheism. ,See Biblical and religions ht. {Atheism ;
— Deistn ; — Evidences; — BelUjion and science, etc.)
Athelard of Batlie. Voyage to .aSgypt and Arabia,
1130. "[iuHakluyttK.) Voyages, v. 2, 1810.]
Athense Cuntabrigienses. See Cooper (C. H. and T.)
Athenae Oxonienses. 6'ee Wood (.\. a). . . 488.14
Athenaeum (The) ; Journal of literature, science and
the fine arts. 34 v. London, 1858-74. 4^
Athenaemn Club, (New York city). Commemorative
proceedings on the death of Abraham Lincoln.
New York, 1805. 8° 3113.07
Athenasus. Deipnosophists , or banquet of the
leiirued. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. 3 v. London,
Bohn, 1854. 8° 2512.14
— Fragments, [/n MiiUer (C. ) Fr. hist Gr., v. 3,
1819.] 7705.11
Athenagoras. Writings. Tr. by B. P. Pratten, Edin-
burgh, 1807. 8". [A.-N. C. Libr., v. 2.] 3407.16
Athenian letters : or correspondence of an agent of
the King of Persia at Athens, during the Pelo-
ponnesian war. [By Philip Yorke, 2d earl of Hard-
wioke, and others. ] 2 v. New ed. Dublin, 1792.
8^ 424.19
Athenian oracle. .See Duntou (John). . . 2512.08
Athens. See Countries. {Alliens. )
Atheos, .or the tragedies of unbelief New Yorfj,
186'2. 12° 3514.0'8
Athos (Mount). iSce Countries. (.4Wios.)
Atkin (William). Specimen medicum inaugurale de
pr.-ecipuis foeminarum senescentium morbis.
Lugduui, 1739. 4° 4338.03
Atkins (John). Voyage to Guinea, Brazil, and the
West Indies, 1721. [Jn Astley (T.) Voyages, v.
3, 1745.] 935.11
Atkins {Sir Robert). Parhamentarj' and pohtical
traet-s. 2d ed. Loudon, 1741. 8°. . 57ri.l2
Contents : Privilege of Parliament asserted. Enquiry
into the power of dispensing with pen.il statutes. Anim-
adversions upon a book written by Sir Edward Herbert.
Discourse concerning ecclesiastical jurisdiction in England.
Delence of Lord W. Russell's inuocency.
Atkinson (Emma W.) Memoirs of the queens of
Prussia. London, 1858. 8^ 3265.04
Atkinson (H. G.) and Martaneau (H.) Letters on
man's nature and development. Boston, 1851.
12°. 5438.01
Atkinson (Jasper). Letter [on] the Report on the
high price of bullion. London, 1810. 8. 5915.35
Atkinson (J. B. ) Art tour to northern capitals of
Europe. New York, 1873. 8'\ . . . 1442.05
Atkinson (Thomas William). Oriental and Western
Siberia. New York, 1868. 8°. ... 1024.01
— Travels in the regions of the upper and lower
In asking for books, use the •' Book Order," giving the AU I'HOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
Amoor, and the confines of India and China.
New York, 1860. 8^ 1024.03
Atkinson {Rev. W. Christopher). Statistical account
of New Brunswick. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1844.
16°. 1151.01
Atkinson (William P.) Classical and scientific studies,
and the great schools of England. Cambridge
(.Ifoss.), 1865. 8° 5518.09
Atlantic almanac. Boston, 1868-74. 4°. . 6656.06
Atlantic essays. Hlgginson (T. W.) . . 2528.28
Atlantic monthly, t. 1-34. Boston, 1857. 8'.
Atlantic ocean. See Ocean.
Atlantic and Transatlantic. Muckinnon (Capt. — .)
1852 , . . 933.10
AtUntic (The) to the Pacific. Lsster (J. E.)
1873 1132.15
See Gould (S. B.) The Fortunate Isles. [In Ai'j Curious
myths, V. 2. 6816.10] ; and Smith's Diet, of Gr. and Rom.
geogr., V. 1. [824.01.
— BalhUA.) "Atlas ethnographique. 1826. A.27.01
Same. Introduction, v. 1, 1826. . . 6414. 18
— Black's 'Atlas of North America. Constructed by
John Bartholomew. With letter press. 1856. 927.08
— Black's ♦General atlas of the world. New and rev.
ed. 1873 927.07
— Oliambers's 'Encyclopaedia atlas. 1808. . 915.19
— Cotton (G. W.) "'General atlas. Letter pre js by R.
S. Fisher. 2 v. N. Y., 1863. 4°. , . 927.12
— Johnson's 'New illustrated family atlas of the
world. N. Y., 1869. 4°.
— Johnston (A. K.) 'Physical atlas of natural phe-
nomena. New ed., 1856.
— Johnston (Keith). Half crown [political] atlas of
general geography. 1869 932,07
— Labberton (R. U.) Historical atlas. 1872. . 413.21
— Mitchell (S. A.) 'New general atlas. Phil., 1873. 4°.
— Smith ( W.), and Grove (Q.) ' Atlas of ancient geo-
graphy, biblical and classical. 1874. . A.37.15
— Wittson (W. ) 'New commercial, county and rail-
road atlas of the United States and dominion
of Canada. 1875 A.37.06
j^5* For maps of a particular country see name of coun-
try. Books of travel frequently afford the beat map of a
given region.
See also Geography {Ancient ; Physical) ; — and Maps.
Atmosphere. See Meteorology ;— Physics ;— Useful
arts. {Aeronautics, p. 39.)
Atmospheric system. Butler (T. B.) . . 4021.30
Atomic theory. See Chemistry ; — Physics.
Atonement. See Biblical and relig. lit. {Atonement. )
Atrocious judges. &e Hildreth (E. ) . . 32.53.13
Attache in Madrid. From the German , [by Mme. F.
Calderon de la Barca]. N. Y., 1856. 12° 984.17
Atterbury (Francis, 6p. of Rochester). See Biography
&.ttiield (J. 1 Chemistry : general, medical and phar-
maceutical. Loudon, 1869. 12°. . . 4213.32
Atthill (L. ) Clinical lectures on diseases peculiar to
women. 2d ed. Dublin, 1872. 12°. . 4331.28
Attica. See Countries. (^4(iica. )
Attic nights. See Gellius (Aulus). . . . 2527.23
Attila. See Biography ^Individual).
Attorneys-general of the United States. Opinions,
e(c. &e Hall (Benj. F. ) 5645.01
Attraction. See Astronomy. {Figure of the earth.)
Also Physics.
Ati-Tsrell (H., ed. ) Book of golden thoughts. Lon-
don, 1870- 16° 6213.27
Attwood. See also Atwood.
AttTwood (E. W. ) Panacea Britauuica : a vindication
of Catholicism. Loudon, 1866. 16°. . 3514.09
Atwater (Caleb). Antiquities in Ohio, etc. [ArchEBO-
logia Amer. v. 1.] 577.18
AtTwater (Edward E. ) History of the sacred taberna-
cle of the Hebrews. New York, 1875. 8°. 3515.17
Atwood. See also Attwood.
Atwood (Thomas). History of Dominica ; produc-
tions, e(c. London, 1791. 8° 556.12
Aubsr (Peter). Rise of the British power in India.
2 V. London, 1846. 8° 1015.01
Auberleu (Carl August). The divine revelation. With
a memoir of the author. From the German by
A. B. Parton. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. . 3514.12
Aubigne (J H. Merle d'). See Merle d' Aubigue.
Aubin (—). Histoire des diables de Loudun. [ono)i. ]
Amsterdam, 1737. 12° 3812.34
Aubrey (John). Letters by eminent persons in the
17th and 18th centiuies : and lives of eminent
men. 2 v. in 3. London, 1813. 8°. . . 3257.04
— Miscellanies upon various subjects. 4th ed. Lon-
don, 1857. 16°. 3813.01
Contents : Day fatality. Omens. Dreams. Apparitions.
Impulses. Knockings, etc.
Auoassin and Nicolette. See Le Grand d'Aussy (J. B. )
FabUaux, v. 1, 1815 1664.01
Auchmuty (Robert). Importance of Cape Breton to
the British nation. [In Mass. hist. soc. Coll.
v. 5.] G51.05
Aucher (P.) aH(Z Brand (J.) Dictionary. 1. Enghsh
and Armenian, 2. Armenian and English. 2 v.
Venice, 1821. 1. 8°. 6425.17
Aucliland (iord). .SeeEden (Wm.)
Audelay (John). Poems, Shropshire dialect in the
15th century. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. [Percy
society, V. 14.] 5060.14
Audemar (P. de S.) De coloribus facieudis. [_/«
Merrifield {Mrs. M. P.) Original treatises, etc.
V. 1.] 1422.01
Audin (J. M. V. ) History of Luther. From the French,
by W.B. TumbuU. 2 v. Loudon, 1854. 8°. 3115.08
— Life of Henry VHI ., and history of the schism of
England. From the French, by E. G. K. Browne.
London, 1852. 8°. 3077.17
Audouard {Mme. Olympe). A travers I'Ami^rique. Le
Far-West. Paris, 1869. 16° 1123.19
Audsley (W. and G. ) Hand-book of christian sym-
boUsm. London, 1865. 4° 1442.14
Audubon (J. J.) 'Birds of America. 7 v. New
York, 1856. 8° 4817.01
— and Bachmau {Rev. J.) 'Quadrupeds of North
America. 3 v. New York, 1856. 8°. . 4737.01
4^:?- For lives of Audubon, see Biography {Individual).
Auerbach iBerthold). Aus der hohe. 2 v. in 1.
Stuttgart, 1867. 16° 7112.10
— Das Landhaus am Rheiu : roman. 3 v. in 2. Stutt-
gart, 1869. 18° 7112.13
— Gesammelte schriften. 22 v. in 11. Stutt, 1861-63.
16° 7112.11
Barfiissele. v. 9.
Befehlerlos, V. 1.
Brosi uud IMoni. v. 6.
Deutsche abende. v. 10.
Diohter uud Kaufmanu, v. 1'
Dichtung aus dem volke, v.
Dichtung fur das volli, v. 20.
Edelweiss, V. 22.
Eigen haus Eiu), v. 8.
Erdmuthe, v. 8.
Feiudlicheu briider, v. 1.
Floriau uud Creszenz, v. 2.
Frau professorin (Die , v. 3.
Geigerler (Der), v. 8.
GeSL-hichte des Dietheliu von
BuL'henborg, T. 5.
Hopfen und gerste, v. 8.
Ivo derilajiie, v. 1.
Jo.seph im schuee, v. 21.
Kranz auf Rebel's haupt, v. 20.
Contents :
Kuust uud litcratur [Znr), v. 19.
Lauteubaclier (Der), v. 2.
Lehuhold (Der). v. 7.
Luciier, v. 4.
Neues leben. v. 14-16.
Rudolph und Elisabetha, v. 19
SchatzUUtftlein des gevatters-
niauus. V. 17, 18,
Sclilos-sbauers vefelo, v. 1
Scbrift uud volk. v. 20.
Schwarzwalder dorfgeschichten,
v. 1-8.
Spinoza, eiu deukorlebou, v. 10,
Striifliuge, v. 3.
Tolpatseh (Der), v. 1.
Tonele mit der gebisseneu
wange, v. 1.
Viereckig (Per), Oder die Amer.
Kiste, v. 6.
Waldsclmtzeu sobn (DCs), v. l9.
Was ist gliitk ? V. 19.
Kriegspfeifo (Die), v. 1
it:W For English versions of his works, see Fiction
Auersperg (Anton Alexander, Graf von). The last
ktiight, a romance garland. ByA. Grun. [;i.ve»i/.]
Tr. with notes, by J. 0. Sargent. New Yorlc, 1871.
Sq. 8° 1644.33
— Pensees des divers ages de la vie. P., 1863. 1'2°. 7022.17
Aufrere (Anthony). Tribute to the memoiy of Ulric
von Hntten. London, 1789. 1'2°. . . 3161.23
Aughey (7i'ei;. J. H. ) The iron furnace ; or, slavery
and secession. Philadelphia. 1863. 12°. 5831.01
Augier (Emile). Poesies completes. Nouv. ^d. Paris,
\Hft-,. 12' 7011.10
Augustan historians. Eerivains (Les) de I'histoire au-
B:uste. Eliiis Spartien, J. Ciipitolin, Vulcatius Gal-
licanus, Elius Lam)'ride, Trdbellius Pollion ct Fla-
vins Vopisque. [Nisard's collectiou. Gr. et Lat.
Paris, 18G.5. 8' 772fi.02
— Translations of the six writers of the Augustean
history. By John Bernard. [In his Lives, etc.
2 v., 1(398.] 431.08
Augustine (St.) [Aiirelius .\ugustinus, bp. of Hippo.]
Confessions. Ed. ,by G. T. Hhedd. Audover,
18(50. W. 3514.11
jfoitt See article by Wm. Alexander in Contem. rev.,
T. 6, 1867.
— CEuvres choisies. [De civitafe Dei. Trad, de L.
Baude."! Paris, 1862. 8°. [Niaard'a coll.] 7726.04
— Works. New transLition, ed. by M. Bods. v. 1-6.
Edinburgh, 1871-72. 8° 3518.05
Contents :
T. 1-2. Tlio city of God- I 6. "Writings in connection with
3. DouutiBt controversy. tlie Manich<ean heresy.
4. Anti-Pela;^ian works. [ 6. Letters, v. 1
?t^ote.—See Mozley on ■ Augustianism,* and • Auguatinian
Literature,' [North Br. rev., v. 24, ".IS.]
.8®* For lives of A. set; Biography (InHvidtml).
Augustus Geesar. See Biography (Individual).
Auldjo (John). Journal of a visit to Constantinople,
and some of the Greek Islands in 1833. London,
1833. 8' 996.22
— Narrative of an ascent of Mont Blanc, 1827. Lon-
don, 18.56. 16^ [T. L. ,v. 1.] . . .5075.06
Auliioy (M. C. J. de B., comtesse d'). Les chevaliers
errans et la ge'nie famUier. Les coates des ftjes a
la mode. [Cabinet des ffos. v. 2-4, G, 1785. 7052.02
Aumale (Henri Eugene Philippe Louis d'OrlfSans,
due d'). History of the princes da Coude IGth-
17th cent. 2 v. FiOm the French, by R. B.
Borthwick. London, 1872. 8". . . . 525.18
— Lettre siir I'histoire de Prance adresse'e au prince
Napoleon. Londres, 1861. 8°. ... 5091.03
— Military institutions of France. Tr. by Capt. Ashe.
London, 1869. 12° 4516.08
Aunet (.MniP. Leonie d'l. See Biard (Mme. L(5onie d').
Auiieiiil (Louise de B., comtesse d'). La tjTannie des
IVes detruito. [Cabinetdes fees, v. 5, 1785.] 7052.05
Aurelius .Vutouinus. See Antoninu3(Marcus Aurelius).
Aurelius Victor. See Victor (Sextus Aurelius).
Auiora borealis. See Meteorology.
Aurora Leigh. See Browning (J/cs. E.B.) 1857. 1622.12
Auscultstiou. See Medicine.
Ausoiiiu5 (Decimus Magnus). Epigrammata. See
■Walker(G. S.) Corpus poetanim. . . 1697.15
— Opera omnia ; ex ed. Bipontina, cum notis et interp.
in usum Delphini. Lond., Valpy, 1823. 8°. 7712.08
Commemoratio professorum Bitrdigalensiam. v. 1.
De xir. Caesaribus per Suetouium scriptie. v. 1.
Dissei tatio de vita et si-riptis Ausonii, v. i.
Dive:-8orum epistolge ad .\usonium, v. 2.
Ecloganum, v. 1.
Edyllia, v. 1.
Kpheiiicris. v. 1.
Epigrammata, v. 1.
Epistol.-e, v. 1.
Epitaphia heroiim qui belle Troico interfuerunt, v. 1.
Gratiarum actio pro consulate, v. 1,
Index, V. 3.
LuduM septem sapientum, v. 1.
Not^e \ariorum in Ausonii opera, v. 2,
Ordo nobilium urbium, v. 1.
Pareutalia cum tabula genealogica, v. 1,
lVriix-b:e in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam, v. 2.
I'r.-efatiuuculiB, Trea, v. 2.
Rei-eiiaus editionum, v. 3.
Soucliaii auiraadversionesin tetrasticha de mensibua, v, 2.
Testiraonia et judicia de Ausonio. v. 1.
Ti'trasticha Ausonii, v. 1.
Austin (Jane). See Fiction class-list, for her novels.
For her biography .s-ee Biographty (Itidividual).
Austeii-L3igh (J. E. ) Memoir of Jane Austen. Lon-
don. 1870. 8° 3014.18
Austin (Alfred). The poetry of the period. London,
1870. 12^ 1613.21
Austin (Bon.iamin). Constitutional republicanism, in
opposition to fallacious federalism. Boston, 1803.
8* 5725.23
Austin (G. L.) Life of Franz Schubert, [1797-1828].
Boston, 1873. 12° 3156.21
Austin (John). Lectures on jurisprudence. 3 v.
London, 1861-63. 8°. 5614.06
JVo(e.— Reviewed by J. 8. Mill. [In his Dissert., y. 3,
1867. 2636.23.)
Austin (Sarah). Characteristics of Goethe. From
Falk, von Miiller, etc. With notes illus. of Ger-
man Ut. 2 v., PhU., 18U. 12°. . . .3066.14
— Fragments from German prose writers, with notes.
London, 1841. 12° 2512.12
— Germany, 1760-1814. Lond., 1854. 12°. . . ,544.20
Austin (W. S. ) and llalph (J. ) Lives of the poets-lau-
reate. London, 1853. 8° 3254.19
Australia. See Countries. (Australia.)
AustTeilian hand-book and almanac, and shipper's and
importers' directory for 1872. London, 1872.
8- 1066.07
Austria. See Countries. (Austria.)
Authentic memoirs concerning the Portuguese In-
quisition. London, 1761. 12°. . . . 3426.23
Authority. Lewis (G. C.) An essay on the influence
of authority in matters of opinion. 1869. 5435.24
— Marlineau (J.) Protestant theory of authority. [Old
and new, v. 10-11, 1874.]
— Senior (N. W.) Essays, v. 2, p. 244-323. .2542.33
Authors and authorship . See Literature.
Autobiography of a Shaker, {anon.] New York,
1869. 12° 3448.15
Autobiography of a working-man. See Somervillo
(A.) 1848 3014.15
Autobiography of an English soldier in the United
States armv ; adventures in the States and Mexico.
[anon.] New York, 1858. 8°. . . . 585.24
Autobiography of Flora McDonald. Ed. by her grand-
daughter. 2ded. 2 V. Etlin., 1870. 8°. 3116.18
Autobiography of Lutfiillah, a Mohammedan gentle-
man. London, 1858. 12° 3114.24
Autobiography ot Satan. Beard (J. R.) 1872. 351.5.23
Autocrat of the breakfast table. O. W. Holmes.
1858 2532.10
— ' Autoijrapldc mirror. Autographic letters and
sketches of celebrities. 4 v. Londou and New
York, 1864-66. folio 2757.10
— Dtcight (T. F.) Autographomania. [In Overland
monthly, v. 3.]
— Feuillel de Conclies {F. S.) Causeries d'un curieux.
4v. . 1862-68 2525.21
— Gilman (S.) A week among. [In Gdman (G.)
poetry, etc.] 1132 09
— llayward (A.) Varieties, etc. [In Ids Essays, new
series, v. 2.] 2528.18
Repr. from Ed. rev., v. 124, 1866.
— Lumley (E.) Art of judging the character of indi-
viduals from their handwriting and style.
1875 5431.22
— ^'etherclifl (F. 0.) Handbook to autographs, with
biogr. index, &c., by R. Sims. 1862. . 2741.01
— Smith (J. J.) ♦Hist and lit. curiosities. 1852. 1447.03
Autology. D. H. Hamilton. 1873. . . . 5423.02
Autrau i J.) Les poemes de la mer. 4e ed. Paris,
18.59. 12° 7001.17
Autumn. See Seasons.
Autumn holidays of a country parson. See Boyd
(A. K. H.) 2514.05
Autumn leaves. S. J. Gardner. 1865. . . 2526 01
Autumn near the Rhine, [anon.] 2d ed. London,
1821. 8°' 965.06
Autumns on the Spey. A. E. Knox. 1872. 4626.17
Ava. See Countries.
Avarice. Cowley (A.) Essays. 1868. p. 88-97. 2521.15
Avaux (Jean Antoine de Mesmes, Co7nte d'). Nego-
tiations [as] ambassador to the United Provinces.
[1679-88.] From the French. 4 v. in 2. Lon-
don, 1754-5. 12° 541.01
Aveling (S. T.) Carpentry and joinery : a manual.
London, 1871. 12= 3921.11
lu askiug for boolia, use the ■• Bjok Ordo.-," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the Brjt part of the TITLE, and the N JMBEH.
Averro3s. Rcnan [Ernest^. Averroes et I'averroisme.
1871 3011.1'J
St-e Stanhope (Earl). Arabic philoBophy. [!n hie Mis-
cellanies. V. 2. 2543.271 ; ateo Draper (J. W.) lutell- devel.
in Europe [5814.05] ; and Keligion and science [3541 25].
Aveata : the religious books of the Parsees ; from
Spiegel's Gennau translation. 3 v. in 1. Hurt-
ford, 1861. 8° 7813.12
— Muller (Max). On the Avesta. [In his Chips, v. 1,
18G7.] 2537.19
— WliUaey (W. D.) On the Avesta, etc. [Amer.
orient. Boc. Journal, v. 5.] 781i.05
See also Parsees.
Avezac (M. A. P. d'). Afrique : esquisse gin. de
I'Afrique et Afrique ancienne, par A. ; Carthage,
par Dureau de la Malle et J. Yanoski ; Numidie
et Mauritauie, par L. Lacroix •, I'Afrique chr^-
tienuc et ks Vaudales en Afrique. Paris, 1844.
8^. [Univcrs.] 901.08
— lies de I'Afrique. Paris, 1848. 8°. [Uuivers.] 901.02
Avienua (Kufus Festus). Descriptio orbis terrse.
[MuUer (C.) Geogr. Gr. min. v. 2, 18.55.] 776.5.04
Avila (Juan de). Obras escogidas. [Ochoa (E. de).
Escritores mist. v. 2.] 721.5.09
Avis (K. ), pseud. ? Bird-preserving, bird-mounting,
and the preservation of birds' eggs. With bird-
catching. London, 1870. 16°. . . . 4813.07
— The canary, its management, etc. London, 1870.
16= 4813.05
AvoUo ; a legend. P. H. Hayne. 1850. . 1645. 13
A-way in the vrilderness. [Ballautyne's miscellany.
V. 2, 1869.] 931.U3
Avrdeley (John). The fraternitye of vacabondes. Ed.
by E. Vilas and F. J. FurnivaU. [Early E. T.
soo. Extra ser.. No. 9.] 7913.18
Awsiter (John). Essay on opium as a poison. Lon-
don, 1763. 8° 4352.25
Axel, and other poems. H. Lookwood, 1807. 1063.33
Ayeen Akbery. See Abu-1-Fazl.
Ayhnsr {Oipt. F. ) Cruise in the Pacific. 2 v.
London, 1860. 8° 1114.16
Ayre (ii'ei'. John). Treasury of Bible knowledge. 2d ed.
Loudon, 1868. 16^ 3721.18
Aytoun (W. E.) Ballads of Scotland. 2 v. Edin-
burgh, 18.58. 16° 1613.12
— Book of ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier. [pseud. ]
New York, 1854. 12° 1613.14
— BothweU, a poem. Boston, 1856. 16°. . 1613.15
For criticisms see Blackwood, v. 80, 1856 ; or Litfell, V.
14 : Fraber's mag., v. 54.
— Firmilian: a '• spasmodic" tragedy. By T. Percy
Jone-s. [pseud] New York, 1854. 12°. 1712.19
— Lays of the Scottish cavaliers. New York, 1854.
12°. 1613.17
Same. New York, 1866. 12°. . . . 1013.16
~3fartin(r.) Memoir of A. 1867. . . . 3014.19
Azamat-Batuk. [pseud."] See Thieblin (N. L. )
Azeglio (Massimo Taparelli, marq. d'). Niccolo de'
Lapi 7318.05
4KS" S^e Biography (Individual). Also Fiction, for English
versions of his novels.
Azof sea. See Countries. (Azof sea.)
Azores. See Countries. {Azores.)
Bab and Babeeism.
See articles by R.K. Arbuthnot. in Con. rev., v. 11-12, 186D.
• Bab ' ballads. See GUbert (W. S.) . . .1043.27
Baba (Tatui). Elementary Grammar of the Japanese
language. London, 1873. 16°. . . . 6421.22
3.abbage (Charles). Exposition of 1851 ; or views of
the industry, e/c. , of England. 2d ed., London,
1851. 8° 3915.01
— Ninth Bridgewater treatise. [On natural religion.]
A fragment. Phila., 1841. 8° 3524.15
— On the economy of machinery and manufactures.
London, 1832. 8°. 3932.02
— Passages from the life of a philosopher. London,
1864. 12°. ... • 3015.28
Keviewed in Littell, (&om Brit, quar.,) 1865, v. 1.
— Reflections on the decline of science in England.
Loudon, 1830. 8°. 3914.14
— Table of logarithms of the natural numbers from
1 to 108,090. Loudon, 1872. 8°. . . . 4012.07
— Tables of the constants of nature and art. [In Sm.
rep., 1856.] 3936.11
Babees (The) book. [In Early English text soc,
no. 32.] 7913.10
Babie Bell and other poems. T. B. Aldrieh. 1612.06
Babinet (Jacques). Diamond and other precious
stones. [Sm. rep., 1870.] 3936.25
— Northern seas. [Sm. rep., 1H09.] . . . 3936.24
Also articles in the Revue des deux mondes, 1852-7.
Babrius. See article in Ed. rev., v. 113, 1861.
Babylon. See Countries. (Babyton.)
Baby-worlds : an essay on [comets]. Gumpacb (J.
von). 1803 4017.17
Bache (A. D. ) Astronomical discussions at Girard
college. [Sm. contrib., v. 13-14.] . . . 3937.13
— Lecture on Switzerland. [Sm. rep., 1870.] 3936.25
— Magnetic and meteorological observations made at
Girard college, 1810-45. [Sm. contrib., v. 11, 13,
14.] 3937.11
— Magnetic survey of Pennsylvania, and parts of ad-
jacent states. [Sm. contrib., V. 12.] . . 3937.12
tt^See also various articles by Mr. B. in American asso-
ciation. Proceedings. Contents given on p. 15, etc.
Bachelder (John B. ) Popular resorts and how to
reach them : U. S. Boston, 1874. 8°. .1133.12
Bacheler (Origen) mid Owen (R. D. ) Discussion on
the existence of God, and the authenticity of the
Bible. 2v. New York, 1833. 16°. . .3514.15
Bachelor kings of Engl. See Strickland (A. ) 3256.01
Bachhoffner (George H.) Chemistry as applied to the
fine arts. London, 1837. 8° 4216.35
Bachmau (John). *Quadruped8 of North America. See
Audubon (.J. J. ) 4737.01
Back-bone, photographed from " The Scalpel." See
Dixon (E.H.) 4321.10
Backer (G. de). Dictionnaire des proverbes fran9oi8.
[anon.] Brusselles, 1710. 18°. . . . 6214.26
Backhouse (James). A narrative of a visit to the
Australian colonies. Elus. L., 1843. 8°. 1003.01
Backlog studies. 0. D. Warner. 1873. . .2546.16
Backus {liev. Isaac). Abridgment of the church hist.
of New England, 1002-1804. B., 1804. 8°. 3456.15
Bacon (Albert M.) Manual of gesture. Chicago,
1873. 12° 6333.09
Bacon (Delia). The philosophy of the plays of Shaks-
pere unfolded. Boston, 1857. 8°. . . 1753.01
See Biography (Individual), for notices of Miss B.
Bacon (D. F. ) Lives of the Apostles. New York,
1810. 8° 3414.13
Bacon (Francis). Essayes or counsels civiU and
moraU. London, 1632. 8° 2513.00
— — Same. With memoir. Edinb., 1838. 8°. 5814.18
Same. With introd. essay by A. Potter. New
York, 1841. 18° 5111.10
Same. With annotations, by K. Whately. New
York, 1857. 8° 2517.21
Note. —'Par articles upon Bacon as an essayist, with
Whately's annotations, see Littell, 1863, v. 3 {ironi Br.
qu. rev.) ; Nat. qu. rev., v. 6, 18B3 ; Boyd (A. K. H ) Au-
tumn holidays, 1865, p. 252-91 : Eraser's mag., v. 55, 1857 ;
North Br. rev., v. 27, 1857 ; Quar. rev., v. 09, 1856 and
Littell, V. 16, 1856.
Same. Essays, and Colours of good and evil.
With notes and glossarial index, by W. A. Wright.
Cambridge, (Eng.) 1803. 18° 2512.28
Same. Harmony of the [four texts, 1597-16,;8 ;
with Meditationes sacrae, Lat. and Engl., and the
Coulers of good and euill]. Ed. by E. Arber.
London, 1871. 10°. 6011.13
— Letters and life, including all his occasional works,
letters, speeches, state papers, etc., not already
published among his Works. Set forth in chroao-
logical order, with a commentary, biogr. and hist.,
by J. Speddiug. 6 v. Lon., 1861-72. 8°. . 5015.19
V. 1, 1660-95. V. 2, 1595-1601. v. 3, 1601-07. V. 4, 1607-13
V. 5, 1613-16. V. 6, 1(U6 18.
Note. — Each volume has a separate index.
For articles upon Bacon, apropos of this worli, see Black-
wood, V. 93, 1863 ; Fraaer's mag., v. 66, 1862, and v. 79, 1869.
— Moral and historical works. Introd. and notes by
S. Devey. London, Botin, 1852. 12°. . 5015.01
Contents: Essays, Apothegms. Elegant sentences. Wisdom
of the ancients, New Atlautis, and History of Henry VII.
- Novum organum ; or, true suggestions for the inter-
pretation of nature. London, 18 JO. 16^. 3913.14
- Of the proficienoe and advancement of learning.
Ed. by B. Montagu. Lond., 1840. 8°. 2513.1.",
- Physical and metaphysical works. Ed. by J. Devey.
London, Holm, 1853. li'^. 5015.U2
Contents. The great instauration : 1. Dignity and ad-
vancement of learning. 2. Noviua organum.
- Reign of Henry VII. Loudon, 1870. 12=". 472.11
- Works. With life by B. Montagu. 3 v. Philadel-
phia, 1852. roy. 8^ 5017.08
ContenU : v. 1. Life. Essays. Medilationn. Colours
of good and evil. Miscellaneous tracts upon human phi-
losophy. Apothegms. Oruamenta rationalia. Sentences.
Motes for conversation. On death. Advancement of
learning. New Atlantis. Wisdom of the ancients. Civil
history. Biography. Miscellaneous tracts.
2. Sylva sylvarnm. Trat-ts relating to Scotland, Ire-
land, Spain, and England. Speeches. Charges. Papers
relating to Earl of Essex. Theological tracts. Miscellanies.
Judicial charges.
3. Letters. Law tracts. Great instauration: Preface
and *2d part— The novum organum. 3d part — Natural his-
tory ; Of density and rarity ; Of heavy and hgbt ; Of sym-
pathy and antipathy of things : History of life and death.
4th and &th parts. Miscellaneous tracts. Index.
• Works. Collected and ed. by James Spedding, R.
L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath. 15 v. London, 1860-
64. 8' 5014.03
Advancement of learning; or, De augmentis scientiarum,
[Lat ,] V. 1-3 ; [Eng.,] v. 8-9.
Advertisement touching a holy war. [Eng.,] v. 13.
Aphorism! et Consilia. [Lat ,] v. 7.
Apophthegms. [Eng.,] v. 13.
Arguments of law, [Eng..] v. 15.
Camden's .\nnale8, additions and corrections, v. 12.
Calor et Frigus, [Eng.,] v. 7.
Christian paradoxes, [Eng,,] v. 14.
Cogitata et visa. [Lat.,] v. 7.
Cogitatioues de scientia humana. [Lat.,] v. 5.
Colours of good and evil, [Eng..] v. 13.
Confession of faith, [Eng.,] v. U.
De augmentis scientiarum. [Eng.,] v. 8-9, [Lat.,] v. 2-3.
De interpretatione naturiB procemium, [Lat.,] v. 6.
De interpretatione nature sententije xii., v. 7.
Deacriptiou of the intellectual globe. [Lat..] v. 7 ; [Eng.,]
V. 10.
Discourse upon the commission of Bridewell, v. 15.
Ebb and flow of the sea. [I..at..] v. 6 ; [Eng .] v. 10.
Elizabeth*. In I'elieem meiuoriam, [Lat. and Eng.,] v. 11,
EUis (It. K ) General preface to pliilos. works, v. 1.
Elogium in Heurieiun principem Walliae, [Lat. and Eng.,]
v. 12.
Essays ; or Counsels civil and moral, [Eng.,] v. 12.
Filumlabyrintbi. [Eng,,] v. 6.
Fragment of Abecedarium naturse, v. 9.
Historia soni et auditus, [Lat. ,] v. 7.
History of dense and rare, [Lat.,] T. i : [Eng.,] v. 10.
History of Great Britain, beginning of, [Eng., J v. 11.
History of life and death, [Lat..] v. 3 ; [Eng.,] v. 10.
History of the reign of Henry VII. and VUI., [Eng.,] v. 11.
History of the winds, [Lat..] v 3 . [Eng.,] v. 9.
Imago civilis Augusti Ciesaris, [Lat. and Eng.,] v. 12.
Imago civilis Julii (.isesJiris. [Lat. and Eng.,] v. 12.
Index— Philosophical works, v. 10 ; Literary and profos-
Bional works, v. 15.
Inquiry respecting the magnet. [Lat,,] V. 4 ; [Eng.,] v. 10.
Inquisitiolegitima de motu, [Lat,,] v. 7.
Instauratio magna. [Lat,,] v. 1 : [Eng.,] v. 8-10.
Letter to Sir Heur^ .Savill. touching helps for the intellec-
tual powers. [Eng..] V. 13.
life, by Wni. Rawley, [Eng.,] v. 1, p. 35,
Literary works, v. 11.
MagnalianatursD. [Lat.,] v. 5.
Maxims of the law, [Eng.,] v. 14.
Meditatioues sacriB, [Lat. and Eng,,] v, 14.
Naturiil history, v. 4.
Natural and experimental history, [lAt.,] v. 2 ; [Eng.,] 9-10.
New atlautis. [Eng..] v. 5.
Novum organum, [Lat,.] v, 1 ; [Eng..] v. 8.
Ordinances in chancery. [Eng.,] v. 15.
Parasceve ad historiam uaturalam et experimentalem,
[Lat.,] V, 2; [feng.,] v. 8.
PhEBnomena universi, [Lat,,] V. 7.
Philosophical works, [Lat..] v. 1-7 ; [Eng .] v. 8-10.
Physiological and medical remains, [Eng,,] v. 7.
Prayers, [Eng..] v. 14.
Preparative towards a natural and experimental history,
[Lat..] v. 2; [Eng.,] v. 8.
Preparation for the union of laws, [Eng,,] v. 15.
Principles and origins, according to the fables of Cupid
and Cielum. [Lat.,] v. 5 : [Eng ,J v. 10.
Promus of formularies and elegancies, [Eng ,] v. 14.
Psalms translated, v. 14.
Religious writings, v. 14.
Scala intellectUB, [Lat.,] v. 5.
Short notes lor civil conversation. [Eng.,] v. 13.
Statute of uaes ^reading on), [Eug.,]v, 14.
Sylva sylvarum ; or, a natur.il history, [Eng.,] v. 16.
I'emporis partus maHculns, [Lat..] v. 7.
Theory of Ihe heaven, [Lat..| v. 3 : [Eug.,] v. 10.
Thoughts on the nature of things, [Lat.,] v. 6 ; (Eng.,jT. 10.
Topics of inquiry respecting light and luminous matlxr
(Lat., I v. 4; (Eng.,) v. 10.
True greatness of Britain. [Eng.,] v. 13.
Use of the law, (Eng,,] v. 14.
Valerius Tocmiuua of the interpretation of nature. [Eng..]
V. 6.
"Wisdom of the ancients, (Lat. and Eug.,] v. 12-13.
Ao(f— For articles suggested by this edition, see Ed.
rev., V. lOG, 1857 ; Eraser, vol. 60, 1B59.
— Camphdl (J. lord). Lives, etc. v. 2. . . 3251.03
— Dixon {iV. H.) Personal history of. 1861.3015.01
iVo(e.— Reviewed. Ed. rev., v, 113, 1861, and Littoll, 1801,
V. 2 ; New Enghiuder, v. 21, 1802.
— Finch (A. K ) On tbe inductive philosophy, paral-
lel between Lord Bacon and A. Comte. 5422.13
— Fischer (K.) Francis Bacon. Realistic philosophy
and its age. 1857 5411.06
— Maislre {J. de). Examen do la philosophie de B.
5e (5d. 2d v. 1858 5411.07
— Martin (T.) Character of B. 1835. . .3015.02
— Montagu (B.) Attempt to arrange the opinions of
Bacon on the conduct of the understanding. [In
Montagu's Essays, 1824, p. 147-361]. . 2537.05
Life ot Bacon. 1834 3015.03
-- Napier (M.) Lord Bacon. 1853. . . .3015.27
— Tyler (K) Discourse of the Baconian philosophy.
1850 5411.09
,^5" Consult also histories of philosophy and English
literature, particularly Lewes' Biogr, history, V. 2 [5415.05],
as well as general cyclopaedias and biographical diction-
aries. Many references will be found in Alhbone. [2755.01];
Craik'8 Eng. lit., v. I (275.'i.08i ; Hallam'8 lit. ot Europe ;
Lippiucott's Diet, of biography [3236, 13J ; and McClintock
& Strong's Cyclopoedia, v. 1 [3710.11].
For critical essays upon B, see Barnes (A.) Essays, v. 1.
1855 (2513.06) ; Fisher (G. P.) in Hours at home, Feb.,
1869 ; Macaulay (T. B.) Essays, v. 3. (2536.18) ; Mackin-
tosh (A'lr J.) Miscel. works [2536.27) ; Montagu (B,)
Essays (2537.04) ; Muller (M.) Bacon in Germany. [In
*is Chips, efc. V. 3, 1B71 (•2.J37.21) ; Raumer (K. von). In-
fluence of B. upon education. [In German educational re-
formers, pp. 273-90, 5515.14) ; Russell (J. R.) in his Hist,
and heroes of med. (4313.01); Trotter (L. J.) Studies ia
biography, 1865 (3265,08) ; repr. from Dub. univer. mag.,
March. 1861 ; Whipple (E. P.) Literature, etc. 12752.27] ;
repr. from .Atlantic monthly, v. 22, 1868. Also Fraser'a
mag.. V. 74-75 (' Was he an impostor ?') ; Nat. quar. rev.,
(■ What has B. discovered? 'j : N. A. rev , v. 93. 1861.
For his alleged Authorship of Shakspere's plays, see
Shakspere (W.)
Bacon (F. W.) Richards' Steam-engine indicator.
See Porter (C. T.) 3y25.31
Bacon (George B. ) Siam. N. Y., 1873. 12°. 1025.'22
Bacon (George Washington) a«(i Larkius (W. G.)
Descriptive hand-book of America. London,
1870. 12°. 1072.20
Bacon (James). Life of Francis the first. 2 v. Lou-
don, 1829. 8°. 3057.13
Bacon (Leonard). Genesis of the New England
churches. New York, 1874. 12^ . . 3455.18
— Historical discourses : first church in New Haven,
[1638-1838]. New Haven, 1839. 8^ ^ . 3457.13
-^ and others. Contributions to the ecclesiastical his-
tory of Connecticut ; prepared under the direc-
tion of the general association [of Congregational
churches]. New Haven. 1861. 8°. . .3457.16
Bacon (Leonard W. ) Fair jjlay on both sides. 1. 'Se-
cret instructions of the Jesuits.' 2. Moral results
of the Roman catholic system. N. Hav., 1869. S"'.
Bacon (Matthew). New abridgment of the law. Ad-
ditions by Sir H. GwyUim, and C. E. Dodd, with
notes and references, by B. WUson, and J. Bou-
vier. 10 V. Philadelphia. 1868. 8°. . 5633.11
Bacon (Nathaniel). Rebellion in Virginia in 1675-6.
[Force's Tracts, V. 1.] 577.08
Bacon (Sir Nicholas). Hist, discourse of the gov. of
Eugland. 2 v. in 1. London, 1647-51. 4°. 5717.03
— Campbell (J.) Lives of lord chancellors, v. 2. 3254.04
Bacon (O. N.) History of Natick, [Mass.] Boston,
1856. 8°. 611-08
Bacon (Richard Mackenzie). Aristocracy of Eugland.
Norwich, 1835. 8". [Miscel. pampli,, v.l6.] :';il!l3.16
Bacon (Roger). Cure of old age, and preservation of
youth. Tr. with anuot. and account of his lifo,
by R. Browne. London, 1683. 16^ . . 4322.27
lu askiug for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AU IHOK'S NAME, the arst part of the TITLE, and the NUMBEtt.
Bacou (Roger), continued.
— Opera iuedita ; ed. by J. S. Brewer. London, 18.59.
8°. [Rolls chronicles.] 5141.
Contents: v. 1. Opus tertium. Opus minus. Compen-
dium pliiloBopliijB.
«3- Siv alsii Craik (G. L.) Pursuit of knowl., v. 2 [3-263. 13] ;
Martin (B.) Lives of philos. [3265.11] ; Palgrave {Sir F.)
Merchant and friar [443.08] ; Plumtre (E. H ) in Contem.
rev., v. 2, 1866 ; Kussell (J. R.) Hist, of medicine [4313.()1] ;
SaiB8et(E.) in Revue des deux mondea. j nil.. 1861. and article
in Westm. rev., v. 81, 1864 ; also histories of science and
philos., particularly Lewes' Hist, of philos., v. 2 [o415.U5].
Bacou (Thomas). Oriental annual ; tales, legends,
and historical romiinces. With engravings, by
Finden. 2 v. London, 1839-40. 8^. . 1031.07
BacottJ.T.W.) The Bahamas. L., 1869. 8°. 1100.15
Bac3trom(S. ) "Voyage to Spitzbergen, 1780. [Pin-
kerton's Voyages, V. 1.] 92G.01
Baddeck, and that sort of thing. C. D. Warner.
1874 115109
Badeau (Adam). Military history of Ulysses S. Grant,
from ISOl. V. 1. New York, 1868. 8°. 3067.11
— The vagabond. New York, 1859. l^". . . 2513.07
Badeley (.John, M.D.) Extraordinary cure by Prince
Hoheulohe, on Barbara O'Connor, a nun. Lon-
don, 1823. 8°. [Pamphleteer, v. 22.] 5058.22
Baden (G. L.) History of Norway. i'ee Feldborg
(A. A.) 54.J.11
Badges. Palliser {Mrs. B.) Historic badges, etc.
1870 1452.16
Badbam (Charles). Criticism applied to Shakespeare.
London, 1846. V2° 1754.12
— Text of Shakespeare. \_In Cambridse essays, 1856.]
Badham (liev. G. D. ) Prose haheutics ; or, ancient
and modern fish- tattle. Loud., 1854. 8°. 4616.24
Baedeker (K.) Belgium and Holland. Hand-book.
2d ed. Coblenz, 1871. 1G° 961.27
— Italy. Hand-book for travellers. 2d ed. 3 v. Cob-
lenz, 1869-70. 16^ 981.24
— Southern Germany and Austria, including the East-
em Alps. Hand-book. 2d ed. Coblenz;, 1871.
1S'=. 966.08
Baegert (Jacob). Aboriginal inhabitants of California
peninsula. [Sm. rep., 1863, 1864.] 3936.18 ; 19
Baehr (B. , M. I). ) Science of therapeutics, according
to homcEopathy, by C. J. Hempel. 2 v. New
York, 1869. 8= 4313.23
Bagebot (Walter). The English constitution. Lon-
don, 1867. 12^ 5717.13
Same. With additional chapter. London, 1872.
12° 5717.13a
— Estimates of some Englishmen, and Scotchmen.
From the National rev. Lond., 1S58. 8°. 2517.24
Contents : The first Edinburgh Reviewers (Oct. 185j).
Cowper (July. 18.55). Gibbon (Jan. 1856). Bishop Butler.
Shakespere,— the iudividnal. Shelley (Oct. 1856). Hartley
Coleridge. Peel (July, 1856). Macaulay {.\pril, 1858)..
— Lombard street. London, 1873. 12^ . .5922.28
--Physics and politics. New York, 1873. 8^.5712.14
Bahamas. iSte Countries. (Bahamas. )
Bail (Louis). Drawing system. The human head.
New Haven, 1859. 8° 1435.24
Baile (J.) Wonders of electricity. Ed. by J. W.
Armstrong. New York, 1872. 8°. . . 4027.27
Bailey (J. T. ) Historical sketch of the city of Brook-
lyn, and smrounding neighborhood. Brooklyn.
1840. 12^ 621.08
Bailey (J. W. ) Infusorial fossils found by Dr. Schiel
in California. 1854. [Pacific K. R. routes. Re-
ports, V. 2.] 1127.02
— Microscopical examination of soundings off the At-
lantic coast. [Sm. contrib. , v. 2.] . . 3937.02
— Microscopical observations ; South Carolina, Geor-
gia, and Florida. [Sm. contrib., v. 2.] . 3937.02
— New species of microscopical organisms. [Sm.
contrib., v. 7.] 3937.07
Bailey (Nathan), and others. Univers.il etymological
English dictionary. Revised by J. N. Scott, vte.
New ed. Loudon, 1754. lol 6127.02
Bailey (Philip James). The Age ; a colloquial satire.
Boston, 1858. 10 1614.02
— Angel world, and other poems. B.,1850. 16°. 1614.00
— Festus ; a poem. Boston, 1853. 16°. . .1614 01
— The Mystic. Boston, 1856. 16° 1614.03
Beiiley (Samuel). Crit- dissert, on the nature of value.
London, 182,5. 8° 5911.14
— Discourses on various subjects. L., 1852. 8°. 2517.05
Contents : Mutual relation of the sciences. On the mam-
moth, or fossil elephant Changes in the English language.
On the science of political economy. On the last relorma-
tion of the Calendar. On the general principles of physical
investigation. Mechanical causes ol thunder. Paradoxes
of vision. Theory of wit.
— Essays on the formation and publication of opinions,
the pursuit of truth, e/c. Bost. , 1854. 12°. 5411.11
^ote. — Reviewed by H. Martineau in her Miscel., v. 2.
— Letters on the philosophy of the human mind. 2 v.
London, 1855-58. 8° 5421.30
— Questions in political economy, politics, morals,
metaphysics, polite literature, e(c. [anon.'l Lon-
don, 1823. 8° 6334.28
— Review of Berkeley's Theory of vision. London,
1841. 8° 5421.19
iVo(«.— For criticism see Mill (J. S.) Dissert., v. 2, 1873.
— Theory of reasoning. London, 1851. 8°. 5428.01
IVote. — Reviewed in Wiuslow's journal, v. 4, 1851.
See also Ribot (Th.) Engl, psychology [5426.11].
Bailey (Thomas). Records of longevity : with vital
statistics. London, 1857. 8° 3263.31
Bailey (W. L. ) Our ovyn birds ; United States. Re-
vised by E. D. Cope. PhUa.,1869. 16°. 4812.15
Baillie (Joanna). Dramatic and poetical works. Lon-
don, 1851. 8°. 1712.22
Martyr (The), drama.
Match (The), comedy.
Orra, tragedy.
Plays on tho passions, and
misceUaueous plays, viz ;
Alienated manor (The), com.
Basil, tragedy.
Beacon (Thej, musical drama.
Bride (The), drama.
Constantine Paleologus, trag.
Country inn, comedy.
De Montlort. tragedy.
Dream ^The). tragedy.
Election (The), comedy.
Enthusiasm, comedy.
Ethwald, tragedy.
Family legend, tragedy.
Henriquez. tragedy.
Homicide (The), tragedy.
Phantom (Tlje), mus. drama,
Rayner, tragedy.
Romiero. tragedy.
Second marriage, comedy.
Separation (The), ti^gedy.
biege (The), comedy.
Striphug (The), tragedy.
Trial (The), comedy.
Witchcraft, tragedy.
Fugitive verses.
Metrical legends.
Miscellaneous poetry.
Sacred verses.
BaiUie (iVeu.John). Life studies. N.Y., 1857.16°. 3015.09
— St. Augustine : memoir. L., 1859. 16°. . 3155.11
Baillie (Cajil. William). 'Works after paintings and
drawings by the greatest masters. L., 1792. 1. 4°.
BaUlou (H. ) Natural history of plants. Tr. by M.
M. Hartog. v. 1-2. London, 1871-72. 1. 8°. 4918.17
Bailments. hSee La'w.
Baily (Francis). [Va'rious astronomical articles, in the
Memoirs of the Royal astronomical society, for
Contents of which see p. 50.]
Baily (W. L.) Trees, plants .and flowers, where, and
how they grow. [anon.] P. , 1870. 16°. 4915.07
Bain (Alexander). Correlation of force in its bearing
on mind. [Macmillan, Sept., 1867.]
A'o(s.— Controverted by D. D. H.[eath?] m Contem. rev ,
May, 1868.
— English composition and rhetoric. New York,
1872. 8° 6334.18
— Emotions and the wUl. London, 1859. 8°. 5421.10
Note. — Reviewed by Spencer (H.) in his Essays, or in hit
nius. of univ. progress. [2543.16] ; a/so ik Blackwood, V. 86,
— Logic. 2 V. London. 1870. 12°. . . . 5428.20
— Mental and moral science. 2d ed. London, 1868.
8° 5411.13
— Mental science ; compend. of psychology and the
hist, of phUosophy. New York, 1868. 12°. 5411.12
— Mind and body. The theories of their relation
[and history of the theories of the soul]. New
York, 1873. 12° 5438.17
— On the study of character ; including an estimate
of phrenology. London, LSOl. 8°. . . 5434.05
— The senses and the inteUect. 3ded. 1868. 8°. 5421.09
fl®- Upon the psychology of Bain, see Martineau (J.) in
his Essays, v. 1. 1866 [2635.17] ; and Mill (J. S.), in hit
Dissert , V. 1, or Ed. rev.. Oct.. IS.'i'J ; Ribot (Th.) Eng-
lish psychology, 1874 [5426.11] : Win.ilow's jom-., V. 13,
106-18, 186U [2014. 13J.
Baiues (Edward). History of the cotton manufacture
in Great Britaiu. London, 1835. 8°. . 3il32.03
— History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lan-
caster. New od. revised. Ed. by J. Harland. 2
T. Loudon, 18(;8. 4" 49.S.13
— History of the wars of the French rev., 1792-1815.
2v. 1835. 8° 523.15
— Visit to (he Vaudois of Piedmont. London, 1855.
16°. [Tiav. libr., v. 7.] 5075.12
Baird (James). Emigrants' guide to Australia. 2 v.
Loudon, 1808-71. 12^ 10G2.13
Baird {liev. Ivobert). Christian retrospect and regis-
ter : first half of the 19th century. New York,
1851. 12° 3412.12
— Religion in America. Edinbur^jh, 1844. 8°. 3456.04
— Transplanted flowers, or memoirs of Mrs. Kumpff,
daughter of John Jacob Astor, and the duchess
de Broglie, daughter of Mme de Stael. New
York, 1839. 12° 3154.31
Baird (K. H. ) American cotton spinner. Philadel-
phia, 1851. 12° 3931.01
Baird (Samuel J., ed.) See Presbyterian chiuch
assembly's digest. 1853 ed 3585.21
Baird (Spencer F.) '"Birds of North America. 3 v.
Boston, 1874. 4". 4818.10
— Catalogue of N. Amer. birds, in the museum of
the Smithsou. Inst. [9m. miscel. coll., v.2]. 3935.12
— Directions for collecting, preserving and transport-
ing specimens of natural hist. [Sm. rep., 185(5.]
— Mammals, birds and reptiles. [In Emory (W. H.)
U. S. and Mexican boundary survey, v. 2, 1819.]
— Mammals of Chili. [/« U. S. Naval astron. exped..
V. 2, 1856.] 1126.02
— Preliminary report on natural history. [In Pacific
R. R. routes. Reports , v. 2. ] ; Mammals [In v. 8] ;
Birds [7)1 V. 9]; Reptiles [/h,v. 10]. . .1127.02
— Report on fishes observed on the coast of New Jer-
sey and Long Islivnd. [Sm. rep., 1854.] 3930.09
— Review of American birds. [Smrep., 1865.] 3936.20
— Review of American birds, in the museum of the
Smithsonian iustitntiou. Pt. 1. Washington,
1864-72. 8'. [Sm. Miscel. coll., v. 1'2.] 3935.22
— ed. iS'ee Annual record of science for 1871. . 3906.01
— ed. .See U.S. Fish cotnmission. Reports. . 4831.01
— and Girard (C.) Catalogue of the reptUes of N. A.
Ft. 1— Serpents. [Sm. mis. coll., v. 2.] 3935.12
Baird (William, M.D.) Dictionary of natural history
[and natural sciences]. London and Glasgow,
1860. 8° 4717.05
— Natural history of the British entomostraoa. Lon-
don, 7toy soc. , 1850. 8° 4744.00
Baireuth (Manjravine of). See Frederica Sophia Wil-
Baital pachehisi ; or, the twenty-five tales of a sprite.
Tr. from the Hindu text of Forbes, by J. Platts.
London, 1871. 8° 7813.20
Bsiked meats of the funeral. See Halpine (C.G.) 212.26
Baker (B.) Long-.span railway bridges. Philadelphia,
1870. 12°. 3934.17
Same. Revised ed. London, 1873. 16°. 3925.28
— • On the strengths of beams, columns, and arches.
London, 1870. 12° 3920.26
Baker (C.R.) Fruit culture. B., 1866. 8°. 0135.20
Baker (David Erskine). Biographia dramatica : or
companion to the playhouse. Continued to 1782,
by I. Reed ; to 1811, by S. Jones. 3 v. in 4.
London, 1812. 12°. 1712.23
Baker (George A., jr.) Point-lace and diamonds.
New York, 1875. 16^ 1013.34
Baker (George E. ) Life of W. H. Seward. New York.
1855. 12° 3162.14
Baker (George M. ) Amateur dramas. Boston, 1869.
16°. 171'2.28
Contents : Sylvia's soldier. Stand by the flag. 'Wanted,
a male cook. The tempter, or the sailor's return. Sea of
troubles. Greatest playue of life. We're all teetotalers.
A drop too much. Freedom of the press The sculptor's
triumph. The rival poets. The peddler of Very-Nice.
Ouce on a time.
— Drawing-room stage. Boston, 1873. 1C°. 1712.30
Contents : My brother's keeper. Revolt of the beea.
Tend.T attachment. Among the bri-akera. Geutlemea of
the jury. Seven aues. Jlonton dip. Duchess of Dublin.
— Mimic stage. Boston, ISOII. 16^ . . . 1712.27
Cimlenls : Down by tlio sfa. Clo.so shave. Capuletta.
The great eliiir. Man wllh the demijohn. An original
idea. '• My uucle the captain. " No cure, no pay. Humors
of the strike, llrcad on the waters.
— Social stage. Boston, 1871. 16^. . . . 1712.29
C(*)?/cufs ; The last loaf. A Grecian bend. Too late for
the train. Snowbound, Bon bons. Light hearts pil-
grimage. War of tho roses. Thirty minutes for refrcsh-
meuts. "A little more cider." " New brooms sweep clean."
Baker (Henry). Natural history of the polype. Lon-
don, 1743. 12' 4820.08
— Medulla poetaruiu Romanoruni : beautiful and in-
structive passages of the Roman poets. With
translations. 2 v. London, 1787. 8°. . 1614.04
Baker (Henry Barton). French society from the Fronde
to the great revolution. 2 v. L., 1874. 1'2° 3.!66.15
Contents: y.\. The /rorule : De Retz. Ago of Louis XTV.
Story of La Valliere. Madame de Sevigne. Madame de
Mainteuou, aud the last years of Louis XIV. Tfte reifncy :
The regeut Orleans and his age. Luuis SV.: The sisters
De Nesles ; The marquise de Pompadour : Madame Du
Barry. Marie Antoinette and the age of Louis XVI. Tlie
revolution : Mirabeau. Talleyrand. Lafayette. Madame
Roland and the Girondists. Marat. Dantou. Camille
DesmoiUins. Robespierre.
Baker (L. C.) History of the United States secret
service. Philadelphia, 1807. 8°. . . . 035.14
Baker (Sir Samuel W.) The Albert Nyanza, great ba-
sin of the Nile, and Nile sources. London and
Philadelphia, 1806. 8° . 1085.10
— Eight years' wanderings in Ceylon. Philadelphia,
1869. 16°. 1004.09
— Ismailia : expedition to central Africa for the sup-
pression of the slave trade ; organized by Ismail,
Khedive of Egypt. N. Y., 1875. 8°. .1080.10
— Nile tributaries of Abyssinia and the sword hunters
of the Hamaiu Arabs. Phil., 1867. 8°. . 1085.09
— Rifle and hound in Ceylon. L.,1869. 8°. . 106422
Baker (Thomas). Elements of mechanism. Londou,
1858-59. 10° 39'23.16
— Land and engineering surveving. London, 1859.
16° 3925.17
— Statics and dynamics, with liquids and gases. Lon-
don, 1851. 16° 4025.19
Same. 2d ed. London, 1809. 16°. 4025.19a
— Subterraneous surveys without the magnetic needle.
London, 1801. 10° 3925.19
— Treatise on mensuration. Lond., 1859. 10°. 4011.34
— Treatise on the mathem. theory of the steam engine.
London, WeaXe, 180'2. 12° 3907.07
Baker (William). Peregrinations of the mind ; [prac-
tical essays]. New ed. , with a memoir. Loudon,
1811. 16° 2513.12
Bake'well (F. C. ) Great facts : remarkable inventions
during the present century. L. , 1859. 16°. 39 13. 00
— Manual of electricity. 2d ed. Londou and Glas-
gow, 1857. 12° 4027.18
Baking. While {J.) Art of baking. 18'28. .3931.44
Balaam. Uengstenberg (K W.) Dis.sertatioii, etc. 1857.
See also articles in McCllntock and Strong's Cydoptedia,
v. 1 [3716.11] ; and Bib. sacra, 1846.
Balaustiou's adventure. R. Browning. 1871. 1623.09
Balbi (Adriun). Atlas ethnographiqiie du globe. Paris,
1820. fol A. 27.01
Same. Introduction, v. 1. P., 1820. 8°. 0414.18
— and Malte Brim (G. ) System of universal geogra-
phy. Londou, 1851. 8° 915.05
Balbi (Gasparo). 'Voyage to Pegu, 1597. [Pinker-
ton's Voyages, v. 9. ] 9'26.09
Balbo (Cesare). Life and times of Dante. Tr. by F.
J. Bunburyj 2 v. Loudon, 1852. 12°. 3046.12
Baldiimcci (Filippo). Opere. 14 v. Milano, Soc.
■np. cUiss. ItaL, 1808-12. 8°. .... 1464.01
Baldw^in (Edward), [pseii.don.'\ History of Greece.
,S'ee Godwin (W.; 421.17
Bald'win (Ebenezer). History of Y^>le college, 1700-
1838. New Haven, 1841. 8° 5515.01
Baldwin (George 0. ) Representative men of the New
Testament. New York, 1860. 12°. . . 3514.17
In asking for books, use the ■• Book Oraer," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the flrst part of the TITLE, and the NU-liBKR.
Bald'OT'm (Joha D.) Ancient America. New York,
1872. W\ 565.03
-- Pre-historic nations. N. Y., 18G9. 12°. . 423.11
— Story of Raymond Hall, and other poems. Boston,
1847. 12° 1613.28
Baldwin (Joseph G. ) Flush times of Alabama and
Mississippi 3ded. New York, 1834. 12°. 131.15
— Party leaders. New York, 1855. 12°. . . 3243.05
B.Udwm (J. L.) Kales of bezique. London, 1870.
16° 4611.33
Baldwin (Thomas) and Thomas (J.) Gazetteer of
the United States. Phila., 1854. 8°. . 1135.04
Baldwm's monthly. New York, 1874. 4°.
Bale (John, bp. ) Kynge John ; a play. Ed. by J. P.
Cnllier. London, Oimden sue, 1838. 4°. 5112.02
— Select works. Ed. by H. Christmas. Cambr. Par-
ser soc. , 1849. 8°. 3636.01
Cuntents : Biogr. notice. Examinationa of lord Cobham,
Win. Thorpe, and Anae Aakewe. Image of both churches.
— Writings. ^Extracts.] Lond., Ib31. 12°. 3553 07
liaAerrociloodyyt/i N.I 'ISiopia ifji apx<xiai 'EXXt/-
riHjJi (piAoXoxuxi. 2 v. Lond., 1871. 8°. 5421.14
Balfour (John Button). Elements of Botany. 2d ed.
Edinburgh, 1869. 16° 4911.14
— Introduction to the study of paloeontological botany.
Edinburgh, 1872. 8° 4917.22
Ball (A. M. W.) Morse (0. A.) Vindication of the
claim of B. to the authorship of the poem,
" Kock me to sleep, mother." 1867. . 1673.05
BaU(E.) Inventive drawing. L., 1864. 1.8°. 1467.02
Ball (J. T. ) Ballot considered in connexion with ex-
tension of the franchise. London, 1872.8°. 5714.09
Ball (Samuel). Cultivation and manufacture of tea in
China. London, 1848. 8° 6124.30
Ball-players companion. Ed. by H. Chad wick. 2 v.,
1867. fol A.67.U
Ballad poetry. See Poetry.
Ballad stories of the affections. R.Buchanan. 1623.19
Ballantme (James). Chronicle of the hundredth birth-
day of Robert Burns. Edinburgh and London,
1859. 1. 8° 3028.24
— Life of David Roberts, [painter]. E., 1866. 4°. 1446.19
Ballautyne (J. R. ) First lessons in Sanskrit gnim-
mar. with an introduction to the Hitopadesa. 3d
ed. London, 1865. 8° 6425.14
Ballautyne (R. M. ) The iron horse ; a tale of the
Grand national trunk railway. L., 1871.16°. 3925.39
See also Fiction class list.
Ballautyne (Thomas). Essays [selected] in mosaic.
London, 1870. 18° 2513.14
Ballautyue's miscellany. 13 v. L., 1869. 18°. 931.02
Contents: v. 1. Fightiug the whales. 2. Away in the
wilderness ; or life among the red ludiaus, and fur traders
of North America. 3. fast in the ice. 4. Chasing the
sun ; or rambles in Norway. 5- Sunk at sea. 6. Lost
in the forest. 7. Over the Rocky Monntains. 8. Saved
by tlie life boat. 9. The Cannibal islands. lO. Hunt-
ing the lions ; or the land of the negro. 11. Digging
for gold ; or adventures in California. 12. Up iu the
clouds : or balloon voyages. 13. The battle and the
bresze ; or the British tar.
B.illard (Frank W.) City of Brooklyn. With map.
[«HOU.] New York, 1871. 16°. . . . 1111.25
BalUiorn (F. ) Grammatography. A manual of ref-
erence to the alphabets of ancient and modern
languages. London, 1861. 8°. . . . . 6415.17
Balloons. See Arts (Useful), page 39.
Ballot (The). See Government and politics.
Ballou (Adin). Exposition of sphit manifestations.
2d ed. Boston, 1853. 12° 3815.35
Ballou (Hosea). Notes on the parables. 3d ed. Hal-
lowell,1822. 12°. 351.5.19
BiUou(M. M. ) History of Cuba. B., 1854. 12°. 1161.21
— Treasury of thought : an encyclopaedia of quotations
[in prose]. Boston, 1872. 8° 6217.15
Balmauno tMrs. Mary). Pen and pencil. New York,
1858. 8° 2517.03
B-Umi;3 (Jaime Luciano). Fundamental philosophy.
From the Spanish, by H. P. Brownson. 2 v.
New York, 1856. 12° 5411.14
— Protestantism and Catholicism compared in their
effects on the civilization of Europe. 4th ed.
Baltimore, 1854. 8° 3514.14
Bahiaves (Henry). Confession of faith. [Writings,
London, 1831. 12°] 3546.16
Baltic sea and shores. See Countries. {Baltic.)
Baltimore Mercantile library association. Catalogue
of English prose fiction, to Oct., 1874. Balti-
more, 1874. 8° 2714.29
— Catalogue. Baltimore, 1858. 8° 2714.13
Balzac (Honore de).
— Eludes a}tali/tiques. — Balthazar Claes ; ou la recher-
che de I'absolu. Paris, 1845. 16°. . . 7003.31
Contes drolatiques. 3 v. Paris, 1865. 16°. 7003.21
- — Same. 16e «5d. illustree de 425 dessinspar Gus-
tave Dord. Londres, 1864. 8°. ... 7012. 18
Le contrat de mariage. Un debut dans la vie.
Paris, 1856. 12°. 7012.19
Petites misferes de la vie conjugale. Paris, 1868.
16°. 7003.25
— — Physiologie du mariage. Paris, 1868. 16°. 7003.24
— Etudes philosophiqties. Catherine de Mtidicis. Paris,
1867. 16° 7003.26
L'enfant maudit. Gambara. Massimilla Doni.
Paris, 1867. 16° 7003.27
Louis Lambert. Les proscrils. StJraphita.
Paris, 1868. 16°. 7003.28
Les Marana. Adieu. La fe'quisitiounaire, etc.
Paris, 1867. 16° 7003.29
La peau de chagrin. Paris, 1868. 16°. . 7003.30
— Seines de la vie de campagne. Le cure de village.
Paris, 1866. 16° 7003.04
Le mi^decin de campagne. P., 1868. 16°. 7003.05
Les paysans. Paris, 1857. 12°. . . . 7012.21
— Seines de la vie militaire. Les chouans, ou la
Bretagne en 1799. Une passion dans le desert.
Paris, 1870. 12° • . . 7003.20
— Scenes de la vie parisienne. La dernitire inciruation
de Vautrtn. Un prince de la Boheme. Un
homme d'affaires. Gaudissart II. Lescomediens
sans le savoir. Paris, 1865. 16°. . . . 7003.12
— • — Grandeur et decadence de Cesar Birotteau. Paris,
18.59. 16° 7003.14
— ■ — Histoire des treize. Ferragus. La dnchesse de
Langeais. La fille aux yeux d'or. Paris, 1868.
16° 7003.15
La maison Nucingen. Les secrets de la prin-
cesse de Cadignan. Les employes. Sarrazine.
Facino Cane. Paris, 1868. 16°. . . . 7003.16
Les parents piuvres : La cousins Bette. Paris,
1868. 16° 7003.17
Les parents pauvres : Le cousin Pons. Paris,
1870. 16° 7003.18
Le pere Goriot. Paris, 1859. 12°. . . 7012.23
Splendeuis et miseres des courtisanes. Paris,
186S. 16°. 7003.19
— Seines de la vie polHique. Le de'pute d'Arcis. Paris,
1870. 16°. 7003.06
L'envers de I'histoire coutemporaine. Z. Marcas.
Paris, 1869. 16° 7003.07
Une tt?nebreuse affaire. Un episode sous la ter-
reur. Paris, 1866. 16° 7003.08
— Seines de la viepriv£e. Beatrix. P., 1868. 16°. 7003.10
La femme de trente ans. La femme abandonnt?e.
La greuadi^re. Le message. Gobseck. Paris,
18G8. 16° 7003.09
Honorine. Le Colonel Chabert. La messe de
I'atht-e. L'interdiction. Pierre Grasso.i. Paris,
1868. 16° 7003.11
La maison du chat-qui-pelote. Le bal de sceaux.
La bourse. La vendetta. Madame Pirmiani.
Une double famille. Paris, 1868. 16°. . 7003.02
Me'moires de deux jeunes marie'es. Une fille d'Eve.
Paris, 1857. 12°. 7012.22
Modeste Mignon. Paris, 1868. 16°. . 7003.01
La paix du menage. La fausse maitresse ;
Etude de femme. La granile Breteche. Albert
Savarus. Paris, 1867. 16° 7003.03
Eugenie Grandet. Paris, 1860. 12.. . 7012 20
— Seines de la vie de province. 1-2 series. 2 v. Paris,
1839. 16° 7012.25
1. Les celibataires. I.a femme abandonuee. Illusions
perdues. 2. La vieille lille. La grenadiere. Message.
La grande Bretiche. Blustre Gaudissart.
Les Celibataiies. Pierrette. Le Curd de Tours.
2 V. Paris, 18G7. 16'". 7012.-i.5
Ulusious perdues. Les deux pootes. Un graiide
homme dc province a Paris. 2 v. Paris, ISflli.
16°. 7012.27
Le Lys dms la vaUe'e. Paris, 1808. 16". 7012.29
Les Parisiens eu province. L'illustre Gaudissart.
Le muse du dcpartement. P., 1S70. 16'. 7012.:!0
Les rivalites. La vieille fiJle. Le cabinet des
antiques. Paris, 1870. 16° 7012.31
Ursule Mirouiit. Paris, 1857. 12°. . . 7012.24
— Theatre, v. 1-2. Paris, 1868-69- 16°. . 7012.33
V. 1. Vautrin. Les ressources de Quiuola. Pamela
Oiraud. 'i. La mar.itre. Le faiseur.
Le faiseur. Paris, 1853. 12= 7012.32
#S* For English trauslationa of Balzac see Fiction. For
Biotir. and criticisiiis, see Biography {liidividual),
Bamberger (Ludmg). Count Bismarck. Tr. bv C
E. Lewes. Loudon, 1869. 16°. . . . 3021.01
Bampton lectures.
1822. Whately (R.) Use and abuse of party feeling in
matters of religion. 3d ed. 1833. [362-2.14.]— 1858. Man-
eel (H. L.) Limits of religious thought. [3574 03.J— 1859.
liawliuson (George). Historical evidence of the Scripture
records. [3586.14. J— 1860. Hessey (J. A.) Sunday ; its
origin, etc. (3557.-21 1—1862. Farrar (A. S.) Critical his-
tory of free thought. (3.547.17.]— 1866. Liddon (H. P.)
Divinity of Christ. 5th ed. [3.366.-23.]— 1867. Bernard
(T.D-) Progress of doctrine. [3,5-22.05.]- 1871. Curteis
(G. n.) Dissent, etc. 1872. [3537. 16.J— 1873. Smith (I.
G.) Charicteristioa of Christian morality. [3594.05.]
B.uicroft (Aaron). Life of George Washington. Bos-
t.m, 1853. 12° 3177.01
Bancroft (Edward). Philosophy of permanent col-
ours; dyeiug, calico priuting, etc. 2 v. Lon-
don, 1813. 8° 3933.06
Baucrott (George). History of the United States.
V. 1-10. [To 1782.] Boston, 1853-74. 8'. 574.01
Same. New ed. v. 1-7. [To 1776.] London,
1860-61. 16°. 571.02
Note. — For replies to B., S':e (in Biography) Greene (N.);
Reed (Joseph) ;— Schuyler (Philip);— SuUivan (.John).
— Literary and historical miscellanies. New York,
1855.' 8°. . • 2517.04
Contents : Essays : The doctrine of temperaments.
• Eimui. The ruling passion iu death. Studies in German
literatvire. Sludit^s in history : Ejouomy of Athens. De-
cline of the Roman people, 1834. Russia, 18-29. Wars of
Russia and Turkey, 1S29. OccasiojuU addresses : A word
on Calvin the Reformer, 1834. Office of the people in art,
government and religion, 183"». W. Ellery Chauning. An-
drew Jackson. Progress of the human race.
— Memorial address on the life of Lincoln. Washing-
ton, ISIKJ. S° 112. 19
B.uicroft (Hubert Howe). The native races of the
Pacific states of North America, v. 1-2. New
York, 1874-75. 8^ 565.07
Contents:— Y. 1. Wild tribes. 2. Civilized nations [of
Mexico and Ceutral America].
Banditti. &e Robbers.
B.aulield (T. C. ) Organization of industry. 2d ed.
London, 184S. 8' 5916.16
Banier (.^ntoiue). Mythology, and fables of the an-
cients. From the French. 4 v. London, 1739-
40. 8^ 3816.22
— Feroj anecdotes, v. 5, Exile. 1823. . . . 6211.05
— Plutarch. Of banishinent, or flying one's country.
[/(I Tii's Morals, v. 3, pp. 15-31.] . . . 543.5. -28
Banister (H. C.) Music. Cambridge, 1873. 16°. 1561.31
B.auister (Thomas), and Ducket (G.) Voyage into
Persia. [/?i Hakluyt. Voyages, v.l, 180',).] 916.15
Bank of Eugland. See Political economy. ( Bank of
England. )
B.ank of the United States. See Political economy.
{Bunk of the United !^ates.)
Banker's almanac. Ed. by I. Smith Homans. 1855.57,
64, 69, 71-74. 8 v. N. Y., 1856-74. 8°. . 5921,05
A'ote. — Called at the outset ' Merchant's and baulter's
almanac,' or ' register.'
Bankers common-place book. N.Y., 1869. 12°. 5915.12
Bankers' magazine and commercial digest, v. 1-34.
London, 1844-74. 8° 8031.01
Bankers' magazine and statistical register. Ed. by I.
S. Homaus. v. 1-2, Baltimore ; 3-6, Boston ;
7--29, New York. 29 v. 1847-75. 8°. . 80:3.01
Banking. See Political economy.
Bankruptcy. See Law. ( llankniplci/.)
Baimatyne (Richard, .fecrrlnrji to John Knox). Jour-
nal of the transactions in Scotliind, during the
contest between the adherents of Queen Mary and
those of her son, 1570-1573. E. , 1806. 8°. 485.09
Bannister (S.) William I'atersou, the merchant
statesman, and founder of the bank of England ;
his life and trials. Edinburgh, 18.59. 16'\ 3130.19
— First French emba8.sy to China, 1698-1700. Loudon,
1859. 12° 1023.12
Bantam. .See Countries. (Bantam.)
Banting (W.) Letter on coi-pulence. 4th [American]
ed., with addenda. New York, 1861. 8°. 4323.-20
Same. 4th ed. London, 1869. 8°. . . 4323.21
Banvard (John). Private life of a king. Embodying
the suppressed memoirs of George r\'. New York,
187.5. 12° 3065.02
Banvard (Joseph). Plymouth and the pilgrims. Bos-
tou, 1851. 16° 611.30
— Wisdom, wit and whims of ancient philosophers.
New York, 1855. 1-2°. . , . . . .5411.16
Baptism. See Biblical and religious lit. ( Baptism. )
Baptistery (Thei : [poem]. See "Williams (J.) 1696.34
Baptists. See B.bLcal and religious lit. ( Baptists. )
Baptized child. N. Adams. 1836 3513.09
Barante (Amable GuiU;iume Prosper Brugifere de).
Etudes historiques et biographiques. 2 v. Paris
1S5S. 16° 7002.01
Contents : v. 1. Catheliueau. Boncharap. Lescure.
La Rochejaquelein, etc. Le general Dessaix. Le comte
de Saint Priest. Camille Jordan. Le general Foy. Cau-
laincourt. Gouvion Saint-Cyr. Le baron Mouuier. Prince
de Talleyrand. Le comte de Moutlosier. Le comte Alexia
de Saint-Priest.
2. Le comte de Poutecoulant. Le comte de Sainte-Au-
laire. Le comte Mole. De I'histoire : Grcgoire de Toura.
Froissart. Comines, Pasquier. etc. Notices sur Kiom.
Thiers et La Roche-sur- Yon. Des essais sur I'histoire de
France de M. Guizot. Chronique de Riclier. Introduc-
tUm a la chronique du religieux de St Denis. Guerard,
Monteil, etc.
— Etudes litteraires et hist. 2 v. P. , 1859. 16°. 7002.03
Contents : V. 1. Le Parlement avant la Fronde. De la
pohtique de Feuclon. Do 1 histoire de France au xviij.
siccle. Histoire de I'Egahte en France.
2. Bossuet. Schiller. Lessing. Otway. Thomson,
etc. M. Vitet. Lemontey. Arnault, Creuze de Lesser.
Le general Foy. M. de Salvaudy. l\Ime. Guizot. 5Ime.
Necker de Saussure. Auguste de St,iel. Mile. Aisse. Mme.
Baratariana. Fugitive political pieces, publ. during
the administration of Lord Towusend in Ireland.
[anon.] 3d ed. Dublin, 1777. 12°.. . 492.13
Barb and the bridle; handbook of equitation for ladies.
By " Vieille Moustache ," [/isem/.] London, 1874.
12° 4627.22
Barbadoes. See Countries. { Barbeuloes. )
B.arbaro (Josafa), and Coutarini (Ambrogio). Travels
to Tana [1436] ; and Persia [1473]. From the
Ital., by W. Thomas and S. A. Roy ; with introd.
by Lord Stanley of Alderley. London, IlaUui/t
soc, 1873. 8° 1042.-i2
B.^baroux (C. O.) and Lardier (— ). Adventures .of
a French sergeant during his campaigns in Italy,
Spain, Germany, Russia, etc. 1805-23. [Waldie
libr., V. 9.] 5078.15
Barbary. See Countries. (Barbara/.)
Barbauld (-1/)-s. AunaLslitia Aikin). Selection from
[her] poems and prose writings. Boston, 1874.
12°. 3021.06
— Things by their right names, and other stories, fa-
bles and moral pieces in prose and verse. New
York, 1854. 16° 2513.03
— Works. Memoir by L. Aiken. 2 v. Loudon,
1825. 8° 5015.07
V, 1. Poema, with memoir. 2. Correspondence. Mia-
cellaneous pieces, uu public worship.
For biogr. notices see Biography (Individual).
B.u-be-Marbois(Fran5ois, viarq. de). History of Louis-
iana. With essay on the constitution and gov. of
the United States. From the French. Phihi.,
1830. 8' 593.0J
In aakiug for boolss, use the " Book Order," giving the AU THOIi'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and Uio NDMUKB.
Barber (John Warner). Historical collections, Massa-
cliusetts, with ceogr. descriptions. Worcester,
18il. 8'. . 591.05
— Historical collections of New York ; with geogr.
descriptions. New York, 1851. 8°. . . 614.23
— and Howe (H.) Historical collections of New Jer-
sey. New York, 1845. 8° 612.02
Barbier (Antoine Alexandre). Dictionnaire des on-
vrages anonymes. 3e ed. , augmenti5e par 0. Bar-
bier, R. et P. BiUard. 4. v. P., 1872. 8°. a781.10
Barbiere (Joe). Scraps from the prison table, at Camp
Chase and Johnson's Island. Doylestown (Pa.)
18G8. 8° 644.17
Barbosa (Duarte). Description of the coasts of East
Africa and Mahibar in the beginning of the Kith
century. Tr. with notes by H. E. J. Stanley.
London, Hakluyt socieii/, 1866. 8'. . . 1095.13
Barbour (John). The Bruce. With notes and me-
moir of the author, by J. Jamieson. New ed.
Glasgow, 1869. 12° 1614.19
— — Same. The Bruce ; or, the book of Robert de
Broyss, king of Scots ; ed., with notes and glos-
sarial index, by W. W. Skeat. Pt. 1. [E. E. T.
Soc. E.ttra ser. No. 11.] 7914.12
its- For lives of B. see Biography [Individual).
Barclay (Alexander). Cytezen and uplondyshman.
[Percy soc, v. 22.] 5060.22
Barclay (James T. ) City of the great King ; Jerusa-
lem. Philadelphia, 1858. 8°. . . . . 1055.02
Barclay {Rev. John). Diary of Alexander Jaflfray,
[and] memoirs of the quakers in the north of
Scotland. 2ded. London, 1834. 8°. .3448.19
Barclay (John, M.D.) Inquiry concerning life, and
organization. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. . 4723.15
Barclay. (Sydney), [pseud.] See Post (Lydia M.)
Bard (S. A.) [iwewtJ.] &e Squier (E. G.)
Bards of the Bible. George GilfiUaui. 1851. 3736.11
Bardsley (Charles Wiii-eing). Our English surnames:
sources and significations. L., 1874. 12°. 6612.10
Bareste(E.) Nostradamus. Vie. Centuries. Expli-
cation des quatrains proph^tiques. 2d ed. Paris,
1810. 8° 3813.24
Bargrave (John, D.D.) Alexander VII., and the col-
lege of cardinals ; ed. by J. C. Robertson. Lon-
don, ('((mden soc, 1867. 4° 5113.46
Barham (Francis). Life and times of Johu Reuchlin.
London, 1843. 18°. 3152.13
Barham (R. H. D. ) Ingoldsby legends ; or, mu-th and
marvels. With a memoir of author. Repr. from
10th English ed. 2 v. N. Y., [n. d] 12°. 1613.25
— Life and remains of Theodore Hook. 2v. London,
1819. 12° 3078.04
i(^ For life of B., see Biography [Individual).
Barham (Thomas Foster). On metrical time, or
rhythm. [Philol. soc. Proceedings, I860.] 6443.13
Baring (Evelyn), Staff college essays. London, 1870.
8' 4514.16
C'lnteuls : Changes in the art of war, 1792-1816. Cam-
paign ot Ulm. Operations in Poland, Dec. 1806.
Bariug-Gould (S.) See Gould (S. Baring),
Barker (Andrew). Vovage to Tierra Firma, </c. 1.576.
[/(tHaklujrt. Voyages, V. 4, 1811.] . . 916.18
Barker (Edmund). Voyage to East Indies, 1591 ; by
G. Raymond and J. Lankester. [ In Hakluyt ( R. )
Voyages, v. 2, 1810 [916.16] ; Astley (T.) Voy-
ages, V. 1 [935.09] ; and Kerr (It) Voyages, v. 8,
1824 [914.15].
Barker (E. H. ) 1. Claims of Sir PhUip Francis to the
authorship of Junius disproved. 2. Some enquiry
into the claims of the late Charles Lloyd, etc.
London, 1828. 12° 3088.08
Same. [/ii.Pamphleteer, v. 27.] . .5058.27
— Letter to T. S. Hughes, occasioned by [his] " Ad-
dress," etc. in the cause of the Greeks. Loudon,
1822. 8°. [Pamphleteer, v. 21.] . . 5058.21
Barker (George F. ) Text-book of elementary chem-
istry, theoreticiU and inorganic. New Haven,
1870. 12° 4213.04
Barker (J.) History and confessions of a man, as put
forth by himself, [anon.] L., 1846. 16°. 301.5.31
Barker (Mary Anne, lady). Station life in New Zea-
land. Loudon, 1870. 12° 1062.05
— Stories about :— 2d ed. Lond. , 1871. 12°. 2.513.16
Contents : Alonkeys ; Jamaica ; Horses : Camp life in
Bengal : Dogs ; Boys ; Edinburgh castle ; A cruel uegresa ;
The grave by the Rakaia ; The lost shepherd.
Barker [liev. T. Childei. See Fustel de Coulanges
(N. D. ) Aryan civilization 421.21
Barker (W. B. ) Reading book of the Turkish lan-
guage, with grammar and vocabulary. London,
1854. 8° 6422.23
Barlow (Henry Clark). Critical, hist., and phUos. con-
tribution to the study of the Divina Commedia.
Loudon, 1864. 8° 1636.04
Barlow (Joel). The Colurubiad, a poem. Phila.,
1807. 4° 1627.01
Barlow (John). Connection between physiology and
intellectual phUosophy. Phil., 1846. 16°. [SmaU
books, etc. v. 1.] 2.543.07
— On man's power over himself to prevent or control
insanity. PhU. , 1846. 16°. [Small books, etc.
V. 1.] 2543.07
Barlow (J. W. ) and Heap (D. P.) Report of a recon-
naissance of the basin of the upper Yellowstone in
1871. Washington, 1872. 8° 1134.21
Barlow (Peter). New mathematical and philosophical
dictionary. London, 1814. 8°. . . . 4017.01
— Treatise on the strength of timber, cast and mallea-
ble iron , and other materials. New ed. , revised
by I. F. Heather. With essay on effects produced
by causing weights to travel over elastic bars.
London, 1851. 8° 3926.37
Barlow (liev. William). On the press as a means of
diffusing the principles of the church. New
York, 1826. 8° 2711.19
Barnabas (iS7.) Epistle. [7(i Apostolic fathers. An-
te-NiceueC. lib.,v. 1.] 3467.02
Same. [Hone (W.) Apocr. N. T., 1846.] 3757.01
Same. [In Am. pres. rev., Jan. -July, 1874.]
— Donaldson [J. W.) Crit. hist, of christian literature.
T. 1. 1864 3413.19
— Howson(,J. S.) Companions of St. Paul. 1871. 3755.22
Barnard (Charles). Farming by inches ; or, " with
brains sir." By Mrs. M. GUmau. [pseudo7i.'\
Boston, 1869. 12° 6121.11
— My ten-rod farm ; or, how I became a florist. By
Mrs. Maria Gihnau [jj.s'cik;.] B., 1869. 12°. 6122.01
— Simple flower garden. Boston, 1870. 12°. 6132.11
— Strawberry garden, financially and sentimentally.
Boston, 1871. 12° 6133.18
— Tone masters. Bach and Beethoven. Boston, 1871.
16° 1561.26
Same. Handel and Haydn. B.,1871. 16°. 1561.25
Same. Mozart and Mendelssohn. Boston, 1870.
16° 1561.24
Barnard (Daniel Dewey). Speeches and reports in the
Assembly of New York, 1838, on financial and edu-
cational topics. Albany, 1838. 12°. . . 5912.26
Barnard (Frederic A. P.) Recent progress of science,
with an examination of the asserted identity of
the mental powers with physical forces. New
York, 1869. 8° 3914.06
— Report on machineiy and indus. arts. [In Paris
exposition, 1867. Reports, v. 1.] . . . 3915.09
— UnduLatory theory of light. [Sm.rep., 18132.] 3936.17
Barnard (George). Drawings from nature. London,
1865. 1. 8° 1436.04
— Hand-book of foliage and foreground drawing.
New. ed. London, 1870. 12°. . . . 1432.30
— Landscape painting iu water colours. London,
1855. Roy. 8°. 1425.04
Barnard (George G.) Proceedings in the matter of
the impeachment of G. G. B. 3 v. Albany, 1874.
8° 5644.01
Barnard (Henry).
— American pedagogy : contributions to the science
and art of education by American educators and
teachers. Hartford, 1875. 8° 5534.00
— Aphorisms and suggestions respecting education.
Hartford, 1875. 8° 5534.01
— Armsmear. A memorial of Samuel Colt, the inventor
ofthe revolving Colt pistol. N.Y., 1867. 4°. 3041.14
— Compulsory school attendance. H. ,1875. 8°. 5534.03
— Connecticut common school journal. 4 v. 1838-42.
— Constitutional provisions respecting schools and
education. Hertford, 1875. 8^ 5534.02
— Educational biography. Pt. 1. Memoirs of teachbrs
[and] educators, ill eO. N. Y., 18U1. 8°. 552-1.20
— English pedagogy. Education, the school, and the
teacher, in English literature. 2d ed. Philadel. ,
18(;2. 8= 5524.21
— Ezekiel Cheever and the early free school of New
England. Hartford, 18 ".fi. 8° 5334.03
— Freedmeu and colored children ; their educational
status in the U. S. Hiirtford, 1875. 8". . 5334.01
— German educational reformers. <See Raumer (F. G.
L. vou) 5515.14
— Military schools and courses of instruction in the
science and art of war, in France, Prussia, Austria,
Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Sardinia, England,
and the United States. N. Y., 1872. 8'. 5524.19
— National education in Europe. 2d ed. New York,
1854. 8°. 5515.13
— National education. Systems, institutions, and
statistics of public instruction in different coun-
tries. 2v. New York, 1872. 8°. . .5518.03
— Object teaching and other methods of elementary
instruction iu the model and trainiug school of
Great Britain. Hartford, 1875. 8='. . . 5534.05
— Pestaloazi and Pestalozzianism. N. Y., 1859. 8^
Contents : 1. Memoir of Pestalozzi and sketches of sev-
eral of his assistants. 2. Selections from the publications
of Peatalozzi 5521.24
— Bbode Island institute of instruction. Journal. 3 v.
— School codes : state, municipal, and institutional.
Hartford, 1875. 8" 5534.06
— Science and art. Systems, institutions, and statis-
tics of scientific instruction in different countries.
V. 1. Europe. New York, 1872. 8=. . . 5518 01
— Superior instruction. An account of universities
and other institutions of superior instruction iu
different countries. Hartford, 1873. 8°. 5518.05
— Tribute to Gallaudet. A discourse. With history
of deaf-mute instruction. 2d ed. New York,
1859. 8" 3063.22
— True student life : letters, essays, and thoughts on
studies and conduct. 2d ed. H., 1873. 8°. 5518.02
— editor. See American journal of education [5531.01] ;
United States. Cum. of ed. Report, 1867-8. 1870. [5516.01
Barnard (Maj. gen. 3. G.) Eulogy on Gen. J. G. Tot-
ten. [Sm. rep., 1865.] 3936.20
— 'Problems of rotary motion presented by the gyro-
scope, the precession of the equinoxes, and the
pendulum. [Sm.contrib., v. 19. 1874.] . 4518.11
— Report on the defences of Washington. Washing-
ton, 1871. 4° 4518.11
— Report on the harbor of New York. . . .
Barnard (Vincent). Birds of Chester co. , Penn. [Sm.
rep., I860.] 3936.15
Barnes (Albert, D.D.) Inquiries in regard to the
foundation of faith in the word of God. Philadel.
1859. 12' 3514.27
— Miscellaneous essays and reviews. 2 v. New York,
1855. 12° 2513.06
Contents : V. 1. Butler's analogy of roli<^ion : The chris-
tian ministry : Works of Lord Bacon ; How can the sinner
be made to feel his guilt ? Episcopacy tested by scripture ;
The Episcopal controversy ; Evangelical party in the Epis-
copal church.
2. .\ncient commerce of Western Asia ; Relation of theo-
logy to preaching ; Position of the christian scholar ;
Progress and tendency of science : Desire of reputation ;
Choice of a profession ; Practical preaching ; Literature
and science of our country ; Law of Paradise ; Thoughts
on theology.
— Notes on the Acts of the apostles. New York. 1860.
12° 3742.03
— Notes on the Book of Revelation. New York, 1863.
12° 3742.11
— Notes on Daniel New York, 1863. 12°. . . 3734.06
— Notes on 1st Corinthians. N. Y., 1863. 12°. 3742.05
— Notes on 2d Corinthians and Galatiaus. New York,
1863. 12° 3742.06
— Notes on Ephesians, Plulippians, and Colossians.
New York, 1863. 12° 3742.07
— Notes on the gospels. 2 v. N. Y., 1862. 12°. 3742.01
— Notes on Hebrews. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . . 3742.09
— Notes on Isaiah. 2 v. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . . 3733.15
— Notes on James, Peter, John, and Jude. New York,
1863. 12° 3742.10
— Notes on Job. 2 v. New York, 1863. 12°. . 3733.05
— Notes on Romans. Now York, 1863. 12°. . 3742.04
— Notes on Thessalonians , Timothy, Titus, and Phile-
mon. New York, 1863. 12° 3742.08
— Scenes in the hfe of Paul. Lon., 1869. 12°. 3514.18
Barnes (Richard, bp. of Durham). Injunctions and
otCcr eccl. proceedings, 1575-87. [Surteea soc,
V. 22.] 5116.26
Barnes (William). Early England and the Saion-Eng-
lish. London, 1869. 16^ 6132.13
— Grammar and glossary of the Dorset dialect, with
hist, of south-western English. L.,1863. 8°. 6334.15
— Rural poems. Boston, 1869. 18° 1614.13
Barnes (Wm. H.) The body politic. [The American
nation.] Cincinnati, 1866. 12°. . . . 5723.01
— Hist, of the 39th Congress. N. Y., 1868. 8°. 5726.09
Bamiield (Richard). Affectionate shepherd. [Percy
society, V. 20.] 5060.20
Bamum (Phineas Taylor). Humbugs of the world, in
aU ages. New York, 1866. 12°. . . .3813.14
^g" For lives of B. see Biography.
Barmwell. [p.sew/. ] Game fish. .See Roosevelt ( R. B. )
Barmvell (Robert Gibbes). Sketch of the life and
times of John De Witt. N. Y., 1856. 12°. 3051.09
Barometer. .bVe Meteorology. (Barometer.)
Baron (John, il. D.) Life of Edward Jenner. Lon-
don, 1827. 8°. 3092.16
Baron (Samuel). 'Description of Tonqueen. [Pink-
erton's Voyages, v. 9.] 926.09
Baroa-Wilson. !<ee 'Wilson.
Baronetage. !>ee Peerage.
Barr (James). Anglican church architecture. 2d ed
Oxford, 1843. 18° 1311.08
Barr (John). Index and concise dictionary of the
Holy Bible. 14th ed. N. Y., [n.ri.] 12°. 3721.01
Barrandt (A. ) Sketch of ancient earth-works on the
upper Missouri. [Sm. rep., 1870.] . .3936.25
Barre (Louis). Herculaneum et Pompei. Recueil dos
peintures, bronzes, mosaiques, etc., graves par
H. Roux. 8 V. Paris, 1861-63. 8°. . . 1455.01
Barre (Guillaume). History of the French consulate
under Napoleon Buonaparte. With a sketch of his
life. London, 1801. 8°. 3131.12
Barrera (Mmf, A. de). Gems and jewels. London,
1860. 8' 1583.10
— Memoirs of Rachel. New York, 1858. 12°. . 3152.17
Barret (William). Of monsoons, [/n Kerr (R.) Voy-
ages, V. 8.]
Barrett (Benjamin F.) Doctrines of the new chris-
tian church. Cinciunati, 1852. 12°. . 3596.01
— Letters on the divine trinity, addressed to Henry
WardBeecher. Philadelphia, 1869. 12^3514.19
— The new view of hell. Philadelphia, 1872. 8°. 3514.22
Barrett (E. G. B.) Poems, N. Y. , 1866. 12°. 1614.06
Barrett (Elizabeth). *e Brovwuiug (Mrs. E. B.)
Barrett ( F. ) The magus, or celestial intelligencer.
London, 1801. 4°. 3818.01
Barrett (George C.) Administration of criminal jus-
tice, [/ft Amer. soc. sci. asaoo. Trans., no. 2,
1870.] 5811.01
Barrett (Mary). Story of William the silent, and the
Netherland war. 1555-1584. B.,1869. 16°. 3185.25
Barrett (Rev. R. A. F.) Synopsis of criticisms upon
passages of the old Testament. 3 v. iu 5. Lon-
don, 1847. 8° 3724.01
Barrett (Walter), [pseud.'] See Scoville (J. A.)
Barrett (W. A, ) Flowers and festivals ; floral deco-
ration of churches. London, 1868. 16°. 1151.01
Barrifere iJean Francois). Bibliothtque des memoires
rel. a I'histoire de France pendant le 18e siicle.
29 V. Paris, 1853-64. 12° 507.01
Contents : Y. 1 Mme. de Staal Delaunay. Marq. d'Argen-
son. Madame mere du regent. Extraits des mem. de S^iiiit
Simon, 2. Mem. secrets sur le regne de Louis XJV'., la re-
geuce et le regne de Louis XV. par Duclos, 3. Mme. dil
Hausset. Ba*'haumont. i. Baron de Bcsenval. La verity
dans le vin, com., par CoUe. 5. Marmnntel. 6. Mile, Clai-
ron, Lckain. Preville. Dazincourt. Mole. Garrick, Goldont.
7. Weber. 8, Mme. Eolaud. 9. Clery. Duchesse d'Angou-
leme. I>uc de Montpeusier, Riouffe. 10. Mine. Campan.
In asking for books, use the ' Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first p«rt of the TITLE, and the N'JMBER.
11. Dumouriez. 12. Dumo^iriez. Louvet. Daunau. 13. Comte
de Vaublauc. 14. Souvenii'B de Felicie, par Mine, de Genlis.
Souvenirs et portraits, par le Due de Levis. 15. Mme de
Genlis. 16, 17. Due de Kichelieu. 18. Journees de septem-
bre, 1792. 19, 20. Comte de Segur. 21. Marquis de Bou-
ille. 22. Mera. secrets sur la Russie, par Masson. 23,
24. Souvenirs de vingt ana de se.joar a Berlin, par D. Thie-
bault. 25. Duo de Lauzim. Comte de Tilly. 26. Alfieri.
27. Souvenirs de lord Holland. Journal de mistress Elliot.
■28, 29. Lettres de la marq. Du Deffand a Walpi>le, 1766-80,
Barriiigton (Archibald). Familiar introduction to
heraldry. London, 1848. 18°. . . . 6621.24
B.irrington\Daines). Hist, disquisition on the game
of chess. [Archseologia, V. 9, 1789,] . 5128.
— Ou the earliest introd, of clocks. [Archseologia,
V, 5, 1779.] 5128.
— Practice of archery in England. [ArcUaeologia,
V. 7, 1785.] 5128.
— Bowie (J.), and Gough (J. G, ) On the antiquity
of card playing. [Archceologia, v.7,1785.] 5128.
Barringtoii (John Shute, viscount). Essay on the
Holy spirit. \_Ia Watson (K. ) Theol. tracts,
V. 4, 1791.] 3621.06
BaiTington (Sir Jonah). Historic records of the legis-
lative union between Great Britain and Ireland.
[1779-99.] London, 1814. 8°. ... 495.02
— Personal sketches of his own times. New York,
1858. 12° 3015.23
• — Rise and fall of the Irish nation. Account of the
union. Dublin, 1868. 12° 492.11
Barron (Wm.) Lectures on belles lettres and logic.
2 V. London, 1806. 8° 6334.13
Barrow (Isaac). Works, life by A. Hill, and memoir
by J. Hamilton, 3 v. N. Y, 1845. 8°. . 3515.02
Contents: v. 1, Life and memoir. .Sermons. 2, Ser-
mons. Defence of the trinity. Apostle's creed. Sermons.
3. Exposition of the Lord's supper. The Decalogue. The
sacraments. Treatise on the pope'B supremacy. On the
unity of the church. Opuscxila theologica, Orations. Poem-
Barro-w (Sir John). Life of Peter the Great. New
York, 1848. 18° 3142.11
— Life of Richard, earl Howe. L. , 1838. 8°. 3083.25
— Life of Sir Francis Drake. L., 1843. 8°. 3052,30
— Pitcairn's Island. Mutiny of the Bounty. New
York, 1853, 18° 1061.03
— Voyages within the arctic regions, from 1818. New
York, 1846. 12° 1142,10
Barro'w (John, son of Sir JoIdi). Life and correspon-
dence of admiral Sir W. Sidney Smith. 2 v. Lon-
don, 1848. 8° 3165.03
— Tour in Austrian Lombardy, the northern Tyrol
and Bavaria, in 1840. London, 1841. 8°. 981,23
— Tour through northern Germany, Austria, Tyrol,
etc. London, 1853. 16°. [T. L. v. '2.] . 5075.07
— Visit to Iceland by way of Tronyem in 1834. Lon-
don, 1835. 12° 1143.02
Ban'cws (William). The General ; or. Twelve nights
in a hunter's camp. Boston, 1869. 16°. 112.3.13
Barruel (A. de). Memoirs illustrating the history of
Jacobinism. From the French, by R. Cliff rd.
4 V. Loudon, 1798. 8° 5837.03
Contents: v. 1. The anti-christian conspiracy. 2. Antl-
mouarchical conspiracy. 3. Anti-social conspiracy. The II-
luminoes. 4. The same ; historical part.
Barry (Alfred, D. D.) Life and works of Sir Charles
Barry. London, 1867. 8° 1313.12
^ Notes on the catechism. 3d ed. L.,1869. 16°. 3514.24
Barry (Sir Charles, architect). Life and works. By A.
Barry. London, 1867. 8° 1313.12
Barry (Sir Edward). Observations on the wines of
the ancients ; and the analogy between them and
the modern wines. London, 1775. 4°. . 3937.36
Barry (Rev. H.) Ciesar and the Britons. London,
1831. 8°. •. 466.'24
Barry (Herbert). Russia in 1870. L,, 1871. 8°. 996.07
Ban'y (James), Inquiry into the real and imaginary
obstructions to the acquisition of the arts in Eng-
land. London, 1775. 8" 1433.22
— Lectures on painting. Ed. by R. N. Womum. Lon-
don, Bohn, 1848. 12°. 1424.08
Bairy (J. J., M. D., translator). Life of Columbus.
. See Roselly de Lorgues 3043.09
Barry (John S.) Hist, sketch of Hanover, Mass.
Boston, 1853. 8°. 611.23
— History of Massachusetts. [To 18'20.] 3v. Bos-
ton, 1857. 8° 591.01
Barry (Marie J. G. de V,, comtesse du) See Biography
Barry (P.) Shoeburyness and the guns, London,
1865. 8° 4515,08
Barry (W. W.) Savings banks, [In Nat, assoc,, soc.
science, 1857.]
Barry (Hev. William). History of Framingham, (Mass.)
with notice of Sudbury. Boston, 1847. 8°. 611.28
Barstow (George). History of New Hampshire, 1614
to 1819. 2ded. Boston, 18.53. 8°. . . . 612.13
Barstow (W., M. D.) Sulphurets ; how assayed and
worked. With chapter on the blow-pipe. New
York, 1867. 16° 3933.29
Barter (WUliam Brudenell) . Tracts in defence of the
christian sabbath, the church, etc. London, 1851.
8° 3514.23
Barth (George). What is mesmerism ? or mesmerism
not miracle. London, 1853. 16°. . . . 3811.03
Barth (Heinrich). North and Central Africa, 1849-55.
5v. London, 1857-59. 8° 1095.01
Same. 3 v. New York, 1858-59. 8°. . . 1095.06
Barthelemy (Jean Jacques). Travels of Anacharsis
the younger, in Greece. With memoir by him-
self. 7 V. London, 1806. 8° 995.15
Same. Maps, plans, views and coins. London,
1791. 4° 995.22
Barthema (Ludovico di). See Varthema.
Barthes and Low^ell, Booksellers. Catalogue g^ndrale
des livres fran^ais, itaUeus, espagnols, etc. Lon-
dres, 1857. 8° 2713.30
Bartholdy. See Mendelssohn.
Bartholomew fair. H, Morley, 1859. . . . 4617.04
Bartholomews day. .See St. Bartholome-w's day.
Bartlam (John). Liberty. [In Oxford prize essays,
T. 2, 1830.] 2541.12
Bartle (Rev. George). Scriptural doctrine of Hades.
2d ed. London, 1870. 8° 3514.25
Bartlet (Rev. Wm. S, ) Contrib. to the history of Bath.
[Maine hist. soc. V. 3, 1853.] .... 602.03
Bartlett (D. W.) Life of lady Jane Grey. Auburn,
1853. 12°. 3073.15
— Presidential candidates for 1860. New York, 18.59.
1'2°. 3242.03
— What I saw in London. Auburn, 1852. 1'2°. 953.08
— ed. Cases of contested elections in congress, 1831-65.
Washington, 1865. 8°.
Bartlett (George B. ) Parlor amusements [tableaux] for
the young folks. Boston, 1875. 1'2°. . . 1712.32
Bartlett ( J^ M. ) On propelling vessels by windmill
saUs. Lond., 1819. 8°. [Pamph., v. 14.] 50.58.14
Bartlett (John). A collection of familiar quotations.
Cambridge, 1858. 16° 6213.01
Same. 5th ed. Boston, 1868. 12°. . . 6213.02
Bartlett (John Russell). IJibUography of Rhode Is-
land. Catalogue of books and other publications,
with notes. Providence, 1864. 8°. . . 2734.20
— Dictionary of Americanisms. 2d ed. Boston, 1859.
8°.' *. . . 6424.17
— Explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico,
California, Sonora, and Chihuahua. 2 v. New
York, 1854. 8°. 1125.06
— Literature of the rebellion, with works on American
slaveiy. Boston, 1866. 8°. 2724.11
— Progress of ethnology. 2ded. N. Y., 1847. 8°. 4735,01
— ed. See Rhode Island. Records, etc. . . 624,01
Bartlett \Thomas). Memoirs of Joseph Butler. Lon-
don, 1839. 8° 3026.25
Bartlett (Wm. ) and Chapman (H. ) Handy-book for
investors. London, 1869, 12° 5922.12
Bartlett (Wm. Heui-y). "American scenery. &e Willis
(N. P.) •. 1116.01
— Footstejis of our Lord and His apostles in Syria,
Greece, and Italy. Loudon, 1851. 8°. . . 1055.17
— 'Gleanings on the overland route. [_anon.1 London,
1851. 8° 986.15
— *Illustratious. See Finden (E ) Ports of Great
Britain [1446.26] ; also Bsattie (Wm.)
— NUeboat; Egypt. 2d ed, London, 18.50, 8°. 1076,20
— Pictures from Sicily. New ed. L., 1869. 1'2°. 971. '-'3
— "Syria, the Holyland, Asia Minor, eic. London,
in.d.-\i° 1055.U
— Walks about the city and environs of Jerusalem.
London, [1852.] 8° 1055.10
Bartlett (Wm. H. C. ) Elements of natural philosophy.
2. Acoustics. 3. Optics. N. Y., 1852. 8=. 4025.10
Bartol (Cyrus A. , D.D.) Kadical problems. Boston,
1872. 12^. 3514.20
— The rising faith. Boston, 1874. 16^. . . . .3514.28
— The purchase by blood : a tribute to CharleeRuBsell Lowell.
B.. 18C4. 8". — Relation of the medical profesaiou to the
ministry : discourse on Dr. George 0. Shattuck. B., 1854.
8^.— The Traveler's report, a sermon. B., 1854. 8°. a514."29
Bartolozzi (Francesco) and Tomkin (Peltro W. )
'Birth and triumph of love. With illustrations.
New York, 1875. [1874.] 14.52.00
Barton (Bernard). Memoir, letters, and poems. Phila.
1850. 12° 3016.26
— Poems. 2ded., with additions. L., 1821. 12". 1013.27
Bartram (WiUiam). Travels through North and South
Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida. Lon-
don, 1792. 8° 1113.01
B.iscom (John). Philosophy of literature. New York,
1874. 12° 2751.27
— Principles of psychology. N. Y.,1869. 16°. 5411.17
— Science, philosophy, and religion. Lectures before
the Lowell Institute. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 5411.19
Bashau. See Countries. (Baslian.)
Bashford (Francis). Menai bridge during storms, with
proposed new method of constructing suspension
bridges. [Weale's quar. papers, v. 4.] . 3918.14
Basic outlines of universology. S. P. Andrews. 5413.24
Baakerville (Alfred). Poetry of Germany. Eng. and
German. 9th ed. Phila., 1872. 16°. . . 1013.30
Basque provinces. 6Ve Couutriea. (Spain.)
Bassanville (Auais Lebrun, comlesse de). Les salons
d'autrefois. 4 v. Paris, 1802-66. 12°. . . 3266.17
CoiUerits : v. 1. Mme. laprincessede Vaudemont. Isabey.
Mme. la conitesse de Rumfort. M. de Bourrieune. '2. La
princesse Bagratiou, La comtesse Merliu. Mme. de Mir-
bel. Mme Campau. 3. Casimir Delavigna. La marquise
d'Osmoud. Kalkbrenher. 4. La duchesse deLaviano. Mme.
Boscari de ViUeplaine. Mme. Orfiia Pradier.
Bassnett (T. ) Outliues of a mechanical theory of
storms, containing the true law of Umar influence.
New York, 1854. 12°. 4021.09
Bassompierre (Franyois de). Memoires, 1579-1640.
[Petitot. Coll desmf5m. si5r. 2., v. 19-21.] 502.34
— Memoirs of [his] embassy to the court of England,
in 1026. London, 1819. 8° 454.10
Bastian (H. Charlton). Beginnings of life : modes of
origin and transformations of lower organisms.
2 V. London, 1872. «° 472.3.20
— Modes of origin of lowest organisms : including a
discussion of the experiments of M. Pasteur, and
reply to Huxley and TjTidall. London, 1871.
12°. 4723.18
Bastiat (Fre'd^ric). Essays on political economy :
Sophisms of protection, etc. From the Paris ed. of
1863. Chicago, 1869. 12° 5912.10
Same. London, 1872. 16° 5911.20
— Popular fallacies ; a transl . of " Sophismes Ecouo-
miques. " With notes by G. R. Porter. Loudou,
1846. 16° 5912.11
— Cairnes {J.K) Bastiat. [/n Fortn. rev., v. 14, 1870.]
— Ddmar (A. ) What is free trade ? an adaptation ol B. 's
Sopiiismes. By E. Walter [psci»Z. ] 1807. 5912.14
Bastille. Ohamcrouzow {M. A.) Chronicles of the Bas-
tille. 1859 152.17
— Davmpori (H.A.) History of the Bastille. 1847. 521.18
— Linquet (8. N. U.) Memoirs of the Bastille. . 521.19
— Maaers de La Tude (U.) Life, with account of the
B. [la Pamphleteer, v. 3., 1814.] . . 5058.03
^^ iVri also Histories of the French rev., particularly
Curlyle's ; and in Fu-twn Dumas' Six yeais later [181.11].
Batavia. &e Countries. (Java.)
Bataviau anthology. J. Bowriug. 1824. . . 1015.10
Batchelder (Samuel, jc.) Poetry of the bells ; col-
lected. Cambridge, [Mass.]' 18.58. 12°. . 1614.07
— The young men of America. A prize essay. New
York, 1800. 12° 3511.03
Bates ( Mrs. D. B. ) Incidents on land and water, or
four years on the Pacific coast. 7th ed. Boston,
1858. 8° ll'22.22
Bates (Elisha). Doctrines of Friends. Leeds (Eno-
land). 1829. 16°. 3586.06
Same. Dublin, 1828. 8° 3514.20
— Reasons for receiving christian baptism. [ With
Crewdson (L) Water baptism, ete.] . 3531.01
Bates (H. W., ed) Illustrated travels ; record of dis-
covery, geography, and adventure, v. 1-5. London,
1869-73. 4° 936.01
— The naturalist on the river Amazons. 2d ed. Lon-
don, 1864. 8° 1103.20
Batss (Walter). The mysterious stranger ; or, memoirs
of H. M. Smith. 2ded. N. H., 1817. 18°. 3010.01
Baths and bathing. iS'ee Medicine. {Baths ;— Hydro-
pathy ;— Mineral springs. )
Baths and wells of Europe. J.Macpherson,1869.4328.01
Batis maritima. 6'ee Torrey ( J. ) 3937.00
Batrachomyomachia. See Homer.
Bats. (.-Wen H.) Monograph of B. of America. [Sm.
mis. coll., V. 7. 3935.17.]— Morao {F. i). Remark-
able accumulation of. [Sm. rep., 1868. 3930.23.]
See also Natural history.
Battel (Andrew). 'Adventures in Angola, 1589. [Pin-
kerton's voyages, V. 16.] 926.16
Battle abbey. Burke {J.K) Roll of B. A. 1848. 472.01
Battle (The) and the breeze ; or the British tar.
[Ballantyue's miscellany, v. 13. 1869.] . 931.14
BatUe diiy, etc. Ernest Jones. 1855. . . . 1662.10
Battle echoes ; lessons from the war. G. B. Ide. 042. 12
Battle-fields of the South, from Bull Run to Freder-
icksburg. ByT. E. C. laiion.] L., 1863. 12°. 031.12
Battle of the books. M. A, Dodge. 1870. . .2752.17
Battle of the books. See Swift (J.) 5074.02 ; 13 ; 23
Battle of Dorking. -See Chesney (CW. George). 483.13
Battle pieces. [Poems.] H. Melville. . . . 1672.11
Battle songs (Book of.) C. A. Fanshawe. . . 1014.33
Battle summer of 1848. D. G. MitcheU. 1853. 963.11
Battles. Allen (J.) Battles of the British navy. 2 v.
Bohn, 1852. 12°. 494.01
— Bolus (F.) Synoptical account of the great European
battles and sieges, 1700-1869 445.19
— Borthwick (J. D.) Battles of the world ; alphabeti-
cally arranged, containing a chi'onological table,
from the creation to the present day. 1806. 443.23
— Creasy (E. S. ) Fifteen decisive battles of the world.
1856 442.30
— Hazewell {G C.) Fighting facts for old fogies. [At-
lantic monthly, v. 13, 1864.]
— Pictures from the battle-fields. By the 'Roving Eng-
lishman.' London, 1856. 16°. .... 992.09
See also 'Tables of casualties of [13] principal battles,'
[Atlantic, v. 10, 186a] ; • Great battles of the world," (Eclec-
tic (from Dublin University), v. '16, 185'2.
See also Biography (Mititari/) ; — . Military science ; —
Sieges ; — Wars.
Batty (Robert). Family tour through South Holland,
up the Rhine, and across the Netherlands. [Wal-
die library, v. 1.] 5078.15
Baucher (F. ) A method of horsemanship, including
brealang and training. 3dAmer. ed. Philadelphia,
1856. 12°. 4627.14
Baudelaire (Charles). (Euvres complfetes. 4 v. Paris,
1809. 12° 7013.08
1. Les fleurs du mal. j i. Petits poemes on prose.
'2. Curiosites esthetiquea. Les paradis artificiels.
3. L' art romautiqne. |
Note.— For critical notices of B., see Atlantic monthly,
V. 23, 1889 : Frasor's mag., v. SO, 1865).
Baudicour (Prosper de). Le peintre-graveur Franijais
continue ; xviii. sifecle. 2 v. P., 1859. 8°. 1414.20
Bauer (Prof. A.) Organic bases ; a lecture. [Sm. rep.,
1872.] 3930.27
Bauer (WUhelm). Religious life in Germany during the
wars of independence. 2 v. L., 1870. 8°. 3515.12
Bauerman (H. F. G. S.) Treatise on the metallurgy of
iron. New York, 1808. 12° 3933.39
Baumgcirten (M. ) History of the church in the apos-
tolic age. Tr. by A. J. W. Morrison, etc. 2 v. Edin-
burgh, 18.54. 8° 3414.09
Baur (JJr. Ferdinand Christian). Paul the apostle of
" Jesus C3hrist. His life and works. From the Ger-
man. V. 1. London, 1873. 8° 3756.05
Bausset (L. F. de). Life of Penelon. Fi'om the French,
by W. Mudford. 2 v. London, 1810. 8°. 3050.14
In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AU 1 HOK'.S NAME, the Urst part of the TITLE, and the XUilBER.
Bautain (li. E. M.) Art of eitempore speaking. New
York, 1859. 12° 633'2.03
Bavaria. .See Countries. (Bavaria.)
Baviad (The). Satire. See Gifford (W.)
Baw^r (Mine. de). Nouveaux contes pour les enfanta.
3e dd. Paris, 1867. 12-^ 7002.07
Baxley (H. W., M.D.) What I saw on the west coast
of South and North America, and at the Hawaian
Islands. New York, 1865. 8° 1155.15 .
Baxter (7ie I'. M. ) Louis Napoleon the destined mon-
arch of the world. New York, 1864. 12°. 3133.02
Baxter (Rev. Kichard). Call to the unconverted. New
York, [n. d.] 16° 3514.21
— Poetical fragments. 4th ed. L. , 1821. 24°. . 1613.31
-^ Practical works : with an essay on his genius, elc.
4v. London, 18.54. 8° 3518.01
1. Essay and preface. Practical theology and cases of
conscieuce. A moral proguostication. Tho reformed liturgy.
2. Reasons of the christian rehgiou. Unreasonableui-ss
of infidelity. Of conversion. Saint or a brute. Mischiefs
of self ignorance. The right method. God's goodness via-
dicated. Directions for weak christians. Character of a
coD&rmed christian.
3. Saints' rest. Of self-denial Tho crucifying of the
world. The Ufe of faith. The divine life. The Lord's day.
Obedient patience. Dying thoughts.
4. Compassionate counsel to all young men. Mother's
catechism. Catechism of families. Poor man's family book.
Confirmation and restauration Reformed pastor. Formal
hypocrite, t'aiu and Abel malignity. Knowledge compared.
True Catholic. One thing necessary, etc.
See Biography for Uves of B.
Baxter (K. Dudley). National debts. 2d ed. London,
1871. 8° 5937.22
— Taxation of the United Kingdom. L., 1869. 8°. 593'2.03
Bayard (Pierre du Terrail, chev. de). See Biography
Bayeux tapestry. Amyol ( I. ) Defence of its early an-
tiquity. [Archseologia, v. 19, 1821.] . . 5128.
— Gurnet/ (II.) Observations, e(c. [Archseologia, v. 18,
1817.] 5128.
— ■ Plancki (J. li. ) On the Bayeux tapestry. [Brit.
arch, assoc. Journal, v. 23.] 1462.02
— Rue (Abbe de la). Memoir, etc. Tr. by F. Douce.
[Archaeologia, v. 17, 1814.] .... 5128.
— Stothard ( G. ) Some observations, etc. [Archaeologia,
v. 19, 1821.] 5128.
See Vetusta monumenta, v 6. The Bayeux tapestry. Plates.
Bayle (Pierre de). Dictionnaire historique et critique.
Nouv. ed. Augmente'e de notes, etc. [Public par
Beuchot.] 10 v. Paris, 1820. 8°. . . . 3233.01
— Historical and critical dictionary, abridged. With
life of Bayle. 4 v. Loudon, 1820. 10°. . 5015.03
Bayldon (Rev. G.) Elementary grammar of the old
Norse or Icelandic language. L. , 1870. 12°. 6422.13
Bayley (F. W. N.) The new tale of a tub : an adven-
ture in verse. New York, 1869. 8°. . .1614.18
Bayley (John). History and antiquities of the tower
of London. 2d ed, London, 1830. 8°. . 485.18
Baylies (Francis). Hist, memoir of the colony of New
Plymouth, 1620-1641. 2v. in 3. B., 1830. 8°. 594.11
Bayly (Anselm). The alliance of musick, poetry, and
oratory. London, 1789. 8° 1613.32
Bayly ( Mrs. M. ) Ragged homes and how to mend
them. New York, 1861. 1'2° 5825.02
— Workmen and their difficulties. New York, 1861.
1'2° 5816.08
Bayly (Thomas Haynes). Musings and prosings. Bou-
logne, 1833. 8^ 1613.33
— Songs, baUads, and poems. 2 v. L.,1844. 8°. 1614.08
Bayly. See also Baillie, Baily, Bayley.
Bayma (J. ) Elements of molecuhu' mechanics. Lon-
don, 1866. 8° 4024.24
Bayue (Peter). Christian life, social and individual
Boston, 1857. 12°. 3515.05
Contents. Howard. Wilberforce. S. Budgett. John Foster.
Thomas Arnold. T. Chalmers.
— Days of Jezebel, an hist. drama. B. ,1872.12°. 1712.33
— Es-says in biography and criticism. 2 v. Boston,
1857-58. 12° 2513.04
Contents : 1. De Quincey and his works. Tennyson and
his teachers. Mrs. Browning. Recent British art. John
liuskin. Hugh Miller. Tlie modern novel, — Dickens — Bul-
wer— Thackeray. Ellis— Acton— Currer— Bell.
2. Charles Kingsley. T. B. Ma:*aillay. Sir A. Alison. Co-
leridge. Wellington. Bonaparte. Plato. Christian civiliza-
tion. The modern university. The pulpit and the press.
"The testimony of the rocks." A defence.
— Life and letters of Hugh Miller. 2 v. Boston, 1871.
12= 3122.28
— Testimony of Christ to Christianity. Boston, 1862.
16° 3515.06
Baynes (T. H. ) Essay on the new analytic of logical
lorms. Edinburgh, 1850. 8°. . ." . . 5428.02
Bayonet exercise. t>ee Military science.
Bazancourt (Cesar, baron de). The Crimean expedi-
tion. 2 v. London, 1856. 8° 554.09
Bazar book of decorum. New York, 1870. 16°. 5427.12
Bazar book of health, [nnon.] N. Y., 1873. 10°. 4321.25
Bazar book of the household. N. Y.,1875. 16°. 6014.03
Beach (E. T. P.) Pelayo : an epic. New York, 1864.
12°. 1614.10
Bsach-rambles, etc. J. Ci. Francis. 1859. . 4111.30
Beadle (J. H.) Life in Utah. PhUa., 1870. 8°. 3454.04
— The undeveloped West. Phila., 1873. 8°. . 1134.17
Beal (Samuel). Catena of Buddhist scriptures from the
Chinese. London, 1871. 8° 3528.06
Beale (Lionel Smith). Bioplasm. L., 1872. 16°. 4325.21
— Disease germs. London, 1871. 8°. . . .4327.15
— How to work with the microscope. 4th ed. London,
1868. 8°. 4827.10
— Kidney diseases, urinary deposits, and calculous dis-
orders. 3d ed. London, 1868. 8\ . . . 4335.06
— Life theories : their iuilueuce upon religious thought.
London, 1871. 12° 4325 20
— The microscope and its application to clinical medi-
cine. London, 1866. 8" 4336.28
— The mystery of Ufe : reply to Dr. Gull's attack on
the theory of vitality in his Harveian oration for
1870. London, 1871. 12°. 4325.19
— Protoplasm ; or, life, force, and matter. London,
1870. 16°. 4325.17
Same. 2d ed. London, 1870. 16°. . . 432.3.17a
Beale (Thomas). Natural history of the sperm whale.
With sketch of a south-sea whaliug voyage. Lon-
don, 1839. 12° 4826.27
Beale (Thomas Willert). The enterprising impresario.
By W. Maynard {pseiul} L., 1K67. 8° • 1564.21
Beamau (Charles C, yr.) The national and private
"Alabama claims." Wash., 1871. 8°. . . 5613.16
Beames (John). Comparative grammar of the modern
Aryan languages of India, v. 1. On Sounds. Lon-
don, 1872. 8° 6412.30
— Memoirs on north-western India : an amplified ed.
of the supplemental glossary of Indian terms, by
Sir H. M. Elliot. 2 v. London, 1869. 8°.
— Outlines of Indian philology. 2d ed. London, 1868.
16° 6421.06
Beamish (North Ludlow). Discovery of America by
the Northmen. Loudon, 1841. 8°. . . . 563.22
Beamish (Richard). Memoir of Sir Marc Isambard
Brunei. London, 1862. 8° 3025.02
Beamont (Wm. ) Annals of the lords of Warrington.
Loud., 1872. 4°.[Chetham soc, v. 86-87.] £096.05
— History of Warrington Friary. [Chatham miscel.,
v. 4.] 5096.02
— Jacobito trials at Manchester, 1694. London, 1853.
4°. [Chetham soe., v. 28.] 5094.28
Beams. See Arts (Useful), page 47.
Beard (Charles). Port BoyaL 2 v. 1861. 8°. . 3434.18
Beard (George Miller). Eating and drinking ; food
and diet. New York, 1871. 1'2°. . . . 4324.12
— Legal responsibility in old age : relation of age to
work. New York, 1874. 8° 4355.05
— Our home physician. New York, 1870. 8'. 4322.17
— Stimulants and narcotics. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 4334.24
— [Twelve pamphlets, ctz.;] 4333.33
Atmospheric electricity and ozone ; their relation to
healtli ami disease. New York, 1874. 8^.
Cases of gaatralgia treated by central galvanism, [n. p.
ord.] 8".
Cases of hysteria, neurasthenia, spinal irritation, and allied
affections Chicago 1874. 8'.
Cosmic law of intemperance, (n.p.ord.] 12**.
Longevity of brai;i-workera. [n. p. or d.] 8^.
Methods of performing electrolysis in aneurisms, n»vi,
and other benign tumors, [llepr. AH>m tbe Phila, med.
Times. Sept.. 5. 1874.)
New method of treating nialignaut tumors by eleetrolyziug
tlio base. New York. Iy74. H\ [Repr. from the AxcUivea
of electrology and ueurulopry. May, 1874.] H*.
Plea for scieutitic retorm [in temperance]. N. Y., 1872. Vi".
Recent researches in electro-therapeutics. New Yorli,
1872. 8°. [Repr. from the New York med jour, Oct., 1872.]
Representative ca.'^es of ner^-ous disease, [n. p. i,r d.] 8".
Suggestive cases treated by electricity. Louisville, Ky.,
1874. S\ (Repr. from the Amer. practitioner, Apr., 1874.]
Treatment of miirasuius, whooping-cough, and debility in
children, by electricity. [Repr. from Detroit rev. of med.,
Oct., 1874.] S\
— and Rockwell (A. D.)
Year of experiment in electro-therapeutics, Louisville,
1872. [Repr. from .\mer. practitioner, .4ng., 1872.}
— and Rockwell (A. D., M.D.) Prfictical treatise on
the medical and surgical uses of electricity. New
York, 1871. 8= 4333.2G
Beard iJohnR. ) Autobiography of Satan. London,
1872. 8° 3515.23
— Historical and art;istic illustrations of the trinity :
its rise, progress, and decline. L.,1846. 8". 3515.24
— Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture. L.,1853. 12^ 3114.18
— Progress of religious thought as illustrated in the
Protestant church of France ; being essays and
reviews [from the French of T. Colani, A. Re-
ville, E. Sharer, E. Kenan, e/c.],with essay on the
" Oxford essays and reviews." L.,1861. 12°.3515.22
Beard (The). Julian, the emperor. The misopogon.
[/?i /as Select works, V. 1.] 514ti.23
— Barnes ( — ). Defence of the berde. [//t Borde (A.)
First boke, 1370.] 7913.19
See also 'Concerning Beards. By A. K. H. B.' [Fraser'a
mag., V. 73. 1866] ; ' The Beard.' Westm. rev., v. 62, 1864 ;
repr. in Littell, v. 6, 1854.
See also Arts (Useful : Hairdressing, p. 43).
Beardsley (Levi). Reminiscences ; early settlements
of Otsego coimty, anecdotes, field sports, etc.
New York, 1852. 8° 301G.24
Bearn and the Pyrenees. L. S. Costello. 1844. 962.18
Beasley (Henry). Druggist's general receipt book.
Philadelphia, 18.37. 12'= 4216.38
Beatrice, [a poem]. Hon. Koden Noel. 1869. 1674.18
Beatsou (Robert). Political index to the histories of
Great Britain and Ireland. 3d ed. 3 v. London,
1806. 8°. 477.21
Beattie (James). Elements of moral science. 3d ed.
2 V. Edinburgh, 1817. 8-\ 5434.08
— Essay on the nature and immutability of truth. 2d
ed. Edinburgh, 1771. 8° 5434.07
— Poetical works. With memoir, by A. Dyce. Boston,
1854. 16= 1614.11
Same. London, 1853. 1G= 1614.12
— Poems. Ed. with Ufe ; by A. Chalmers. [7>i Chal-
mers'English poets, v. 18, 1810.] . . .1626.18
— Select poems. Ed. by R. Walsh. [British poets , v.
32, 1822.] 1691.32
— Scoticisms. ianon.'\ Edinburgh, 1787. 12^. 6424.15
— Theory of language. New ed., enlarged. London,
1788. 8" 6411.10
— Works. 10 V. Philadelphia, 1809. 18=. . . 5015.09
Contents : v. 1. Of memory and imagination. Of dream-
ing. 2. Of language. 3. On fable and romance. On the at-
tachment of kiuilred. On subhmity. 4-5. On truth. On poe-
try and musick. 6. On poetry and musick, continued. On
laughter aud ludicrous composition. On the utility of
classical learning. 7-9. Elements of moral science. 16. The
minstrel ; with other poems. Miacellauies, by James Hay
Beattie (James Hay). Miscellanies in prose and verse.
[/(! Beattie (J.) Works, V. 10.] . . . .5015.18
Beattie (WUliam). *The Danube : its history, scenery,
and topography. liliia. by sketches taken on the
spot by Abresch, and drawn by W. U. Bartlett.
London, 1844. 4^ 98G.11
— 'Scotlaui ; illustrated in a series of views taken by
T. Allom, W. H. Bartlett, and H. MCulloch. 2 v.
London, 1838 956.05
— The 'Waldenses ; or, protestaut valleys of Pied-
mont, Dauphiuy, and the Ban de la Roche. Bias,
by W. H. Bartlett and W. Brockedon. London,
1838. 4" 986.10
Beauchamp (P.) Analysis of the influence of natural
religion, on the temporal happiness of manliiud.
London, 1822. 8^ [7/1 Deist (The), v. 3.] 3448.22
Beauchamps (P. F. G. de). Funestine. [Cabinet des
fees, V. 31, 1786.] 70.32.31
Beauchcunp family. Voyage of several of the B. fam-
ily to Jerusalem. 1096. [/« Hakluyt (R.) Voy-
ages, V. 2. 1810.] 916. IG
Beauchesne (A. H. DuB. de). Louis xvii., his life, etc..
Tr. by W. Hazlitt. 2 v. N. Y., 1853. 12'. 3114.13
Same. The Bourbon prince. Hist, of Louis xvii.
[Condensed by K. T. ] N.Y., 18.53. 16'. . 3111.05
Beaufort (Emily A.) See Smythe (Emily A. B. )
Beaufort (Henrj-, hp. of Winchester). Voynge to Jerusa-
lem, 1417. [/HHaMu5rt(R.) Voyage-s, v. 2, 1810.]
Beaumarcbaia (Pierre A. C. de). M(;moires, dans I'af-
faires Goezman. Nouv. ed., precedee d'une appre-
ciation par Sainte-Beuve. Paris, 18.59. 16*=. 3016.19
— Theatre. Notice par Auger. Paris, 1841. .7013.01
Contents : Eugenie. Les deux amis. Le barbier de Se-
ville. Le mariage de Figaro. L'autre Tartufe ou la mere
coupable. Tarare.
aS' See Biography for lives of B.
Beaumont (Leonce Elie de). Memoir of C. F. Beau-
temps-Beaupr(J. [Sm rep., 1863.] . . . 3936.17
— Memoir of Auguste Bravais. [Sm. rep., 1869.]
— Memoirof A. M. Legendre. [Sm. rep.,ls67.] 3936.22
Beaumont (Francis). Poems. Ed. with hfe, by A.
Chalmers. [/« /lis Eng. poets, v. 6. 1810.] 1G26.06
— «Hd Fletcher (J.) AVorks. With notes and biogr.
memoirs by A. Dyce. 11 v. L., 1843. 8=. 1713.01
1. Biography. Commendatory Poems. Woman-Hater.
Thierry and Theodoret. Philaster. The maid's tragedy.
2. Faithful shepherdess. Knight of the burning pestle.
Kiug aud No king. Cupid's revenge. Masque of the inner
temple. Four plays in one.
3. Scornful lady. Coxcomb, Captain. Honest man's for-
tune. Little French lawyer.
4. Wit at several weapons. Wit without money. Faithful
friends. The widow. The custom of the country.
5. Bonduca. Knight of Malta. Valentinian. Laws of Can-
dy. Queen of Corinth.
6. Loyal subject. Mad lover. False one. Double mar-
riage. Humorous lieutenant.
7. Woman pleas'd. Woman's prize. The chances. Mon-
sieur Thomas. Island princess.
8. The pilgrim. Wild-goose chase. The prophetess. The
eea voyage. Spanish cui-ate.
9. Beggar's bush. Lover's cure. Maid in the miU. "Wife
for a month. Rule a wife and have a wife.
10. Fair maid of the inn. Noble gentleman. Elder bro-
ther. The nice valour. The bloody brother.
11. Lover's progress. Night-walker. Love's pilgrimage.
Two noble kinsman. Poems by Beaumont. Poems by Flet-
cher. Index.
— Mitford (J. ) Ciu'sory notes on various passages in
the text of B. and F. 1836 1754.12
Bsaimiont (Gustave .4. de la B. de). Ireland, social,
political, and religious. 2 v. L., 1839. 8=. 495.09
— and TocquevUle {A. de). Ou the penitentiary sys-
tem in the tTnited States. Tr. by F. Lieber. Phila-
delphia, 1868. 8= 5817.29
Beaumont (J. T. Barber). Essay on criminal jurispru-
dence. Loudon, 1821. 8"=. 2 art. [Pamphleteer,
V. 18.] 5058.18
— Essay on provident banks. London, 1816. 8°.
[Pamphleteer, V. 7.] 5058.07
— Letter on public-house licensing. London, 1817.
8=. [Pamphleteer, v. 9, pp. 433-45G.] . 5058.09
Beaumont (.Sr John d., 1628. ) Select poems. [British
poets, ed. by Sautord. v. 5., 1819.] . . 1691.05
— Poems. Ed. with life, by A. Chalmei-s. [Chal-
mers (A.) English poets, v. 6. 1810.] . 16'26.06
Beaumont (John). Of spirits, apparitions, witchcrafts,
etc. London, 1705. 8° 38 12. '27
Beaumont-'Vassy (E. F. de). Les salons de Paris et
societt; parisienne sous Napoleon III. Paris,
1868. 16° 7002.09
Beaupre (J. N.) Nouvelles recherches de bibliographie
Lorraine, 1500-1700. Nancy, 1856. 8=. . 2765.19
Beauties (The) and deformities of Fox, North, and
Burke, selected from their speeches. 5th ed.
laimn.] London, 1784. 12= 6321.24
Beauties of England and Wales ; or delineations, to-
pographical, historical, and descriptive, of each
county. ByJ. Britton, E.W. Brayley, [and others].
18 v. in 26. London, 1801-18. 8=. . . . 91.5a.01
O'litents: V. 1-6. Britton (.J.) and Brayley (E. W.) v. 1.
Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, v. '2. Cam-
bridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, v. 3. Cumberland. Isle
lu asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AU THOR'S S.VME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMUEB.
of Man, Derbyshire, v. 4. Devonshire. Dorsetshire, v. 6.
Durham. Esses, Gloucester, v. 6. Hampshire. I.sle of Wiyht,
Hereiordshii-e. v. 7-8. Brayiey (E.W.) V.T.Hertfordshire,
Huntingdonshire. Kent v. 8. Kent. v. 9. Brittnn (J.)
Lancashire. Leicestershire, Lincolusliire. V- 10. Middle-
Bex: pt-1. Brayiey (E.W.) London : statistics and history.
Pt. 2. [V. 1 1.] Brayiey (E. W.) and Nightingale ,J.) London
and Westminster : history. Pt. 3 [v. 12-13]. Nightingale
(J) History and description. Pt. 4 [v. 14]. Brewer (J. N.)
Loudon and Middlesex, v. 11 [15]. Evaus(J.) and Brit-
tou (J.) V. 1. Monmouthshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire.
V. 12. pt. 1 [v. 16]. Hodgson (J.) and Laird (F. C.) North,
umberland. Nottinghamshire. Pt. 2 [v. 17J. Brewer (.J.
N.) awci Laird (F. C.) Oxfordshire, Rutlandshire, v. 13.
Pt. 1 [v. 18]. Nightingale (J.) and Rylance (R.) Shropshire,
Somersetshire. Pt. 2 [v. 19). Nightingale (J.) Stafford-
shire. V. 14 [20]. Shoberl (F.) Suffoli, Surrey, Sus-
sex, v. 15, pt. 1-2 [V. 21-22]. Brewer (J. N.). Brilton
(J.). Hodgson (J.), and Laird (F. C.) Warwickshire, Wilt-
shire, Westmoreland. Worcestershire, v. 16 [23]. Big-
land (.1.) Yorkshire, v. 17 [24]. Evans (.J.) North Wales :
Cambria. Anglesea, Caernarvonshire. Denbighshire. Flint-
shire, Moutgomeryshii-e, Merionethshire, v. 18 [25J.
Keea (T.) South Wales : Brecknockshire, Caermarthen-
Bhire, Cardiganshire, Glamorganshire, Pembrokeshire,
Kadnorshii-e. [v. 26.] Introduction, by J. N. Brewer.
Beauties of Ireland : being delineations, topographi-
cal, historical, and biographical, of each county.
By J. N. Brewer. 2 v. Loudon, 1825. 8°.
Beauties of Scotland. A full accoiuit of each county.
[Ed. by K. Forsyth.] With engravings. 5 v.
Edinburgh, 1805-08. 8°. 952a. 11
Beautiful (The). See Fine arts.
Beautiful (The) in nature and art. Mrs. S. S. Ellis.
1860 1412.15
Beautiful snow ; poems. J. W. Watson. 1871. 1694.28
Beautiful thoughts from [various] languages. See
Ramage(C. T.) 6213.16
Beauty (Persuual). Brinion (D. 6.) and Kapheys (G.
U. ) Personal beauty : how to cultivate and pre-
serve it. 1870 4324.21
— Cazenave {A.) Female beauty; or, art of htiman de-
coration. From the Freuch. 1874. . . . 5836.04
— FtajtfCW.) Analysis of female beauty. 1834. 5091.02
— Hant (L.) Female beauty, [In his Men, women, and
books. V. 1, 1847, p. 198-248 2533.06
— Jacques (D. U. ) Hints toward physical perfection.
1859 4325.16
^- Walker- (A.) • Beauty illustrated by an analysis of
beauty in woman. London, 1852. 8^. . 1446.02
Same. New York, 1857. 12°. . . . 1446.02a
Set also Domestic economy {Toilet) ;— Costumes.
Beauty is power. Social essays. \_anon.'\ New York,
1871. 12° 5822.17
BeauvaUet (Lt^on). Rachel and the new world. New
York, 1846. 12° 1072.11
Beauvoir (Ludovic, marquis de). Voyage round the
world. 2. V. London, 1870. 12°. . . . 932.21
Contents : v. 1. Australia. 2. Java, Siam, Canton.
Same. Conclusion. Pekin, Jeddo, and San Fran-
cisco. London, 1872. 8° 932.24
Beauvoir (Roger de). Aventuriferes et courtisanes.
Nouv. ed. Paris, 1864. 12° 7013.06
— Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges. 2 v. BruxeUes, 1840.
18°. • 7013.04
— Confidences de Mile. Mars. Nouv. M. Paris, 1866.
12° 7013.07
— Histoires cavahferes. Nouv. 6d. P., 1858. 12°. 7013.03
— Les soiri^es du Lido. Paris, 1860. 12°. . . 7013.02
Beauvoisiu (M. ) Collection of anecdotes and stories,
epigrammes, bou-mots, etc. L., 1867. 16°. 6216.22
Beaux. Thomson (Mrs. K.) Wits and beaux of society.
1861 3262.25
See also (in Biography) Brummel (George) : — Nash (R.)
Beaven (James). Calm exposure of the uufaimess of
the " Geiiei~al reply to all objections " of the au-
thors of "Ancient Christianity." [With Taylor
(L) Ancient Christ, v. 2. Lon., 1840. 8°.] 3612.14
Beaver. See Natural history ;— Amuseiueuts. ( Trap-
ping, p. 26.)
Beccaria (Gesare Bonesana S., marquis de). Es^^ay on
crimes and punishments. Lon., 1770. 8°. 5817.30
Becbard (Frederic). L'echappe' de Paris. Nouv. ser.
des Existences declassees. Par., 1862. 12°. 7002.22
— Les existences declassdes. Seed. P. ,1862. 7002.21
Contents : Un voyage en zigzag. La princesse Ruolz. Un
chapitre de I'histoire des naufrages. Le pays d* anomalle.
Le club des habits rapes.
Bechei (John Thomas). The constitution of friendly
societies. 5th ed. London, 1829. 8°. . . 5914.27
Bechstein (Johann Matthaus). Cage and Chamber
birds. London, Bohn, 1853. 12°. . . . 4813.03
Bechstein (Ludwig.) Zweihundert deutsche manner
in bildnissen uud lebensbeschreibungen. Leip-
zig, 1854. 4" 3228.11
Beck (Lewis C.) Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri.
Albany, 1823. 8° •. 1134.12
— Manual of chemistry. 3ded. N.Y., 1838. 12°. 4212.13
— *]iIineralogy of New York. Albany, 1842. 4°. 4718.08
Becker (August). Aus Stadt und Dorf. Berlin, 1869.
16°. 7113.03
Becker (Bernard H.) Scientific London. London,
1874. 12° 3906.18
Becker (Wilhelm Adolph). Charicles : private life of
the ancient Greeks. From the German, by F.
Metcalfe. London, 1845. 12°. .... 423.13
— Gallus : Roman scenes in the time of Augustus.
From German, by F.Metcalfe. L., 1866. 12°. 434.13
Becket (Andrew). Dramatic and prose miscellanies.
2 V. London, 1838. 8° 1714.01
Contents: v. 1. Biogr. notice. Affectation, com. Lavinia,
trag. The genii, masque. Socrates, a dramatic poem. Theo-
do ins to COEstantia. poetical epistle.
r. Luciauus Redivivus ; or, dialogues concerning men
and manners. Trip to Holland. Public prosperity, or plana
for loans to necessitous and industrious persons. Saturn-
ian times.
— Shakspeare 's himself again : examen of readings,
etc. 2 V. in 1. London, 1815. 8°. . . . 1753.02
Beckett (Gilbert Abbott a). See A'Beckett (G. A. )
Becket (Thomas a) See Biography (Individual).
Beckford (Peter). Familiar letters from Italy. [Many
written in 1787.] 2 v. SaUsburj', 1805.8°. 97.3.04
Beckford (William, jr.) Account of the island of Ja-
maica. 2v. London, 1790. 8°. .... 1162.18
Beckford (Wm.) Biogr. memoirs of extraordinary
painters. [.\ satire.] 2d ed. L., 1780. 12°. 1434.11
Same. New ed. London, 1834. 16°. .1434.11
— Italy ; with sketches of Spain and Portugal. 2 v.
London, 1834. 8° 973.05
— Recollections of an excursion to the monasteries of
Alcoba9a and Batalha. L., 18.3.5. 8°. . . 98.5.21
— Thoughts on hunting. London, 1810. 8°. 4617.12
— Vathek, an Arabian tale. Pbila., 1854. 16°. 133.07
Beckley (Rev. H. ) History of Vermont. Brattleboro,
1846. 8°. 621.22
Beckmann (Johann). History of inventions, discover-
ies , and origins. From the German, by W. John-
ston. 4th ed., rev. by W. Francis and J. W. Grif-
fith. 2 v. Loudon, Bohn, 1846. 12°. . 3914.20
Beckwith (.\rthur). International exhibition, London,
1871. Pottery. Materials and manufactiu-e of terra
cotta, stone- ware, fire brick, earthen-ware, etc.
New York, 1872. 8° 3932.12
BeckTwith (Edward G.) Report on route near the 38th
and 39th parallels, 1853 ; — near the 41st parallel,
1854. [Pacific R.R. routes. Reports, v. 2 ] 1127.02
Beckwourth (James P.) Life and adventiu-es. New
York, 1856. 12° 3016.20
B3COU (Thomas). Catechism, with other pieces. Ed.
byJ. Ayre. Ca.m.h., Farlcer soc, 1844.8°. 3638.01
Contents: The catechism. The jewel of joy. Principles of
the christian religion. A faithful treatise of fasting. The
castle of comfort. The solace of the soul. The fortress
of the faithi^il. The christian knight. An homily against
whoredom. Index.
— Early works. Ed. by J. Ayre. Camb., Parker soc,
1843. 8° 3638.09
Contents: Biogr. notice. General preface. The news out
of heaven. A Christmas banquet. A potation for Lent. The
pathway unto prayer. A pleasant new nosegay. The ijolicy
of war. David's harp. A new year's gift. An invective
against swearing. The governance of virtue. Index.
— Prayers and other pieces , ed. for the Parker soc. by
J. Ayre. Camb., Parker soc, 1844. 8°. . 3638.08
Contents : The flower of godly prayers. The poman.
der of prayer. The sick man's salve. A comfortable epistle
to the afflicted people of God. An liumble supplication un-
to God for the restoring of His Holy Word. The displaying
of the popish mass. The couunonplaces of the Holy Scrip-
ture. A comparison between the Lord's supper and the
pope's mass. Certain articles of the christian religion
proved and cniifirmcd. Tlie diversity between God's word
and man's inventions. The acta of Christ and of Antichrist.
Christ's chronicle. Snnnuary of the New Testament. The
demands of Holy Scriijtnre, with answer. Index.
Becquerel (Autoinc Ctsari. Forests and their climatic
influence. [Sm. rep., 1869.] 3931',. 21
— Preservation of wood and iron in salt water. [Sm.
report, 1864.] 393o.l9
Bedarride (M. ) De I'ordre macjonnique de Misrai'm.
Paris, 1845. 12° 5837.33
Bede (Cuthbert), pseud. See Bradley lEdward).
Bede, (Ac Venerable. Ecclesiasticiil historj* of England.
[ToA. D. 731.] London, 1849. 12°. . . 472.25
Same. King Alfred's version, from the Anglo-
Saxon, by E. Thomson. [Alfred the Great. Whole
works. V.2.] 5017.16
See article on Bede in N. A. rev., v. 93, 1861.
Bedford (.\rthur). EvU and danger of stage plays.
London, 1706. 16° 1731.'25
Bsdford iFrancis). 'The Holyland, Egypt, Constanti-
nople, Athens , etc. Forty -eight photographs. With
text and introduction by W. M. Thompson. Lon-
don. 1862. 4° 1055.15
Bsdford, (Mass.) See History. Bedford.)
Bedford Level drainage. *e Wells' (S.) . .3934.14
Bedouin .\rabs. 6'ee Countries. (Arabia.— Sahara.)
Bads. Blyth (J. 2i.) Notes on beds. 1873. .3941.08
Bee (The): essays. See Goldsmith (Oliver). 5037.07
Beecher (Alvah 0. ) Kecitations and readings. New
York [1874]. 16' 6331.20
Beecher (Miss Catherine Esther). Common sense ap-
pUed to reUgion. New York, 1857. l'.J°. . 351.5.08
— Domestic receipt-book. 5th ed. N.Y.,1872. 8°. 601.5.18
— Housekeeper and bealthkeeper. New York, 1872.
12°. 6016.13
— Letters to the people on health and happiness. New
York, 1855. 16° 4325.01
Same. New York, 1856. 16° 43'2.5.02
— PhysiologyandcaUsthenics. N.Y., 18-58. 16°. 4325.05
— Keligious training of children. New York, 1864.
12° 3515.09
— Truth stranger than fiction. [Miss Delia Bacon vs.
Alexander Mac Whorter.] Bos., 1850. 12°. 3014.13
— Woman's professions as mofier and educator.
Philadelphia, 1»72. 12° 5822.19
— and Stowe (H. B. ) American woman's home. New
York, 1869. 8°. 6016.05
Beecher (Edward). Concord of ages. New York, 1860.
12° 3516.02
— Conflict of ages ; moral relations of God and man.
Boston, 18.54. 12°. 3516.01
— Papal conspiracy exposed. N. Y. ,1855. 12°. 3425.17
Bsecher (H. H.) Record of the 114th regiment, N. Y.
S. V. Norwich, N. Y., 1866. r2°. . . . 631.14
Beecher (Henry Ward). Eyes and ears. Boston, 1862.
12° 2513.08
— 595 pulpit pungencies. New York, 1866. 12°. 3516.08
— Freedom and war. Discourses. B., 1863. 12°. 5831.03
— Lecture room talks. New York, 1870. 12°. 3516.15
— Lectures to young men. N. Y., 1851. 12°. 3511.02
— Life of Jesus, the Christ, [v. 1.] New York, 1871.
8° 3421.22
— Life thoughts. Gathered [by E. D. Proctor]. Bos-
ton, 1858. 12° 3516.04
— Morning and evening exercises. Ed. by L. Abbot.
New York, 1871. 8° 3516.22
• — New star papers ; or, views and experiences on reli-
gious subjects. New York, 1859. 12°. . . 3516.13
— Notes from Plymouth pulpit. With a sketch of Mr.
B. and the lecture-room. By A. Moore. New York,
1865. 1-2° .' 3516.06
— Overture (The) of angels. N. Y., 1870. 12°. 3516.14
— Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers, and
farming. New York, 1859. 12°. .... 6123.07
— Prayers from Plymouth pulpit. New York, 1867.
12° 3516.07
— Eoyal truths. Boston, 1866. 12°. .... 3516.12
— Sermons. 2 v. New York, 1868. 8°. . . . 3516.09
'Plymouth pulpit," Sept., 1868. v. 1-11. New
York, 1869-75. 8° 3516.16
— Star papers. New York, 1855. 1'2°. . . .2513.09
Contents : Letters from Etirope. Experiences of nature.
— Yale lectures on preaching. 3 t. New Y'ork, 1872-74
12° 3516.21
afS" •V'-f^ Biography i/ndividual). for bioKf. notices o£
H. W. B. Alw Tiilon (Theodore) w. Beecher (U. W.)
Beecher (Lyman). Lectures on scepticism. 3d ed.
Cincinnati, 183.5. 18° 3517.01
— Remedy for duelhng : a sermon. New York, 1809. ,
8° 5093.0-i
— Works. 3 v. Boston, 1852-53. 12°. . . . 3515.25
Contents : v. 1. Lectures on political atheism. Six lec-
tures on intemperance. 2. Sermons. 3. Views on theology.
Trials before the Presbytery and Synod of Cincinnati.
J^^ See Biography {/wtividual).
Beecher (Thomas K. ) Our seven churches. New York,
1870. 16° 3412.18
Beeckman (Daniel). 'Voyage to Borneo, 1714. [Pia-
kerton's Voyages, V. 11.] 926.11
Beer. S<v Arts (Useful: Breioim/, p. 44.)
Beers ;F. W. )Atlas of Long Island. N.Y.,1873.4°. 927.11
Beers (J. B. ) <fc Co. Farm-line map of Brooklyn. N. Y.,
fol. 1873 A.37.01
Bees. See Insects.
Beet, and Beet-sugar. See Agriculture. ( Vegetables, p.
9) ; also Arts (Useful), p. 40.
Beethoven. Sfe Biography {Individual).
Beetles. See Insects.
Beeton (J/rs. ) Every-day cookery and housekeeping
book. New York, 1872. 12° 6015.16
Beeton (S. 0.*) Classical dictionary. London, [1871],
1'2°. 3816.03
— Dictionary of practical recipes and every-day in-
formation. London, [1871.] 8°. ... 6016.09
— Dictionary of universal biography. 2d ed. London,
1870. 8°. 32'23.11
— Great book of poetry, ■with biogr. notices, London,
[1871.] 8°. 162.5.20
— Law book : a practical compendium of English
jurisprudence. London, [n. d.] 12°. . 5621.25
— Science, art, and literature : dictionary. 2 v. Lon-
don, [n. rf.] 8° 3916.14
Beeton's Boys' Own. Fact, fiction, history, and ad-
venture. London, 1871. 8°.
Beets (Nicholas). Life and character of J. H. Van der
Palm, D.D. From the Dutch, by J. P. Westervelt.
New York, 186.5. 1'2° 3136.05
Before the footlights and behind the scenes. Olive
Logan. [Mrs. Wirt. Sykes.] 1870. . .1735.31
Beggynhof (The); or, the city of the single, [anon.]
London, 1869. 1'2° 5825.16 ; 964.17
Beginumg life. &e TuUoch (John). . . . 3614.18
Beginnings of life. .VeeBastian (H. C.) . .4723.20
Beguin (Jean). Tyrocinium chymicum ; or chymicall
essayes. London, 1669. 16" 4213.10
Behavior. ^Ve Etiquette.
Behaviour book. Miss Leslie 5427.04
Behemoth: civil wars of Eng. See Hobbes (T.) 5043.11
Behind the bars. *e Limt (A/cs. George). . 4333.17
Behind the scenes, or 30 years a slave. E. Keckley.
1868 3113.11
Behn (Mrs. Aphra). Plays, histories, and novels. Vi'ith
life and memoirs. 6 v. Loud., 1871. 16°. 5021.04
Contents : V. 1-4. Plays : 1. The rover : or, the Banish'd
cavaliers. The Dutch lover. The Roundheads, or the good
oldtause. 2. Abdelazer, or the Moor'e revenge. The young
king. The city heiress. The feign'd curtezans. 3. The town
fop. The false count. The lucky chance. Forc'd marriage.
4. Sir Patient I'ancy. The widow Itanter. The Emperor of
the moon. The amorous prince. The younger brother, or
the amorous jilt. 5-6. Histories and yovets : 1. Life
and memoirs of Mrs. Behn. History of Oroonoko. The
fair jilt. The nun. 2. .\gnes de Castro. The lover's watch.
The ladies' looking gla-ia. The lucky mistake. Memoirs
of the court of the king of Bantam. Adventure ol the
black lady.
Behring's Sea. .See Countries. {Xo7-th-west passatje.)
Being, aaalytically described. .See Pickmere (J. R. )
B eke (Charles T.) British captives in Abyssinia. 2ded.
London, 1867. 8° 1094.17
— Conuaerce of Abyssinia, etc. Lon., 1852. 8°. 1094.22
— Enquiry into Antoine d'Abbadie's Journey to Kafi'a,
in 1843 and 1844. London, 1851. 8°. . . 1094.22
— King Theodore and Mr. Eassam. London, 1869.
8°: 1094.22
— Lecture on the sources of the Nile. L., 1864. 8°.lC&4.2a
In asking for books, use the "Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NtJMBER.
On the mountains forming che eastern side of the
basin of the Nile, and the origin of the designation
" Mountains of the Moon." Ed,, 1861. 8°. 1094.22
— Origines biblicaj ; or, researches in primeval history.
V 1. [No more published.] L. , 1834. 8°. 3441.16
— Sources of the Nile. London, 1860. 8°. . .1091.18
Who discovered the sources of the Nile. 2d ed.
London, 1863. 8° 1091.22
Beke (Mrs. Emily). Jacob's flight ; a pilgrimage in
the Patriarch's footsteps. L., 1865. 8'. . 1052.20
Bekynton (Thomas, sec. to Henry viii.) Oflficial cor-
respondence. London, 1872. 8°. [Rolls chroni-
cles.] 5141.—
Belcher (Diana, lady). The mutineers of the Bounty,
and their descendants. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 1062.09
Belcher (Sir Edward). The great equatorial current,
misnamed the eulf stream. Woolwich, 1871.
8° 4028.08
— Last of the Arctic vovages ; exped. in search of
Franklin, 1852-54. 2 V. London, 1858. 8°. 1144.04
— Voyage of H. M. S. Samarang, dirring 1843-46 :
Eastern Archipelago. 2 v. L., 1848. H°. . 1065.02
Voyage round the world in H. M. S. Sxilphur, 1836-
42 ; including naval operations in China, 1840-41.
London, 1843. 8° 925.21
Belcher (Joseph, D.D.) Historical sketches of hymns,
their writers, etc. Phila., 1859. 12°. . . 3765.05
Belein (E. M. de). Spanish phrase-book. New York,
1862. 18° 6423.08
Belfry of Bruges, etc. See Longfellow (H. W.) 1664.09
Belgiojo30 (Christine Trivulzio, Princesse de). Asie
Mineure et Syrie : souvenirs de voyages. Paris,
1858. 12° 1053.20
— Oriental harems and scenery. From the French.
New York, 1862. 12° 1053.11
Belgium. See Countries. (Belijium.)
Belgravia, a Loudon magazine. Conducted by M. E.
Braddou. v. 1-25. London, 1867-75. 8°. . 8017.11
Belief. Hazlitt (W.) Belief, whether voluntary? [/«
hisJAt. remains, v. 1.] 3076.13
See also Authority ;— and Biblical and religious lit. ;
(Conscience ;^Eviftpnces ;— Reason and faith) ; — Opinions ;
Truth. >Rg" Many goueial works upon Logic, Psychology,
and Moral Bcit'iuo, tn^at incidentally otthe nature of belief.
Belisarius. See Biography [Individual).
Belisle (D. W.) History of Independence Hall. Phila-
delphia, 1859. 12° 591.10
Belkuap (J. ) American biography. 3 v. New York,
1851. 18° 3243.02
— History of New Hampshire, 1715-1790. 3 v. Boston,
1791-92. 8° 601.17
— Sacred poetry : consisting of psalms and hymns.
5th ed. Boston, 1808. 18° 3761.03
Ball (Andrew). Historical sketches of feudalism. Lon-
don, 1852. 18° 443.10
Bell (Sir Charles). 'Essays on the anatomy of expres-
sion in painting. London, 1806. 4°. . . 1436.02
'Same. 5th ed. London, 1865. 8°. . .1436.05
Same. Newed. New York, 1873. 12°. 1436.05a
— The hand, as evincing design. L., 1839. 8°. 3524.01
— The nervous system. London, 1844. 8°. . 4327.25
Bell (Currer, Ellis and Actou), pseud. See Bronte.
Bell ( Major Evans). The Oxus and the Indus. 2d ed.
London, 1874. 8° 1026.11
Bell(G. M.) Philosophy of joint-stock banking. 2d ed.
London, 1855. 8° 5933.25
BeU (Henry Glassford). Life of Mary queen of Scots.
2 V. 18° 3122.07
BeU (James, d. 1833). System of universal geography.
6v. Glasgow, 1838. 8° 924.06
Bell (Major James). View of univ. history, literature,
and schools of painting : chronological tables.
5th ed. London, 1842. fol A. 37. 63
BeU (John, of Anlermony). 'Travels in Asia, 1716-22.
[Piiikerton's voy.tges, y. 7. ] .... 926.07
— St. John (J. A.) Lives of eel. travellers, v. 2. 3221.0.3
BeU (John, bookseller). New Pantheon ; or, hist, dic-
tionary of the Gods and fabulous personages of
antiquity : also of idols, etc. L., 1790. 4°. 3818.12
BeU (John, surgeon, of JCdinburgh, d. 1820). Observa-
tions on Italy. Edinburgh, 1825. 4°. . . 975.01
BeU (I. L.) Chemical phenomena of iron smelting.
New York, 1872. 8° 4006.03
BeU (Robert). Ancient poems, ballads, etc., of the pea-
santry of England. London, 1857. 16°. 1614.26
— Early ballads Ulus. of hist, traditions, etc. London,
1856. 16° 1614.27
— History of England. See Maokiutosh (James).
— History of Russia [to 1807]. 3 v. London, 1836-38.
16°. [L. C. C] 554.22
— Life of George Canning, N. Y., 1846. 12°. 3032.14
— Lives of British admirals. See Southey (R.) and
BeU(R.) 3211.01
— Lives of literary and scientific men. English poets.
2 V. Loudon, 1839. 16°. [L. C. C] . . 3211.17
— Songs from the dramatists. 2d ed. London, 1855.
16° 1614.28
BeU (Thomas, F. R. S.) History of British reptiles.
London, 1839. 8° 4824.19
BeU (W. ) Shakespeare's Puck, and his folks lore illus.
from the superstitions of aU nations. 3 v. Loudon,
1852. 16° 3816.13
BeU (Wm. A.) New tracks in North America. New ed.
London, 1870. 8° 1125.15
BeU (Wm, M,) Other countries. 2v. L.,1872. 8°. 913.14
Contents : 1. India, Australia. 2. China, Japan, America.
BeU Smith abroad. [Mrs. L. K. Piatt.] 1855. . 941.09
BeUamy (George Anne). Apology for [her] life, by
herself. 3d ed. 6 v. in 3. L. , 1875. 12". 3017.04
BeUasis (Edward). Cherubini : memorials. London,
1874. 8° 3035.19
BeUay. See DuBeUay (Martin) 501.17
Belle Brittan, [pseiicion.] See FuUer (Hiram). 942.05
BeUe (La) France. B. Parkes Belloc. 1868. . 962.10
Bellemare (Eugene Louis Gabriel de Ferry del. Costal
rindien : Seines de la guerre de I'indepeudanco
du Mexique. 3e I'd. Paris, 1862. 12°. . 7001.24
— Le coureur des bois, ou les chercheurs d'or. 6e ed.
2 V. Paris, 1865. 12° 7001.25
— Les squatters. La Clairifere du Bois des Hogues. 2e
(?d. Paris, 18(10. 12° 7001.27
A'ofe.— Thirteen articles by B,, on California and Mexico,
appeared in the Revue des deux moudee, 1816-51.
BeUers (John). Proposals for raising a coUege of
industry, 1696. [Repr. in O-wea (11.) Life. v. 2,
1858, p. 155-181] 3135.16
BeUes-lettres. Barron (Wm.) Lectures, etc. 2v. 6334.13
— Rollin (C. ) Method of teaching and studying BeUes-
lettres. 4 v. 1737 2541.34
See also Criticism ; — Drama ; — Essays ;— Fine Arts; —
Literature ;— Oratory; — Poetry; — Rhetoric, etr., etc.
BeUeiw (I'rank). Theart of amusing. New York, 1866.
12° 4611.05
BeUe'w (J. C. M.) Poet's comer. [Selections.] With
biogr. sketches. London, 1868. 8°. . 1676.23
BeUoc (B. R. P.) Essays on woman's wOrk. London,
1865. 16° 5824.20
— La beUe France. London, 1868. 16°. . . 962.10
— Vignettes: 12 biogr. sketches. L., 1866. 12°. 3261.16
BeUows (A.) Sketch of Walpole, N. H. [Mass. hist.
soc. Coll., V. 7, 1818.] 651.07
BeUows (Albert Jones). How not to be sick. New
York, 1869. 12° 4321.03
— Philosophy of eating. New York, 1867. 12°. 4324.06
BellO'ws (Henry W.) The old world in its new face :
Europe in 1867-68. 2 v. N. Y. 1869. 12°. 943.23
— Re-statements of christian doctrine. New York, 1860.
12° 3522.01
BeUowa (J.) Posthumous works of Junius. Inquiry
respecting the author ; also, sketch of the life of
John HorneTooke. [anon.'] N. Y. 1829. 8°. 3088.09
BeUows (John). Outline dictionary for the use of mis-
sionaries, and students of language. With introd.
by Max MiiUer. London, 1867. 16°. 6411.09
BeUs and Bell-ringing. Satclielder (S.,jr.) Poetry of the
bells ; collected. 1614.07
— CVta?i(/es upon church bells. By C.S.H., 1868. 3521.25
— EUacombe (11. T.) Practical remarks upon belfries
and ringers. 1871 1451.06
— Gdlty (A.) The beU : its origin, history, and uses.
1848 1451.05
— lUus. of Isaiah, including a discourse on the use of
beUs among the Easterns, the Grecians, and the
Romans. [Class. Journal, v. 2, 1810.]. '2742.02
— Lanman (C.) Essays, etc., p. 167-175. . . 2535.05
— Troyle (C. A. W.) Chango-riDging : church or hand-
bell. 187-2 1151.07
Sft, also, various artii-les in Eccleseologist (Tho). v. 1,
4, 14, 17, '2'2-'28 ; articles in t'ontem. rev. (by H. R. Haweis).
V. 13, 1»70 (ri';>r. in Littell, 1870. V. 1), and v. 17, 1871 ; aUo
Qnar. rev., v. 9S, 1854.
Balls ( Manufacturo of). See Arts (Useful), p. 40.
Bells (The) : [poems]. .s>e Aldrich (T. B. ) 161J.10
Bsloe (Kec. \Vm. ) Anecdotes of literature and scarce
books. 6 V. London, 1808-14. 8°. . . 2754.05
— The sexagenarian, [anon.] 2 v. L., 1817. 8°. 3018.01
Bslsham (William). Essays philosophical and moral.
•2v. London, 1799. 8° 2517.10
CottUnts : v. 1. On liberty and necessity. On the 21st
chapter of Locke's Essay on human understanding. On
Christianity. On the declaration of the la^t sentiments of
Pore Le Courayer. Exameu of the king of Piussia's reflec-
lione on religion. Of uuitarianism. Analysis of Butler's
analogy. Of the use of reason in connection with religion.
On ecclesiastical establishments. On virtue and happiness.
On virtue and moral obligation. On materialism. On im-
materiallsm. On Pope's E.s8ay on Man. On the study of
metaphysics. On the African slave trade. Rotlections upon
v. 2. On queen Elizabeth. On heredita'-y snccession.
On the government of India. On the constitutional estab-
lishment of a regency. On the national debt. Observ. on
the test laws. On government and civil liberty. On the
French revolution. Examination of An Appeal from the
new to the old whigs. On parliamentary reform. On the
bill for the better support and management of the poor.
On the character and writings of St. Evreniond. Strictures
on \Valpole's catalogue of royal and noble authors. On
genius. On Shakespeare. On style and versification. On
epic poetry. On dramatic poetry.
Belshazzar; a dr. poem. See Milman (H. H. ] 1665.28
Belt (Thomas). Naturalist in Nicaragua. London,
1874. 1'2° 1165.26
Bslzoni (Giovanni Battista). Adventures in Kgypt
and Nubia. New York, 18.50. 12''. . .1081.14
— St. John (J. A. ) Lives of eel. travellers, v. 3. 3221.06
B3m3nt (C. N.) Babbit fancier. New York, 1863.
1'2° ■ . 6133.23
Bemrose (W., jr.) Fret-cutting and perforated carv-
ing, with practical instructions. 2d ed. London,
1869. 4° 1316.19
— Manual of buhl-work and marquetry, with practical
instructions for learners. L., [1»72]. 4°. 1466.17
Bemrose's Guide to Buxton, Castleton, High Peak,
Eyam, Dovedale, etc. 3d ed. London, [ji. d.]
12" 951.29
Benard (Charles). Essay on Hegel's .Esthetics. Tr.
by J. A. Martling. [In Journal of spec, philos. ,
V. 1-3,1868-9.]
Bsnch and bar. L. J. Bigelow. 1867. . . 3254.20
Bench aud bar of New York. L. B. Proctor. 1870. 3256. 24
Beuedicite. G. Chaplin Child. 1867. . . 3534.21
Benedict (David). General history of the Baptist
denomination. 2d ed. N. Y., 1818. 8°. 3455.07
Benedict (Erastus C. ) The American admiralty, its
jurisdiction aud practice ; with forms. Enlarged
ed. New York. 1870. 8" 5613.22
Benedict (E. C.) Kun through Europe. New York,
1860, V2°. 943.17
Benedict (S(. ) Newman (J. H.) Mission of. [In his
Hist, sketches, v. 3. ] 3581 .00
Benedict, of Peterborough. Gesta Henrici ii. Ed. by
W. Stubbs. 2 V. London, 1867. 8°. [RoUs
chrou.] 5141. —
Benedictine monks. See Biblical lit. (Mo)uistio Insti-
tuiions, p. 94.)
Benevolence. See Social science. (Cliarilable atjeiicie.s.)
Benezet (Anthony). Some historical account of
Guinea, and the slavetrade. L,. 1771. 16". 1091.13
Bengal. See Countries. {Bengal.)
Bengalee (The) : or, sketches in tho E;ist. [anon.]
2ded. Loudon, 1829. 12° 1012.08
Bengel (Johann. Albrecht). Critical English Testa-
ment : an adaptation of Bengel's Gnomon, with
numerous notes. Ed. by W. L. Blackley, and J.
Hawes. 3 v. London, 18U9. 8°. . . 3746. 15
Benger (Miss Elizabeth Ogilvy). Memoirs of Anne
Boleyn. Phihi., 1851. 12° 3022.11
— Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, queen of Bohemia,
daughter of James i. With sketches of the state
of society in Holland and Germany, 17th century.
2 V. London, 1825. 8" 30.'i3.'27
— Memoirs of Mary, queen of Scots. 2 v. Phila.,
1851. 12° 31'22.05
Benhatn (Rev. W.) Companion to the Lectionarj',
commentary, etc. London, 1873. 8^ 3517.02
Benjamin, f/ 7We?a. Travels, 1160-73. [/u Wright
(T. ) Early travels in Palestine. Buhn.] .1053.01
— 'Travels from Spain to China ; 1160-73. [Pinker-
ton. Voyages, v. 7] 926 07
— Voyage autoiu- du monde, 1173. Tr. du Latin en
Fian(;ais. [/« Bergeron (P.) Voyages, eic] 1016.11
Benjamin (Asher). The architect. B. ,1853. 4°. 1315.2'.!
— Builder's guide. Boston, 1850. 4°. . . 131.5.28
Bergamin (S. G. W. ) The Turk and the Greek. New
York, 1867. 16° 994.23
B2nnet(iteu. George). See Tyerman (D.) and Bennet
(G.) Voyages, etc 1064.01
Bennet(H.) Treasury of wit. 2 v. L.,1786. 16°. 6216.26
Beunet (H. Grey). On the abuses in Newgate. 2d ed.
London, 1818. 8°. [Pamph., v. 11.] . . 5058.11
Bennet (James Henry). Winter and spring on the
shores of the Mediterranean. 4th ed. New York,
1870. 8° 981.09
Bennet (Nehemiah). Description of Middleborough,
Mass. [/(.Mass. hist. soc. CoU., v. 3, 1810.] 651.03
Bennett (Edward Turner). Gardens and menagerie of
the Zoological society. 2 v. L. , 1835. 8°. 4715.17
Contenis : v. 1. Quadrupeds. 2. Birds.
Bennett (Frederick Debell). Narrative of a whaling
voyage round the globe. 1833-36. 2 v. London,
1840. 8° 925.18
Bennett (James) and Bogue (D. ) Histoi7 of the Dis-
senters. 1688-1808. 4v. L., 1808-12. 8°. 3136.03
Bannett (James Gordon). See Biography (Individual).
Beuuett (Wm. Cox). Poems. Lon., 1850. 16°. 1614.12
Bensley (Benjamin). Louis xiv. and his contempora-
ries. London, 1845. 16' 3111.20
Benson (Ecjbert). Memoir on names of places in the
New Netherland. Dec. 31, 1816. [N. Y. hist. soc.
Coll. 2d 8., V. 2.] 615.07
— Vindication of the captors of Major Andre'. New
York, 1865. 8° 3014.00
Benson (George). Inspiration. Unity of sense. [In
Watson (R.) Tracts, v. 4, 1791.] Man of sin. [In
V. 5.] 3621.04
Benson ( Lawrence S. ) Philosophic reviews. Darwin
answered ; or, evolution a myth. Geometrical dis-
sertation. Notes on definitions. Now York, 1875.
1'2° 2513.19
Benson (Martin). A sermon on Komans iii. 28, aud
James ii. 24. TuubridgeWells [about 1794]. 16°.
Benson (Robert). Memoirs of Arthur Collier, 1704-32.
London, 1837. 8° 3012.'2:
Benson (W.) Manual of the science of colour, Lon-
don, 1871. 16°. 1424.18
Bent (Silas). Exped. to the North Pole, 1868^ [In
Amer. geog. soc. Journal, v. 2, 1850. 905.09] ;
Japanese giUf stream. [BuUetin.v. 2, 1857. 905.02].
— Report on gulf stream of the North Pacific. [In
Perry (M. C.) Exped., v. 2.. 1856.] . . 1026.03
Bentham (Jeremy). Benthamiana ; or, select extracts.
Ed. by J. H. Burton. Phila., 1844. 1'2°. . 5622.01
— Defence of economy. London, 1817. 8°. [Pam-
phleteer,v. 9, p. 1-47] ; V. 10, p. 281-332]. 5058.09
— Defence of usury. New York, 1837. 1'2°. . 5721.06
— Indications respecting Lord Eldon. London, 1825.
8°. [Pamph., V. 26.] 5058.26
— Leading principles of a constitutional code. Lon-
dni, 1823. 8°. [Pamphleteer, v. 22.] . . 5058.22
— Theory of legislation. From the French of Dumout,
by R. Hildreth. 2 v. Boston, 1840. 1'2°. 5622.02
CvtU€7its : V. 1. Civil code. 2, Penal code.
jYo(e.— On Ueutham's Theory of punishments «« Broug-
ham (H.i Contributions, e<c. y. 3 [3517.08 ;] On his Theory
of legislation see Nat. quar. rev., v. 3, 1861 ; A'ec alio article
by Park Godwin (■ B. and law reform,') in his Out of the
In aaking for books, use the " Book Or4er8," giving the ADTIIOB'S NAKB, the flrat pirt of tha XITI^E, aid tho ND.MBBR.
Bentham (Jeremy), continued-
past, 1870 [2526.18] ; by Sydney Smith (' B. on fallaciea.') in
his Esaays [2543.18) ; by Wm. Hazlitt in hix Spirit of the age
[2531.07]: by J. S. Mill in his Dissertations, v. 1, 1859
[2535.20] ; and by John Neal in Atlantic, v. 6, 1865.
'— Works. Pub. [with memoirs of Bentliam by] J.
Bowring. H v. Edinburgh, 1843. 8^. . .5016.01
Anarchical fallacies, t. 2 (8).
Bentham'8 draught for judicial establishments, t. 4.
Book of fallacies, v. 2.
Brougham (Lord) displayed, v. 5.
Chrestomathia ; design of an institution fbr inetruction.v. 8.
Circuiatiug annuities, v. 3.
Codification and public instruction, v. 4.
Codification proposal, v. 4.
Commentary ou Huuiphrey'a real property code, v. 6.
Constitutiunal code, v, 9.
Correspondence of Bentliam, v. 10-11.
Court of Lords' delegates, v. 5.
Defense of usury, v 3.
Elements of art of packing special juries, v. 5.
Emancipate your colonies, v. 4.
Equity cfispatih court bill, v. 3.
Equity dispatch court proposal, v. 3.
Escheat vice taxation, v. 2.
Essay on time and place in legislation, v. 1.
Essay on political tactics, v. 2.
Fragment on government, v. 1.
France (Code for), v. 4.
Grammar (Fragments of universal), v. 8.
Houses of peers and senate, v. 4.
Index (Analytical), v. 11.
International law (Principles of), v. 2.
Introduction to study of works of Bentham, by J. H. Bur-
ton, V. 1.
Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, v. 2.
Justice and codification petitions, v, 5.
King vs. Edmonds and others, v. 5.
King vs. Sir. Charles Wolseley, v. 5.
Language, v. 8.
Leading principles ofa constitutional code fbr any state, v. 2.
Letters to tJount Toreno on the Spanish penal code, v. 8.
Liberty of the press and public discussion, v. 2.
Logic (Essay on), v. 8.
Logical arrangements, v 3.
Memoirs of B. by Bowriug, v. 10-11,
Nomography ; or, art of inditing laws, v. 3.
Of a general register of real property, v. 5.
Official aptitude maximized : expense minimized, v. 5.
Ontology, V. 8.
Pannomial fragments, v. 3.
Panopticon ; or, the iuapection-house, v. 4.
Panopticon versus New South Wales, v. 4.
Parhamoutary reform, v. 3.
Penitentiary system, v. 4.
Plea for the constitution, against the penal colony of New
South Wales, v. 4.
Pohtical economy (Manual of), v. 3.
Poor laws, v. 8.
Principles of the civil code, v. 1.
Principles of judicial procedure, v. 2-
Principlf 8 of morals and legislation, v. 1.
Principles of penal law, v. 1.
Promulgation of laws, and their reason, v. 1.
Protestagainstlaw taxes, v. 2. -
Radical reform bdl, v. 3.
Kadicalism not dangerous, v. 3.
Rationale of evidence, v 6.
Rationale of judicial evidence applied to English practice,
V. 6-7
Rationale of reward, v. 2.
Restrictive and prohibitory commercial system, v. 3.
Scotch reform (Admiuititration of justice), v. 5.
Securities against misrule, with reference to Tripoli, v. 8.
Spanish and PortuKUise affairs, v. 8.
Specimen of a penal code, v. 1,
Supply without burden, v. 2.
" Swear not at all," v. 6.
Table of the springs of action, v. 1.
Tax with monopoly, v. 2.
Truth versus Ashhurst. v. 6.
View of a complete code of laws, v. 3.
View of the hard-labour bill, v. 4.
Bentivoglio (Guido, card. ) Delia guerra di Fiandra.
3 V. Milano, 1826. 8^ 536.12
Bentley (Richard). Correspondence. 2 v. London,
1812. 8° 5017.04
— Doctrinal corniptions of popery. [7;i Wordsv(rorth
(C.) Eccl. biogr., v. 1, 18..)3.] .... 3446.01
— Works. Ed. by A. Dyce. 3 v. L., 1836-38. 8° 5017.01
V. 1-2. Dissertations upon the epistles of Phalaris,
Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and the fables ot Msop ;
Eplstola ad Joannem Millium. 3. Boyle lettures [on athe-
ism] ; Remarks upon a disiourse of free-thinking ; Propo-
Bals for an edition of the Greek Testament ; Letters from
Sir Isaac Newton.
JSSS" For lives of B., see Biography [Individual^.
Bentley (Eobcrt). Manual of botiiny. 3d ed. London,
1H73. 12° 4911.21
Bentley ballads. Ed. by Dr. Doran. London, 1858.
16°. 1611.14
Bentley's Miscellany, v. 1-63. L., 1837-f;8. S~. 8025.01
Beuton (Nathaniel S.) History of Herkimer county,
including the upper Mohawk valley. Albany,
1856. 8° 614.07
Benton (Thomas Hart). Abridgment of the debates of
Congress, 1789-1856. 16 v. N. Y., 1857-61. 8°.
— Thirty years' view ; or, a history of the working of
the American government, from 1820 to ly50. 2 v.
New York, 1857. 8^ 575.25
Same. 2 v. New York. 1854. 8° . . . 575.25a
Beulwiight (Jeremiah). The American horse tamer.
New York, 1858. 8° 4627.23
Benzoui (Girolamo). History of the New World ;
travels, 1541 to 1556. Tr. by W. H. Smyth. Lon-
non. Ilakhq/t society, 1857. H° 563.21
BeovTiill Anglo-Saxou poems. With literal translation,
notes, etc., by B. Thorpe. Oxfd., 1855. 8°. 1615.00
Same. Analysis and metrical versions, by J. J.
Conybeare. [/». /(i.? Illustrations, eic] . 1631.24
See also Morley (J.) Engl, writers before Chaucer [2764.19.]
Beranger (Pierre Jean de). Demieres chansons, 1834
aisn. Paris, 1859. 12° 7013.14
— Ma biographic, Paris, 1859. 12° 7013.14
— (Euvres completes. 2 v. Paris, 1825. 12° 7013.12
— Songs. [Tr.] With author's life. Phila., 1844.
16°. 1614.23
— Two hundred of his lyrical poems, done into English
verse, by W. Young. N. Y. , 1850. 12°. 1614.15
Berchtold (Leopold). Essay to direct the inquiries of
patriotic travellers. 2 v. L.. 1789. 8°. 922.01
V. 1. Subjects ot inquiry. 2. Bibliography of travel.
Bereaii (The), ^'ee Noyes (John H.) . . .3578.20
Berendt (Carl H. ) Explorations in Central America.
[Sm. rep. 1867.] 3936.22
Bereaford (James). Miseries of human life. [rtHo?j.]
4th ed. 2 v. London, 1806-10. 18° . . 6211.29
Bergen, {New Jersey). See Countries.
Bergen (Tennis G.) The Bergen family. New York,
1868. 8° . - 3245.00
— Genealogy of the Van Brunt family. 1653-1867.
Albany, 1867. 8° 3171.25
Bergeron (Pierre). Voyages faits priucipalement en
Asie dans les xii., xiii., xiv., et xv. si^cles, par
B. de Tiidele, J. du Plan. Carj^in, N. AsceUn, G.
de Kabruquis, Marc Paul Venitien, Haiton, J. de
Mandeville, et Ambroise Contarini : accompagn^s
de I'histoire des Sarasins et des Tartares, et
precedez d'une introduction, 2 v. in 1. La
Haye, 1735. 4° 1016.11
Bergmaun (F. G.) The San Greal ; its ongiu and
signification. Edinb,, 1870, 16°. . . 1614.37
Bering:ton (Joseph). History of the lives of Abeillard
and Heloisa. With their letters. Birmingham,
1787. 4°. 3012.01
— History of the reign of Henry ii., and of Richard
and John, his sons ; Thomas kBecket vindicated,
etc. 2 V. Dublin, 1790. 8° 3081.01
Berington (Samuel). Adventures of Gaudentio di
Lucca. Prom the ItaL [pseud.] London, 1776.
8°. 194.15
Berjeau (C.) The variety of dogs, as found in old
sculptures, etc. London, 1863. 8°. . . 4724.26
Berkeley (George). Passive obedience, or the christ-
ian doctrine of not resisting the supreme power,
proved and vindicated upon the principles of the
law of nature. Dublin, 1712. 18°. . . 3535.27
— Works. With prefaces, life, etc., by A. C. Fraser.
4 v. Oxford, 1871. 8^ 5424.01
Contents: v. 1. Essay towards a new theory of vision.
Treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge.
1710. Three dialogues bet. Hylas and Philouous, 1713.
Theory of vision, shewing immediate presence of a deity.
Appendix, 1. Rough draft of introd. to Principles of human
knowledge. 2. Arthur (.'oilier. Theory of vision vindicated.
2. Alciphrou. or Minute philosopher. 1732. Siris; achain
of philos. reflexious aud inquiries concerning tar water,
etc. 1744. Appendix.
3. Arithmetica absque algebra. 1707. Miscel. mathe-
matica. 1707. De motu. 1721. Passive obedience. 1712.
Essay iu the Guardian. 1713. Essay towards uroveutiug
ruin of Gr. Britaiu. 1721. Proposal fur better supplyiuf^ of
churches iu foreigu plantatioDS. 1725. Verses on America.
Sermon before Soc. for prop, the Gospel, Feb. 18. 1731-2.
The analyst : discourse addressed to an infidel mathemati'
cian. 1734. Defence of free thinking in mathematics. 17y5,
Keasons for nut replying to Mr. Walton's Full answer. 1735.
The querist. 1735-37. Discourse to magistrates and men in
authority. 1736. Letter to the Roman catholics of diocese
of Cloyue. 1745. Words to the wise, exhort, to Rom. cath.
clergy of Ireland. 1749. ^Maxima concerning patriotism.
1750. Tar-water. 1744 47. Farther thoughts on tar-water.
1752. Appendix.
4. Life and letters, by \. C. Fraaer.
4feg= Ou Berkeley's hUalism, see Mansel {H. L.) Letters,
ttc. 1873 [5424.23] ; Stewart (D.) Works, v. 6, 1855. [5417.U5]
North Brit, rev., v. 34, 1861, and v. 63, 1871.
On his IViilos. of perception, see Noel (R.) B. and Kant
(Contem. rev. v. 20, 18721.
On his Metaphysics of sensation, see Huxley (T. H.) Crit-
iques, etc. [-2532.19]; repr. from Macmillau in Littell. 1871,T. 3.
On hia Psychology, see Winslow's Jour., v. 8, 1855.
On hia Theory of vision, see Bailey (S.) Review etc. 1842
[5421.19]; Mill (J. S.) Review of S. Bailey's Review, etc.
[in Westm. rev., 1842, and his Dissert, v. 2. 1859) ; North
Brit, rev,, v. 41. 1864.
On his Life and writings, see Fortnightlv (by J. S. Mill),
V. 16. 1871 ; Ed. rev,, v. 136, 1872 ; Littell. v. 19. 1857 (from
Brit- qu. rev.) ; North A. rev., v. 80. 1855 ; (^uar. rev., v.
132, 1872. See aho essays by I. Butt, in Afternoon lec-
tures, V. 3 [2512 22). and by N. Di-ake in his Essays, v. 3
Bsrkeley (Grantley FJ Anecdotes of the upper ten
thousand. 2 v. nondon, ISKT. 8^. . . 3257.12
— Enghsh sportsman in the Western prairies. London,
1861. 8° 4615.20
— My life and recollections. [1806-65.] London,
1865-66. 8=" 3017.21
Bjrkeley (Mrs. Helen), pseud. See Ritchie (Mrs. A.
C. M.)
B2rkeley (Miles Joseph). Hand-book of British mosses.
London, 1863. H". 4917.17
— Introd.to cryptogamic botany. L., 1857. 8^. 4917.15
— Outlines of British fungology. L., 1860. 8^. 4917. 16
Darlioz (Louis Hector). A travers chants. Paris, 1862.
12^. 1561.14
Bermudas (The). 5ee Countries. {Bermudas.)
Baman (Walter). On the histoi-y and art of warming
_ and ventilating rooms and buildings. 2 v. Lon-
don, 1845. 16^. 3932 04
Bernard (Bayle). Life of Samuel Lover. New York,
1874. 12'= 3116.00
Bernard (Charles de). Les ailes d'Icare. Paris, 1868.
12=' 7013.21
— Un beau-p&re. Le veau d'or. Notice sur sa vie, p.tr
A. de Pontmartin. 2 v. Paris, 1869. I'l^ . 7013.19
— L'ecueU. Nouv. ed. Paria, 1869. 12°. . . 7013.35
— Le gentilhomme Ciimpagnard. P., 1861. 12^. 7013.16
Same. Nouv. e'd. Pans, [h. c/.] 12^. . . 7013.36
— Gerfaut. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1870. 12°. . . 7013.37
— Un bomme st^rieux. Paris. 1865. 12°. . . 7011.41
— Le ncEud gordien. Paris, [n. d.] 12°. . . 7013.3!)
— Le paratonuerre. La peine du talion. Le pied d'argile.
Nouv. ^d. Paris, 1864. 12°. 7013.39
— Leparavent. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1870. 12°. . 7013.15
— La peau du lion et la cbasse aux amants. Nouv. ed.
Paris, 1868. 1-2° 7013.40
Bernard (F. ) Wonderful escapes. London, [1870.]
1'2° 3261.07
Bernard (John). Lives of the Roman emperors, from
Suetonius to Oonstantine the great. 2 v. Loudon,
1698. 1-2° 431.08
Bernard (Laure). Les mythologies de tons les peuples.
Paris, 1869. 16= 3811.28
Bernard {Sir Francis). Account of the coast of Lab-
rador. [Mass. hist. soc. Coll., v. 1.] . . 051.01
Bernard (Montague). Four lectures on subjects con-
nected with diplomacy. L., 1868. 8=. . . 5623.11
— The growth of laws and usages of war. [Oxford es-
says, 1856.] 2538.20
Bernard {Sir Thomas). Account of a supply of fish
for the poor. [Pamph., v. 1., 1813.] . . 5058.01
— The comfort of old age. London, 1846. 8'. 3522.06
— Ou employment for the laboring classes. [Pamph.,
V. 10, p. 173-212.] 5058.10
— On the salt duties and the poor. [Pamph., v. 10, 17.]
Bernard (Thom.is Dehanyi. The progress of doctrine
in the New Testament. Boston, 1867. 12°. 3522.05
Bamardiu de St. Pierre. See St Pierre.
Bernard {SI., abbot of Vlairvaux). De cura rei famu-
haris, with some early Scottish prophecies, ric.
Ed. by J. R. Lumby. London, 1870. 8=. [Early
E. T. soc, no. 42.] . ...... .7913.16
— Opera omnia. Curia D. J. MabiUon. Ed. 4 a 6 v in
4. Parisiis, 1839. 8° 3518.13
See Biography {iTidividual), for Uvea of B.
Beinaxdu3 Sapiens. Voyage, [/n 'Wright (T.) Early
travels iu Palestine 1053.04
Bemays (A.) German historical anthology. 2d ed
London, 1846. 16° C413.'24
Bemays (.\. J.) Household chemistry. London, 1852.
16° 4214.06
— Student's chemistry. 7th ed. of ' Household chemis-
try.' London, 1809. 12° 4216.15
Bemoastle (J.) Voyage to China. 2 v. London, 1851.
12°. 1023.06
Bernd (Chr. S. Th. ) Handbuoh der Wappenwissen-
schaft. Leipzig, 1856. 8° 6614.18
Beruers {Dame Juliana). The treatyse of fysshyuge
with an angle, from the boke of St. Albaii's, A.D.
1496. Ed. by G. W. Van Siclen. New York, 1875.
16°. 4616.12
Bemier (Fran9oi8). 'Voyage to the East Indies. [Pin-
kertou's voyages, v. 8.] 926.08
— SI. John (<7. A. ) Lives of celebrated travellers,
V. 1.] 3221.04
Bemutz (Gustave), and Goupil (E.) Clinical memoirs
on diseases of women. Tr. by A. Meadows. 2 v.
London, Kew Sydenham, soc, 1866-67.-8°. 4302.05
Berquin (Amaud). Choix de petits drames et de eontes.
Paris, 1867. 12° 7002.25
Berri (1). G.) Monograms, historical and practical.
London, 1869. 12°. 1465.04
Berriau (W., i>.D.) Hist, sketch of Trinity church,
New York. New York, 1847. 8°. ... 3456.18
— Life of J. Loriillard. [/u Hunt's Am. merchants,
V. 1.] 3244.10
Berriman (M. W.) Militiaman's manual, and sword-
pla}'. New York, 1859. 12°. 4513.06
Berrow (Capel). A pre-existent lapse of human souls
demoustr.ited from reason. L. , 1762. 8°. 3516.03
Berry ( Wm. ) Couutry genealogies. Sussex. London,
1830. foL 488.17
Bertheau (Ernst). Commentary on Chronicles. Tr. by
J. Martin. Loudon, 1857. 8° 3732.02
Berthet (Elie Berthaud). La Bastide rouge. Paris,
1865. 12° 7002.15
— Les chauffeurs. Paris, 1863. 12°. .... 7002.16
— Le dernier Irlandais. Paris. 1865. 12°. . . 7002.18
— L'enfant des bois. 3e (Sd. Paris, 1869. 12°. 7002.19
— Les houiUeurs de Polignies. P., [«. i7.] 12°. 7002.20
— L'oiseau du desert. New York, 1863. 8°. . 7013.22
— La roche tremblante ; Le premier hareug ; Le chas-
seur de marmottes ; Les deux mourauts. Paris,
18(14. 12° 7002.17
Berthod (Fran9ois). Memoires, 1652-3. [Petitot.
mem. 2 se'r. , V. 48. ] 543.26
BerthoUet (Claude L. and A. B.) Elements of the
art of dyeing. From the French, by Dr. Ure. 2 v.
London, 1824. 8° 3933.04
Berthoud (E. S.) Antiquities on the Cache la Poudre
river, Colorado territory. [Sm. rep., 1871.] 3936.26
Bertram (James G. ) The harvest of the sea. British
food fishes. New York, 1866. 8°. ... 4826.03
BerLrand (J. B. ) Hist, account of the plague at Mar-
seilles, [fmo/i.] With a letter from Monsieur
Pons. London, [1720.] 12° 4334.19
Bertrand de Molleville (Antoine F., marq. de).
•Picturesque representations of the Austrians.
[anon."} London, [1814.] 8° 66'25.20
Bertus. Voyage into Ireland, 684. [In Haklu3rt. Voya-
ges, v. 1 , 1809. ] 916.15
Berville (Guyard de). Histoire de chevalier Bayard.
Nouv. ed. Paris, 1773. . 18° 3016.06
— Story of Chevalier Bayard. See 'Walford (E. ) 3016.21
Berwick {Rev. Edward). Lives of Caius .^.sinius Pol-
lio, Marcus Terentius Varro, and Cneius Cornelius
Gallus Loudon, 1814. 12° 3021.17
— Lives of Marcus Valerius Messala Corviuus, and
In asking for bo.)ks, use the " Book Order," giving the AC I'HOR'S NAMB, the llrst part of the TITLE, and the NCJ.MUER.
Titus Pomponius Atticus ; with account of the
famines of the five CiEsars. Ed., 1813. 8°. 3021.17
— Memoirs of the life of the older Scipio Africamis.
London, 1814. r2° 3021.17
Berwick (George). The forces of the universe. [Elec-
tricity, magnetism, solar heat, gravitation.] Lon-
don, 1870. 12° 4022.23
Bsrzelius (Jons Jacob). The use of the blowpipe.
Tr. by J. D. Whitney. Boston, 1845. 8°. 421G.16
Besant (Walter). French humorists from the twelfth to
the nineteenth centm-y. Boston, 1874. 8^ 3261;. 14
Contents: The chanson. Rutebouf the Trouvcre The
Romance of the rose. Eustache Deschamps. Rabelais.
Montaigne. La Satyre Menippee. Matburin Regnier. Saint
Amant. Voiture and Benserade. The Parasites. Scarron.
La Fontaine. Boileau. Moliere. Regnard. Gresset. Beau-
marchals. Beranger.
— Studies in early French poetry. L., 38G8. 12°. 1614.22
Besant (W. H.) Elementary hydrostatics. 3d ed.
Cambridge, (Engl.) 1870. 16" 4024.10
Besse (Alfred de). The Turkish empire. Tr. and
enlarged by E, J. Morris. Phila., 18.j4. 12°. 994.20
Best (Henry). Rural economy in 1641 ; being his
farming and account books. Durham, 1857. 8°.
[Surteessoc, V. 33] 5117.01
Best (Rev. Henry). Personal and literary memorials.
London, 1829. 8° 3017.13
Best (Larry). The planet; a song. C, 1869. 16°. 1614.21
Best (Thomas). Tenth voyage of the East India co. ,
1612. [/»Ken-(K.)Voyages, V. 9, 1824.] 914.16
— Art of angling. With Nobb's complete troller. 10th
ed. London, 1814. 16° 4fi2'6.19
Best ofall good company. See Jerrold (B.)1873. 3222.06
Best of everything. By the author of "Enquire
within." London, 1870. 12°. . . . .6016.06
Best methods of counteracting modem infidelity. See
ChristUeb (T.) 3534.18
Best reading. New York, 1872. 12°. . . . 2751.13
Beste (J. Kichard Digby). Nowadays ; or, courts,
courtiers, churchmen, Garibaldians, lawyers, and
brigands. 2 v. London, 1870. 8°. . . 945.15
Betagh (WUliam.) Account of Peru, 1720. &e Pink-
erton's Voyages, v. 14. [926.01]; Ksrr (R.)
Voyages, v. 11, 1824. [914.18.]
Betheun (Sir WiUiam). Etruria-Celtica. Etruscan
literature and antiquities. 2 v. D., 1842. 8°. 466.17
— The Gael and Cyrabri; Irish, Scoti, Britons, and
Gauls, and the Caledonians, Picts, Welsh, Cor-
nish, and Bretons. Dublin, 1834. 8°. . 466.16
Bethune (E. D. ) Specimens of Swedish and German
poetry. London, 1818. 8° 1615.01
Bethune (George W.) British female poets. Phila.,
1848. 8° 1614,17
— Lays of love and faith. Phila., 1847. 8°. .1614.16
— Lectures on Socrates. [Waldie library, v. 12. ] 5078. 15
— Memoirs of Mrs. Joanna Bethune. New York, 1863.
12° 3017.15
— Orations and occasional discourses. New York, 1850.
12° 2513.20
Contents : Genius. True glory, sermon on the death of
Stephen Van Rensselaer. Leisure, its uses and abuses.
Age of Pericles. Prospects of art in the United States. Dis-
course on the death of William H. Harrison. Eloquence of
the pulpit. Duties of educateil men. Duty of a patriot. Plea
for study. The claims of our country upon its literary men,
— Van Nest (G. W.) Memoir of G. W. B. . 3017.14
Beton Coignet. See Arts (Useful : Veinents, etc., p. 40).
Betrothal (The). ,S'ee Patmora (C. ) . . . 1675.18
Bstsey and 1 are out. See Carlton (Will). Farm bal-
lads 1631.07
'Betsey and I are out.' See Emerson (N. S.) 1641.23
Betsey Leo, a fo'c'sle yarn, [a poem, anon.] New
York, 1873. 16° 1614.24
Better (The) land. A. C. Thomp.son. . . .3613.04
Betterton (Thomas). The amorous widow, or the
wanton wife, comedy. London, 1710. 8°. 3021.18
Bettine von Aruim. See Arnim {Mine. Eliz. von).
Beule (Charles Ernest). Causeries sur I'art. Paris,
18ij7. 16°. 1431.23
Note. — Numerous articles by B. were pub. in the Rev.
d. Deux Moudea, 1835-70. Consult ' Table generate. ' [8183.01 .]
Bevan (Edward). The honey bee, its natural hist.,
and management. London, 1838. 12°. 4824.03
Beverages. See Arts (Useful : Liquors, p. 44, and
Receipts, p. 46.);— Domestic economy :— Medi-
cine (Beverages); — Temperance question.
Beverley (Robert>. History of Virginia, to 1706. 2d
ed. London, 1722. 8° 625.15
Beiwick iThomas). Engravings on wood. See Gold-
smith (O. ) Pretty book, etc 1445.13
Bewick (Thomas and John). *Select fables ; with
cuts. With a memoir, e(c. Newc, 1820. 8°. 1413.09
— 'Wood cuts : impressions of upwards of 2,000 wood-
^ blocks. With introduction, e(c. , by T. Hugo. Lon-
don, 1870. 4° 1447.11
Bewildered querists. F. B. Crofton. 1875. . 6211.33
Beyle (Marie Henri). [" de Stendhal."] L'art et la
vie de Stendhal, [anon.] Paris, 1808. 8°. 3164.30
— La chartreuse de Parme. Paris, 1857. 12°. 7013.24
— Melanges d'art et de litte'rature. [pseudon. ] Paris,
1867. 12° 7013.27
— Memoirs of Rossini, [anon.] Loii. , 1824. 8°. 3154.22
— Promenades dans Rome. 2 v. P., 1866. 12°. 974.14
— Romans etnouvelles. Paris, 1854. 12°. . . 7013.25
See also Rev. des Deu:c Moudes : Table gen. [8183.01.]
— Le rouge et le noir. Paris, 1859. 12°. . . 7013.2G
— Lives of Haydn and Mozart, with observ. on meta-
stasis and on the present state of music in France
and Italy. From the French of L. A. C. Bombet.
[pseud.] 2d ed. Loudon, 1818. 8\ . . 3074.29
Note.— The hfe of Haydn is from the Italian of Giuseppe
Carpani ; that of Mozart the preface of the above work
states to be ' trom the German of Schlichtegroll.'
Bezique. .See Amusements , page 24.
Bhagavat-Geeta ; or, dialogues of Kieeshna and
Arjoon. Tr. with notes by C. Wilkins. New York,
1867. 8° 3757.08
— Wilson {H. E.) Review of Schlegel's edition of the
B. [In his Works, v. 5, 1865.]
See also Mahabharata.
Bhilsa Topes : Buddhist monuments. A. Cunning-
ham 3528.08
Biaggi(A.) I Prosatori Italiani. L., 1872. 12°. 7318.07
BiaucaCapello, a tragedy. E. C. Kinney. 1873. 1731.17
Bianca Capello, a tragedy. L. Osborn. 1868. 173428
Biard (Mme. Li^onie d' Aunet). Voyage d'une femme
au Spitzberg. 3e ed. Paris, 1867. 12°. . 1142.00
Biart (Lucien). Adventures of a young naturalist. Ed.
by P. GUbnore. New York, 1873. 12°. . 4722.19
Biber (E. ) Henry Pestalozzi, and his plan of educa-
tion. London, 1831. 8° 5515.25
See [in Biblical and religious literature) headings Bible ;
— New Testament ;— Old Testament, and the names of
individual books of the Old and New Testament.
Bible in India. L. Jacolliot. 1870 3563.18
Bible (The) in Spain. G. Borrow. 1853. . . 985.01
Same. 3 v. London, 1843. 12°. . . . 985.15
Bible in the counting-room. H. A. Boardman. 3522. 1 6
Bible in the public schools 3522.20
Bible lore. J. C. Gray. 1870 3721.21
Bible, missal, and the breviary. G.Lewis. 2 v. 3767.01
Bible music. F. Jacox. 1872 1562.25
Biblical reason why. By the author of ' ' Enquire
within." 18th ed. London, 1869. 12°. . 3721.20
Biblical repertory and Princeton review, v. 10-40.
PhU., 1838-68. V. 41-43. N. Y., 1839-71. 8°. 8028.10
Note. — Succeeded by Presbyterian quarterly and Prince-
ton review. New series, v. 1-3. N. Y., 1872-74. 8°. 8157.04
— Index volume. 182.5-68. Phila., 1871. 8°.8029.
Biblical repository, v. 1-8, Andover ; v. 9-12, New
York and Boston. 12 v. 1831-38. 8°. . 8031.01
— 2d series, v. 1-12. N. Y., etc. 1839-44. 8°. . 8031.08
— 3d series, v. 1-6. N. Y., etc. 1845-50. 8°. . 8031.13
Note. — Ist wer., v. 1-4. conducted by E.Robinson ; v. 5-8,
with title, * Biblical reiios. and quar. observer," by B. R.
Edwards ; v. 9-10, 'Amer. Biblical repoa.,* by B. *B. Ed-
wards ; V. ll-2d. ser.. v. 1-3. by A, Peters : v. 4 6, by A.
Peters and S. B, Treat ; v. 7. by A. Peters and J, H. Agnew ;
T, 8-3d ser,, T, 1. by J, H, Agnew ; v, 2-5. ■ Biblical repos,
and class, review, by W. H. BidweU ; v. 6, 'Amer. Bibl.
repos.,' by J. M. Sherwood.
Biblical studie.s. E. H. Plumptre. 1S73. . . 3721.25
Alphabetical Arrangement of Subjects.
AV>(e.— Readers are reminded that as a rule Biblical and Theological Encyclop.-Edias will afford the readiest means
of arriving at information npon special topics, archisological, doctrinal, historical, personal, or otherwise.
lloyd (ff.) The power of the keys. 1873 35G7.21
Acts of the Apostles.
Alexander (J. A.) The Acta ; expounded. 2 v. 1861. . . 3To5.08
Arnot ( ir.) Church in the house ; lessons, etc.. 1874. . . 35r2-12
fiar/ifs (.1 ) Notes on Acts, 1800 3742.03
Calvin {J ) Commentary. Ed. from the Engl, transl. of C. Fether-
Btone, by H. Beveridge, 2 v. 1844 3755.13
D u Viel(C. M.) Commeuta.ry.lH5l. 3558.12
Gloag {P.J.) Commeuta-Ty. etc. 2 v. 1870 3755.23
Gray {J.) Biblical museum, v. 3, 1872 3755.15
Hackfti (//. B.\ Commeutary on the origiual text. 1863. 3756.10
Lechler {G. V.) Commeutary. [v. 4 of Lauge.] .... 3747.14
Liyhtfoui [J.) Commeutary on Acts [In his Works, v. 8, 1823.] 3567.08
Whtdon {D. D.) Commeutary, etc. 1874 3755.12
See also Apostles, p. 77 ; and New Testament.
Albigenses and "Waldenses.
Faher {G. S.) An inquiry into the history and theology of the an
cieut ValleusesandAlbit^euses. 1838 3433.17
Maitland (S. R.) Eight essays, pp. 154-202 3573.19
— A letter to H. J. Rose, with strictures on Milner's Church his-
tory. 2d ed. 1835 3427.15
— Second letter to H. J. Rose on Milner's History of the church
iu the fourth century. 1835 3427.15
— Remarks on tbat part of J. King's pamphlet, entitled " Mait-
land not authorized to censure Miluer," which relates to the
Waldenses, including a reply to G. S. Faber's supplement,
entitled " Reiuerius and Maitland."' 1830 34\i7.15
Monastier (A.) History of the Vaudoia church, and of tbe Vau-
dois. 1847 3433.18
Muston {A.) The Israel of the Alps : a history of the Waldenses.
1853 3434 01
Smiles (S.) Visit to the country of the Vaudois. [In kis Hugue-
nots in France, 1874.] 3435.13
Tonna {Mrs. C. E.) Wai" with the saints. [Albigenses.] [In her
Works, V. 1.] 6070.13
Bourignon {A.) The light of tbe world : a most true relation of a
pilgi'imess, travelling towards eternity. 1863. . . . 3522.25
Bunyan {J.) The pdgrim's progress 3558.09
Crusade of Fidelis ; his pilgrimage to the celestial city. 3537.06
Guilleville {G. de). The pylgrymage of man. A modern prose
translation. 1859 3558.06
iZcMm(7(o«{ff. K) The city of sin. 1857 3586.23
Smith {J. H.) GUead. 1863 253.07
Christmas {H.) Echoes of the universe: tbe world of spirit.
1850 3535.02
Clayton {G.) Angelology. Remarks and reflections touching the
agency and ministration of holy angels. 1851. . . 3536 08
Hunt [L.) A few words on. [Wisbing-cap papers, p 184.] 2532 24
Moiiiitford {W.) Miracles, past and present. 1870. . . . 3576.02
Anglo-Saxon Church.
Lingard {J.) History and antiquities of tbe Anglo-Saxon Church.
2 V. 1845 3446.07
Soames{H) The Latin church during Anglo-Saxon times. 3444.22
See also England {Church of).
Annihilation Theories.
Thome {L. C.) Man not immortal : a review of N. D. George on
annihilation, 1871 3613.08
See also Future Ufe.
[See Revelation.]
Armstrong {L.) Signs of the times. 1848 5817.06
Newman {J. H.) Tbe protestant idea of Antichrist. [Essays,
v. 2, pp. 112-185.] 35S1.10
See also Revelation ; — Prophecy.
Bansen {E. de). The bidden wisdom of Christ and the key of
knowledge : or history of the apocrypha. 1855. . . 3525.24
fl®* For the books of tlie Apocrypha see Doyly and Mant's
edition of the Bible, v. 2, 1830 [3717 10] . For tbe literature of
the subject consult tbe Dictionaries of Smith, and M'Cbutock
and Strong, articles 'Apocrypha,' 'Canon,' and on indi-
vidual books, tbe iutruductions to the Old Testament, by
Home, Davidson, Blcek, DeWette, Stowe, etc.
Apocryphal G-ospels, Acts, etc.
Cowper {B. H.) Apocryphal gospels, etc., tr. with notes, 18G7.
Cotdents Gospel of James. Pseudo-Matthew, or of the in-
fancy of Mary and of Jesua. Gospel of tbe nativity of Mary.
History of Joseph the carpenter. Gospel of Thomas. Ara-
bic gospel of the infancy. Letter of Abgar to Jesus. Letter
of Jesus to Abgar. Letter of Lentulus. Prayer of J*^sus.
Son of Mary. Story of Veronica Gospel of Nicodemua. or
Acts of Pilate ; 2d part, or Descent of Christ to tbe un-
derworld. Letter of Pilate to Tiberius. Letters of Herod
and Pilate. Epistle of Pilate to Cffisar. Report of Pilate,
tbe governor. Trial and condemnation of Pihite. Death of
Pilate. Story uf JoSL'ph of Arimatbca. Revenging of tbe
Saviour. Syriac goHpol of the boyhood of Jesus.
//one (Tr.) Apocryphal Ni-w Testament. 1846 3757.01
Contents : Gospel of the birth of Mary. Protevangelloii
by James the lesser. Gospel of thu infiiucy of Jeaiui
Christ. Thomas's Gospel of tbe infaury uf Jesus
Christ. Epistles of Jesus Christ and AbgaruH. Gospel of
Nicodemus, formerly called Acts of Pontma I'ilat^i. Tho
Apostles' creed. Epistle of Paul to the Laodiceann. Epis-
tles of Paul to Senuca with Seneca's to Paul. Acta of Paul
andThecla, Epistles: let and 2d. of Ck-meat to the (-'o-
rinthians ; General, of Barnabas ; Of Ignatius to the
Ephesians ; Of Ignatius to tbe Magnesiaus ; To the Tral-
hans ; To tbe Romans ; To tbe Pbiladelphians ; to the
Smyrneeans ; To Polycarp ; Of Polycarp to tbe Pbilippians.
The shepherd of Hernias. lst-3d books of Hermas.
Matati {S. C. ed.) Cnuflicts of the holy apostles, an Ethiupic ms.;
with tbe Epistle of S.Dionysius the Areopagite to Tirncjthy,
tr. from an Etbiopio ms. ; and the Rest, or assumption ot
S. John the evangelist, tr. from the Armenian. London,
1871. 16" 3757.04
Walker [A., tr.) Apocryphal gospels, acts, and revelations, Edin.,
1870. 8'. [Ante-Nicene lib., v. 16.] 3467.01
Contents: v. 1. Protevangelium of Jaraes. Gospel of
pseudo-Matthew. Gospel of nativity of Mary. History of
Joseph tlie carpenter. Gospel of Thomas. Arabic gospel of
tiie infancy of the Saviour. Gospel of Nicodemus. Letter
of Pontius Pilate to tbe Roman emperor concerning Jesus
Christ. Report of Pilate concerning Jesus Christ, sent to
Rome to Tiberius CiBsar. Tbe giving up of Pontius Pilate.
Death of Pilate. Narrative of Joseph of Arimatbea. Tbe
avenging of the Saviour. Acts of the apostles Peter and
Paul. Acts of Paul and Thecla. Acts of Barnabas. Acts of
Phibp. Acts and martyrdom of tbe apustle Andrew. Acts
of Andrew and Matthias in tbe city of tbe man-eaters.
Alts of Peter and Andrew. Acts and martyrdom of Mat-
thew tbe apostle. Acts of the apostle Thomas. Consum-
mation of Thomas the apostle. Martyrdom of the apostle
Bartholomew. Acts of tbe ajxistlij Thaddeus. Actn of the
evangelist John. Revelation of Moses. Revelation of Esdras.
Revelation of Paul. Revelation of John. The book of John
concerning the falling asleep of Mary. The passing of Ma-
ry. Indexes.
Wright { W.. ed.] ApocryiJhal acts. ed. from Syrian ms. . 3757.22
V. 1. Syriac text. 2. Engl, translation.
— Ellicott (C. J.) The apocr. gospels. [Cambridge easays.] 2517.14
Bacon {F. D.) Lives of the AposUes. 1846 3414.13
Greenwood {F. W. F.) Lives of the twelve apostles. 1828. 3414.17
Lardner{JV.) Hist, of the A. and evangelists. [Works, v. 5.] 3565 05
Ramsay {E. B. ) Christian character illustrated in tbe bves of the
four great apostles ; St. Paul, St. John, St. Peter, St. James.
1858 3586.11
Reed (C. E, B.) The companions of the Lord : the apostles.
ia73 3414.18
ifenan (£.) The Apostles. 1866 3414.14
Reviewed by H. Rogers in Fortnightly, v. 5, 18C6, and in
his Essays, 1867. [2541.32].
Same. Les apotres. 1866 3423.07
ApostoUcal Constitutions.
Apostolical Constitutions. The work claiming to be the Constitu-
tions of the Holy Apostle.'^, including tbe canons; Whitaon's
version, revised from tbe Greek; with a prize essay, at the
University of Bonn upon their origin and contents; [by O.
C. Crabbe]. From the German by J. Chase. New York.
1848. 8' 3757.02
— Same. Ed. witJi notes by J. Donaldson. [Ante-Nicene libr. v.
17, 1870.] 3467.06
Apostolical Succession.
HaddantA. W.) Apostolical successiou iu the Church of Eng-
land. 1869 3556.06
^Ve also England (Church of) ; Episcopacy.
Armenian Church.
Malan {S. C.) Life of S. Gregory the illtuninator, founder of tbe
Armenian church 3417.19
Arminius {J.) Works. Tr. from tbe lAtiu by J. Nichols, and W.
R. BagnaU. With a sketch of the author, by W. R. Baguall.
3 v. 1853 3614.05
Oiven [J.) Display of Arminianism. [/n Tits Works, v.5. 1826. 3571.05
See aUo Histories of doctrines und'-r heading Doctrines ; —
Church hiatoriefl. from tbe 10th century ; and the article
• Arminianism ' iu M'CUntock and Strong's Cyclopedia, v. 1.
rfeuman (J. H".) Ariaus of tbe 5th century. 1871. . . . 3413.22
See also Church history, from the 4th to the 7th century;
also Creeds ; — Doctrines , — Trinitarianism.
Astronomy and Relig;ion.
Burr {E. F.) Ecce coelum. 1869. • 4016.08
Chalmers {T ) Discourses on the christian revelations, viewed in
connection with the modern astrouomy. 1817. . ,3532.11
In asking for oooka, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUAIBER.
Dlchs (r.) Works, v. 2. 1S53 6033 02
ConUnts : Celestial scenery. Siderial heavens. Practical
astronomer. Solar system,
Fostir (/,) A. and revelation. \In his Critical essays, v. 2 ] 2525.04
Hervev [J ) Contemplations ou the starry heavens. [In his Medi-
tations ] 3557.19
Mitchell (O. M.) Astronomy of the Bible. 18r,7 4016.19
Ormathwaite {Lord). A. and geology compared. 1872. . . 4013.07
S(ars and the earth. [aMn.] 1868 4016.32
Whewell (IK.) Astronomy with ret. to natural theology. 3524.12 ; 20
Athanasian Cresd.
£den (R) .'Vthanasian creed; facts and suggestions: including a
new translation. 1872. 8° 3545.24
Ffoulkes (E. S.) Athauasiau creed: by whom written and by whom
published; with other enquiries on creeds in general.
1872. 8° 3552.01
Heurtley {C. A.) The Athanasian creed: reasons for rejecting Mr.
Ffoulie's theory as to its age and author. 1872. . . 3545 24
Irons {W. J.) Athanasius contra Mundum: being a letter to the
Convocation on the Athanasian creed. With the Greek of
the creeds. 1872 3563.05
/.ee (If.) Athanasian creed: a sermon. 1872 3565.17
Kadclijf'e iJ.) Creed of St. Athanasius iUustrated from the scrip-
tures, by para'lel passages from the Greek and Latin writers
of the first live ceutiu'ies, and the Apostles and Nicene
creeds. 1844, 3586 16
Sfanfey (^. 7'.) The Athanasian creed. 1871 3695.05
Waterland iD.) Critical history of tlie Athanasian creed.
1870 3617.13
See also Creeds.
Alheos; or, the tragedies of unbelief. 1862 3514.08
Beecher IL.) Lectures on political atheism. [In his Works, v. 1.]
Vtackmore (Sir R.) Essay on atheism. [In his Essays, v. 2, 1716.]
Buchanan IJ.) Modern atheism. 1857 3525.09
C'udworth (fi.) Intellectual system of the universe: immutable
morality. 2 v 3537.08
Lewis {T.} Plato against the atheists; or, the tenth book of the Di-
alogue on laws With notes and dissertations. 1845. 3665.21
More (II ) An antidote against atheism. 1655 3575.17
Naville (E.) The Heavenly Father. Lectures on modern athe-
ism. 1867 3677.02
See also Evidences ; — Religion and science.
Bushndl [H] Vicarious sacrifice, grounded in principles of uni-
versal obligation, 1866 3526.01
C'arsort (^.) Doctrine 9f the atonement. 1853 3532.33
Magee- (tV.) Doetrriies of atonement and sacrifice. 2 v.
1839 3573 14
Shedd ( ir. G. T.) Doctrine of atonement. [In his Discourses
and essays.] 3593.09
Stevenson {G.) Dissertation on the atonement. 1832, . . 3595.09
}Vallace{II.) Representative responsibility; providence and re-
demption. 1867 3616.16
See also Forgiveness.
Bickersteth (E.) Treatise on Baptism. 1853 3517.13
Bingham iJ.) Of baptism. [In his Antiquities etc., v. 3 and 8.
1840.] 3423.11
Conant [T. J.) Meaning and use of Baptizein. 1861. , . 3535.28
Crewdson I.) and Bates ,£.) Water baptism ; its perpetual obliga-
tion. 1871 3531.01
Masketl ( W.) Holy baptism. 1818 3573.16
Phipps (J.) Dissertation on christian baptism. 1819. . . 3586.09
Smith (S. S.) Discourse on baptism. 1808 6093.08
Infant tiaptism.
-idams (iV.) The baptized child. 2d ed. 1836 3513.09
Hamilton {W. T.) Infant baptism a scriptural ordinance ; and
baptism by sprinkling lawful 1831 3557.05
Woods (L.) Ou infant baptism. 1828 3624.25
Backus (I.) Abridgment of the church history of New England,
1602-1804 3456.16
Benedict (/).) General history of the Baptist denomination.
1848 3455.07
Cox IF. A.) and Hoby (.7.) Baptists in America. 1836. . . 3451 .06
Evans [B.) Early English Baptists. 4 v. 1802 3453.16
Hamerd KnoUys society, (Publications more fully entered else-
Broadmead church, Bristol. Records. 16t0-87 . . 3558 08
Banyan (J.) Pilgrim's progress 3558.09
Canne (J.) Necessity of separation 3558.10
Confessions of faitli iUuntrative of the history of the Bap-
tist chiirch of Englaml, 17th century 3558.11
BuVeil (CM.) Comment, outhe Acts of the apostles 3558.12
Fenstauton, Warbois, and Hexham church records. 3558.13
Tracts ou liberty of conscience 3558.14
Van Braght {T.J.j Martyrology of the Baptist churches.
'2v [1524-G8.] 3558.15
Williams (Roger). Bloudy tenent of persecution. . 3558.17
Ivimey {J.) History of the EugUah Baptists. 4 v. 1811-30. 3455.08
M'ayland (F.) Principles and practice of Baptist churches.
1857 3622.01
Smith {J. ff.) The open door ; or, light and liberty. 1870. 3593.13
Sprague {W. B.) Annals of Amer. pulpit, v. ti. Baptists. 3457.01
Aote. — See alsu Dissenters.
Noll'. — For other headings relating to the Bible see Apo-
crypha;—Apocryphal ;— Deluge ;— Evidences ;— Old Test-
ament ;— New Testament ;— names of different Books of
O. and N. T. ;— Parables ;— Religion and science, etc.. etc.
Also Jews ;— Palestine, and names of sacred places (in class
Botfidd {B.\ ^Prefaces to the first editions of the sacred Scrip-
tures. 1861 2766.01
English. The translator's preface to the authorized version ;
being an exact reprint of the original ed. of 1611. London,
1870. 8° 3713 02
— Holy Bible, according to the authorized version ; with notes,
•introduciiouB, etc.. by G. D Oyly and R. Mant. 3 v. Cam-
bridge,(Eugl.) 1830. 4" 3717.09
Same, with notes, etc. By Thomas Scott. 4th Amer. ed.
by W. W. Woodward. 3 v. Phil. 1816, 4'. ... 3717.13
Same. Translated. [Common version.] Walpole, (N. H.)
lftl5. 8° 8713 01
Same. New York, Amer. Bible soc, 1856. fol. . . 3728.01
Same. Oxford, Univ. press, IS69. S° 3711.11
Anglo-Saxon. Crodmon. Metrical paraphrase of parts of the Holy
Scriptures in Anglo-Saxon. Tr. by B. Thorpe. 1832 3712.09
*French. La Sainte Bible. Trad. nouv. selon la vulgate, par J.
J. Boura.s8e et P. Janvier. Dessins de Gustave Dor6. Orna-
mentatiou du texto par H. Giacomelli. Tours, 1866.
fol 1468.11
German. Die Bibel. Nach Martin Luthers ubersetzung. Phila-
delphia, 1852. 8" 3712.15
Latin. Biblia Sacra Veteris et Nov! Teatam,euti. Stutgardite,
1664. 8^ 3711.01
Biblical Personages.
Aguilar [G.) Women of Israel. 2 v. 1853 3513.12
Baldwin [G. C.) Representative men of the New Testament.
1860 3514.17
Biography of Biblical writers. Philadelphia, 1852. 8". 3716.06
Gould {S B.\ Legends of the patriarchs and prophets and other
Old Testament characters. 1872. 3757.11
Lavjson [J.] Bible cyclopaedia, v. 3, Biography. . . . 3715.03
Ozenden {A.) Portraits from the Bible. Old Testament series.
1871 3581,04
— Same. New Testament series. 1871. . . - 3681.03
See also in this class Apostles, p. 77; — Patriarchs; — Pro-
phets : and (in Biography) the names of persons mentioned
m the Bible.
Biblical Bibliography.
Darling (/.) Cyclopasdia bibliographica. Scriptures. 1859.
O'Callaghan {E. B.) * A list of editions of the Holy Scriptures
and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860.
With Introduction and bibliographical notes. 1861. 3717.12
S&i English versions below.
Biblical Commentaries and Beading
Chalmers (J.) Scripture readings. [Posthumous works, v.
1-5] • 3533 01
Ball {J.) Contemplations upon the principal passages of the Holy
Story. [Works, v. 1-2.] 3561.01
— Paraphrase ou hard texts of the whole Scripture. [Works,
V. 3-4.] 3561.04
Jenks (tr.) Comprehensive commentary; containing the text ac-
cording to the authorized version; Scott's Marginal refer-
ences; Matthew Henry s commentary condensed; Observa-
tions of Thomas Scott; etc., etc. 6 v. Phila. 1862. 8". 3716.01
Patrick <S.), Lowth {R.). anil others. Criticahconimentary and par-
aphrase on the Old and New Testament, and the Apocrypha,
4 v. 1853 3726.01
Pool . J/.) Annotations upon the Holy Bible. 3 v. 1852. 3726.05
V. 1. Genesis-Job. v. 2. Psalms Malachi. v. 3. Matthew-Rev.
Simeon (C.) Horae horaUeticffi: or discourses forming a commen-
tary on the Old and Nt-w Testament. 21 v. 1855. 3723.01
See also headings Old Testament ;— New Testament ;—
and the uames of individual books.
Biblical Concordances.
Butterwortk {J.) New concordance to the Bible. 1852. . 3716.06
Crude.n [A.) A complete concordance to the Old and New Testa-
ment: or a dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible.
1868 3716.01
Inglis (7.) Bible text cyclopedia: classification of Scripture texts
in the lorm of an alphabetical index of subjects.
1870, 3717.02
See also New Testament.
Connection of Old and New Testament.
Hatherly {W. p., lord). The continuity of Scripture. 4th ed.
1869 3557.08
Prideaux (H.) Old and New Testament connected in the history
of the Jews. 2 v. 1851 3442.01
Critical Introductions.
Borne (T. B.) Introduction to the critical study and knowledge
of the Holy S.-riptm-es. Ed. bv the author. Rev. J. Ayre.
and S. P. Tregelles. 12th od. 4"v. 186^ 3716.07
See also Miscellaneous illustrative works ; also Old Tes-
tament, and New Testament. (Introductions.)
Defences and Evidences.
Barnes (A.) Inquiries and suggestions in regard to the founda-
tion of faith in the word of God. 1859 3514.27
Blunt [J. J.) Undesigued coincidences, etc. 1855. . . . 3522.12
C.ayton [R.) Vindication of the histories of the Old and New
Testament in answer to Bulingbroke. 1763. . . .3522.18
llatev [J- >V'-) Examination of the alleged discrepancies of the
Bible. With introd. by A. Hovey. 1875 35.16.18
Trench {K. C.) Fitness of H"ly Sciipture for unfolding the spir
itual life of man. The unciniwcioaB prophecies of heathen-
dom. Hulsean lectures for 1845-6. 1856 36H.(«
Liber Librorum. The Bible, its structure, limitation and pur-
pose, {arum.} London. 1867. 8' 35fjti U
Rogers {H.) The superhuman origin of the Bible inferred irom
itself. 1874 3586./6
See a[jo New Testament.
Bible Dictionaries and Cyclopedias.
ytjire (J'.) Treasury of Bible knowledge. 2d ed. 1868. .3721.18
.Barr (J.) Index and dictionary. 14th ed. [n. rf.] . . .3721.01
Kitto (J.) *CyclopiBdia of bibUcal literature. 3 v. 1862-66. 3715.12
Same. General index. 1870 3715.15
— — Same. Condensed. 1852 3715.U4
Lawson {J. P.) Bible cyclopedia; Biography, Geography and Nat.
History. 3 v. 1837 3715.U1
Contents : 1-2. Geography and Nat. History. 3 Biography.
M'Clintock (J.) and A'/rony [J.) *l.'yclopffidia of biblical, etc., ht-
erature. 1867 3716.11
SmilA (ir.) *Dictionary of the Bible. 3 t. 18G9. . . .3715.05
. Same. Revised by H. B. Hackett [andj E. Abbot. 4 v.
1872 3715.08
^mjliah Versiotis : B'Mioijraphy and Literary Uistory.
Anderson [C.) Annals of the English Bible. Abridged and con-
tinued [to 1849], by .S I. Prime. 18-19 3735.01
Blunt {J. II.) Plain account of the EngUsh Bible to the present
day. 1870 3735.06
Conant [Mrs. H. C.) The English Bible. History of the transla-
tion of the Scriptures into English. 1856. . . . 3735.04
Cotton [H.i Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English,
from 1505 to 1830. 2d ed, 1852 3735.02
/Jariiiiy (J.) Cyclopsedia bibliographica. Scriptures. 1859.
Edwards {B. B.) Early Eughsh versions, [/n his Writings, v. 2.
pp. 234-281 3546 09
McCture (A. W.) The translators revived; biogr. memoir of the
authors of the English version of the Bible. 1853. 3721.12
Tra/d€n (7*.) Our English Bible and its ancestors. 1871. 3721.09
Westcott iB. F.) General view of the English Bible. 2d ed.
1872 3721.10
Gleig {G if.) History of the Bible. 2 v. 1852 3736.20
Kitto {J.) -An illustrated history of the Holy Bible; including the
lile of Christ and his apostles. 1868 3736.19
Ostervald iJ. F.) Abridgment of the history of the Bible; and
Catechetical instruction. With a Persian translation by F.
Gladwin 3581.11
Smith {}V., editor). Student's scripture history. New Testa-
ment. 1868 3413.13
See alto Countries. IJews ;— Palestine.)
Emesti {J. A.) Principles of interpretation. Notes by M, Stu;irt.
1842 3721 97
Consult also the Critical introductions of De Wette, David-
Bon , Home, etc.
Miscellaneous lllustratii-e Works, and Aids to Study.
Arithmetic of the Holy Scriptures. By J. W. [Class, journal, v. 25,
p. 29 ; V. 26, p. 13 ; v. 27, p. 253 ; v. 28, p. 219 ; v. 29, p. 249 ;
v. 30, p. 321 2742 25
Arnold {M.) Literature and dogma. 1873 3514.02
Biblical reason why. By the author of "Enquire within." 18th
ed. 1869 3721.20
Bickersteth {E.) A scripture help. 1853 3517.04
Bissell (E. C.) Historic origm of the Bible [its authorship and
various versions, with the leading opinions on revision].
1863 3721.11
Burder {S.) Oriental customs illustrative of the sacred scrip-
tures. [Classical journal, v. 22, p. 257 ; v. 23, p. 193 ; v. 24,
p. 67.] 3742.22
Carpenter ( W.) Guide to the reading and study of. Abridged by
J. W. Jenks. 1862 3716.06
Hewson ( ir.) The Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, compared with
Oriental history, dialhug, science, and mythology. Also, the
history of the cross, gathered from many countries. Loud.,
1870. 8° 3736.06
Same. Illustrations of Tracts, etc. [Diagrams.] London,
1870. 4° 3737.01
Gosse (Z*. if.) Rivers of the Bible; 1850 1053.16
Gray (y. C.) Bible lore. 1870 3721.21
Holbein {H.) Bible cuts. With introd. by T. J. Dibdin. . 1452.24
Index to the Bible. Philadelphia, 1852. 8' 3716.06
Jacoz (Francis). Secular annotations on scripture texts. 2d ed.
2 V. 1871 2533.20
Lessing (G. E.) Letters on bibliolotry. 1862 3565.19
Long {J.) Scripture truth in oriental dress : or, emblems ex-
planatory of Biblical doctrines and morals, with parallel or
illustrative references to proverbs and proverbial sayings
in the Arabic. Bengalic, Canarese, Persian. Russian, Sans-
krit, Tamul, Telegu, and Urdu lauKuages. 1871. . . 3757.09
Mohan (M.) Palmoni ; or the niunerals of scripture a proof of
inspiration. 1863 3731,19
MaitUind (S. R.) On the mystical interpretation of Scripture.
[/n*« Essays. 1852.] 3573.19
— Of revelation, (in Aj'j Ernvin. 18.50.] 3573 25
— On the impediments to the right understanding of scripture.
[In his Eruvin, 1850.] 3573.25
Mitchell (O. M.) Astronomy ol the Bible. 1867 4016.19
Oshorn H. .S.) Biblical tables. 1871 5717 03
Plumptre (i'. i/.l Biblical studies. 2d ed. 1873 3721.26
Hobeils[J.) Oriental illusti-ations of the Scriptures. 2d ed. 3767.25
Sears {h.) Pictorial Illustrations of the Holy Bible. 2 v. 3736.01
Smytit ( II'. U.) Bible and evolution. 1873 3S94.04
Literary Cliarartrr, J'octrt/, etc., of tlie Bible.
Arnold I.V.) Literature and dogma 1873 3514.02
Gilfillan (G.) Bards of the Bible. 1851 3736.11
Hutchinson (£'.) Music of the Bible ; including a brief view of
Hebrew poetry. 1864 3736.04
Jones (/e.) Literary beauty of the Bible. 1837 5721.0*
Lowlh (R.) Lectures on the sacred poetry of Hebrews. 2d ed.
2 V. 1816 3736.13
Taylor (i.) Spirit of the Hebrew poetry. 1862 3736.12
Trail ( U*.) Literary characteristics and achievements of the
Bible. 1863 3725.05
See also Isaiah, Job, Psalms, etc,
ynhmil History,
CatUiw (.V. E.) Popular scripture zoology. 1852. . . . 4721.17
Harris (T. ;!/.) The natural history of the Bible. 1820. . 3736.03
Lawson [J. P.) Bible cyclopiedia. v. 1-2, 1837 3716.01
Scheuchzer (J. J.) Physica sacra iconibus sneis illustrata, pro-
curante J. A. Pfeffel. 4v. 1731-35 3727.14
Wood {J. G.) Bible anuuals 1870 4717.27
See also Countries. [Palestine.)
Letter to the archbishop of Canterbury, on the expediency
of revising the authorized version of scripture, [anon.]
1819. [Pamph. v. 13, pp. 287-315.] 5058.13
Ligklfoot (J B ), Trench (R. C). ami Elticott [C. J.) The revision of
the Enghsh version of the New Testament. With an in-
troduction by P. Schaff. 1873 3746.22
Lightfool [J.B.) On a Iresh revision of the English New Testament.
1871 3752.12
Trench[R. C.) On the authorized version of the N. T., in con-
nection with proposals for its revision. 1858. . . . 3721.08
See also articles in Contemp. rev., v; 2, 1866 (by T. B.
Clieyne) ; v. 8. 1868 (by H. Alford) ; v. 15, 1870 (by Prof.
Spencei ; v. 17, 1871 (by John Hunt) ; Edinb. rev., v. 122,
1865; Nat. quar. rev., v. 11, 1865; New Englander, v. 17, 1859
(2 art., by E. W. Gihnan and by J. W. Gibbs) ; N. A. rev , v.
88, 1859 ; Quar. rev., v. 133, 1872 ; West, rev., v. 67, 1857.
Bible in the Public Schools.
Oieever (G. jB.) Right of the B. in our public schools. . 3534.13
Cincinmiti Superior Court, The Bible in the public schools. Ar-
guments in the case of Minor et al. vs. the Board of educa-
tion. With the opinions and decisions of the court. 3522.20
Clarke («. ir.) The question of the hour ; the Bible and the
school fund. 1870 3536.04
Jewish literature and modern education ; or, the use and misuse
of the Bible in the school-room. [anon.\ 1872. . . 3584.22
Bible societies.
[See American Bible society ; — British and foreign Bible
Darling [J.) Cyclopiedia bibliographica ; a library manual of
theological Literature. 2 v. 1834 2774.02
Same. Subjects. Holy Scriptures 2774.04
Matcom \H.) Theological index References to the principal
works in every department of religious literature. 2774.01
iroodj (i.) Course of study. [In his Works, v. 4. 1851.] . 3624,19
j\-ote. — Copious relerences to authorities will be found
in the leading Biblical aud Theological Dictionaries enu-
merated under ' Dictionaries,' further on.
See also entries Bible and Theology in the catalogues
of the Boston Athenseum and Library of Congress.
Book of Common-Prayer.
[.See Prayer, below.]
Brahcaa Somaj.
5,n (ir. C) The Brahma Soma). Four lectures. 1870. 359.2.2S
— English visit. [Including lectures, addresses, sermons,
receptions, etc.] 1871 3592.27
Alabaster [IT., translator). The modem Buddhist, being the
views of a Siamese minister of state on his own and other
religions. 1870 3528.04
The wheel of law. Buddhism illustrated from Siamese sources,
by the modern Buddhist, a life of Buddha, and an account
of the Phrabat. 1871 3528.07
Beat IS.) A Catena of Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese.
1871 3328.06
Bigaudet [P.) The life, or legend of Gaudama, the Budha of the
Burmese, with annotations. 1866 3528.02
Catechism of the Shamans, or laws of Buddha in China. [In Neu-
mann (C. F.) Transl. etc. 1831.] 7816.10
Cunninqham [A.) Ancient geogr. of India, v. 1. Buddhist period.
1871. 1035.05
Bhilsa topes; or Buddhist monuments of Central India;
sketch of rise, progress, and decline of Buddhism.
1853 3528 08
Dathavansa, or hist, of the tooth-relic of Gotama Buddha. Pali text
and trans. With notes by MutuCoomaraSwany. 1874. 3528.10
Z)A<imm(ipa<i<i, or "Path of virtue." Tr. from Pali by L. Mai
MiiUer. [With Buddhaghosha's Parables. L., 1870. 8°. 7813.31
Gibbs [J. IF.) Vestiges of Buddhism in Micronesia. [In Amer.
oriental soc. Journal, v. 5 7814.06
In asking for books, use the "Book Order," giving the AUTHORS NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
Hardy {R. S.) Manual of BudhiBin. in its modern development,
tr. from Singhalese MSS. 1860 3528.09
Hodgson {B. H.) Sketch of Buddhism. {In Royal Asiatic soc.
Trans., v. 2, 1830.]
Kistner (O ) Buddha and hiB doctrines. A bibliographical essay.
1869 3528.03
Loiv [J.) On Buddha and the Phrabat. [In Royal Asiatic soc.
Trans., v. 2, 1830.]
Maso7i{F.) On the introd. of B. into Burmah. [In Amer. orien-
tal soc. Journ. V. 2. 1851.] 7814 02
Moore {George, M. D.) The lost tribes [of Israel] with new views
of Buddhisiu. 1861 3518.05
M&iler [M.) Buddhism and Buddhist pilgrims. With a letter on
the original meaning of ' Nirvana.' 1857 6414.22
Mulamuli. or the Buddhist genesis of eastern India, abridged by
F.Mason, [/n Amer. orient soc. Jour. v. 4, 1854.] 7814.04
Prinsep {II, T.) Tibet, etc. and religion of Boodh. 1852. 1013.04
Riluai of the Budd'hist priesthood. [In Oriental Tr. Fimd.
Miscel. trans, v. 2, 18;U.] 7818.16
Salisbury {E. E.) Memoir of the hist, of Buddhism. [In Amer.
orient, soc. Journ., v. 1, 1849.] 7814.01
ScMagintweit {E.) Buddhism in Thibet. With an account of the
Buddhist systems preceding it in India. 1863. . . 3528.01
Upham {E., editor). Sacred and hist, books of Ceylon; also, tracts
illus. of Buddhism. Tr. from the Singhalese. 3 v. 1833. 3767.05
See also Ed. rev., v. 115. 1862. 1832.08 ; N. A. rev., v. 86,
1858; Westm. rev., 1856. v. 66; 206-331.
For lists of books on Buddhism, see Schlagintweit (E.)
and Kistner tO.) in above list.
Calvinistic Theology.
Calvin {J.) Institutes of the christian religion. 3 v. 1845-
46 , 3527.10
See also Calvin, in general alphabet.
AST For the writings of nther Calvinistic theologians, see
Balnaves (H.);— Baxter (Richard);— Chalmers (Thomas);—
Dwight (Timothy);— Edwards (Jonathan);— Henry (Mat-
thew);—Hodge (Charles);— Knox (John);— Milton (John); —
Nichols (A,);— Owen (John);— Taylor (N. W.);— Whitfield
(George);— Woods (Leonard).
For the leading Calvinistic serts, see Baptists; — Congre-
gationahsts j — Presbyterians ; — Puritanism.
Catacombs of Rome.
Kip {W. J.) The Catacombs as illustrating the church of the first
three centuries. 1854 3416.20
Rossi (G. B. de). Roma sotterranea, or the Roman Catacombs.
1869 3426.18
iStoi^ (S.) Contents and teachings of the Catacombs. 1853. 3416.21
Barry {A.) Notes on the Catechism. 1869 3514.24
Watson{T.) Select works. Body of divinity: lectures on the
shorter Catechism 3628.06
Essays on Cathedrals. Ed. by J. S. Howson. 1872. . . 2767.23
Freeman {E. A.) History of the Cathedral Church of Wells.
1872 3443 06
Goulburn {E. M.) The principles of the cathedral system vindi-
cated. Sermons. 1870 3767.24
Walcott {At. E. V.) Traditions and customs of Cathedrals.
1872 3767.22
See Church architecture, p. 33.
[See Pope ; — also Roman Catholic Church ]
Celibacy of the Clergy,
Halt (J.) Marriage of the clergy. [Works, v. 8.]
Lea {H. C.) Historical sketch of sacerdotal cehbacy in the Chriw-
tian church. 1867 3426.21
Letters on the constrained celibacy of the clergy of the church of
Rome, [anon.] 1816 3666.09
See also Marriage; — Monastic institutions.
Rights {Th€)o{ necessity, and the treatment of the necessitous
by various nations, [anon.] London, 1839. S". . . 3573.28
See also Charitable agencies, in general alphabet.
Christian Ethics.
Blackie {J. S.) Four phases of morals. 1871 5433.14
Ohallen {J.) Christian morals. 1859 3532.10
Cobhe {F. P.) Religious duty. 1866 3536.11
Dewar (D.) Elements of moral philosophy, and of christian
ethics. 2 v. 1826 3544.07
Fiddes {It.) General treatise of morality upon the principles of
natural reason only. 2d ed. 1726 3551.04
JIarless (<?. C. A.) System of christian ethics. 1868. . . 3558,24
<Scifncc and the Gospel. [Essay iii. pp. 243-450.] 1870. . . 3692.15
Smith. {I. G.) Characteristics of christian morality. Banipton
lectures. 1873 3594.05
Jru//A:e(vl.) Christian ethics. 2 v. 1873 3624.27
See Conscience; — also Moral science, in general alphabet.
Christian Life.
Jiayne {P.) The christian life, social and individual. 1857. 3515.05
Bushnell {H.) Christian nurture. 1861 3526.08
Osgood (.v.) Milestones in our life-journey 3581.08
Penn {G.) The Bioscope, or dial of life. 1812 3584.08
Tyree {€.) The living epistle, or a religious life. 1859. 3615.09
Williams {R.) Rational godliness. 1855 3623.26
Compare Conduct of hfe, in general alphabet. See also
Young men;— Young women; and Sermons, below.
Christian Rhetoric.
Hervey (G. W.) System of christian rhetoric. 1873. . . 3257.18
See also Pulpit eloquence;— Preaching.
Christian ty.
Chateaubriand {R. F. A. de). Le Genie du Christianisme. 2 v.
1851 7014.05
Same. Genius of Christianity. 1857 3534.06
Magoon {E. L.) Republican Christianity ; or. true liberty. 3573.18
Priestley {J.) History of the corruptions of Christianity. [In his
Works. V. 5.J 3591.05
Stuart-Glennie {J. S.) In the morning-laud, or the law of the ori-
gin and transformation of Christianity, v. 1. 1873. . 3438 Ul
V. 1. The new philosophy of history, and the origin of
the doctrines of Christianity.
Ullmann {€.) Descriptive character, or essence of Christianity.
1846 3615.16
Whately {R.) General view of the rise, progress, and corruptions
of Christianity. 1850 3622.20
See also Christology j— Church history ;— Evidences ;—
Jesus Christ, etc., etc.
External Udations.
Harness (TT.) The connection of Christianity with human happi-
ness. Boyle's lectures, 1821. 1823 3561.11
Hyacinthe {Father). Orations. 1871 3563.29
James (//.) Moralism and Christianity ; or, man's experience and
destiny. 1850 3563.31
Kennedy {€■ M. ) Influence of C.upon international law. 1856. 3564.01
Memmi7iger {R.W.) Christianity and sesthetics. [In his Present
issues. 3575.20.]
Pullen {H. ir.) Modern Christianity, a civilized heathenism.
[n7ion.] 1872 3584.28
Renusson {B.de). Le christianieme et le suffrage universel. 5713.06
See also Social science {Civilization, Progress, etc.); — Fine
arts. [Sacred art.)
Comparfd ic'ith other Eelujlons.
Arnold {J. J/.) The Koran and the Bible ; or, Islam and Christ-
ianity. 2d ed. 1866 3757 17
Cocker {B. F.) Christianity and Greek philosophy. 1870. 3536.15
ifrtrtiiyicA: (C) Christ and other masters. 2 v. 1863. . , 3412.20
Lindsay {A. W. C, lord). Progression by antagonism ; a theory
involving considerations touching the present position, du-
ties, and destmy of Great Britain. 1846 3567.16
Powell {B.) Christianity without Judaism. 1857. . . . 3585.14
RawUnson (G.) The contrasts of Christianity with heathen and
Jewish systems. 1861 3586.16
See alao Religion, below.
Dorner IJ. A.) History of the development of the doctrines of
the person of Christ. 2 pts. in 5 v. 1861-63. . . . 3546.17
Fairbairn {P.) Review of the controversies respecting the per-
son of Christ iu Britain since the middle of the 17th century,
[in^/i DoBNEB [J. A.) History, c/c, V. 3 ] . . . .3545 21
Hengstenberg IE. M'.) Chri.'^tology of the O. T., and commentary
on the messianic predictions. 4 v. 1854-65 3558.01
Mac Whorter {A.) yahveh Christ. 1857 3573.09
Schmid (C. F.) Biblical theolugy of the New Testament. 3592.08
Sec also Jesus Christ;— Trinity.
Berthean {E ) Commentary, etc. 2 v. 1867 3732.02
See also Bible :— and Old Testament.
Church Polity, Organization, etc.
Abbe / {R.) The city of God and the church-makers : an examina-
tion into structural Christianity. 1872 35,13.08
Alford (//.) Essays on church subjects. 3513.20
Barter {W. B.j Tracts in defence of the christian sabbath, the
church, her priesthood, and her sai-raments. 1851. 3514.23
Bickersteth {E.) Promised glory of the church. 1853. . . 3517.16
Bunsen {C. C. J.) The constitution of the church of the future.
1847 3525.21
Chalmers (T.) Church and college establishments, church exten-
sion, and the parochial system. 1H57 3532.24
Church and the world: essays on questiims of the day. By vari-
ons writers. Ed. by Rev. O. Shipley. 3 v. Lond., 1866-
68. 8° 3534.22
A'^o/f.—Representing the ritualistic or high church sec-
tion of the church of England.
V. 1. 1866. University extension, by J. E. T. Rogers.
Missionary aspect of ritualism, by Rev. R. F. Littledale.
Infanticide, its causes and cure, by Rev. H. Hmnble. Ca-
thedral reform, by M. E. C. Walcott. On the revival of
religious confraternities, by S. Baring-Gould. Hotpital and
workhouse nursing, by A. Meadows. Clerical celibacy, by
J. E. Vaux. Reunion of the church, by Rev. E. L. Bleukin-
Bop. The last thirty years in the church of England; au
autobiography. Positivism, by Rev. I. G. Smith. Revela-
tion and science. The conscience clause, by G.Trevor. The
Eucharietic sacrifice, by P. G. Medd. Vows and their rela-
tion to religious communities, by T. T. Carter. Study ol
foreign gothic architecture, by G. E. Street. Science and
prayer by Rev. M. MacColl. Reasonable limits of lawful
ritualism, by T. W. Perry. The liturgies of 1549 and 1662,
contrasted and compared, by the editor.
BIBLICAL, RELIG-IOUS AND ECCL. LIT. : Church /o Chiirch History. Wl
V. 2. 18G7. Some results of tUo Tractariau movement of
183y. by \V. J. K. Bounott. Preachers aud preaL-hing; tlie
pulpit aud proHS, by A. B. Evaus. Tbo eai^raineut of mar-
ri;i(^»'. by J. W. Lea. Public law mul the Colonial Church, by
E. iluff. Ou Greek ritrs in tlie WVst, by the Bishop of
Brichiu. Sisterhood life. Private coufeseion and absolu-
tion, by J. C. Chambers. lUdigiims toleration, by M. J.
Bleaker. Church music, by J. W. Rumscy. The curate
q\u'8iion, by A. Baker. A layman s view of coufession, by
J. D. Chambers. On the court of final appeal in lausrs
ecclesiastical. The ritual law of the church of England, by
Hon. C. Lindsay. Latitndiuariauism, by J. Uldknow. The
three vows, by W. Humphrey. Ou the symboUsm of ritual,
by C. J. Le Gept.
V. 3. lHt">8. The first report of the ritual eommisBion. by
R. F. Littledale. Defects in the moral trainmg of girls.
Invocation of saints and angels, by H. Humble. Missions
and preachiug orders, by J. E. Vaux. Abolition of mar-
riage, by A. H. Cooke. Origin of the schools of thought in
ttie English Church, by S. Baring Gould. Immoral litera-
ture. Charitable Trusts aud their probable future, by C.
Browne. The supernatural, by E. G. Wood. On the com-
position and choice of ecclesiastical music, by J. R. Luun.
Spiritual worship, by J. S. Pollock. Retreats, by T. T. Car-
ter. Prayers lor the dtad. by P. Cheyne. Priests aud phy-
sicians, by A. Meadows. Chur.h politics, by E. L. Bleukin-
Bopp. Art and religion, by W. Burges. The Natal scaudal.
ClayiiV. L.. ed.) Essays ou church policy. 18G8. . . . 35;i6.09
Contents : The ihurch and the working classes, by T. \V.
Fowle. The voluntary principle, by J. L. Davies. Ou cler-
ical Hberty of thought and speech, by the editor. The
church and the universities, by \V. Berkley. The church
aud the congregation, by E. A. Abbott. The church and the
education of the people, by W. li. Clay. The church in the
colonies, by J. Westlake. The church as a teacher of moral-
ity, by.T. R. Seeley.
Coleman (I,.) Apostohcal and primitive church popular in its
government, informal in its worship. 1869. . . . 3412.13
Field ( IV'.) Stones of the temple, or lessons from the fabric and
furuitureof the church. 1873 3767.2.')
Garbett (£.) Voices of the church of England against modern
sacerdotalism. 186D 355-in3
Goulburn (E. M.) The Holy catholic church: its divine ideal.
ministry, and institutions. 1873 3555.11
Hooker {B.) Ecclesiastical pohty. [In /((S Works, v.1-2.] 1807. 35t)2.21
Jacob (fJ.A.) Eccl. polity of the New Testament. 1872. 3564.13
Judd (S.) Ihe church: discourses 1854 3563.21
M'CrU{T.) On the unity of the church. [In his Works, v. 4.
1857.J , . 3572.16
McElhinney{J. G.) Doctrine of the church; hist, monograph.
1871 3572.16
Maurice (F. D.) The kingdom of Christ: or hints to a qviaker re-
specting the i)rinciples, constitution and ordinances of the
CathoUc church. 18i2 3574.26
MemmiH'jer (R. \V.) Present issues 3575.20
MialL {E.) Views of the voluntary principle. 1830. . . 3575.07
Palmer ^ W.] Treatise on the church of Chri-^t. 2 v. 1830. 3.=i82.24
Eicskin (-/.) Notes on the construction of sheepfolds. 1860. 3502.02
Science and the Gospel, or the church aud the nations; a series
of essays on great Catholic questions, [anon.] 1870. 3692.15
Stowe {B.) First things: or the development of thurch life.
1859. 3505.16
Whatelif (iZ.) Kiugdom of Christ, aud a christian church.
1854 3622.15
See Ecclesiastical Law, p.
Church and State.
Arnold [T,] Miscel. works: various essays 3514.01
Coleridqe (S. S.) Constitution of church and state. {In his Works,
v. 5] * . 5025.08
— Church and state. [//I Ai5 Works, V. 6] 6025.00
Croli/ (G.) Chui'ch and state. [In his Hist, sketches, etc.
1842] 2521.22
DoUinger (J. J. I.) The church aud the churches; or the papucy
and the temporal power. 1862 3545.05
Freeman {Edward A.) Disestablishment and disendowment, what
are they? 1874 3551.26
Gladstone (W.E.) State in its relations to the church. 1839. 3554.21
Graham (\V.) Review of eccl. establishments in Europe; or re-
ligious tests; and the netessity of abolishing exclusive es-
tablishments. 1796 3551.09
Hovcy [A.) Religion and the state. Protection oralUance? Tax-
ation or exemption? 1874 3551.25
Hyde {E., earl of Clarendon). Religion aud policy. 2 v. 1811. 3535.08
Macaulay {T. B.) Gladstone on church aud state. [In his Essays.
V. 4. 1850.] 2536.19
J/rtr^tHt-au (J^.) Miscellanies. 3574.07
Mill {J. S.) State interference with church property. [In his Dis-
sertations, etc. 1859.J 2535 20
IVoel {B. ir.) Essay on the union of church and state. 1849. 3577.22
manleif {A. P.) Address on the connection uf church and state.
1868 3505.03
— Same. [Essays, 1870.] 3505.06
Townseml {G.) Ecclesiastical and civil history philosophically
considered. 1847 3423.08
Vaughan (li.) Essays, v. 2, 1849 2544.20
Vinci (A .) Church aud state. [In his Outlines of philosophy, pp.
347-403.] 5417.19
See also Church, p. 80— Councils. (Vatican, p. 82.)
Church Archaeology, Architecture, etc.
Dolhy (A .) ChxiTcXi vestments: their origin, use, and ornament,
practically illustrated. 1868 3767.21
Ecclesinto//isl [The). Publ. by the Ecclcsiological, late Cambridgo
Camden society. Nov.. 1811-Juue, 18i;8. 29 v. . . :t4G6 Ul
New York Ecclesiological Society. New York EccIusiologiBt. v. 1-5,
1849-52. [No more published.] 3632.16
Peacock (£'.) English (Jhurch furniture. ornamonts, and decoratiouH,
the Reformation. [MonuuiontH of superstition.] 1866. 3767.20
Walcott (M. £. C ) Sacred archjtiology. 1S68 3767.19
See aiJio Dictionaries and Encyclopedias; also Architec-
ture, p. 33.
Church History.
Note. — Sec also, among other hfadhiffs. Councils; — Denom-
inations aud Sects; — Names of particuUir Deuomiuatious
and sects; — Names of Countries;— Dictionaries and Ency-
clopxdias ;--Missions; — Popes; — Reformation. — Roman
catholic churcli. Also (in Countries, etc.) see names of par-
ticular towns aud cities.
General Works.
Bingham {J.) Originos ecclesiasticfe; or, tho antiquities of the
christian church. 9 v. 1840 3423 11
Bunsen {C. C. J.) Christianity aud mankind. 7 v. 1854. 3414.02
Contents: v. 1-2. Hippolytus aud his age. 3-4. Philc-iophy
of universal history applied to language aud rehgion. 5-7.
Analecta anti-nicsena.
5u?/er(C.3/.) Ecclesiastical history, lBt-13th century. 1868. 3416.01
Comwallis (C. F.) Christian doctrine aud practice in the second
century, [anon] London, 1850. 16' 341107
— Christian doctrine and practice in the 12th century. London.
1850 16" 3411.08
— On the state of man subsequent to the promulgation of Chris-
tianity. [To A. D. 1400.] 4 v. 1851-54 3411.11
DoUinger {J. J. Ig.) History of the church, [to the Reformation].
4 v. 1840. 3427 Ifi
Gieseler {J. C. S.) Compendium, [To A.D.1648.] 5 v. 1854-55 3415.(16
Gray (Mrs. H.) Empire and the church, from Cou--tantiiie to
Charlemagne [A. D. 300-800.] 1857 3414.01
Hose (C.) History of the christian church. [To 1853.] 1855. 3416.02
— Same. [New ed.] 1855 3416.03
Hemans (C. J.) History of ancient Christianity and sacred art in
Italy. [First nine centuries ] 3424 01
ifts/ory of the Christian church in the 1st century. By S. Hinds
and J. H. Newman. [About 1853.] 3415 16
— Same. To the 12th century. By J. A. Jeremy, etc. 1852. 3415.17
— Same. 13th century to the present time. By A. Lyall, etc.
[About 1852.] 3415.18
Hope (Mrs.) Conversion of the Teutimic race. Conversion of the
Franks and the Enghsh. 1872 3551.17
— Same. Sequel. S. Bouiface and the conversiou of Germany.
1872 3551.18
Merivale (C.) The conversion of the Northern nations. Boyle lec-
tures for 1865 3575.06
Jortin (J.) Remarks on eccl. history. [To the Re.''ormation.] 2 v.
1846 3423.22
Marsh (J.) Epitoms of general eccl. history. 1864. . . 3413.10
Milman (H. H.) History of the Latin chrii^tianity; to Nicolas V.
[1454.] 6 V. 1847 3417.03
Milwr (J.) History of the church .of Christ. [To 1530.] 4 v.
1847 3415.12
.afos/iem (J. /:.) Eccl. history. Newed., continued to 1826. by C.
Coote. 2 v. 1858. . 3416 05
Neander (A.) General history of the christian religion and
church. [To the 16th century.] 6 v. 1859. . . .3415.01
Priestley (J.) General history, etc., to the fa 1 of the Western em-
pire. [In his Works, v. 8 10.] 3501.10
Riddle (J. E.) Eccl. chronology; or annals of the christian
church. [To 1837.] 3416.14
— Manual of christian antiquities; constitution, ministers,
worship, customs, etc., ot the ancient church, particularly
during the 3d, 4th, and 5th centuries 2d ed. 1843. :i416.l7
Robertson (J.C.) Hist, of the church, v.1-4. [To 1517.] 1854-73. 3416.07
Russell (John, earl}. Essays on the rise aud progress of the chria-
tian religion in the West of Europe, from the reign of Tibe-
rius to the council of Tr.-nt. 1873 3437.15
Schelhorn (J. C.) AmoBuitates historise ecclesiasticsB et literariie.
2v. 1737-38 3431.09
Stebbing (//.) History of the church, from the Diet of Augsburg,
15i30. to the 18th century. 3 v. 1842 3417 10
— History of the christian church, [to 1402]. 2 v. 1833. 3411.01
Townseiui(G.) Ecclesiastical and civil history philosophically
considered with reference to the future re-imion of chris-
tians. V. 1-2 [To 1389 ] 3423.08
Waddinqlon (G.) History of the church to the reformation. 3417.01
Walmesley IC.) General history of the Christian church, deduced
from the Apocalypse. By eig. Pastorini. [pseud.] 18<i7. 3411.18
Wiltsch (J. E. T.) Handbook of the geography and statistics ol
the church, [A. D., 70-1521] 2 v. 1868 3411.03
Earlier Centuries of Christianity.
Alei.ander (J. A.) Notes ou New Testament Hterature. 1861. 3413.09
Baumqarten (.V.) History of the church in tho apostolic age. 3 v.
1854. . 3414.00
Bunsen (C. C. J.) Hippolytus and his age. 2 v. 1854. . . 3414. U5
Contents : v. 1. Hippolytus and the teachers of the apostoUc
age. 2 Life of the christians of the apostoUc age.
Cave(W.) Primitive Christianity 1840 3414 15
Chateaubriami (R. F. A. de). La naissance du christianisme. 443.09
Crake (A. D.) History of the church under the Roman empire.
A. D. 30-176. 1873 3411.20
Donaldson (J.) Critical history of christian literature and doc-
trine from the death of the Apostles to the Nicene council.
[A D. 325]. 1864-66 3413.19
Eliot (S.) Hist, of liberty, pt. 2. The early christians. 2 v. 3423 03
In asking fur boL.l;s, use the ■• Book O-dc.-," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, aud the Nr-\IDER.
BIBLICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ECCL. LIT. : Chujch History io Ccunoils.
Eusebrus Pamphilus. Eccl. history to A. D. 324. Ifi38. . . 3413.14
Evagrius. History of the church, A. D 4^1-594. 3854. . 3413.06
Fteury (C.) Eccl. history. (A. D. 381-455.] 3 v. 1842. , . 3427.18
— The maunera of tl e christians. 1872 35.'32.26
Gleig <G.R.) Dissertatiou ou tUe primitive church. [/nMosheim's
Eccl. hist., V. 1. 1858.] 3410.05
Hinds {S.) and Neioman {J. U.) History of the christian church
in the 1st century 3415.16
Hop& {Mrs.) The early martyrs. [To A. D. 320.] .... 3424.06
MaUan [M.) Church history ol the first tieveu centuries. 3425.22
Maurice {F. D.) Lectuies on the eccl. history of the Ist and 2d
centuries. 1854 3414.19
^fiall iJ.C.) Memorials of early Christianity [to A. D. 304]. 3413.12
Milman (H. H.) History of Christianity, to the abolition of Pagan-
ism. 2 v. 1840 3423.01
Same. 1844 3416.M4
Jfi^ner (J^.) History of the church ; to the rise of the papacy. [6th
century.] Ahridged. 1844 3413,11
Morrison {J. C.) Lite and times of Saint Bernard. 1091 1153.
1863. - . . 341H.08
XeanderlA.) The emperor Julian and his generation. . 3413.07
— Hietory of the planting and training of the christian church.
by the apostles. 2 v. 1851. 3413.01
— Memorials of christian life in the early and middle ages. 3413 03
Newman (J. il.) The Aiians ot the 4th century. 1871. . . 3413.22
Philostorgins. Keel, history. [A. D. 324-425.] 1355. . . . 3413 05
Pressense [E. de). Early years of Christianity. 1869. . . 3413 16
Reuss (E.) History uf christian theology in the apostolic age
V. 1. 1872 3587.11
Sckaff(P.) History of the christian church. A. D. 1-600. [To
Gregory the tireat.] v. 1-3. 1860-67 3416,12-13
Simpson ( iV.) Epitome of the history of the Christian church
during the first three centuries. 4tU ed. 1862. . . 3411.05
Socrates Scholastic lis. Eccl. history. A. D. 305-439. . . . 3413.04
Soper {E.) Histoi-y of the christian church to Constantine [A. D.,
364.] 3417.02
Sozomt-nus. History of the church. A. D. 324-440. . . . 3413.05
Taylor (iV. E.) Hippolytus, and the christian church of the 3d
century 3413.15
Taylor (I.) Ancient Christianity and the doctrine of the Oxtord
tracts for the times. 2 v 3612.13
Theodoretus. History of the church, A. D. 322-427. . . . 3413.06
Ullmann [C.) Gregory of Nazianzum. 4th century. . . 3072.17
Wilt {J. G.) Mutual influence of the christian doctrine and the
school of Alexandria 1862 2624.15
Mediaeval Church History aiid Missions.
Digby {K. H.) Mores catholici, or ages of faith. 11 t. . . 3421.06
Hemans {C. /.) History of mediieval Christianity in Italy. 3424.02
Mar.Uar (G. F.) Apostles of mediaeval Europe. 1869. . . 3418.10
— History of christian missions during the middle ages. 3418.11
Maitland [S. R.) The dark ages : essays. 2d ed. 1845. . 3425.06
Neander (A.) Memorials of the christian life in the early and
middle ages. 1852 3413.03
Wyse {J ) A thousand years, or the missionary centres of the
middle ages. [1872.] 3462.02
See Crusades, in general alphabet.
18(/t and Idth Centuries.
Baird (R.) The christian retrospect and register : the first half
of the 19th century. 1851 3412.12
Hagenbach (K. R.) History of the church in the 18th and 19th
centuries. 2 v. 1869 3417.14
Clerical Anecdotes and Sketches.
Clergyman and doctors: curious facts and characteristic sketches.
1870 3535.26
Doran (J.) Saints and sinners; or, in church and about it. 2 v.
1868 3544.14
Frampton [J.) Three dialogues on the amusements of clergymen.
{anon.} 1797 3515.16
Jackson {T.) Curiosities of the pulpit, and pulpit literature:
memorabilia, anecdotes, etc., from the 4th century to the
present time. 1868 3562.29
Jeaffreson{J.C.) Book about the clergy. 2 v. 1870. . . . 3563.11
Lambeth and the Vatican : ancLdoles of churches and sects. 3 v.
1825 6216.06
Pulpit {The). [Percy anecdotes, v. 16. 1823.] 6211.16
Ramsay (E. B.) Pulpit table-taJk 3586.13
Sec also Preaching.
[See Lord's Supper.]
Congr e gat ioualism.
Bacon {L. and others). Contributions to the eccl. history of Con-
necticut. 3457.16
Brooklyn council of 1874. Letter missive, statement, and docu-
ments, together with official report. 1874 3457.22
Clarke [D.) Orthodox Congregationalism and the sects. . 3535.22
Dexter {H. M.) Congregationalism : what it is, etc. Why it is bet-
ter than any other form of church government. 1865. 3544.09
E-clesia: church problems considered; essays. Ed. by H. R-
Reyuolds. 1H70 3545.15
Contents: Primitive Ecclesia. by J. Stonghton. The church
in its historical development, by J. H. Thomson. The " Re-
ligious Ufe" and christian society, by J. B Brown. Church
and state, by E. R. Conder. l-'orgiveness aud absolution of
Bins, by H. R. Reynolds. Doctrine of the real presence and
of the Lord's supper, by R W.Dale. The worship of the
church, by H. Allon. The Congregationalism of the future.
by J. G. Rogers. Modern missions and their results, by J.
Same. 2d series. 1871.*
Contents: Baptismal regeneration, by E. Mellor Tlie in-
carnation, by W. L. Alexander. The catholic church, by H.
R. Reynolds. Art aud religion, by J. Gilbert. Rule of laith,
or, creed and creeds, by H. Batchelnr. Our national univer-
sities, by A, S. Wilkins. The idea of the church in relation
to modern Congregationalism, by R. W. Dale.
Hanbury {B.) Historical memorials relating to the Independents,
or CongregatiouaUsts. [To A. D. 1660.] 3 v. 1839. 3435.14
PwncAffr(/(<7.) History of congregationaUsra. A. D. 250-1616. 3456.21
Religious republics:' six essays. 1869 3586.22
Contents: Congregational polity, by W. M. Fawcett. Ex-
ternal relations of Congregationalism, by T. M. Herbert.
The congregationalist character, by E. G. Herbert. Congre-
gationalism and assthetics. by T. H. Pattisou. Congregation-
alism and science, by P. H. Pye-Smith. The spirit of nou-
conforniity, by J Anstie.
White (D. A.) New England Congregationalism illustrated by the
early records of the first chnrch in Salem. 1861 3457. '^0
See also Denominations and Sects ;— Dissenters ;— New
Conscience and Casuistry.
Alford (//.) The christian conscience. \In his Essays, etc.] 3513.20
Baxter {R.) Practical theology. [In his Works, v. 1.] . . 3518 01
Halt (./.) Cases of conscience. [In his Works, v. 7.] . . . S.^ehOT
Mnurice{F. D.) The conscience. Lectures on casuistry. . 3574.22
Pike {S.), and Hayward {S ) Religious cases of conscience. 3584.19
See also Religious liberty, p. 101.
Consolation in AfElictlou.
Burritt(E.) The mission of great BufferingB. 1867. . . 3526.18
Cuyter {!'. L.) The empty crib. Consolation for bereaved par-
ents. 1869 3537.17
£/i"o( ( TF. ff.) The discipline of sorrow. 1868, 16°. . . . 3546.18
Fosberg (T. V.,ed.) Voices of comfort. 1873 3552.27
Hale {L. P.) The service of sorrow. 1867 3556.19
Uinton {J.) The mystery of pain: a book for the sorrowfiU.
1872 3562.05
Lifting the veil, [anon] 1870 3566.15
Peabody {A. P.) Christian consolation. 1867 3518.04
Plutarch. Consolation to ApoUonius. [/n Ai5 Morals, v. 1, pp.
299-337.] 6435.20
— Consolatory letter to his wife. [In his Morals, v. 5, pp. 386-
394.] 5436.30
TheUvall{A. S.) Thoughts in affliction. 1860 3611.01
Thornton {J.) Bereaved parents consoled. 1861. . . . 3611.01
Convents and Convent L'fe.
[See Monastic institutions.]
Baxter (iZ. Of conversion, [/ra ftis Works, v. 2.] . . . .3518.01
Geer (G J.) Conversion of St. Paul. 1871 3554.24
Hoge {IV. J.) Blind Bartimeus; or, the sightless sinner,
1859 3662.17
See also Regeneration ; — Revivals.
[See Epistles.]
Hefele{K. H.) History of the Christian councils, to 325. . 3431.11
Landon {E. H.) Manual of councils of the Holy Catholic Church,
comprising the substance of the most remarkable and im-
portant canons, alphabetically arranged. 1846. . . 3424.07
Lindsay {A. W. C. lord). Ecumenicity in relation to the church of
England. 1870 3567.16
Council of Trent.
Bungener {L. F.) History of the council of Trent. 1855. . 3425.10
Vatican Council.
Capel [Mmisiffnnr). Reply to W. E. Gladstone's Political expostu-
lation. 1875 3527.24
Deutsch {E. 0. M.) Literary remains, pp. 210-265. 1874. . 3545.07
Duliinger (J. J. I.) The pope aud the council. By Janus, [pseud.]
2d ed. Loudon, 1809 3425.15
Gladstone ( W. E.) The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil
allegiance ; a political expostulation. Added a history of
the council ; with the Latin aud En-^lish text of the papal
syllabus and the Vatican decrees, by P. SchaflF. 1875. 3554.30
Vaticanism: an answer to reproofs aud replies. 1875. 3554.31
Hergenrother (J.) Anti-Janus: an historico-theological criticism of
"The Pope and the council," by Jauus. 1870. . . 3561.18
Manning {II. E.) The Centeuiiry of St. Peter aud the General
council: a pastoral letter to the clergy. 1S67. . . 3.574.10
— The Vatican Council, and its definitions. 1780. . . .3574.09
— The Vatican decrees in their bearings on civil allegiance.
1875 3574.33
Xeivman {J. H.) Letter on occasion of Mr. Gladstone's Expostu-
lation. 1875 3578.09
Pressensc {E. de). Rome and Italy at the opening of the CEcumenic d
councU. 1870 3585.16
Prussia aud the Vatican. [MacmUlan. v. 30. 1874.]
War between Prussia and Rome. [Qa. rev. Api. 1874. v. 136.]
I<!ote. — 5ee^?fK;ricaH annual eucyclopiedia, years 1870, 1871:
article Roman Catholic church. Tlie text of the dogma is
given in Latin auil English among the pubUc documents of
the annual for 1870, page 640.
Dick {T ) An essay on the sin and evils of covetousuess. [Works,
V. 1. 1853.] 6033.01
Harris tJ.) Mammon ; or, covetousness the sin of the christiaa
church. 18;i7 y6G,i.04
Barrow (/.) The apoatiea' creed: sermons. [Works, v. 2.] 3616.02
Bingham {J.) Uf catechumens and creeds. [In his Antiquities,
etc. V. 3.] 3423.13
^ote.—Gives the text of the princiijal early creeds.
Duncan {J. M.) Remarks on the rise. use. and uulawfuloesa of
creeds and confessions of faith. 1825 3543. 27
Garbf.tt (E. The dogmatic faith. The relation of revelation and
dogma. Bampton lectures, 1867. 1868. 12". . . . 3554.17
Harvey ( iVm. W.) History and theology of the three creeds. 2 v.
1854 8541.07
Miller {J.) Fetich in theology ; or doctrinalism twin to ritualism.
1874 3575.30
yicolas (J/.) Le symhole des Apotres : essai historique. 3577.21
Pearson J.) Exposition of the creed. With au appendix, coutaiu-
iug t!ie principal Greek and Latin creeda. 1851. . . 3584.06
Perring {Sir i'.) Churches and tht-ir creeds. 1871. . . . 3584.14
Spring (G ) Dissertatiou of the rule of fjitli. 1844. . . 5093.04
Sivainson [C. A.) The creeda of the church, in their relations to
the word ot God and to the conscieuLC of the christian.
Hulseau lectures, 1857 3595.23
See also Athanasian Creed;— Thirty-nine articles.
Crosses, [i articles in Ecclesiologist. v. 8-9, 184S.] . . . 3365.04
Hewson { iV.) History of the Cross. [In hi^ Scriptiiies, etc.] 3736.06
MortilUt {G. de). Xa eigne de la croix avaut le christianisme.
1866 1463.11
See a'$o, in the general alphabet, Fine arts ^Sacred art. —
Culture and Religion.
Shairp (J. C.) Culture and religion in some ot their relatione.
1871 3593.05
See also headings ' Christianity,' * Church,' p. 80.
Daniel (Book of ).
Bames[A.)THoteB, etc. 1863 3734.06
Calvin (J.) Commentaries, etc. 2 T. 1852-53 3734.08
Elliott (E. B.) Examination of the chief prophecies of Daniel.
[In his Horie apocalypticie. 1866.] 3756.14
HengsUnberg (£,'. W.) Dissertation on the genuiueuess of Daniel.
1847 3734.07
Damey {W.) Horte Decanise rurales. Of rural Deaus. 2 v. 3541.16
;>/kM (TT.) Reflections on Death. 1818 1641.04
Warton iJ.) Death-bed scenes and pastoral couverBations. 2d ed.
4 V." 3617.16
^V€lhy (H.) Mysteries of life, death, and futurity. 1863. . 3622.0C
Sec also Consolation in affliction, p. 82.
LflamliJ.) View of deistical -writers of England. 1S36. . 3566.06
Leslie {(•.) Short aud easy method with the Deists, [hi Christian
literature.] 3538.01
IVollastotHM'.) The religion of nature deliueated. 1738. . 3628.05
See also Natural rt-Ugiou.
Buckland (JV.) Reliquia; Diluvian.'P ; or, observations on organic
remains attesting the action ot an universal deluge, 2d ed.
1824 4117.03
0'?ns^ead (J". -V.) Xoah and his times. 1854 3581.05
Rickart (C. von). Menes and Cheops identified in histoiy under
different names. 1869 1076.05
Smith {G.\ Chaldaian account of the deluge from terra cotta tab-
lets found at Nineveh. Two photographs, with trausbtion.
1872 A. 27. 15
2'wcmioio(C) Facts and fossils to prove the deluge of Xuah. 3762.11
See also Commentaries on Genesis.
Denominations and Sects.
American christian record : containing the history, confession
of faith, and statistics of each religious den tmination in the
United States and Europe. 1860 »155.01
Beecher {T. K.) Our seven churches. 1870 3412.18
Contents: Roman Catholic Presbyterian. Protestant Epis-
copal. Methodist EpiscopaL Baptist and Congregational.
Liberal christian.
Blunt (J, H.) Dictionary of sects, heresies, ecclesiastical parties
and schools ot religious thought. 1874 :i428 05
Cornwallis [C. F. and others). Christian sects in the 19th ceutiiry.
1850 3411.oy
Curleis {G. H.) Dissent in its relation to the church of England.
Hampton lectures. 1871. 1872 3537.16
Gardner (7.) "Faiths of the world. 2 v. 1858-60. . , . 3428.01
Denominational reason why. 1866 3412.19
G<irHe [P. D.) Churches and sects of the U S. 1850. . . 3555.03
flayioan/ (J^.) Book of rehgions. 1870 3411.19
Physiology of the sects. 1874 3584.24
Cmitmts ; t;hurchmen. Roman catholics. Independents.
Baptists. Presbyterians. Friends. Unitarians.
Pitts street chapel lectures. Boston. 1858. 12" 3564.12
Clark [W. R ) Why 1 am a Metliodist. Thayer {T. B.) Why
are you a Universalist? Adams (N.) Why am I a Trinitarian
CongrL-gati">nalist? Sykes (J. N.) Why I am a Baptist. Ran-
dall (G. M.) Why 1 am a churchmau. Dewey ,0.) Why lam
a Uuitarian. King (T. S.) Spiritual Christianity.
Starsden {J. B.) History of christian churchca and eecta. 2 v.
1856 3412.03
Rupp (I. D.) History of the religious deuomiuatious in tbe
United States. 1844 3458.03
Where is the city ? [anon.] 1868 30:/3.01
Contents: Baptists. Congregationaliets. Methodists. Epis-
copalians. Quakers. Swedeuborglaus. Spiritualists. Uui-
versalists. Uuitariaus.
Sec also the names of various Churches and Sects.
Devil and Evil Spirits.
Coble (F. P.) The devil. [In Fortnightly rev., v. 16, 1871.]
Beard (J. R.) Autobiography of Salan. 1872 3515.23
DeFoe{D.) History of the devil. 1851 3544.01
Same. [In his Miscel. works, v. 10.] 5032.10
Hunt (Leigh). Treatise, «(c. [/« A/i Wi(*hing-cap papers.] . 2532.24
Kernot (Henry). Bibhotheca diabolica ; books relating to the
devil. 1874 3544.26
Laporte iH.de). The devil : does he exist? and what does be do?
1871 3543.24
Masson (D.) The three devils : Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's.
1874 2536.30
Matecr[S.) Account of Travancore and its devil worship. 1031.13
RevilleiA.) The devil, his origin, greatness, and decadence.
1871 3.i86.27
Boot (J.) Horrors of delirium tremens. 1844 3587.22
Sole. — Asserts the existence of a personal Devil.
Scott (R.) Scriptural claims ot the devil. ls22 3592.06
Sharp (G.) The case of Saul, shewing that his disorder was a
real spiritual possession 3812.29
Young (Joseph). Demonology : or the scripture doctrine of devils.
1856 3625.22
See also, in the general alphabet, Occult sciences ; — Spirit-
ualism ;— Superstitions ;— Witchcraft.
Devotional "Works.
Amory (T.) Dialogue on devotion, after the manner of Xenophon.
2d ed. 1746 3022 22
Beecher (H. W.) Morning and evening exercises.- Ed. by L. Ab-
bott. 1871 3516.22
Bogatzky (C. H.von). God's thought of peace in war. 1762. 1091.13
— Golden treasury for the children of God. 1872. , . . 3522.19
Friswell (J. H.) The silent hour. 1868 3553 12
Gasparin(Mme.A.de). The near and the heavenly horizons. 3554.14
Greenwell (D.) Colloquia Crucis: a sequel to "Two friends."
1871 3555.27
Juliana (Mother). Sixteen revelations of divine love. 1864. 3563.23
Kempis (T. dl. Of the imitation of Jesus Christ. Rendered into
EngUsh' by G. Stanhope. 1702 3513.18
~ Some. Introd. essay, by T. Chalmers. With life, by C. UU-
man. 1858 3513.17
Loomis (L. C.) Mizpah. Prayer and friendship. 1858. . 3566.18
J/oun(Aird (IF.) Euthanasy, or happy talk towards the end of
Uie. . 3576.01
Patience of hope. By the author of *'A present heaven."
1862 ^ 3583.10
Phelps (A .) The still hour; or, communion with God. 1862. 3584.20
5ci*ddgr (//) Christian's daily walk. 1776 3592.12
Swetchine (S. S., Mme.) Writings. Ed. by Count de Falloux.
1869 3595.21
Taylor (J.) The rule aud exercises of holy living. 1864. . 3612.18
— The rule aud exercises of holy dying. 1864 3612 19
Teresa de Jesus (Si.) Way of perlectiou; and conceptious of divine
love. 1852 3612.22
TltoIuck(A.) Hours of christian devotion. 1H71. . . . 3613.07
Tivo friends. By the author of "The patience of hope."
1863 3614.22
Upham(T. C.\ The hfe of faith. 1857 3615.13
— Principles of the hidden life, faith and love. 1858. . 3615.12
Watts (J.) Discourse on the love of God. 1799 3617.24
Zschokke (H.) Meditations on life and its religious duties.
1863. 3625.25
Sec Prayers;— Liturgies.
Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias.
Blunt (J. H.) *Dictionai*y of doctrinal and historical theology.
2d ed. 1872 3428.04
— *Dietionary of sects, heresies, ecclesiastical parties, and
schools of reUgious thought. 1874 3428.05
Eadie (J.) Ecclesiastical cyclopiedia; or dictionary of christian
antiquities and sects. 1862 3412.01
IlrTzog (J. J.) Real-e ncy clop lid ie fiir protestantische Theologie
uud Kirch e. 20 v. 1854-65 3568.18
Same. Protestaat theological aud ecclesiastical encyclopss-
dia: a condensed translaiiou, by J. H. A. Bomberger. v. 1.
Phila. 1858. 8" 3418.18
Hook (W. F.) Chunh dictionary. 1854 3412.02
M'CliJUock (J.) ami Slrotig (J.) *Cyclopaedia of biblical, theological,
and ecclesiastical hterature, v. 1-5. 1867-73. . . . 3716.11
See also Bible. Dictionaries, p. 79.)
Canne (J.) A necessity of separation from the church of England
proved by the "x on conformists' principles. 1849. [Han-
serd Kuollys Society.] 3558.10
Curteis (G. H.) Dissent iu its relation to the church of Eng-
land 3537.16
Martin''-au(J.) \Wiy dissent? An address. 1871. . . 3574.30
Taylor (J. J.) Ketrospect of tlie reUgious life of England; or, the
church, Puritanism, and free iuouiry. iid ed. revised.
1853 3140.14
Vaugkan (R.) English nonconformity. 1862 3446.16
In asking for books, use the ' Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, aud the NUMBER.
BIBLICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ECCL. LIT. : D;sssuter3 /» Eueland.
Boaur ID.) and Bennett [J.) History of the disaenters. 1688-1808.
4 V. 1808-12 3136.03
Fletcher (J.) Hist, of independency in England, since the Re-
formation. 4 V. 1817 3152.17
Halitxi IR.) Lancashire: its puritanism and nonconformity. 2 v.
1809 3136.16
Skeats (U.S.) History of the free churches of England 1688-1851.
1869 3135,17
Wilson ( ir.) History and antiquities of Disaeutiug churches and
meeting houses iti Loudon, Westniiuster, and .Suutltwark,
4 v. 1808-1804 346'2.13
See also Baptists ; — Oongregationalists ; — Methodists ; —
Presbyterians ; — Puritans, etc.
Doctrine and Dogma.
Bernard {T. D.) The progress of doctrine in the New Testament.
1867 3523.05
Blunt (./. H.) Dictionai'y of sects, heresies, ecclesiastical parties.
aud schools of religious thought. 1874 312S.0B
Eaoenbach IS. R) Teit book of the history of doctrines. 2 v.
1863. 3556 07
Martensen (7f.) Christian dogmatics. 1866 3573.21
yeatiderlA.) Lectures on the history of christian dogmas. 2 v.
18,58 3577.U4
Sltedd {\V. G. T.) History of christian doctrine. 2 v. 1863. 3693 10
Van Oosterzee {J. J.) Christian dogmatics. From the Dutch, by
J. W. Watson and -M. J. Evans, v. 1-2 3616.10
See also Church history:— Creeds; Systematic theology, e/t*.
Zlaui'eslE.) Mythology and rites of the British Druids.1809. 3817.19
Essay on the Neodruidic heresy in Britannia. Part 1. [anon.]
1838 3818.15
Identity of the religions called Druidical and Hebrew, [amiti.]
1829 5091.02
Ledwich (£.) A dissertation on the religion of the Druids.
[Archjeologia, v. 7. 1785.J 6128.
Rust {J.) Druidism exhumed. 1871 3587.21
Smiddy (S.) Essay on the Druids, the ancient churches, and the
Round Towers of Ireland. 1871 3817.26
See also Histories of England, France, and .Scotland. {Celtic
period. )
Dutch Reformsd Church.
Heidelberg catechism, in German. Latin, and English : with his-
torical introduction. 1863 3562.32
Eastern and Greco-Russian Churches.
Hoii/ Eastern church : a popular outline of its history, doctrines,
liturgies, and vestments. {anon.\ 1870 3121.19
Ifeale [J M.) History of the Holy Eastern church. General in-
trod. 2 V. 1850 3466.01
— History of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. 2 v. 1847 . 3466.03
Palmer I Win., translator). The PalriarcU and the Tsar. 3 v,
1871-73 3583.20
V. 1. Replies of Nicou. patriarch, against the questions of
the boyar Simeon Streshneff. aud the answers of the metro-
politan of Gaza, Paisius Ligarides.
2. Testimonies concerning the patriarch Nicon, the tsar,
and the boyars, from the travels of Macarius.
3. History of the condemnation of Nicon by a plenary
council, 1606-67. Written by Paisius Ligarides.
Bomanof (H. C.) Sketches of the rites and customs of the Greco-
Russian church. 18i;9 3424.18
Stanley {A. P.) Lectures on the history of the Eastern church.
1861 3417.09
Tondini (C) The pope of Rome and the popes of the oriental
churches. 1871 3424.17
Hengstenberg (B. W.) Commentary, etc. 1869 3734.10
Noyes (<? R.) New translation, with introd. and notes. 4th ed.
1868 3734.10
Sandys {O.) Paraphrase, etc. [In Ids Poetical works.] . . 1084.32
See Bible : and Old Testament, lor other commentaries,
OS Lange, v. lu [;i726.191 ; aud Speaker's commentary,
v. 4 [3726.11].
Ecclesiastical Law.
ry(er{K. H.) American ecclesiastical law. 1866 3614.27
See aho Church polity.
Lowrie (J. M.) The translated prophet. 1868 3506.20
.See Prophets.
Oeneral Church BMory and Present Establishment.
Collier (J.) Ecclesiastical history of Great Britain to the end of
the reign of chiirlea the second. New ed. With life of the
author, by T. Cathbury. 9 v. 1852 3444.03
Bs^ui™: (J.) Religious life in Eugland. 1867 3443.04
Puller [T.) Church history of Britain, until 1648. 3 v. 1842. 3444.13
Harrington (Sir J.) .\ddicion to Godwin's catalogue of bishops.
f/n /lis Wuga antique, v. 2, pp. 1-281.] 473.22
Hook ( W. F.) Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, v. 1-8.
1860-69 3446.04
v. 1, Anglo-Saxon period. 2. Anglo-Norman period. 3-5.
Middle-age period. 0-8. Reformation period.
Iltmt (J) Religious thought in Eugland, from the reformation to
the end of the last century. 1S70 2 V 3416.17
Inett {.I.) Origines Anglicans : or. a history of the English
church from the conversion of the English Saxons till the
death of King John, 1216. 2 v. in 3. 1855 3444.19
Johnson {J ) Collection of the laws and canons of the church of
Englaud to the reign of Henry viii. 2 v. 1860. . . . 3436.19
Joyce {J. W.) The civU power in its relation to the church : with
special reference to the court of final ecclesiastical appeul
in England. 1869 3436.22
Le ]Veve :J.) Fasti Ecclcsi^e Anglicani©, or calendar of the prin-
cipal ecclesiastical dignitaiies in England aud Wales to 1715.
Continued to the present time by T. D. Hardy. 3 v. 1854.
Newman {J. H.) The convocation of the province of Canterbury,
[/n Ms Hist, sketches.] 3581.07
Perry {O. G.) History of the cliurch of Eugland. From the death
of Elizabeth [1603]. 3 v. 1861 3445.01
Savenstein {E. G.) Denominational statistics of England and
Wales. 1870. , 3445 20
SmiUi [G.) The religion of ancient Britain, historically con-
sidered, 'id ed. 1846 3446.05
Thackeray (F.) Researches into the ecclesiastical and political
state of ancient Britain under the Roman emperors. 2 v. in
1. 1843 3446.06
Short [T. V.) Sketch of the history of the church of England to
1688. 1870 3443.06
Southey {G.) Book of the church. [To WUliam iii.] 1841. 3441.12
Strickland {A.) Lives of the seven bishops committed to the
tower in 1688. [Sancroft, Lake, White, Turner, Ken, Lloyd,
Trelawny.] 3445.16
Tulloch iJ.) Rational theology and christian philosophy in Eng-
laud in the 17th century. 2 v. 1872 3446.09
v. 1. Liberal churchmen, v. 2. Cambridge platonists.
Williams {F ) Lives of the cardinals ; to Wolsey. [1'2-16 cent.]
2 v. 1868 3437.16
Wordsworth (C.) Ecclesiastical biography ; or, lives of eminent
men connected with the history of reiigion in Englaud.
4th ed. 4 v. 1853 3446.01
Contents : v. 1. Introduction from Inett. 'Wickliae. W.
Thorp. Lord Cobham. Chaucer and Gower. Extracts from
Fox. Dean Colet, by Erasmus. Cardinal Wolsey, by Caven-
2. T. Bilney, by Fox. Sir T. More. W. Tindall. Cromwell.
Earl of Essex, John Rogers, Hooper, Rowland Taylor, aud
Latimer, by Fox.
3. Ridley and Cranraer, by Fox. T. Mountain, by Strype,
Bp. Jewel. B. Gilpin, by Bp. Carleton. Hooker and Donne,
by I. Walton. Whitgift, by Sir G. Paul.
4. Herbert, Wolton, Sanderson, by I Walton. N. Ferrar,
by Dr. Peckard. Bp. Hall, by himself. Dr H. Hammond, by
Bp. Fell. Baxter, by himself. Sir Matthew Hale and earl of
Rochester, by Buruett. Tillotsou. Index.
See also {in Countries) England. [Ecclesiastical historians.)
Doctrines ami Controversies.
Brooke {S. A .) Freedom in the church of England : six sermons
suggested by the Voysey judgment. 1871 35'23.'20
Cattermole iR.) Literature of the' church of England. 2 v. 1844.
ro46f/( l"'.) Legacy to parsons. 1835 3536.14
Conybeare [J. W.) The church in the mountain. Church parties.
'Vestries and church-rates. [In his Essays, 1855.] . . 2527.01
Dame Albion's Church school ; or high, low, and broad ideas of
essentials. By S. E. T, [anon.] 1871 483.13
Degge {Sir Si The parson's counsellor ; with the law of tithes.
7th ed. by C. Ellis. 1820 3543.25
Doctor Hookwell ; on the Anglo-Catholic family, [anon.] 3 v.
1842 3541 09
Jacob {G. A.) Ecclesiastical poUty of New Testament, a study for
the present crisis. 1872 3564.13
Lindsay {A. W, C, lord). Scepticism as compared with ihe
church of Eugland, 1861 3667 14
MonselUJ. S. B. I Onvixi-w nc&v. IHIO 3575.1G
Newman (J. H.) Prospects of the Anglican church. [In his Es-
says, v. 1.] 3581.09
— The catholicity of the Anglican church, [In his Essays, v. 2.
On the interests of the church of Eugland. London, 1821. 8".
[Pamph, V. 19.] 6058.19
Principles at stiike. Essays on church questions of the day. Ed,
by G. H. Sumner. 1868 3686.19
Note. — Put forth under ' Low church ' auspices.
Contents : Ritualism and uniformity, by B. Shaw. The
increase of the Episcopate of the church of England, by
Lord A. Hervey. Powers and duties of the priesthood, by
R. Rayne Smith. National education, by A. R. Grant. Doc-
trine of the Eucharist, by G. H. Sumner. Scripture and
Ritual, by T. D. Bernard. The church in South America, by
A. Mills. The schismatical tendency of ritualism, by G.
Salmon. The revisions of the liturgy considered in their
bearing on rituahsm. by W. Q. Humphry. Parties and party
spirit, by J. S. Howson.
Rector (The], and his friends, [anon.] 18G9 3586.20
Sadler (.If. F.) Church doctrine Bible truth. 1870. . . 3687.25
)Vheatlcy (C.) Rational illustration of the Book of common prayer,
the' sacraments, and other rites of the church of England.
'ft'ith notes by G. E. Corrie. 1858 '36'2J.04
Wilkins{G.) Body and soul. [A church of England dialogue.
anon.] 2 v. 1823 36'22 21
Wordsworth (C.) Christian institutes : discourses and tracts by
church of Englaud writers. Selected, arranged systemati-
cally, and illustrated with notes. 4 v. 1842. . . . 3ti'2o 06
Contents : v. 1. Evidences of natural and of revealed re;i-
BIBLICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ECCL. LIT. : England (o Evangelical.
gion. Natural law. Principles of Christianity. 2. Sundry
articles of the creed, aud other principal topics of christian
doctrine. :i. Princijilefi of sot-iety and of government, civil
aud ecclesiastical. 4. Polemical theology. Popery. Puritan-
Ism. Non(X>nforniity.
Ciiinpare Church, p. 80 ; aud Episcopac7. below.
Sec also Athanasian Creed ;— Catechisms ;— Creeds ;—
Deans ; — Episcopacy ;^Liturgies ; — Prayers ; — Sacra-
ments;—Thirty-nine Articles. Als^ Anglo-Saxon Church;
—Dissenters ;— Scotland ; —Reformation.
For the Wnrkfi of leadintj Church of Knyland divines see. in
the general alphabet, Barrow;— Ohillingworth;—Leighton;
South;— Taylor;— e/c, etc.
Oiford Tracts Controversy.
Apostasy of the church established by law. aud the insufficiency
of her creeds aud articles to secure uniformity of faith.
London, 1845. 8\ [Miscel. Pamphlets, v 18.] . . . 5093.18
Beaven (J.) Calm exposure of the unlairness of the "General re-
ply to all objections " of the author of ''Ancient Christian-
ity.'* 1840 a612.14
Bricknell ( W.S ) The judgment of the bishops upon the tractariau
theology. A complete analytical arran-iement of the charges
delivered by tbe prelates of the AngUcau church, from I8;i7
to 1842, inclusive; so far as they relate to the tractariau
movemeut. 1845 3523.26
Brittan [T. S.) The modern anti-christ [The Tractariau move-
ment] portrayed. 1847 3524.22
Pagin {A.W.) Address on the establishment of the hierarchy.
1851 5093.14
Taylor {I.) Ancient Christianity and the doctrines of the Oxford
tracts. 2 v. 1839 3012.13
Tracts for the times. By members of the university of Oxford.
6 V. 1839-41 3613.09
England (Church of) vs. Chiirch of Rome.
Chillingworth (IT.) Works. 1836 3535.06
Pu$ey (E. B.) The church of England a portion of Christ's G#th-
olic church : an eirenicon. 1865 3586.05
Reasons for returning li-om the church of Borne to the church "f
England. 1871 3586.28
England (Church of) in the Colouies.
Anderson (J. S. i/.) The history of the church of England in the
colonies and foreign dependencies of the British Empire.
3 v. 1856 3451.01
Barnes (A.) Episcopacy tested by scripture. [In fits Essays, etc.
V. 1. 1855.] 2513.06
Cave {}V.) Government of the ancient church by bishops. r7c.
[App. to his Primitive Christianity. 1840.] .... 3414.15
£pwcopacy with reference to tlie modern Popular Societies. 2d
ed. Loudon, 1820. [Pamphleteer, v. 16.] 5058.16
Duffield (G.) The claims of " Episcopal bishops " examined. '2d
ed. 1842 3544.25
Kip ( )V. I.) The double witness of the church. 1844. . . 3564 14
Linn {W.), Beasley {F). and H»w T. }'.) Collection of essays on
Episcopacy. With notes by J. H. Hobart. 1806. . 3558.23
Marshall [T. ir.) Notes on Episcopal polity. 1844. . . . 3447.04
Milton {J.} Brief notes upon Griffitli's sermon, titled the Fear of
God and the king : Of refonuatioD in England. Of prelatical
Episcopacy, [//i/iis Works, v. 2. 1848.] 5054.02
— Reason of church government urged against prelaty. Of
civil power in ecclesiastical causes. Likeliest means to re-
move hirelings out of the church, {[n bis Works, v. 2-3.
1848.] 5054.02
Sage {J.) Works. With memoir and notes. 3 v. 1844-46. . 3588.11
Contents: v.l. Fuudaraental charter of presbytery, as it hath
been lately established iu the kingdom of Scotland, exam-
ined and disproved, v. 2-3. Principles of the Cyprianic
age. with regard to episcopal jjower and jurisdiction.
Taylor (J*.) Sacred order and offices ol episcopacy. [In his Works,
V 2. 1853.] 3618.02
5'eeafs'j Church polity ;— England (Church of) ;— Meth-
odist Episcopal Church ; — Protestant Episcopal Church.
Macknighi (J.) A new literal translation of the Epistles. With a
commentary and notes. Added a history of the life of the
Apostle Paul. 2d ed. 6 v, London. 1806. 8°. . .3748.01
Contents : v. 1. Preface. Preliminary essays. Romans.
2. Corinthians. 3. Covenant with Abraham. Justification.
Galatians. Ephesiaus. Mediation of Christ. Philippians.
Colossians. 4. Thes^loniaus. Timothy. Titus. Philemon.
5. Hebrews. James. Pt-ter. 6. John. Interpretation of
Scripture. Lite of Paul. Jude.
Life and Writings of St. Paul.
Arnold [M.) St. Paul and Protestantism; with an introduction on
Puritanism and the church of England. 1870. . . 3514.04
Note. Reviewed by R. H. Hutton in Contemp. rev., v. 14.
Barnes (A.) Sceues in the life of Paul. 1869 3514.18
Bauer {F. C.) Paul; his lite and works 3756.05
Btntham (J.) Not Paul, but Jesus. 1823 3521.15
Brown (S.) The fidiauism of St. Paul. [In his Lectures aud Es-
says. V.2. l.SS.-t.] 2515.02
Bungenei- (F.) St. Paul: his life, labours, and epistles. 1870 3526.02
Butler (C. M.) St. Paul In Rome. 1865 3527.05
Conybeare ( W. J.) and Howson (J. S.) Life and epistles of St. Paul.
2 V. 1858: 3755.17
Aote.~For articles occasioned by this work see Ed. rev., v.
97. 1853; New Englander. v. 12, 1854; North Amer. rev. v.
77 1853; North Br. rev., v. 20, 1H53.
Fa'coner ( U'.} Dissertatiou ou St. Paul's voyage and shipwreck on
the Island Melite. 2d ed. 1870. 3758.10
Hows(m [J. S., The companioua of St. Paul. 1871. . . . 3755 22
Lewin{T.) Life aud epistles of St. Paul. 2 v. 1851. . . 3756.01
Locke (J.) Essay, paraphrase, and notes on some of St. Paul's
Epistles. [In his Works, v. 8.) 6052.08
Lytleton ((i. Lord.) Observations ou the apostleship of St. Paul.
[In Christian literature.] 3538.01
Same. [/7i /tw Works, v. 2.] 6052.14
Monod (A.) St. Paul; five discourses. 1860 357.j.lt*
More {II.) On the life aud writings of St. Paul. [In her Works, v.
4. 1840.) 6057.04
JPaiey (»f.] Horaj Paulina; 3522.12
Same, [/n Christian evidences. 1847.] 3538.06
/•auZ of Tarsus.- times and gospel. 1872 3588.07
Re?ian(E.) Saint Paul. 1869 3414.11
A'o(«.— Reviewed by E. H. Plumptre in Coutem. rev., v.
11, 1869.
Barnes [A.) Notes, etc. 1863 3742.04
Calvin [J.) Commentaries, etc. Tr. by J, Owen. 1849. . 3748.10
Same. Ed. from the Eng. transl. of C. Rosdell, by H. Bev-
eridge. 1844 3748.11
Chalmers [T.) Lectures, f-^c, 2 v. 1854 3532.14
Colenso (J. W.) Epistle to the Romans, translated aud expUined.
1863 3755.19
Bodge (C.) Commentary, etc. New ed. 1864 3755.25
Lange [J. P.) and Fay (F. R.) Commentary, etc. 1869. . 3747.15
Lightfoot {J.) HorJB Hebraic®. [In his Works, v. 12, 1823.] 3567.12
Whedon [D. D.) Commentary, etc. 1871 3755.12
Sames (^.) Notes on the 1 Corinthians. 1863 3742.05
— Notes on the 2 Corinthians. 1863 3742.06
Co/um (J".] Commentary, f^\ 2 v. 1848-49 3748.07
Kling [C. F.) Cummeutary. etc. [v. 6 of Lange ] . . . 3741.16
Lightfoot {J.) HorfB Hebraic® . [/;i Aw Works, v. -12. 1823. 3567.12
Robertson (F. W.) Sermons on the Corinthians. 1860. . 3587.08
Barnes {A.) I^otes. etc. 1863 3742.06
Calvin (J.) Commentaries, etc. 1854 3748.13
Scfimolter (O.) Commentary, etc. [v. 7, of Lange.] . . . 3747.17
Barnes [A.) 'Sotea. etc. 1863 3742 07
Braune (A'.) Commentary, etc. [v. 7 of Lange.] .... 3747 17
Calvin (J.) Commentaries, etc. 1854 3748.13
Barnes {A.) lHotea. etc. 1863 3742,07
Braune (K) Commentary, e(c. [v. 7 of Lange.] . . . .3747.17
Calvin {J.) Comm&ni&TieB, etc. 1851 3748.14
Barnes (A.) Notes, etc. 1863 3742 07
Braune (K.) Commentary, etc. 1871. [v. 7 of Lange.] . 3747 17
Calvin (J.) Commentaries, etc. 1851 3748.14
Auberlen (C. A.) and Riggcnbach (C. J.) SeelAuge (J. P.) Commen-
tary. New Test., v. 8 3747.18
Barnes [A.) Notes, etc. 1863 3742.08
Calvin (J.) Commentaries, etc. 1851 3748.14
Timothy, Titus, Philemon.
Barnes (A.) 'SoieB, etc. 1863 3742.08
Van Oosterzee (J. J.) Commentary, [v. 8 of Lange'sN. T.] 3747.18
Calviii {J.) Commentaries, etc. 1856 3748.12
Barnes (A.) Notes on Hebrews. 1863 3742.09
Calvin {J.) Commentaries on Hebrews. 1853 3748.09
Delitzscii (F.) Commentary on Hebrews. 2 v. 1868. . . 3755.20
Moll [C. B.) CommenUry. [v. 8 of Lange's N. T ] . . . 3747.18
James, Peter, John, Jude.
Barnes [A.) THoteB, etc. 1863 3742.10
Calvin (J.) Commentaries on the catholic epistles. . . . 3748.15
Lange (J. P.) Commentarv, etc. v. 9 of New Test. 18G8. 3747.19
Contents : James, by J. P. Lange. Peter, by G. F. C. Frou-
muller. John, by Karl Braune. Jude, by G. F. C. Frou-
Ebrard (J. H. A.) Biblical commentary, etc. of St. John, in con-
tinuation of the work of Olshausen. With an appendix on
the Catholic Epistles, and an essay on the liie aud writings
of St. John. Tr.bv Rev. W. B. Pope. I860. . . .3756.03
Maurice [F. D.) The epistles of St. John. A series of lectures on
christian ethics. 1867 3766.04
De Ouincey (T.) The Essenes. [In his Hist, and Crit. essays, v.
1, 1853.] 2522.07
Ginsburg (C. D.) The Essenes: their history, and doctnnea
1864 3558.05
Hitchcock (E. A.) Christ the spirit, v. 1. 2d ed. enlarged. [No
more pubhshed.] 1801 3563.01
A'ote.— Many bibliographical references are given in the
articles in M'Clintock and Strong, Kitto, Smith, etc.
Evangelical Religion.
Foster [J.) On some of the causes by which evangelical religioa
In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
BIBLICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ECCL. LIT. : Evangelical /o Evidences.
has been rendered less acceptable to perBone of cultivated
taste. [Eesays, 1835.] 6412.06
ilemminger [R. W.) What is religion? a protest against ■' Tbe
Spirit of the age." S.ITS.ll
Neal (J.) One word more for unbelievers. 1854 3577.01
See also the names of the various Evangelical churches.
Al^o Evangelical alliance in general alphabet.
Evidences of Christ'.anity.
Addison {J.) Of the christian religion, f/n his Worka. v. 2.] 5012.02
4ids to faith. [Replies to '■ Essays and reviews."] Ed. by W.
Thomson. 1862 3.547.06
Ante-Nicene christian library. 24 v 3467.01
For Contents see p. 30 of Catalogue.
^!i6eri«it (O. ^.) Tbe divine revelation. 1867 3514.12
Bacheler 10.) and Owen {R. D.) Discussion on the existence of
God and the authenticity of the Bible. 2 v. 1833. . 3514.15
Baxter iR.) Reasons of the christian religion. [In *is Works,
T, 2.] 3518.02
Bayne {P,) Testimony of Christ to Christianity. 1862. . 3515.06
Becket(A.) Saturn iau times: or. the established religion ex-
ploded for the hero-worship of old. [In his Miscellanies,
v. 2.] 1714.02
Benlley («.) Boyle's lectures, a confutation of atheism ; Remarks
upon a Discourse of fiee-thioking. [by A. CollinsJ. [Works,
y. 3.] 6017.03
Berkeley (G.) Alciphron ; or, the minute philosopher. [In his
Worka, v. 2. 1871 6424.02
Bierbower (.4.) Principles of a system of philosophy, to reconcile
metaphysics and religion. 1870 3522.22
Boston Lectures. 1H70. Christianity and scepticism. . . 3.523.23
Same. 1871. Questions of biblical criticism. . . . 3523.21
Same. 1872. Important traits of christian doctrine and
experience, and leading facts in the life of Christ. . 3523.22
Bowen [F.) Lowell Lectures on the application of metaphy.sical
and ethical science to the evidences of religion. 1849. 5421.08
Bremen lectures on fundamental Uving religious questions. By
various eminent European divines. From the German, by
D. Heagle. With an introd. by A. Hovey. 1871. . . 3523.27
Contents : 1. Biblical account of creation and natural
science, by O. Zockler. 2. Reason, conscience, and revela-
tion, by H. Cremer. Miracles, by M. Fuchs. i. The person
of Jesus Christ, by C. E. Luthardt. 6. The resurrection of
Christ, as a soterio-logico-historical fact, by G. Uhlhorn.
6. The scriptural doctrine of atonement, by W. F. Gees.
7. The ■ authenticity of our Gospels, by C. Tischendorf.
8. The idea of the kingdom of God as perfected, and its sig-
nification for bistoriial Christianity, by J. P. Lange. 9.
Christianity and culture, by J. Dissethoff.
Brown [I'eter. bp. of Cork), Procedure, extent, and limits of hu-
man nuderstauJing. 1720 3521.18
Things divine and supernatural couceived by analogy with
things natural and human. 1733 3.521.19
Brown IS.) Argument of design equal to nothing. [!n his Lectures,
v. 2, 1858.] 2515.02
Burr [E. F.) Ad fidom ; or, parish evidences. 1871. . . 3526.17
Butler (J.) Whole works, London, J'eft?, 1852. 12". . .3527.02
Contents : Of natural religion ; Of revealed religion ; Of
personal identity ; Of tbe nature of virtue ; Sermons.
Same. Analogy of religion, dissertations, and sermons.
With preface by S. Halifax. With introd. and index. Lon-
don, Bohn. 18S2. 12° 3.527.02
Chalmers (T.) Evideuces of the chrislian revelation. 1855. 3532.82
Same. With lectures on Palsy's Evidences. . . . 3532.11
— Lectures on Butler's Analogy 3532.18
— Prelections on Butler's Analogy, Paley's Evidences, and Hill's
Lectures. [In liis Posthumous works, v. 9.j ... 3.533.01
Chandler is.) Plain reasons for being a christian. [Tn Christian
literature, 1847.] 3638.01
Chateaubriand {F. R. A. de). Genius of Christianity. . . 3534.06
Same. Spirit and beauty of the christian religion. Selec-
tions 3534 07
Christian literature : evidences. With prefatory memoirs, by J.
S. Memes. 1847 3538.01
Contents : Campbell's Dissertition on miracles. Chand-
ler's Plain reasons for being a christian. Jenyns' View of
the intern.il evidence of fhe christian religion. Leslie's
Short and easy method with the Deists. Leslie's Short and
easy method with the Jews. Leslie s Truth of Christianity
demonstrated. Lyttletou's Observations on the conveision
of St. Paul. Paley's Evidences of Christianity. Paley'sIIorse
Paulin.-e. Sherlock's Trial of the witnesses, with the sequel
to the trial. Watson's Apology for the Bible. Watson's
apology for Christianity. West On the the resurrection.
Christlieb [T.) Modern doubt and christian belief. 1874. 3534.16
Cooper {T.) The bridge of history over the gulf of time : popular
view of the historical evidence for Christianity. 1872 3537.25
Vavies [J.) Estimaie of the human mind ; as connected with the
principles and obligations of the christian religion. 5435.06
PeWctle {W.M.L.) Theodore: or, the skeptic's conversion.
2 V. 1841 3542.25
Dick IT.) Philosophy of religion. [In his Works, v.l. 1853.] o03,i.01
Dyer (O.) Principles of Atheism and Deism proved to be un-
founded, from the nature of man. [anon.\ 1814. . . 467.14
Egleston ((?. )r.) Search after truth ; addressed to young men.
1869 3546.13
Ellis [J.) The knowledge of divine things from revelation, not
from nature 3546.19
•'£sirai/.'; and reviews " fRephes to). With preface by the Bishop
of Oxford. 1862 3547.07
Fai-rar IF. W.) Witness of history to Christ. Hulsean lectures
for 1870. 12° 3647.1B
Fhielon (F. de S. de La M.) Conversations with M. de Ramsai on
the truth of religion, with his letters on the immortality of
the soul and the freedom of the will. From the French, by
A. E. Silliman. 1869 • 3552.08
Fisher [G. P.) Essays on the supernatural origin of Christianity,
with special reference to the theories of Renau, Strauss, and
the Tubingen school. 1866 3552.17
Franklin {B.) Man's cry and God's gracious answer. 1863. 3553.10
ii^u/Zer (^.) The Gospel its own witness. [/;i /(is Works.] 3554.02
Green (j. H.) Spiritual philosophy : founded on the teachings of
S. T. Coleridge. Ed. with a memoir of the author's life, by
J. Simon. 2 v. 1866 3565.24
Gregory [O.) Evidences, doctrines, and duties of the christian
religion. 1851 3655.16
Grotius {H ) Truth of the christian religion. 1809. . . 3555.10
Guenee (A.) Letters of certain .lews to M. Voltaire, containing an
apology for their own people and for the Old Testament.
With critical reflections. [awm.[ 1848 3565.17
Guizot (F. P. G.) Meditations on tbe actual state of Christianity,
and the attacks now made upon it. 1866. .... 3556.19
— Meditations on the essence of Christianity. 1865. . .3555.18
Gurney {J J.) Essavs on the evideuces, doctrines, and practical
operations of Christianity. 1829 3565.22
/TaiJcr (.4. twii) Letter to his daughter. 1803 3656.26
Z/aren (J.) Studies in theology. 1869 3667.10
Hay {W.) Religio philosophi ; or, principles of morahty and
Christianity. 1753 3561.17
Uopkitis [.Mark). Evidences of Christianity. 1861. . . . 3563.02
Ingham Lectures. On the evidences of natural and revealed re-
ligion. Before the Ohio Wesleyau University. 1872.3563,33
Jenyns (S ) View of tlie internal evidence of the christian reli-
gion. [In Christian literature.] 3638.01
Same. [/« Ais Works, v. 4.] 6044.19
Kennedy [J.) Conversations on religion with lord Byron and
others. 1820 3027.23
Lari^r (iV.) Ancient Jewish and heathen testimonies to the
truth of the christian religion. [Works, v. 6-8. 1838.) 3565.06
— Credibility of Gospel hist. [In his Works, v. 1-5, 1838.J 3665.01
Latham {J. H.) Theories of philosophy and reUgiou, compared
with the christian theory as set forth by St. Paul in his let-
ter to the Romans. 1871 3.565.12
Liddon [H. P.) Some elements of religion. Lent lectures. 3666.25
Lei/child [J.i Remarkable facts, confirmatory of Holy Scripture.
1869 3566.03
Leslie [Rev. C.) The truth of Christianity demonstrated; a dia-
logue betwixt a christian and a deist. [In Christian litera-
ture. 1847.] 3638.01
Locke [J.] Reasonableness of Christianity, as delivered in the
scriptures. [In hia Works, v. 7.) 5052.07
McCosh [J.) Christianity and positivism : lectures on natural
theology and apologetics. 1871, 3672.18
— Tho:.apson [J. P:) and others. Questions of modern thought ;
or, lectures on the Bible and infidelity. 1871. . . . 3572.19
Macknight {J.) Truth of the christian religion. [Watson (R.) Col.
of tracts, v. 5. 1791.] 3621.07
Macnaught (J.) Christianity and its evidences. 1863. . 3573.11
Maitland \S. R.) Eruviu; or, miscellaneous essays on the nature,
history, and destiny of man. 1860 3573.25
Maurice (F. D.) Sequel to the inquiry. What is revelation ? Con-
taining a reply to Mr. Mausel's "Examination of Maurice's
Strictures on the Bampton Lectures of 1859." . . 3574.24
JfurpAv (,/../.) The scientific bases of faith 1873. . . .3578.13
PaleyiW.) Evidences of Christianity. 1857 3582 04
." Same. With annot. by R. Whately. 1860 3582.05
Same. [In Christian literature.] 3538.01
Peabody (A. P.) Christianity, the religion of nature. 1864. 3584 03
— Christianity and science, 1874 3584.05
Place (B.) Thoughts on life science. 1869 3585.09
Potter [Alonzc). Rehgious philosophy; or, nature, man, and the
Bible. 1872 3585.12
Priestley [J.) Institutes of natural and revealed religion. [In his
Works, V. 2.] 3591.02
— Discourses on the evidences of revealed religion. [Works, v.
15-16] 3.591.16
Rtgers (H.) Eclipse of faith. 1855 3587.16
— Defence of the Eclipse of faith. 1856 3587.17
Savage [M. J.) Christianity the science of manhood. 3588.18
Simson [D.) Plea for religion and the satrred writings: addressed
to the disciples of Thomas Paine. 1814 3593.07
S'inetWey (£. ^.) Treatise on moral evidence. 1850. . . .3594.01
Swift [J.) Tracts in defence of Christianity. [In his Works.
V. 8.] 5074.10
Taylor (I.) History of the transmission of ancient books to
modern times. 1827 2743.18
— Restoration of belief, [anon.] 1855 3612.08
Townsend{G.) The CEdipus Romanus: an attempt to prove that
the twelve Cffisars are the twelve signs of the zodiac.
1819 3613.17
Tiicter (.4.) Light of nature pursued. 2 v. 1862. . . .3614.13
Vauglian {R.) The age and Christianity. 1849 3615.21
}Vai^ker (J. It.) God revealed in creation and Jesus Christ. 3616.06
— Philosophy of the plan of salvation. Introd. essay by C. E.
Stowe. 1357 3616.07
Watson (ff.) Apology for the Bible. [In Christian literature.
1847.] 3538.01
— Apology for Christianity. [In Christian literature, 1847.] 3638.01
Whately {R.) Essays on some of the difficulties in the writings
of St. Paul, and in other parts of the New Testament.
1833 3622.19
— Historic doubts relative to. Napoleon 3132.19
.SV^ also Ante-Nicene library p. 30; — Atheism, p 7H ; —
Bible, p. 7H;— Christianity, p. HO ;— Deism, p. 8:i ;— G-os-
pels;— Infidelity ; - Inspiration:— Jesus Christ ,— Miracles;
— Natural religion; — Pantheism; — Prophecy; — Rational-
ism;—Religion and science;— Systematic theology.
Bfecker (Edward). The concord of ages. 1860 3510.02
— The conflict of ages; the moral relatione of God and niau.
1854 3510 01
Bushnell (//.) Moral uses of dark things IflOB 352fi.09
— Certainty of the origin of evil in tlie world, and probable pro-
existence of mankind in the fallen angels. 18i2. . . 35J6.12
Grayson ( W. S.) True theory of Christianity as a practical system.
1853 3555.10
./aniM (fl".) The nature of evil. 1855 3503.22
Jcnyns [S.) Free inquiry, He. [In his Works, v. 3.] . . . 544.18
Lovett (H. W.) Thoughts on the causes of evil, physical and
moral. 1310 3567.18
iVaui/^e (B.J The problem of evil. 1871 3577.03
Youjig (J.) Evil not from God. 1858 36*J5.18
See also Natural Religion ;— Sin.
Evolution and Religion.
Cobbe (F. 1'.) Darwinism in morals. 1872 5434.27
<?i7Z (>r. /.) Evolutiou and progress : defence 3554.26
Henslow {G.) The theory of evolutiou of living things and the
application of the principles of evolution to religion con-
eidered as illustrative of the "wisdom and benohcence of
the Almigbty.'' 1H73 3556.25
Hodge [C.) What is Darwinism ? 1874 3558 29
^myth{}V.W.) The Bible and evolution. 1873. , . ,3594.06
Stephen (L.) Darwinism and divinity. \ In his Essays, etc. Repr.
from Fraser'smag., 1872, v. 5.] 1873 3595.25
WiJichetl (A.) Doctrine of evolution: its theistic bearings. 3624.03
See articles ' Nature development and theology,' in Con-
temp, rev., V. 14, 1H70 ; 'John Wesley's Cosmogon'F,' in
Westm. rev., v. 94, 1870. See also, in geueral alphabet, Evo-
Intion ; — Natural history (Dartvinisni and oUier theories of
evolution) ; — Man (Vrchistoric).
[See also Pentateuch ;— Old Testament.]
Sitsh (G.) Questions and uotes upon Exodus. 1832. . . 3722.06
— Notes on Exodus. 2 v. 1S61 3722.17
Oumming [J.) Scripture readiufjs. Exodus 3542 20
Palmer (E. II.) Desert of the Exodus. 2 v. 1871. . . . 1044 15
Siocdenhorg {E ) Heavenly arcana, v. 9-13.
For the so-called Speaker's commentary see Holy Bible
ed. by F. C. Cook, v. 1. [3726.08.]
Calvin {J.) Commentariea on the first 20 chapters. 2 v. . 3734.03
Guthrie (T.) Gospel in Ezekiel 355G.01
Henderson (E.) The book of the prophet Ezekiel. From the He-
brew. With a commentary 3731 01
Hengstenberg (E. \V.) Prophecies of Ezekiel elucidated. . 3734.02
See also Prophets.
Hai-c (J. C.) The victory of faith. 2d ed. 1847 3558.21
Romaine (}V.) The life, walk, and triumph of faith. New ed.
1871 3587.20
Schedel (II. E.) The emancipation of faith. 2 v. 1858 . . 3592.13
See also Devotional works ; — Evidences ;— Justification ;
Reason and faith.
Fall of Man.
Birks [T. R.) Difficulties of belief, in counectiou with the Crea-
tion and the Fall. 1855. 35'J2.21
Flower {J. iV.) Adam's disobedience and its results. 1871. 3552.24
Hickok (L. P.) Humanity immortal ; or, man tried, fallen, and
redeemed. 1872 3562.33
See Calvinistic theology, p. 80.
Family and Home Life.
Hyacintfie {C. Loyson, called father). The family and the church.
1870 3563.17
Ware {J. F. W.) Home life : what it is, and what it needs. 1870.
See also Family (The), in the general alphabet.
Taylor (I.) Fanaticism 1849 3612.04
See also Impostures bdow.
Fathers of the Church.
Blakey [R.) Lives of the primitive fathers. 1842. . . . 3414.12
Blunt (J. J.) On the right use of the early fathers. 1869. 3522.14
Donaldson [J.) Critical history of Christian literature and doc-
trine. 3 v.
Pressemv (E.de). The martyrs and apologists. 1871. . . 3413.17
Yonge (0. Af ) TUo pupils of St. John the divine. 1868. . 3625 14
ASce also Ante-Nicene Chri.-itian library, p. 30 ; also Ohurch
history, p. 81 ; Augustine (St.), Bernard (St.), etc.
See aUo Calendar, in geueral alphabet.
Forgivenesa of Sin.
Bushnell (II.) Forgiveness and law. 1874 3526.15
Clarke (J. f'.| Christian doctrine of forgiveuesa of sin. 1870. 3536.00
See also Atonement.
Jervis ( W. II) The Gallican church. A history of the church of
France, from the i oiicordat of Bologna, A. I>. 1316, to the
revolution.- With an intrt)duction. 2 v. 1872. . .3437.12
Pressensc (E. de). The churth and the French revolution. A his-
tory of the relations of church and state, from 1789 to 18()2.
London. 1869. 12" 3425,14!
— Revival of priestly life in the 17th century in Franco. A
sketch. By the author oi ■• A Dominican artist." 1873. 3433.20
Vonteitts: Charles do Condreu ; S. Philip Neri and cardinal
de Berulle ; S. Vincent de Paul and the Lazarists ; Saint Hul-
pice and J. J. Olier ; present tmic-s.
Waddington(W. H.) Protestant church and religious liberty in
France. [In Cambridge essays. 18.% ] 2517. U
See also Huguenots ;— Port Royal ;— Reformation.
Free, or Radical Religion.
Bartol (C. A.) The rising faith. 1874 3514.28
— Radical problems. 1874 3514 26
Cobbe (F. P.) Dawning lights: an inquirv concerning the secular
results of the new reformation. 1868 3536.12
Froth ingham (O. B.) The salest creed, aud twelve other recent
discourses of reason. 1874 3553 26
— The religion of humanity. 1873 3553 11
Godwin (ir.) Essays. [Genius of christiauity unveiled.] 1873 3555.04
.ffun^ (L.) The rehgiou of the heart 3561.26
Parker (T.) Additional speeches, addresses, and occasional ser-
mons. 2 v. 1855 3682.17
— Discourses on m:itter8 pertaining to religion. 1856. . 3582.12
— Sermons on theism, atheism, aud the popular theology.
1856 3582.14
— Ten sermons of religion 3582.15
Picton {J. A.) New theories and the old faith: religious topics
of the day. 1870 3585.05
Weiss [J.) American religion. 1871 362204
Radical (Thr), a monthly magazine, v. 1-10, Sept. 1865 — July,
1872 8156.01
See also Rationalism;— Theism;— Religions (Tarious).
Fa-ieuda or Quakers.
Allen (R. H.) New England tragedies in prose. 2. The coming of
the Qnakers. 1869 381211
Barclay (J.) Diary of Alexander Jaffray, [and] memoirs of the
Quakers in the north of Scotland. 2d ed. 1834. . .3448.19
Burnap (G. \V.\ Es-ay. [/« /tis Miacel. writings. 1845.] . 3o2ti.24
Cunningham (J .) The Quakers from their origin. 1868. . 3448.18
David {J.) Digest of legislative enactments, relating to the Qua-
kers. 1820 3448.16
Evans (John). A narrative of the proceedings against John Evans.
1811 3448 17
Fox (G.) Journal of life, travel, etc. 1827 3448.11
Gough (J.) Histf)ry of the Quakers. 4 v. 1789 3448.04
Hodgson (!»'.) Historical memoirs, 17th and 18th centuries.
2d ed. 1868 3448.14
Janney (S. M.) History of the Friends. 4 v. 1859. . . 3448.08
Rowntree (J. S.) Quakerism, past and present. 1859. . . 3448.02
Sewel(W.) Rise, increase, e/c, of the Quakers. 1722. . 3448.01
Wagstafflw. R.) History of the Friends. 1845. , . . 3448.08
Appeal on the subject of the accumulation of wealth, addressed
to the Quakers. 1824 35H6.09
Arguments of the couusel of Joseph Hendrickson ["Orthodox"
Quaker], in a cause decided in the Court of Chancery, of the
State of New Jersey, between Thomas L. shutwell, com-
plainant, aud Joseph Hendrickson and Stacy Decou [" Hick-
site '' Quaker], delendants. 1833 3586.10
Bath's (E.) The doctiine of Friends. 1829 3586.06
— The doctrines of Friends. 1S68 3514.20
Bne/view of the sentiments of, ou the duty of prayer. 1828. 3586.09
Brownlee (W. C.) True nature of the religious piiucii>les of the
Quakers. 1824 3525.00
Note— Adverse criticism.
Clarkso7i (T.) Portraiture of Quakerism. 3 v. 1806. . . 3536.23
Colly (Thomas). Apology for silent waiting upon God, 1815. 3586.09
Cox (S. H.) Quakerism not Christianity. 1833 3537.04
Declaration, aud faith. Bristol, Eng. 1831. 8°. . . . 3586.09
£uan5 (T.) Exposition ofthe faith of the Quakers. 1828.8". 3547.10
Fothergill(S.) Discourses 3553.94
J'oj;(G.) Journal of [his] life, travels, e^c. 2 v. 1800, . .3553.01
— Writings 3553.07
Greer (Mrs.) Quakerism ; or, story of ray life, [anon ] . 3586.08
Gumey (J. J.) Observations ou the religious peculiarties of the
Friends. 1825 3555.23
Hancock (T.) ThepecuUum ; causes of the decUne of the Friends.
1859 3557.60
Kersey (J.) Treatise on the doctrine of Frieuds. 1872. . 358(1.29
Penn(W.) Select works. [With life.] 3d ed. 1782. . , , 3584.09
— Works. 2 v. London. 1726. fol 3628.01
Rundtll (S ) Observations on redemption, divine worship, aud
partaking of the flesh aud blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1834 3586.09
Snake (The) in the grass ; subtilty of the Quakers. 1698. 3586.07
SCacy (G.) Brief remarks on the state of mau, and his redemp-
tion. 1812 3586.09
Summary of history, doctrine, and discipline. 1827. 8". 3586 09
[FariouA- tracts on Quakerism. 1812-1837.] 3586.09
WhecU'-r [D.) Aflfectionate address to professing christians,
1831 3586.09
Woolman(J.) Works. Being his journal of Ufe, gospeMaboura
etc. 2pr8.in4. 1775 3624.23
— Journal, With iutrod. by J. O. Whittier. 1871. . . . 3624.23
In askinfi for books, use the "Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUilBEU,
BIBLICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ECCL. LIT. : Future Life to Heaven.
Future Lifa and Immortality.
Atgerl^^.R.) Critical histoi-y of the doctrine of a future life.
With a complete bibliography of the subject, [hy E. Abbot].
1866 3513.21
Blackmore {Sir R.) On the immortality of the soul. [In his Es-
says. V. 1. pp. 293-350.] 2513,25
Candlish (R. S.) Life in a risen Saviour. 1858 3527.15
Cicero {M. T.) See his Works, in general alphabet.
Dean (R ) On the future life of brutes. 2 v. in 1 1768. 3543.22
Dick {T.) Philosophy of a future state. [In his Works, v. 1.
1853] • 5033 01
Fi'f^Ui'er (£,.) The to-morrow of death. 1872 3552.12
Goodwin {T. A.) The mode of man's immortality. 1874. 355.08
Greg(iV.R.) ElRewhere. f/n Ats Enigmas of life. 1872.] 5812.17
Holcofnbe(W. U.) In both worlds. 1870 2562.30
Human souls naturally immortal. From the Latin, by J. Collier.
1707 3535.27
King {T. S.) Plato's view of immortality. [With his Patriotism,
etc.] 3564.12
Perowne{J, J. S.) Immortality: Hulsean lectures 1868. 3584,15
Plato. Ste his Works, in general alphabet.
Plumptre {E. U.) " The spirits in prison ; " a sermon. 1871. 3584 26
Richter (J. P. F.) The Campaner Thai 3587.01
Sears (£.//.) Athauasia; or, foregleamsofimmortaUty. 1858 3592.19
Stork (T.) Theuuseen world in the light of the cross. 1871. 3595.15
Taylor {I I Physical theory of another life. 1853. . . . 3612.07
ReTiewed by Sir James Stephen, [/u Ais Essays. 2547.14
also, in Littell. 1865, v. 4.
Unseen (The). Universe of physical speculations on a future
Btate. 1875 3014.23
iVo^e.— Authorship ascribed to P. G. Tait and Stewart Bal-
Wait {D. G.) Opinions of the Hebrews respecting a future exist-
ence. [Class, journal, v. 21, p. 29; v. 22, p. 123; v, 23, p. 17.]
Warburton { W.) The divine legation of Moses demonstrat-
ed 3616.12
iVb(e.— Asserts a non-belief by the Jews in a future life.
Whately [R) View of the scripture revelations concerning a
future state. 1855.
Zschokke {H.) Meditations on death and eternity. 186.1. . 3625.24
West{A.) Ihestateofthedead. (Intermediatestate.]1871. 3622.10
See also Death; — Future Punishment,— Heaven; — Pur-
gatory;— Resurrection;— UniversaUsm; — Soul.
For articles from periodicals, sec Coutem. rev., v. 18, 1871,
(' On a future state,' Prof. Grotej; v. 20, 1872, (Comp. hist, of
the belief in immortality, 2 art. by A. M. Fairbairn); v. 19,
1872, (' Morality and immortality," 'Science and immortal-
ity.' 'Christianity and immortality/ by T. W. Fowle); v.
21, 1873, (' On the tuture state of soula,' by Lord Lyttelton);
— Nat. qu. rev., v. 8, 1864, ('Ancient and modern belief, etc.');
— New Englander. v. 14, ^• Arguments from nature and from
ecripture,^2 art.);— v. 21, 1862, ('Is the doctrine of annihila-
tion taught in the scriptures ? ') ; v. 25, 1866, (' Sheol ; Hades ;
The invisible state,' by E. T. Fitch). Many bibliographical
references to bouks and reviews are given in article • Immor-
t^ty/ M'Clintock and Strong's Cycl., v. 4.
Future Punishment.
Constable (H.) Duration and natui-e of future punishment.
1871 3536,29
Coon {R. R.) Doctrine of future and endless punishment logically
proved. 1850 3537.24
Dexter (H. M.) Verdict of reason upon future punishment,
1865 3544.10
Edwards (J.) Salvation of all men strictly examined. [In his
Works. V. 1.] 3546.07
Thompson (J. P.) Love and penalty. 1860 3613.05
Towne (E. C.) Question of hell. By a puritan, [ajion.] 1873. 3585.29
Townsend [S. T.) Lost forever. 1875 3613.22
See also Hell-,— Retiibution;— Uaiversalism.
Banyan {J,) Expos, on Oen. 1, x. [M Aw Works.]
.Bus/i(<?) Notes on Genesis. 26tb ed. 2 v. 1863.. . .3722.14
— Questions and notes upon Genesis. 1831 3722.07
Calvin (J.) Commentaries on Genesis. 2 v. 1847-50. . . 3731.07
Canrffis/t (/?. 5.) Lectures on Genesis. 3 v. 1863. . , . 3731.02
Ciimming {J.) Scripture readings. Genesis. 1856. . . . 3542.19
Luther IM.) The creation: a commentary on the first five chap-
ters. 1858 3731.01
Murphy {J. G.) Critical and exegetical commentary, with new
translation. Introd. by A. Hovey, Boston. 1873, S\ 3722.22
Priaulx (O. de B.) Qutestiones Mosaicie; or. the first part of Gene-
sis compared with the remains of ancient religion. 2d ed.
1854 3731.05
Quarry {J.) Genesis and its ai'*horship. 1866 3731.09
Story of Genesis and Exodus, an early English song. Ed. with
uutes by R. Morris. [Early E. T. S. 1865.] .... 7913.02
Swedenborg (E.) Heavenly Arcana, v. 1-8. v. 13, Index. 3697.07
See also Deluge, p. 83.
Genesis and Astronomy.
Kurtz [J. H.) The Bible and astronomy. {In his Old covenant.
V. 1.] 3565 23
Pluche {N. A.) The history of the heavens, considered according
to the notions of tht- poets and philosophers, compared with
the doctriu.-8 of Mos.8. 2 v. 1752 4016.30
See also Astronomy and religion, p 77.
Genesis and Geology.
Bayiu [P.) The testimony of the rocks a defence. In his Essays.
T. 2, 1868 2513.05
Davies (T.) Answer to Hugh Miller. 1860 4111 10
Elliot (J.) Moses and modern sjience. 1871 3762.15
Field (G.) The two great books of nature and revelation.* 3552.11
Gillespie (W) Theology of geologists: Hugh Mdler etc. 3762 10
Hitchcock (E.) Religion of geology. 1854 3762.06
Kemp [T. L.) Nat. hist, of creation. [Trav. libr., v. 24.] . 5075^29
Kurtz {J. H ) Geology and the Bible. [Old covenant, v. l.j 3565 23
Lewis {Tayler). Six days of creation. 1855 3762 02
Miller (H) Two records: Mosaic and geological. 1854. 3762 07
— Testimony of the rocks. 1857 4111.29
See also the works of this author in the general alphabet.
Molloy {G.) Geology and revelation. 1870 3762.12
Narcs (E.) Man. theologically and geologically. 1834. , 3762.03
Pen7i iff.) Comparative estimate of the mineral and mosaical
geologies. 2d ed. 1825 3762.13
Smith {J. Pye). Relation between the Holy Scriptures and geo-
logical science. 1852, 3762.05
Thompson (J. P.) Man in Genesis and geology. 1870. , . 37ti2.08
See also Genesis;— Religion and Science, p. ;— Geology.
[See also Reformation.]
Bauer (IF.) Rehgious Ufe in Germany during the wars of Inde-
pendence. 2 V. 1870 3516.12
Bunsen {C. C. J.) God in history. 3 v. 1868-70 3525.18
Charnock {S.) Discourses upon the existence and attributes of
God. 2 V. 1868 3554.05
Hickok {L. P.) Creator and creation; or, the knowledge in the
reason of God and His work. 1872 3563.00
Levcque (C.) La science de I'invisible: etudes de psychologie et
de theodicee. 1865 3566.10
Samuelson (J.) Views of the Deity,traditional and scientific. 3587.28
See also Evidences; — Doctrines;— Systems of theology; —
Natural theology; — ReUgion and science; — Providence; —
Trinity ; — Unitariai.ism : — Christology ; — Jesus Christ ; —
Religions (Various) ; — Atheism ; — Deism : — Theism ; — Pan-
theism; also, in the general alphabet, MateriaUsm;— Phi-
losophy. {Metaphysics.)
Alford{H.) How to study the New Testament. 1866. , . 3752.H
Barnes {A.) Notes on the gospels. 2 v. 1862 3742.01
Calvin IJ.) Commentary on a harmony of Matthew, Mark, and
Luke. 3 V. 1845-46 3754.09
Choice notes on the gospel of 8. Matthew; S. Mark; S. Luke; S.
John. 4 V. London, 1868-69. 16" 3746.01
Ebrard {J. H. A.) The gospel history. 1863 3746.21
Four {The) gospels, tr. from the Greek. With dissertations and
notes. By George Campbell. 2d ed. 4 v. 1803. 8" 3746.02
Purness (W. H.)The unconscious truth ol the four gospels. 3553.27
Greenlea/ IS.) Examination of the testimony of the four evange-
lists, by the rules of evidence administered in courts of
justice. With an account of the trial of Jesus. 2d ed. 3745.03
Hall{C.H.) Notes, practical and expository. 2v. 1871. 3753.07
Lardner {N.) Credibility of gospel history. [Works, v. 1-5] 3565.01
Lightfoot {J.) Harmony of the four evangelists among themselves.
and with the Old Testament. [In his Works, v. 4-5.] 3567.04
— Hebrew and Talmudical exercitations upon the gospels. [In
Ais Works, v. 1M2 ] 3667.11
Lindisfarne {The) and Rushworth gospels. [With Saxon gloss.]
[Surtees soc, v. 28, 39, 43, 48. Durham, 1854-05. 8°.] 5116.32
Nichols {I.) Hours with the evangelists. 2 v. 1860-67. . 3746.18
Norton {A.) Internal evidences of the gi^spel. 1S56. , . 3746.08
— Translation of the gospels. With notes. 2 v. 1866. . . 3746.06
5((er (K.) The words of the Lord Jesus. 8 v. 1870. . .3753.12
Strong {J.) New harmony and exposition of the gospels, and
continuous commentary. 1854 3752.02
Supernatural religion : an inqviiry iuto the reality of divine reve-
lation, [i. e. of the miracles, in connection with the date,
authorship, and character of the gospels]. 1875. . 3594.24
Tischendorf {€.) When were our gospels written ? A narrative of
the discovery of the Sinaitic manuscript. Is67. . . 3745.02
Trench [R. C.) Studies in the gospels. 1867 3614.12
Westcott (B. F.) Introduction to the study of the gospels. 3746.01
Whaltey [Peter). Vindication of the gospels fiom the objections
of Bolingbroke. 1753 3522.18
See also Matthew ; — Mark ;— Luke ; — John. Also New
Testament ;— and Bible.
[See below Religions (Various) ; and Mythology, in general
^lybrd (77.) State of the blessed dead. 1874 3513.06
Bickersteth {E. II,) Hades and heaven. 1869 3517,03
Blackmore {Sir R.) Future felicity. [In his Essays, v. 2.] 2513J6
Clark {R. W.) Heaven and its scriptural emblems. 1856. 3536.07
Heaven our home. By the author of * Meet for heaven.' 3557.13
Holcombe ( W. II.) The other hie. 1871 3562.31
— Our children in Heaven. 1869 3562.26
Hyde [J.) Our eterual homes. [anon.\ 1866 3582.01
Kimball (J. W.) Heaven. 1857 3564.04
Life in heaven. By the author of " Heaven our home." 3566.16
Meet for heaven. By the author of 'Heaven our home.' 3575.01
Swedenborg {E.) Heaven and hell. 1853. 3598.10
r/iom;json (^. C.) The better land. 1854 3613.04
Twelve views of heaven. By N. Macleod and others. 1873. 3557.17
Barrel! (B. F.) New [Swcrleiiborgian] viiw of hell. 1872. 3614.22
Brtri;.- iff.) Scriptural doctiine of Hadts. 1870 35U.2.'J
SicAsrsfert (A'. -tf-) Haa.sauJ Heaven. 1863 3.517.03
Towiir (A". (7.1 The qiieatiou of hell ; au essay iu new orthodoxy.
Byapm-itau. 1873 3.').t1.'.!0
Swedenbtirg l,E.) Heaven and hell. 18.54 3508.10
See also Future punishment.
Cardner {X.} Hist, of the heretics of the two first centurieB
[/nAis Works, v. 8.] 356.5.0&
White (J. Bttinco). Observations on heresy and orthodoxy. 3023.05
See also Denominations and Sects, p. 83.
Home Missions.
Ranyard [L. N.) Life work ; or, the link and the rivet. . 3585.20
Ste\ienson[W. F.) Pr.iyiug and working. 1863 3595.10
See also Charitable Agencies, iu general alphabet.
Homiletics. See Preaching.
Holy Spirit.
ITare {J. C.) The mission of the Comforter, with notes. . 3558.19
J'araclete {The) : au essay on the personality and ministry of the
Holy Ghost. 1875. (1874.) 3582 22
Serte {A.) Horje soiitariie: or, essays upon some remarkable
names and titles of the Holy Spirit. 1837 3592.23
See also Trinitarianism
Agnew {D. C. A.) Protestaut exiles from France iu the reign of
Louis xiv.; or, the Hugueunt refugees and their desceudauts
iu Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. 1871 3434.25
Blackburn {W M.) Admiral Cohguy, and the rise of the Hugue-
nots 2t. 1869 3434.23
Browning [W. S.) K hist, of the Huguenots. 4th ed. 1840. 3437.14
llanna ( W.) The wars ol the Huguenots. in2 3433.19
— Wycliffe and the Huguenots. 1860 3434.12
Lee [Mrs. H. F.) The H. iu France and America. Jv. 1852. 3434.13
Maury {A.) Memoirs of a Hiigueuot family. lr72. . . .3056.27
Simnur (IF. G.) The Huguenots in Florida. 1854. . . .1113 11
Smiles (S.) The Hugueuots : their settleuieuts, churches, and
industries in Eil^laud and Ireland. 1868 3434. "22
— The Huguenots iu France alter the revocation of the Edict of
Nantes. 1874 3435.13
}Veiss (C) History of the French protestant refugees. With an
American appendix. 2 v. 1854 3434.15
White {//.) Massacre of St. Bartholomew 523.01
Human Destiny.
Dewe;/ (Orville). The problem of human destiny. 1864. . 3544 05
Dunn (//.) The destiny ol the human race ; a scriptural inquiry.
1872 » 3544.24
See Man, in general alphabet. Also Social science. [Civili-
zation;— Frogress.)
Craig (X) Hist, of the prot. church in Hungary, to 1850. 3433.03
[See Hymnology in general alphabet.]
Image Worship.
Calvin (J.) Four sermons ou idolatry, etc, with dissertation on
the eighty.seveuth psalm. From the French, by H. Bever-
idge. 1851 3748.14
Tyler {J. E.) The image-worship of the church of Kome proved
to bo contrary-to Holy Scripture and the faith and discipline
of the primitive church. 1847 3615.02
[See Future Life.]
Imposture and Fanaticism.
Aiken [M.) Memoirs of religious impostors. 1821. . . .3452.12
Brothers [R.) Revealed knowledge of the prophecies and the
times. 1794 3324.23
Hughson {Z>.} Copious account. of the French aud English pro-
phets, who infested London during 1707, and the following
years. 1814 3452.12
— Life of James Naylor, a fanatic enthusiast. 1814. . . 3452.12
Soulhcole (J.) [Collection of 26 tracts.] 3 v. 1803-23. . . 3588.20
Taylor J.) Fanaticism. 1849 3612.04
— Natural history of euthusiasm. 1855 3612.05
Turner {G ) Conimunicatious of the Holy Spirit of God. . 3,524.23
See also, iu this class, Denominations and Sects ; — Mil-
lenarianism ; — Mormonism ; — Shakerisra. Also, in the
general alphabet. Delusions;— Spiritualism; — Superstitions;
Infidelity (Works written against).
Baxter (ft.) Dnre.lsonableness of I. [In his Works, v. 2.] . 3518.01
Beecher [L.) Lectures on scepticism. 3d ed. 1835. . . . 3517.01
Chrisllieb (T.) Best metUods of couutcractiug modern infidelity.
1874 • 3.534.18
fader (G. S.) Difficulties of intidehty. 1829.16°. . . .3547.14
fl'a»(R.| Modern infidelity, [/a /IIS Miscel. works.] . .5042.01
La/oret (xV. J.) Why men do not believe ; priucipal causes, etc.
1869 3.564.21
l*riestly (J.) Observations on the iucrease of. [In his Works.
v. 17 ] 3.591.19
Taylor (/.) Balance of criminality ; or, mental error compared
with immoral conduct. 1828 3612.03
See Atheism ;— Deism ;— Pantheism ;— Bible {Kmd^ncet);
—Evidences of Christianity, etc. Also Sceptical writings ;
— Religion and science;— Prayer.
Infinite (Thei.
Mansel{H.) Limits of religious thought examined. 1859. 3574.03
Note. — Reviewed iu Blackwood, v. 86, 1859 ; New Englander
(by G. P. Fisher), v. 17, 18.59.
Martineau {J.) Review of Hansel. Science, nescience, and faith.
[M Aw Essays, v, 1, 1866.) 2535.17
Maurice [F. D.) Letters to a student of the Bampton lectures ol
Mansel. 1859 3674.20
— Sequel to What is revelation? Reply to Mansel. 1860. 3.574.24
Touttg {John). The province of reason. 1860 3625.19
Note. — A reply to Matisel's " Limits of religious thought."
.^ee also the philosophical writings of Hamilton {.Sir W.),
Mansei [H. L.), and Spencer (Herbert), in reference to the
Unconditioned and Absolute.
Authentic memoirs concerning the Portuguese inquisition.
1761 3426.2,1
Berington {S.) Adventures of Gaudentio di Lucca, [anon.] 194.15
Castro {A. de). Hist, of religious intolerance in Spain. 1853. 3426.27
Dellon lo History of the Inquisition at Ooa 3426.25
Fireal {V. de). Young Dominican, or life in the 1. 1853. . 3126.17
Gordon {J.) Spanish Inquisition. 1870 3426.19
History of the Inquisitiou. lutrod. by C. Mason. 1835. . 3426.28
Liinborch {!'. van). History of the I. Abridged. 1816. . . 3426.07
/./oj-en/e (J. ^.) History ot'the Inquisition. 1826. . . .3426.24
Mackenna {B. V.) Francesco Moyen ; or, the Inquisition in South
America. 1869 3426.18
Maislre {J. de). Lettres a un gentilhomme russe sur lluquisition
espagnole. 1859 3572.30
Puigblanch {A .) Inquisition unmasked. 2 v. 1816. . . . 3427.09
Bi»(e (ir. H ) History of the Inquisition. 1874 3428.20
Servita {P.) History of the Inquisition. 1639 3426.26
Inspiration and authority of the Bible.
Gaussen (.V. R. L.) Theopneusty ; or, the plenary" inspiration of
the Holy Scriptures. 1842 3554.25
Lessing {G. E.) Cambridge free thoughts and letters ou bibliotry.
Tr. by H. H.Bernard. 1862 3565.19
Macnaught {J.) Doctrine of inspiration. 1856 3573.12
Noble {S.) Plenary inspirati.m of the Scriptures asserted. 3596. U
See also Bible ; —Evidences.
Alexander {J. A.) Isaiah tr. and explained. 2 v. 1851. . . 3733.13
Barnes (^.) Notes on Isaiah. 2 v. 1863 3733.15
Calvin {J.) Commeutaiy ou Isaiah. 1850 53 3733.22
Cheyne {T. K.) Book of Isaiah chrunologicaily arranged. An
amended version with critical iutroductions and explanatory
notes. London, 187C. 12° 3733.19
Delitzsch {F.) Biblical commentary. 2 v. 1869 3733.20
Uenqstenberg {E. W.) Treatise, etc. 1859 3734.11
Lowlh (is.) Isaiah. New translation. With notes. 1791. . 3733.17
Same. Albany, 1794. 16° 3733.26
Noyes {G- R.) New translation of the Hebrew prophets, v. 1.
Boston, 1863. 12° 37;)4.I5
Strachey (£.) Hebrew politics ; an inquiry into the prophecies
of Isaiah. 1853 3733.18
See also Prophets.
Beutsch IE. 0. M.) The book of Jasher. [Lit. remains, pp. 440-448.
1874.] 3545.07
Calvin {J.) Commentaries. 5 v., 18.50-55 3735.13
NaegeUbach {C. W. E.) [Lange's Com. ou 0. T., v. 13.] . 3725.20
Saiuiys (G.) Paraphrase, etc. [Poetical works. 2 v.] . . 1684.32
See also Bible; p. 78 ; aud Prophets, p. 84.
Constitutiones. Anno 1658. Reprinted with trauslatiou, etc. Lon-
don. 1838. 8° 3426.16
Carlyle {T.) Jesuitism, [/n Tiis Latter-day pampH. 1853.] 2515.11
Fairplay tj. , pseud. Notes of the wandering Jew, on the Jesuits
and their opponents. 1845 3424.08
Kip { W. I.) Early Jesuit missions in North America. 1846. 3447.10
Leone {A.) The Jesuit conspiracy : the secret plan of the order
detected and revealed. 1848 3424.21
Michelet {J.) Jesuits and Jesuitism [In his Miscel. works.] 5053.06
Nicolini {G. B.) History of the Jesuits. 1S64 3426.08
Parkman {F.) The Jesuits iu North America in the 17th century.
1865-69 664 11
Pascal {B.) Lettres ecrites a uu Pi'ovincial. 1849. . . . 3683.05
Same. Provincial letters. Tr. by T. M'Crie. 1853. . 3683.04
Poynder {J.) History of the Jesuits, [anon.] 3426.01
Quinet {E.) Jesuits and Jesuitism 6053.06
Rose {S.) Ignatius Loyola and the early Jesuits. 1870. . . 3426.20
Saint-Priest {A. de). Fall of the Jesuits iu the 18th century.
1845 1091.22
Sliea {J. G.) Hist, of Catholic missions among the Indian trilies
of the U. S., 1529-1854 3462.05
Sfeinmeh (//.) History of the Jesuits. 3 v. 1845. . . .3426.0!
— The novitiate ; year among the English Jesuits. . . 3595.07
Stephen {Sir J.) The"founders of Jesuitism. [Essays, e(c. v.l.] 342 i.20
Taylor (/.) Loyola ; or, Jesuitism iu its rudiments. 1851. 3426.06
Williams {W. Jt.) The Jesuits as a missionary order. [In his
MiBcel.] 3623.19
See also (in Biography) lives of Loyola and Xavier.
In asking for books, use the ■'B.jok Orde;-," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NJ.MBEIS.
BIBLICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ECCL. LIT. : Jesus Christ (o Leviticus.
Jesus Christ.
Abbnlt (£.•) Jesus of Naz.arcth : his life and teachings. 1869. 3421.23
Andrews (S. J.) Life of Our Lord upou the earth. 1862. . 3422.03
Beeclter [II. IV.) The life of Jesus, the Christ, v. 1. 1871. 3421.22
Bushnell (II.) Character of. 1861 3626.07
Clark (.li. W.) Life scenes of the Messiah. 1855 3536.06
Cooper (C. D.) Last days of Our Saviour. 1867 3536 20
Deus-Scmpr.r. [anmi] 1803 3544.04
Dodd (J. r.) S,ayinga ascribed to Our Lord by the fathers and
other primitive writers, and incidents in his life narrated
by them otherwise than found in Scripture. 1874. . 3544.27
DUrer M.l Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, portrayed. 1870.
' 1434.10
Eastlake (.?i'r C. L.) Representations of the Saviour, etc. [In his
Literature of the fine arts.] v. 2. 1870 1412.04
Ecce Deus-Homo; or, the work and kingdom of the Christ of
Scripture, [nnon.] 1868 3422.06
Ellicott (C. J ) Historical lectures on the life of Christ. 1863. 3422.07
£!iiaW(//) Life of Jesus Christ. 1865 3422.18
Farrar (F. ir.) Life of Jesus Christ. 1874 3422.24
Fleetwood (J.) Life of Jesus Christ. 1852 3422.08
i^niMS ( IK. //.) Jesus. 1871 3422.21
— The veil parUy lifted. 1864 3422.09
Gi(moj-e(/. «) The life of Jesus. 1867 3422.10
Gladstone ()y. E.) "Ecce Homo." 1868 3422.16
Hamilton [J.) A uioriiiiig beside the lake of Gahlee. 1863. 3557.04
i/anna (TK, I [The hfe of Our Lord.) 6 v. 1864-70. . .3557.22
Contents : v. 1. Earlier years. 2. Ministry in Galilee. 3.
Close of the ministry. 4. Passion week. 5. Last day of Our
Lord's passion. 6. Forty days alter the resurrection.
/Tanson (Sir «.) The Jesus of history. 1869 .3422.19
Uavet iE ) Jesus dans I'histoire. Examen de la vie de Jesus par
M. Renan. 3d ed. 1863 3422.23
Higginsan {E.) Ecce Messias; or. the Hebrew Messianic hope
and the Christian reality. 1871 3557.28
/7!!7raAam (X //.) Prince of the house of David. 18.58. . 216.20
Jameson (Mrs. A. M..) and Eastlake (Lady C. L.) History of Our
Lord as exemplified in works of art with that of his types.
2 V. 1864 1442.17
Keim (Dr. T ) The history of Jesus of Nazara. y. 1. 1873. 3463.01
Lacordaire (J. B. II.) Jesus Christ. Conferences. 1869. 3422.17
Slercier (L.) OutUues of.the life of Jesus Christ, v. 1. 1871. 3421.18
Messiah (The). (.\ life of Christ, anon.] 1861 3421.21
Neander (A.) Life of Christ. 1858 3422 01
Parsons (2'.) Deus Homo: God-man. 1867 3422.06
I'arker (J.) Ecce Deus. Essays on the life and doctrines of Jesus
Christ. With notes on " Ecce Homo." [anon ] 1867. 3422.04
Presseyisc (E. de). Jesus Christ: times, hfe and work. . . 3422,20
Renan (E.) Critical historians of Jesus. (Studies, etc. 1864.] 3412.10
— Life of Jesus. 1864 3425.11
Same. Vie de Jesus. 13th ed 3423.05
Schal!'(P.) Person of Christ: the miracles ofhistory. 1865. 3591.01
Schenkel (D.) Character of Jesus portrayed. With notes by W.
H. Eurness. 1866 3422.12
Seeley (J. R.) Ecce Homo, hfe and work, [anon.l 1866. . 3422.05
Serle(A.) Horse solitarias: or, remarkable names and titles of
Jesus Christ. 2 v. 1815 3592.23
S<rauss (/>./"•.) Life of Jesus. 1856 3422.02
— A new life of Jesus. 2 v. 1865 3421.03
Strawl (W.) Physical cause of the death of Christ 1871. 3696.17
ray/or (X) Life of Christ. //» Ais Works, v. 1, 1853 ] . .3018.01
Uldhorn (G.) Moderu representations of Jesus. [Criticisms of
Strauss, Renan, etc.\ 1868 3122 15
Vaughan (C. J.) Christ the light of the world. 1866. . . 3611.08
Young (J.) Christ of history. 1860 3625.17
Hee also Christianity, p. 80;— Christology. p. 80 ;— Gospels:
—Trinity ;—Unitarianism. .4;so, in general alphabet, (t((es
whose initial word is ' Christ.'
See (in Countries, etc.), Jews;— Bible {History), p. 79;—
Judaism, p. 90.
SornfSf.4.) Noteson Job. 2 V. 1863 3733.06
Croly (G.) The bonk of Job 3733.07
Davies (E.) Book«nd history of Job, [In Eoy. soc. of Ut Traus.,
V. 3. 1839.J 5068.03
Delitzscli. (F.) Biblical commentary of the book of Job. From the
German by F. Boltou. 2d ed. revised. 2 v. 1869. . . 3733.02
Froiule (J. A.) Short studies, v. 1, pp. 228-74. 1868. . . 2526.07
tlengslenberg (E. W.) Treatise, etc. 1869 3734.11
l.ange (J. P'.) Commentary, elc. [v. 7, of 0. T.] . . . . 3726.00
Noiies (G. R.) New translation, with introduction and notes. 4th
ed. 1868 3734.10
Renan (E.) he Uvre de Job traduit. Etude, etc. 1860. . . 3733.04
[See also Gospels ;— Apostles, p. 77.]
Gospel of St. John. Greek, Latin, and English, interlinear, with
grammatical notes. Loudon. 1832. H° 3755.07
Calvin (J.) Commentary on the Gospel according to John. From
the Latin, by W. Pringle. 2 v. 1847 3754.23
Cumming (J.) Sabbath evening readings. St. Johu. 1856. 3543.04
llengstenberii IE. IK.) Commentary on the Gospel of St. John.
2 T. 1871 3755.06
Maurice (F. D.) The Gospel of St. John. 1867 3755.02
Oumn (J. J.) Commentary on John. 1869 3755.03
Ryle(J. C) Expositorv thoughts. With text. 3 v. 1872. . 3754.20
Stars (E. H.) The fourth gospel the heart of Christ. 1872. 3755.00
Tayler (J. J.) Character of the fourth Gospel ; especially in its
relation to the first three. 2d ed. 1870 3755.04
Taylor (J. Bayard). Pictures of St. John. [Poem.] . . . 1692.19
r/w/uct (F. ^, G.| Commentary, e(c. 1859 37,55.01
Wticdon (D. D.) Commentary, etc. 1870 3764.18
See also Bible, p. 78;— Old Testament ;— New Testament.
Ephraem (the Syrian). The repentance of Nineveh, a metrical
homily on the mission of JonaU ; with other pieces from
the Syriac, with notes, by H. Burgess. 1853. . . 3595.24
See also Prophets.
Bush (G.) Notes on Joshua. 1857 3722.20
Calvin (J.) Commentaries, elc. Tholuck's dissert. 1854. . 3732.0(5
Colenso (J. W.) The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically
examined. 6 pts. in 4 v. London, 1862-71 3731.10
Crosby (H.) Expository notes on Joshua. 1876 3732.07
Espin (T. E.) Joshua. [Speaker's comment, v. 2 of 0. T.] 3726.09
Fay (F. R.) Joshua, [v. 4 of Lange's O. T.] 3725.13
Keil (A". F.) Commeutarv, elc. Tr. by J. Marten. 1857. . 3732.01
— and Delitszch. (F.) Bibiicai comment., elc. 1SS9. , . .3732.04
[See also Jews (m Countries);— oiso, Bible;— Old Test.]
Atwater (E. E.) History and significance of the sacred taberna-
cle of the Hebrews. 1876 3515,17
Bristol synagogue. Order of service performed at [its] consecra-
tion. Bristol, A.M. 6602. 8°. [Miscel.pamph.. v. 14.] 6093.14
Cohen iJ.) The deicides. Analysis of the life of Jesus, and of the
several phases of the christian churth in their relations to
Judaism. Tr. by A. M, Goldsmid. 1872 3543,19
Z>is7-ae/i (/.) Genius of Jtidaism. 1833 3644.13
Edersheim (A.) The temple: ministiy and services. [1874.] 3441.25
Godwin (T.) Moses and Aaron. Rites used by the Hebrews. 3561.07
IIeiliir(F. II.) Pruneval world of Hebrew tradition. 1870. 3557.15
ilerojstenberg (Ei W.) The Jews and the Jewish church. [With his
Comment, on Ecclesiastes. 1869.] 3734.11
Identity of the religion called Druidical and Hebrew. . [anon.]
1829 6091.03
Jaeger (A.) Mind and heart in religion ; or, Judaism and Chris-
tianity. 1873 3664.28
Kurtz (J. II.) History of the Old Covenant. 3 v. 1859. . 3516.23
Leslie {C.) Short aiid easy method with the Jews, [/n Christian
literature.] 3638.01
ifiom (K. Z)'(7.) What is Judaism? 1870 3666.11
Liglilfoot (J.) The temple service. [In his Works, v. 9.] . 3567.09
Mackay (R. W.) Progress of the intellect in the rehgious develop-
ment of the Hebrews. 2 v. 1850 3572.07
Maimonides ; or, Moses Ben Maimon. Some account of the
origin of the Judaic code of laws. 1838 3573.28
Mayer (I.) Source of salvation. A catechism of the Jewish reli-
gion. 1874 3574.32
Mendelssohn (M.) Jerusalem: a treatise on ecclesiastical authority
and Judaism. 2 v. 1838 3576.09
New (The) Era; a monthly devoted to Judaism and Jewish litera-
ture. V. 1-4. 1871-4 8131.01
Picart (B.) "Ceremonies and religious customs, v. 1. 1783. A.27.12
Powell (B.) Christianity without Judaism. 1857. , . . 3585.11
Bush (G.) N ites, ete. 1867 8722.21
CasseJ(«.) Judges, (v. 4. of Lange's O.T.] 3726.11
Ilervey (A., bp.) Judges. [Speaker's Com. v. 2 of O. T.] 3726.09
Seil (C. F.) and Delitzsch (F.) Commentary, elc. 1869. . 3732.04
Judgment Day.
Irtiing (£.) The oracles of God. 3d ed. 1824 3503.16
Smith (J.) View of the last judgment. 1823 3812.36
Swedenborg (E.) Last judgment, and the Babylon destroyed.
1861 3598.U
See also Milleninm;— Retribution.
A'ewmait (J. H.) Lectures on justification. 3d ed. 1874. . 3578.07
Bahr (K. C. W. F.) Kings. [V. 6 of Lange.] 3725.15
Keil (K. F.) Commentary, etc. 2 v. 1857. 3732..2
Rawlinsan (G.) Kings i-ii. [Speakers Commentary, v. 2-3 of o.
T.J 3726 09
Calvin (J.) Commentaries on Jeremiah. 5 v. 1850-55. . . 3735.13
Naegelsbach (C. \V. E.) Lamentations. [Lange's Commentary.
V. 13 of O. T.] 3725.20
Harris (Mr. M. O.) A rosary for lent ; or, devotional readings.
[anon.] 1867 3536.17
Haven (A. B.) The good report ; morning and evening lessons
for lent. 1867 3562.10
Huntington (F. D.) Helps to a Holy Lent, 187 ( 3563.09
Neale(J.M-) Lent legends: stories tor children from church
history. 1856 3576.24
Bush (G.) Notes, critical and practical. 1861 3722.18
Clark (S I Introd., commentary, etc. Iv. 1 of Speaker's comment-
ary, O. T.J 3726.08
Cumming {J.) Scripture readings. 1856 3642.21
Murphy (J. G.) Critical and exegetical commentary, with new
translation. 1872 3737.10
See also Pentateuch.
In asking lor books, use the " Book Order." giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER.
BIBLICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND EC CL. LIT. : Litm-gies to Mmennium. 9 1
Liturgies and Litur^.
A'ljlo-Saxon ami early Euylisb psalter. 2 v. London. Surters soc.
1813-44. 8" 6116 20
Benhain ( ir.) A companion to the Lectionaiy; being a com. on the
proper leeei'ns for the Sundays and holydaya. 1873. 3517.02
Daniel (H. A.) Codex liturgicus eccleaiiB universaa. 4 v. in 2.
1847-53 37(17.03
Eutaxia ; or. the presbyterian liturgies; hist, sketches. By a
minister. 1855 3547.13
HcUl (Rfv. P., editor). BeliqulsB Liturgies. Documents, con-
nected with the liturgy of the Church of England. 5 v.
Bath (Eiig.). 1847. 18" 3750,01
Co7itaifs : V. 1. The Middeburgh prayerbook, 3602. v. 2.
The Scottish prayerbook. 11537. v. 3. The Parliamentary
Directory. I('i44. v. 4. Tlie Savoy liturgy, 1G61. v. 5. The
American prayerbook, 178(3.
Hole (.»/.} Pi-actical discourses on the liturgy of the Chm-ch of
England. 4 v, 1837 3561.13
Kilt'in [If.) The teacher's collect-book; or, the church collects
analysed and illustnited. 2 pt. in 1. 1850 37G6.10
List of printed service books, according to the ancient uses of
the AngUcau Church. London^ 1850. 8° 51)93.14
Liturgies (Tht two), A. D. 1549, and A. D. 1552: with other docu-
ments; reign of Edward vi. Ed. by J. Ketley. 1844. [Parker
society.] 3G36.22
Liturgies and occasional forms of prayer; reign of Queen Eliza-
beth. Ed. by W. K, Clay. 1848. [Parker society.] ,3636.23
IVeale (J. J/.. D.D.) Liturgies of S. Mark; S. Jumes; S. Clement;
S. Chrysostom; S.Basil. [Greek originals.] 1868, . 3766.06
Xeale {Rfv. J, M.) Lessons ou liturgiology, aud church hintory.
With an appendix on liturgical quotations from the isopos-
tolic fathers. By Kov. G. Moultrie. 1863 3767.14
On the credence. 5 art. [In Eccleeiologist. v. 7, 8. 1848.] 3465.03
i'alnier (W.) Origines Liturgicre; or. unti(iuities of the English
ritual, and a dissertation on primitive liturgies. 2 v. 3767.12
Rfnaudot \E.) Liturgiarum orientalium collectio. 2 v. .3768,01
Kittiale ecclesiaa Duuelmensis. Anglo-Saxon ritual. [Surteea soc]
fltVuaiof the English church. [Quar. rev., Oct 1874.] . 1866.16
See also Ritualism, below.
Maitland (S. R.) Eight essays, pp. 203-230 3537.19
See also Church histories (13^/; aint litk centuries); — also,
lives of Wyckliffe (J.) aud Cobham (Sir John).
Lord's Prayer.
Camming {Rev. J.) Teach ua to pray. 1862 3543.07
A/aurict (F. D.) The Lord's prayer: nine sermons. 1872. 3574.29
Onderdonk [II. M.) The christian's prayer. 1847. . . . 3534.19
Van Dyke {II. J.) The Lord's prayer. 1871 3615.17
Williams {\V. R.) Lectnres ou the Lord's prayer. 1857. . 3623.18
Watson {T.) Select works, p. 361-60H 36'28.08
Worcester {II. A.) Sermons on the Lord's prayer. 1850. . 3625.04
Lord's Supper.
Abhadie (J.) Chemical change in the Eucharist. From the French,
by J. W. HamerKley. [1867.] 3512.11
Bickerst^ih {E.) Treatise on the. 1852 3517.06
Bulfinck {S. G.) Communion thoughts. 1867 3525.14
Coverdale {.yf .) Treatise. [In his Writings. 1864.] . . 3636 12
Oranmer {T.) Writings and disputations, etc. 1844. . . 3638.02
Crewdson {I.) snul Bates {E.) Water baptism and the Lord's sup-
per. Their perpetual obligation. 1871 3531.01
Goldburn (E. M.) The office of the holy communion in the Book
of common prayer. 1867 3555.06
Hooper {J.) De vera doctrina et usu cceuffl Domini. [In his Later
writings. P(irA-er 5"c.. 1852.] 3636.17
Hutchinson (K.) Three sermons. [In his Works. 1842.] . 3636.19
Maclear {G. F.) The witness of the Eucharist; or. the institution
and early celebration of the Lord's supper considLTed as an
evidence of the historical truth of the gospel narrative and
of the Cliristian doirtrine of the atom-meut. 1864. . 3572.17
O'Connell {T. J.) Letter to Dr. Pusey on trausubstantiation. 1843.
[Miscel. pamph., v. 19.] 5093.19
Smith (J. Hyatt). The o